HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1910-7-7, Page 44 'I'Hrusr,:AY .Ii•t.t 7, lido
District News
>Illvlt,v, J1,.% Ith.
Alnla An4,11-airy . nit are spending II Ai. .Hlf fl..t'!:rhl.. 'Lite- loin lit
holidayait11 their aunt, Nits I31ake. of hast meeting. %%ere .read .ofd tip
Fiid:ay i(+•id, of \V inghatu High
schttpl, h, spending a few dells at his
'home bre.'
i basal t
u his
:r rt lel
V :111 l
t t h•1
( n
u n t
1+1 l
how- 441.0w. ► 1J+' •'owuirLiug hid tertu3. + .......I...,...... of Ile I,u11ilt
teaChilrg at Ifemoilli•t. I The amendment to hi lt%% .\.I L w -at
The Kfakr'sSmith' yschool picnic inl.pC,dcd,hut ta)e„of-mlia h%itp stip
"F""-(Tw'4111/Wg vnvr• .+tut -r.rr s--:-re-matrie-trrfr+rrr. 44,••- Iselkawitut, tu'
was. a genuine Kuccebr tie usual 1 1 Dent. w••rt• reenntluentled to 1t• lurid
l',utta. registry enrelt,7a':Iia iNt
Hul.ytlaa.lt.l.e...luly tilt.
po,n,•,1. A. petition,igw•il Inn muni
Uri „1 I,itt•p:ly,'t % 4t' {{, t.'.i'VIt91 1'e
yue.1ing ;i id fur the t:uttily ,t the lar.
I 011 e tln,tinge The .11141 „t :17:) yy.i
n' 1 le1'tI
• IetIM•'
t , t t n
e, 71.4 1 I
gr:u,t 1
%ft:uNK.YDAV, duly lith,
:A !RAI garden pal ty held
last friday ,evening under Ltte auspice
of the Episct:pal church was a ver)
succesa'tt1 event, the proceeds being
neat 1 $711, Supper acus served on
David 1 k-nn's lawn, after which the
to • ttlrl ire junior hand furnished Kh es-
( ••I11•Itt ,iiia -nisi puttees et. ielartl_. WA,
- gt,•atly enjoyed by a11.
• Het gPTION To 1tI.:v. MR. lTt'Ti1kK-
• -shoo.--Tbe huuaecowing a'1t Rev. C.
M.; Ri►therford ' and his bride moae
1 ke,l by a herr ty reception tendered
. Her1ty _, .. Iitahertold's coitglgu•
• `ta tiops of Uunganion -:lad ort All tart.
1 Mletutwrttt,f both etnirregations feet at
• 1y.h -rets ker.e. un Utt htlhlIIf• of the
lifort Albert it- opts a purse of Money
•' I was presented to the toipular pastor,
And by the llungannou congt•egatioo a
suite of fuiniturt'. The hallowing. at-
duel+s was renal hj Kobt . Davidson •
To 11r... Aro 'Alas. (•IIA, M. Kt'ruexroKIt.
4 t
h r Ili O
1 r. and ad r e
N' the re.
F'r-kin,• 1'ry•,bYu•liup church, hungauuaf. and
Port Albeit. de.ire'ou tbi-•otx•tslon to ...tend
to you .tutu -t cordial weleoute to our mitt
\L. Kutberfool :+ tut .old friend. and Mr,
Rutherford e.lwrially a. One with whom we
hut.e..oun to Its better atqusinted. yye know
that we cannot tide,}uately convey to you by
inert• w,a,lt the good feeling, that pre% all. to-
ward unr pa.tot by the .i•ter congregation,.
We has gathered together tonight fur ..octal
interoourae and greeting. and we tru,[ 'hat
Mr.. Kutherfotd, vor(ung a., a arangrr Among
u •, will not remain lama/ .1s .ucb. but will .non
Anaid_oui.etlel tl !_he ft*Ue.t .Int -e:
we new ask yuu to eti•ctI,t t pure from r otI
Albert congregation and these two oi••ew of
(mud uiefroa. ouugaui0II a. A ANtii token
of the regard as which you are held by rout'
respective charge-. May you long be -noted
ytytle.r autung_4l, and way your effort.. for
the Master be crowned wits' Use highest stir
c --.. and in ydur work tint) the veare• to votne
be ro yon year. of joy in -et sive in !be Iskalu,t
t:ttttng Mod has gtrento Iartt to All fur Htiu.
KulaiKT 1/A110110M.
KINGSBRIDGE. I.,t%i., wheeled sera0e]. tit i.l..Al:.\.,11ill
Wh:1i\K•n.yy..1.431, lull � ftt,.balance nll'1'loolnll.onll 41g0•,1312'
road et.nuuirnioiler. i..•t%ict••. W12 -t
1;11.\Nt,1.:o4. I'not•tuKroK.nu.-'Phis1,Inneil •t.ljoti ,.. 110 meet Ih,• IIIrt
' 1 •. I 11.
wt 1 1..lie
o u
MlouJla) La \ g
W. Ttuca .att•rtta. fleck. :
► c h
t' rmr
il I
t millet
iota t
r n
r the 1
Furtyth.. with Fred. A. 1.Ir1Iie in
charge. has taken over the King. -
)fridge afore and post,otllce, ti r. Jells-
it well known in the d*tt•ict. having
cuniiuctci hnt•iu«Ms very tu(retsfnlly
a Kintail for Nome time. He is a be-
liever in up-to-date ulet))txlh. and p111a
them in practice to the advantage lit
his ,•u.( .... ms. The moi ld. moves, and
we.laud, keep telvxncingg to remainahe
rn.t of the times. ~fhr new -store:
keeper will do his share in keeping
Kiugs'ridait• _ to the hent.- His cos-
t oulrr+ may t•tIv upon his keeping
Hes-attack; .tk- and jf.alinc. fairly
with lois i-ustotiers.
• T i •iSU.ai', July lith.
B•rvt•IEI.i Hitters. -Thr intense.
heat i)f the First brought it ver) large
number to the lakeside in search of
t the provertritl ^'R.avHehl breeze, but
for oo(e that breeze was missing and
few hotter days have ever' wen expel i-
rut•• 41 byte. Tile• cooler wave whn•h
reached lit on S lay was it w,-Ieoto4
• relief, tlihrasgh the rain 'which t+
su 'molly needed .ranis to have pat,rd
• t,f
away id 0
Miss 11,' m'rulurk
Seaftbth, cul \It. ted Mt,. Aiken-. tit
Satknlrhrra.411. were gale••t 1 +:L the
house of Mir :u ,l NI, N Geo. Erwin last
week . Rea. Mt. V0111101' left 1114.
week Tor his new cluarge near -Stttlh-
ruy. many ft•iendb regt•et his
leaving iuo.t sincerely. Mr. lien'gess.
a.ta,lent flout near London. occupied
the pulpit in the '11itth i li-1 ,-hut eh on
Saltiest . sheet RII•htttilt: and Mark
twat', of Clopetnwn. Spent the holi-
day t with friends bete.... _Rev. 1_'.
l'ihh, of Eglinton. who hat oceupiwl
the pulpit of 11 . Andnew's church for
the Iter two 1: tl,luti h•, rot owned h
ecrnutroanied by sit wife`t nn Monday.
Mit. Ethyl Stevens, tit Blake.
*petit a few days lit last wesk visiting
friends h1 the,villuge,
't 1► 'F11 '1'H E 1111.1 •.'1'(1(1•: FOR
,,pure asset- greet. St• •r Ib...tu.trautaed:
tour old \lyd,l binder 1 whir win IN• on hand
tilt. week: anal rte 11. I,k' pet it .. iter 14. Ma
Millie oft, fork.. t ikrs, htx+. nail., rte., all at
goad value for ra-h or produce. 11. Hi tit V 1:\'.
1Y-DNK.n.ay..lMy. tkh. '
Sot its. Wedding belie are inrt•ri
ringing, ringing. ringing TI
ttat•uteta are bus) tutting cud goltioi
in the hay, which i. it fair Drop . .
Niro. 1 ,titen.layer and I.ity visit
relatives et 11 e'en over the ltniidey
Hubert Idem has alt excelle
Held of fall wheat, some of which, 1
actual measurement. frisch Fix 1
one inch in length :4961 -very tuck on ti
ground . Mies MInse!ly lir roront
is visiting at the home tl l.f•�l?'
Vatcte at present \ii Fli►\'ru
Yung is sefferiug ft nut -alt attack
,tams). %\'r 'hope tot her t:peedy t
coyer% Our p•tjtuht1 and cnergPt
1lueshel. H. ilurney. lirtinght Itrnue
brand new •rp+u'xt or . fur Satin day
nlunufxetw...1 Icy the Heorg•• Whi
gaol 1
and i
s new 1
oLondon, y
l'.o., f
the w'ean's murk- • Mi... Jus.
Bride returned home , Ili Ft IJay, of
,a week's visit lit Lncknow.. '_Ch
•Mtel'her• i. tatty with the Area -herr'
which are a gtiil crop . ..Ins. Be
tinidrnl Young aid flintily :attendted,
wedding in Kruse emery last we
:Mens Patrick. of I:atuleth,M
tlhuirx cont-, visited over the litdid
with her mother. Mre. 'Tyndall.,
it r'wu 40 sera-fonul corer-potldet t.4
MIND V. July nth
JtYrIINItr.-The crops in thisloca
are • looking Well. The farmer.
busy just now with the alfalfa :
red clover. The alfalfa is is wondr
clop. one man who plan nine a
tit it thinks he will have thus ton
the arise. Th -toe are very few xp
around herr: :an inatet. is elle,
with the -'saes ..%Ye see
id -
l'rIsnav, July ah.
' S KWet oF' TIIK %VKKK.--Mr'I)olsttu.
of E hal. spent n few days visiting at
hl. brothel -M.1 ata',,, Eriee,t Ackert',
• ' Haying loss started in thio
vicinity. ... Elwir Ackert has ithout
seventy -flee acres of tray and at
vet): shod crop ri- ltrndfnrdand
hie mnth t
i vlsilevisitedt he I
e t•' e
daughter. MIA. Snell. -teat- Auburn.
on Sunday last. Mr. and-\lt,..
Harvie and children. of Kincardine,
spent Sunday with Mrs. Hat'ri.' pat-
entl.t Mt'. and Mrs. fierce The ST. AUGUSTINE.
school picnic acme off oil Wednesday
teat at Kinlough. The Holvro.itI Irhsh.aM.
school t nok the biggest sh1.11. of 411e
prit••. 1..1 tduning. Throe was a gust
'r• •nil .ted a fine -slay.'. All eit.loyed
tin n •••Ic•••, r,tt,,•i.IIv til,• ,•11)tdt•it.
Nit, :eel Mrd. '1'. t'rl,•.o11 spent
Sand.% %vitt, tlle'1,itl.•t . nart•nls, mt.
and Mrs. Shelton. near Kervie '
Hillis. Raines took ulvan'age of the
eheaip raft•". and lett on'1'hurstIev Inst
to visit friends near I.ttndon.
jolter g
A woman's reproductive
organs are in the most iso -
tense and continuous sync-
-rtthy with her kidneys.
•The alight esI d isorder in the
kidneys bripgs about a
correspondner disc +
the reproductive organs.
Dodd's Kidney Pills, by re-
' etorinrthe ridneystotbeir
perfect condition, prevent
and cure those fearful dis-
ieorders peculiar to women.
Pale young girls, worn-out
mothers, suffering wives
and women (eterinpf upon
the Change of Life, your
neat friend is
Brussels Lady Seeks Divorce.
Detroit. July 2. -Sophia Rapaporth,
before Judge Murphy for divorce to-
day. said she suet % ictor ti. Rapap of h
and went with him to Brussels. Out..
to get -married, in 1907- --iie promised
to take her to Loddon. England. tor
Mir. Rutherford made a suitable reply. ibe honeymoon, rhe said. and while
P in Toronto she handed him het money.
and atterwardel a pleasant .oet:1l time $:7lia1, and a gold bracelet. She bas
was spent. , never teen )uta nines.
Bluer MENTION. -Mira �Dt nn
:a Hied
W1441 an honor graduate at the recent ,1,,, AVIs iik.he and Thr Signal
t'onservattyry lit Music a%xatnitratfoas. Ito new suhactilwrat for the trn,..ntdrr
of 1 hi. year for fil►.,rentt.
..The local Orange lodge will
parade at %Vinghaw on the •12th...
The home Circle held'* picnic at Point
,,t .a
a• andrepat r
r Wednesday Farm lasti
0 .The Wash Goads Sale.:1
to r
o•s• nn or r
Ie *kiss a COIIIUI
f FIe
Het .a , t
ixl tl t. IW.%..
gitirl time. .... KrV.. L: 1 n
panied by %Vitt Sproul :and .1. \fat- , 'he= -'Olt is both eomuuon and prop-
,kout. made the tri t hour fort Alheet r " 1
Yu (.,Klet.ich Last Monday in '1r. Batt- -
lett' e gasoline .latmch The w' it•►
at tits' new addition to the 1eetory
is getting :along 'nicely %Nark os
hast week's Signal that Andrew Yo
bought a fine imported abortive n
et 1t. H. herd ti Son's sale.
Young i • of the kind that
have nothing but the lest . T
are to be some ebangeer .in the rt•h
in this yininit v. MIN. rrstrt, tea
in No. `t. mitt Mi. Mliller. lit No. 't. 1
resigned nail
v J. K_ M
etonduett'd roto muninn services
Smith's:. Hill church yeeterdry
Iter were added to the roll.
the she& at the new Alt•tbia'irt church. You Will N Have It as Long. as You
is [wog:t eei g nicely. several twee Imo- Ha Dyspepsia.
ing hyoid lard week: The sheds are tot li•st >W long N 'ou base dyspepsia
the ruck,srd t ype and at great Improve
^testy digest, and
meet over the tied .tyle,,.. ('rips to your fitod w ill nut 1
tine nQeigh'strh„od look well, there be- -the nutritious elrusetato in the food
ing te)pa cially pine it mtuuber of excel- will not be extracted lir absorbed, and
lent fields of fall wheat. liwyiug c - impoverished Or wtitery blood will tol-
uten.'td on Friday ' lest .... The lure.
wontttly sleeting of the W: M. S. will This coudition may not be apparent
Imo held on Friday evening, ,te be ad- at first. but it will (time just as Lure as
dressed by Mist Annabel Sreann and the sn will rise again.
Miss Olive Turner, -truer residents of Anyustomach ailweuG iodudinK all
Dungannon and ' nlissionarie '3o fot ins of indigeet ion, can be 'promptly
Japan and China restectively.....A rated by using Mi-o-na tablets, ascien-
dre.sing of crude tel on our warp tibe treatment unsurpassed.
street should be an excellent investl. It stops fermcutation, heiehinw of
uarnt for nus merchants .. . Ott Mon-. gas and taste of sour food almost at
day evening last two loads ot (kldfel- once. .
lows drove to Godericb. where eight The mighty power of Mi-o-na to in -
mole new utrtuitt'i of the Dungannonlodge %agor•ate and ere -tour the stomach to
cher •''weir initiated by the-rffItetis- pegfee4---e,andittotr is- known ever v -
lave (iodrl•ich hedge. The local Iodize which where. -
antr was nrgani(etl A h or to ago i. ins Mi-o•na cutest toy. +building up -'y
banishingtbr c s
r. For thio people
crrisingnurmbrrahip r•pidly.
I it is a
A PKKNnN.it.. -MI r.' ;Clad ML s. Janus great Herb 'builder., 'threose it
lohustun Tett um Mlunda% for their rouge. the atowaoh to give mere and
hvllle 111 Mitl'IIFq,t tl ttfIW' visiting 411 the - purer nut ritinn to the biiwrt. It curl's
ho.,, ,. Al r• Julm.ron'a +'sire, '•its' sea and car skrkueNw lurid anntiting of
1 f I F K
T111; regular selling season of Wash press Fabrics has reached its climax, but
what of that when now is the very time to wear them, anttheprice reductions
. ' tire-grettter fhAfl-at-itn-y-an-th4S t.l3iison . .--.-y- .
tton - C
-Why not •bet up•to•datt• -anti
have a niee nifty therm of this
light weight euwluer suiting%
It it light and very durable for
summer dredges. Regular 1t;c•
for 15c.
ofat Ile.
er lot l:yc now
Only a few pieces now left. This
let is a great bargain at 1 lc.
Dress Muslins
Don't forget this Int. They
were I:.)c, ibc and :ilk. Tour
choice of the lot at just tile. '
Mercerized Suitings
Only tive pieces of these. in
Rink. green. raisin. blue and
mauve. These got ale imitate
rawsilk, 'ts inches wide and
11ol, fast ; iegutar.''S,c, for Irk.
4' -
Linen Suitings
L e
Indian Head Suiting.
ry t}- ;a ttmtrtt•tttrtert now. and
you can buy them, at about
wholesale pricer.
New Muslins and
Cotton Voiles
at e.xreptionally low p r i c i s,
away below regular prices. just
isi'aspecially o d
'n. 'I hl IsNur lot t
very new in pattern and cloth :
the colorings are the newest and
the prices are low.
White Checks
and Dotted lluslins
from ltk up. This is a special
lot that we got last week. You
should see them.
Irish Poplins
These goods haat' been a great
success for summer suite. 'the
regular price was '2 e. You Can
.i bay thew now at only Inc.
4'hrew pterea-•rethttrl7ir hula
left, f I' n• ul t
g at, now Duly 14,
Hosiery--�hiitls-pari'fats- ---
1 tel v tine stocking for child.
ren. 411 to 7 inches. silk files and
heels -nothing finer to be had :
colors cream, sky, pink. cardinal,
Don t fail. to get Nome of our
great fast color seamless two„
pairs for '•site inose --nothing 11ti•
them to be found anywht•re ,Z
two for c. - Sizes til, h. Ut. la.
Summer Underwear
frt.tu the smallest child'.. sip,. 1,:
ladies' largest size, and all pt try.
front lite to 2Z1c.
Lawn and Tailored
direct from the tnakere;e sews .l --
er v and lace trimmings, fraultefc
to $2.75. We know our values
are at bedrock. .
trio annian ° MED
\litvli1V:.ltilc Ith.
I'rnetl.t•ll 1:1,SUt'd T. Ace 1.1..ark
'1,'lt I[e•t•• ens a f -.•w t n,lnl; A ,•n %t b.,
tarp •st to tl,ittk ii .f nn., n•1 1 lou.lt,l %
•lk• uhoit -li 11.111. or, t%u1, th.-,,, to
1 ••ni,' :•std office le _• -.;.1.13,•!Ili': It
sloe .1 h, n n r, h” .,i, „lis .. r.•..
e•.rr .t' Ihl h ,•t- u, -the
)vied. %soul' th nosel%••. ,r_,tIP'
pn1,1n' thein 1 11,i•..•c.•il,.-ttnat
tae think Ih,•%..t'o4i,t he %l\ uiateh
n -I to .), ••1. '1'1,.11 1- lm .lit, it 11,..
d nit tin .dict 1.• QIYn•. wo1.1. 1,11111.4c\
1,1,- 14141 11 111..v tne'od,cu,nt r\
hif,tt In ;111'. ,d,nit irtg a„rinhhi te, t lit \
1,,• .ona4e.l, .,old a1,von• \ioul•I
'. t.'tlh •bona '' gu;.d i1 be'r'et.•
1• tit •i ,i I.n•.sk ;•i, I p t.••t tot -1r, fhrsr
tit n no. ph rlo tlphi, 11,.01 til•
,fi'a't, 111, ,•nti o•-.1 ..ih--{tt tl .t.
1 N a!d • 11•-,•t 'u , •111,• inn
titin) 11n,i'11 t ,t,• t1• tit, than ;Olt
1t!'blCuig _
lost-rlvt:e. \tis- Iola !bruits and
1u -t'I, ,T i'tiontn. -pent• 1 'AN. 1114.
News Kofi•: -t Mlr, and Mrs. M
et_1'uhittii, lomat Kundxa with tit
ter', mottle*. Mfrs. Ed. lituphy
\Ver. 1'. Ittuplty- who. huts lee
lending eo1lt:g,• ml Mlont'rai, 1» e1
ing hi. latlislaysat his In,t11t-her
Mitt' T•aylti amd Mliva Dai.) WI
of Mussels. visited at Win. 'le
flt•i''t •Iatt ' w" -IS.. . Mrs. It. 1
anti ftttnil,1 , cif MleAulryr Alan.. %
in this yu'imty hist seek
Cut' l.Aurendrxa tall MI
MI CI'.rrfh) left its, SgHnda% 1.ti ••
te'nded yr -it e t ft tends in Ilet to,t
Mr. 1) flonns•II.
dint, spent •a few holiday• t.
friend, %f. I'. 1htI,hy. Is.t w,• •1,
Thr .rhuti1 r11iltirel' tion, h••1 •'
I•anied by tito'r test It .
e Bar-
n at-
tend -
Allis -
i tlty. steed' ,1 I.1•• 1 • n, , • .
alltaet•', y;r 11C ' \\ 1 . t
her of t, i, . , '1.. \ c;o , ,.,- 1 „if Mtoudt% Hou
entity -:11•rnd.•.! 1, ••,k . \‘•.„,.., MI, - , •111.1.l;ur•WI:; 1 •
-nir 'July 0.1 ', - 1 n11N,i ,.,,tnt•1 '. ,nr a'.- 1 to 11ieMi+ is "1 a:
toot•met's in tin 1 ,in. .• .1 _ E to l Rivet. It -.11 beef. 'force.;
enc.nl 1i:tying. the , ,l, ,_ 1 , • thl- giv .,I,;nt,, p',itiun in the st •iliac
Ittnk 1111•011g11111 health, anti 1.1-
ts•ot: tilled hy' It afield t
' \fest ihses+ttlia ..-: Ma.. 4..care 11,•h. 1.
w•loo hold,, a p t.ttion at. Regret 1
_WI%Wtt,fhtiul til 13i'a11tt,1.l. i- t '
feu the )saurian . '.%11.. Italia i-:
of %I,tattt Fol est. Is visiting ,t1 !1 •
limn.. of her pxtetrt., Mt and Mt--
te burg its Itis :rote one day fasttt'n1 Ttrunli3O t \ti.e Ft ink \1 -
-conteatiietl_l t'1 Mi.
•.........holm Shem-
in this yi,'tiity
Wut. t'rxwford' Thus. Strwari, of pregnitttcy a 'host 'routed Tate y.• E. R.
Pail'% Sound. t. tt.ii t,g friend+ herr. Wille eellt Mli o na for :dtcents a Targe
Mr. and Mrs. lobo Uel«y 'have hex. and guarantees it to cure or
scorned home (o Seaterth • After ,,,note) hack,
apetelli g teverxl drys with 1I,eil
drugllter, Met.' N. %%I yard .. . I.. S
Palmer. editor lit The News, Tett of
MlondsV tar r visit to friends in ()I1,
. Everett .(ileo, ed 4Vir.gttlt.
:telr several dive wah-relatives here..:
Mr. and Mrs. H. -Posner ono] I
'Miss Hlatiys M,•Letn. of Htxtrl:i h. CURES CATARRH, ASTIi14;
slwmt Fluky with trlatyes herr, ...`. Er in:hats. Croup.Cot:ghs ,and Colds, r
.1. Moffatt. im ipnl of tits Unngaie
non 'sliest!, lett ;at . f ridgy Wr !J. I., t':'. I 'Sold and guaranteed b^
hotnrrt Nat yr, whet** he will tt«tt,i i•
!t. !' \a'iHle, north side .,t "time,
theVreetlon... Mir. and11. h
'ep• Lio ,_
and daughter. iIf ik•fnutlrt' moi r,•
` ,vet .Snt.11.v At it:, home of
'scut u. Jlis 1.4
.• 'n •I., ,nr,g•ti,mww' AI 11 i, •
. 1••11 loll It11111) 1. ,.
. - let tat t)onai,i
(fAif11>' /1/01 -o -ME)
y,'tai I),vl•! I)-ot, "1 \\ 11,.;11.1111.
was in the 1. tit'; 'his week 'I h,-
a-eutautt tit Miss lt••t arilu• 13111
conn', Jn, Weft. Intel ,rtttiil;al fin
IIC ee ill • •1_y. II 10-ou \I tui i in tine
pre.enet' o ,a '4.11 hei nu; .Tfof r.twiliq
• 11 •,•. . T.
tt•irnds . +allyl ti LI ty •%V.
Mbtttt,-s. h1 Reil.', it h, pi -eel lhtough
__week. 11 e w sty
Mess,.of Kingston,
alum, of 1''lulhe, moi
st week pmt ills
tint•, of Tincture. 31•01t'1 :a1 fico.
lirophy'•s I,s1 week.. %%'•Ilington
Ni son sprat Sunh,.t with Dungannon
fl^ead- 1•41.14 aa'il..t,i.r of-ttritiurn.
'and his tot ej '3 li”, Shealy, of Lo don.
tient Sandar.ili' 1 hi- ci,•lnil y . itis
.lane) `Andrews. el l'rospetity. sp11•nt
this latter 'tart .tf l:,,t week with het
c'rus'e, Mi -w 13-tsy \l.',Allkt'r..
Mr: oral .Miss i'till:ud, of Prosperity,
spent Sunday with their sister.
Greaves. \It•. and Mts. Juts'
'Vilson and family:14 ..uhnrn. csllyd
'en friends in this % inity on M,pid„c.
John ,J. Fortin. formerly of this
tttirn.'ip. hiss lately been Appointed
tropics ren -table for Vanrnurer 'city
at salary of $111111 A year in
It , 0,o••t,t:?rh.tit t• „T_jh•• f„lTn,•t it
ih.. • n l ,.i ih• we.•1. I:nu.,• 1',;.'
I,-,I•n• \1 „._ti .• - 1:1.1 'o--Is-.1 .
I I t ill, , of llenll l k Illy. diel 4,11 h
let i. List %y• el, %vitt. 1e teta;lit
'lite thud tint, h 111, 1.. -rt none. r,• -alt
1t :11,1„ 1r, 1 hat wefT • 11.• %t •1.
nig %toed frmtd a 44 IQ,.II Iris• t,..11i, 111
y,r11,• I,I titins I, „ IL ' 1,411-1 '111.1
tett .,t% ,t. \I1. I1 0„ It,n, .. ,.•lioow41
., 11 lit 11, tt.1t(•,I1 .and V1 •:. 1't •e l,l„I,vl
u,..„.,,.,.,- to, .on1,• t,nn' 4,1..,1;,.•1
nil w ,. _, , I,n, uuI It t.t:,- lirmoily
feend I1, ,t l i. ,ttj,mir. tier, n,11 of -se
'LL1L, It 1,:,11111• a. moa. ,t t HI -.t
th•,,I ht, Ili, fritH,FN 1111E1. fin' :r
.pee•Iy recoceyv.... I).:A. mid htll:tId
. 1. 1t.-ih rnt:,(Weli itt i•tln4i0Ka liege
cement •extension' fa hitt 11'siden.•e,
whirls will forst the ittaiu pour mf the
house, the prest•Iti,b1•it•k building” to
Is• 1.e11 /IS :t, .ultitldial'v'. part. of /he
• .note. %Viten I Ile %hole i+-ito1i1 leta.l,
Mr. M1,'ll,lnahl 1\ i11 dontdlr•sa Hoye 11
.S,tev.wiawat--.nal luuutsuraau. t/„ident tt.
. Mlisr Torun Mcie•nnatl, mf lirnie-
rirh: is ♦ i.:t ;ng frir•rxts itt Nw err iiil y.
!Miss Catherine M ellon:lll, td
Ripley. wit. ti-itiug :it Mita. n. \le-
Isenivatin._lur a few 111) A' IAa week,
Mr.. 11. Millen 1.. we regret to
Sari-sery-ill and tt411t^.us tA, le• gradu-
ally gi'tting weaker. (hi account of
her age and Kent•rrtl weaknet.. 1101'
friends fear that she wiil not rally.
Ihttit! tltN DAY AT KINTAII.... .t
nnrlals•r from 1 his meet ion .bent I)u-
ntininn' Bay at IAe;review Park, Kin -
tail, where there was an iinuaually
large:Toed of peopi•present, and. All
appeared to enjoy thenuu•Ivt'a. Itis Ports the suit of a Mist Crater
the' Neil MCihtnald, of Kin• author remarked- genially. "She 1 against the Northwestern Railroad.
tale, who hood Charge mf 1,11111,1111rreferral. turned to him after the setup and said,' And makes the etat.ement: "Miser's'.
merit at
t lnth on the gt,.mrils. made him 1 'l),i, dear Mr. (iihhon, tell me about. ker asserts that she rook a freight
(memo. that, s moor's- day, aarly everything the decline and fall of the Roman Em- train at Reedsburg and was kissed on
was sold out by evening. pire.' ” the caboose by the inductor•."
4 l..411 aylw 1.33 wen_ ^n1 lung At 1
now. i. awe.. tor- Vty'ttit•n,.,.
•,tJ Mlts. \VIII 13ri ley, ;,nil
Htit ittInt .rtrt. ai.itinx triot itt+ h••,
mats• that Mli,s 1•ileiMleltran hs, so itt
reel's -et ; f her tetent amino. ill• I
Area as to it• able to be tit iven dnwit
,..wit ?Ira %'
('Asa' yisitFd friends in 1;oder'ich utt
Mlottday.... .Fowph ,'imith, el t'Ieve-
Ian I, is visiting friends in Dungannon
:tool vicinity Arthur Thompson
d Pai'k Wiggins art. home from the
f and Dumb Institute at Belleville.
Thb B dford Livery. South Street -
Gitndry Bros.' 1.71d Stand.
Equipped. with the fittest of horses
ruhrer•-tit.d eo*Ntrs, l evtngh»nts, tau
reyti traps, aleasnt'e wagons, 'butt's,
etc. Everything new :and up-to-date.
Special attention given to funeral and
wadding orders. Often day and night.
'Plume :11. F. & T. Mi: Dais.
4)nly-enceersful remedies are ever
Imitated. It is et ident that "11. k I."
Menthol Plasters successfully retie'..
rheutnatit wins. backache, pleurisy.
e140etc. "The. & I.." have been t
widely imitated. Avoid .disttpptint-
ntent. (hot the genuine. Made only
by the Deets R Lnrenrn Co.
Mrs. 1v igtein, who trerkee hooks
about "Penelope In foreign places.
is in .tondon now. Her Kist caller
was en interviewer. who paused in the
dtrway, and with pencil p oieed
asked : "And what do you think of
Lnndt•n. Mrs. Wiggini'" "You re-
mind me of the young lady who ant
beside Mr. Gibbon At dinner.' the
Etc.. Etc.
Na cis
Mas et' r
A full line of Farm Machinety
Blotters. Mower,/, Rakes. Hay
Loaders,. Manure. Spreaders.
Cream Separators. etc.. Bray -
end Mount Forest
%% a have so the
Standard Wire F e n -
Company s Ct t) o d s
and the ultford
Wind ill,.
Agency for tie
. Mason & Risch ' ' •ano.
fait and see me before pu
ing anything in iffy lines.
Robert_ Wilson
Estimates cheerfully furnished
\Ve recommend Ferrovirn, the invig-
nrat ingdnnir. to elderly . le whose
strength is beginning_ to a and
who suffer frequently from att s o
sudden exhaustion, chilliness, eek'
heart Action. err. exhaustion,_
freirE terra beef. citrate '4,t tt'113) anti
purr old Spanish, sherly wine, *1.IM1
iter bottle at druggists.
When you butyl,' up against-itotne-
thing that you can't attord to do and
can't afford not to do, whet do yon
do % -
Utldrt the heading 'Vri,.l and gri-
mmer' a country eontemporar)' ce-
W. R. Pinder
' Phone 1:15.
Farers, this i. rite place•
to get pow'I'wini. Th••.
right .g.,ods at the r I -g h t
et we We x,' , selling
Deering Pure 1anilh.
Binder Twine
;a• •,e•• earth:. or Nye pdyable
(k t.oler F+t., triii fret guar-
mttteed. 'These prices h•i
-flip n . ttt.'f'.Ittly ,tnh .
Deering Mowers, Binders. Rakes,
et(.. and all Farm Impletnents.
aid let as Fave a talk about
yn,,r new Huggy.
EL ,
Tido is the teem lit out mortes. I u. reason our preset twee,
department it increasing, shows that the pubtic appreciate out
Ale tris Is•Ai that Inoue% can buy.
In.nree Against nlistakr.. Etrry ptepeription Is checked .'ten
h.•f:ie Ieavi9g the store.
Has been gained in rotor of Om biggest and best drug stmt•
Will be found to be w low as any. when you n
have a prescriptiat
Itriug it here. -We never substitute and 'carry. the biggest ate-elfate-elfutent of drugs in this part of 4lntatie.
F. 1J. BUT LA ND. Druggist, Goderit'lh.
We have xlerge estntt neat t,t carefully select. d
Toilet borate. Perfumes, Fine Soaps, Tooth -Cleansing
Preparations, Blushes of ell kinds -in tact, every-
�hing for the toilet.
. Don't forget that moe have several of the heel
lines `,f Chocolates.
C, DUNLOP, ' The Druggist,.
Sisk Square, fkt,otlrri�h.
Job Pr' ting
Yom can get none be et•
than the kind The Sign
Job Department tn►n
• katttnates ehere fti t1 y -
Lei lis have your order
or your.
New Summer Suit
Tbe, Tailor, West st
J. J. Moser
ll,,ell !loge's -old stand)
(.,.dies' Voile Skirts at les! than (mat 4lf the material alone.
Panama SUR* its EZ.11G, 34.113 and $4.Alk—Illew- these et rut down
SPECIAL VALUES in Bummer Underwear, Hose and I:dovee.
NEW THiNGS in Belt/ and Neckwear, etc.
BARGAINS in %Vbitewear and Underskirts.
1,vlies \V.•at. I'nt. and China.
Hamilton Street.
•I 1 11'1 "1' 1 SI i; 1() IZ
June Weddings
i, now past, hut 1 ant still in the F niture
business and would "like -to. fuse's' the
homes of those lately marry , or runt'
person wishing to get the best there is 'n
woulti-der went--te--genie-here- and--examin
my stock before purchasing.
1 have the latest thing in Hammocks-
ttHammock Ccuch." Call and see it.
Geo. Johnston
Funeral Director and Embalmer.