HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1910-7-7, Page 1)
I,:ulirs. and geftleuteo's eaiUug
.aids, business cards, invites-
, etc.. printed a t
11HF: SIGNAL in the very attest
\•Ir, New tyle and .e v e r
,ili,•t' facility tor turning out.
tin-• work. Try us .with your
na'�Lloh. •
Mt%!'YTHIRD YEAR -Na .0 ..
t• .t 1Aul.I$Ht•:I
oppurlunities that come your way.
Could you Iay'yoiir hand on a few hundred tixlay %
1I'hr-surest way to prepare for teat -need--or w:tnt is to open a
Amount &Lun * ut_thia-Bank, ,,and
,regularly as you call. WA. will add !uteri -tit at highest current
.Savings Department at .very Hraneh.
Capital, Rest and Undivided
Profits E5,I:1I),0011
' Total Assets over 11144,l$00,tkN)
wrrHI\ 'ITN YEA Rs
t/rh 'are *tire, at some time.
- either tl''want or need a few
' hundred dollars in cash.
• If things go wrong you'll
need it it they go right
you'll want it to take advert.
cage of pante of the financial
W. I,.J1pRTON, \Tanager Guth -rich Branch.
8O�►KHIND1 N -ti
GOPER1 'IL (1;I trA'RTI► 11.A!�'.aI►'�
.I1 I.1 1910
Only Forty Cents.
i ''
New rthrrrilwre may have
The Signal uutilt•d to 'their
address for the remainder of this
veer for 400.
Send 01 y • subscription now
.and get the full benefit .ot this
THF. II.NAL PRINTINd CU.. Ltd., I'U.Llaugxa.
THE TOWN COUNCIL. 11.:,•1,4 III111s11i,,1 1;.111 ! NADA'�.Y
all Rye, per T.Caawt,Jut :Ih. 411,1,,• t0 the•' Mat tel' it chi• IINU:11'
wt, per ., >W w t ✓tat v, 0..1.1 to the. 'I Itis itiun. .5' thele
epriagwhe,t, b ,f
Rye, per bat -h
Buckwheat pe,rbwh t) (.: to u i• LIERLIN COUNCIL WANTS AbSE3S- .d 'tic I•.xuIIitItIoII uU Sattinlay night.
Il t.•LO ,' •+ "..- In ie. :.. 1111!•.. ... i. the ,IItY.L,I l',
flat.. Per rU-i,..•• t t.0-
1'wN. Vrrhe•h ..... `•..•• u _ MENTS INSPECTED. 111.• -,•, r, I.u•11 w.i.hlrF(u le w u )14)11•
karts is
r. 11,+1 hu -h r to
�(1muL,g-, per tun '
111.11 t1. 111,1 L. 11 lelt1,111 11,14 1,1 \111:11 \a-31`1 •"
trinity. p-'*' cwt
Fluor. I}Aleut, per ewt
How. eeriest
Shorn+, per toll'
118*. yer ton
ears and -untie' -Hazel 'Milkmaid.
e I years
McDonald. Elizttire•th Proud-
H.'v' race, 1t$}-tyarde, twelve ram
'and tinder -Tena McIver. Annie Cook. •
OBSERVED IN ¶3ODEHICH. 1 Egg and 11don race, srventy•Hve
yards, fourteen years and under -
1(�� I Hazel Wilson. Norma l'os't. Pearl
- lw•ull' dune. 111c \1:1\4.' -titled that ---- Huntrt•. •
t In to
IIse to :4 • tt is Claimed that Some Municipalities w4'co`dn11! to LII, hcl.l.\ "111'1 1"411 A Celebration That Was Enjoyed By
se to to 1.• :ntr.0111u'.•,I in wooer 't haat Ih, The Afternoon Sports.
{ Ill io • Obtain au Unfair Advantage by the gest' u,i{ ht 1. u.,ui1•, 'I'h,• til:rtl,l AA All The Parade of decorated tli In the afternoon there was a large
Ist 1: 14+ru to i•' Vtolalton of the Law - May 'Change aH r:alts tm the• difl,•rrut inaitutiois cycles• Splend,a Feature --Interest- attend lice at the A ricultitral Park.
use erot(d + !i1,, To)" .. u , Y g g
'u a to s 141' ( Holiday Date Pr+epae:tt,ons iti tea 11 Was til'' •uegestioe of'tele )ng Baseball Match and Other
Cheese, per lb
' •
Cattle, y o Kok per cwt. 5 to
11 I AN'I'I5D 'I'( R E N'1'. SMALL
bailee .011r01(.. relit rNt hraHnn prefet-
red. Apply at 111e:411:NAL. 44 111'1.
bound or repaired. '4 UNE\ TO LOAN. -ON FIRST-
i3OI.l) LEITERtNIi ' 14.-• fano .. ntity. at .try low rate. d
111. r....1 . I make spy own yeldation.. Apps).
nn LEATHER GOODS 1 %\ 51, nn\ '.r.1L4 dtlow P.O. 1'e -t( ,
1;'. n4Aer, promptly attended to b1. :no u..{
else, ..' 'i-ttF: SIGNAL. Uoderfrh.
A. E. TAYLOR. ST* atiromI
,Lt 'IHi:R -.\NI) Siii a i.1.A 1
1111 kinds of lough ltrmhrr in
etock at ler New Luuiber \81d.
next to Kensington FtirniUDr-
Factory. opposite (i:T.R.. track.
Undere filled at short notice.
New Brunswick Cedar'
brand -the
Shingles "-Larkin"
1 r the market.
hest t u
t \
PI •.
Carpenters to ,work`, on
the new elevator for toe
We,tcrn Canada Flour
-Mills Co. Apply CAI
CO., LTD.; Goderich. ,
)y �- -r
i 1)11 current water rate, paid
up now until the end of De-
10 per
(slither, * 'educt
cent. will he allowed. Those to
.noars should arrange. to set-
tle• as the Comhission is tak-
1111 action. I
i 114; A. 8TlIAProly, Collector.
TUTll'E TI) t-'AR'tI :t AND UTH--
i 'Kits.
We are urine a 1.r••ugtlee slung the Lake
-hoer Root for run•l!pctson port.,.••-, Fate.
.-r- And other. are hereby earned to witch
.I hr.r' ►tot -e-.
Ilt'RON-rYtN+yft17eTION 4' MI'.1NY.
„-v.Y. �� Wer•• -r"
at once.
Buttrey ler Ib
g,. w11. Per dos
ordin' i n e..s
1„-71,1 el I V t t to t 1 i,•r•t Ir . pitchrli was a puzzle fur the liudrllcb -
U JJS to L� - \Iaynr tr•frn•eY+ to the• tiltd44,4-*."44444441 Sports at Agricultural Park.
l' to '• „' for Receiving Cabinet M,nister5• I1,Y• to
U Si to ,• 'n __- � tar. \IrK inu.u,, ..t the (1uuu11ntt � — --r-
'mike a n;p�rt. '
The h ehall match tretwe-rn Clinton
and lio et irh was •a gottsl exhibition of
the game. neither side scoring in the
lira six ilniuge. Tasker, tNr Clinton
e, elport.'tWI cwt C, yo to : 1r1 .
1'Inu' ills rvlutn(; 1.. et 1. - • v,•.rl ; t F I 51111- l elevator, -OlelF.:o1- he awed. ifs all his glory on 31alt1re .h}at th)t ho'Ir team did 1)eauti-
pflog ler lb A 1.. :41
�4J Illgl\ ,\1,r 1'd.1 and 1111'1,' IN 11•{j Its lir tell-., .i 11 ., o- t mil 1.•
rh4+cp, per ret a-ls1�4, no- r ill• u--' ..f .1 he t.�w n- 45i:uli+r Doµlit ' 1)ay• tl11rt(ing the pl•evwl•. fol work ill the fir1�.; In l'lintbn'r sr\•.
Truowperrlb v' to or rune\ 1111 t11e 04111 of 1II" ia•rci1'. 1.• t.41 •. w 41.\-. 1A lou1.%rer :1 .t+t1.•I ence of deist in the atlnuspherr rand. rrtl,h innings the vislttrra scot rd there
wCal;htr. th-nigh
1 •,, _i di L11-il._Ll.
favor•of Clinton.
Shee{{, .11n -
i• Ill, 10 4 ,n
• ,a -.t. k,a-.. .11 1IM• ft a -,...'41444-4-4-4-44,-......•44..,l
-� 1,. 1 n, ,.t 17tiZin let
t to U . loll . gni down ,, we•t telt i- i.,.., .44,4i If:11,0/1...the u.e of III, ilia-
�. .I \Cor-h+1p \141ymrl LM.141,m, a-k+.d tell ".h.""' a- •uud,Yl tit >«Y .•r d:11', with
til a tl11'nt1• l ill
th1•'nn(iteri rmincillt l \lat•tin was the �•
AAI1 /IPA 1:July loth. -lection war of \'.,:V• ' i.n11Y . 1(et.%.• Reid w.1- ler sere, url Iu.1-A-Herter-f
1 •'lar 1tit ll,r it i•Illlw•1
1 Fl k \\ 1 H 1 1111 . a/ Ibt
w, Lw >, 1
•-,.-L1rk to proceed wit t t u• reading o I. 1,a clition that It IN• r.
AUCTION SALES. t "1-14"111.411:1 Lltti t1, Eo,.l idyl 1.
thle towel Vropruy wad he..t. hl salon e.,: ';1 ,lean :old a ulitlle•1.1 after w:url, I'' - .,f
the Prelrlftllc . tloa [rr.'t t--1rrtOCk C nt e I Ile 1,'S+Ltlnli err whir 11. 111 vulljl•Ilrl tall
T ilt1 't
\t 4e+
J44/1N 7 a. s u4/asr. prop u.1,,- Tnn.1.'. 'll H ls t II I�w,t 1
7n •i,e n,•••nri• t rU t t 1, 1 H 11 l 11 kr{v..
11,-.1,1 •.nI.50,1111
%%114'14 'II, Ntg11 }g t (Iv.... II 1 un'ir111 11. I, 1 nun. Illui
` ' I,I,u• 11!,1 \\ Otter :ui1 - .a Ive ;Till. t1,. c.•ooiltb•. "I' then•iI. i..
t.I:r IAN V. �ft'CIellrer, fl1Yl in. 1'1.11111' i1,' .1 \\ .11. '„ /,\L',Y
1 11':LLltttly.• Int ter r11'.plu,11 of Hou.
� oNmer..\ugwt Oh. Auction --•il' of the -howl 15' Act. awl tte•pnty Reeie \Inst- \\1d Pup -L•' anal 11..1• \\'. L. \I;u'-
rer.mu,nga-.eisof the.l'llntunTh�.•,I,r, 411.. nine. :utivwl before Ihr 50.11Iug of -
e- w r1, pit. b U. ,e . I .111 •e III 11 14111 1
11. 11 \lett !1,t
anr•,ol,eCl. 1 t 4,r• n1, ,....a wa. tat. Irl dune+ "+ ( ail ratty ildt.•. ' Th.' \I., � 1.r I ho,400; it
Neu -o,., rattle in lttiI. 1 tii%aMk:lt I1. Iwo .,InntIt Il5..lI 'I'll
- - - r.1.1t of ter tntnitfr.
Pi of change o• running advertise' v tem>fnrn•. ''roto i1,- t
\ •I.-111 to Ive 11ft
men's must be left at this office by \Intl . Inc 1 r, 111
Ive \\',alt:u'e.linel)Ighaun.undlt'ti111�1 lost tL.• “4"1"1"1".• "1"1 L. •u>45..1.,1
Monday noon 10 ensure inter ;tie, t nought l Olat he t'tla) 111th rr,rltt
I11 issue of acme week.. ! b• . :i hoed inn. dentin! with the 141111m I that 4 '''""1“.• I.•II! 1155:11h. 11111.• hr
I � . Ih.! II alvei tut 1 Till, la 1• duns
tar} +•tart. which, Om 011 Itin1 .n a die ,,�wl ter couuttit
! fere c!- Is4,it' in Iter nuttier trout
1 h,1,! a'i1i141 hr trail) Il.,e•. std••. :\ k1c. c. �11pnt y I
!AN'1'1':U. HIIUKKl;F:1'ER ...Is
lean aFol11. frol)'hail-t'ls demo."01,1-q1-. IAAlit%alit.
1 � 1' 1 Hlla 11 & 1 1
-4,,,,,,,,,,i,..,. nue with ex •r.r.,, .• h t, n-'-tb••Ir 1. a- nu
r,• now 111.- of•lhe 1),ty'Ntwine Works (o., show-
...Ai%1'uuncilllr.l'.u- ingltMali:tie engine innia'raIion. Next
old Rawl:in-. c: • the \Veatch 1 411111(1* Flour Co.'.
'et% civil engine. !', exhibit.. it big wagonload nI .Purity
1 stated that th.•y Hole. The fire brigade with the horse
k 1 ladder'
lase- - .the
tether warm. waw evtryt tug
could be desired to make the annual
ci•Ii.tpar%ion of Dominion Day in Oode
rich one of le most successful ever
�\_er), good crowd turned
nut in the morning to YriIOereT the
combined trade.' and calilhuul pian
arolwrMiou and tarsal p*r*'k 1 which
caner ort about IU o'rlW'k.
Tee procession formed at theeSettt of
Hamilton street and proceed twice
around the Square, with a trip dawn
\Veld stre t Anil by way of Waterloo
and Lighthouse terror. back to tbe
Square.. Returning to 1lituiltuu
street the prot•1Nsioh wvl+ dtshanderl.
The parade was headed by the :Elul
Reginmrrlthand. The frstRost wee that
M tet• ulatt.•l., h l'
prefers td. . \. i . . .1MEIWN. The twp.rt' IL i 1 u run•neu11rafir
torr. - 1 wtttit•11 11tultun, tit-h/•r !,11,..;::.5%t h, .,,tie• wt wntlll IN•• ir, Plitt'.
--- --- the '-I.-ils. tl,lt,•INNIk.Ithtltr .:ivy aid it tit.•01411
,� ':\NTE1) A'1' ONCE. -MEN .\\U elution w.is nuadr, th, \l.lyu4 :,da i -.r1 1.11111 n11111ge• ti rut
` 'pilot- for cuq«truation work on •le the• :dd1•trlarn that 11- 111- lei t h . II
1'eft0e.1tailw.p. Apply sot PEUP1K 8 It ill: I .. '1'h
1a' x1.1. (1:Ulf ell 111
\1-A\' u11141.i Kook,. root. - .to!' • •Ili4atun• Ilni�t Ile wrist• -+.1 1..!. '11:11' 11.'11 •Ilul,.• 1,u\..'1)11
- .I tepee uu.V le., 1140 ,101.111. 1.I onl).t.lnt ' .t,•r)n •r"• t. 1111 m
�tt %IAT BOY \VAN'rE1) i'U LF:AI(N I roect,rei lig ftleis in (h..0„nal, I 1 pet.:; . I;• • %.. • •'ti
17 the drY410..d.trsde. .1pply.a1 MIL.1.11t8' \ 1 11111'tIn(ionfinmth.'1n.h1i'h,r-
,cot.•h latest
he afternoon we- well up
with spending. and athletie contest,.
In the gentleman': load r*Ce, D.
Proust---w,-t,t heel lodnr . 1'. J, Farr•
second and R:1'. King Child: In the
-tact H t't t, -Id, won the feet
prize 'MO Fred l tsigie (uok eecotil
The 111 izt:: for Highland
louring wete won he a-4 et Walter
Meth iald and little Mies Agnes Mc-
Donald. lit the tug -Id -war contest
the. Godes itII the couipsuy won flret
money slid G/lderich township got
second: The Seatorth firs company •
was NrUiii(IlCed to take pall in the
emitter, but failed to put in an owl-
pril't11er. Thr following aft the re-
eltite of the athletic gators :
Uwe utile lure De Lairs iner, N.
Mc Doug+ell. H,. Hillier.
'lOne hundred yards rater -N. Me-
►ougall. F. Sandercock. S. McKay.
1 Ala art the 1:)they wagon and the hon +►n1, Fist a/841.0 race-George-Je.hnstun.
.ell wished It they wagon was in line, and Dean Bros.' \Vrs. McLean. Geo. Higginson.
4 mu 1:. 1:o111rhall ' The junior
gaily decorated. followed. h 1 Relay race, our and one-half miles, •.
Lit' what ha11'Cr•lal`11, t Iwai htutipvid.•d the it 1lls• pin.son in a tea11,-H. Hillier, -
t i,• cetslou. the r.lithuiii n las fallowing, l1
4. t-itai soling f F. ti.i .telcork and deLatt'ainer: Beat.
1,u' ion o f t ti . Coal Bros.' lal'C116 slid \Vied AniA
'Showwas x11 amusing tratlnw. Anl, t.:11)4.1. \Vit a a'al Pruuele: G. JlclkruRalL
other which created vast mrrriwentl 1CcUol sal. N. Ucl)uujtah.
war 111 autotunhile•purp,trting to rep: Kunnrdg hep, step and juump-fj.
first car on the "Uw.rr t'Kay, 411 Leet:{ incere ; R. Walters,
resent the fest 7 inrb�'p.
Railway, decorated 1 1111 i atf+kiugRunnt41 Ion uta 8. McKa let
h' original style and manned b}• g J � y
is crew whose appearance manned
any fret n inche* t R. Walter. -141 Leet 7
other day would constitute a inners.,
breach of the peace. A fruit cart
Fttanding long jumpp A. JtcLelon&n,
around which' hovered a get of %minis• 0 fret 1 itch S. 11cKay, ' feet 9
takalle "logos,"oieof whom ground
- 4•.411 I '
ti 9". 111.1'5 111'11111
..i The t'an:uttau 11'iir iisi! Journal tne111 :t-- 1.. 1. hal act Nell
taken ill III. 103 4.e.
A letter ata- resat from
14 T11►N SALE:.'111' \V \ 13TIfO THFit 1 1s AN wits read. ufTei'ing to simply Itt.• come
) ll ax rll.n[ nprnte rt The . 1X0, ,th a lot 14 t1,
1 am ii, In.cled bI Oder Wade. Liquidator
the retul.ining
1,u offer for -war at auction
a...ea.• M the Clinton Thrs.her 4'om'pany. I.in,
bed. Theeele will be held on the prenti-e. of
the company at 4 Linton. (rot , on .
Nt 1 u'11a k (loon.
The awes. to 1Nr dil.po.i'd of coni.' yyAnci
pally .of Monarch operator.. wtndet*cker..
-trate cutters old portable engine•.
- Term. 'shall be ca. h at time of •vele or thirty
atld..ixty day. wtiefactorily encored. with
epeee!s pee sent. loteraat.
Thi..1111 wtU otrel e o +Rtite i.1, o .portun (ler
to taoee,t.ewsre war
own private ere ng oath• at retpular
�.►t. .1Jtty
.% ort 'Duerr.
1.odrTien. that.
• o it with ,ix el )tri• tot I heir .lourual for
N bright. feaustriuw err woe who h:.. V•,• -ed (711:'-5t 1. A• rite ruunctl i . at IHww.•n In
:beenn,atow preferred) to Icon the printing•
of tier Ik•Ll:ut'leut til •I'n
1 Perej It of rhe \I ilial $ --i4. and 1•
1' .n1,
:h u
i I i) � t
i u "e” 1
/'' , 1111 11
N �l1 do a [ ,dH ' 1,I 1•
e 1
*14 Irl Journeyman'.as a )
V /1 1
r:1,' d.•11di 1 1
V \
4•'' tool it
r other ' e l loll t
111 t
1 week. ugh a ,' • ...•1 •.
lir a '14ho Ir e t � ., t 11 i
ton. h1 ! :,• I m u t e , 1411
R, nt 111
''"5",'TH: phis fol *killed workmen- ,1VVi)' 111111 11111- of l'nuu/•tllul•• Ilawkin.•and •.1.
at THF. IUNAL'Sttc . I I h '1 tt - j sur th.• 1',dtlNlttti11l. of the m
1 EAl'HF:H \VA\Tel FOR
I Nn. t'olborne • dubs to commence
Augu-t i al,, 1'/P•. A,tdre.. or apply. •14.11311
wlwryy and experience. to JOH% 1 E.\liA..
sea 'lira-., *'allow• tint. le=1f.
up -leer girl ,41.1.8. Ue-• 141 1
Bill wag,'.. AI'i.l .'1 r\' 1iOI F:I_. Lab
don, 'eat.
\\ allal l•. to file t, r. r ,•i...- 141,°41 IN•1'lllt•lnl w4uP11 La v1
Til. Mayor 'ti•ntinie,l ttic i•r,nt,llu
441.41 5i.it of the Hin..1.. 1 Rrodeor.1
0•111° t1s :ittrll�txplatnl Kn' :1,t flu• out dismal tunes from a h+tndurgxn,
tlieh tted4Matt liter.
:uNl as .ill •t.••,.: end ''Ile 1 i. "dill un ll�11. 1.1,5141 r, :naive war touch in *11114le ce ; but the clinic -
totear hatted 1 u.te.• wt114 .before o'Iicthy Use iti,•r, with the tel eking ptr.j •thlg eat') fruits were not so clearly to ist
t,.1'N•iu1itsl.itilm ti.. .place,alkan ter Cliff 't There- , 'II lie .lit :lent +le•en. Ernest Porter as it 'clown un
Mini -1,i :1)5 ',IOWA.,
in » 111 to i11•1 1
Mitt within his juri..lictii i .lith traau .left -,• that dere' 10111 1a• at •rs.. wheels "(H.grge and' Henry" on is
it may 1a• thought. .e1%isalde• to to 111e• pier 11t- tiny t • 'I'lt• net of -tandem, and little Ernest McCreath as
the i,1t141i11g wilbds.. project ,.5,-r Chief Kick -'ell, -in -the -face helped in
II,, - After these came the test par o
I the parade. 'twenty pretty girls.
woutmetl on beautifully decorated
ricycle., made a delightful picture.
e first prize Waw won try, \life
ad)•s Field, whose mount was in the
I IEAtJHER WANTED.---V1►R S. `f. meat - will IN•' insole also. Ure•ntel•tairl ,•tC.(rtncou.lilut thlbuihhngalrotr
N,, ('Ulharnr . d,ulen. 111 •cwnulente `tip, �Illli-tel Illrtllg Ill^ Any. which. if in :1 t1 I I ti-.
ill IN• 'tura few• lune I K• pions.
• Niter mid• .m.1'on. Any!) t L.H. ,. ewe -lied. d. w
111145 i.s; Secretary. Hohoescilk, tin . onh'.I ! cellie.t Int Il.wit; ins report ill thitt
".,111 (111
1'11111'1 11 1
1, tel the 1 1
t w 1 >,
f 1 1,g th civic•
1 %LEU.
11 n•'.
ti -Ise
until mots on•
the. mos.%,we
I:NL.F104INldn•.e.vl b. :be t',r-1-
1 .111 be rees.I\ est Ill 44114..
I for
.II Mph .
Ylla2 Ilse 13th i r
d Hi.. Retest y'. hl.il•, nn 44
Vrolw,w.l and ra,-t for four year., -ix ronn'l trip-
pi r w.r•k. het weer Ie.. htl+11 tgtd 10(1.5i 1ron1
t ..1«t /nr..l.-r nex .
nl..l ma,. 4••• • • 1 i6.il.ing fnnbrr infonua•
ism- if tele .1.1,1 mnln4ct 1,a)
.. a. tn,rrnd+t 1 I
4 ter 11114
w of tender i�I\1l�`�� 11 )
blank f 1
he n and
IN{tNY at '1114 1'o►41.mc1. of le.iwl.h; itipl• 1.
4'Ion erVaite,- awl 5,•Mnn, end at the intl. . of
tics. t'.e41 Othce Iniwctur At l.aulon. -
\ • G, I','.1NifKItriteN, -
rtur«•1 intcndent, 41.1:.1'.
1,..l etfec Meepertmctlt:-Mail i4ervir.•. Itrnnch,
4nt.1.44.Ind.Ina..1rpl. -
(waves ()oderich
via North Channel. Georgia° Hay,
Tuesday et s p. m.
•t Friday at V. midnight.
tYtti.IAM L3i;1:. Local J:sent•
A. R. 0.13.. General Manager.
1111011 >Ii.'h
A, 1 )iottirgn Car•LTAI. - $11441.4 11
n, i'ItI'ORA ED BY tiPF.('IAi, ACT
To accommodate the Farmers
we haveopened Branches in the
Tillages of
We solicit the Patronage of the
+11.F. xoTF.a n1sn0U74TE11
Highest current rate of Interest
`10 depnetta of $1.00 and upward*.
A. f. GAYBL&, Manager.
�,.� 1.! que•Unn i r I:utgl m ,,11-151"."1"1.1:' fifty t,id Inose tit how•
WANT1:1). -A IiIHl4 FOR Ht► WSW. I holiday tote this j eat. aw1111fiiy; it 110114.1. 11 ne11 .The lNirk- •1.,n niiitel•
noes 54114.-, R H s511Tf3 4 •benne Atilet ) .0. th.• 6145 day. ,.e. the' re-' I
K, t ) w,•r 111 011,1•11.1,, tb.• 11•- I sh lteof 8 unite swan. There were
A GF`htifl�.�Fw The L►rpufy Reeve thought lent Mol,- flu ,•
' 111 filly :Ind l'u'lu -j Ill- utoti'nl uf+l'enirilli \Lu tin. whi. showed gaud taste and gave
%'.%. "r at user. w• , g. ,.•,.n1,,/ teat Berl of ingenuity
I N }•Y 'o' i!• •ilio. Wit nee pun•ide•trrl t hilt mute .1 hew• mon f 1 l k 'tt ' w u I and 1 i ,rill decorating. The pldK,++
14.41 111. would take advanutge• .t he ar /1 1, perplexed thst they decided
1£ \('HER WANTED FOR S. �. gtarn l N t 1 15 to Ive 11 tjo- girls a prize, and they
1 No. 1.4'olhorue town -Aid: dialer to om-
etery. after .unsure hnlld+)'s. rrensr.i Hen l nun, 11111 Lut1. i 1 I,1 t ) I t hay served g it, as anything to
yy made
they eatery. to. PAUL MAF:UH:1., Sei•nitery. Ban d.11. hh R 1 1 1 display -which y
miller. ant. the matter 1 of 1 11 a 1 1 Y
Wall th lNrn- Ncw 1 waw would be
ett.r•t. '014 11 ;It I.n.'lsyo\c,. ton•, tai+1,n-red. • wa• Ks1e i ..
tr d 1* ttgt0 .,f t too -111.11 h1..1. 11111 1)' tither pretty devices. all of
1 \ Noh alt•( L. dt1 .W it 41 0.„14,.t.I itYI It the 11111111 Reeve 1h/ evid ace ofag
k. rA C . , e A u the ulr • rotnmt 1r •1
IUWh1sr tern'--Hvt• were
seat- for die -in the court Im11.e {lei' g
1 + richly
r•ou•) 1
a' t
til G•
.I r d%'in
• tL
.• now e
t net th
1tNdi eiskr 1 '1
have la%l!u mitered a ti 11 1 oIi icilln' decorated c triage in .which Lode five
Laithwaite. as chairman of t In• .paint beautiful gi '01-1te_tLa Clark, Beatrice
co: 'tt+Y•. wits iistru,ted to ha\,• the Pridpan., A nes Homonym. Brace
tinifrn'111s !nII(l used. \Varnoek and Tiede !launders - won
4'11un/ellen• H11' kill? w' an 1 .' 41 the the first prize its this olives and decor-,
miler res. -hided to Wave the tuoi•1;41. Ill. •ted' autos entgr'ed' by Eric Hawking
• •e and Ftank Doty also took prizes. -
1 r -.tailed teal lh,t `
Ion4N,• pnt•15.
#....‘ NAVIGATION CO. .0.4,
.7 -
Fridays. 6.30 sem.
$3.:111oneway. S6.00 round trip.
Saturdays, '2.:30 p.m.
$3M1) one way. $5.50 round trip.
Voting men"fferred whi,
will remain here and grow up
with the Company's business.
Excellent opportunity to learn
shipbuilding in all iti.different te
branches. One year's
contracts on band at present.
Apply in person or by letter to
a/„ LLn10w00D, ONT.
lili/hay til g1 ,aur • n( town for over
Silesia it the holiday w•etr•'un :1 Mon -
,Y the sloth -
1411 hat before 4115 chattge could he
made tits h,law wtir•11 fixe. 11,.' fir.l
\\-erine-day in Aigitst it. civic holiday
would inn,. ,. to Is• is-setntit•4L The
D,•pnt y I3eeve Own gave untie.• that
at the neat unetitig of the commit he
w'onld ti4".r to lia,ve the bylaw re-
oneate t..
The clerk of 1104 lil•rlin (-outwit 'eat 1 The prizes in, the procession were
' 011 a t
••o t tun
.•I . 1 f
, :1
d4H 1
.was �
It ' 11• 1 I
p1, NI
.-, I 1 t1,
• 1 • eel The otos :
I»• rl.a • 1 t as toll
�ul hl .111 ri
,•' h I a
1e th 1
wh r 1
the. i1,. asking. for tar t-allslti„t1, „( tt ,' was eat Imlk to 'lir talks
I '1'radeia pn)crerion-1st, Doty Engine
. 0 3. oil V
V 1: ,-rich town -hi 4Porter• Hill.
Dot ie. to manor nee on Augwt 15th. 1'4l'•. A
plic-non-.dating .alary and experience. will
tee relented up to the 11th of July. Per.onal
appltcation• prefers •d. JOHN PURR AWE
rtes Potter A Hill P. O, 11
wanted on S. No. F.. -t %Wawa-
•• after vncwtion.
n�o�dpi1 : dudes to comment, tr
'0\1f. rating .nary. expected. to It. C \ll
1 AN, Box 175. Blyth. Ont.' 303 -It
Modern convenience.. oentrillyr iowlted.
(tent re...onable. J. B. HAS'' KIN+. :i1
84 f''striek'• dreeL mfg(
R MALE.-IAYI'M '23, 24 ANI) 'S5
on cedar street Uodertch. cuutwlnlppR
t�iree-fift h. of an acre. 1, There are on :hese 1644
N one -dory frame Amuse. newly painted, a
-mwll -able and a good orchard. .1 •uitabte
property Iona retired farmer. Term* and con-
dition. will be furni.he4 on appyllcation to the
nndeldgned. M. 4;. t'AMIsKON, BNrrl.ter.
Hgmtlton xrtteet. 4Iederiellr
1 ()CRY hu.lne-+, doing a bnsine-s of nt•er
1111141 an^,u►Itr. ntoea- in 111.11-l')IF+14 order.
4 tMN.e meaning anemone need app1ly. HOX
113.1 etieh, title.
-rein Hayfieldroad. between Britannia
1 .,nd Mennen .Hetet : good portion of thio
t�tftarkvt /aspen, sums
etc. May -ell LI twn part. of two end one hal
acre- each. Fur price and term.' write H. 5.
JORDAN. 173 Windsor Ave., w indoor. telt.
art to find anywhere. A
. cit ,Yi t
. 1 1 11
tai :1,'n• Att
rntl . a
I t111�t
•11uunitt,•e• for fort het , 1.n.ileratinn• t,AYorks co.1,;: ..nil, Western Camel
tart that )Wtt-tirll til rota rxe•ntp 1,l•uun+-M..1- Parson• -- Iort.4 that
ttlmi tnxatinn 1.. ,11.'1:1111 by Into to{ 1 {Flour \I ills Co. ; ard• Uern Wont
is• a 1 -and that a la s may
1a. Ili\ not the step. at tit.• toot of Wellington t:alithumpiane - Lt, Basil Kelly
.411:env except. by vote indult r1, l +l,'"'t r1•quitril 1 0 114• replaced by
new' 4circus , H. iaron al :
bates. On it -iggestienl from the }:3rd, \Vatter;2ndBl\V.ack solilrWi0illistBabbUto
(fruit stand) : 4th, Ernest Porter.
Decorated tttrnoute let, Diels' dec-
orated carriage ; '2nd,;Eric Hawkins :
:3r11, Frank Duty.
Decorated ,bicycles -- Gladys, Field,
Dut4tthyy Davie, Lena Rnherta;.hleanor
Hays, Berenice Davis, limit ndr''k'orter,
Fei-n Johnston. Pearl Frasier,' Char-
lotte Cuff. Laura Price, Gladys
nitre -Irby 'Warm.. Muriel wit,
Grace , Pinder. Elsie Galt, No
Whitely, Evelyn 13rophe , R1
Hamilton, Helen Howard,: H
After the prncetedo' had dishes
the children s games on the Square
were proceeded with, and the prizes
�vere_Laken its follows :
H4it-d tiAMF:e.
Fifty yards race, ,ix years and nn•
der -Josh. %lelvor, Hy. Edwards,
,ID a V-
Maio avenue: red brick. nine
room.; all modern conyenieace' except (sir -
tome. %wily G. W. LANUDON, St. Thom...
unterio. or',1t11UUFt10'F HAYS& 111.Al1:,
1 street, I ioderich. the property of (.tate of
late F. Sloeeth. There is on th1-, 1ot. n Iwrge
frame hods. with modern improvement•, at
preernt. occupied by Mr. Millar. Term« and _
the and r en he furni«led on application to i ILD ORCHARD COTTAGE. -TRI
theu011' .Apri
Od!*tt'R. April hh, lelti '.gtmfmtable I,oa'rFM7Flaoa•s Ilan been
PRUUDFIN)T, RAYS & BLAIR. opened for the •nmtner, .rid ori ono .'china
Solicitor. for F:xe.:'tor. London k •Western aceommndation 1. Invited to wppl to the r1n-
Tru«1.4'0. '.:t -4f rter.fiened. Fine barge moos., well lighted : all - .
m n, conveniences In the honne. MRS. U.
PROPERTY FOR SALE.- t'smKRON. owner &sax and Quebec St,reeet.. A ,Millinery Special.
Ronee and lots known a. the 1 etit. Mac-
(irettor property un Angletei street. Gn.lerirh : _ Since Writing our Mlyerti«anent for
Ronne In room., Iter ewer heating and muAern - FOR SALE. this week. tee have decided to clear
convenience.. rrkhontl 10500 Fut
'"" ort a - bat To the milttnery
Will be sold Jointly or separately. Heti-. and
Int• tm'napier 'street, s reams, food residence *44 .- MkL YJ _ 01'4R NEW COAL department, and in order to do it quick :
district, ('ulregewt.:+nitfotd with 3 acre- of A' range. a wood rook Move. small heater Iy we hey,- cart the prices in two. MO
orchard pwinter apple•' and fnntitpte ICter)thing mast, rte .old.
7 die., ropert.le. can be had at tesaonl►et The house. Which -WWI formerly oonuptei by the t hat, yon Can gr'.:any hat in the depart.
Pricer. Appy to J. 1.. KI RAN Barrio- late YRS. WILSON, Keay steed. is to rent. nient at half -prize: and area this
••re. GrslerT F, 41mran* a rhRlce of whet eighty hats.
WESTEI. N LANDS FOR MALE.- I I�TRA\ci&'ti RRIFK FOR MALE. - Come early while `the chat /sing. will
lap ac. •- with a! spree In crop frame � i First -chow filth. in any quantities. let a« hest. }trod every item of our ad.
home with lIrit I in. 513 re. t PIA per ordtexers
iren p form tpattention.
patr(70* Mc.Mall a, there are aow)e special
larders rflven prompt atMotlon. CHAtl. Mc. items page :i, fyP
acre. landon rich fence asst le IA at 0* per
acre. broken end fenced. Tula M w map, as PHi:ECarlow. »0.s a(• 9, In it. (%%\t1,:KUN'y Department
Iland is going up every year 1113 acres With 150048.+lding+,Onacres broken: price Ell per VOR SALE -STEAM I'LF:AMURE
acre. good lonality and phone in hon5e. ,Per a yaeht. 3) het long. nearly new. Apply
of theee can be bought. In 51547 terms, J. H. for partkslanl WO. 84i BY, liu,lpk, plot.,
T1tW814RY Ynrkton 8w k L�}t BALE. - AT A BAR GAIN,
OCHE FOR MALE. - A TWO• I 1 tent •*leer. bioeke, 1. 1911,” for ho^as
H STORY brick hone,. with reven room., t1, c'2* • U. no other, ilk, terse In town l'wn
on Breit•% et reef. Patlrnlwr« can he had by 8. cern by tops�l1flinff to J. W. McDONALD.
saltine at SIGNAL Office.
SStf Rrooery "'oro. F.lgln oven. a IUbtf
of the t•atl lx4y'er1l In spite of this.
sal •1)allitiee have been giving
/ 51111014,1, without ^. vote of the rate -
p11 -,
ate-p;15-•r-, and +ti,•h viohtt; M 1{1111,•
4411 ..1 municipalities. which 11/1 i,hNerve
ter Ina. At a 4isA41%alltage and 'take
it diftlrnit b41• thrid to ohfail' 114.11 il)-
41e4n44444eL-11U1.1.1e7• Ali_G= unequal rondi-
''41014. The petition asked that the
Vernulellt llz,'_ tegnrstr(1 to
-provide for the inspection of assess
vomits. The matter was referred to
the finance n'n0(00 to Is• 1,14 klvl
I'h..1'. 1'. R. lulel *gent wrote re-
garding the eidiig itct•us+ Hi1•Istt'
.t tent to the• %V. -stern (' It 1:14/111.
new elevator. A plan wa?
i e11111c Hlr 1e flu 111111th works 141111-
111111146 wile given-iw,wrr to lili',..new
',dere plareol 1he•re. -
l'ounl•iQnr Martin said that emu-
pliints had leen math. 1,. 1)1111 becan+l'
a i,•rtetin +utter items North street tip
Krays street 111141 ant 111111 1o1110r1e41.
Breve Reid •laid he was ellnirtomo- d
the public works 111111111 Ite•e chi• year
‚.550t' w 11. I mar -t r tit t.'+ 'tttn4- '
Ira.ntt 1h1U it Weis 1101 tent+led Wits
'that the•-nitply of til.•'ran out. The
public %tolls• committee will investi-
gate null i -.•port to talc 1ottn(41..
The dog-tt111zzling utrlei• was again
hrseight rill 'and, 4111 11)11i4111 of the
Repot y Reeve, t he 111. 11.111 ' Chief
•e 1. .f.a •ill chi.
cotmril was Asked. The town «ItIbit*i
-.mkt wnt•tl that. the railway a tinny
was willing to ,•xeetne the agreement
fop, which- the_Law n liked. 1t WA,:
d.4•ide'l In refer the clatter to the
luetic work. commit Ie • for cousi4lprA-
Gest IN'foi' ,111y steps are taken.. to:
wards giving the railway the prig.
liege ,t aslEs,
In n eettnenunieation t • the'se '11'-.
si til fit_ toWll,.lr I f Id-)
Ch1• 11:4, tic,• mt ruling ineys•Ie•. 1111
the shlewalk-i in iet•tain parts of the
town. bathing within 111.• tow•nliulit+
without it hattft)ti{'zttit. anti the use of
profanity by a crew41 . hilt 1111 n 1Graham Wbi+iliQo•
d' Fifty yards race, ten_years and un-
wrent. Sunda)•. wore 'natters bron)d(t .ler-Harvey Elliott. Vance. Sickles,
... t... (.....,..tit.,,• t:,. -011«. I George Moss. •--_.....
it L es
.h t
The runningbroad •
S j
left over bola. the worts
toss wap by W. Doyle
Dungan 2nd. A. Brandt 3
Finis, \ -
ip for 1•vy ,
g program,
1. U. Mc -
In the evening the Square w
orated with a, profusion of R
uterus hang_under the trees
looked very pretty. The . 1 r
nient hand played a fine program. ,
Whirl) was heard with applrclation h�
the large number of people! who
crowded the Piqua re. Thi+ finished -
what was generally conceded to Fir a
n)n+t sneers+fol obilervance of •l'tui-
iulti - birth(dav' anniversary.
The Bedfoi u Lavery, ooutn Street -
Gundry Gundry Bvos. Old .Sts
Ituhher-tired ouach.•q with white
matched teams for weddings. Black
teams for funerals. Our single traps
and horses are the beet that money
ran buy. Open day and light.
'Phone 51. F. & T. M. I).1vlt..
Albert Proctor Accidentally Shot by His
aged sev-
rt Proctor,
tw e A to
• and his nephew. Joseph
Palmer, aged tbirteeb, 'erre playing
burglar and policeman at the farmer's
home near Holnw,ville of Sunday,
and as a result Proctor was shut in
the head and killed instantly. One
h*d 1► rifle,' the other a shotgun. and
there seems to 1'e no doubt that it wam
w Illeye ACCiletlt, as the boys were
close friends and evidently had nn
idea of their danger. The coroner was
called in and a .jury from Clinton sum-
moned, who visited the home on Mon-
day and ad loomed for a week.
Young, Proctor was his widowed
Signs will be put up wernitng the
4 &ender. that the noel ire of' -bathing
wit h, ait a bathing suit will rad Are
The- emineil then went into eoni-
chief of wilier. and Waite). T. %loots.
What !more can you aak Davis' Men-
thol Seim fulfils the,* specifications
and is the best remedy for Mtge and
sting/4. ekin diseases, piles, etc. 24ic
per tir
One hundred yard4 race' 'ears and. under- Frimit•is naechler,
Harold Currie, Harold %Valli..
One huntli•ed yards race, fourteen
years and under-%Vilfrid Blair, Fran -
chi Baechler.
13oot race. 'MO y;ardri, twelve years
and under-Roht. Clark, Hy -old Cur-
rie, Norman Macleod-.
Three-legged fifty yarde, tlf
teen yearm and under -Harry Tufford
way and Laverne Murray ; Harry
moLTirt s lgIST-lfl►mt- supporter i1 the
fat rl.l. _
Sommer Reports F. F. Lawrence ... ..... 7
.Y•i.l Valve. -W. Aehorton R +ort 1t
joy :a Lake Trip 1'. P. it 7
ere Geerge Juhnrton f
Filtil_ttrtle race, six years and mr--
Nlamie Smith.
13oot race. fifty yards, sis years and
under-Laiira Brown. Jennie Dawson,
Cora Hommel!.
Fifty yards race. ien years and un-
der- Gloulys MeKay, 'Florence Elliott,
Alma Walters.
Potato 1114,4-44, fifty' yardif tAln years
and under- MaggietSchoenhalittilarlys
McKay, Irene , Morrow, Nora Nts-
One hundred yards race, twelve
yeaca and under Agnee Meth -maid.
Della Walters. Herbals McKay.
One hundred yards race. fourteen
Pc F.nell-h Dinner '%Aare "Inn. tinbTi`.. * -
Bind r Twine -J. J. Moor - 4
From tour Sight Co Blindnc-, -\%'alter H
.011 ....: ...... .. . i •
'oat ('ard« Thetneen'e , u,le *mss
ry atom .... . 8
nil bunt Coats D. :tidier 1'03
Nt a' c ,-('. C. Ive,+... .. 5
What'. Scotch Store, 1
New Moto
Binder Twin
lloy Wanted
The Wa.,h1i
Hato for Sato
July Rodger'.
steamer iltiron
Notice to Farmer. an
Men and Teem.% Wanted People'. Railway.
Nate.. to Watertitket:4 A. Straiten
Bookkeeper And Stenographer Wanted 7e.
Wanted TO Rent---TMLIngival 0117co .. .. .
Stove. and Furniture for elale-Ifetah\of the
1,ouloviiie, Re.
on June Ifith. et the rosidenee of I 0`1,
Father Hatlfo. Cho.. It. clelPeustry, formerly
of Illorierech. to Ida May Murphy. ail of
• dth, 14„ only danghter of 51r. and
Mr.. Samuel Ereoth. age* th reel y..ara.
MecRAY. On Monday. Joli Ult. at hl- real-
dende, -MO Huron street, Toront Jame* A.