HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1910-7-7, Page 6• 'it • teitv, Jel.Y 7 1910 THE SIGN AIL: GODERICH.*ONTAR1.0 John Sanders ...Div...... PrornotionEx.. aminatio a ision it fic,„,..,,„ R„.„ ,..I.:NION cl;Asr. t411..1. 'IA I JK. II. 1.."1 4041. lay Elliott . '. it•413 itetit Wilson • • 400 Gertrude McLean ..... .,... 376 , Charlie Naini • .... 7445 F.Imie stroteombe . 34 I . • • Henry Hunfaltvy 2110 Lawrence Nicholsou ... 6 .. •.. 2.1116 •Marguerite Stead 140 .11.1111014 CLASS- JR. I. TO Mt. I How the Boys and Girls of Goderich Public Schools Stand iti Thetis -Classes:- Thereeulte oi the pleinotite. exam. tiot•dole Noble inatione in th.• *Munich public echoUls Pearl Filmier I.140 tollairs lkinald McDonald tstacIt- tiladys Mcl.etttl CENTRAL SCHOOL 19'2 170 Division II. • %%BIM Prouilloot a it. iv. To SIC i‘ !Isobel McLeod Total 14E, DiTilliOn Muriel Galt ..... . ........ P/c2 Elsie (reit ..... ... 77 Edna ritihani . • ... 7: Hazel Hartwell 699 )(alp!. Herald 6/e2 Harry 'bitten .... 676 . • 'let% Boyd • .. 660 Ihnie Hay. . 650 Inverue 141tirtev • ' 650 ' Joe Iftilskiik.. 047 Alneet'ox 1145 NOM- Suiliertted . 615 Walter Melkietiek. . • 012 Kenneth Ilaiwkin. . 611 enre shearttow (4 With.. Hale, .. . 613 Ruth IliwIIIII. 610 Nettle Tr 605 Hildi eu M. CUT Harry We....ot Agnes 41,1 v. ir (Beat • Field .. El et Ale 1). otIal Net tie lit een .. • Mori i, S. • Maude 1'114,1,4 Lilt itanist I .11 Cermetl tit!klilairt. libel), Cu tin kshaark Kertikliati Alitigutaite Niiiiet Div•s on III. tieatt. 1.• NIL II. TO JR. ltl. 7 • II 406 471 460 44r 422 :176 1.5 • 76141 3•50 --Pass 175. Cedrie I hnigall 274 Emily McArthur..............272 Gladys Sault s 268 Fade Stothlart , .. . Jesbie Wilson Harry Sanderson Melville McNevin iva MinTish ..• Aieorge II/wader.- ieorge Hell Doris Knight .lean liarrison :4144 57it :.511 5."0) 51ti . 523 • .011 . 254 246 24:1 .... 212 241 Ztt 224 217 own 2141 -Wigs leek . 20.) Charlie Brown ..- ...„ All Stephen Kit klanti 19t4 Villie 'label ...,... ...... 160 Percy Jenkin 1 Jantee Hunter . .... • 17/1 _ 'stionts: 11. •10 sit. 11. Total 375. Alai y Vaustone.......•-. .... 344 lit•leti Shaw . ..i . ,... Beth Ross I•ilian McDonald l'olin Voting • Willie McMillan' Willie Sturdy ....' . ...• Jean Hitlikirk ... . . ...... 270 Annie Vatistone .. , . • 252 Lloyd N• mistime 251 Floretice Rutledge -,.. 242 Vinton Ti•estibla. y 2111 Herbert Dimwit' Zili Climb.. stoke., 2.32 John Pat t erst In 2.24 Viola MrChlettkiy. 'Ali (let orgt• Small 209 Flort•nce Hell . ..... 211,4 Thomas )(ell... 211B Gordon l'ebleitt ......... ..... MI Susie Yungblut .. ! : . ..-. :104 Dorothy McKinnon . ..• . ...... lei Arnold ltrdwnlee. . ... '...itheent .. • , • Total 80o. ‘" . May limiter ... .. 721 Katie Ilatikitk . . .. . r ..... . MN) Verde Kush.), , - &MI tittle,. ..Vo• 11 t I In : .. ........ 60t1 Allen teitielso - '. , int Stewsit ah•Kintiliti .. ... :..... 6.17 Atinal 51.•Ivie .. ........ . . 614 lathe's Ed w.o.ci .. . .1 035 iiiIIMIJ 511.111114.111,1. 1 .. • s. • . .... 4)24 42,40111, Slewal t . . . ...... Oa IttinA :%1C1......i. • . 0011 Gordon Meliitolott ... . , :0.3 CAvision VII I Mite' 1 baldw in • . 517 •• l•r. II. T. Jlt. II. .... . • .. Total 470. • Lain A SitIke.111.. ., . ., . ..... ... ' - :140 ..,..).) Vesta Snydri • • ' .:”" 1Borist Ilan in .'18 • • ' ." It eii. Harrison 486 l'earl McLean TiTtal 27.' • Ruben* Naegele . . 256 Irene Hunt :Set Vera Wilson 179 Annie Elliot, ' :72 John McDonald 143 Percy Warner 110 *Alex. Donley . Robert Ervine.... ...... .., At. 297 2911 248 278 VIETH el.A1414--YROM PHI/11MT° • I. OR RICVIEW PRIMICR. Total 201). JUNIOR • llugh Roberts Copp 185 Hert Megaw... J05 Albert Leonaid Martin Price ' 'Harold Naegele. Poo ltTle el.ASS-JUNIOR l'ItIVEW To elitNTORTIOMIn. Jennie Austin.Schalv Panzer, Joehua McIver, Julia Reeve's., 4V illie Ross. et Nlurrat tiladye Fowler. Aiceiloi to CfrOldrers • Ask y( dolor -bow often he prescribes an alcoholic stimulant for children. fle will probably say, "Very, very rarely. Children do not need stimulating." Ask him how often he prescribes a tonic for them. ..He will prob- ably answer, "Very, very frequently." Then ask him about A),:r's non-alcoholic Sarsaparilla as a tonic for the young. Follow his advice. He knows. I. .Ayerto.,Lowell,Mass. Tbghist great rule of health "Daily movement of the wets." .Ask your doetcsit this as not so. Then aU Sold- for emir -siolli-76111111r--,-- Many dope fiends contracted the drug habit in the cradle Certain dangerous drugs were given ,to them in their baby days in the form of "Soothing Syrups," "colic cures" and "infants' friends." The harmful effect of "soothers" containing opium, morphine, chloroforin, chloral, etc., cannot be too stionely stated. Do not giVe baby a "soother" unless youpositively must. Then.give it Summer Cooking Made Easy It is :t pleasure to cook on fhe Summer we sell. We have both gasoline And coal oil, and we will guarantee that you get entire sotisfaction. price.; range from $5.0o tip. You can -bake b‘ the use of 4. -me of our ovens. HAYING TOOLS Hay-tork Rope, pure, long fibre : the best to be bad.-bcr,. Till lin Masa- 1•11.0111 CARDS 'AO PRIMER. John Hedfonl. Alexander 5JeLeatri3 Lorne DrinkWalter, Dan McIver...Mary Sanders. Doris Hodgens. John Austin. e41t'0511 4'I.Atie4,_.&111.111VARD 12, ' Stanley Wlitiott. Sidney Roberts. Alice -Cocklield. Inez Porter. Helen Howrie, Anhui Cunt...Louis Ervine. Benson Langeridge. FIRST 4 .1.01S. •••zr ATTDFr Pt.- ' Eva Campbell. Grace Videan. Wilda Duncan, Erie Stuart, Craigie. Attie Mall...ugh, Colin Murrey. Nelson McIver. ., ST. DAVID'S WARD. Division 1. sit. TO .1H. III. • Totatt10. Victor Kershike • 250 Bertha flow 242 Matti*, alcMatb 1... 2111 Herne Howard Edict' Mintley Nora Statham .., .........24,44 Haswell list 1••I 19' I MORI 4 1W • Norman %Vark ......... Eddie Bennett Ismay Thump...in treconituendeda .„ 511001.1.: 11. TO tilt. II. Tot4 51111. Lily Newell -.......'4714 4V1lL;lohnstael 370 George Grim 370 Mary Pinder 349 Helen Smith May Johnston ........ 323 • an. it. •ro YODOLE 11. Total sm. - • Flossie 51ot Bl..,•k Ft best 1 1. 1.III.1.1 . (..11 1114 11..• MIA 1.11141,1 4143 Withal 11 511 Mit , .. ..... . tn. •Itr 1%.. • Ittlal P0111. Fein dalintIon . Annie 1.114,w 11".11.. l'. al I Thaw, If .1 kir k Bert Ceti .... Ey.. 44"alk,- • • John Stinson Nino Roberts Viol ence 51i14• .".57 - Joh.. Tuff,e•ti .. %Vesteti ..... I. el v 114.01.11es . • 811114)11 4111) iaernard Macklin .. ' Hogli .".l (4111 tell N:Isie lionitatige Fbn'ellet. 0111 tilatlys Knight Jetted.. Heck '1)7 3110 • • . Bettie Sander:m.1 Eileen Munnings r.:,ta Mc I )(maid 40,111;4, Edwil.1410iitgotalelY yr 1. •rt. 11T. 11. • 637 1411: 4414-141.3s Roily Sinazt:1 1,aliel MeNeviti, :*17 Kenneth Blair • Mai y Mot visit ............ 2,59 .M 'hired Stoke% . ...... 2.1•2 •t,24 •""" Jetties McDonald :k42 :48 31:1 347 'Ci2 TEMPERANCE HALL. .111. lel. To SR. III. 704 Pees mark:1411. moots: In. To sit. III. • (frace Pinder Ten.. M....1%. , . 163 Harold "Burney Neil MCl/1,11A 1,4 .. . 117 Arnim Brandt, ... ,, 6144 . Rotel i• -k Muria v II9 Et•tit•st Lee - "Al •Kat).i....ii mii•iiii..1: ..... 31r2 Eleanor Ilitys -:' ' 514 Ge..re,,, 1111424 :r.11 Milrlit.th Mt:Ivor ...... ' .. .. . ... 500 ,in,,_ Thelma !toes - 055 615 0211 . 618 -SOOTHING SYRUP and rest contented, Nya1's400thing Syrup ('011 - tains no opiates. it indhets natural, healthy sleep ---gives immediate relief to baby, calming the mother's tired nerves -:does not put on soft, flabhy flesh, making the,little folks easy victims of childish diseases. , We wouldn't think of recoonnending Nyal's Soothing Syrup if we were not certain of its beneficial effects. SAMSON Guaranteed Hay - handl.' with selected white ash. • Cement . , lt • We have .a car of fresh "SAMSON- Cement Oiihatid. We kiep a dependable line of go:ds and our prices arc right. .•JI3 201 *Absent diariiig pt of te exoham Lion; Delphine Halliday I herald Mel vor Division IV. Lam•el. Bates sit. 111. 'I', an. it . Agnes Methitiald Fberetice Johnston Marbm,Bogie Lertrnile McOoneld Albert Wiggins Stella McCrae.,.. Minnie Drinkwalter f4:42 %Valls/re Duckworth . item John Hell 1.3ort•iici• Smith . 723 M /Willi 111. Iheigell . '700 Ruby Stotill.til 671 Lawrence' ‘1•011 0711 . Ihrroll,e,i I5ingt.11 6:04 • A110. Johnidon Agnes 14(1111,11114 George McDonald Roy Ilind • 1110,411 Edtisol Edmt Sa 11, iws . Nara"' ‘VbitolY - - ',Lulu Ita t es , • Elizebreft Prenelfiee• , .• 1.,...,1 Ntcl tomtit!. lim don 1 i.iii.ofhit tiiirotii W., WIWI . 54.1 'tete NVortell. .lanies Vi•1,•ati ., , ......... rpm Allan Blair Vialik Mc %Ilion . ....... roi , l Ji•iikin r4414 Ina Muir , , 517 John Hetes .. . %Vilbeti TiCittelnie • .. Ceeil (liven ..... . ..... 049 619 Tema Clark 610 *Olive Black 00s 'efteggie Tufford 002 ttit. 11. 'roue. 01. :048 Anything you buy with the Fume will give yea - entire SA tinfaCtiOn. 501 493 481 472 471 4411 452 417 Gordon Down .. ....... Hazel Hirnie Reggie I hiff Fred Arnold Reggie King. - Susie Bates - Violet Hurley Irwin Speiran Emily Grummett ....... ......... Plasm 110014 To ate 11. 41111. Herbert Week. Helen Howard Ruth Murray , Fraser Newell ... Division 11. SENIOR CLASS. Total .275. 426 ::.1.... 416 ur2 402 345 349 Pass mark 210. Ethel Stokes . 263 Giadya McKay . 246 '212 Brattier Wells 226 4Vimdhatti Babb 221 !laze! Itelcliew 221 „t7e, (Irene Mat•tin 214 215 John Snazel „Ur 14.141 .... Norman McLeod 4142 •Jaek flerrison . . in. To JR. iv. Edrieapti %Vs tson, ST ANDREW'S WARD. Wildly SItiw. . 1103 th. Helen GitIlli it , ., 5.,7,9vision 1 ,1 PG 3-n7D-cony Percy Beni t ie ..... Albert. McDonald 540 Ione Cott Fred Bates. Eva Keene Senna Items ... ............ .... 4S4 1 tAlfreill WM rICII• Lizzie %Vilson • 481 ' Chrissie Ntel.eati IOW. 61a, tin 481) • Willie Ilehlwiti M(I)III E in. To.sit: 11.1. 10:4 -lege Lawson ....... .. . ' 'Greer Hun, ()live Choi.. , 467 1 KIVU% cl.pod 4514 Geor fete,/ err Php- 4 -Levey ... . , -. ---..-.. 5111 gal et lb •-• • .. ..... /./.. . 429 I A„640., m,„,.„y , . . , ..... , . . . . ... Harry. Iiiielienan ... ..... Ili) i . Lamm Morrow ‘‘,•• 2811 • I emote. (t. TO. !4111. II. p: ‘valia,Totrtl 1111). . Divi 0 V. I an. 111. To Stt. 111. .....4(144 , it. TO Jlt.III. . 573 572 Ttital ... : - Cecil Carey.' ' 210 Mary McVittie 21.1 Ila DeLong 205 Teddy Johnston 191) John Pintlt•r • 197 179 •N:arl Ross 414 296 271 •Z-11 221 Irene Burkholder JUNIOR .el.A1.144, Total 205 Kenneth Cruickshank Harriet, Porter Dorothy Smith . Ilerbert Akeroyd .. ...• Oliver Keene 'Leta M . . . FIFTH cl.AS.A. a Tnnattou. Stanley McLean . Ernest M, Vittie .... 1St 102 ... 215 - 213 A rvelle Robinsion----------204 Howard Mellroy. Clyde Carter . . . .... ....... 102 Regeie Pinder : 141 *Pitittley Mute ey..... .... . . . .., 214)1*4':41the Morrow. 411tizel Monk.... - .. 5061Gract. MacDonald 2271461 of merit. PAM mantling 1 -ti per cent. 518 Stanley Conktit•Itl ........ ........ 204 . 217 The names of Ole pupils are in order lin of mach titihjeet and 4:4) per cent. of the DO total. Honor standing 75 per cent. of 1.141 1115 474; Junior IV. to Senior IV. Honor standing -Mamie 4Vil.on. Pass stand- ing Robe Vole), Rarnesta Spahr, Cyril Delton, Moil Kelly, :lames Dean, Josephine /Utley, Irene Farr, Margaret Farr. Senior 111. ,to Jimior 1V.--Paste!- Mary Herchler, Joseph Illtirlev, Cyril Ter'esit rev. -VerusTiot Sold and guaranteed by 3 BUTLAND. S. E. HICK. DUNLOP. E. R. W1GL E. CODER!CH 9450 Howell hardware Co., I iMITED ••• Semi -Steel Fire -Pot Not Gray Iron - FIRE -NUT of il, ,furnace i\. 341,,,,,..be ables.yq,ndure trena odous I3eat and to repel ti..' ..t.taelo4 •,f sulphur - fames. • _ . ir T' 41 • 1 terial..with a smohth-as-gtas4 surface which practically seals or "closes" up the perea. Semi - Steel snotty repel' the attaeks - of ,gas fumes and thus greatly Akt ,,f 444. en tri ..`,14147. .4.Seini-Sfeet *r-eet weighs j•er cent. heft: ,er than the same -.44:e and tatters in gray iryn. 15 11 there fwe better able to endure tresuodolis hest. Now, , avoldine technical 1111.,0.-"g1ey tren 414.8 8.44841. 111,0 4.14. called pores. Thr..ugh theme 1.:••rtert the dritructivo. puPphur att..ek the Iron and ,hasten • in the other .shrtritl. Seml- St eel ls a close -grained., ma- '"Tia-rwiAr the Sunshine installed in your home ' 4 iur agi nt itn your !twenty wife telt yeu zny !other reasons. Ask him. Semi -Steel in made by an - exclusive Mcclary process,. You can only get a Serni-St•M Isre•pid with a Mcliary furnace. That le 4.11P strong reasbn why you atonic, hate Re weber. the • Runehine in ,riterantted. hy .4115 larvert makcrtt -trt-ftrIlltartit 4vt -British r ti, heat your beide to your 4.414 1r.• • satIsfairtien. • 5 *1111111W 1IlilililiL rio-U INE Flfjw. WClary's NIA for Sale bY R. PINDER Goderich. LondOn, Toronto, Montreal, Winnipeg, Vancouver, Bt. Jolla. N.B.. Hamilton, Calgary. 111111114,-,41r. PROMOTION EXAMINATIONS T ST. PETER'S. - - The results of the pro•esotion exam- inations at St Peter.t1 school are an- nounced „as follows : obtl Mildred Hoy Wilfrid 111*11 ' (tenth) Niekton 4 (6214115 Gertrude Porter, Maitland Pridhatn • Jean Bogie !10.I1.... ....... . Itiv11.22 mrt Peat I 11 tintet riMM Robot? Clark 57(1 Fitally Smith puce Rotel loon 372 A &lie Jewel 570 Hentieb Leonard, 505 Alfred Ilebel A Noble . . •rr44 1 ,,.:*4).2 Kittle Mel helald II:110Plot Uhl rk ,"4 Ilasel Wibon ......... 55111 Bernice Devie . Myrtle Johnston 6011 • 3:44 fit)) 11000. Arthur Radrettk 2104 . e 4 Mat ion McLeod 2.15 Meek t. Astid4is 4440 inntor Real rice MeiA"'d • • • • ...... • • • ..... ,,24a Jeffrey, Angelifle Jeffrey. Hese' cred Beaver" .... • • • • • • • • .... -14" l'haleti._Francee Margin., .1 o h n I err)* ...... • - '318 Wehb, Wends Felb.vre. Willie Sanders' •••• I s3 an. 11. TO 141111641. II. TiltAll :tat). Eddie l'rIdhoun 279 Penny Panzer 278 Stitt 274 t 11.1.1741 act 1.1' :AP" ------------- fiere's a G:NisZ.ONI (lo -cart tep--Pet wilt...right here in Ciltiada. C.: he used as ix 1 or seat- has a .recliratig hack . ..tble to otir positions. ; Hol.d. body ati,; (i • Leather -t tt. tubular steel OP101 ANDc0SW WfrIll OM Handles, nickel-plat..d----a Go-eart fir to'entlitre. \ "envision. &mighty handy cart for you and comfy for baby. Gendron Manufacuring co., Ltd. Toronto - Ontario 711S7 1114114n•04. ' 1.111mivElt.. 74 ci OMNI!: AND •11M&f °NIA fiENUINi to PAN & 134i'? trice 25 ets.leth IMMO - LIMITED tacesra CRICIIIIIrt 1 ij P•• 31INARD'S LINIMENT GEO. JOHNS117 • Uodlett..kruzwRI," MOH, mils: At lizrtreen,telt.nt.oe, 3.5 NY: 7 sier•il We. :fide Residaface 173 EMBALMER and FUNERAL DIRECTOR 1 Sold by moot first -ages dealers. Writs, te as if yew dealer doom's cam them Made from fif.st quality corn by it clean, careful process. Is 's own pure product with the -sunshine and the rain left in. toe A PACKAGE AT ALL GROCERS (Biel yo. Medford Earl Porter. . Isobel Foster Glen Mutiny loom* Wat mon 4Villie McDonald Marion leilsinger Ernest Videan Senior 11. to Jithim 111.-Ilonor etentling-Mary Foleek Helen Wilmon. Vera l'sge. Gerald Parr, Reginald 1 h ge. Paso -M argaret Doyle. To Serond Clam atending Helen Kidd, Emily Griffin. Mtit lel 4a Spain. Nan Helen Webb. fle,1111. enn Lynn, Den Vinn, Vincent Dodge. John 2re2 Parr, Hugh Ilei•Aler. 241 To Pert. 11. -Elsie Martin, Mare. Zia Webb, Christina Wilson, Lilian Farr, 1100 Aline litoomel, Theodore Bullet Jack 2110 Kidd, Helen Lynn. Annip Mower, AK John Malin. 10 J. EFONEY & SON GorrgicH T114. LEAloiNi, Funeral Directoss` And EmbalMers Orders carefully attended te •tt all hours, night or day. 11014/111111MMINSIONIIMBIBININIIII 4,4 e TOASTED N FLAKES Sweet as a nut-- with a better flavor. Makes blood and bone. Treats your stomach gently and puts go in your meal. Eat the fireless breakfast dish to- morrow and know pea/ quality. "THE SWEIRTIREART OF THE CORN*