The Signal, 1910-7-14, Page 44 '11...1.-1.v% • .1 1.L 1t, 111111 •News T11 E ti 1G/4AL : , GODERICH ONTARIO ,I di.eouritld caret music during for evening.'Choi grounds were. lighted 1 by muinr'•yrryt'pi .to l'hinlsr lanl'..tnil Dismal& t('hicl► were hang airbag the trees and honied off well against the tetra boli• 11 age. The fi w1 oil iti a erealu &nines `were ably managed 1 y Mibllrs lielrn 1 Bait. Clark. of Live'. yid (Mately* Stewart. , 1/01.1..e,,t p, '111111y ,,,lrlwf' hj �'r• ileus,, idDelt•oti• Who is ii,ititig, tote. I, »Immo, \Ire. 1tobert N101/11114.1.11. of 1)itn• ' litems, 1 a � lap. alt. preset•, The ;tapper tN rase � � -. wench were well sdpp&ell ail g thing. to eat. as Well tie plenty of 1, +team/ i.euitre and create, were well t looked after teethe cadet ladles of the 1 r cattiest, he t u ha, L 1111 movie , a C 4 . f t hutu ch. i•hul I , t efforts t4' 'bin t said in praise �uf their unit K to crake «Vetyht.dy comfortable anti lutppV, The • country irefired west, it t 1. .about lets. i.t COLBORNE. \�'►.n : .L ... .I.dk lith. ('eat et 11. \I err's', Tin' towll.Ilip est . deo • \a eft hold tt ,' ol1'•dlrun n d II t .•Pitlg :ni 'Pae. La,. Jtdv 11Mhs le- , of 1lie %silo a• piea iott.ly •date& AUBURN. // gt',II•• AND SEf itll►!lI.I, .'h CO" tialNi 111111*.. lour -Ilk r1.111/- Sir and Si.nl for 2.10. 1.vdi.•r'.rw•a•l. tcaul .1 Y4' for Vile. NUrul:q12,,. e1 int. for 1 '•' nestilar't mid1'11.• nnt.11u, fat tie )• ant. ihb... rtt'IU-1 :t few of the 44;44 t, f ' �al \ • lilt 19f11. t a 441.1. i1 a 1u- I S+. AUUVSTMT'E • t y Nth • r t4' 4 J I 7 t 1^A TNM 14is'' t�ttta..-1 i}at(r M1'= lulp•h• 'I( Clinton, visited b.I.'"`•'n William lash;',�,.eek_ . • Mr. Odium sail \lis,. T1t 1i!N Torula°, site a eat Mg -their' aunt. J11sy Annie Flynn • • \lie+. Mabel Wilson., tet Detroit., it sprndinit her holidays w.i t h alit -side in this vicinity y, A number of y oang folks_ trout this lieinity au'e spending the 1'2tb �rl MU -ghee,. . Job ► Boyle i. a..isling \Via MiI,itaisb tt put nt .a ePt lueut •-i • 1n this week...! !curing the Ihtlllde int 11 Iat.t Sat ttl'dav eten- 'ng I:eo. r itVlor. 1t jai rarer lh' • •,1pttlek":"h,ad them' ',44unetohave his driving shed stria by lightning and ftuned Mi.- ice ('lark told her ather v'sitrd at \VI;. Thowptan'• last. week. ..dot.e,1. (1 . tk. •.. PQ' "r" • c. tai seaward old a p Vicinity t rorty. Iit.•..yv .:rxVIet,;• - The rt1nuxl •hitdrea'. Hower service will iw held Sunday e and ,•1 4'u 1` 1111 1 t the Baptist t t a dte•nlion next, the lith inst.. at ( l.•lriek• Spe•cial'11111.ic Suet tespolisi44' I'4 rl.•iee* will Ile retdlerwl by elle srbelars. mud. the pxstot wi11 itit,tt,lt aD illpi.trat.Pd.it•cl -sermon, Special °treeing on byhalt of the ,Sundry^ In howl. tances' in this LOTHIAN. • Trv.'.UriY. July 12th. NIIT,.:--Ja1uesGilmore tuts rel utikt i 110151 the West. awing to the illness of fu. brother ... Miss Sitio McLean it 'wilding the week. io Kinloss ..1.. Miss Ruth Robiusun. of Detroit. is guest of M1.. C..lacEeuzit , t A. MacKay and her son Jerk. of, Port Elvin, visited at Mee. Mi&eKeuxir.'s. - - 41 • DUNGANNON. • E:e'.cryUda1'yIST. LUCK• `)T rue'.-Athouou:os, days. New t Thura- th ti,tualial. toa nl.hrt er tb,ein�je1*. a ifortowturi•lwlid bridge work, sta. Alunnt.utu Vletot luuu-ttreakuble.1 N. lt.-Vote eau alw..y. have yaps, work such better d>fae`1n-ihe1reutwl oltlud-tauter tttnu better fal:tlitie. fur dainWthe work. inure num• tort • ie for the oat idol. ��OTIii1E.-THE LO('AL AGENCY 1\ in 1tu. sunon tai The Mm aa at th ?wit - *nice lino and tetiotwry I order- will te reetived tdr sab,•crietwo., ad verti.lug sad Joh work• anA reueiets wall be seven ter tamoudte bald for the .aur oman's eakness wan• i ' re real ut.h e• n• p organs are in the mq.t 1n- liln.e and continuous 'Wale paGpy with Ter kidney'. . Tk- ..gassasseasoterinthe kidneys briais About a -ois d, mean• ..s utK ffs, d to a the, n•;xudn:IiS'r organs. Dad l's i.:intne ' Pill.. by re- etunng the kianeY'. 114 their p,•rte.t condiliun• prevent sad cure those fearful dia. orders peculiar to women. , Pale young gari4, wurnout, mothers. buttering wives and women entering upon the Change of fats, your nest friend is 't Dodd's Kidney Pills Mies a RT ALBE T. , Tt;ttru.ty. July I'dth. t'rt1 N' 1,1t011t0 011 of 1„n lees bele W. Bur Pest ('lulu' ighaua ' a Vieit..- -Jo rrnrWtrl 0 • least week • .. rows and child'te. . ut titt•atfn'-d. were vi- ting with tile • net's moth t•. MIs. . Mi.. OIi•Ve gray Ilse tett for ►'onto, Iv -he a she, Itrhds to 11hill flit' i nurse.... Mr. d Slas- it. Be at 1 11 t•hil•lrt . sit •elago. • 1454' sta•ndir kti s1'ort t 111.• '1: Iativ"- ill 1111» neigh lith° 1. alis I, l&•ti.ttrl, . f (►ung.anno �ue.t ,11 the loom. .f \l i .. .1011 HA 'week \)Leong .til fiat ,I n .k wit all -Igt• finers eir•nr`it freest- Tta•- outlay wt•ri• M :Old Ms,.. &sere, Garfield lid 00'1 1/apo-g furl* ST. HELENS. ' 1U1s1► v.-Jldf 1 th. F�Itll\. beim Stevensdt 1 atrgaainta r. and Mrs. Warn' (tsulill 4n,,'ople Ffili•itnn 17, .tpto lia.t fleet ('uitui Slit Seinen ,1 iK I N'AI L. 1 TI July 12th., S1. 1)iuit•tt List week •,• t 'i piaiir t..f y baa " t,, i' alk \Itrn 1 the 4 iierieb horselitiver. for the hat d -pule mins of *WO. Thewere 1 beautiful -leant. \ y♦1. toil K%t(rl\D..-The impos- tor i■ this plat-.• 1 t blrinesm centre for tie4.41sk. -lint.• dt.tsit of .SelhHrld has Ia•.• i- re..t tarred lly' 111v steeling Bank. at hiels i, openile; au office herr. to Is• ole 1•tttlios asail-'Kelley to Mlle t '1st • .1•pt. 11 ng .lily will Int t'I'u,W&ty-..lady IlltIt. and 1here,tftet the office will Is• open ''4''ry 7'u1•..lay anal Friday. • kOYAL. Tumt.D.%V. Ju1v IYth. Daae.\1.14{ -M l's,.Weigand .s•lttson\VIII. of Rolfe)... with Mi.- Rnity,Y„�1ng• of uburn. yitated Mrs. (�atk. sr•, Wed - +day of la -t week Agan' Rttuer- w 11 sprat the Solidity season with frI nil. io Harris,. Agar et`•layed the -Miss Annie (Nark It h fro the West' for tete yaacat' Miss Elizrb'•th Rutherford fa tri k- ing frirnd4 in \Viny,•ham. •Lorne Plitt*. of Lon in, is holida ing ,t' Met.. R. K. Miller Miss Mary Murree is .tending a tew Says with itiettds in \Ingham. M•: :NW yald std daug ter. Jean. mu of Totil'm . ate visiting at Akex. Stu - art's. %f,Lt. end Meet bIftrvin McDowell, of WsNrld, ' pent '& achy in our Vit- Siel. R ' Se%erAl from here attended the dell.party._et_L1Ittgside °n ThursdA ftemng. Mr. and Mrs, 1•:d. McRata•rto re- rurntd home last seta. sitter \visiting tar+nds at the Soo. Vee. Shaw and son. of England, and Mrs, \Viitsun. td Lueknow, teisil••d at Mrs..iohn Miller's iast.werk. • A general picnic was Held in Mr. Mot inti s gro'\r last Tuesday-. Evet y- 1,odyrelent. a very euin'able lime. Donald Clark left on Monday ter Toronto. where be intends tasking it emirs.. in the milit:►t y school at Stan- ley Barracks,• • Miss Martin. Martin. of Toronto, t•iestet at .1. B. Ruth.•rford's last week. She ad- dressed the wumef'e thlu►kotfering meeting on Thursday evening and slim the Htt.le crura orreu ay evening. r seg Joh With rii h, . Altaert passe*° to ('leve x please!' and John Auburn f villagers s have not and Mrs. Geo. barn social % to of Toronto 4'n 'Dote ....We. (,infield presented her husband bouncing lathy- tsos. {a. (.ode - illy 9nd. Cnngrnttllatinne ....- Wise and 'dangle er Grace carte es nn the steamer gt. ignaee lid last week. They report trip.. ..,. \V{Iliant McPhee 'atten spent Sunday with 'ends. Several of 'nue mt the 12th fishing. We ird' the results- . , ..Mr. Bean •attended the Lee- nesday last. NoTls.-A nutuber ut cite enssp spent the 'Twelfth in %V ttt:I,*iit,.. • R. Cousins his started Laying :t eetnent ' 1 k n welk V IG tl1 the 'Mountain u°tall IIt11re mit mar a- Augustwr's lively At the lueeting td the Woman's, Slissionat.y. Society ..1 th3Tetltaltst-rhmrh °n Tursd..y evening Mies Olive 'Turner. of codrtich. gay, a very interesting talk on Chine. tar tallith country she is about to leave to .engage in mission- ary work.. CHANHK 147 THE BANE. — .1. W. Harrtiita►ns whu has tywn manager of the Sterling Bank for the past year as, ,so. has been transfrtttrti to fust Erie. es lnaneger of the branch at that place, His-phace,hete. is retro by E. S. Mitchell, f Ito ea Montreal. Mr. Hamilton has- dared very well liked. here :and his removal_ it. wren& well. On Monday everting ;the mem- tiers of the I luttganpun Circle of i he Order of Canadian Home ('i►e'le'.met at . Itblwrt. SLeKerizie'e to says'falrwell to Mr. toe' Mrs. Hamilton. . The eveh- big was spelt in pheasant social way. K1NSBRI' •' E. 1osta% July 11th• Niers._, Tile.hnwrr on S lay was h ursrli}I {or the eel i. /After .o It warm. Ilr) Weal hei. .\ u bee of the farttlt'y•s abound h•te hay. ..A few TFIELD. T',F.t+DAY:'July lath. NKws Nares. -\ire. R. Andereon and ha\, ghter, of loraine, ;Manitoba. are visiting the f nvr'N sister. Mrs. John Rogers. .... Iso .Malwl Hick- glwttom,, of one of th Detroit h•.spit N , 1N. spending her bol • aye under the pa ntal #f . Th well -drillers Are busily engaged on the farts ti( John Chanute, this week. . i♦ num- ber f4' m here are spendin the day in Wingh m J4isses B e via a n d E `>! p (1 starteil elating thein hay -i, •of rem V 11 jwople ante' ed the Sarni•°{:urty rd Grew* hast amelia,• •.'a'ruing•• - I'I:KtlIN.\L: Mise 'I'p'iw•ilbc albto • returned f` 'I'1n•anii. on _Stilet lily. .,MI:. Margery Itelt on has '.til/• to (j1a&•t•ieh for it fra noodle.; she in• tends to lrTu a dt'c aim ak-ing thee.... (Miss Sittr►;:ret leannor i. spending 11 fecesdays. at. -her home iu Goterit•h .... We are pleq.rd 10 report thatThonnas O'('omnis,, hu was ullvhnrt, a few *reek, situ, 1. donee niel'ly anti hotw Ile will mien Is•, aaronnd ;enlist J. 1. l)'Riella sprit Sunday in litslerith. 111-. Alice Dalton retul•tttrl Peoria Fhtltin mil F'ridaty....M1s..1. (1'1' snit \ti-..\ ' of halt I.tkt•'1'it.v,,n4' eisitffijt the hitter's. hand i 1 1 Auam Irfl Midwifes- for Go411•- .. - ...' t .......1 Intl .., 1•... 1111,. runes t m he yare visitin their sis- ter, Mrs. Gordon Ainslie. 0 Sitnene. West�L•'Farrow and wit visited relativeN at �Viartbn 'last wee • R. Johnston nand` Mrs. Joh ston. of Myth. visited at the otne of %Vestey Farrow \recently.... .: The Donnybrook picnic on July st Write a great sac 4's. There ,was •a goof crowd. and a silent music et plenty of it was fu dished by t h. `.unknow hand. Thp r.aceeds of the day's operations atnttuhted' to about sMt ....Mies Olive Ttirner. of (rode - rich. who who is going to China this. fall as a missionary. visited her friend Miss L. Cstmptsell 'lt few days ago. %Vhite here she ,uldrrssed the Donnybrook Epworth League. giving a great dent of information concerning the Metho- diet training .school in Toronto. Mid also the deaconess work..,. ....A. M. Robertson. of Ooderich, vitlted in the neighborhood last weak.' CttanNo AND GmtSo,-Sete. Savage. HulTalo, it the guest of Mrs. J. M. Rabe ts:....-Mt s. Painter, of Toronto, visited at Mee. Dishe:'s on bunday. 31 r. a ti d Mrs. H. Morris,,, of (Godo ich, :spent Sunday 'at Mr. (fisher's.. -.. Mist Black, of (:.1}ieeich, 1. visiting Miss Pearl McKenzie this %seek Donald hlcl.�-eviu left Mon- day the (ruderich, where he it. engaged at Gundry Brus.' livery..... Miss Win-, nib Daley. of Seaforth, is the guest, .1 her bitter. Miro. N.'. F. Whyard. this week.. --J[rs. Roberton and daugh- ter.' of iwondelht,ro','are visiting at the home of the former's sister. Mrs. Gro. B: itdfort Mrs._ S. E. Sanderson has returned heard her visit with friends in WondstIesk awl Plawtt•ey. Mee. J. M. W ih.on. ut Elora: is visitisig her mother. Sirs. IL Iktvidson. tbia week.. Walter Gleason. of Sea - forth, spent. a few days last w.-ek• with his Taunts herr........\ttr. ('4'a ford is s;wuaf ing a few days iu ('oderie at the guest of Mrs. pickle. .lack Roberts. of Toronto, was home acre Sunday:. 1 turned homy Satutda)+' Quite it nu t w here took in the lawn so - ay hUl ted 1 1111011 nal a[ IIdC .Illfl t t evening and enjoyed l�hetuseh 4'r . ,... Mrs. Lane .and sou,: who have fifth visiting her patents here for the -meet - int inth. he ,..a rt- inrtnth. .returned to theft how* in. flirt William last week E. \Vat- stin & Sons shipped three rears of cattle to Toronto mei ket last Saturday.... Misr e%.'l'a)-l.n•, tit the Clinton teach- ing staff. is ..pending her holidays °Daher here Miss \Vhite..�nt blurt kip. 1e vt tt1ug hes- sister. e -sister Mrs. C. h;vafftad.., The Glorious Twelfth bit. come ,and gone and 1(4 it War ceirblattd in Wing ala this year a great ,•road from tee went sip there. The Blyth bodge a' went. but it doe, not turn out strong as in farther 1eat111 . t1M• GIennie .and Rohl, irewatt left nu 1-ur.day to take it •tentntatvt trap til Mt,nttepl.. expectitq to hr away a week ttrttwo. e - 0 1 BLISTERS AND' SUNBURN? TRY ZAM-BUK. Blisters from paddling.' ball•ptaving, or -any other came. painful snnbnrn etches, stings of insects, and - chafed aces, are all eased instantly by Vain 11.. Duni have your vacation iled hypain from any pore. which -But could cure in quick time ! - is wortderfliI balm is. made from I juices and is highly antiaeptie. frotn-inseet. sting, herbed wire- or ire or thorn prick. is immediately Some Wren feel utnre wt home -it their wives are steer. - Thr-.upntn'ells thief believes in laying up something for a rainy day . Some men don't know enough ,to get mart ied, and some others know tow touch.• _ The beat for betty and beet for,vou -Nyal's Talcum Powder. sold by E. R. Wigle, idruggiet, successor to James R'ilson: . BLYTH. TUESDAY. Jule` I2tb. News NOTES. - Amongst those noticed here who came up 1111 the Huron 01d (toys' excursion from Tor- onto were Dr. W. Sloan and wits.; Mr. and Mrs. W. `loan, Mrs. Hess. Mite Lou Proctor, N. H. Voting - i,nd E. Floodyr who were all grad trier their old friends Mr. all, of Mimieo isited his brother here this. week.....1 leers Rene and Vcrue 4ennet, of velaud. Ohio, ate at present visit- • nts herr .tai. Mar- aforth. spent last \Ved- with fi iendr here and while enjoyed himself on the bowl - en• tieing am enthusiastic d one of the oldest• in the Though he hits•reached the e of eighty-eight. he cap bowls around the kitty. Mrs. John Mdall, who ng in Srnkatoon for the: to then pate 11 is 1►el, of Sr uesd here . ing g bowie" t countt. . riiwliht t•. mill get !Mr. a have (wen liv Western Fair. 'The Western Fair'as, London.On- tario, is becoming more 1xapnlar each year as a live stock exhibition. The management areplattingforth eyes' effort to Inset the wish*° of the ex bile - tors. and when the prize lint wa+. foods* eensidtratian this year $I.'stel in cash • was lidded to the live stock depett went. Every accommodation passible for the comfort of ethibiturs will le made and all exhibitors. Will 114• given N fair opportunity to compete in their respective clesreest. Thstt exhibition it Nsknowledgtd by all live stock lured - ere to be one of the hest inthe Done • inion, and they are always aide to -re- peat large sales as a fesultof exhibi- ting' in Londou. In the egricmiltift•NI apd orticultut•al departments this year w 1 be many nese and special tee - titres. a British Colutpliia Govern- ment have made an tigements to bring a Targe exhibit 1'1 fruit. This will add very much to the horticulture al -display. but will not tee in competi- tion for prize.. All the 11th depart- ments of the ezbibitiou will looked after well. .NI infoetnatiop r ay 1* obtained front the secretary, M. Hunt, London. Ont. p�Nt few y-• s• are visiting friends &eke. They bo h steak highly of the \S est, and well ey (night. as -it has agreed with the► well from 'both a physical and •a 11 uncial standpoint. Mas. Dodds as beautified, her three residences he key_ .S!sat_ of paint, which ke+ greet improve- ment... , .The rain th t came on Sat- urday and Sunday did t vast amount of good, as everything s getting a Patched _ a �nnppretrance Vt . Glim- shaw and bride spent a to days with nta in tow .. .. The teem went , 'Tuesday and play ed a friend game of hall, remitting in a score of -10 in favor of the home team. C. BI k. of IQderich hand_ led the indicator \Very: satiia tctoriTy. On Monday of \this seek the Brussels teat° played theturn game here. remitting in favor Plumbing HEATING ELECTRIC WIRING 'SSointt Y, et• y intewortbtg-- Store News which applies to all - season- able wearing fabrics. and we can soy, yid' milury ..n all of them. Read crlgfltlly what we can do for you this week. We will give Big Valle J. H. COLBORNE REMNANTS quite :t tot of Remnants iY Prints, Oiuglietne. Uutt-uu tat►jL Linen Suiting(. and Dress Ooedr, which ore going at great reductions,. how pricer utak.. lhetu inures,. FOULARDS sad -MUSLIMS a tine yr ago car r of few da got J aU K Il weather assortment ••f there wx t r 4er materials. They area nice lot, choice patterns, spirts and btriues, laud tar prices ate more than right. GINGHAMS Every-tbiug in Dress Ginghatus is ' now at Cut prices --15e ftie 124e and 124c for Bk. and I0c for tic, Nearly all Glasgow d English makes, perfect cloth and f st coeurs. PRINTS - ' Don'tforget we hold first place in. Prints }5c And 10c and 124c. )loth cloth and colors are the' very test. • Isupoited_cloths. - ' CORSETS orYour f Mone r aero u ,. c are l4' Eome raid sizes w g 1 ;75cand 111.00. going at Me. All U. A kr. MUSIERY AJ•ttut turn hundred iii&iis of lure 1,1►•t and black. size« 5. 51, (1, 64. 7, 74 and R,'2Ikt 1 o dip a pair. Your choice now for Lie. They ateagreat bargain atme. NIGHT GOWNS • A specially fine lot of them golds give ver low ricer we min ( on. that K Y p Beautifully made, 'Ace andewbl•ladel trimmed, a mill's, clean-up. UNDERSKIRTS Our seha�ock in these goods, it large and complete. Black sateen and lila, k silk. Our values in this lot cannot be iwal en; WHITE SPOT MUSLINS A new lot jtwt in, from 10c, to 25e. Such values are rarely found. FLANNELETTES ' Four thouraud yards of new Flari netettes came tine week, b a v i tl g bought them months ago. They yrs, here at last year's mites- I0c and 121e•. Just about one yard wide. A few mill ends'. 0111111=1=11111111111•1111111110 • Massey=Barris Agency A full line of FAIN', llarhinet Binders. \In 'res, \�t;akew. Hay I.nadet.• Mat ire `tptradete. Cream Srparld S. etc., +ray. and Maritnt . Forest \ Buggies. %se` • ace al•o the. Stand rd Wire E'e`11 c e Can ;any's Good s and e l3rantford W d Mlllti• • .„ Agency` forth Mason R) h Piano. ('all and ser me lei' Purchas- ing an cthi:ig in I:\' lines. s Robert Wilpn HAMILTON ST GODERICH ttollie, lint hope he N 8151111/ t' • be * re --Weill Kingsbridge . 2 Maurice Stiffly in, of Manila kb1.•4 -Spending hls-raratton herr Mns. • C. Countess. end Misees (.Sieeie find Margaret visitetriait.kifow lin Men - her int Sat limey A minim* in the farmers deliveredhoriese to Fred, Jem. 'Voting, of Goderich, is visiting her. thins Mrs.' Chase M111111 Miss Kathleen Culliton, oftet ratified, is visiting her friend, Miss Eileen Sulli- van %V. WalSh has engaged with. J. O'Reilly for the harvest . ...The meneed 'teeing. The hay twounimee touches Stow; the stinging. smart- ing pain. Zitm-Blik is sti pine, too. that the m st delieate skin ie able to absorb it, and is benefited by it. Mothers wi young hotifiee should user di\ it for the chit ng wires caused by per spiration, etre es f•ubbing, err. Ale good for piles, ulcers, and feeterin sores. All drug sts and storee sell a 50c. hoz, hut re se harmful finite A HEARTY Itteeterion.--P. A. lel. iritteiftil bee on Monday last. moving birsgoods filen his former steer in Kintail to Kingmbridge. II) the even- ing it misither of the young people came in to welcome Mr. and Mee. Jel- able tifne Wile spent. P. .1. Amain made a speech in which he thanked, his customer* eve their patronage and wished success in the flinti- ness. Songs were given by A. Martin of the congregation. in aid t and 1. MurPh/ "n8, vi°1111 "4'14'c'ti°,^N. church finances. west very succesefel by J..1. Deem' and &ells Halton. min carried out. The weather wee an its, Joe Dineen iftinwed the tabled a few , feet fte if ordered fot the occaaion. d tricke parlor magic, after whieh I and very warm, making it neve.* lunch was served and the Toeing folks 1 to indulge in unlimited guantir all went home with niftily plermant ice cream. of which there apse reentlectitms of Mr. and Mr11. Jellis' _blonde nee. *The Blackstone ha OUNL Tt 'Kan Pk vs.bily 12th, THIS WELCOME KAI rains we NOM had latel hay, which is light crop t itnproving wonderfully. crops, will probably tenet by the wet weather. PicasoN viiiiting friends of thrtilie this Mira Jean Clutton is engag teach No. wheel, Ooderich townie foe the coming year Miss F. Dotrington, who had been visiti here for mime weeks. hes returned town Mr. and Mrs. Spence. Ooderich. paid this burg is short vi this week. A Socket OreAnlielf.--The Mr* berry festival held on Wedneed evebing last, on the lawn of M John Horton, Leeburn, by the lad ROQF.1 NG METAL WORK Etc.. Etc. "t"1 ,1,, the visiting team by theacore of 10 - The Bruseele boys did some great i k' The Presbyterian choir .w.Lth...a.few set Abe4'. friend* drove to Ooderich on Tuesday -for their annual outing and had- an enjoyable time. The strawberry season is now -The heavy past. On account .of the dryness os re doing an the mouton it was not IN long foi motel, , and the but as the price kept up so high the '11 year, .is growers all hiul a good harveat. e later Dftve Somers. who receritls returned s ill more from the West, went to Wingham last Wedneedas and took charge of the barber shop he bought there. On bia- household te effects up. Dave is a good barbet and 1 , should get his 'share of the business, Rebt. Sloan and Jib. Stirling. of tioderich township, orient Sunday with friends in town Jae. Olen - nits manager of the Bank of Hamli- n' here, left Monday for a three Its• holiday. During his abeence M Evans, from the head office, is at \ present tilkin 1% Well -ea= Spa ord. C. P. R. etetion agent vecati hirr is Estimates cheerfully furnished. W. R. Pinder BINDER TWINE ' Panuers, this is the piece to atet pear Twine. The right mods at tile right prices. We tale 4rIling Deering Pure Manila Binder Twitrie at eic cash. or tec payable October Ise 0,50 feet gum- tinteesi These prices fot the month .4 July only. Deering Mowers, Binders, Rakes. etc.. nd all Farm Implements. Cail sat I us have a talk about your\ new Buggy. J. J. Moser Hamilton DREW H. 0 611111111111111111 RELIABILITY 1 1 ead t anent is itt.1 easing, shows that the pilblic appreciates eat OUR DRUGS. are the hest thitt money ran buy. OUR CHECKING SY4TE he. fote leaving the etore. OUR fiXPERIENCE I Ha* been gained intforne ot ttie biggest And best ili•tig stores in Will be,found to be &Slow as any. whert yon have 01;11CriPti1/11 'fling it here. We never substitute and carry the biggeet mient•r- ment of drugs id this pert of Ontarie. F. J. E37.U.Tsi-roAnNe ?NA P1-11ASii Job Printing \ eAll get 11101e het ter titan the kind The Signal Job isrpartmenr tin ns Estimates cheerfully emserweasseireettestesseessvessosesvivIvesser Let us hays your order New Sommer Suit FINE TAIWAING DUNLOP 'The Toilers West et (Hugh Resell Old nd) Cheer up! It will be eoolei in De - Give snow .tnen rope enougfilend they will rope you io. NO 18 THE TIME TO BUY SHIRT WAISTS to of w. ay ies lie ly r- ry of sin nd nti 'agent. i taking charge here w. Fogarty, ho hes been wine clerk at the orn lal hotel, has resigned and left foe London on Saturday. of her friehde last Friday evening. . W. Johnstone and .1. [frown. who took a ear of homes to the West, re. A ALE BEGINS TODAY. COME AIM SEE ALSO SKIRTS SPECIALLY PRICED. Ladies' ile Skirts et le -a than cost of the material alone. Panama skirts 92.145, 33.95 and 11-4.06. • 11“ them, at cut doilr SPECIAL VAL ES lb Summer Underwear. Hose and Glove& • NEW THINGS in Bette and Neckwear. etc. VISIT CM/ OMINA BAIMPAIINTS• Lease' WNW. FM, and Mita. Hamilton Stella,. Ready for the Flies and Bugs This is the ,eession of the yetis' when he disease -breeding houpelly arrives to intect your home end by its unceasing tittering make rule life generally tniserahle. , We are ready te assist von in lidding yourself of this pest. We have the best FLY POIS0e1 IN ess AND 10o PADS. and another Imre ARE THE POTATO BUGS.' BUSY ? If the potato hug t eaten, to deprive you of your supple of potatoes. try our P •s Green. I weans sudden death to -the burps Give isa a call. We will be pleased to serve you. C. DUNLOP, The Druggist, South ide Square, Goderich-. THE TI FOR Weddin is now past, butil am still in the Furniture -r47Id like- to—furni*---the--- homes df those lately, married, or any person wishing to get the best there is in, Furniture would do well to come here and examine my stock before purchasing. 1 have the latest thing in Hammocks—a "Hammock Couch." Can and see it. - Geo. Johnston Funeral Director and Embalmer.