HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1910-7-14, Page 31
` Xeum f the. Ssistrio 1 !a4Ta 'I rylor Offer; ;5c. Reward feeORIGINAL. -
Detection. '
' Clinton's -July lU. -. -.Slave' Taylor r' the Bowels
ANDWinghaw'r tax tate for thin year i+
df8 mills.•
ONLY August 1st will hr Clinton's civic
iENE 1 NIS holiday ----- . • . •
Death -of >k ,far•d„e,rvr r.d .3„
}?th'a tilt rates th armar is 1:- will, Death came tx+acetu11v to Mai L' • til YrelnlUt IR the .tulrht
on the dollar. Welsh", "beloved wife JT.)ohnt• stew- oemlFord but was put out wilt
_ - at t,. who psew•d away 14 her---4.-
er Ig__ Fold tit McLeod, a being done: The
• A wrier (4 small fired is Clinton ha. neat }Irlgreve un Saturday. Ind afarLout much damage ria tin Tburadgy
liN; W AR;R Rtltrebn ug"tial at d to
ork iuthe lthatltown.
on eat a +lhtej h alai rtlefll only Al,uut ts of o wuutttle. intoning for file in shed adj ' ' Its
M. kiai is sues taw to Xmas y the. .l ackt•ou factory, I hie aleo was
e i a 1, ate rdtcrtt" fir ih realm Mallei• ..Tri+ `446". ,-'Is"►"F"
Wroxeter Planet, has taken a {awitiun wauu-h about two miler from .1- g,
and a ball At 7 ocluek the same wurnoga`(biad
U '1' I he
of the synod an 4 of the tem' egad, r' !issued notices. 4,t141init $Ml rrwar+l WI
the pastor war presented will[ 1,«esti•; infurruatlun baiting to}br tunvictiuu;
reale gifts, of the "firebug' wi•u is ttppeseiely "I have been troubled with
3&yte t p( tlelarave. o rwlin in . t%lir.lm ail Ihr H r.rl t ;
constipation fqr several years,
t s of was I U wl cunati
,nee el' and have tried a• great may
kindii of 'pill', asiwell as medicine
from the ' doctor. Nothing
seemed to help• me until 1 be-
gta}figg Dr, Mil& Nerte and
Liver Pills. I found the little
ave. %OOUL two year.
tin the stmt of a Sudbury newspaper. R •
.6E0 eke ! e woe married W her now het lire was discovered trot ea
pwneer o Teti , To The meson saved FwrFwnd. Two yeun cbildrigs, a st°twbnuel, +1f=attrer...Fair, ut_-t_bc ...
de -
of Frank Clegg, died. at bis home in one an infant, survive Der. Her pot. The centre
post mus bunird. lifts
(noesis un Friday, July let. He was father' and mother, Mr. and Mrs. Mrd- the blaze was extluguishrd with a feW
seventy -nue years of age. colt"' Walsh, and her brother. Nor- psi% .if water. This aerie& ut: firer.
Percy Wigginll, who ha.l liven in man, are the n et{tbere- of her faultily apparently melted delisetately by
thewh(ra n still livin{i. someone. caused ci,nriderali)e monisi-
for several
of years,lif. is n eft, of surf' h, nee., in the lama, in view of the dry
for sulk . hats opened A ahop.iq Dred in Michigan. weetbry, and had to the MIaytN's pax:-
Hentialf.• The. death of Mrs. Jarues Mc 1'•tvi,h. lsmatiuu,
' r)r. and Sirs. 'Bond, who bed been of Seaforth, , on Saturday. 2nd Inet.,
residents f Ex ter for some time, came aura eul'prise to her Many trlliende.
en s o r Auf W iedersehn. • -
Sh had ( 'Oxford Michigan,
have left fur Lethbridge, Alta., where a *gone
they purport' residing. rix weeks wgu.to Filet her family and "Farewell !". 1 said, to the friend i
• while there ,he caught a cunt front loved. and nay eyes were filled with
Mies Maggie Letitia Henry. of Hal- ,whit{} ate never recovered. Mrd. Me. tear,' "I know you. will runts to my
lett township, is dead atter an 'innersTevisit war seventy -twin years et age heart t.gtai, in a - few brief hurried
which extended over several Yvan'. and her maiden nacre was Chiisthl4 yens !" All, wanY count up the gas -
/florin her tl(irty-reesold-yeses---- stetxme Her Last tuns -444 -aew'ta-}ae^ 1...fisc. Anti knock at my 'college
ills very- effective, and 1 am
thankful that at last I have a
reliable remedy."
LeRoy, Ills.
Dr. Miles'
Neave and Liv .r Pills
simply cause •the bolvcls to move
in a normal tnanner, and with-
out the griping ctTects of,catltar-
tics ana.pur„;ttives.. That's why '
they are so univer'aily used by
Illsu>•I,wl,.Ir1v It 1uIl 3
-% t'Ltuo-plaYh.u. 'theory. Harmony
.044 01 twlyo.0 Pupil. *LQT7ipd[ sir• Al
iva.utrTt,eoaMu.ic Stove. . Monday. ori
ut1'hon,.m,sfdw{cNtotr, , e
CJnlo'. at re.tAencr of Mr. Alex. Marken
' ere, Ontario s L Gude. ich ludic. at Y. M
--r A. rA:ma 5ttudi.rd Loral ."-oJ cs.
North .t t oet,
Fall wheat in the vicinity of Sea- Y..4411134/0, shortly after they removed door, but the frame 1 104446 when.,
in cofines to that tea
ins the resided for a nu longer they' arc taliea the less
plc neig and td will- bar to 'the Tett,eAUfe 3 neighborhood wrl-rss•rsge ;our -Tett, she travel .tlrMtpl her is -f eu+he •-t-ieetal.l lti+d sltwsr 2 .4) 1,4141 iutg I •Brc n.eticrL- N.:tarsi • :t ' ' :
eight inches in leog.•b. i four bone and live daughters. The re. dawn : 'you ti!...,,,,,,. ) '
mains were brought from Michigan again. when the %flues, snows' ares gradually being restored.
t 'he cemetery ' Ah lhe`brigilt Liude'may on
1 f 1 -torr lull h
rt i
Women and children. The
forth measures five feet 81* ioche in to Seaforth from Tucksrs"'nth, where bract wes young -
11lhrr of years, n0 more. Fur
11 MONY. COC. T1RPOINT. f:T('•
JoGD H. Hunter. F. T. •'. M..ITor.1.'principal
Wuod,tock t'oa.rrva of Mu.fc . organist
Knox church. 'Soden .: examiner' London
1hr1.ervatorY of Music. Some..Hut preparation
fur all exatuin•ttt 1T+. 1.. nerherr user.-.
to February la.t. Special coac`In# fur g 4u-
minaoxau,inatwna in. plane. ata(
Hooter a Ill fall at any •ddrea,e. left at Thaw
all . 11111 -IC elite.
Vuyyaqynd Hteaallo Engloeer, ltaterlo Land
a Nut o►afrLeae ittork. Ooderlrh, canner
Montreal street. Telephone 191.
1)I1. W. F. UALLOW. M. B.
,Here and realdenc•,, North .tot. (ioderlrh.
nurthof County Roriery office. Telephone 121'
solicitor, notary. etc. Money to lend at
lowest raur oe- Nt r' b Street, Ooderich
Ile Signal (oe-t. iu oeefoeth adductor
}11. 0. CAMERON.: K. C., BARRIS-
TKR, eoltcitor, loran' third Street. 1roderktl, third door from
1. barridene. solicitorr•.:muerte. public tin.
cumin the Maritime Cour:, etc. Officer e.t.a -id
3yuare. next door 4'. A. Nairn'. grocery. Pri
rata fun& to lend at kwrt - tete* of interest
---a'rt4N)UUDh'UUT.Y G. N. L.
11.AIR -
t11A1 LEM0AR1.OW L.L.B..B1AR-
1 RISTIIR attorney...elicited etc...11odr
.nth. Money.tn lend at .o'irer ra,.•*. __
1 .ollcitor, commiseloorr. notary public
Office.. Hamilton street. (:oderich Ont.
- -
!' 1 ^►fell to the
r. and fors. H. bswrenoe. ef sof-hat- uudittLerl4d in t (►.auarly Ronr. - e • I_ *,ter sac at-ysur deuaptst.-►+e sawed
menton. Alta., ate visiting relatives ' jt Howick Wedding. 'he Apply awg I ant
ill McKillop. Mr. Lawrence has been ,
sang lwfnle: blit the tial I lav supply You. If he Sees sot. Bend prig
a teacher on the Edmonton College On Vi edhr.alay, June :SOth. at .the with the golden Vgice, shall sing to; 00 es. we forward prepaid.
staff for Nevem' years. home of Mr. and Mre David Gallaway- my heart no nitre.' •'Farewell . 1 pis MILE& MEDICAL CO.. Terewfs.
• way„ Hamill[ township. thele ;was said •to the'I'himiel est I threw in thrl
There was a "tag Jay" in Wi la:him soieltiuiard Ow ,narrialor of Mita+ a lin¢ crrvk, all wt ightrd Sumo
on July 12th.. The Ladies AuxiUsry ,Irrsir, 48. -rrond 'Lu,ttht••r ,a Lhr wIt 'a-nuonthin; iron esti it hundred-
bribe '11'inRttam Emend Ms•ritaltre►k_hniup,=to Henry Johann:..t-. •.-►i ulL-Iis!- otter
Nis Did•
Lhie ween« of ass{'ting in the =train- Rev. Mr. McKenzie. B. A.. ot %V roxe-
tt}!nanee of the hi,:pital. • ter, pdrforined the ceremony and the
foreAmtviug for his• holidays. the wedding march stir played by Mi;-.4
tadd of bis cungtegyLV
tiun at Bruce- ilhie McGrath, of Hurrie. M.&,
Jfr1 prevented Rev. E H. Sawrrs Lizzie (:allawai, sister of the bride,
witb'41 drivinit outfit, buggybattiest.. Acted as britlrA"'D!id and Fred Johann,
1 h • f the rfiern wee twist ruin.
D- S U H A v C E C O. -Farm sad Notated
to.... property insured.
°Meer. -J. B. McLean. Pre... tlestorth P.0
1.1.41311011)4. Vloe-Pres.. Ooderh:h P. 0 :
Thomas E Haj,. Sec..•Tres.-. lteaforth Pr 0.
Directors -Wm. Charnel. deaforUt; John
U. Grieve. Winthrop : George Dale; Seaforth:
John Hraneweis, Jdrodhrxrn; James Evans,
lieeeltwood : John WAN. Harloek; Malcolm.
Mo1ae... Sryceaeld.
Arens. : 1. W. Yeo. Holw.avtne : -R trmdth.
Harlot*: Jas. Comorings. Esmond* ills ; E.
Hin.•kly, Sealotth. ' Poucy•toiderb can par
a wsenuents and get their cards rscelpled 1tt
Toeerk Brown's. Clinton,r.. at R I!. Cutt's
meters. Blnntao street t1)odet•lob.
hack. it, 1 know mews!,. from the My," said the first won. reedi4tlg n
sileet, runless shore "' Tt.rn 1 juin ,ns'.. -pe ter 'if the rl"'G. .ern L those
neyrrl horns. and that Haloed' "Id -'wt bridge ,1i-aslrrs test ihle''
Wets there by the kitchen door -"hire your wife play. too :•" stn
rug and whits -all ourwplotr. f - --- -
moots to the number of about thirty''
F•'Avery. who war the Liberal can- were ptesant to witneeathr ceremony. Our Reputation and Money Are Back of •
*Weiwd the second man .aliecti1-lnind-
wily. •,
diddle in the constituency of Nor4ulk After a wrdding r
tou, in which (rode -
in the in,
Provincial electt'u+• rich. Kiucsrlinr and London NIP
is an oLl, Huron hay, having. gone Iwing visited. err and Mrs.. Johann
West at the age of twenty -on! In will irks. up -their reside/ice at lirl-
the year ltilit. - - -
This Offer.
We pay for all the Rhea 'tine need f
during the trial, if our remedy tails to
enmpletrlt relieve you m of cnnstipeiion. I '1'"Top are ant obligated In us in any IAti
The Iteeden .,f (inlf- Helfer (with n
I1 beg. looking fur it caddy) --"l l.ly•
fiend, do you happen to know of
ono Tfiiu'. Nearsighted. Vit-
itestilyi-•:No. 1 don't. All the
'1 'iovl li.t••'dt•r. 1her:•'own dui: -
1'0,14 anything Int inure fait• or you : ! brell rt•pairiu'. •
'!{'hemarrii «:took phos in Aytrner i, _ way whate+et. if yntr .lrcrpt t fur.iler. 'folk
an Wednestl y. July Out; of Mi.., • Wm. (Stark's Long Experience.
J+,dith. daug • of Mr: and Mrs. A. J.
Bright. formerly of Seaforth, to 'Dr.
R. E. Fisher. The happy couple will
reside its Seaforth.
e marriage of Perev H. Reynolds.
ot . e.srjew, Sssk. ,io ilia* Irene Isa-
bel. t ughter of Mt. and Mrs. Jame,.
1''yfe. of Snowflake.' Manitoba, took
placeo June 17tb. The groom is a
son of )t': H- Reynolds,' of Hensall
A runner Clinton resident, in the
person of 'Robert King, now of Wel-
land. was gaited in marriage on Wed-
nesday. (ttb\net.. to Mina \lacy Pearl,
Vkr Wart'. Apnfr to M. 0. CAM-
.itO.:..ls'.rrfater. Hamilton street Ooderich.
• If AND I.IuHTNt7e: BrIUeb.Canadtan 404
•t:1DI*NT S1.:gx8Ae AND 1:JIPLoratlrl' LIABII3
try : The Ocean Aocident and Guarantee
..• rts,rtlo Limited. of London, Eng.
FID' T A10 OUAIAxraz BONDS : The U.S.
Fid ityand Guarantee Company.
(Moe et realdenee. northeast corner of Vie
and SC Davits streets. Phone 170
and acnident lneuranoe. Agent for leading
• latual and stock oonn,anie.. insurance in AU
des effected on beat plane and at lowest rause.
.811 at oMce. corner West ,t ,set and Square
It eddies. J. W. CRAJUIE.' (ioderich, Ono
Tile •hone •Lt
v • AGE licenser. Gorier -Sch. Ooh
"ark's Mems& have a longer ratpeei- 1s there soy reason. why you Sboujd
hesitate W put 001 '(11.1111+ to a.prestl-
ence behind them and better facilities sal test
andequipment to prepare them than Thr Intl.[ scientific., contentnmrenesi
any tither meat.' in Canada. When treatment id Rrxall Orderlies. which -
-y.nu want preserved meats you maul- are eaten Eke candy. They air terY' A Simple
ally ask for Clark's. They are the beatPrononocrJ, gentle and till avant in xc• Truly
•tion,able n ;
. end particularly agreei
and cost frut» one-quarter to one-half every way. They do not, cause dear-'
less than butcher's melt. ' Aiwa.. nausea. flatulence. grining or • Nt wsilaj's e
1 any_ inconvenience whstrver. Revell has radiant ha
.-s-.. - $olemni Orderlies are psrticetarly • good fur What a fool
- Hep father -Mit. dear. do ehitdren, aged and Jeli, Atr prrsnns. world Is, if she I
yon know what .• ole nig it it to 07 .' ge you to try Resell (hd.rlirs (add to her Moe,
eauhent that Will Make It
F 'hating LE. R. Wigle .
uarantees 1t. • .
soy np-to-date. Woman
toast tied r .r r
NLadfle Yeilt pa}ut: lnjt s q'Its• l-.rumen',i t •r 1 . R 1.•16 h
((s. Fes.--dlw,t in t.btauxur }
daughter Mr. and Mfr.
Tarter, of avowing, Manitoulin
h ci rut w•e a woman
r the °priori unity to
one. -
at •• risk Two siz. -. Irk•, and 'Lie. Yet le t'snad,1 4, , sy there. are hun-
•'I u lrmlwr vuu can ¢rt' Resell Rrnir deed • of t honesn•i. of w n with
r .rt ••irrkwae hair who
r .u•y At rap o Jni{irrve
\ deal mhos., .0t wing d
Island. Bitytula (ilotw. - -
_ . math std, of tyuare
At the eon)I1.'ncentent of the fall Oettin Ready. • wr .+ i i P -t eomert\heve l.cauiiiul
terra in Wrnze'ter public schoel, a B , (, is too•How im{iortanl sense iittle tttiupts hair, ren 1 in 1'•n,ula rl: woruen "ti
continuation department will\ Lr 'The eeligi°fl °f svn9r- P- til reran to w small wwn' 1 uer Par i„"ti i;ar •e huvt•" lustrous and
=-The Resell Store. H.. C. Dunlop, , do, not to
. ;it. n :u i•
opened. The tri teas of the school lenient," said isnot He -lin u, a Int hlx,iriaol hair•
Pali -
have td Mr: Hessell of 0 n cent address in Noleliezr• Tile world has a nnutia for favoring Arid to 1 wool n
-Thir well-known and steed
offers it. patrons the best swirled In staving
Wr•cutting, eta. etc. ladies' ekampoolalt a
teedalt). Only skilled hands employed•
Your px tron will be appreated. H. H.
tIUFISMt{It «tors - ci
avt0 engag 'iulri• of The !til -
Sound to fill the position of principal. Some people suxg4at to 104, in those whom fortune favors. • rot; ran 4,4444 -011.4.- 1444' and lu.tr"os
The .Bialy will
be VOL _their view of religt ,r, A - little gir•l Dun's expect ct leu/ much• of a friend.
wed ingtook place alpine timelier said t , her, : Even friendship has *&imu s
e' ot ,.ltr. and Mrs. \ 'tlarys. whatminst We tl•. first ty-
{ip we salt «tips, i lorgit«arse if they were not ashamed of being
tl , o r clow?'
Ethel e „
Otter, •. arc •reed." \ss 441 a nnrr o extrailtgwnt
rated in marriage
A very pretty
at the residene
James Walker,
Eames. on
when their dais
Walker. was u
Frederick Kerr,
The pt;pila of
-L LIT Royal institute British Architect.
es"Mence- Sloths House. (Joderioh. flans. de
[aik and sy etyfloations prepared for re.ldence'
and public building.. Correspondence In
Pr- haps more men would be hnneat
London road. near re
etlneeday. July tb U•W must in fleet; the little girl Poor.
bt Miss B. ' h 'll RA 'i p t,ple are s
. purpuric of wetting words.
of Stephen township. . A Grateful Lion
ti,. 5. No. 6, Hay.towu- '1'h4 proprietor of a men -acerb•- re-
- that they room to talk merely for the
ship. presented their teacher. Miss
Mabel Sparks. of Hensel]. with a
beautiful lady's handbag, on the eve
of •the midsummer .holidays. Miss
Sparks has severed her connection
vials the school and will attend the
Normal. School next fair"
While engaged in ibe construction
of the trunk sewer in Wingham last
week, eoe of the sides fell en, pinning
Jas. McKay. a workman, fast and
almost eo44enn4 him with gravel.
After being in that position for a•bout
two hours, be was finally released and
was able to move about without as.
A quiet• but pretty wedding was
solemnised at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Henry Bagler, Clinton. on Fri-
day, July 1st, when Miss Jean, the
eldest daughter of the host and host
esti, was united in n> w14mge to Scott
Grieve, of Seeforth, Rev. Dr. Stewart
officiated. The young couple will re
side in Walkerton. -
T. h:. Handford, ot Exeter, shipped
two carloads of horses to Winnipeg
Inst week. There wee a team of
Scotch grays in the bunch which
weights' over :i,481) pounds. The pt•iee
paid for them was $lU). They wer
purchsse•d from Mr. Dennison, of Mc
Killop. The teem will be on exhibi
tion at the Winnipeg fair. -
and general auctioneer. (Moe. on Smola
•tn•.t, where ho will he found at all times
when not crying sales. Terni. reasonable and
en's. Y etfert wed to give you satisfaction.
[Tone Y,.
They Profess to Know.
Here is an item front a professional
source for the benefit of those who
are afraid of ••a draft" of fresh :tir. In
London recently, Dr. Sir Frederick
Treves astonished the public by de-
claring that "the idea that colds are
caused by draughts is Absurd. No
colt) ever had such an origin. Colds
are the origin not of draughts, hut of
stuffy rooms." Other famous London
physicians hark up Sir Frederick in
holding that no sold was Sear (loused
hY draught.
hair.in e. IPV d">. time by Halog this
gt«-'t hair r•' jut • (1'tor, PAriaian SAW..
' 'E.,11. %Vigor-nell+ a bilge bottle for
50 rents and he goarante.•s it to banish
dandruff, stop (,.{ling hair and •itching •
rale in Iwo weeks or ' y back.
Parisian Sage lean ideal hair tunic.
not sticky or greeny.
Tates that one of his lions once had a 4 -
thorn taken nett of his paw by a
French major in Algeria. The Icon
afterwards tan over the list of officers
belonging to the regiment Of his Nene
factor. and. (Bets( gratitude, devoured
both the colonel and the lieutenant.
colonel. whose places were then filled
by the good nattier. -.Figaro. -
Knew That Much.
Hie igooutnce of history recently'
shocked one of the woman friends of a
young Buffalo &oriely man. It was
after a dinnerparty at his hougr and
,he wes telling him what she had
learned in her private history clam.
One thing .led W aoothei• and all the
time he was getting into,deeper
water. At last she surprised im by
inquiring : Now tell flee, Mr-. what.
are the Knights Of the Bata Y" He
stammered fur a while and finally
blurted out : "Wby,aY nights.
- I suppose."
How a Juror Was Lost.
In it southern entinty of Missouri
yyears ego, when the Forni of, question-
ing we- slightly different from now,
mon* ,Gia -,1161t6- etiPerienced in
e+ getting r jury In a murder trttT'
Finally an .old fellow answered
every question satisfactorily ; be had
no prejudice, wee not opposed to cap-
ita) punishment, end was generally a
Thomas \filler,"a p neer of the 5th valuable flt4d. Then the prosecutor
line of Morris townshi , is dead at the said 'solemnly :
was t'bornrat3 Bcdruler Rot
xborobhiiFP,, oner,looklook
upon the jutor." t prise
firiotland, on January flt.b; 1534, and T he old man adjusted his spectacles
same to Canada in the spring of 1tt19, and peered at the prisoner for a full
locating near 'OAR. in 11452 he'took bel[ -«lints.. Theta. turning.- tu_ 1he
up iC,II acres of land in Morris town- court, he said :
ship, upon which he lived 'until bis '•Judge, darned if f don't believe
death. In 114.) \Ir. Miller was mar- he's guilty" --Kansas City Star.
ried to MI89 Jane Tholnpsafi, of the PROVED AGAIN
7th line of the same township. and she - -_
and ten children survive. That Many Dangerous Diseases Spring
A pretty church wedding was Rol from Disordered Kidneys, and are Cured
emnized in St. Paiil'9 church Clinton.by,Dodd's Kidney Pills. Wedneedey, lith inst. The con"
trarfitine-pmems-were . ' „ C. Eel Creek, Cumberland Co.. N. S.,
Mend. PrtethoMand Mat a ' dao erous dire
C. daughter
rW•hter of }I r. end Mrs. • kidneys cause many R
Webb, of Clinton. Rev. U. R. Dunne eakises. `al of s f cured dt an )DadPear a Kidney
was false the ceremony. The gut` Pine, ie again loves[ by the rase of
was saw -ported • by Frank Dean, nf.. W. Lewdbettth of this
Toronto, and Miss Eva Carter, cousin Mfo. James
of the bride, wee- ring.bearer. Atter piece. She gives the following experi-
ppartaking of the wedding breakfast Bore :
Mr. and Mrs. Mead left tm-a honey- '1 wish to tell all suffering women
moon trip to Detroit, after-. Which 1 to
•earn DocurDodd
dneywPillsfas they tem
they will reside in etrrtx,ro male trouble, kidney or heart disease..
Twenty -Fifth Anniversary. 1 antlered from all these diseases. Nes
Rev. C. C. J. Maass, pastor of the attended by five doctors, and also
Lutheran church at 'Zurich, celebrated t
a ed
telittle,elett it waseplot l
They I ese six
hlped me
the twenty-fifth anniversary of
that I
dination on June 'Tltth. 7'he oct'asion boxer;
r; of oddsThey Kidney
n y illus was
was marked by a gathering of the
congregation, at which the president in 191G, and i am still enjoying good
of the synod was present. On behalf health."
Milk Chocolate Stick, Medallions, Cro-
quettes, Cream Bars ctc. are truly delicious.
For sale by all dealers from Coast to Coast.
Phone 56 De MILLAR CO
'Phone 56
Knitting competition
O\V is the tinie to enter our
Ve will slier three prizee
for the hest knitted articles
-_TtetsleAr sots y !Loot fumed
' Old ('uuutry Vane-. .
I-, Prize: - Choice of any
...I. in tits some to. the, vs rile
16•i.'8) for ybe tart knitted or
crocheted t4bawl or Fascinator,
sic.. etc. *
• • 'till Bet
PLe : •- Choice of .any.
j000il* ib thateler.e , to the value
`of 4 .4414 for.. lit** *Mood - lir..
-)crocheted Jnfunt' i , J a.c k et,.
bootees, Int nttees. etc., etc. • ,
0•111 Pattern No. z40S-
ry '
rize: - o ce 0
goods in the attire to the value
of $I.UI for the hest kni'te.1
.1(diosH. *oohing*. Meng. __ us'
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Oen. whose decision ;wilt he
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g. r ling yarns, etc.. will be
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Shoes: that Give Your
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