The Signal, 1910-6-23, Page 5'I'IIE St(.NAL: (,O1►EIU ,11 ONT.>, RI(► .kit noun v, 1, :vr: 23 loll) 3 LOCAL TOPICS. Celebration Committees.. I' a'interested44g 4g tn44441tin the 11 i)uu iPI AI t.ihp ntln re t will tw held' in W. L:o'r s office in the sourer house at -3 fi tI :t ndan a ii remarried. dterulN,u. '-! urisl, season Open l n R• he Mellott ions aft• that the tamiet -ea 't1 now cctuinencing r fillitli it ^,,a one, The pr p n the turner teem -W. stetter the other Is) tl t the town would -be full of '•.urisl within two weelr. I'he Paint h fit and Menesetung Park are :.Brad, pen..and the Hotel Sunset wilupeu nJul y 1st, Burkhol Crawfbrd, was ail. uiet welding I part In the. work of;lie A. V. P. A. As a Mark of thrix appreciat ion of trot 4 •I•%ice••, like choir presented her with a cut Riese wader set and the gift ,of *- V. -P. A. wee a i'-" rt , ask. .The Signal junks in extending Iwst washes, A veI's- emnized at the' t niun and Leeburn mouse, h:art'serel t. on Friday evening, ahen Miss Agnes Crawford. daughter .t. John l'rawferd, of town. and H. n• ianlin H. Burkholder were united in utarriage by Ret. Jar. Hamilton. 11r. mil Mts. Idut kholder took tote he rtruuuto er •,:r'•thonott tor a'\\h,onryW I I Ieu•ait And on Ha •r return will mike . up residence in tovsn, • Acudiint atthe P4arber. Tuesday afternoon. : while Eddie JArdine. son of Mrs. Jardine. of toWn. was assisting in operating a coal truck .ist-connection with F. B. Holmes' coal hoist at the • wharf. he wits ip tome ,,tanner knocked off the •track, result- - Iptt in a fall about. fifteen feet,, A doctor WAS stnutnont•d and the in. -- -•sired roan was removed to htr house, where it was Lound that a bloodvessel • hail been burst in one of hie lungs and tl• r injut 4 had been sustained. is ir{atrttd to be now progressing ran- ,}},• t+..va44' aer'ryet'V.. A Cornplimeotary Critic. e Editor Kerr of The Ilriewele [Cost visited Gosletich the other dad' and ha+ this to ray 41x/4)1 life tilwn III his paper: "Art enwp4ny with Registrar !beck. of Welkeru)n. a former prolid- etor of 'flit' Kincardine Reporter. the writer visited The Signal and Star n4•wI{(aiwrufilcee: the registry office, where we had the pleasure of viewing Registrar Coate' 14101)11* lose garden with 210 varieties of rotten in addition to many other flowete avid sht•uhs; were sh4iwrr tilt -4.11'0i the tidily kept Alexand:a hospital by Nurse .Levy *trolled through the lakeside park and wound 'up by railing on the court house officials. (Judet•ich has tea {leers as a summer town -so far as its geographical position i• 4 uncerii tt and it.. unique. layout. lout there it eiuple room for modern iinprove- rtlente that would add very materially to its popularity and without incur - Ong heavy expense. its tine, hrrrttd, well.kej•t streets IUI 1 ,1 an t for driving •6t• motto inns.-' he Greyhound Trip. • A Saskatchewan Wedding. - The 1%'41dena tSArk.1 Herald gives an ,-lats,rete account of rhe ;wwj4ing •6n .fun4• 1st of Charlotte Hazel, only .laghter nt %V. T. Potts. of \Vadrns. Allied Leonard Jrr►sen.•manager of hr branch of the ('ataduan 11 ink of t'nnut440ce at that place. The 1.rWe's {atter iathe eldest 144,11 0i \\ oil, I'o141... Saltford, and will fa• r•me,ulwre,l • • .one /Apex reader.. The welding et very popular event in 'ta edema•' „•I was the aut'lt'c11 of, general felici- .1ion. The clung couple left on a :lure munthe visit. to Norwa%, 11 r. t..i.en'o • former. hnrne. and other I-.vriiwan countries. and nn their re• 'uan will reside at 1VIKtene. 1.eportant Meeting Friday Nig?' t. .An industrial proposition of yet). ,• 1.• 1001101i :inc• 10 now engaging the it entiun of -the Board of Trade. Thr •matt'•r ,woo before' the rnuncil of the Bawd ore llnn(Iay evening. and it seas tecidetl to hold a gener41 Meeting to- faortoW • Friday) evening. when 14n1 ,•ives of the c ,pang would le ie n,• and discuss their proptwnl with o•.• town council end busi114.s men. • Not Wes to 1111 11114rulerN i•( the Boan1 and tithe town council- have 'wen sent lT for tfrt' metttiar. f'rr•' \'h e prnrerbial good luck 0f t ate nee Greyhound In tine matter o wee her did pot fail it the past week, when the annual visit nf'the- big 'et -toner h, Goderich took place. The Greyhound arrived Friday evening with alaltlt :luso people on board. and Tater tools out a large crowd on the (loderirh %helical S.xaety'slinoonlight (X011'14on . 'There Were 1.1.41)1 people sof Ialard f.tr tbi. It ip. that-lturitjal •So--. ciety selling 1,21111 tickets :Ind tI* test C01)Ii111/ in by special trains o11 (i. and ('.: P. K. On saturant 'miming the Grr'.hound left with about 701) people lin I)rti-4 it. They hada very pl.•.t. int trip[ an, ••r.luru4d on \Innday night tired hitt -delighted with the three day: trip. On '1'ursil•ty morn - Mgt lir stea,ukr left again for Detroit. This annual et reit a1W:1y, makes a Nth in the ,•.a0. end Ira+ Iwc.utr rstah. fished as the'opeuinpt n( the 0unl111er tourist season. 'fhe (irevbolind is a s hildid limit, and in' Mr.. Ayer the White Star Lisle has an excuNdon agent who'e -mere,' and ability have h to do with the continued war - fir the (haleriek trip. cUntact. with A ttee inthe court boner park, Oleo ig were badly 11iaffni►gid,,lkut•- imollIMB the drdriverescaped without injury. Arrangeweut8 are being niwde fur a piugresiive etirl►re party to be hold at Hotel Sunset on Thurealay, July 11, itt u14 of the funds ..t ,%1exandra hos- pital.": • Sei" the program for Dominion Day U"derich.++a-}taga-A-ut line issue. _of The signal. It is oiwd that a large bei Will take tart in the trades P1 •tCMt1011. A. M. Polley is entering business again and will run s4 lifts of hacks to meet all boats and trains, and for pri- vate calla. funerals, weddings, ore. 'Phone '•17. 'W. 11. 1Vilsou, of West \Vawauorh, who appeared before Judge Holt, ac- cused of 4 serious olf+•ice under the ('harlt m Act and it charge of indecent assault, was acquitted last Saturday. The new eurpulee time schedule oil the C. P. K. went into ettect on Mon- day of this week. The evening train pow arrives at )t:Ht, neatly two hours earlier than before. This is the only change. o6an'bl4 and liw,..rs. siatindrIit, Meld. Boom" and blo4.aw have 'been ap- is;inted a collllll ter to co•orwrate 'with the town a it i44 making are ,i.a;rtger.ts tor receiving the Gnv41 n meat represrntatiies who ale to Visit 4,.,lrl lel. sr'nte titer in July, ` e Railway Dispute. • rlo•Irarr no new def rinpments in •.•lentie iitilway ft'ailet. 14.,th • ties to the dispute lair ••x pre -sell ..1.1111.V1•1 1.1 '1114. Mtl(n*L's *,ti.1.- ' • . k advising ••4,n••iliati.m. E•teb 'hr,4d4ie410exceliett--Ger the 1,I1ows. There breve been some 1111.0)1e i) •1Rrrrl the totvn.bip .11111 tk.• railway- rnlplany., tint pa S t y will rnnr•wlr r mingle to Ibt other . - The township lore 1 :• 11/4' •'t weft hat ,Alt a 'mandatory boron,' therm:its that would Co 1• Ih'• rails ay 'all snnlmpr-; the rail- i. ,r;N•np11Prelyonthedeli«ion 114 1 h r.4nii Hallway f+odnl ' to prevent m Another wdlourn- a 4 ties action. .4 o ae Int iC'woek was .11101.1 when the of the 111411 .hargell With 'eating t• • he 1 risk's • sex he(Ot.• Magiotritte 11 ''..z on Friday last. - • .e•, v.,tOry of MusiC for Goderich, C. C. Lee's change of advertisement came to hand too late for insertion in thio week's i.euo of The Signal. Watch for it next week. He tits soutething good to offer in binder twine and hoa weather goods. ueicxl recik.1 will be _given in St. eters a TIO44 od t 1P er eftinga of Thursday and Friday. July 7th and xth. The program wilt.„ einumenee 111. K o'clock. and the proceeds will be fur the lienetlt of the church. The local branch of the clank of 'otrlauerce has a new feature --.-a set of fety deposit boxes which 'Was in- sta lad this week. This will prove a conveni'•nceto arsons desiring the safekeeping of docuwents and other articles of value. ', Harbor Notes. -flies/teenier A. f). Hayward is herr WW1 a Carl .. of co*I -from Sandusky for F. 11..I101ines. The steamer IA,rie arrived in port Monday oveniui; from Fort William. with a cargo of whew. She lett 311. - OW hu.Lelk At the elevator' and took the rioneindreiandii het cargo to King- 111nn. Th- yachtI'uritan:t. of Toledo: was" 8M.•aller herr on Torsos 4 . She WAN 011 her 4)414 4t' I'•rt y Souu,l and left the d..nrr .kat 1. , her destinaLiuO. \n ai ear..ncr for biredriving has 1s•en pl.' .11 on it scow and it will lie put to work at "nee driving riles for th.• new elevator annex. '1 he Land music tear -hers of town 'MVP h• at tangettitntd 'tit •6(4.•)1 a ems. ' o a y herr. Premises hove Ileum .441 xn noshing ',vita! will be ,•:n1,. in Septonilier. The ••111 be .1. H (tooter, mganisi 9 t' h'nah. who • petted the ('on• • of Manic to %Vesta -look at1.i betel very ineeessfnl. 111 •, 44 ill be teacher iit v•w'rtl nu -ie 14aor41 Immo playing. A. E. , who'd.* been teaching grain' . •reg, harmony end theory in the aryl who is well known rad a roto ' .I teacher, as 111 art ne mtwical The adtantoges of the Cons 4 over private' .lessons etre att tor% them are the monthly • which inspire•% pupils to do bet - work. free theory clitesee, the pres- s- ,f.tliiin cif medal/, etc. Further an n0hncement will lie made later. Leiner -Wells. In the reedits of the recent competi- ttveexlatuinatinn held ay the civil ser- vice ervice department of Cahadtr- Austin' Chish..hf, of (4uderlch, street fifth in the list for Ontario and twenty-first for ell Canada. The Siknal joins with Austin's friends in e.ttending 000grat- uletionr. - In out list last week 'of those who passed txatilinattons at Toronto rni- vtroity and at the Faculty of _Ediea- t ion we omitted the following': Mies H. Hritni.oinbe, W. 'G. laver' and Donald ('lark passed their ezamiita tion,' at the f•'iiculty of Education ; \V.• G. 'Taylor pas,ed his third -pear in arta" and Win. •Fuigliind'passed hie second veer exeminatinns at Knox /College. The students mentioned are all former pupils of the li, C. 1. The annual meeting of the West Huron Farmers' institute was held yesterday at Dungannon. Jos. A. .Mallnugh, of Dungannon. was elected president. and H. Hilt, of lienmiller. vice-president. The anodal • meeting of the Women's institute ryas held at` the same time. • It wets the intention to hold a union picnic of the two. In- rtitutes, but • the excessively hot weatltee spoiled this part of the prt►- grant. OBITUARY. Kirkpatrick. A fo)n•er esteemed resident of town enoI away on Saturdsv. June .•x.•ecaton' ulnllgsidr th.+ 1:. I. R -•l Lltiswhen Nitta. Kirkpatrick, widow tracks has Iwetr • omplrt•+1. Thr PH"- '„f the Late John Kirkpatrick, went to 1000a hate been sunk and work will her reward at the *ge•of seventy-eight years. Mrs. Ktrkpatrlrk. maiden nam./ wax Anti fluff, was horn near Enniskillen. county 1•'e:- managh. Iceland. but had Iwen a resi- dent of chi. district for over forty years. Forty-two Years ago she Was married to Mr. 'Kirkpatrick in ('ol- feitneatownship. '('bey removed from that township 'tai 1*oxlei•ieh about thirty 741110 ago. Mr. Kirkpatrick died nearlj three years ago and his widow had sine« lived with het daugh- ter, Mrs. \V. .1. Wilson. ,,'f the 11th (•nn•'4seion ..f Goderich •townohip, • Another ditinzhter, Mrs. It.' Gender' Iw ri'sh.d now to the oompletio0 of the Inlildi". 1:x4"avat9.4110 foe the Big *Ire new elevator it id he completed this Werk 1 pitr•dI rtir'g will mill mno•t• cul• n1r.l;alrla•, 'Gangs will he pot 1U oik night and 1,1x410rust' she work. w-hi,{te wilt lick,• .tbant two weeks. osk i141't•0n is struck at an average .1.•,.t h of t went y -one fret. The (leer will iw we!I .'lighted ins the . night ehterorsr.by fnratlile.cont Noma 4)hir11 are using -trot{}( me fund the 4'4041.i/ - t ion. Ocan 1' Ka ran' son, ii"'' et' maim 'g %'Nile\. .% ttimia• St. p'e'el s church. at 4).i •l •'l'' TVI 'A1t•. Kirkpatrick was a fnithfnl'nem- Ildy. 'Illlltr• \4;1M the scrn,•or x Vet.) IM•r nt 1 retorts Pte 'nem - plea -ant event. the occasion !wing the rhnreh i marriage of 11ess.lhu) :Merton -et R4li- .1 Ilan. niece 'MiMI 11ar 1. Royle. t West strw•..to Eugene 1.: Dean. sonawlof \1r. a1 Mrs: P. 'I'. Ileac • 11•i41 a ul4rti1er01 the grocery him of 'Dom s liti•..nf town The bride w'4+ given tav l,y 1•. r (4flyer, John It 'Alban,. of 14.14 lira„ 4 .lifornin, and wits at- tendtal I)t• 'di,. Kat,. U.ylr. Victor „cwt' the Ie1hudiht and the past V.ev. It. W. Millyard, conducted the Omelet eetyir'rs nn Turodiay after - 1141 in. Orb indt, The interment was made in Maitland cemetery, the pall. Is•arero Swing Geo. Greens 1Vtu. Sw.af- field, Robt. Young. •1:.; .1. Elliott, Alex. Rol,•rt$0u and 1►. Jardine. 'there was a large gathering at the tnn4)41. ninny friends showing their sympathy and respect by at.teniling the last i itrlo. • ' ANNOUNCEMENTS. 1►eitn ,nese( as b./+t n1 tn. 1'h.• bride wore a becoming, c,,.1 time- of cream silk voile over • 44an1 -ilk and carried abulyuet. of bridal rose,. tied with• while ribbon. The le id,anu4id-r• dr,•sli wit. 0f pink silk and she 'carried i► 1»'mlilet•0 pink rn.r's it with 10.601. .:After the r eremony had fern ,"1 111 1,14')) by Hee. 1'ather 'I•'Itae, the gtie+Is repaired to the bone. of Miss Uovlo, 'West street, whtrb woe beauti- fully decorated tor the necastctrf. the emote:my sat down to a sump- tome. repast 'rend after ill had done justice, to it the health of the bride was prop, wit in a 114et speech by Rev. Father McRae. ;need -I were pros enc from Teeswater, Behnore and Buffalo.. - Many handsome preheats were received by the bride as tokens of the esteem in which she 1s held by her friends,. The young couple left an the 2:225 C. P. It. train fora honeymoon trip to Toronto. Hamilton. Buffalo and Niagara Falls. The tn'ide'e tray- etling•dress was a snit of diagonal weave cloth, trimmed with brocaded silk. with a slue hat. 'Upon -their return. Mt. and Mrs. Dean will reside in Goderifh. Beet wishes are ex- tended to the happy couple. LOCAL TOPICS IN BRIEF. An early morning church wedding 'n'tVsdnesday was one of the ideate int #cent._ of the week. It was the .'fees+ion of the marriage of Mies Martha, second daughter of Mr. and lire. ('has. Wells. Hayfield road, to ti#ntgeLeiner, of Hen. Allen Co., ('hi• \ 'Ago. At n o'clock. as the choir eartg '1)4"117 the )lynl;l. -The Voice that breathed tier Eden," the bridal party eat'•rr,i the church, which was attrac• tiet•Iy decorated with tuargnerideo and terns. The bride was given away by her father, and Rev. M. Turnbull read 1•Iµ' ceremony which made the happy "nmpIP husband Are' wife. The bride was dressed in a fawn tailored shit with a hat to match. She carried a h,,1111141 of bridal rose* and maiden bait fern. Following the CPrPmon> , the hridlli party drove to the (1. T. R. station to ,take the 7:10 train, ami a splendid send aifT wag( tendered t hem by their friends as. they departed. With the booming of torpedoee placed Ott the rails, and aurid showers of flowers and confetti. Mr. and Mrs. Leiner left for their honeymoon trip. which they purpose spending at De• tn,it.v Buffalo and other points. They will take up housekeeping in Chicago. The bride is one of the popular young ladies of town and was a valued mem- ber of Pit tleorgq a chutrh choir for at'veral years. She also took an active Winslow shaIe1 made to n' y rl/e. and ot at aria bras+ trt'.lnings pD Wilmer Smit hs. East street. Hoadquarten for -0uvenlr 40414, lining sway you for yoout 40(0 1I.eone of ri,i harp the Tailor flt. his nobby slimmer -into and yon will he rend). to 'est the Duke of Hoorteneh. f'it guarantied. Alex, Saunders has secured the materials for a grand illumination if the. H,1,iere in the eve guf Dominion Day sasilr next stationary order. For a mild saniu,0I• npetioq t. take A Netdlitz. powder•, the fresh and fizzy kind. sold at Wilson's drug store. The Wk.C. T. t. meets in the 'femp-, Prance Hall the 101Ond and fourth Mondays .if each month nt 3 of crock. Two cartoads of . haled ha and straw tor `gale at CeH)toett' t \%'aite- tiors " H•ighs/at price. paid -Tor MOW p4rilnds of wool. 'Phone Lea. You ti'ae yfnr' hnir. Hoare' Me will keep it stramg and healthy. 1 '1'he ('ana4lrsIl bear grope/in the porn- i ade is the effective thing. "-AIF. a .jar: The Medford Licerv: South Street Gundry Bros,' old stand. 'Hosorders will receive prompt attention. Open tiny told night. -Phone 51. F. & T. M. i).arts. (creat optical introduction sale, three days only. Commencing 'Thursday, June 'Lir(. regulnr.$3,'l4 and $5.IM( warranted gold filled lipeetacles and rye ftfadaeM for $1.0*, with free exam- inatton by the most skilled eyesight specialist in Canada. Lowest priced for lensed ground to order, at Smith's Art Store. East street. Cameron's store ,ulvertised a sig special for then last week. which is still good tip to Saturday night. 'their ad. on this specie! appears on page 5 of this issue. The first day of this ' offer twelve 0utflt' at. $Il1.tt.1 were sold and Revere' more lett on deposit, altao A large number throtigh the week. Theto will be a union 0411001 picnic No donht next Saturday will see 4 at Point Farm on Thursday next., Nigger day's gales. This extra rush of .Tune Anth. All schools are invited to buomese is due to giving et real good attend. bargain and advertising it properly. (Inderich and Mitchell hatwhall Mre darn T. Holme+ and her non. Dr. Awed forma meet for the first time this fAlmea of la trot,, same 11D own 11 , ItrO snood wago0 nn the diamond in Mitchell on and 4lsltrd their retol4ves herr and at fioimas Monday nt next week. elite. Ur. Holman Innlot has .i1 d. graduated square fen,' she ilelrnll ('ollege of Medians and will A passing auto on (h.' t soon anmmMlrr In prarMNa. Hl. friends 1114,0 eansad Peter J. McEwen' 1Ahi rine ttoo wt. for him* 'mat pr-o,perou. career In kis run away at noon today. nit 4111111111Molo 111111111111011111 0111111.11111111111111111111.1.1114111111.1111111111 GNI; CAMERON'S 0 Alarm Clocks Free pow fr the biggstii"(uying 4).k tit.it-ot the whole year! A genuine $i.ou Clock -given away free. with .t $1.t'0 purchase. This offer good• only for one week, from Saturday to Saturday, or until the supply is exhausted. :The ALARNI CLOCKS may he seen in the window. They are good time -keepers, ; nd are worth .$t -.os_ each; . and as an extra inducement to get a few new custo-niers,as well as t0 start summer buving off brisk, tve•are giving this('clock absolutely,free withh $5.00 worth of 'goods you hu • :t this -store. This offer is -good all over the store, excepting in. the Grocery De- artment: The p.irchrises mint be made :til on the same day to .the amount .0.1,4 00. 'Come and get an ALA RN1,CLOCK. It is easy to buy $5.otiWorth ofbroods when we 'hive several departments t` choose tr,'nl. Cobie early and get a • clock; _ Reinenlber, only 150 to be Liven away. Men's Department The. men's 319.$5 week special will end Saturday night at to- o'clock. Be one'of the lu'. ky ones, and get here aTc-tintr. . ittst-look- over this list and',. see all you :ire getting. for $19,55. .Come to the Men's Department. Ilead to foot and foot to head tor only $I9.85 Here is 1'(lur Outfit: 'rt -the ,t r -e-- st standard brand), value $ 16.00 One Negligee Shirt 1.00 ' `! .Necktie . . • .25. Linen Collar l.• ••........... . 15 1, Set gold Cuff.Links SetgoldShirt Buttons._ Suit fine Balbriggan •Un- derwear :... 4:Christi"' lir soft felt Hat Pair Su' enders • Silk Handkerchief-... . Pair cashmere Sox a• ----vale- genuine box ;alt Shoes .' FRIDAY BARGAINS Millinery Specials Lot i • Choice of any Trimmed Hat in 511 ['airs 1:1ts' and young ' the store, regular value up to $9.50. • meit'sOveralls, with or To Clear_ Friday, Saturday .,,• lcithout bibs.\Friday and Monday $3.75 bargain, per pair 35C T Lot 2 -"Twenty-five "[rimmed - Hats, 5o Dozen men's all -wool Sox, regular up to $5.00 value. '1'o regular 25c, 3oc. Friday clear at one price . 2.48 bargain, two 'pairs • for " 35C • Lot 3 -Thirty "Trimmed Flats, reguLir I', Dozen Cotton Spools, Nos. value up to $3.59.• "I'4) de4rat 1 j to 40, slack and white, only each .... regular value 5c. Fri- day bargain, 2 for ..L__ 5C ;5 Ladies' Wash Suits, made of tine indian (lead suitings..Special • ' 200 Cans preservedPineap- - value............. 5•25 ples, Peaches, Plums -and Blueberries,regular- zoc ' ' a, Dozen Indies' tailored Waists, made a can. Friday- hargain, . from good yuafity of vestings, 'sever - 1.48 ▪ 25 half prise al nice designs. S p e c i a l 25.• Yards Corset Cover em- ,' value •. _ 98C 1.00 hroidery and deep 'tlounc- i , 2.00 ing, IN and 20 inches in 2 Dozen ladies' patent Belts, the width, very fine material, regular value .}oc ana ser .35 2.5 .35 3,25 - Value $25.35 Thiscomplete outfit. honest value at total of $25.3. I9.85 for i)nll•• A`genuine saving of 2Q per cent. - YOII do not need to- have. the cash to get in -on this big saving. just come :ind_chiaose 'your outfit. Put --down only a %.ery small deposit, and yc t cyan getigg. s r; i we o +r- thehl e h;lr unever c ed to men. Come in and see what we are giv- inti for.,the money. 1 -oil %iill not he asked to buy. • - newest belt out. Special value 3aiC i i 1 ridgy hartiarn per . 15 Dozen ladies sulnmer Parasols,wath \ aril 200 Yards short.ends of I:m- broidejies, four to six yards in :t piece, 2 to ,; 1-2 Y Ni P inches wide. Friday bargain, 2yards for -. 5c Saturday ht Boot Specials ....g •t est designs. Special' value 1.48 • at 98c. and 15 pairS. .l ,c t lrt.tins, Irish 20 I'.tirs -Buff Bals, r,cgaflar '1 orch4'*n, 3 1-2 yacils • 111 S .(,S,S:aturday night ped parr $1.25 length, with double borders,' . ` -regular ,•aloe $4.50. Fri- 15 Pairs Men's 'Box Kip Boots, regtll- d•.v bargain per Q ar $2.3o. Saturday, night 4)t $Z.95 special per parr....•. • ,,O• lairs lace Lllrt:tlns •tel _ F . 1 1.95 l..... clear. Friday bargain, 37c per pa•►r. 1- .Bunches ht.rl t Bananas, to dear Friday and Sat- tirdal', ; dozen for .. L3C ( !so -Alarm Clocks given away .lbso-' lutel:, free to'the first 15o people who .\,. .\t i buy $5.00 worth. Be one of the tuaky vires. (some right away. N. G. CAMERON l'he Departmental Store. -_i'11111111111111111111111 41111111111111111111,11111111111111111111110 Choice Groceries SEASONABLE goods always to be had fresh, clean a n d pure. If you are not already acquainted with the )merits of Sturdy - 1lroceries. try a sample older. it will convin••e (nil. Plumbing HEATING -- ELECTRIC WiRING ROOFING METAL WORK Etc., Etc. Estimates ,,her• fully banished. W. R. Pinder 'Phone CV). (1()1)EKICII. SMITH'S ART STORE 1Ve hoc.' ist received invoice o11 anottu•r ship •nt, of FINE WHITE CHINA FUR DECORATING. from L:ti:ages France, well known lit the host porcelain in the world, which become, of better customs ditties We .use enabled to sell fit shout the same price as the much inferior American pn1Celain. - • - Wehave also installed one of the improved REVELA TION KILNS FOR FIRING CHiNA, and 110 tiring; tor teachers and amateurs. Lessons in China Painting given at our studio by qualified teachers. \Ir. Ileo. F. Hargitt, artfet. teacher in nils, water calors kind china painting. Hours arranged to suit his intuits. • Miss L. ([rant, of Clinton, has a rime 'here every Thursday. 2 to 5 p.m. and 7 to 10 pal .. for china painting. See Mir fine display of ART NEEDLEWORK. FREE INSTRUCTION given 4905 y Wednesday, 2 to 5 p.m., in art '•nibraider y. .A rornpleto lino of materials on hand for all kinds of .art work. Also Pictures, Framed, Mouldings, Art Novelties, err., in en11les,. variety. Sturdy & Co. NOTICE ADVERTISERS ll spy of change of running advertise- ments must be left et this office by Monday noon to ensure insertion ereafeaseresereasweeeesaannermesesaij in issue of same week. I:rococo. On the Square. East St., Smith's Art Store Goderich.