HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1910-6-23, Page 7•
tilt, ; +4, 4** 4*****7 *9" k'x x''ff`:. c44.k ii'r m' 44 i'4 444*. Ir:11,Y, '1.i
The News of the District.
4,1*,;,,,; t +tk k 5*4f+ 445** * 46 446 44' . k 45 * I k, Hs, 4 46 46=54$ = '' '' 4640+4
BAYFIELO, COL8ORi4E. Hawkr'r 1.^•t .wife .+.►>. --lags
LAURIEi(. , Initiaes you when you're away tow
�,� \VKI)'I I)tY, June 13th. r' - house." Walker- "Well. rhe o! en
\VKuxI.i -Y, Juuu:.ud. Hii'1•tra.0 Hitr:err:+,- Jlrs. R. A. iiiisser. ate when 1 AM r at boas,
UAHt,ua4,'Jund IlUt. Ther the worst *hot) w'ith.a11at,• you
I,triur:H Ltx .0 et, N. Finley, of Cam dell, utT. ives.oere who had leek 1
LurkuowlliwlvMi ing et. of t(yt n Jolie ht vialting relalicr, neer. left thin week I cis held its l 'tegulurt ttat+etlnR�llall rtthe rvrt saws"
.,.11- Int Petrolea to t -it bar daughter.,..
ivuu'nt•!I hone last week after s en Mis. Itieh ud. ,111,1 .toighter slits l mleuatlrr:. present, the }t4i1' in the
isR . iii' lirue vislung it': �da in th l'La+u Irl. Last week to tlsit relative"! e�i;ai • erne fuIlowiul; accuunte were
l oils A uuul%leI 011/11) VA
at 4 u•h,'upl•lu ... .ears, comfort). oul-red to he Paid : UIgatii a Wahete.
11 iuity...' 2j.Ix 101 onwhult ttay1, work with team
-the ' iileyglit emanation at The and J. 1. �ltirliug, of I'L'iflttd.,yich,. iKa oder, ",.i;: Alden Alain, siicda)s'
on Eielay evrniu}} Ltat tubo Iixd 111Illwen vl.iting their Parent., • ��-'-
1 recount,' home last week Atte'. their 1'10 ttith tr:uk 00 grader, $41 I...
visited our eeigh 1... 001 on \1'ralnaw- Aitken, Krxt riling, 1211: Lou slaskeII,
Jar twit. leaving at the htpgyjut sl r. fxthe's h,deiic Atret '1'hoN_ titin• I ,rk ill gravel rat. M:f.ib: Fred Hunt,
a:), Mrs. 1'howas I/irksook a little !to; t..... of 13,1droiclL attrndwd for fuuetxl ii 1
' tanv girl• euugrntalltiniir ! ...s.. \V.• iat lura• f�Itbi.t;.... w. 'Chu.. titiuwn. of war- Inn *tar* >1L 13: Henry Young.
aur .•,pry to rvpurt that Fred ett14 Ti the mall, . 1100, k•t % ednesttay of last I au VIM11f►a. > L'(t: Levi tinyder, femme
indi.e.+ ...et' froth alt all-uck of plrky!•) week and visited tehatiYee in the: K. $2I).ii, :Atex. McLeod.
at OWL of hie sister, hlr•r..lama s nrighborhotxl Mt 0. \Aloe iii \Nut un,ywire for fence. ►kdHaltford hill. F}u : Robert
Itar\airs. \\'r ho)e to hear ..f hie 1►owr lune flit t\'`rut, ciaitin}}. her i landPotash, t' 10. Notice of .•eaolu-
.�,wd> trcovery. t'stiter. 'Cud.i.-tMn•k Mins Stuart. „.„.,'„,/, li•.ed by the board of.dil•f+etm•s
KiNTAIL. \I s Mdiva. tit the KWFst ad her *niter. c.[ the 11.nderleh TetPphoue Cn. waste-
slur,• Ytrr!Iwr) 'dilsrh. \V.nl.. , ut i,eivett and ordered to he tiled. All
\luxu.av, June path' \t ii IltKr sN, S.446.,' 41 been visiting , •contracts •mast he completed on or lee
t'uta.,r•t'Fi't+s.1sTKIt. amino, at the parental home:,.JuI.fore)uly15th.byotderofi'ouneil. Ad-
. has hrl•n III Ad e in- connection
Fax -rt' has been ...inducting
.....,,,7c7.: 1 j,,urnwl to wart xgAin .duly tech at
with the postiThee bete. J; for Rev. Mr, Corriere, lit Gland Bend. 2oc•lock: ' F. \V.•hd lloxann. Clerk,
Alibi hoeing r'rr/Itisett lhu position Saw Lh' 1,444 tIA N+bhath. during, 'Mt t
',)f poatkaate+; • the "Hire hale been ferries. etwence at the (iene•ul As- BLVTH, '
tsnsferred to the storax of Neil Mr- ..manly -at Halifax ..Itrv. Jos.
• 1lnnald, who i. now the custodian of Elliott. of fiod,•rk•h, is a guest tot his , ' Tut:Aw v, June 21st,
-His M o•jest)ip 111014 At I hie point,• The .i•ter, Mr.. J. Fran.-., et errrrnt, and t•io iteit , ales',. --Rev, Dr, Clough -
transfer wool made a fete day,. ago. will corulurt wren,. in St. Andrete'r ton. of L,ndo'n, oecunied the pulpit of
!t il\tos 'DAY Pninittast—Kincaid -140u4-+:14,t41at $ I.t -.tars \lar.' blast f:a}titwt - _
in haven celebration on iJuIy Ist at shall and the \lister McMillan, of Lon- L. tiuiill 'et one of the ex -ministers
Lot.... dew Mirk. The \arrai(I1rwiettt tit ani Jet eters-til s}tetttt lht -tar Auburn.- chyrch_ per•• tr.,d _ , ...
.,r,. ti, tl:o hands of N. NICDonalii, and summer ,nmil tire 1+crupving- the lent-; lug tiabin4lb, it bring their fiftieth aa -
,!..e1411) of .porta.ix
for ,.e and girls tege Iwbeiguig to Jos, '1'a,uphell ' niler-lyary:. • -Next Sabbath he will fN--
:.n 1 :,,lints h4N twee pref+aThere sits, Capt, Ferguson Tett last ThursI vary • obis ,,,,,i,pulpit here . , . .Rev,
sill be a football match ' between tor)• to.join her hurtwnd on a trip rap' W. H. Coup -r will Pr eh his fire -
i„1,1, 1 awl senior KinKshlid trams, the lakes The \\ 'omen • lu•utbte well sermon here next thhath even-
aels log-of-iva)-1!rt oven the tsrtt'd exp13 to boil* •Ir*w.hetry festival 11.1. The following Ttturduy he in-
u,en and the Nirelr roan of Ab fieldon :ilei ffarrsti s htivirrnrtt o
ree,.tyt t.nctstrr-ttrnvtrtn-Doe w wwchhartrer-at-
and of •'1'prwfa)•, ,lu'ne •2stlt. The Zurich .Iilvertou and Rev. Mi: Farr will come
-!rend the holiday by the shotof band is t., attend. ' ,here, ..-
l.+l.• Huron. IIKATH 01•' WM. STIHI INit.'-•\\'il- liter:I:ALL.•--The Belgrave Newhall'
lion Willing, who deputedthis life team were h e r e la: t, Saturday
on Sataria)• even•rllr, .lune t'h. wee' and played it ,junior trona here. the
ne of the leer -known relidelts of l,,:al tract awing victtx'ious by a score
1 ,..rich township He wee horn in „ )' In -:3. Last Tin-sdav afternoon the
tie tlttat seventy -eve )•Pare ague And Bible alas, of the \[ethoall4t. church
cam to this country when A fwd of wrttt out to ‘Veetiirld"atid defeated
Iv settled the team 'there. the score being 7 -ll.
lith t•ou1•e404iuti of ti,xierich Thr eh:milnod basebell team of Clin- ,r rF f
and remained there Datil toil is emit ig here next Friday to
years ago. Whet* the din- platy an exH'ibitiuu 'Karate with our
td to Bat Held In liet31 he, bows, The g:uue i4 -to be called at
Ui salsa ttPlrrerii 380e 11:30 <s this it it good tiute for a game and eight daughter*.. m
with a family of this• thereotighttit be :1 good attendance. Family Remedies
Pr:H.ovAt. AND tigt:V dl., -,loons,'
s Good
gleafy weir.,,n 1' imp
11 se.,-ourhle mail. cheep-••verythhia bosh
....relean. Sow is the time for pure Part.
et,ate have a barge -took of it en thud'
d art ...AA at •'')c •per andnoir bind"•
,alis a It he here la a few ay. --
the 1.--t 11r the market. cheaper than any other on .,.h
brand, quality ,salddered. ratty. its trade. towneh
II FA HI' WHINEY. about t
V K ION San.%Y, June 2'ind. cea-rd ,00
N.. re.- Win. Homey. of Ow was,nweri
.,anJ, visited at bis btother'•,-11. .U.,iwrlf, who
Home's, over Huntley •
Orr poet: wee, five son
ie. -ter and his wife attended the sur%ivee. The -Madero are : Jetties. and John \1c(iill held an auction roar
le.i••n yelling of' the formrr's )wt'- John, Georg., au• M. Crawford. of of hoose .property on ti •*uley street
PIA, Ill i.oderich on Mondry evening ; kfotd, Mich- : li'illiaut mud Mow drat Sxtnrlaw, bfit the Oinewas not
last... t'apt. and MH -s. McCullough. Leslie Lorre, of N4 ton, Alta.: Mrs. sold . A. great n;finy {anew w here
Inetroil. who had been visiting Mee. E. H. Juhu-ton, of S Ignore. JJich• : took in tlA great
tai v frontDetroit re
Miller. returned un 'Tuesday by hunk'- Alexander end Mrs. McKenzie, of I the in tlfeier tex+yy reion lost troby,
rt'' Greyhound . Mrs. Hagan, a Guderit•h'to w'i,hip:. ive Jla,rd, of
returning slnndxy night. On Friday'
(tattoo' u-sudPnt of this 'place, exult on Toi-onto. and Mies, ,Inge rhinr.' urn*j night over one hundred went n1herr
the Ureyhoun.d excursion from De- and 1,•'ttir, at home, A . Stirling, ht (•: P. R. to Goal.rio h to take in the
trait :kid called nn old friends' in the of tiieIrrieh. and favid. n Colhot•ne, 1 11.0111111410 trip on lairs ens loot
Si i(!rteirbood, We were glad to see are ht•oehets of the deer ,. Mr.
hyo hashing so, well, She returned ori 14.-ssintention to have a celebr»-
lnirling was a Presbyterian slurs id win ttntu two. Jul let. 'There watt., horse i
I'„r.dsv Jam a McBride an wrne.t Christina rntlrm In race. :and .i•fiiat.et alt 111 11 in the
k.0 delivered to J. F. And'ews on politics ire was 4,)rilwral. The . iter-
0.,aNrtn 41) tfhr la,wle1 are wing
l;atuntav at \le(iaw elation twenty- arena was 'near. in H,ayNrld cent.-
etur y h+t.. a Ililebl tournament. In the
Bim. meats and three choire stet ere. lip moo,.,.. .11-lfitr.-imit• wi” U:1 hi , *the to ang 1rnam of I rt ti e
.�'r whole hunch realized their own- largely .tttendrtt. the dece'esed hail t eiteteh ithe % tlavtnK a lawn so.I ri on
:•t• neo lv $'2,:4Nt. Pretty good for a heel held tit the highear, r»carte in 'tbr chithe rhurrh Lit►n. So if it is a Moe day
Ir►Last. farm. '1 he \lettere. McBride couuuunity in which he was so well 1 Ilene ut' ht.tia'tw t good riowd here.
retteioly understand feeding and sell- known. r .Me and Mr.. C. H.- Bees.- left
mg s'..1 Alex. Young is im town •. - -i las week for» visit lhro•tgh the .e left
rh.'•e /lava having the cellar wall f3ODERICII TOWNSHIP. • oft labour with relatives. Dot lug
11:11 mein. ods hundsowe new residence.
alis liav, who is wutk.ng for t3 Nusle t..luge :i1Jth. their Menace Mr.Bee.tea father and
irk the' troni Cheslet. itis herr Lok• Thefts 3 }':tl Remedy for
• .pert, is »wav-to T414111.0 to Meet 'NI a•ritiame .tt-. - 1 Vi•eV 'quirt 11'41'. inK ,+ft' thingN I. H.•l'h Ilrw
. u hew t' England. -lie is travel- ding took Mae.. at \Vinahein oa 'Ve;t- I every ordinary ailment very
-DK t the lit Riad Goysr•ururnt get- nrsd4): dom.- .sten, 'When Mi... \lout. recric0tl t .rad nude. Motley
• ITsimilar to wh.0 our own
'1 c in rtu/INion nloug Vert/lip lines. ditn¢h'rr of (iwn•g•• It••adle. of Au- i week of th death rat hit moll t or (.
J.. les Glen had the mistorr. • but ti. wit ed in ma, tt:l\e 'o Fl ow- Welland an left tor there Tne.diy. 1 physician would. prescribe.
lo:e n late anti furl a few day + 41.1 11/4.11111.'011 the Ili, h � once...ieo of I Miring Iiia »I nee 1'. H. 1 t %iter i. l We know. the formul2e .of all
\s ...Thee- e-
h -business to
alt and .\Its. beaking after t ,r Ie ti�•al' g Remedies — know ex -
1... \Io. ( eta had • ref $'tot for Alert ti towudup' W4 a rllrrr111g 1 the 1111'111 tel.•Ph,n.
u•- tull s..; time ago and certainly ()holey have, ,i the
14 •rie.l life
' A. IL.- 1.,.. on a -'fares on the Itlth ling. n I. ori• i directors lure list matllrtley. whet: ii ' actlY what'', in them — you
------ rawest mg' t lie cougrrtklatiotts t their j etrl.g*tion 11 gm _ t dlx,rni• w:"N hrtr may know and your doctor ..
nts for Catarrh that moot' Iriend4•• - wanting to go in wit this .'nmpany : !can knave too. That's why we
So- p'ti-pi' kx�k brig , t fora -dialog c'heerfula • recommend - them/.
ereurv. •t .1 ,lav HEt•1, ItErr,.tskt).--fi a company being formed-. .The ('. P. Y
X111 sure v 111..1.111%. the the -any of hi lei illness, Henry Hen. a rt' -idea „f 11. Ilan y beingf Ile time or the even
•ra\' nal .
•A ru'up 1g it lir. oar Ihu whole .•t•' Ihu Hurn ht:ul, paNswl x11 staihD sl 1r1d*i • The 54 ' - A.rrhine , wnt abs
• .. n.aalrring it thro h the 111111;41114 .ir , Mg (tient R
-n, h art tram d,.mk1 ever be age,' ex. da.. I. 44 ural., a the .,_te nl "event- 1114 tient trnru 'l'nrotth, r Int- i' YOU bur - sea
ptlighle ph)d fo11 teal.. His lade. Ion .na)• all, o,, weirs
tenfold In 16•• 1::41 In.I 401 of �l•.. ... �•• `1i oath rhe 11I f'�.a rteirs
'from them. one t'laughtrr. &•u .,rad sllnni"• •It, I ono rat nut hilt young lathe4 , a.a,. .t E r ,i.a,
d bt• e..n. home: and 1{hi rt. of Saskatoon, i' rddsd The school •child. n :.rt', !i
o 1) '11551 tinea., surVivr him. »rad the .ytnpa• 1 p i,CRtnyt away very hard :.t pr. ent. i
ed t0 yt
tq nql. thy rat tlu•r omultuaita i- r tli,,1 PN 41'3411 V those trying for then' ' 're- :psi ant them. \I r. Bell ,uh » .\letho,list lit ""/ They are at it till :i in the aft
made religion .and a member ••f 1.....1 Meth.,- 1 itN,n, Aside: ou Saturday. 1 t-unrip i
0o ilia
t - AI t k
e., 1 r w 1 rn h if
Io r them I
t' lacca 1 n nu then K
.t h l ho d t
di � un
lot t
, i ud
to Halla
hist week for on Torridity of tat I fx,i.ih Vile. O'Conn.,r left f 1
crnlrtric, the swvicre xt the hitr.1 tbl \\,
1,,,,.:. week. Ile expects tot
and grnvetide't Illi conducted hV aP- l make his 1 me tttst e :and tht•il move
.aNeo1 poster Ttt•t. R. \teas \lillcard'Lahr, Tamil, nu ....,(suite a nntnherl
\\-Kn0txo lisa.1-.-A.-t1trtty JIne: from here ;1 riikir-u in the Steifnrth
+beg wits soltkiniz-el at . the honte y.Rrr4 thi. wtlr Mrs. Ji. H. II i ,
•t. Lindsay, Cut line. On \%wines 1 mond. nf'Detrp visited ft lend," herr
ting of last week. it tieing- -het this week ....'-Dr. P. Fir44-1-tatel Jaila4
of the nitiliage of Mins keryoann'• rat •It4.rle t1sit;•d hereI
da ',nuts ty to Jetties Reid third Friday us. '-1)t .id., of Tor•
1 rat lobo Torrance... rant.., to + at pt earn spending.,
i; ,II\\ iii s \vt artll
• the price.
:This trademark stands
'for all that is hest - and
purest in family rertleiies.
There are no secrets about
Nyal's Remedies- -no` impos-
sible "cure-alls." .'1' a trade-
mark stands for open and .
,square 4,Iealing.s
N yal Remedies mean no mys-
terious nostrum, but pure -
ingredients coinpounded with
scientific accuraev-
Flying Machines
A few years ago flying
machines were hardly
thought of, nor was
Scott's Emulsion
in summer. Now Scott's
Emulsion is as much a sum-
mer as a winter remedy.
Science did it. . All Dn•aai.ra
I.et us have your oilier
for your
New Summer Suit
The Tailor West st
t3ewtre of Giotto
I_ I
The centre of the Muskoka anat. tet
reached direct by the Lake Shore
bine.- Ho:aside stati+ine at Bala }'ark
and Lnke Joseph.
The Lake Shore Express
Trains 3dt41
A magnificently equipped solid ves-
tibule train. observation pallor cars
and coaches de luxe.
Irl appointtie!it, in a class by itself.
Three trains every week day.
8 am, IO a.m. 5.115 p.m.
Providing the comfortable way to
visit Beaverton, $pbieow Lake, Mlts-
koka Lakw+,I'lu•ry tionnd,1ieoegianBaay
�thr Magnetawan Country, Pickerel
id French Rives. -
itket offices corner King and TO -
;Streets and V-uion Station. Tor
pn•.erira 1014- frorn
a • n" chanes They .i 1-
�' •an awdbli- dere:+
,rt ti 1•nl . manuf.et
i iu
rnr r co , al
n n •d rt
.T h a
a Leu internally. ae1111g lir
.) and nim•uu. surface- of th
41 Hall'• t'atarrh Cure be .ore
1 taken loternalh
uw. )[ u t ke l
„ Cu,
t. .(nene•t+l
blest F. homey ►
r I,rl¢Ri•Ir.
Price 7k. per tint Ile.
- II ;11- lordly Pin. far cnn.lipatioh.
His "Better Half."
1 1'onneetiCut' .physician, put. his
•t':.• thtou1h sneh a surcr+slit- phyei-
t culture course that she is now able
"-amMrres throw -h-On -ore--cif--the
T.4 N o' . �w , at' t in
• ,t leen Wt
the t.eilrher to seep 1
In., iitiL 4 idlph Mercury. .
Relieves Stomach Misery Almost Im•
If the Juliet von ate at your Stet
meal did nal digest. but lay • for r
Ionic time like lead on your s1�to�mach.
them you have indigestion affil quick
• " 'l -could he taken.
"tone there ere .insoy other
,1115 of indigo+stinn, such at
hel••hing rap of sour (mel, heartburn.
diizilira%. shortness of breath and
toll! hreiith, and if you love ,any of
theta your stomach is out of order
and Mould lie, corrected.
Mi ton:a tablets hove cured thou-
sand. of e444 1 of indigestion and stmu-
arh tl. nht. If you have any stomach
distn•..• Mi o-na will relieve instantly.
H' Mia. -04, unlike most so-called
1541"laida remedies, does more than
relieve ; it permanently ctn•es dyspep-
1•i4 nr duly stltna•;h trouble by putting
shrug)' end strength into the walls of
the stoau,cha where the gastric juices
ars pt..dlleed.
- A large box of Jii-o-ni tablets °mite
bi,t3+cents at E. R. Wigle's and are
Pla1anteed tri cure or stoney hack.
When others fail,'Mi-o-na cures. it is
Pr s1tie . of flesh when the body is
thin: it cleanses the stomach and
leiw••1s! purifies the blood end makes
rich reit blood,
day e
Porter's H
��l`iple.. who
tgr-Ir places 1
ne And 411
pro nnelntl of
Jas. ttttrlltoll
then i1.1Rlid x111
sire. '1'o race comms
with the hest wisher
sot ' • ' ' nn i. hi. heli-
. At tf o'clock the young ,dace with his tl.., her her' Mr. Mr, GeorgeA
were unattended. took i and Mrs. W. Rnb rtsot' of lVinghrlul. writes:
ler. an tt ch tit PCP.• 1 visited bee Manley. \\1. F yle "For man yea
vh*Ili, to await the '-e nt a shirt. tiike with ,lei wife here with chronic Coast
this week.. .. \ties Jo
daywith a .•Or•Lael of h a
West T Watson went
onto Saturday with a out
Mr. an, r•. • r
ave rat settled in the*
Sold and guaranteed by
Mr. Andrews praises Or.
Morse's Indian Root Pills
draws of Halifax, N.S.,
have been enabled
ation. This ail-
•-liantted, and I
many Jlnesses
in its train.
t•c taken in /
rad all left
'tion. l t
he wotde b) Rey. ' '-aliettt ate' -rt' •'ounrs
ich tvnslii make a fur the have been a victim to t
wile. Mr. and to Tot'• that constipation bring
ce Married lite R(1 of Medicine after mcdir•Ine I
t. a host - of rattle i JI I' i . 110•. redeem find relief, but one
Inge Fare to
June 30th a
If you \i'otild enjoy
-take the C.
July Is 1
U LY elft.
a holiday Islas, F. Thomson, Ut:dc rich
t; 111 Itnl/5V, .It•ntt 1' lu 7
\Vs have •verythi*g t
which will add to your cotuto.,
during the warm N u
Two-piece Suits
t►ut Septi - Ready .two - pie, ,
suits, in .Jf the leading shad....
aur very pular and are Iwo
right in style and orators -
Rave s look at our
Negligee Shirts
bee ire making u porch ens. \\'r
have on display it splen,tid lint' ni
Wash Ties It
which, you should 111,10,4 t .V."
srf attractive array of
Straw Hats
fl'oni which you clot obtain the
t:tyle most Nuiteble to von. nitre
114 a call.
McLean Bros.
`THE NEW W.\ti
Moore's Nonateakable �41'hIIF:
Fountain Pen is in the expires
to you to own 41 F 1,nntum P•n
th„t you could carry Mound ill
pour packet or bag InIany p„4t.
jinn with the ppo,sltivo assur-
anco that it wouldn't leak)
elm Name's tweamoasis there
is no way la which tic. ink ,,,on
pusaibly leak out. Tota ten fes
Always ready Lor Instant see,
cud DIN moment 0 1. u, I,e ti t
riper, writee, without nuy pro.
ltlntnary ahaktntt whatever.
Yuri het more, it wan carry nit
grades of tuba, Including Copy-
ing aid ludo talo,
Thera aro ninny different.
kinds of Yuuntali 144040A 41,
market, but then;
Hutt 15 .t..4.t ty • • f_•, '^ .,
and that fa Maws. ',,,e-Lethaak,
1011 41.1. nY
Agent, lioderich, Ont.
Or write K. L. Thottinet n, D. 1 . A.,
Toronto. ' 1 -
I 111•!,1 111' .ted 111 •.•ry
Royal Edward
Royal ficorge
'- the fastest and line- 1 .,etemated
Mesmer* sailing hetweeen UAn•1d i and
(item liritivk.
Montreal and Quebec to
Bristol .
co Apply x114 Steamship Agent, or
Win. Phillip-, Acting 'Prattle Manager,
Cwnadien Northern tit ea m•h'ipa.
'Limited Tun)ntti
Funeral Directors -
and Embalmers
Ordt:ls 4:arefully attended to
at all hours, night or day.
Dominion Day
between all Ntstinns in (140,11*, alto to
het roil lint! Port Haulm, \Ii,. higen,
Niagara Fall. and Buffalo. N. Y.
-Good going June 30th
1. etur,
�% y
LimitJ.�ly 4th, 1910.
Here's a Kidney Treatment W
You to Try at Our Riek.
de aid. ,
fain outside. confident - � --- ..-.. _.,. �--.-
bare been a very .etImlta fire had it
su e!tsentiel for restoring etre gth, nc- not been for the splendid •ystrm of
bully and health to weak m•dl tfessed•
kidneys thetrt'Pare willing M apply
it with the positive. understa Ing
that. it shall ,,vIolt the user not ng
whatever. if fbr any reason it fails
too. Prat ire patiafaction.
After A thorough experience with
the meet successful kidney treat-'
melts, we are satisfled that Resell
Kidney Remedy ie the one prepare- t,
tion which embraces all those qutli-
tie. so nece51nry for giving prompt. I erste
Pherson It ' R ! i ' 1 new 1148 in the same h•,pele.. con.
book i' F' tt loss A *(o an
I the home ..f the last-ttaolPoi in Art • � r I d
Bele J. RPII, who has been attend Indian lined Pills.
ing college a ( That•was:ea: a hicks, day for
ing his holiday. at' hie home hors. i with h t
Mrs. K. i,ytlrlt visited r•r•Iativw I encs made that I determined to
seemed that notch; would
oho: one ailment i=• it,cau
ouble vet at last reg. about
for I was so inl•.resse. the state,
With a.dvanced age CoMes derange- / e them a fair trial.
ey have regulated my stomach and
gans. Nature is taint e to retro' tn ' bowels. I am cured of constipation, and
het proper funutione and asiutres cer- Clinton's New System a Success. I claim they haye.o0 squat as a medi-'
We are so
a t sande irh, i5 nine spend-
waterworks recent1r tn.tall,d and the
Prompt action nf the Niemen *darted
here tonight when• a barn Adjoining
Fairs' trill was discovered enveloped
In Hames from tonme
A few min' tag' delayend ate
our mill and sheds would have been
flames. to that Clinton citizen,•
e every- reason to be proud nf their
hting combinationuf men and
and permanent relief in all Ottawa of . ful of His Appearance.
kidney and urinary ailments,
inasntttch 4A a trial of Resell Kid- I Two wo.,en were talking over the
ney Remedy can be had at our entire 1 hack -yard 1 ice, when one of them re -
risk. there is no reason for anyone marked : "M husband always wean :1
std tees hesitating to put it to a practical tee"L: clean shirt tsar Mnnda' morr.Ing."
■ Ofiiii'i1+rl'D m 'N-o-iaff) Why not try- a bottle today. on our ,'Well, now, *aid the other. "1
CURESguarantee ? Two cites, r,0c and $1,(MI. 1 neve cares anon Sunday : hot 1 allu4
CATARRH, ASTHhi?,. Sold only at oily store -The Resell do aPP that he has a c}son shirt on
Be"hthitll, Croup, Coughs and Cali:,, ,.r "tore. N. C. Dunlop. south side of every Saturday afternoon. 'cause that'.
So uses, the time he's generally drinkin'. and
money back. Sold and gtasrantrad b• [ t when he does take off his coat to Mill
$, it• Wi In, n ,rth side• of Square, After burying the hatchet some men i do like to are• him looking nfp .n.1
(3tx1"ricb, R }clean." Lip incott's Magazine.
go out and dig tip an ax. P
Por o er half a century Dr. Morse's
Indian Rtsti aaPills have Sten curie tq coo-
atinn - r 1n inactive kion! 7's,
with all the Imentt which result from
them. They dle.•tnee the whole system
and_ purify the Maxi. Sold everywhere
atbc.abox. 2
Spring and
Summer Goods
11IUERA 1't)RS
Well/0111k lire Barnet 11ygirnir Itt•friger.Uor, to. well tN Ile•
nrdtnat'v[trollu.t•it or.With Bernet tcft•t rt'.Lo
yono ranin ..lir
.f . nil, on nn in with
• 1,' 'r O • 'Olt can I[ fish 1
9 /1 ice Ill 11 tW t )
rut your 1
y I
1 or 1 and further.
milk and hotter without tainting the nntlPl ntlk , 1
as a proof of its dry 111.44,- you 11111 keep ui.tt.•hes in it without
. tfeeting them. 1 \LI. ANI. SEF: 'l'HE\I.
Mailings 01 rs..srnger steamers fr•nnt
and [11'Lk'Tlf, evert' Monday, Wed
eeday and- Sattitrb,y-'wt-- 13.3) p.
Only the %Velnesda" A1141 Saturday
steeniere go to DUi.IJTIL-
Mailings from (11)LLINDWt)UD 1.:it1
m.. and (►WEN MOUND I1 45 p. tu.
ednrs.lss• and Memo -dot. fot• 800
1 I
rmation front Railway Ticket
or from the Coulpany at.
Sarnia``,r ('ollingwitod.
Town Agent. (►fllce bourn n.:$, a, m.
o 9 p. n,.
cot :ldr"4s J. iii McDONA LD, 1), 1'.
A., O. Tit., Toronto
Why Take Alcohol?
Are you thin, pale, easily tired, lack your usual vigor and
strength? Then your digestion must be poor, your blood
thin, your nerves weak. You need a tonic and alterative.
You need Ayer's Sarsaparilla, the only Sarsaparilla entirely
free from alcohol. We believe your doctor would endorse \
these statements, or we would not make them. Ask him
and find out. Follow his advice. jr. Aye►Co. , Loutialfass.
The eadoesetaent of your doctor will certainly greatly increase your confidence In Ayer's
ragas a tastily laxative. Liver pills. All vegetable. Ask your doctor about them.
lav s 'ust arrived. Pete 4
from $i.2.7) to $12.511, Every Mower fol y Knarl►ntt•0.1 .
If your bad Mower is out of repair, let 114 know, avid we will
.end for i; and pet it in g•xxl repair for yon.
i)n yon 1a•.I11111 a 551.' •Ib,trt of r \\''' lays them
We have Doors from 11 fret flinches to 7 feet in bright and
various styies..
55'.• have whist you \vast.WRE
Cleveland Coiled Spring Steil ire at $2 rt. Barbed Woeat $2.85. Woven Fence, froom 2i'c toi5c per roil.
Our atomk pf Sherwin- William,. faints was never
m1 11•
Fresh car el National Put•tland Gement jest in.
Let us figure on your Pluritbing, Heating,
Eavestroughing and Electric Wirthg. All
work promptly attended to and fully
Store 'Phone 22
House •Phone It2
1 = L'Z.11