HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1910-6-23, Page 44 Ilu'u-nits„11 .1 i, 1911r
JULY Ist, I9I0
A gt:tett celebration of Dominier limy trill be heht in Goderirh.
cowjrrising tli.tny special feetutes of umutuel interest•.
Athletic Games
Baseball Match Tugar. •Bated Concerts
Trades Procession \Highland Dancing
-Automobile Ra ,Morse Spe-ening, etc.
'I'llw tit i':r.uu w,ll i,.•gin %%it1 a
Grand Proceion
orb the Sotto. .tt 0::*1 •ruts In :connection W th chi- Ino•
prizes are offered as follow., :
-Tirades Procession ...--First prize, 1111: Sema t, tjj.:' lied. et.
•'l'aIithutupien Parade : First t.ri .•, *s: Second, 1; , Third. 141 ;
Foto t tl. ?'3,
Automobile end end Carriage• I'lolal I'aralie,,t-Firstie.
.deeotated furu.rlttl. *,54Meruud, *:i': Third. *2.
i reorated ilieyele-: first Plire•. 1 : *%ecnnd.'$a:'Third. '.:4.
The l' •u11lIitte,• reserves the right to •wlihhnld any prize' f exhibit
is ne•t vole -Wriest Will of the same-
e [fur lits -t•
Children's Games
4!i, the STI,tte Milnrdin,•1\ nit.•r thei, ore.suL
- • BOYS 1st 'aid :era
a %stili• rau•e. 41 ye•als and Linde' .. ; 1g .all $I .25
7.01 yards tact, lir year, and under... • ,7a' .511 .25
11s► yards rare, 1_ %ears and tinder .7:0 -:AI o-
p1r Nat datare. Il vents and under 75 . . ..all .'S;
Il lot rare. DO yard., 12 wars tuna- under .. .75 ...l) .�,
Hunniog broad emir, 1 tit eat- and mid .75 .:4I .3.,
Running high j p, 11 years :aid nu r... 7a k .a' ..,.
Vaulting with lake. Ili years and und r ' ,75' .511 •-
rhu•e-Ieg}frd twee, all verde, la years nd under I.s1 Lith ::AY
1.4Rl.M 1st 2nd :lid
al taril's lace, ai vraus mid tinder .. ....... „8 .75 * .:i'
Hatt Tae«. 7,yai-de. 41 years -ant under- .75 ,:A► 3j
:sr yards race: 111 yPal'111t1111 iin Pr' .75 .5.1 2.;
P"tat,, liar). :111 yards, 111 ye •.11 alld utitl•'t .7a ,:AI .S;
1111 y•uds racy. 12 !eats and under ._....7a -all .M;
nel...- :TV- ..iii' .27.
Roller sktaling tace. :On yards nn •t Ira alk. 11 •
years and )(let 1.:,'1 I.iil'
• IL. 't erase fill yjards_ ye u - end ender
and nd spoon tare a reds. 11 yeass and
under. j� .75 :Ai
At 1::aro -4.1 ,•k 4, 111- the A.!rd It• glia n: I14tul aril 44'e .1 .,i Band
w114 bad a t-ot•rssion 4 ,n, t4.. Dynan• t Agricultural Park,
t wit to the following pr•,grdn will take place
League Baseball Match -
(ientleman's Road Race
• 1'11 it 4,111 wilt.....(' vehicle.
/pen to dale 44 41f•uailt')heats•: b,»,? thn•4' io 44ve:. font• t.• 4.14.4 .111,1 •
tier to•. tri -1'4 tI-int•.• tw. *) 1111,
Ill ii 1 -I :1 • nil: 13,'I'h•1.1. la.'
Fancy Driving
1-r 2,01
f.1,li'•. single ,hit,•1 .s,:ll„ x1!4111
('•" t.'.i14.11, - 1141(11't!1 ., r•1•... . .1111 2141
Speeding Contest -
4..„ f 1 :I, 41 h.v•• •,••c • ,1 •.n I• ublir, tnuhey.
1I', il, 1,0,0.• I.,. 11111411 11 I, :4 1n ••nt01 and rims- 1 , '.u'
l l:_,,•. Fila. 1+' • • 11'1. x111
1•:n, l • Il: a 4,1e, ., p..1. t.t.li1. ,,f 4,•,
1 .•• o'il.•s1- e. 11 I.•• h. 1 t the l .. lisle -1a! I • tiaeits in
(110 , Metates.
Movii%V, .lune _nth,
4)i id •Chaucr11•v is Unmoving us
speedily ax could be expected.
MasterAndoose Naylor, of Lurk -
ti ,a", ni visiting hi.. grendparent-, M.
and Mrs. Geo. C. Nuylol.
Tt'►vu.tv', dutlr'lt.tr.-.
PRRsoN"11. Mi:N•rwv.-,11r., and Mi..
Raker and family have returned to
their house at Orion, Alieh.• atter.bisit-
ing 1frs. Baker's father, Jacob Flick.
1I titland concession Mr. and Mrs.
Chita. Maedel end family. of Windom.
came up on the steamer greyhound to
visit Mr. Matedel's father. Paul-Maede'I.
Edgar •Kurschinski is un the
mend atter an atfaek of pneumonia.
Trttslall-, June'24st:
NEwi Nereus, -Miss E. McKee. of
Golerich, is visithig at the home of
Mrs. Alex. Clutton Oliver Coot
spent Muoday in Goderich Miss
Jean Clutton is house from Stratford
for her vacation Roy Linittater
wits in Kingsbridge Monday and
tonight a vatuatrte florae...
C. Stewart and two children. of North
Dakotas, acre visiting Mrs. Stewart's
parents. Mt. and MraR. Fulford.--:
Mus, Hillery. Horton's wain friends
are glad to see her beet home tnotu
the hospital much iwprovtd in health.
A Onion school picnic will be
held at Point Farm Thuriidev. June"
311th. 'A gold titre is expected.
• Tt•itsn.ry. June 21.t.
l.oeAl.s. Midi Sara-_ McLean__ --af
C'hi'lgo. a graduate nurse, ha honer lor
her vacation • \lies Bridget Hogan
has returned to Toronto atter spend-
ing her holidays at her borne herr.
Mist Hannah Hogan has done
to Cohourg, where tIIe has a position.
Miss Ade McKenzie Came hullo.
on Monday from Stratford Normal
School .... T. A. McKeitb, who spent
*everel weeks in the 1Vest. h:is re-
tntned %note looking touch lwnefltted
by his trip .. . Mr.. Ross, of Sault
St.' Marie. and her brother. Duncan
McKay. of Rioted. were guest* of
Mn..Rot. Camphell A .Humber
from here went to Detroit on the
(.reyhoundlast Saturday
W Ensican. y, June '_rod.
J(NE'VEnulvo,-A quiet wedding
war selernn rite! at the manse. Eginond •
ville..on 1Vedne..day, June 13th. when
Miss i.nui,w McGee. daughter of Mr,
d Mrs. J. McGee. of this place. was
u iced in marriage to Garfield Mc -
Mi ael, of MPatt,rth. Rev. Neil Shaw
WEl)NI-U.t', June 'rend.
S 'oMI N'I INs' rid-. • .1; \te'1.t t --The
:u,.l.--atetd..de- wrttt•t•t.iintireett-
.eaPou •will be 411.141 on Tuesday even-
ing. ,lune :Nth. int he forms of at straw -
twill festive!, under the auspices of
the Women's IInstitule. The affair
will he held un the lawn on Main
street belonging to Mr. Darrell, an
ideal epee fur a gathering of say wort.
The relrhrsted Zurich mend her twee
engaged, so that plenty of good must.
assutttd there will also he plenty ut
stntwhetries, errant and cake. so that
everyone should have an enjoyable
HttEitzeit.--The W. 1''. M. S. of St.
Andrew's church held a very AMC/ceass-
ful quilting Lee in•the basement of tile
church on Thursday afternotrn of -lest
week. About twenty ladies attended
and turned out three tine quilts for the
mission box Mrs. .1.. Iktneldson
and Mime (irlgg. of the , -Soo." are
geests'at the horse of .J hu Fraser.
_Rev. Jos. Elliott. of l:oderieh.
whit has been visiting his sister. Mrs.
J. Fraser. preached in St. Andrew's
church on Sabbath last Hiss
_1'heet ewe end her. aides, Mies Ham-
mersmith. of Detroit. arrived last
week for a short visit at the lakeside.
We ergot to, hear that Miss
Kate Gairdner is very seriously- ill.
Hi►PJarothere, Hens. !`has. and Robert,
arrived home on Tutsday,of this week.
Artlnng thaose who took -in the
Greyhound excursion were Mrs. Hobs.
Bnwn, Miss Nona Ferguson.' Prinei-
;ral Elliott. W. Osmond. J. Gairdner,
Chits. and John Tippet.
ate!. The young (•ouplP spent a
ys at the home of the, bride's
here. but left or 'Saturday fur
an other points to spend
e morns n' ture they will
arta neat' Meaforth.-1V e.x-
r• young couple our best
-Mr. and Mrs. Herb..
Ilford, visited at the
Mrs. Win. McMillan
A nurnlwr from
1 the mnonliglit ex -
last Friday .even -
1,11. NOW. -At home every day exempt Thur•
days. New remedy for extracting teeth l8owuo-
foru,,, better that gas. t'rowi, and bridge work,
etc.-Aiuuunum plata. it.tnl-breakable.,
N. 1t -You out always have your work much
helper done in the dental otlltte-usoro time
better faritttlea for doing :be work. more eoru-
forf•h1e for the uatient.
LI in Dungannon for The Signal 1. at the Poa-
oltloe I400k mai Stationery :tors, where
order,wi1l b.• rewrlce.l for .u►i.rr•rption. ed-
terti.ing stat lob work. and receipts will be
di%en fur amounts raid for the.ame. ,1
Tr):.trey. June'2Ist.
In-Nos\KUN Do1Nt.s.-1oho Ryes)
left en Monday for Hruseet'(. where he
has secured as position in the carriage
sbup Thos. Elliott lett on Tue.-
.day fur Detroit Hisser Hattie
Ryan. Emma. Sproul and Della Mal -
lough took in the Greyhound exeur-
eien (pouf Goderich Mr, • V' I-
kum has returned to Mitchell after
visiting at the house of J. Walkow.
Dungannon wee well repre-
.ented at the moonlight trip on The
steamer Greyhound last.. Friday night.
St. Paul's ehutcb will hold u
lavfn social on July 1st en the prem-
ises of David Glen Mies Short.
who had chagge'of the millinery de-
partment at J. Walko,t4 a. left on
Tuesday- for t ilrnroe...... J..1ohnston.
T. G. Allen and C. Elliott were .m it
bats* fishing trip--trt-Tt3QiLlller lei.
Monday- . .1'h.• work on the. new '
shads ut the Methodist church has ( M a s s e y H i a r 1r
i S
alerted this week. The arertirnt ( I' l li
foundation is being put down '
Mts. Hricknell and daughter, of Tor-
onto. are visiting at Thos. Elliott's.
W. J. Moffatt is acting as ex -
few h
I4•troi d
theieJio t iii b
I ' !,, a On
tend to.
• VEltanN %L.
Morrie. of
home of Mr. a
bast Monday
th se pert. took
.lesion at Ooder•it
Ing Mra. (re rge Ashton and
1 child' en. of (Litho. it. sy. -nt a few
lolays last week'with er ptrents, Mr.
and Mrs. Jas. Steven- in Hobert,
I Doak. of (ioderit Il. 1a
•busy tusking
1 een(Pnt blocks for J . Hay.4en s
hoose Itev. 4.V. P. 1. nP. of Bond
Head. Opt_ occupied the 1 Ipit of the
Pieshyteri*u chinch very rrvpistil.
' lest Sunday in tht• abs.•ua'r , 'Krv. C.
M. Rntherfnrd, with will b•• nror to
talks eh;rge of Itis own mop next
' modals.
I'nrs-r''• o1 .I r I. v PI1 \i.. -The
11lliliyhrot I?,,,,rtIt League :1lid
4,nlday Ally 1 Inn int.,. holding their
11110141 idem. in (i.1 -11g,• %Validly.•'.
1 grave.urt i►omiI'on Day. Agooil lira•
to rots is 1.•1 1:_.• .11 r. aged, 1.1 -commence
.• 3..:01 .1,',1,.1 k.. ere will lie tares
1,o, ell • elli1,Irrn a other sport).
Rex. 11..1.'41iller. the rw pastor,' 4.
•'xp1 vied to le-pre•erlt' ;The:a. will 4,.-
1 1•unth nn the grounds w ete light i••-
4.•e.hlllents.. w 1411* a.i •-cal Tog' will
'tee *PTrett7nrlli vents and 1 i--•nt.•. A
g •.nl pini i, ••\pelt ed-
. n T,I.•-d:uv 1%a.t to join heq• boson
11hei 1;1, ,4ter Irving spent the. p
t.•. room!). V11111 her -parents, Mr
111,1 Nits. .1. it.'tnulpd NBA.
li••kat 4 Al11pts-l1 'ia•fyt Ieirweek'in 'rl/-
i''nti1 wlitlrl; on the Normal S••huol
••y:'ruinatl.p- .. . 1lany ♦,f the Metli-
.11i.1s atld a left who *re 11,14 .lent
1.1.t 1Veduewl.i y ., ening at the rill putt
glider) i,,arty on the pat.ernxgr lawn
nt AuLurn. A .try enjoy/title time
wax spent by all tut•seilt. . Davit
ifanlsety Turin purehesttl the frame
1 h ,u. • west of his blacksmith shop.
formerly owned by Jetsam Woods,
avid Iasi Week moved it -arrow. the
toed tae's n inect.,4 it with his brick
11011-e'. to ie• used for it store end post-
otllee W. A. Harrison. of Lnck-
I now'• is visiting 4144 daughter. Nits.
' 1V. I1. Campbell - The bricklayers
1• commenced to brick the Denny -
hest church. The wni•k is progres-
sing rapidly on it
- Automobile Race
Tug-of-war Contest
1' i"' l still!
11••1 '11111.111•:
1'1:14'11 in pt. •
• f •"n+hila.
•• 1 I, ' ii. Co .,pans. •
- '11.• host pull. 111::.i will
Athletic Contests
.01'EN 1't) A1.1.-P411"1.h:' Ta►
1 b y• -unit. tare :jla,lsl..
111, yo,14 IQ/'.•.... :11111
to:tn.thee .over 'J1MIIll. 1•erI 1111., ,'11111
1 )1,.1 :.1-1'• lace. I . tulle$.... •• , ;011
1:4111 half untie, ride birveh. halt -mile. 11111 in at
overcome ol'staeles remaind4l of distane.,
`44 .!:tv rare. 11 miles 14.111
'three let -tots in a team. •
Running. hetet. step asst 'amp .... 2.141
Running long lump
standing long iunt4l .. ......
Vaulting with pd....'1.141
Highland [lancing
Boy ..(1er I t y ear. 4$1.111
Gil i •lodes 11 )ears.... 2111
it '211.1
.1dmission to Agricultural Park, 25c
CI'ildreo u"der 12. IOc. Grand Stand Free. Carriages Admitted Free.
In the evening th.' *44nare will he illuminated and :t Hand
('nnrett w11I he given.
0ftlreis _of ('.lpht *thin
Wm bane, Chas. A. Reid,
SO, t,•hu y t smeller, .
1'r 1•si.1rnf.
4 I,jIlren must have good blood,
otherwise they will be puns. sickly
'and delicet.•. If your children are
male. easily exhausted. give them
1"errnvim, the invignrttttng tonic,
which is cntni ol.ed of fresh leen (reef,
cit. -tate of iron and pure old Spanish
sherry wine. Nothing could be more
hi•neflciel in such mown. $1 n bottle.
Ile•rthn-"Mr. Brown is marrying
you for your money, not for your
beauty." your
"There is one sign that might he
placed neer every letter -box in the
city," "Whatis that?" "Post tin
Don't let anyone (lietatt to you. get
what you ask for the genuine '11). A
I.." Menthol Neater. made for many
stare h Davis and Lawrence Co.. for
the quick relief of backache, head-
ache, etc. (let the genuine.
Save a Dollar or Two by Buying NoN�1
I'wa, -ehra a -r 10l+r---e-eft-ft- Nitlilt-yard eF Mustin, i i ngtra yCatun, -
or Linen Suitings is not much, but 11 hen you • buy quantities the
savings mass mean dollars. You will find prises here at the lowest limit:
We are clearing out, all our Dress Mnslins at
Ilk. The regular pricer of this lot were I2}c, 15c
and 31c. Patterns good. colors safe ; about 25t)
yards in the lot. This id a snap in Muslins.
The Scotch Gingham', regular 15c, advertised
last week, are still on sale at 12}c, which means a
reduction of "Jt per cent. Buy t.inghaws here and
wave money.
hha twat assortment we ever uttered. and prices
trout 4$c to 112.75. Full embroidered fronts and
tlne.lawn, correctly sized to measure.
About fatty pairs that we are dropping. Yon
can buy any of therm fu just one.4uerter tiff reg-
ular prises. Every one D. & .1. susses
large Jot of these Mkitts jest in, and we never
had swh value. 11'e bought direct from the
maker,' hence our great value -
•Don't"(;.rget our great Sue:king proposition. •1
new tltt dozen shipment .,f black and tan to sell
41,2 pairs for 21c. Seamless and fest color, sites•
4i. S1, 9} and Iu.
Ask to see a line. i} to t►} sizes, pi•ioea lit to
Boys' Hercules nett girls' Princess -the bent 's
Rib Hose to he had anywhere. -
Tau Rills for boys s and girl., none higher thuh
Best essortmeut we ever offered. Note the
prices--Y.Sc, :Lie and 51c in lisle, and douhledipprd
silk at :rte. All the new .bades-rose, hello, grove,
reseda, light end Alice blue, navy, tureen, cal,
and black.
t� a i,ea chew ism greets -Muer iQ BitkiK-
a 96 -inch' Queen Quality 'Taffeta at =1,114 try $
Also a 110 -inch Jap F reneb-finished Taffeta at 14s
black and white.
Just fourteen of a job 1st we got flout tie
nisker. In the irgulue way the price would ,..
$1.75 to $2.111. 1'nu exit get one for $I.st, 'I'welt
inch Ian. (loans.-. in three-inch insertion. '
Master-"Uid you enjoy your con-
versation with the 1PCdlt's wile. Pat,:'
Uoarhman-s-Fatith, an' all' the while
we were talking I kept silent." .
'slo you are going to marry an old
men. dear : and what has. he to esteem.
mend him besides his n►. •urs ••Heatt
disease. dear. awfully had 1".
Youltvill find relief in Zatgt Buk !
It eases the burning. stinging
pain, stops bleeding and brings
ease. Perseverance, with Zam-
Buk, means cure. Why not prove
this ? 411 Lir aggu.t• sad Jtyrur,-
• its bag-..
winner for the entrance and 4.u1.hc
school leaving examinations at Kin -
Tri:- 'tt', *lime 21st.
fees rl Nt� -- 111.- hat.• Brophy.
anti Mess Ku e M:gt.rn• visited limit: -
tick hit•nds Tart week...:1Vellingtnn
Nixon spent- Sunday with Hluevvile
friends • Quite ra number in young
people from thisavit•init y attended the
Lawn se,cial .at. Auburn. last 1V,•dnr.-
day' night - .. Maggie I..rldy and N. 1
of Dett'o11 arts renewing, 1,1.!
. arllttairtt.tnt'rs in • this vieinity . .
Chas. lie.... of Kingsbridge. (v r.. in
'the Wirt this weep`-.. . Miss little
11'ilson, of I►etri'it. is visiting her l -
onion. NI ism letsy • %14'.111is4er.. - . Mr. 1
'Iles -pie, h
of 1Vhite teirch, Moved his
lit a1 .awtuill to .1. E. •iu4iiist oi's
wee ;Ind t. 1•sy rotting Iulumber.laborI►oul,f statute .labor Is the
the day intis vicinity
1'.111 the boys wet 0,(4111%1
atternrem trying the ties
g Some gond spore. were
made rotten ening is wall'the first tilhr
it tl,inlls-l• in 14.111 s't'ei tired MT :1 fie,ffie, ..Am'ong tb se who took is the i)r-
1'tat x-, iisi,.n 1st week Witt. May
11`illiann and Willi n' 1laron. McAllis-
t. t. Mi/P4 Itchecen and Mrs. Trish
1.11,1114)%01.1.,1.11,1114)%01.1.,and Mr. nd Mrs. George
-I.1rrl ly.
:When a girl teTH n piiil • g than she
hetet' him it i a sign that, - e doesn't.
Tht\man with a noble ni •• in life
isdt at�r(tys shooting off his p, 11th.
far 1
lad k u
ortlet• I
A Metre►
Met nista.
Iltte ran
Ferroviti in the pleasing nem of
the best per`` ratiof of a beef, iron d
wine ever pla •pd on the market.\ If
you or any of vr friends are anemic,
generally rinutl pallid. easily ex-
hharlsted..try one hnttl.• of h'erroviin
and you will be gratified by 4 he reairlt
$1.144 at druggists.
Even the honest pretze is crooked
A compliment that isn't eisaggerated
leldotu makes a hit.
If you would please. 'your iltientla,
keep your troubles under cover.
We have to thank the J 1pannse for
Menthol, which when applied in
Davis' Menthol Mahe is Unequalled to
soothe and heal insect kites and
sting',-• stinharti, ette-Ifer. A ti4 at
Physician (at hospital! -"How' did
you happen to fell from the top of the
letld.r ?' Patient -"A pretty woman
wars passing, end while trying to get
a goal look at her 1 slipped and fell."
Physician "Ah ! the sante old story,
a woman at the bottom of it."
Every *11114' man should he able to
give an account to himself of what he
is lit hut for, and what goal he has set.
him*elf to reech.
Yon mewl a good salve in the hots•.
Davis' Menthol Malvt is the lest, it
cures 111ahllrf. mosquito and insect
bites and stings, piles, old Fiore*. skin
diseases, etc. 25c. per tin.
A full line of Farm .11a,•hinery,
Hindi. 1lowels. Rakes, Hay
Loan , Manure Mpr,aulel.,
Crean Separators. ett•...4iray
and Mount Forest •
Buggies. •
We have al the.
Standard % ''ire F e n e
Company's (.; a,1111 s
and the Brantford
Wind Mills. •
Agency for the
\ia,on• & Risch Piano.
Call and see We before pnrcha--
lug an,. thing in my lines.
Robert Wilson
Buggies !
Nothing like a handsome ne1v'
?leggy behind a good driver to
make'1 ,glen -feel that life is
worth' living. i have two of
the nest lines of buggies in Can-
ada, made 41c
The Canada Carriage Company.
Brockville. Ont.
The Barrie Carriage Company.
Barrie, Ont.
('all and see what 1 have be-
,• purchasing.
I handle a full line of
Farm Implements, Binder
'!'Wine. Wire Fence,
J. J. Moser
41an1i1)''? `1.- 1:41(114441('1.
011.11 I:n- • •,I I-In1,1
This is the secret of our sit' -- The remain *111 Preset ,1
department is 1nel*aaing, shows that the public sppeeeitilrs
reliahilitt. _ - --
are the hat that money can Mty.
lnsurva against mistakes. Every prescription is :hreked • -
before leaving the store. -
Iles bees, gained in some of the biggest and beet drug store -
Will he -found tb Ire aglow as any. when ytte have it 4wescrip.
bring it here. We never aulwtitute• and earry the biggest sr•
tarot .,t tho`ws1 in this part of Ontario.
Druggist, Godericit.
June Health Hints
. I
Fr now on, during 141.• hot: clear wr.tltier. *4so•
evgry-nn. should ,1M• syn.••thu,g out of the 101lnwin4
t.. keep the blood and skin cook the head clear and the
liver hes:thy. tv a have t
Effervescing Fruit Saline ;it .:e• and :s4. bottles?.
Abbeys Fruit Slit. Eno's Fruit Salt.
Effervescing Citrate ni Magnesia •in ,any ..entity!,
Fresh Seldlrti Powders. Phosphate of Soda.
Pure Lime Juice • in 25c •!tel, is bottles.). •
Ap••,i 1 and lnnyadi 1linetal .1Vatera'iit1 pinta and quart --
New Y orkWaist
e f Shirt Waists of pure linen. tucked hay
I. o•I • o ••I,•. t •i• h.•d 'lick-. taste.,- with large_ pearl button-.
11111.1 rnfi 4111.1 , ,'1111
ALSO OUTING WAISTS cf white figured Madras and -
.1a io y ' a i_.1.1111/1,01//.1; front floe lawn 1Yajsts,
NEW THINGS in white Princess Dresses, white separate
.'4k t.. white arid colored Linen Suits., The ..tyles are
*atlas% and values tiri.rniias1.d,
. ''.
11an111r.•n l.111•14.
We has.• alargP as.nrtlnsnt of .artfully selected
Toilet goola. Perfumes, Pine Soaps. Tooth -cleansing
I'lepatratinns, Meshes of all ktoia-in fart, every-
thing fat the toilet.
Ilona forget that vve 1'1,0 soy et al of 1 h heat
linea of Chocolates..
N. C. DUNLOP, The Druggist,
South Side Square, Goderich.