The Signal, 1910-6-23, Page 2• 2 .II URN 'IAN. \t•: .'a, 11410 it• THE SIGNAL GODERICII t►NT:1R1O .f lit.rn.. It iN hod, to ;La intra• -t of tri„, t(:1: rl•,IHru.ihlr• f„r I I\. ..,ii„, the wn,te-ear)1t•�•, ill present in the I grace" of \1 juhd Hill .hutd11 .IN• the �rO Q $10041 )1,v [hal ,u,anuhirttnerF •I, ,old be t1 e.,1 li„11•rnur-liener.l1 410•ieew i 1 S • 1,,lit �Rnt�w� Yt'�^ ' 1 i„n. \„ : ;1s 11,114 ,t, E1141:111i ro- le,hanipeted for iw,tut of help. Every 111,11-,vlpatde .1.10.1 feats in ma Mit' 1 4444:4(1144,.N'1'�RIO workertookee w.t'k fir. of ilei it m1 it 1tui1,1i1, : the .\11.1rlim, L'ulnnu•u- (�� Y ,is to the adld4itagc ul eh...whole coon- .'...all h ,4111 the South .\frican Inion, Given upby Doctor I'It. ISIiEI) EVERl' 1'HCKSD4Y rt4, I Lr}' that eyes) available position ' it is iulpl..sildl to helir'e that al Mote 601,11 h7. 11 1 ultr Worker 1{nifli.1 rlaparItV fur colletructiy''• a f n(:-11::K'A 1. .Pitt's 'I'IYh 1 .. Limited l 1• tble.5 Or. T1r,ti.;, cerin}Tit „} ,, has d:e.l i had, 3*'8°d 'was told I' is to he imp.n'Irll or nut. Either the „,,,,' by my family physician that -44444rMNrrr''41- 3:Y --- -- F-1111111-1 1•Nt$71T taw sit infr'i no - -re- ird „r. + . Terms of Subscr,Dr.on: !it should i e {119ra•11 for etlf Cement. in there was no chance for me. My t, n 4 er annum In wive/tau,;Ihr hand• i'( uf?Icrts p(1 -•{,.$.e.1 of •rt FROM OUR CONTEMPORARIES. fatnily' also gave me up. ,, My 7.is mord','.h• : tlater Mud 11,-, Sc. ----- . }� To t-1u'rd, ort .u.- .ub.clil.er.•, 51.if ol peat 4 t$ 'n d••tter of iitltelliateitee. • Limbs and Maly were swollen +' .trie�: • ul,udtu1,.vr •- is --. M'eant Well. one-third larger than ' natural, t)neb.•c Tehyrnlph, • , 1 •1;• of tb,• Loondooto wtp,.t.• I.,.t w,•11, water collected around my heart hal ,1 Chat of thanks 4.1i, h read : and I had to be propped up in Mi. ,toil Mrs. Pettigrew \\t.. to thank -their many friend. :owl neigh- bed to keep from smotlhering. I took Dr. Miles'.Heart Rettiedy Stile. riper, who fail.to receive THE Stun. 1'rrn,i,•r \'hitnr}' Y.yl•r r nesri.with by mill Hdlg confer a iu fa.or by • 1 u.tintulg t• of the Net et w rgrlyu aa date - \it. , holden in • 1114.1 Conservative yo w% hen hea.change of while- i•dr-Ir'rd; both the 1"'11'.4 a U•itari„ tour ti ti'uhly a grand old end the new addres..hould belfivrn. I ..pI•uttunity tut' the' earnest pieaehiuy -'achosstisina Rates' '..t t lnwr, (i.ltrines of Civil service le - 1444 is 141 n.4isteil at the.hurnittt ••t I,rj71 'old °the+ •111111+11 a•ii-erti.ett••'tt+• 1V` butt. which \I:. I!,nde.e la ml, fond se( liven Meuse." :eel 1hielor Mist fusrrtim+ nod M-pt•t•-Fit1.+,1+,''- --- -_"- u.n.til..1 was entirely cured. This 4..»h souse Ue111 iu.ernot,. Measured by a .'•t 11 f„4th. Jlr. A`r111[fii'�'-iT.-i'lrrf--- , A Prophecy. was )tl 1 and I am now able .oontwretlac:sle.twelleline.toaminch. (badly in tired of .. ,frilling in these !Anibal .kd....ober•- , H,i tne..caad: of .ix nue. cud uladet, peel pt411r4p1«., salla Mt. liorden ought to The British cuHPn,cltrN /Me 1wYuyl,• to'do any kind of .work my dear.• Adseite.e/arat...•ft.o"i. Fusad du.yed.fiteitake btu' in hand and -how hill. the' ing active. a'eain. .t. ,1 mill' 110411 farm. My __cure .was certainly trri r,•. \•..case, Situation. \4'alted, Honors for f w •11 ore likely t+, };et tilt' lallrif -1s•- „ wickedness o the systeu. of p Aitieal pull and party fncotiti=la in the di.4'u fore at Ith1'Ik• l,'•Ir• the movement Is marvelous. / L. TURLEY CURD, Artinln. for Sate, etc., our ex nay eight hoe.. �,r each bl.ertlon :51 for firs mouth, Moo for each suh.enuent month. I.arg r advents- sltl(n of Government p ),Itlon-. if t,,.,rg:41vl ii. menti. iu moist. tiOu. - ' the 4 ►ktaw:t Cautaervative lender fails nu,e,m,eenlents in ordinary rrl.ding type Leu in thio:, the p•;ttlrle will 1w likely, to • I�gtlor. Barred at Military Camps. Deur- prat line. No ...sine Its, [hall 2.1.:, 44'wdarr•k Sentinel -Review. think that he is 'L^' anirrrr. And is N .4i+1.ut• y , 1 1.•. 1 AT,l..rnrmter,rheuhlo,rof...hi.h:-the l '• 1""' heenni4, benefit of :d,y iuiliridtral or lt.ra;i• preaching civil ,i t'..•e Reform only the military prim{►...1his summer. •The evioaob.i ••fon.itlt.eri ). advetkl•.emeat ,d Ia• charged a. culdtl.ttll•. fur the embarrassment of the Govern- order 141.1.. 1I hit; .taP ol>iyntd• It t meta 41f, lllt41wa.1 which tins al,-e.nI'.' Rhe.' 1. he 111,.11g1Tt that it 111)111 t'ttdd H, te+ for di.plaj• :.ul and pact ad tlrrU^11- 1) 1u„re-yft soldiering ilrtil le. ro 1141 ' - l'essos soil be ghat on .uptWrENts- git en a 14rge rnt-A.ItR t/F"1TLi1rR - t , �- _. H -hiller %it.l nit it Supply of MOM • a-QAtees ell rnwnduuc:suuur to , plachig the "inside'. service, uu(3er the ..ti.t-Innker. control -of -an ittdependvntrntmnission. -- -- i D .._...__. His Estimate of Dad• ' Hon, Mr. Fielding. has issued amein- Strat foid• Hewca.. or:uulum 111 regard to pro-poetiye tar \ eteunge• inn r.ft uLmel itn.,-r•vett. hit ing ler.. 1.kwi for an . stllrlu i• .f i1t negnt.i.at• - with the 1'nited Iii. father:-4,aid : ••\\'ell. it:, .iii,t like Stales. Be. states that he ha.. not this. when dart i. :It; a wedding. I1.'.I tailed to 1Iaet't•e a cun•idrrxhle maul- like.to lw the brill'. and when In• sat a Ii111 -Meat .1 I„'1• .1. many men- 'wows. 'tilt tsitiN L PIU \'I HNti-4 t Greite4. Orm.erich: lout runF.Ht('H. TIICIttI)Ai'. JUNK:CD. 44)16 t• - ,EDITORIAL NOTES. testa -Tu in ('anadn of nppl,•itioo to f111111...1,fn=.t •isles f.. t. flit .soy,.•. 1 f Not :1 had rvtinlaU•i 44 11110 %'lin i.' nl• \\:1\'. fwi.11lt 111 the 111111111011. The Meaning of Our Celebration Cays. !he I'll 1/.7.11,7 .4410 r get nut ti' le. nags :end leading in preparation for re(4pror4rt Wath Iti4' Slate-. \Inch of D eminilin this, he believes, is do'' to a nli.under- Ila} . sl:uot.tng of she ' .talo' i c ;•101 i. at The wicked (lilts say thet•e w1, •11127t a4 t1 •. -t in the NMI/slit d144(1(1 ,n 'Monde% night.. ,\Ir. 11.11•(1011 was (rnulblinit 1114041 t1.•7,1d11 14../11 lief get for ,wnyt4•Nly t,„ -wit• n!un¢ the• -k AadSometimes.the Longest. ' Farmer -Here's a letter from Boum . .-. M.liars-al Star. ., They want to I. tiow if there%. a bath teeint,..eitt; , ,,,,, ear'to -.•:-....., Ilia, no lie...-. that- a little more- pan...distil satisfactory co:ice...ions will le. made .%!t,"1",1,`,Iirli1iyili.1,144: 1,1 I." ig ',1.11,y ,4*.,.41.; ;1..7: li:;.111.-. 'eilial.ilf 1Vheiry'-ille'redlin.ellilaithti:etititqt'ittle 'trt'iri take it afore they twine. -,Ltaston Tree. - The ....athei. 1...g. ...4 I hi` "'"-", of Canada in bunker orgotiatioo. with.- are teitehing the rising .getierittion tie , of their 11.11.iall liar being. lieeept Ilion.. Wit.1411It 1111101 tilt/tight r. -.......... stel \\'illnore, Ky. Dr. Mites' Heart Remedy has een wont er tt t' successful in relieving heart trouble. Its tonic effect upon the heart• nerves and muscles is a great factor in assisting nature to _overcome - heart weakness. • Prloe $1.00 at y'ur druggist. He shMIN supply you. If he does not, send prior to us, we forward prepaid. OR. MILES MEDICAL CO.. Toronto, \ on %till 1egErP you did not attend one of ('nnrula'w Higt. (horde Business , „Regis, Meat.• xt \\'e1land \Yin?hang \1'a1kerton Now i. x good Ohio to tenter. Our graduates receive flout 11thO to SI`ti per•atltlIul. `tail Course's :in 1111 ditferen: subjects. , t CLINTON BUSINESS COLLEGE A Hold -over Scrub. , SLIMMER 1 CENTRAL sTRATFORD. ONT.. V Ihr groat Plaruc..I trainin)f larhrud ot Ontario. Thee. t1P1171rt illetits: Commercial • Shorthand Telegraphy \\•,• :t-•I•t hrndllltes to r,,: -lo„Ilms file deimesl.t upon 11' tar ti -*in. -d heli' greatly exceed. • 'the sett11t1\'. _ The, three til tete t recently fettered art. receiving ,SC 1'1.1111, $.11.11• x111[, $I4(4.lI4 per 11,1114 11 re•l ret i vely. Business 111011 state ..n/ trut{tttates are the nest. Entre ole litmuses now. tet .tor free catalogue. -�ztlililr• _.. - 'I'uronto 'gar. \ • lin••-. ole dce • not, rxp,•ct the- D. A. I;:LAc11t..av, sentlttr4es of the United Mates to h.• "Life' ,1 11.11 es that "the rr,lreer Principal. ihie•ing the last ten sears one and x „f ,.'•e.4 stn r1•fnl mail luny. Ir• TERM U,e►m Dt�.ent +••• t ,q In1)'Ira 1, u- i'nh .Tule /y IA«•p+ In Arlwrrnnw,t. uf 'le. . entn(1 half million ' igrantt. have entered willing t.• slake a 1 trgain ,•ntirely for .lit i.1.'d into two periods : first. when t'tlti.atlat. 01 tJiP.P „early 41,1.00,4 11,4%., the- (Io'Irtit of. Canada.. Any 'maty 111• 1. not given credit for what 111' wind while ..Ilona 4* all vantage.„0s k0.ec-. 111(1. $1'(.1111• whin he 1..11171 film (iteht Thitaiu, and over /Tenn i1)r wh,lt h4' due.11't k14)res,.. :II40.114ml titan the United Sastre. - L..IN II h parties. if the expectations 'rh1•rc are thus. w1/o ran testify W the Tor„tit. Ne44•' ''I1 is apparent that the 1..Iw•raI 11044.i':41w•r' :Ire di.tln•led 7\••• the .PIN•r(I:o1•e :.t \I r. 1 Il, 1040. io., 'Vier.• : the editors are .11 1.-.1.111g.• "\\'leo i.'leis-lnnn Iloher't}'• 114.4..) Thele• i- nfr\rxc'191'0t•- the speeding rid loot r bilis oil he Sitnaro. The 14a,li••e 7714111111 1,« J4n1.11141r111114.1n441\' 'seri 1 in lowing down. the tPtidellet Gr .eurrhiu 4chi'•h jwvhhionllly. shows itself. of the Canadian opponent. of recipro- city choul.t prove correct. if the ('n- ttrd anter will nut, make it reia.ollahle 41r13I1geno.M. then. .4 1.ur•se, there will he n'. 41«:Ivy. bier it would Requite unfair to the ['idled States to. as-ullie that the attitude of tot 111er }-t'nta 4. 1(.0.('. P. It is nu(kiti a rh4(ige 41 t it. rune)a1.1r. It it 'rotas! Pi11 111 :, t114in fa11r11 Gu••1:,11 .rt'ivin here ...lily 111 44„• 1171 envo,1, 1411d IYat'Ir l„ ,.t ., or R.'clock, in the e44'irtnc lila• 1.1ion would he .44,prYr;iatl•d. TII • Neafnl'th Kx1h'-,1.1-t,,,llgl't\• 1d - o. ire, the n''I.tI lisping '' .1 • 1 it .4atutrat ion' for'. coil:ntiptlye.. it ie. hew... 111:.1 t ole exItells • tt..I.1 nni )'k 141gedial that the i1t.111 litho.- would 1e.• :1 ..•,•1,11 :mil beneficial one. Att••r x stip in which h•• disturhe.1 first the. African jtulgl.. .Ind atlet- scatd- Ihe...mils of •Elii.p1, '1'1e.dt,r•• Ito. - .•It. 'Thr i1,' .,.e nc•l, Lii.u, - lir- : et... 11-,1 1,, h.- hien ,•o..tltl v 111. 1v,1. g41'«e1 11 1. teat ',) ,llun 44..11 lit' •.erivid at. 1r's' Vail,. The •Ion• -turn .o \\'II.. 44 til '•1'1•ddy" do ,lest ' ' A ' n••'Iv,0 1' payer make•i a I ,I1•. 1 ,1.4., sirs• .1: \t.i 44 it h It, it nn. . NEW • Itrri.r • '' InJth(iUL.ag,d.11nLlbt' Lturil•rlinraru. 1h.11gilt ili,g . 1,.014 I ,-L. l; ii,•s',,..-" inen1 pecan's then tsar of InPn'tak- t„ c,1!,•:,.,. 11,.•.lits\-t ,'.t,t,„I '411i• • 1. ,„r i The Dental,Wardens. ' ing Inihtxl i drill this ...tit is J .. 44,', 4:.terh•L•e. % .•f•..4-,..,-,,.11,1 t.nr .hc ft, parativail4 •ii,:,I1. I. it nut n r.. that ,, ,,,.,,nn,•Irt 1, 1,1 ,o,•, 11 , l,r. 114,1 i1, RC1 ve ..f N'i ),. (411 i- •ul•i••.9'�.I {\';n•A.•n .1' Il/nnn 0111 Ur. l%111 W. 4he pl7-perl1\ .l.•,a4hng onus,' (h,•-lat.- ',., ,�i,1 Ins 44,•,.,1 I u ., I , I I47•etr..1 l'hrsl.•4, '�1,'.41114.1) of {iru'•o. f.autlel Got '•tvl1uelt i. the 1..;..7011 fol i _, .I.• I4 , 111,1:11 14 1. 11..4, 4nc o114 it Thn. Jen1111. 1..111 th•• chi..4 noun viral the -1„l, - 11.•11 ,10 11,11 4yaut Int ,t, 1. „1 tit. , 1 U,1t1141,5 !Pallia len\'•.: , „I i„h- In - ---- AI hard._w.hu t.tt.l.ut Y'lae-l:.a..1+1 -1 , • 4t" ..L1,•t1 44 4I ,•, \ 1„• t',111fe itu w74 • til •ut-....^.e 1,:,. k 111 I,L�t,ti •d, h \4 • 471 1 url.l,.oc , :\,,,Knot .( feature of the Ilt,w I ,,,rlulwte with 4h.' , sly d1•• , 4,•e.. 1,4. 1Ile 11,11,''1 , 1 .•4 1�4 :.r1i! II c4'1 I, •-11 44,:1 k1 •, nisi '.f 11or 11 - ecislen••eol', ther.Iw•t•i1N1 whcu he is refu..1•:Il credit altogether. anti this; 1111 lilt* whl(b•, is 4h.• most- misatisfal•- t.rc periltil of ,ill. Canada and Reciprocity: ' \1-ood.nlek taentinel-Rmview. 111+•-f P''InP.I 1'111h1.1•t•ati40' confetti'. 41..1•,%')1 declares that the people of !11 q'1•t,ary Kuox have given 'ills, Mr 41111''tr7' t1 it the 1'niti•,1 State. 1171e err c.lr hal.awaur•.anet•4 of the ,l .'re. ut the '44.'1. 'I'10- ,1" la1a61a1 i. open to. 411.•-11x1 :.t tw , 41)1ltN,IlllIlt., bol 111 china l'ni 41 States 4..'V i'nthrnt In bring .,111. 1•st,'••In, I . 4'4Ntt'rll'4 111114 111)1 .shoo hitter trade r.Iatiteis lettyeete he in a [44..11ion to -late j4.4 sh 111 lb1• filo. 1 n' countries. The position of 4n•.1.le..f 1':11011111 want. For rulothPl' the (,x11 di,ln I:ucl'runl.•nt, 11 r. i''ir4i11: • - 111, , may not k'u.tt fora rer•taiuty 41/1'11 e.1.• 1'nit Yie I St,' hill.'tV,otTer: inL t}•-. liths• their ars• h11tln•1 t7 tc- 'I'1,••• tit' me 111.111111. ••'1r0e, .111 1• Urt•e the,::a4.4uraure of the robed Loth .11.. ..t the I.7u1111nr)' line op- 441.1t••.4;,,»•1.t11r11 in the good•ph-it 1"14''11 to re'iprn,-tr'. : 1.114. the 400141 in whil•h it i, utTered. ,(1111 ti, bole f.•• 411•fa,`I 111' y:..ar',',411g••1117•111 . It w•.r1101 r•rrtait14' I,.. ;: foolish and 'indefensible art 44.1•.1 h.! 1' martian* (:.4e•tute11t to refuse to ,•11(01' into, pl'a't iat tort- In ya•hrl•h they 11.ul been invited in -.pl. bolt 111 tot.' people 1,t (',111,011, 44,.•-11.•- 14i•1.• .:m. pr1•Pnr.YI 71. 44at4, tli,•�' n,nc IN• in a posit ion 1..,11•.11 }' illi the,4lu••tio,1 „11 it-,+n•1•it., The Cruc-al Test. .. hen Ion ( hroni.'I,. \I',II :111„4I'11eti 1„4411 1„1111111.1, •t - a ft -4.101v n 1111111,1% 4''.011 it, n. ...in, 1111 11 4411• 11..11 41 :1 1w•,n-h1 1 'aslinlly p.. 4)0...11'0.th .nh•. !d' 114' INnunhll 4 un•nt i.n.Yl 1,01 a" iw , 111 „i11d n.,l e1- •...114.t,11;(1t lII. tw'4'en,1r,lik. pilo Io I.ln•v.•. it should 1.0 I ( ilia- in 4„,,1,44,4„ \ 14,11.141) Ittilj0 ,11•n,eJ. s.ikle t„ 'bring 1114, 44 a- -,1ti-410?'. t• I Ili '1:11 0111.10,)1, to 1.1 thu.t. l,ltu,l- ta ItTtra'li 1 nn1•nr. 'The ,-:Ityin4'l, U•11, h,, ;It11' natio. Atli- drink :i'.y1 lu,n Ihr h I Is ion 1 10111..1 .f hese i, 4717. '11,'x4 au/41111i ' 1 .hon i ..n,,,•..ht.•dly Ir11(1 Ir, 114„1,. '111 In halt • Idil, It' 11,•,1. the t.• -r bailie 'h -alit, eve. \ 1'rir11dl ,.'trims betw'1.1•n 1111 Ir.. 'Il .._.,lhurtl,•.L.nlac6e,ll, lip_,ung rtarn,lr. ,I. name1 the .triol. nn!41 Ih'. i ,6 , .4e.1- 111 .1.•s11:111. -1'11.1, "t,''. '1'1''11 4', 1-. mi.). 11 u,• -,i4 i , i.•n ''••i 44.,•,•1 441.1 4l' ''. a „1111''111„1. 11u�.1 ni gist ,i+•sl 110-,.I „t 101;.'1 amt 11.• 14,11 1..11 ,, .hIJ,• tit' 1h., 1.-• ''1 '•nom, „4,•1111,, ,i ,,• "„nth \t,i,.l. '14' 1111- 1'1-1 11,1,1,1 t1.• 111411'',•' Ihi-. kill 1 putout i1 Lhe stn,•'- 41 hi. I, kilt , 14 4 :,:'.. • 1,1 - 11f('it 4'11.•t1 I 14''1,, ,n w,•c In11- {till all Hu,intw ('ogle g,• .nf Tor,luto the latkert• In.,.I i1N111•ntlal -churl in ('.•.i -oho f•i1 thiol Wt coonI 0401.l1• amt ON Ill them 4. spied p,w,/hdn-. . ;,Ielogue free. Enter an). tine. write W. H. Anna, I'r,ucival, \'oi.ge St.. 'furor, .. a> 1 GET A PRAUI`l('A1. EDL'1'A1'1UN he attending the fatuous ELLIOTT BUSINESS COLLEGE TORON1 O. ONT. h 1,•-i•,+1 giber. It will psy e.•1.. t1 :+, .' •,. r, ., ,r heed -04w .'.real sine. 41111 4444,4,4 „4,44,44„ie 1 0pe.•sli.n that , ...e' .on..tled hat a1,1t. w:,. he IK •1, •111, limo Bruce and {{nr,in with t1 two ec 1 1 1 l 11'arJ •u. n xptalinm. n.• put Irwin and .'row on Ow snit- of the tope? I)enlistshi,' ild he gtea:. .11 111• pull. If the t„trdens hat .• nothing to d11h11t "holler." I)1 Irwin will nerd 111 start to expand.tie lungs like a pair of bellows or hit. voice wilt m. t like. the squeak of s kitten 11mpu•. d to elle roars of Doc. 1'rtW ado 11 444.4 Brllce boys dig their heels in thlt ratth and pull 10 heat the hand. l'llllr0n 114 the town 41)1(1 village `itlrre• '110' 11011104•. .al.i,l.'i'l 11 illi -t', lee keepers. A contern4N0rxt}. advises the ha. M11% .I :r gr4'at 4iinny'1 loo :he -,1 .di-i.'f 147bt41t4,'n of the cash .t-(1.111. so that rhe ea44 •r 44111 notion 111 4u•- ennnt with the -local merchant while he send.. his •y to the city 14010. (.In the i 4..11 basis. with (ower ex - Senses, the ;Oral merchant sh•mld hr ahle in Oiome.',casl•. 1. under -ell the city stofea. rhp Signal'al' cnrretit onitPnt at Male - last 'week made the significant' rental . "4 he. filen of this vicinity weir 1'18 Rai . eek doing their Ntat- lite 1311101 The 111 • . are spoiled for another season." '('his . lotting the case very pointedly. Th resent methods of •M•eating the ria fault 4' 411 the eitreme, and the man who wishes to confer it real benefit up- on trig fellows ran ltnat Ah opportunity right at hand in advocating a more enlighlenei s4 stent of road mainten- ance. Instatite4 nee late of the stupid enforcement of the regulations if the Immigration Act. Why a Mall with 225 in hi.. otlioiied to pass. while 'motile' with •• trots1 poet- awl•tored him but vrit limit the cash is forbidden ..iptry. i.. a (414.0 4111 th/itt must puzzle anyone witb a modicum „ • .' 1,11 TIIN•1 'tht0h 4?,.at Britain-t:nn.l.. ‘L'Ott tributes have he'•t1 Iw,i.I 1,4 the I,n•.v}, a pee.. t7 the (hit+ -4, 44 ,4 «t , lenlin4( 44H1t 1111. 411'••.4,.44 '1'1.• New \.-k 4'ua makes t l,i- O'nnnu•ut : 'ill,. 1.-t Cabinet for I'nitc.l South \fr1'a 4)179 leer. ''1g,411ized. mists -win. se...et1.141I,ing in OM Eng- land going to .math (night be asked for n moment tee I•N,k at month afri'o, ,A,ft ''i .1)1)7'.' 1,111.1 he .9n1•thing of lie .1.1 Bone tuft In a nation which can necomitli411 what England has ar- c.mlplimhlsl its South .\frim during 1hepast seven yen r.. In that space of time a collemrrd population hits 114, 11 lot mollify hf•f w', .,, holt r.tl.ili:- ,lied and win over. ('i'.il gait volution, las been re -r' 144, ishas4 in lira fortn,'r dr r''puhlics, and .1044 gover •tit 11/1. n placed in 1Ile hands 114 111,' es.hilt tdett.•tti . M.,fT1 ,.I le..,1t-i-1, the filo late r.Mniral 4(11t.•Pn- tthr'rltof 4'ole• ny, N:11A1. (tt•nt14.' River l'040ny an/ h • Transvaal, chows 1111% a general g. • merit for S.n1111.,- Africa., which. 1.w., • is been handed over 44 Ihr 111.11 wh. tilt` right yeat•4 ngo w1•11, in the against England. licnrrn4 lemis Botha is the first Prellit"r of the 1'nit.,I S..fh Africa, and 44eneral Wentz tm hi4 lending associate. Nor 1. it 11104 017141111.111 1r41Inmrn' t. 11.• K04( limp genius for liming elm .(cad 41ast only am it found,ltielt for the presetit that the sou of the: k uglish atateywuu Summer Footwear I Ill Ihr warn•.thr r •s tl,« 1'� desire f1,r' 4.10,.'?i''41e4. 1.4'rp ' fust cool...and ...mile? table. 1 „.' "Pilin sr Felt versa'you Call weal _,in• 1 Tie o1: 1',nup. 'iRs p,111.111 r• t I• .,4..1.thole .1}Ies In white ot• `litowte 0 114 1., eutr Instal. I ho. 1,1(14+' kid. t•,, ;r I :.I' .•rhe, 1,/t tte s :at the 1,.'4'7.74 I" - ..✓< F ` 1'1 •Ins [„'lis at,,1 Ber w1141 we ton. to Tennis, Lacrosse and Bowling Shoes now in stock. "W. ACHESON ce SON Annual Sale of Wash Goods Our •lock of 1.',•Iy light 1►reste Materials is paiticulufly. fascinating this c...el. On account .0 the Iatrnrl.N of the -moon, we make many sweeping reductions One large' cpupterful of pretty printed Mullins, Diuijt41-. Organdies. etc. Regular 1:x1 and Sic. Your Choice, ler 10 yard - . .1...+ French Muslina, Mulls, Voiles and Crepes. Regular up 20c to bee a yard. Special at LADIES' WHiTE WEAR Special line* In Underskirt., lair 111 timbroidery trimmed) material ot- Hue i,,tlnsook. lontrdah•, and rx11brics, ,ga'ci.tllc pr4''ed $1.00. *1.60. $2.50 KiD GLUES A very si"cial sale ,.f Kid Glove. --„hit.• ---- tans and black• two dome fxaten«r+ and i'euia acv Perrin's 1''reneh Kid, and 60( stamped : regular 161.11). for v SILK PETTICOATS `ilk taffeta and *ilk lI$e((e ti (•nder4kitt,4, perfect H t t ing Ia•sutitully wade and trirntn*d•' and tV NI't'Nnt. d stud guar• :oared for satisfactory wear. 9pe ciao value, each .. sr Hutterick world•f amous Patterns all in for lune, at roc and tsc W. ACHESON cf SON SATURDAY, JUNE 25th and folloming week, an) $i.00 to $175 SHIRT in the Window 69 cents MARTIN BROS. TAILORS AND FURNISHERS (11 1 \ (11-.1 1.11"1 l - .,It 4y113Ih;\' 'GOOD TO HAVE HANDY. 4 Rrown's..Auto Spray What Mr Boyd Says of Dodd's Kidney Pills --A Great amily Medicine M Mist one. Sank.,' .hone 211t1t. 911•^sal , -11'. S:1nwe1 M. Boyd, well known ',end highly repwcted herr, testitles W the good work i)xhd's Kid- --Mita urn doing. "It is nearly a month since 1 'mit 11sinu llodd'a Kidney fills for kidney trouble. Nays Mr. 'Boyd. •'1 most say that 1 all perfectly satisfied. 1 feel Kite 41 14eW person, Hy kidneys- have Igoe., giving me thlnhle for about Hv.• year•=, and now they ate acting just as good xa if there was never ,anything. wrong with them. '•1 would not les without them in my hnnts4, I cheerfully re•ntnrp,•nd I/odd's Kidney rill. to anyone fot tie tremble. 's Kidney P411. are the great NO .eNrapitgo Everything in Hardware. We'll do your Plumbing, Roofing, Eavestroughing and Repairinv right. for spraying trees, shrub, vines, poultry houses and stable,. Come in and see it wt'4rk. ' We are sole agents. Martin'Senc,ur loo per cent. I'ul Paint -wears best. it's pure --that • why. Lawn Mowers, Screen Doors and Windows, Oil and Gasoline St'ol'es, Refrigerators. Pure Paris Green and Bluestone, Water Cans. Fred Hunt's Hardware Store 100 Men's Suits 36 Boys' SUltS at Big Bargains - NN.:. put on !sale clearing lines of plen's an.. boys. Clothit, •at 'prices that- mean a big 100 MEN'S SUITS 36 BOYS' SUITS AT $3.50 16 MEN'S WORKING' SUIT At $5.00\ Theso are not tip. -to -date uits, but the oth is gooli and will make ood working Su 'There are sixteen of the , Sizes 35 to 38, mo. Special, 'to•cle;i'r at 40 PAIRS OF PA. r OVERALLS AT 39c W,! are getting too tnany lines of Overalls, so havelecid to clvar this line out. This 39c • PEABODY'S OVERALLS cottons; we are 'selling Peabody's Overalls at the old price.. Peabody's are cut big and roomy, made in the .strongest possible wayt Guarantee 25c a rip and toc for each button off, WAL ER C. PRIDHAM / rpm OUSE Or REAL VALUES 441114.