HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1910-7-7, Page 22 .1.1ll'Itel/AN JULY 7. 1111.0 • 1I,: fltMEEIrl I ()'NT.1111(f o•. o•or the lit o, ..I•ippitig th, GURRENT LITERATURL. . ' . glii* sioluit ,,,,,,.1,,,,._,,I,,..„,r, or t li.• o hit, .itti.1,40, ,., ..,.i.,11, izi K,•iii .u.i., i Thi• . 1`..i. i•.',00liiictk- protit.:',I. _ hhei, „,..,.... it 1 1.00 i..1:11..1„,..11.: 1,,:i:11,4vii...,..i,,,•%.itii.it.....,,.oliari%t,'M.t.:AZINVI•--A title ..- I Itp,pc.nit' II. .1.Nf s.. RIO. , •••.,4 1, tlui! ‘11111,• iliviesli,o1 - - .'1111014;ellt'il`I‘', ..1 1 iele entitled -The . Casii...iiiii )1..i.,,..thigieal Service.' 1,4 . • . . - ------:„. • • - • ' r room- 14:111. .4. ..1111 IA .1 144'...11egr.11.. 114 1 1' Remember John,Dryden. It. 11._,h_pipart, ilitert..1-of the sci vi...... l'I.„1 111.1SI lEt) 1.:vi,:t.1:itsti)kr " a 1,14511.11.d( ..I 1111• ....1.l.1.1110. 111 111,10'41: 4 1.0111(tM Adcrrti.r.. , heads the li-1,. ot cotiteot •••• II it A k' 01V - -t I . t 1 114))),t.1i.1H(141,.1,41111;i.t%411111.4. in ei.ttla4i, 414'.,104 '1tl1ia1n.4S1lf-ittgi Irz,/l..7.'14frih.•-.is -,- 4 l.l41itenloi1;r1( s‘IPRIATiNti co. Iths„1Lit,ti,,,.1,,,.,.,,tAill irvthitti•,To1,114, 1411 , 1-0tr alm:(.i; ,,( 1,1, , t .IIiiigt11,!.ttliv s1111:1.1l)4t-6.,AIt tsfc.1147.-11)1tr,v! 0—.xr1.1i%.ii: 41:Ii,14.44..n11rtIorsiria.4.1.I41,.1,Ioill Toras01 Buocrition: 1Ii•ultv it i.,ii .Iiriiii aelI- 4 the .41141.•ai fat -.0111'44 absoiIts (.*IP r4A10C, a.1VALIC... 1( '' per 81.1.11111 1, i,g1„.i. i,h,,,III: , h,,h 1 h, ,I,.‘ ..1, ,1,,, „lit „1, ' Thoir rpm realize . ! , illy uliat 1 li.o ' 0-n•I l't ''''' isvoi notch for the oilwi. t . I twee month., ........\e. to,Ii.,,,i,.. 1.1,,,,... i„,. ,,,, ,,,1 i,.. ,,,,,, ,,,,, r "44.141 11/..1.11ill Iliry.1...n. Ill) ;,.. pt., ,, ,t:IAN ()OWL' 41 ( 1 :11'11Ve teal tires .14 4441, - 1 ' 11.- •11.. . . ..0.04.ril)..1.... Ill..5.. a ye,o ' - ' tat 1 Iii,A .iroittel in Ir. %,1,i, - -11,..•,.. w(1116''' it at:''• i,'“,r1t11. ".;,\v''' .1td. Ittlaii.-1., 111 t 40 'Von will teat et von did 44(4 attend owe of Canada* High• tirade Biteitie.s Colleges, lueateA at W. AQHESON d SON -SPECIAL -VALUE Balbriggan. Underwear Men's d.111111041111Vitil 1/46114)*(401411 l'otierwear, finely finished 1411,1 14111 1)14te14. every size, 31 to 18. Spacial value, per gn gat -firm. 21o, 40o mkt •11/€ LadieOliAle thread 214111 klalbriggan Iftiderwear, every size, Madras Curtain Muslins ,Apeciatl rah% -of loonlrotur Madras Muslin!, all new dosigtr4, Itrwilat 4111c to Inc a ya , for ' 25c Muslins. • Special Prices Dainty Printed Muslin., Lawns, Organdies., etc., 2N Inches its lwautiful range of colorings ; regular Eie and 211c 1 OC quality , clearing at, per yard, /special Better Muslins Beautiful all-over Patterns. trastr's, best. „productions. ehoire new patterns, slightly noosed ItY : regular 25e 15c and quiality. clearing at. per yard. '`•; Clearing Rug Sale - Any Hug in smelt from lowest to twat quality, any tii/.e v t *quire, clearisig out-smas.-4n--ausiika-suona-tot.--441-ebeeki—tstrvre tiverer cent. diaconatt.' A Ovine.. to secure a, Rug at a bargain. .4 '4"'” '`Imi Nil to ""**".' •.1."`. 'Hi` " 114,-; 'lit! .1,til 1,, g. 0 • o• NI -1.•1 :, . , • : •1: 1) /4...1111Ail will 01.144,.1 . Mot ;iv• ,,, , itru,prl- •,1,. OtlItto tact at is cf.,14 4 (1.111.41 11.• . . . . , .1,61111 1.. ISO111%/111. 4)4.1, .,1.1-4 nit • 1,11g. (1,101,41 `slat . I...I . 1.11134..11i 1.1, 1 14. i: IZ1.111'.1.1111, % 1. 11 - 111 1 111111. I, 14-1 MA the OM sdare., .hoitld tie Oven! ,.?•,,... 4,,' lyt'lllti•I' Ito o toot C.111:111,1 soil ' I 1,11.,,t, full fit'iit.. Awl ki, „rut 1,11, - W nett A (+Angie of 3414trs•14•rte-W,A, tioth Atte e • . Alavertiains Rates :' 1, :g Other *411(1 414! advertiwullehy..1. pet Itt.ot for tll'a 4114 441, per litie.for inwth sub.equent ion. . dieu ‘‘' •.-Iiitigi oil. If titer tiv.a meetitilt tile directi..- aunt...wail t web.. line. tit Om inch. cArt1,, of 'ix lificijaed %limit'''. S5 Per iiiiii;intercotir.e. if in .-pit.• of 1.41111 1.•••• letter 4.4.14' 1,111- 11.• o ill Ait ,o•ipr.....11.\ 11110%. 1.014. ,11* t" till 1 1140 x% .1 f it VII 113.1ill 1.1.• itit aley 44 •"it' "411. 1 1' ',.1.,1",111 4 pion, 111.4.11 111. Mi.. 11 : " %•. 11*4111Z a • :••%•%.1;..twiifts Cow pet t Ts itt(w4Y:, 1(4.4 14,1 Ise : "31 tking Ole ll,;411 4 ;1 St, Vt. 11,,' by Leon- .41A1 12. 1.111 ; tio"ige V•••." by Itar.rk.wort11 ''144. .114 . 4‘4114.,.,,,u..1.4.,. •' 11 lat. 44 1. 1 III. Healy/. • ...oh. I hit. wally!' Cur ' In,. %%101'0 (4r,..„61,,,„,...in....by •11. king-fol.1 ; lie a eta .41 1,•1 1.•1 .k i " President id Tomtit° .111iYer- SU.1411 .1.(1114('Y 14.i4ak(4:1'11111(gi 611.(111',11.)) IMI;'M(.14.1114.". 11.1(111:111:. • _ '1 here's probably nothinty pike re ,viat lion -e- for • Stile Elam, for Sale or to !tent, r 4ale ete. exerieditof eight ' ..1 1114,11,•4 iti t 1'1(14,4) Stole-- IIy for sr-tt -idoetpieut month. Lanett wlveill.'• " ''11 4" fri; "41•4 444') hue-. '4.1e each inw•rtton :SI for fir,t Intuit h, :Mc • merit,- 111 proluntion. • 'in t netileiftry reading type len reut•ea.. I.., . !••-•• Ally ..1tos•ill 110(kr. 11." 411,1oet of a hieh 1 he pects.icry troirtit of Any oi A. -ova ation. hw eon,idered 411 adverti-ciiient d be•Yh.irired mm011111411'. Addre v11.1 tibial:ann. to ORINTIMIT'on.liiiired ltouerieb. (Int litiast,'"for dkplui 101,0,•ontrtiet 2 !neut.: be K1% ell On a -lorwo. 'ill- 1111'11.111tAli. .1 I I.Y 7 VIII. • EDITORIAL NOTES. ._ '"" 1 " I T. Wa'hillr, „1 - I .141.11...• Is,' (1,1 ••111, II111, 1,,..1 .1.10 414.44 111144 1,, nitres. . - 41. -`11-• • 1111;- .1).1,'"; (Oa 4j''4) 111.44,•11011 i,;111 1.4.1111• .011 A 10001,4•i• otst ill. 061 1011.., . .. Letter -Writing -a Lost Art. ..iieha, Nterour)'. , . ., . ilie,,,, lout II Is Ilia 4,444' 1.11•111•••••• It" .1- ..• Tw,. ,..4.1.,.., ha% ,• .•,444spir..,11 1,. %,1(..•(,. ft.,.. 4, lc •,,i. h .44- 12,. Art of itlter-Writilltt aiming i h.': ottIrto, ill, 4 ii -4•144 ity ratrails 11•4•, rpoirliosteit oeiitti": ,111.":".1,:loei '1.4 4 roii.1.1-1.1,...1,t1:Tii.,1111..via4,4144:1''IT,t,3.1114:. . • . .1.iiit•rieasi otiirootis. .1 1,..%, ill. it is , t Il• prialigions 1:1-..%,1 li or 14,4•41.,iitenit• . ..iittAiziolits th..t the I'Atriniiitti.• trip,,I• liorttat .•141.1 itplitst vv. T% lit year• • 1.,t--,44,443.4.4....1.44441r4.1144.1-4.4..k.,11.1,44. di 41,/,_ ,ilin• a t vis.‘yrit t.,•1i I, ,.. • • I,•! lei v41011,1 4,11 .it it•ut,;,,,,ii. ?Irk 4 •tiiil:lia„,_ i,-,_, lune been ii iiiialioii:.,jo14,• : tilat-tTii...- . ' .i- toils% A 4 pri'reti,o, 4!. 14 lately ' 1 iii•ritotrfrowir tl,..- Dtritr.I-t4rn-Fes -41.-144-141- ,TrIt, I hi. r,..,,,, ,1!„.„..4 41_4.1i, 4 4• .1.• ,-..r)-tAlltly lit).)',- t:. 41,1iIt fr..to .w,,,,,,e 1)11411 t lint, Itow.-%....r. 1- tii, in- ( 'ilitioliati 4iffitials. Thu I% liol, -s Atom (41'llit'11••• tlek 144' by %%11101 loN t' t'Ati lit Ay ,r, itittiiit;ritt i.141 I'•••11-11•1 1, ,t t 1 44 SS ,1-11 .1."f* "."11,114ta' It. 1.41.1,:,',47,..11. 4,.% ...1",.7.1::::::....4..‘. ::. i': i iii, 144.41 1.0 tri.... i.104.4•i.111% ill 1)14' ,.111 in 11)14114M 14.1:! 11.i 11,1..1 ni Ent 61,11,4 041 i It...101.",.•"!.•111. i. ini" "Ill" "i A..i,. ••fricit., Atria ralia•aii.1 the Attiel it 1,,,,,, ,...„ t1,,,,,1 11.,titt,.... ,,11,, ,,,,,,,,,,.14 1.,,. the htow to diterrtry art i- allail- hot:. . ..itil,...f t" ?Il"'("wl to..t, ot 1.1.1 ti p,,,- • • . Let,fem SPOrin ! %VOW/4001. /1.:111111r..tiesieV.. WIr•ti 5' 444 Set. a re.11111.. ..1.....111.1.4. 0111111 .11.1o4.11, :1-11..' ha 1 .• .1 I I:4111 •1 . 1/1.1 :1,-11111111 "Olt .4 lih 11.- iu,-.11,1:•. I h in't lo• afraid I hat' I 10,v 4.4 ,11 not 4,•; t lieir ..iliti•t• '1)' 4)4.' 11311/ k 11,14.11...311111 ti'' , . 11,..111.• 41, Fri 1s• 441114 -ru. '.41 .st:Itordsr.--„Tit-i,,,,,44 . . _ . Ill i et 1(tliditrrctlinr•-hrorbtrrninlyr--stfti Tit, to%% ii is. tli,,ir,;.• •• 4 • .,., ,. ,, ,, .., , , • - • • t II,' disappoint own's. • 1),(1.1 I - . 1 11.• 1.4 1111:1)11iIII II:111iSkttly ( •,411111(••••14/11 g.4„ -,4..1,y : .1„4i I 1m. ii1."11 .., 4040 1.4..,_ •1•1„, to ...4 4,,..„1.14g, „t• ,, 1,.11.11,,, „,,,,.11,1 1•• 1-1.... siilrit.,, ..1 :in int,lostitig Aoki, ry..., I o Is• tir, ..4111.4riorr.• l'e,iiiii• w ill Ui ili4•1111:1111,,ii.. idil11111;(I lug I'Y I 44'Io11,1 4.• 11:•1111' ;11 d1' ''ollItt "‘..."14 „....1""..' 4)'- 4)1 , " ", .11. ..;"". '4)44' v/ ,11..1, tilti•ii,ive' t , ('it 11,,11,... 11,4,,,, 111111iiill' 14; TN. 4 -,Ititiolifitt 11:114d zi Ili% 4%',!:i'lli,::::i7...- i'14:4.1,7,i‘iii,T.i.lva.;41",..'.;:il.i.sii;:"., ,rt • 1444:(41•1 h.. 1)1.41 (4•1111..11.44• .4.4...11111.1.41` . 11". " 64'4. 4..11 11'4'4 II"' 4 .""111''''."1 ,011,i4i4trit v. 1...4 • I 1,.. 4."...ing pe..).1.. • ,,,- 4,,,,•1,;,kg 1,111 .... ..........1 1,..k ....,d -imam.- Tiwy ,, ill pi.d...ht,• 11414 ' 11/y 3 %III, III :kV, to 12. root,- tind if '1( coo.1.:tiociti'4,,, ot 111,4 3")4 111111.1.' '11:1(tin in ill'' 1.. 'luit'' . . , 11,.' place or Ow di i•iiitriii,..; .11,1 . •i• The 114itnilt.oi ttso,•. t.itor il'ons,:rLit• , I ..,111111i-sioi; 114 1)43114,4 it is sot', 11, 11.• , ,,, 4 b.., ,i),. .....4.444g •,.... 1 1,,, t,..:,1 • tit...)(• t00% ell 1.4-114.1 1 11, r..1111.11.1 .1111 •.f s110111;..11.'•" 11" 11,1. 11"t 11.11111, . 11' 1..111, illlit 1-1,4•11 itI 11,i - ,•N I...., •• I 1 ". i". '4'4 1.,? l'. "la Y ""4 1r" ' %%iif,14.11 if^ 111,we'41f1144- •!ffr'' if- fn.- , 14.4 trill 14. 1.1•11' 111.1 II, 111411.11.1• ..I 12,.(11- ....,14,,,,it i...1. . 1 1 1. 1•1411.111.- 11114.,.1 11 O. 11.,- - HOW Hays Got H;s Start. . . ' Ottawa yr., Pie-- . , edji, I 1,11ditrili•Iil iili‘eriwill lupe • )11 -1•144 -r,•, -I1,11,.... 1 he 11,-;11-1-...,( r ii.• ' 1""'141e."1111 '4;r1";4411;;;;;• ••••1Y1111.1 4' t 1 lit' r 1111.1,44.- ').'I I) 1 1,Ay... (4 .,,..."- jut. Ili, .11,/•••1014• •00.1%. • tIll'IIII•r. -II i,.. 'ill)' intent lIIII 1111...lil 141 ilit.•••01;g0r Ileparll 00'111 III 411.. Al bo air . .1, . . . _ . .,..; ,,.,. 114.) 4. 144 ,,„., „ ,,,,,,,,.,. 111.1 l'aeitir 'railway at. St. L.4 4?? %%Iwo • .. 144. was boa noteli 4aer ....•% .411.441. 011.• .. ' . 141,.• VV -1,,.x..1 4•1. •11.111,,•1' 1..i.,.., • r•,..(41- . Iti..11,... ;Ind 11111%1104 411 •t 11.• •11.1 1.4. ...,‘;'.. 4•11 1 y • 31r. Tabling... N•frellsreislent ai..I itttl.ti,•at ion. *I'lle 1,10.1i-11.-1. 31i, ‘1.-- ., will not li.•41iift 4),.'..' ifigh-11 ""'"1 "''' uelteral ilianast.'r ..1' (lie tiisithl riurik. I. iii thi-dviliii. in 4).'' I:1 -d 1,-111, .4 III, • 11,111» %01•1111 1111 1.• fiviillf..111 I \ I w•t•ft lora •- .4111•11.11 1)4. )1140111.. It Wil'• 14 1(1 ilt• • 101•- ,,,,,i.,._4pv ..,t4•.;....4.10.44,......t"....4_,L ve.:,.. 44,444.,_.„..4.444.4i -(1, 0:1171-1 111%., tit:tu • I tit -1 III.; al ir.,,esit ti.i.11 Its:. I rt,,t tot tip mast 1,:o (1,.• 11,1,1 %%As I.... 1111-1.1...1. . 1111 111 4 t• tail' t11,.1',1••a....rottatol.. ?I .•al - ., .,.... 1.1killill.g.11? Ili,'.'' :t. 111;141.-- \ N1r• flit -holm 1.-i- .1,4%% ii 4-': hill Ito - 111.11.1,1 1,, I 11.• 11111111,,- 111111 :II 11.1' --,1111'• ant) I,,.,, tit, 1.01. 111; gi:p.ii-1,44144, 111 gel 00l ;I L...04.1 iii•4%-.INkipci, :11,41 A4i• .1110o• 44s. 44•1,11 to set. Vtlit ••••8:1.13...1 1.1..11., 1)1'' j.(1.11,1 n1 1•./111111.11-1.171 or lore:tking 114) ' \ tste .4., hear 1,4-4 iii. '.11.,••••••.., j11 ,..1.4, I i„. •4,'".11 kit • „I )i. 1. „f - 4.,.1.44,1r,,„,... I 11,'I'l• 44,1, :1 f'4.4 Il lit. 4144.1• still las.',,. , mod .1111.41itr 41,010 44.4. 4. 111144 1'I' liillii; - . AIIII 4%1111101 illii/V4. yill11/1 fil' 1,,`101:"., 'Cillitagi• ,fikisroiti.11.41 1010 31111 ' - ----- --.--; 5% it 11 'lox% J1.,1111.1111(11 141111 1.11W:1111.d for 41,e 411.1e ..f .1:ty. :ri,.• coon,/ 11114?? .11,1 aw ..1,•,,t..,1 I. Ow Ii,.t th..• ,,t , ,,,,,,,t,,,,,,,,,••• 41.iii,,,,. ,,,,,%.,,, 4 1.0. 4, I•ji..1.. j.. MO 11.•111. 1,1111 .1.111111111O• l'IIII tl 11.11.44) .411 1...1111141.i'1• l'...""11.2, II"' t 1I,' .1111141d...of lite It:tills :i ‘• eitio mil,- 111117,;,..:11‘.......kk...1iliE:1.1:.::.g..1 i..1..:. t,.'4".....:. 4.:11::. ••i'l- '''ilOI,1;111Y "''''Isi",4 T" '1" 4"'"u"'-- • ion. .• Sow, stArilitier It., 1? of 11141. 1111;4 .44 111, 41111.1.4%. I .'" 1 1,..'.1 i '' ''".e.'."".".4 1"' ' ' '' '1'1 1 11 "' ,I...... 1 11)4' 4', .41.1 0.41111140? 41••••4j5.•11 in •• 1 beg :,......1.ar.toti. u ere .y.,11 -isstk• ilef"l''''i l " 14," 4'1' "" '•'1.' 1''''''' i' Ili, st 1 irk. ...'lls• 1:0144:4.% . , .4 iss,,11i,.11: nig t,. III!! f li• •1,1%".1. .1111'111: 1,,,k. Ilk, o . :v . -4.2c I .••, : .! di, ••11,1••••14-' sisk,o1 444, tint, 44,.? wits , or t 'ariii.lit, 4111• IIIII.6.11;1111;:. HillEr 01•11l ..ii..• „1•1.1lralina.,4„. ' • , .. • ,411„"„41,.,.. 11, 4,.141 ,if t 41,•'. 1 i ,H•ti ../-,.(411,1 41.11/...., ..f I., ,iul. Th.. tidal , 1111i.rfli ilki,....•.,181(1.(.(1 .(1,(1,1 411 4.,,,i141 hlitil iit (.1"s "1"'":". "4 11"."'''' "; ' 1'"' paid lit. 'iti• hi li it•_t -11 ii, • . .ipit a I. l44_,.- 5'' 1,-1 -,I ..17' t II, .dlic.• ,•1.1,,•1.. :ihil 'iii,•i•••,. •1,1,,iht lie v 1 ititi-i•ii. 1 loilulii.:1 ,1,1d.:141,1 A iii, .,iiil , r•lii,,,,I. .,.1.1111 11.....-1.-,i.,, iii.1 4 ...t.• . ,•1,,, ....,,iv ,•1 iiiii,,111 Awl 00110. ilo.,1 ii.1. i- ...riumis ,,,,,..- :104 , h., ,,,,,,„,11.,13.11.4. , ,,,,,,,..h.r.. 0,„,,,,,, $1.-,..-0,.,,,,,,.,••,, 1•11--1. :-:1-.411 ,..r.•,...t.v.,11,(ti.,,,,,II: 1", 1...:1it- Ili,. . . ,,,,,,,,,,,„ „t ,,,,,itt.,,,,t.,, t„,, i , .4,, i.,,,,I.,,,,, 1, „a„..,1i,,...11,y; ..)....,, 111.11 ,,,,„5,. 4,, ..,."•i".1 ,.. ",411,-: .4.,,i,-1 .'1,.....-.G1..-,.,,,,.,_ ,„„,1„11,„ „,„1 ,c,..,Nm4.1,141 1 ioll 11114 .1.:t1111..;t., 1.i,44.al 111.i a ..114 :1- •I, o,1,••,.• .1 '111.•..41,, 1' • ,4,4, 1' ),- •1, ,, . .., ,,,,i,....10. ,,, . „1.41,, ..,...i., ,, it 1, .1.'::., 1):1.1",". ''..1.1...1'n'Y 'in° '.'"in'i1.111 "I 1‘. "1,1" .: 'i ''"'" ""''' 44. i.1. II 1110-11• l'I .11111'114.'4i ."1 -44 "1 V "1 I 4)'' 11,1 Mil '1001. 1! ,110•',-!,.1. 1...-:••• v l' ' '.. ' '' ' ' '-' '41' h '4 ' .11" 'll'. ' 1 "! "I'll "" 1,..14.4•1-.. l" ,01..111.i.. .1," i'l, '11 1 ,, 11'1 11'1. 11 V. 3.. 4?!'' l. 1" '''1 1, " ' • . I ' ' . ' • ''''' "'"I I"- ' \:* 'I'..i..... ,•, 4 y y..111-. ?Ili.• .41 It AP.11- -.Mil .4. 1 11.' kw*" 11,' l'''i l'i- """ k '''' .1“- . ' 4 - ' "'i 4" 1 1,-"'• .- %'I'''.1"'''." -i 'Soil tioit orilr wliii•li •:.•••i• • 14% %.'4,i, ill- 11 1,1;17,1,11, it1,1.'1,r‘r1,1, 1•1'" 11- 1- 11 ' 1. 1 ..., . ' ' •' • "' '4"1.1'''''''''''' ""' • '''"11 ',,,......4. -lit ?...11 yo.al - 1 14'.•1.. 11:1-. it...•1141 11 "1 1 'i 'I'11 11 in .11411/1! .11111,.'114.. 4tt: to., 1111114- AI!.1 it 1-4 ',kr,. Ir.:: .tii.r 41. :t -,,,11, .4„,• 46..,41 4,1, 4.4.144-, 1.144.. t.,44r4.4.tik 4,,, .1 4,, tio,,,I., n h,,i. "I. 1 I.•• • ;,,,,,i,,,,, ;II • r t illlh. AIIIWI.11 i IllIll'••-01,1-11.•••,.. It, --;,, -,1„ ...litt,..:111 ..•.1, oi.iii.::.•• ..i. '41,•"(',111.1. • ,,,...i, ,,,_k,..., ,i,,..,,,,,,i,,..„. ,r• 44, -• !I.. 1,1,00 .4,11\ !II. 1,,,11 ",-. 0 i • .11:011.11)%l 14.",,,' .11,101.III \ •Il ..1 I 0 it,. Ow% ,41•,. ,(1(‘‘, ‘sl(k 4 . 41.. 111,.‘ .. 1, , ., • 11.1 .1\,.., 11,4I t• 11, ' •t.s I, lt,,11•44% 1111•- •-t ,1- 1.1t1t.11 .t- 11,1..., ,,11 1 1,•.,1••••,1,1 .1 1 1, o' ..4,1 till,•,1,1 ••••., 1 tIltitlIS . . • . • ; . , Is , ,,, it. 4,1,.. ..) ill\ ,,t1 .,,Ii•. it 1/.,•11-,',.'''''11. .1 -'1W711"44 -.7114,.."y :11'i: itilrtir....‘ti 1, 1,11; l'1:1;:1:1,1 I .••• • ; • • i r - •I• 144. .4.-3-4••,-----.-.41.,14, (./ 41 IIIl 1 III. I • 0 . I Iv. f3:1 1...• . , ,its-4ttf.lejtit • as friend...Ili', t)tat re - nursing.. • How's This Weiefi.• one Irotetred toll rea wed to- aar 144.4? C.411141 hu -iired by J • 14 ENVY Tolato. 413*. huive' 6,nowi, P. .1. 4 •alegoev tem the' laat (44 1.01 geN1 1).1141%e 1.11,1 perfectly ho able ,A11 businea. 3,•'• - and Itnan••1 id1r MAP 1•1 may Out !cr.,. It !SS AS 14C NI StO•Sis 41.41..1.1.' 1041. 1iu.14:11,... Tutedo. 11 l'ure i- 1 • keit 'herrn:ally. (0'1 'airdtrret -treat t- Ate -1140•14) al44lI4U(041 «(4 - 01. 4).,' fre, ice 71, relit... 111.r all di • 1*'.' 11 .11 1' 111141N tor • an-...liat . t The Itril i-1. Peterborough Welland Orangeville Wingham Clinton Walkerton • :vow it. a gOoti Ws to enter. • Our graduates twelve *from. 8)4»so CNN, per annum. • • Mail t'out.es in 10.1 different subjects.. PI LES. find relief in ZaA-Ctik ! It uses the burning, stinging pain, steps bleeding and brings ease. Perseverance. with Zeta - Butt, means cure. Why nut prove this? An Drumm,. a','2 Stores.— vide bot • a m- u iron h I•ol.., 141 .111111TI.11•• lu• . .1 1••,,. 1,,- 1,.• ,1,1.- ,:t to•11,41t -de twit 1..----r,•••-iry hotolley -tor. j,.. it,„1, 4.44,4,1615. .1; 1.1111: l• , htr• 114 11,IN I IT. -,4%-ir• : • , lip-dr:144 --'711111111LerAt • 44, -w - 4• • 1. 1. ' IT--. oft ,•, 11, I .,11..11,1 AValloo• o a 1).0,1.1111.011 1)11'y 114.•••••,1,1.• 111.111.14• 41.1. .3 11:111.,. Sir 1• I ot,o1.1. tio is, At 114•.i..1 ..1 ?Ike 1 ..,1,1411144\ ill• -41y-• Ill 1-141. IN•oti !watt.% lilt 34.41401 11 -i111•,-, in whirl! iiiiitiry 41,Mile) viol ell,. &if, 1101 ••00-.1.1..t iirowy 41,1,4 •••i-t.oi,•••. 1 1 is no, +sago .14411f:11111 111 4 .••••.... 11.11011. • -lbw ' the. grot 111141011 Imililing will, 1.4. priirpri•it 41 ; hot 144 11- to 11,141 ProrMetity should 1,4 meads a day ft" 11 win•kit hieli 4,. 414, 44.'' rend stork ,f the matton: -1(111 the rrat wrryhis t lip the intelleet nal life of len- pe• 't'eat.' troicit,o4. joristr, legisbil philoropberr,, seirint die insert and ill military leaders and .01- • 1.14. 1111111.1141 defence; great • ll i ll itil rot OEN poblir frost,. ; MA.1 ri A Fires. Picture. • PROVINCeS ALL IN LINE. The thr,stse‘t.,(0 • , Ala VAthe&hstILL. 11,01e • " very Province Will •Exhtbit at the C. sweet...alba hearth, 4.41a mend ?4u' Oh% • totioir 1 ht. kettle \ • .. N. E. This Year. • • TN' nIsliT ,•1-.4 tinwttW-rniTt"-- ftw nrmIninn - et er'l 'ha si applied- try -spare !tie •I Provincial • For (.11' 3111141 111e Th.. lit 11.• VI 411,1444' .4..',:,.,41,14he 4',,,, .4,11 1414i140wiJ1(w_4UL.t,0J11t4.-J"114,11 4. The cheerful 111'reliulit. threilugh he :1.114,,• 11 ok ' 14,ol I (WS!lila for - 're. now. 114/'s 1)4` garden 14:111): Rim I4e.....111roa aide the ddor. ' tut do not 1,1 /tint welt. ( 'row. halo% (-tom mol CIAO 0114 11111414', For 1*.ither oi; I, ;11re,,liold , Howe i. FROM OUR CONTEMPORARIES. ••••1 old, hi I dm '4411' iI?lIltlll'Illl Ontario Farmers Don't Worry. 4 bat I' tuition it ert ker. - like Omit „um. i•strro,:r. 111.1. 1,`,1.1% 111' WIII•111.0s. 1,1 IV 00 told ()II. Constipation is the root of many fonns of sickness and of an endless amount of human misery. Dr. Morse's Indian Root Pills, thoroughly tested by over fifty years of use, have been proved a safe and certain my for constipation and All kindred troubles. Try them. 25c. a. box. CLINTON. BUSINESS COLLEGE GEO SPOTTOIll Prmcipal. ..entasetswelW.004.0"11,1^0SeNeliN^N,ONiNlaw SUMMER 'TERM 40 44' iiroars' ateat<111.iri.t le.ida int• • Vail 'Col no fio -tiuletite11, tll •partibe••t- -of the nil se• ( college of 1.1111411141 lie • 44e"... 11100 .11.0111.1111111 - 11001 1*...1144* for triiiiiihu atil.cr 1,-w rid-plartott them: ' ,41. swot 1. free. Ent any tinie. Write %V. H. 4. Pit:1011mi le . • lte se T .x•ra. 11 1 j GET A. Plt.it ; ‘1.:1 ATION attending the MOUS ELLIOT BUSINESS COL OE TOitION10. ONT. t. ,i•I I- will p.ty you. 0, : .4.1 ., l•ut .0110 C.4.alufrae. 1 CENTRAL 1 7/Zdif ,e ' .../ .. STRATFORD. ONT. "; 11.• &treat in .irtir:1 training - 1.• J.4 ot (4,,4,.l 1'.l. • , - Three departments :• ., • Commercial Shorthand . Telegraphy ' . We assist gt :,,l,titti•e to po- t sitions.; ,The arm/riot upon :Its t' '1' trained helii gr0alty rteeetle t hr supply.. The i hr.». 'en .... t '.. eremite ,p14,....1 are reeeiving Istorsi,` ,e..14.r. 44,. af al 101111.1111) per lll ' 11.11 taarctivelv. 11(181111f4•14 41041 state out Eitaitisate; are the host. Etakei our 'lasses Min.. I iet our fiee , ataiogise,• . .1). A. ..1.:1 1:Arto..tn, Princirlisl. • al 1014/11 .X1111/1(114111 4111 .1. le, tett& expect ill to he tit, greatest tlispla, of 'the nitri,inal temeet eel. of l'Anitila eVet 41144-e11 on exhibiti l ) ll . It will lw a' ,,,writ-wsi vi-ators from other ...tunnies to StY illr1 4. 4.11114 each corner of the great Omni ll i lll i depends on for future gteat nes.. A1111 4114" net i 1' 4,111 cannot rail to 111'a p . leasanp ' t siture GI (' anti:tha1114 ar o ell A. outriders. Two loseriptions. e.tnttoiliet ions or life Arr ninny( . I An observant man remarked teretitt% that lit. was ;you ling about a certain city when he came upon * I drinking fountain which bore t wo cOn. flirting inset iptions. Oue, the ot iginal inset ipt ion on the , fountain, was r • t he H,hk. : "And owa.ver will let him take the waret• ' . 111 1 11 rel. .. mild 1 ig• ••, nut.% e,.. Above Hue 1 g a placard -I- iii•Pie,see I , • Do You Remember ? -,, .1., not, waste the water." ' t'shrsty Nowa.* Britain's Best Band. . The Evarlitthriew.patill.. Al, 10.11)11g lid 01' 0,104 l4l0rii.4 i11.011) 11141464 ..4 , Th.. band of the Orportilier Outwits 441 hal log beef) (14•41,Setr11 in 111'11 (411 , whi"li 14 bring Ino 'itgh (tents% the nutria. Th.. .1411141 .•4.,..1,10,,,,,. 444 1 fleenn to play M the lormattlan Nation. 1 gettemilY. 1110"dr '' v4 44°4444' '414 the Ili')? •li Columbia gohl aiming doesn't al Exhibition in being widely e misr- !- platform. in the 1' (tug house, or in 0,1„,,, 4 111', ib •iiitliirasism being 1 tiled as the chief musical *tl,*''? Mu 1 • thr 144114t4-4 .I""' a:1")"? "*"1".1.1 t' nitwit. 41 by the Wit isli Papers. , at. the -Japan -British Nahibit•ion. 'this urge tile st11111.1111. 111144.11/1111•1' of •emir. is further evidenve that it it. all that acter - . ... . . e They Grow\ Beans. •is claimed for it. yin. : that it is the 1 4 - . . • lanolton•Tiniea.' finest militat, band in England. And i .111.. other day a Mirk bum.. named Mr: N. H., .vens. of ("hit tam. -ays that memo, the world, for e‘ en the JrIbio,pori 41111 /I WWII` 111.111'. 11/1111411 the bean (Top 1 the (Jntar i Penin- (ier lllll ns admit that the British null., 4effritat met l4)51in a 4.111* Will !him y ill' AglittillthlOW111,1109 , Lary hands mute) all others. , appoipt 'tient bushels, and maY ni .ch I IIIII1,01 -_ _ . _ . The i — __ , N'"4" t"wil ankli PI Iril '*eh 1)1)11'!'1)1)11'!'I 11111. ilf 1444,4.'?)o tor or w axinn C g ia Ada. The ‘Veekly ((lobe and The Signal until the white brute was "ktityrkodi land the milers has's; 1104411 NO high of (to nrw sathecrilwrsi for the rettiftimier not." **me people lava to have au ; late years that there has been hut of this ynar for Hu cents. LIPPINCOTT'S i,„ MONTHLY MAGAZINE 42 YEARS YOUNG - WHAT 15 IT LIKE? , I 1.; 1,1 t.t.i,irie of .• e-tosient414 41, • 4111*(c.4 woy rutti;eil towel 41.. 1411144 -lair? •*011.... p.0 4..itt,1 uo. !I v 1..441'0e...if vele, I 1.111*;eilly tre-t :motor ••ettiou !,,ei rt. . 44". 1.4 8.1 411111111.1T 4111,1 14 In rill, 14''l.441,,f 41-1 '.- itn• -I".. I . " - I ! '.4'?" 4.44'03/11PI.I.. I \ 1,, , 1.- .1. 11 1, 1.1 - ••S 4_1'1' ill - 111.1111.- .1.4- :VA11"'.-'1'''. -4...'1' - .4,11 I ; 04; •• I 11, -1. N ERN Er. • - ,.1 '• l.'s !,! 2000 Pages Yzariy of Fiction. Fact and Fun 234-, iv- copy TH4. 1.17•_-_,1 OBTAINABLE $3 GO a year LIPPINCOTT'S East Washington Square PHILADELPHIA. PA SEND FOR OUR SPECIAL MAGAZINE OFFERS , double tirerti4 extplisiterli hordeted, 84 to 118 inches* ide. LinoIeims in all widths Extra. heavy English Odell hs. all widths - I, 14, 1 2 yards. 25 - - ssivper squirm yard:. LInoleums • , Two. three, four yards wide. ex ra heavy quality. good rang, of pattern.. regular ie *Inith VWt, atitlare 3,71 • in yd • c Butterick Patter all in stock. W. ACHESOIAI &SON • The destruction of the house fly is a public duty.' • Almost ever' American St:de Board of Health is carrying a crusade against him. His tilthy origin and habits, and the fact that his body is generally laden with disease -producing germs, makes him one of the greatest enemies of the human race. If the housekeepers of Canada will use 14 • WILSON'S PIN persistently, this peril would be tremendously reduced. CLOSING 0110: more We Cinpitasitk,'. the fa we are closing out 'in furni. klepartment. • This Week We.- are -a quoting Bats. priAs from $2.00 to $3.3 Any Hat Saturday $1.00 MARTIN BROS. TAILORS AND FURNISHERS. arniNestreneseWseneisereeedewroisowfwiwo SwessernotswreseiteseserwrarseneressoWna Summer . • Footwear W ITII tits W41/14111 4.4. 1.4(11(.11 e111111.4 111l• fill ti •11,11144 keep 1... feet root and combo table. • Summer Footalari 4.1)114-4111 wear I- , .1.opty '1 or P snip. "To proetir4 la iimst tipao date styles in white or brown" • -lovas, Jrtiti ki,I. 4 tii ,1 'i 14 her leathers at the 1.iwer4 PI 1' • to 1444 41111 ei• lott ti.1%.'• • , IT . Tehnis Lacrosse and Bowling Shoes now in' stock QI-EEN 41.A1.1 kl.K OVER SHOES SHOES von 'wits's,: 1-4Sn MEN Downing & Ma-c-Vica.r North Side of Square, Goderich. Summer Furnishing and Clothing. Niiw is the time you want cool clothing . for the hot wearher. You.Will find at this store all you need inthis line, such as Summer Shirts Summer Hose Sutilmer Pants Shriner Reltq STRAW HATS Another shipment thia week „4 fine split braid Sailor Hat - and the genuine Panama lbstA'• Sirdiner Underwear SUIT • See our line of Imo -piece Spits. and Bathing'Suits. ,!'rkry win pease_ron. Our best huSiness comes from those who insist on the best, and urge quality in preference to mere cheapness. WALTER C. PR1DHAM THIr HOU ellr Or REAL VALVES 4