The Signal, 1910-6-16, Page 4Tnt•RenAV It NI, ill, )910 • HE SIGNAL: GODERICH ONTARIO District News PORT ALBERT. tt l o.1^4tT.V'l ..tmtr-IMb 1'utv,11t1I,. MI, .Its. fuser is risking' with 1liends• of Ohio. Pei -y ti 1t•I' on - Tuesday fur Nrlpawa. Msnit"ha, where he has _taheo posit tun -as stenogtaphet A uumbrr flout etrouu4 hese tu1ik in the exclusion to t1• Experimental Farm, 4iut•lph, last Friday In the foulwjl match played at Point Farm last Fridat bs•tween Port Albert and Hrnutiller, the score was K•'1 in favor titlPort Albert Alex. Mt Kenzie, Stanley Hayden, Chas. Crawford. Reg.. and Athert Mclieev Model Farm.. They spent a day Feet- -were am,mg the T..httrtw+ru --shot left- dreg friends attleorgetustu and Acton. for ramp at London_on Monday. Kofi• years after their marriage. Mr - anti Mils. Campbell rime to 1.u.kuow. and were thin among the e•arliest.resl- deuts of this place. The deceased. is KUlvived Ly one. w)n, \Ialrultu. of Cobalt. Sind three daughters.. Mow.' : OTHIAN. ' Watson. Mrs-. MacNahh and Miss I't;i:.41Aa. Jute 111 le 1 Vare_nt Lt. oknuw ' L"Till tx Lot •.tLs.-Rat ph Nixon, , Coee•r% Curet1L MEr ii i*.,-,ur his datighter. Miss \lav, and Ltaster the first time shier twenty year.. ago, John McKay, 1•r.Port Elgin, Visited at ' the Iiruce r114111y (*.limed utet last Mrs. l'. • \I*Ketizie's ;last week.. week in (.ncknow. On 'Thursday• the Mts. Skeleton', of Pot•G Ho, is the 1 •n' be rs. with a number of others. attest "of Mrs. H. T.Mc•Keitb--. . visited (iiulerich by orr•ulgetuent of William Iluntrr, Reeve of Ashtleld, (feet a Joynt• who provided at 'his own and Joseph Helm left for the Natth- . expense a special train for the twee - west today on au extended 'trip.. `Kion. The Hulon county council Will Miss Mary McDonald, who spwnt.afew Imeeting et tioderich,• and the mem- months in Toronto, returned home I hers of the Lt.!) councils fraternized ast lweek .. Mr. and Mr..•cieprge. ring the dal. Ana iri the evening Swan took in the excursion to the were .joined by the event ' Councillors of Perth in a banquet at one of Gale- rieh's leading hotels. The special train arrived borne in the early,hours of Friday morning: • The occasion was one long to he retuemhered by those who participated in it. A COLBORNE ., ST. AUGUSTINE. 1't,KSDAY, ilium 14th. • Tttri v, June Itch. • News Nirri•:a.-J. 0. Ktbtherspent (BrtKvirrisi,. \Vm. McIntosh visited Hulltet friends Inst• week - Robert (:len, of Carlow, visited friends in this vicinity this week. ..,... .t number of young people from this vicinity at- tended James Boyle's dance last Fri- _ ,,may eveninl�tnd i-sp}xiu( having bad i good -time John iijTe returned- home eturned home last week after' a short trip out West St. Augustine was well repieseuttd at the l►, A. C. College last Friday. Among those who took in the excur were James Craig, .X-iuc'utt Walsh. Oswald Pollard, Nor amu and Ernest 'I'h psnn. John and Willie Redmond, Gillwrt, Mary and James Grieves, David and Betsy Mc- Allister. Mr. aid Mrs. Uriah, Joh') 'A. AMA Rebecca and Mrs. John 'I'hotrlp- son. Wellington Nixon and Alice. Martha and Isaac Ferguson. the week -end at bis home at Mafe- king Miss Amanda \Itedel was Evangelical to the elected delegate Sunday school convention to be held in Crediton this week The Hen- willer boyo attended the pienie at the Point Firm on Friday last and played a gi�in7+ �it Tootttalt with the+ - .the lth concession of Ashtleld. The Ashfield players won the game with a lead of five goals. The bots also sue- 'ceeded in losing their inti(. which is rather hardd-lick for the first game with outsiders Among those who went to Guelph by the C. P. H. exten- sion on Friday last were: Arthur and Mrs. Fisher, Mike and Mrs. Ohlrr, John Flick. Miss Jessie Oke. Miss Ade- line Durst and Miss Nettie Fisher. ... Aaron Fisher has commenced the THE JCNILES SERVICES. -The hi- rection i- 1 rect�k on of a new cement silo this tieth anniversary ot, Knox church is being celebrated by the congregations this week, and the services oil Kumasi and the entertainment on Monday evening were attended with great suc- cess. As, space is not -available' this weak 14.1 as full a report as we,shnuld like to give. the account of the pro- ceedings is hell lever to next week. LAWN St*-i.u. - Alout five Initial -4.d persons gathered on the parsonage grounds last evening and enjoyed very mach the bountiful repast and ex- cellent band proeraul given under the auspices ut the combined congregations of the Auburn. \Vestfleld and Donny- brook Methodist .churches. The lawn was lighted by Cbineee lanterns end by'a-bright moon which shone -rut of a cloudless sky. The tables were lav- ish'v spread with the choicest. of pas- tries and other dainties. The music hy'the Goderich Jueior Band was ex- cellent and much appreciated by those present. The groanreceiptta were over t UBURN, . MOxt1AY, Jtsne 13th. Bit leest. - MTs. 'Su therland, Of (fen• sail, is the guest of Mise sturdy this week George Beadle, 1r.. and family are visiting relative. at nnet•- Yjof our Tcung men-Ray- nR)nd -Ferguson, Willie Medd-. WiIT McDonald, Alfred Rollinson. ' Edgar. Lawson snd 1Vw. Marsh -left for Goderich this morning en route to London, having enlisted in the :lard Regiment. They will remain, 011 - at London ,until the '24th inst Mainers Victor snd Leonard Yunghlut left today to spend a week with their sunt at Innerkip. Ttiv, *Dav, June llith. CARLOW.• • ' \Ioxl)A '. June lath.' LEEBURN. ANNIVERSARY (ORDEN PARTY.- TL'EmIIAV. June 14th. Tbr garden part y,heIdlun Ft i.lay even- 1.KE1(ettN LOCALS. -M ins Ruth Shaw, ing 1 u the bsndsctiw gwtuntls of An- of Porter)a Hill, spent Sunday under drew Johnston, •'(.M•rie." mss -a treyI the parental roof Mrs. • Percy' viiccessfld occasion. The event w -as Stewart took in the exetnsion to . udder the auspices of the •,V. F. M.S. (Mel th on Friday. - - 0- Cr'k spent of Smith s Hiltchm'ch. which thus cele-Hundsy'at the bottle of Rot eget Quaid, Vested its lwentt-second snnivrtsary. , Dunlop....... Mr. and Mrs. O'Brien, of Rev. A. MacMillan, M. A., of Minticn: London. ate visiting at the -home of who wits pw.tol' of the church et the the latter's parents, Mr. and Mire. M. time snd assisted in the inaugurslion 'Foley Mr. and Mrs. C. Stewart eat the Sochiy,•was 'present and gave a�st Mrs -attended the funeral of Mrs. NIewart's pleaH singiuldlrss, Mrs.egdeisongave father, Mr. May.of Nile, on Thursday at inletratirrpt K •y of the his• Mrs- Wilt. Ruston. 'ot int al - ) of the ticiety. (Abet Iwrs ford, returned home again aflrra\pr. petid- snd on the p►ogrijkto were a chorus, •'U ing a week in our hurg Oanlda,' .by a Noir of girls : a reeita• Mrs. Oliver John {Cork spent '1'hurs- tion by Miss Mena Walter ; a reading day with Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Uotik. by Rev. James Hamiltt•i: avocal sokr sou... of our young inen were 1'v \piss Edith 3tValter: a duet by Miss called to Goderich yesterday on ac - Walter end Mri, look ; and an exhibi- count of the trouble at Dunlop be. 6l1'.a tion of club swhieing by '((1p. Reid. tween the electric railway and Col- __ _ _ Rev. KR Mann discharged the duties borne tywnship ....Mis. B. Fairish of chairman. was' not so well last week. )firth's young friends hope for *speedy recite.. DU GANNON. cry. (t A. NiWTOW. DENTIST, LUCK - T. NON'. -At hodleeveryday except Thurs- days. Newrentenyfor extracting teeth aiomno. 110nm,b utter than as., cnrwirand bridge work. etc. Aluminum Made. upon breakable 4 --- :C:-7t=Yotinorntwarrivner1. Bette, done in the dental office -more better 110011 lee for loibg the work. noire corn• fprt•'1'Ie (or the twnent. (n'ICE.-THE LOCAL AGENCY 11 One of the most danger- ous and repulsive forms ut Kidney Disease is Y for whitb Dodd's Kidney Pills are the only certain cure. In Dropsy the Kid- neys are actually dammed ep, and the water, which should be expelled in the form of urine, flows back and lodges in the cells of the dash asd puffs out the skin. Remove the (tttb which plugs up the drain. Restore the Kidneys to health. There is only one Kidney Medicine DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS 171 r - VSPECIALS FOR THIS WEEK In Doubt. • Visilor-So your hoe is in college, is he. Me. Corntossle ? Fawner -i can't say exactly. -He's in Cher hall nine, an' in ther rowin' crew, an' in they ,1Impayzeellm, an' in ther dgwytory, but whether he's ever in cher college is more'n 1 kin find out by- his letters. -Harper's Bazar. , I111AFEKING. Monty, Jude 13th. News Nlrrgs.-Miss Mate Phillip ,hnrne-after xenee in Goderich Mi.. E. cox. of Washington. U. S. A. spent n. few Nl�l days Iaat wrrl('with her niece. \Its. 1,'In Dungannon for The Signal 'sat the Post- . Slot herr- Dr. Blake and Mis. Mice -Book and (stationery Store. where Blake, nt.Winnipeg spent last week•. otdeis will be received for mile. riptlons. ad at the for,iiei•'s obi h 1154-5. The 4ertieing and 'Job work. add receinto will b: .Doctor'el old-•fi lends are g1s 1 1. see hint given tor amounts mud for .jhr. mune.. Trpslr.tv...luur Illi. 1)115 more Joan Menary, of 'I'iiVY Sill trr \\'h.., . t',owe, is busy these days -building *11 wrong with the Duuguniioii 11111 i 1u11'r ddilin' o JJos. Saunders' house ... • 1'bey'rrlrll ri4 h1. The cup still snot. \I r. F. Nnd Miss It. Barka -ell.. of herr "ft 14^1111 "1 Ihr r l'!•; s1•1n1 Lorhalslt. rolled on friends' herr last SI"' Point Friday, 1'1.,�,1..• week ..Mc. and Mrs. Anson Finlay '"f the indit nlual pt iz.. 1115)' "2"1" 11lit ''ntrrainrd a taw friends last 'I'huts- way, • W.' .ogratulat• tip• 1,1,1P te, d'y,ic541)ing....'I'hr mien of phi. it of the two 1 ,ame.fipwN them s w,i-s Inasy 1/0( week doing their st,uute Ial',r. The roads • le• spoiled 111" N"T". -Tr.. 11 alk,au, "1 h., another season The y g .WOMEN'S WOES. Goderich Women Are Finding Relief at Last. - it does seem that women have more than a fair share of the aches •and pains that afflict huinsnity; they st -keep up,' tnust.attend 0. duties 111 spiti4 of conitanti ae lnKttacke, or heed*cher, dizzy spells, bearing -down pains ; they must stoop over when to etuttp tlirans tor(ure. They mast walk and Iwnd and work with racking pains and loamy aches frlitu kidney ills. Kidneys cause more suffering than any other organ of the laxly. Keep the kidneys well and health is easily ui.intained. (teed of a remedy for kidney's only that helps and etitei. 1 h k idnevs. Mrs. Ed wet .1 • ('41440041 41 123 S. Harold street, Fort %Vinton), Ont.. says : "1 aitfeted with d11II, • nuserahie pains, soreness al•rus my hark and in my sides:.for months. They would calrh ver ao badly et tithe. that I \I,U he Il r. t,.Itug :.r J. \1,olk..n+ -. h• ..t Hlako•,, china h lire or aniz- 1'onld scbrcely- move around. .The 1"" I' K kidney w tali na -had. also been of m 7h".. ti. R11rn 1441. in Go,:. 1 h 1144 :t -boli•. They deserve every en- \I"Itolay of this N.rk It,111. 4 11", go•Illrllt Inane 1'I4tl •+"n N's,, h1•avy ."bit• l l I Gnitartiell a se.fiturn'. unutbtr11.un bel.• -1••1t 1.1.1 1 ti.l Then, 1 ...wild have iatze spells end ii. I'h,... I{t n.•t1 +t u+4 the r.prhlrts brie L,., murk laegether. Intl genet:My rim down. at l'"iul 4'4111. • « it h hi..awing tnarhine ''i•''' r After usinga nululwt ''f reun•dies uiakint iniln"r.n . ut. I.4 I ll.In ( I'i- '1'cv unlet' is huLV ls•alllitying his re,i- with.ult fhling rrli.L I I.tined cif leeise/utr'11 4., 1,i te.. ss4.41y 1,11' t rlt1r 1 d.•n.. I.y bnilditi * 115w verandah and 14 .1,', I oIn••y .Pills and am pleast•d 1" I1 putt:rt4t '4114 41.44 -1111 "t p -'int. %VI"•1. to ..v foam( theta an exeellel.t 8441014't\lrl'lut,•, "1444"1"6411-• '1"111-„nlph•Ird \11. 'I'waitiley will have ,in1' rrrnr.lt. Hip,.have rrlit•ved 111, )14 a f4"' docs herr Null 111.11 •"h t\ 111. 11( 1h.• most 11p•t,.-,late Filmset. in ,his ow ,n 1.4•I ', htr coon.. +",Il ••••I .•Ile-,, i11 Our Specials for this week are made up of lines that everyone might want, now that the hot weather is coming. Read carefully the following list. You may find something in it you can usti to advantage. Ever article is at bargain. pride. • GINGHAMS All our 15e Scotch Zephyr Gingham*. be put at l2 c. About fifty pieces large, medium and small check.. two - tone colors. stripes, plain ground-- every piece perfect elgth and fast color. , PRINTS About thirty remnants of oar hest Prints. lengths from two to Ht-. yards. This lot wilt be offered at manufacturer's price. WHITE SKIRTS Just fourteen of a job lot we gut trove the maker. In the regular way 'the price would be 61.75 to 32.00. You can get one for $1.2). Twelve -inch lace flounce, in three-inch insertion. won't be aeeelTed.-LnserupuTous makers are attempting to steal your money and our reputation by putting on an imitation of "The D. d L. Men- thol Plaster. Be sure to get the gen- uine made by Davis it Lawrence Co: \Ira. .Iohustl:n. of ."1" 1"1."' - i. pair .john Rieke and Anson Pin h i l.nt{.her +sis'I ll \ors. \\ n+. 4 , •tt- hos kith .1,141 horses III, p,y.t wri►k. fr)1, herr.. 'I'h'• ..'Idler, i"nl phi, .Herr 1'inlay spent Snn,b,v.with ,li11') 4 \1.1,)1.4 n•..rning i alit Li+ bloth.•r Anson; . Mrs. \1. I.E. ,1.1n,1 at Lorelei, 14rk 1 it l t t. Miss' 1 itnrl Itot Maize r+tl1, •1 111 :u1n.d h' 4 ''1'''''''' 1.,t I '1""" ' k flieml. bene' yesterday R. 1•inl.i', h"," h1. '1.1t 4u n''''''1'i n,l I•.r1 and S s•t.7thtrs'eir- leaving. f"1 the nut".. \tl. Cole, ") I'linr"u, vi.it..'\\'e•s4 1.11,1 tow. al \1'n,. '1-I11.1t1111.01's lilt. w.•.k . -r• 1, 1 v 411,trr'-ml i. bark' 1tvin the LUCKNOW. 4\..• \Vett. hr. beet,-ta11..l .11 fin•,. -K -4 -.l ''t II.. A1501,11.1•-Inr,il. Marxt•4y .Mine 1:4(17. 4--s.'1' Ilc.•i,- 411.....u.tu...Lt ...n Es'I :snr:n .4 (•.ti.1.. - l.h.• )'rt•sht tie- '+ i:ut• 5"n4trA atl"n has est -ended a Ib. 111.u . rnt; "1 I11..%1,40. K Ice, I'. \I. 41, "1111.1111 01• M %URII.:O. I1htl117ti"h. 7.411 1" 14414, ,I, 5, 1 71111•au, 1 hr 1••11..wiott 10.11:10.11:1,..:A.111111.1t•front ?h. pi A.. "1 Muunl l''oieWI"'st, ho 1.45 re- li,o.ki ltIN. Y.1 IhidI' 1•::-gl' .,4 .11m • ...•illlt 41i +u1mami from \lontte•oI l'.01- 1.',4,1,.,o4rt.,_l1(455.11 1111• -era to a gI-.-ll foamy -'cadets ,.t''I'h, Signal'The 1111: Nett 411 .11141. 1:1 11 nl.tt 4•:, 11. 11'igle, Furth ,,lite "t s..11a11,•. tn,nri'g.• of .Mies May ,11ig1,i.. daugh: h I.u-knnt4 5 111.'W 11111111-. htulding, con:• to"d,•1 irlt. •Pr )14 Ktw•ard Alec 0..t Ilight.. rt buuog 14 l ,wn hall :Mil t iO11•- I,I'rn, 4. MI.11 it k 1)111)1. 41,.:11. Sri in44ti.•Ill 0t4.n„i•, was 11,11114(114 01 11011001 •,n .41nn,1 1‘. lith Not Anidous to Have It. Riringtield. alai the !try. Chalks tla(- inst,..Iteev. .Inovtit oflciat.d u, •I he h;..•ter Ad4.rralr : 11t. Irwin. \V:ttd- ('tostie 1(011)11 .111 o4 1 nes,)1n,'fofrn.•1• f,Wintlity. and n'si hN. whir itl4en I,y .n , : the Ata, ai, : l,tt- ty l,n,'s llore •,• • t ly'111,•lnr of the Filet_ l._tcshyletian I/r..l't)1w. 1Y.o1f, I\ 0.1 lirul 1'5101.+ilttwtit Anil .1. H. Shearer mita olio, h ,,f.51 lingtield, was 111.10. 'z.d 1'• A• •Mlateonisun,1 of Kin a liin•' c, nnty Clot Lane were ill town )1u 111.2b.• ,11!i..14, /1.... bnin•hy the K.4. ,lames I)1ruu•rly of ll,nt•knuw• . Norman Rol - P1i.lay .1r t l.okin 1111, a , „silde Ii,:I-r.,dt' Roslyn, Ina ,•irnitlg. rrtwprf, tsrunty Uv:,.tnorp P.•trr 4'yn- g K1 Al 11 lot( relatives ata friends were rigatt, 1►r, Newton, 1'. li, 41rKI I . 0. for the colrirmplAU•d cuusll i)ptice• nu : for Huron r•oine. Rev, present. the meld ni hnnrrwas \is .1. G. Aud xh, R, . l'artvu d s:uutu liawdru inft,rms nil that 1111.11- •" , 'Bilk 44igbi., sisterof the bride. and Dr. Spence. • . several .suitable mites in this neighh"r- itt htit t is ii,.s meet' the NI SkId,s i, tai•Aii --Marq, trI Armstrong, boli, but }when he mentioned th,• q its 13nyli.. ant: lire t't tide Skidtm n'' et walow Tf Ihr Irate '4lileoltt 1•11114del4. matter to lite town con nci.P•the rnelh- Sin ingtteld. Alfred Highie, a brother died nn solidity. May 1'J4tti. at ph. 'age Iwrs dkl miCdook upon -the estahii.lt of the briar. was hest rib.' Four „f seventy•eigh ars. She wits born nwnt of such an institutinn -near Exe little girls, tort -1)45 ..t tb..hrid.'s ih Dunifries, Scuta , and•ca►wr to ter with- any very strong degre• of Sunday ichrad floss, meted as 'tower ;canadn wh.'n it onnill . ' 11. • 111 lvav, I,tt•or. gills. The ushers were Charles Heifer and Prank Kinsey, both of Spring• tield. The bottle ion. gowned in white satin and cart ied a shower boo 'net of White roses. This house was prnflinely decorated in, yellow and white, roses 1 711TrilonilnallIttg lir- Hnwrr rebrnn•. . After the ceremony there Wan a revel.. . tion, at ,e whh about foray guestm pelt present. most of theta being from Spnringfield. ,lanlaies end Iirooklyn. After an extended wedding tour the ) + •I•t,v. and Mrs. Rutherford will make their home in Canada, where the bridegrodni 4. pastor of A slouch." Th. announcement is received ,with mush pleasm'e by Mr. RutheMbrd'a friends. and Tire Signal ,joins in the hearty congratulation. which will he extended to the reverend gentleman in the happy event.. The Singer Stocking Oarner. Latest. best. simplest and must use• fill device for darning. Ilan be 11••0,1 on any lock -stitch sewing machine. Holds the at.swking firmly, so It can he darned at heel, toe or any other part. For aide at Singer store• north sMe of Square. net hark. ,u1I have also cored in, n) my 41.11,41 kidney il",I',l.-' For 5dr to 1jodeti.•Ii by I•:. it. \1'14;1.. So:•1 1.y C1•1110.7% 1'l,5.• :dl 51.1114.. 'Th'. R. '1, Haab 1 t L, Port Elie, 'Ont., •ole l'anadi of s{ .•n1. LAWN WAISTS \1'e never bad so good value in Lawn Waists as we have this year. All embroidered fronts and tine sheer lawn. They fit oorrectly and atm sized to meas. jure. LACES A lot of Torchon and Valen- ciennes Lacs at t ttnlesal41 price. On S,tturvlay 11.111e a5 low a. le a yard. HOSIERY Ne cr1 before did we offer such value in Stockings. Our two for •2.4e exevl 41 previous. offerings. Colol. black slid tan. Ask fur tan rib at 15c for boys and girl.. snd plain fu ladies. BLACK SATEEN SKIRTS A large lot of these Skirts j,ist in. and we never had su;h valor, We Fought direct from the maker, hence our great voila. EMBROIDERIES All our 25c and :ilk: co. ter Embroideries w i 1 offered on Saturday at 21e. GLOVES Best assortment we ev r`r offered. Note the prices-2'Ic, :45c and :i)o in lisle, and double - tipped silk at :irk`. All the new shades -rose, hello. green, • re- edit, light and Alice blue, nary. tuscan, tall and black. ail \ - J. H. CQLBORNE VERANDA SHADES Now is the time to bus them cheap. We are closing out a lot at remarkably low prices. Best skin quality bamboo, complete with cords and pulleys. 5 feet wide x Moot drop at... tic 8 feet wide x Ii -foot drop at 73c 6 -feet -.side x -14-font droprn...,.•.•�l.tltt 8 feet wide le Moot drop at 61.2.5 10 feet wide i tf-font drop it *1.30 141 feet wide z 10 -foot drop at.. :. '!t''..si 12•teet wide x 8 -foot drop .at *22.-, Window Medea, 3 x R feet, on spring rollers, from 214 up. Any Kize.Shade mode to order. We carry the largest stock of \Vindnw Shades and Shade ('loth, Poles and Brass Trimtuings in the county. WILMER SMITH EAST STREET. GODERiC H. ROIJY,n TRIP PER STR. (+REVHOel..o GODERICH TA DETROIT *SATURDAY, JUNE 18 TABLE 0•1-1OTE DINNER 5Oc LURES CATARRH, ASTHMA, f3r,,nchitise Croup. Cotighs and Colds, rr money -back. SnId and guarantecd b•• New York Waists JUST IN Smart -tailored Shirt Waists of pure linen, tucked hack, front wide stitched tucks. fastens with large ,wart buttons, linen cults and collat. ALSO OUTING WAISTS of white figured Madr. and dainty Swine puthroidei', front fine lawn Waists. NEW THINGS in white Princess Dresses, white separate Skirts, white and mlortal Linen puha. The styles are smolt and values unsurpassed. • JOHN STEAD 1•a14rs 4Cea, 1,11 china Hamilton Street. t .4 4i't1 Eticnls'.n, 'I'II in will leave Berlin t1::irt ,(.m., Stt•atfnrd 7•'1:.. Clinton ;mu_ wool ,y, ,lull[• i$tr, 1' - K 1.4i,i.•. 'Vo,gham, etc., tike tree -nine train June 1Sth, r,.nnrr tine at ('hnt.•n 1.:35 -Ham) with s)).•eilli train for Goderich. sp••,ial tient leaves Gol.tich for Clinton, 1Virlgham, Stratford and w-ne .t whin. "I 1: ' 'c r ..f,70-4/01111.1' nt ht. .. nt1 n . I' 1, .. o , art lye{ t 1K (IODEP'ICIi BAND MOONLIGHT 8:30 P. M. FRIDAY, JUNE 17TH 1•:zcutsi,in wain Nil'�sisal front Stratford via G. T. 1ty., myth, ('. i'. fly., end tray .t1tionn. ITINERARY FROM DETROIT FOR GODERICH Friday, June 17th, Is a.m. Central Time. Arrive Goderich 0::311 p.m. •ilwrial train leases Goderich via G. T. Ry. to Stratford and via ('.P.Ry. to Blyth. etc.. Friday night on return from moonlight. FROM GODERICH FOR DETROIT sate nlay, .tunP Pith. 11«t11 a.m.. riitnalta time, etopplrig at tart 4 Huron -the "Greyhound Excursion,'. -A special exeursinn train from Berlin the morning of June lsth, atoppink at all way stations to Goderich. From Wingharo, 13elgrave, etc., take morning train, June 18th, connects at (Jinton, 8:311 cm.. with special train for (lo derich, RETURNING TO GODERiCH i.rave Detinit Monday. June ;filth, 1:444 p.m., Port Huron 8:811 I•.m. Arrive at li,xlet`ich it::ilt port. Npecial trains 'entre Goderich 11::11 p.m. for Clinton, Wingham, Steatite*, New Hamburg, Berlin and way stations, on arrival of ateamet ftsefn Detroit. GODERICH RETURNING TO DETROIT Leave Goderioh melee trip for Detroit Tuesday, June 2111t, at 8:3 salt•. (Note the tiff►.=�.I43O a. m., Canada time.) Meals *i11 be served in the dining room for this Excursion at iso. WHITE STAR LINE • Edens, Plate:, Paper, Develops s. :\ f i it ',' ne it,,: the amateur: i)emonst ation O D A KS given atj anc time for the bene t of ttl:i' ctl�t4'lme1�. (^7 r S Re 'ALL* --S ,iwvw5i•.•w Surniner footwear 14, ITU l the warns weather comes t h, / desire for something t.. keep 11' fret cool and comfot table. Th. coolest Yammer Footwear you can wear is a dainty Gibson l'ie or I'unip. To procure,'th, in a.t up•to•date styles in white or brown eat, vas, gun metal, chocolate kid, tan Arad all o•her leathers ntthe lowest 4)0.51111' price-, some to n. anti as, what wi'-111tvT''tr offer. Tennis, Lacrosse and Bowling Shoes now in stock. Qt'E)-N QUALiTY SHOES BUR WOWC•( *ME 4tIRVT44 Von WALK -OVER SHOES t opt 1(124 t�0 Downing & MacVicar North Side of Square, Cioderich.