The Signal, 1910-6-16, Page 312
prgper attention to the hal.
and scalp is the best preventive
• ,f 1L Illiness. An occasional ap•
Plication of Bearine Hair Po;t•
. rale keeps the scalp in health
1^thlitio�t..It nourishes tli�
ha:r folicles and supplenleit
the. natural oil of the he:':('.
jk grille nut only prevents fails.
•- :lit hair but stimulates ne;f
Irt,n'th 50icts at jar at your
ru ;;leis.
\ simple etTeetive remedy for many little
,. w di
,.n, 1w•' 11
nal with a Varl ebaase. in
1 .
•• a 02 ao -.w.,h 1at'anese Menthol rr•t
:, makuls an efficacious remedy b:.
Burns. Bruise.,
Strains. Sprain.., for 1n.e t oat,. Cuts, tt,.
-i the for campers, hunters :.,
, • 44 for thorc that rtaY at borne. .
25c. m box.
!,V! h ,..\w'H IiVCI;. flont,erl.
� 1
M. H. KILPAI'K. A. t;. S. M.
it donee& 1. ettleed✓. °nan"'t ut et. Ueor4e •
church I,.dclich. is pretested W 1rtve in.truc I. '
tial' -fa eisM• 11
els .lal-xltvaeeo.. *men Milts tows. }'or par • •,JNnwr Me( 'iaM. of, •,t1 i1'tt�-fir
9[ewei of the Sistriet
Hpgs Slow to Lower at East Buffalo
-Cattle Steady to Slow.
Union Stock Yards.
Huy tow'n.hip....lew l is rlm.i.I.•ring whin her youngest 0...00-1. Mire TORI INTO, June 13.• Receipts of
the t•.111lli.hitig ..F .1 t.nlui.•ipal tel.- Marv, was united in . 1a..• I" live stork ut "the ronin Stock Yards
phone system.• 1 t i Al thin• Ewal I. Ault, ..1 1\'11.chau.. war.• lid refloat'.; consisting oi '22',15
Ate,* al4 1 i.t.rlirigktlr ha. 1,,,,,w, -liter -=-14. {'' -G-res-e-1"• •..111..i••li•ltt collie,
clergyman.\I' t lie' I l i Rain'!" calves.
.Even people who are usually
healthy' occasionally require
some kind of a food tonic • Fer-
rovim, that excellent combi-
nation of beef, iron and sherry
wine, if • taken when the sys-
'� orter*�'tlee' 4H tint IS run down from- rn er
organil.le in connection with the
E xe-
Ixr fire de wrlmrnt acted as hl idpvnitill ,old • A'rlh•�r Egpyorten. work or a slight cold, will
Will SI Ili Irv., sun of Mra, .lobo dra, of %Vii,witu'•k. es•i.s..4 the
groom. The Ii.anity „alto,. .. •II make
tiritrve, of Brussel.. died 00 liatutday. their i in \V,inRhaw, where the
June BIL Miter u laying ilh)ree• groom h.this a rr4p4lnsib►e p .. 1 inn,
.4. T. \Vngd he rented the,'Isi-sct'Y At thp,itst t.t.rett of ate Ki4tr(ti•-
gra$e fwrul of --J. Mc\lahon. Le'llttnt, dine town c +11 it let ter 1,0lu eithe
road, n•a'th of Exeter. tie will nae it Toronto Gene" Frusta Com ora on
for waxing purp.w.w, was ,, ,,4, stating that the Ctrrrora-
A vidun df• cow, belonging to An- tion had paid to the Outwit) \\e..1
drew tit BruclHrld, atraysd Shore Railway Cotnpgnv the r'f
on to the. railwaytrack And was killed 01.246,12 on'nt of the town's
by a passing freight train. guarantee...1 $511,110) This aunt rep-
-fibre. (',.nr..rnt htrt>taid hitt Est 1h.. abate tit 1>�11±
farm in 1• shorn* township for $3,701), thirds of the amount of the preerraa
Henry Anderson was the purehaaer. certiflcetee vigne.l ' by the chief en -
He now pxseeab's •2'2.) hereto. 'Inver.
A quiet but fashionable house wed-
dinK't, place at Stratford on Tiles -
day, June it h, at the home of -\I r, end eprin m..4 gold at uyr,t. t.s ro each
Mrs.. .1. A. Uavideon, when t sir i; Veal C>ilves.
eldest daughter. Miss Ina Pelnte.t.'. • There was .au act's.. demand for gond
anus the. bride of Welter Herbert
Gregory; banister. of Stratford. eon
nt '.II•s: T. Gregory, of Exalter. Only
i,uniedia(.r (ei1Audu ed the clu
lrecting pu►rtiee witnessed the reee-
mony, which was per'ormed by Rev.
G. 1". Stilton. \Ir. and Mrs. Gregory
will reside in Stratford.
.1 pretty church wedding;took place
in St. Mary's church. 'Centralia. un
1Vrdlleeday. dune eth, when M'
Mono, daughter of Mr. ted Mrs. IVit-
Itam O'Reilly, became the bride of
Peter Flanagan of Port Lam tots.
The cereol.eny was performed by ev.
Father Forester 'in- the presence of
boot forty guests. A dainty wr1
ng dinner was ...reed' at the bride
owe h ter gibe ePeetniely.
couple left the WNnIP day on ,a honey -
neem rip to Detroit. They will t
make th 'riven.Port L+mbton. to
StDCklag the Muttaad th
Dr. %Vilson, of Zurich. has disposed'
of his pr art fee to I1r. McKinnrin.- He
intends 1.1 'satiate his. studies in one of
the institutions in the 014 Country.
As the result of a eirenlar raw Seting
jolted uitt of a wa¢on George Minolla-
cotul('%.� jells of Exeter;• haul several'
she cltt i�hia.leg by the maw as it
The total scseeeinent of the town-
ship of Howiek fog• 1/110 is placed At'
*2.lrtl.11n. The popolal fowl whirls
shows. :P deerea se °LSI'. file illetred :41
rgan piano and 4ocal ualtGre i 11
urulwr- apply to DI. lie 611pack- Residence i
Slat Lel alter,, near Fimpllel . hued;, Minitel w awa4• ••n 0 viral tr. re Iver at (Brand
4r. gels Cut-. r'urner of (truce and North }•leek,., North Dak a. lir nil! yo as
far west as l',tl�y. and p •ssifly to
o '
u t
E. C(w I. c stat':
•� ;ono-ylayfntf. Theory. Harmony and 'Ill*
, e or � d
Iy i menthe old dam:lore o(.lobn Fischer,
° Pupils prepared for examine. I h her ay. Edna. the nine.
ton. ul'fwont°CortsurvatorYotJtuwlc. AVV
�a.i1' Sturm- t atrtich, M0 ,lays
In. :nano, at re.idenre of Mr. Aha. , r n
Gnus 41010 Street. !hider ich studio at 't' M
A: rano. near $1a•datd Loan to.'s o n...
)1 \\1 t. GROAN. SINGING. HA IL- I le,rne township wits the -eerie of a
. eft 4 event nn 1Ve.lnpsdav, at h
l tl•..i ' ot•ST :ItW11NT, LTC. vert 1 t. t
--- hist , whet. his dau¢htl'I. E. Gertrude.
becente the bride of P. F. I pr.
Noel. -trent.
-utast-assents sr.tlstwd
by the ui•setting of a vessel contain -
boiled pip; trial.
The home of Richard Calm") in 1'4-
Ju1.n It. Hunter. F. T. t'. M. (Tor.,. principal
1Cas1•:.s k 1 o,Mervator7 of Melte : otgauist
church. Ii.rlerie, :u sfuner crrt•n Edon
--_ ayyrtxatury_of -Music.
for all .%iII in tt inn..• Tweutl• four .ore.••.•,
to 4rbntary Ito -1. Special tr•'aching tor grada-
%Over Mi.
Hamer w ill tcall at guy addresses len at Thu,,,
at. -music store.
4ot.41. -tali of :square. Ooderlrh, Ont
1 and Hydraulic Eugineer, Ontario Land
*reee- Goderich, corner
a15,)• -McLean Block.
Montreal street. Telephone 13:.
illi. W. F. IiALLO I. M. B.
n4t.e and re -,drum. North street. (ialertrh.
_.. nertheds ..nnty•ffice. Telephone 1')
rf . notary: etc. Money to - lend at
low.• rates. maltose-Nortli Street, Uot.etb•h
Inter s,gnal 0fllce6 In tleaM}tb` Saturday
sad M4s,,taya. ..-
(i, CAMERON. K. C., BAK!tIS•
TI. '44.41. solicitor, notary public. otllt-es-
ti.uriltun Street. Ucderich, third'duui (tour
herri..tero, .oheltors. notarise imbue pit.
tenni the Maritime Court, etc. ',Mee, r'.21 .td
4.ivar % next door ('. A. ' alm's grocery. Prl
rate funds to lend at kwswt -rata•s of interest
W. eiti it UFUOT. K. C. It. C. LAYS. U. If
•lL.tllr, ,
.1 house belonging to (;en 1le•nne•I,
of ('iim••n, wee luully dao'aged by tire
nrrf4atunhty, .lune 1111. -The furnish-
ings of the. house were all save 1. The
loss is partly ei vete 1 hy-insurance.
On \Vrdnesd4>. .fists 1't. it quiet
willow way -sol.•mniced tit Harlin,
ti•h4n Miss Anne, dnu1hter of Mr. and
ales. R. Heideman. I'd Exeter. Naas
wwilletl to Jul. Fife.- The young co, pli
will resi le in Bei lin.
A wedding took glare In London on
Thursday. .lune " '2nd. when Mies
Esther A. Fletcher. of Kirkton, war
d to marriage to Arthur • 1.
Rundle, '.1 1V0talham. nee: S. An-
derson wee the,officiating mini*trt.
The interior and the roof of Ileorge
Menne,', residence in Clinton was
badly deranged the other day hy fire,
which was ratified by the chimney's
falling and allowing the roof to be,
come ignited. The furniture. was all
saved. There was a small, amount of
E. 1. Woodward bought for the Swift prevent a more serious illness
Company 5"' cattle. all toll, as follows :
:0' for the Loudon market, at $7 to rim, Ferrovim vesstrengthtOCY»I
thr average weight helot I:CJ'2 lbs., and
r.43 the, overage price For Liverpool. valescents and all thin -blooded
Mr cattle. aerraaing inti Iba. each, at {7.10,
l;..0 can.ptell bought 440 exporters fur people. $1.(X) a bottle
Morris & Co., as follows : For London
rnarkrt, 1440 cattle, 17:5 Ibis each, at u.26
to r.I' ; for Leverpool, et exporters, 1171
lbs., average weight. and r.='. average
price. For Manchester market, S.1 cattle.
averaging 1140 lbs.. at 3671 to r IU. Ex-
port bulla sold 'taint from e.30 to $6.00.
-prtlxs picked lore Tr butcher. acrid -st-
.front $7.25 to $.lh, Out -there were few at
the latter prier; Mach of Komi, 47 to 17.25;
medium, IS.50 to 35.:.1: common. 15.73 to
$5.2;1; ,..ewe. 11 to PIO..
' Milker' and Springers. .
I_ til$TKR. attorney*, soliMtor. etc.. (ode•
nett. - Money to lend at low' -I rates.
Hamilton strroet- Usderich Ont.public
al S C R A N C E CO. -Farm and Isolated
t0.:. ,.roperty Insured.
Ofiker.-J. R. Mamie. Pre,., Seatorth P.1)
JA hnnnoll , Vlro-Pres„ Ooderlch P. 0:
Thoma. E. Hers, Sec.•Tresa., Seeforth P. O.
Director. -N m. ('been,, Seatorth : John
U. Gneve, Winthrop ; menthe Dale, Seaforth:
John I4,•uneweis, Rrodhegen; ismer. Evans,
I4e chwno4 ; John Watt, Harlock ; Malcolm
Mey;w en. Hruoeneld.
Agro,.: J. W. Yeo, Holmesvllle : It. Smith.
Hatl.eck : Jas. ('mnmiegss. Iprnaond, ille ; E.
Hln.•kly,seam th. Policy -holder. own pay
tettea,menie sad get their cards lecelpted at
Tenet a Hrown'a, r at R. H. Cutt's
thMery Kingston street Clinton,liodertoh.
Hold. Young Iota 14.041
post t.anater lit tiun.hinr 11)141 mail-ent•-
tier if, and fools liet¢ntve 11.4 *4ltr•e'..r11•
to Uilt.II 11-ats,na. who reet•ntly re-
m.% ed. to Cochrane., New Ontario
Two (HI.. each week will I"• made -for
the snail by Mr. Young.,
Ford has been received ).v, Mrs.
Jas. McGee. of theist line of Morris
townships. that her son. John C.
Aides,. heti been killed 1.y falling from
the top of a.high pole in Vancouver.
H.' hall teen engaged as foreman for.
der 111 i' leh l'oluryhih Electric Railway
Co. in that city. .
ralvra. Prices raugrd at from 3J to hi ..•
per cwt.. ... an average .4 IP; Per (Wt.
Sheep, and Lambs.
Fthee ewes, light: s.,t.l al $. o..,3@.51:
envy' ewes, . o
per cwt' Lambs too) I at Tr , 34_5010 33.30
each, or au average of Ivo per Ib.
t Mega
Selects, fed. and water..J. were quoted
at 39.70 to M4^: and tt to 11,1•'1 :-fA:b--start
a1 country points.
it.Montreal-iv.- -
MONTREAL. Jun • 13 -1 .p'e'al.) -At
the Montreal Stock Yards Nest End Mar-
ket -the offerings aan...:p4-.1 AL-.;oft-A•attle.
s a
�.•'. u and Iambs, _ huge g
' sheep and
calves. Cattle pricer solve dais day week
have sound a further advance of lire per
1.s. lbs.. as the bulk of the stall -fed- cattle
tl.ruout tile country have now beeln pretty
} fa emery are de -
mending more money fur the few left, as
rues cattle will not be In fit condition .tU•'
move fur two or 11,01 weeks. •ATle r . 4..71.
e, supphrs 4,1 • go d, "
market will likrlc 4., tem" scarcer. A
.xtra choice steel s made a. high as
t the hulk of the trading was done
re at No, to 71`le. goad ..a `e to
irly good at 'a,,• 10 C. fair at
. and rommmn. at 314. 't.r&•'per
War •Nn In.PFo'rd demand for
om If to • Sem, white co**
34.90 to 3s V. per cwt. There
CURES every sort of Muscular Min.
such a Science. Stitches. Cricks. Tic,
Twichins of the Muscles. Lumbago
and Headache. Don't throw away
money for worthless imitations, by un-
scrupulous makers. Get the genuine.
Each plaster :.v. in *0 air -ti bt tie
box 1 yard roll Shoo. Dlail upon
receipt of pees. or Maple of ie.
WE CUAR*NTEC that they will retiree
talo u�•'cker the, any other PI..Htrt
11ATIS Ss LAwkl'.NCP. Cs._ >tnntresl.
THOt114DAY, JUN..: 10, 11110 3
Phone 56 D. MILLAfl Co
'Phone 56
6illghams a Wash Suitings
Anderson's Celebrated
Scotch Ging hams
in a collect ion of alt the newest coloring
hinatione, in cheeks. stripes and
plaids, at (2'e, 1.-W, 2(1.' and •_'.x; h yard.
heavy Irish Repp Suiting
-lust the correct -material fol ' stylish
wa4h suite; in all the newest colorings.
Ste -red. $0o a yead.
Three Specials in Indian Head
Sgitinq,^ 36 inches wide, at
15c, 20c and 25c a yard.
New Curtains and -
- ew
Aho,11 :)11,114 pickerel fry,- ten dais. 3c. b
old. have been Iep osited in the \1 11, 1 1'Nt..l1
lanai Rivei ahoy the upper' mill dam p c. to
at SYinghsul. 7 eV were hr•,uttht ,j1. Th.'
front the (loves-milfirhatcheries at lulls al
Sarna 1n idea of t le. length (dilute brought fr.
that mill elapse before three ti.h sari 'sows no • ch r
be lawfully taken tin be lied from the tnarkel fo
w•Ith ax.e. of
r sat 0. will he about three- t.,o
before. they have grown to rix inc.•+
in length and it is against the law 'to
take pickerel measuring under fifteen
tarter -Hies Wedding.
"Silver Leat 11►rru," Hullrtt town-
ship, was the'4'lIle of a very pleasant lower. prime steers. to
even on \Votnesilay. June 1st; when :Init. r le t.; butchers. t
only daughter of Mr. cit' 34.'0 to ser It ek
Miss Verna M., buns. to SCA: 4t..ckr
and Mrs. Wm. Hite*, wan united n 31.44 t., k,.73; stock hel(rrs.
marriage to Not man L. Cartier. of See- tows and sprinters. guts
g elan wit. strong:.wmmon atearly lura
forth. The otNciatin clergy VessR•lta JII00: ar:tlt•e
Rev. 1V. G Hiles. 11. A.. cousin of the r in ss.:e. .tt�t!��
bride. who' has lateily returned from .�Ht Aterei teaty49heat fs,so\ mis.ry81,
the United Free Thur^h`- College 10.73 to W.`ene r vortices, Par to $10. \ 311
of Glasgow. Scotland. The honey- to glob: roughs. WIZ 1•, *EPS: stag 'r.5l
moon will be spent at Winnipeg to 4s: dairies, 39.01 to tn.
and other 1Veet.•rn 'leant*, and on their sheep arae Iamb i "claim, ue5* h
��a.i. tiny yea.-ullj,+, 9Qs�. 71111_1 :_*c andrla
tWLllril�l-r. aIIIT �r-sTrAar t3ra IOwrr. Iart,tN. 7a to i1.7D aittf -
in Seafort h. -';' wethers, 3a to 1.: 15 ewes, $4.3 t
Death of Thomas Stinson, Pioneer. fG. sheep, mixed, 11 to 35.74. -
An interesting ,vent took pptact• at
the unwire. Wroxeter, on Wednesday.
-}Ith inst., when Mfrs Anne,' Wylie and
J. Hrrlwrt. Neil, Troth of Hawick. were
united in met tWipe by Rev. L. Perrin.
Mr. and Mrs. Neil have taken up their
n•sidence on the Rlootn's fine farm un
the 1:►th concession of H,iwick.
A '1) respected residetlt 1'f Grey
township. in the person of John G.
S.)1ders, passed 85511y On Wednesay.
June Ito. at the Age of righty -one
4.441'., I)4eea.1a1 war 11 native of
I►e4.onshir., F:nglnnd, and hail !wen a
resident of Grey terwnehip tor over
fifty years. His wife, four sons and
two daughter* survive him.
) loan. Apnl7 to M. 0. AM-
L .:. Banister, Hamilton .treat Ooderich.
rr •
Fait. ASD LIGHTNING : Rrltlah, Canadian and
SICBsRN. 4ND a,MPl.orgtu'T.IARII,
Iry : The Ocean Accident and Guarantee
orts,ration, Limited, of London, Eng.
*Ib -1 ITT AND (0 4)1ANTRt HONtet : The U.S.
Fidelity and (4alaranteeCompany.
0111re at residence. northeast oorner of Vic
and St. David's street.. 'Phone 170
JOHN W. CH.A1(11E,- L?FE, FiRE
end accident ln.uranoe. Agent for leading
-.lanai and stock nompsniea. insurance In all
nes effected on test plane and at lowest rates.
-all 01 nurse, corner West Street and S.Inare
w eddrrss J. W. CRAIUIE, Uoderich, Ont.
file .hone LI
age III. the. ••;endo inn of the
Supplies Mere ample,
•lected '.4s rat 540 Per cwt.
quiet told
T ,fie tra,.r
sheep .n1.1 at 3.- o 44 per lb.: firing lambs
a4.114 to Se; earls,. and eaters at 53 to 51
each. -
East Buffalo •attla Market.
EAST Bl'FFAr.0, one 13 --Cattle Re.•
celptr. 4:10 head: gal Y arrive, gore; td
choice, dry fed, steady ethers, Ile ; heti• to 2:.e
K to (Irt.01: ship•
la 13.0 to 300;
and feeders.
to 31'-x: free4
to chukfl
d steadtee47y,
. AOK Iicenses, Ooderlob, Ont.
Are your feel hot,
sore and blistered?
If so, try Zam Buk.
As soon as
Zam-Buk, 0 applied
it cools and soothes
inju:'Ld smarting
sltin and tiss-toe.
its rich, refi:le:I
herbal essences
penetrate the skin;
its antiseptic pro- g
,ret fi�sp:-_vent al) I'
danger of festering `'
from cuts ar sores ;
a Id its heeling essences
inand up nett, healthy tissue.
For s , rt. sunburn, cuts,
burns, b s, etc.- just 0*
e' fective.
M.ota:•rs find it invaluable for
baby's sores!
411 Drw aata aa.J Storta-,O4, bat
Draping Material •
A shipment of new Curtains art lye.'
this w,eeli. including ratue amend, Values '
in Nottingham l'uttaine at 7$l 141' to lll'2.Ik11 a
art• pair. -
Venetian Scrims
Just to rand"-
This is an except' Ily etrurfig wearing
material, guaranteed fast calm, '2.1c a yd,
,took .If ART SATEEN-S---snti--=
Nairn's Linoleums
in :, :t, I rJirtls wide, in floral. block'. ti
11,14100;1 design., :i0.• per aquas.-
A ' Lrnoleums laid free of charge. No.
J' • .
'PhoneMillar's Scotch
McCaII Patterns
3348 Ladies' Over•BlOuse
3354 Laditi Skirt
Store Phan.•
Collapsible Carts
The ten -year-old child of David .let-
melte, Hensall, erns taken ill about two
weeks ago with what Appeared to be
cold. She continut•d to grow worse
and on Monday. (ith inst., she peeped
away. Four others of the same fam-
ny 1Tavrrtakerreielr+►iMlale in &seri.ulle
condition. i)iphtheria is supposed to
he the cause of the death of the little
The Dixon , hotel, of Brucefield, e
teen purchased hy D. M. 'Roes. who
Iraya $2,UI1) for it. The hotel has leen
closed since the 1st of May, as the
local option law is in force in Tucker -
smith. Considerable inoonvenieftce
has been felt hy people corning to the
village to do business, M. there has
been no shed or stable necOmOIOdalion.
Mr. Ross will run the hotel as a tem-
perance house.
A pretty house wedding was solem-
nized at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
John Batty, Varna, on the lith
when Mies Rachel„ daughter of the
hoot and hostes0, was uniteed• in mar-
riage to Frank I. Weeks.t (rev. the
Conde!, of Bayfield, pe
ceremony. Mr. and Mrs. Week '
mence married life on the grootn
�J -Thi- well-known and popular stand
offers i'- patrons the best nervlce in allaying
hair rutting. etc., rte. Ladlee' shamooning
tr7tatty. 111117 skilled hands employed.
hr -14G Ff alroI4mPtg0mprl*111etor. be appreciated. H. 11.
The death of Thomas Stinson, who
for forty-eight )Kars was a resident of 1 . Gro.1m--•'I hate to tell yun..i w pm.
the Sauhlr line. Sthnlrv, took place 1 4Wt,that palmist says 1 have :et),
.en Monday, nth inst. E)• was one of s :ort life -Zine." Bede-"uh, (..•o pJ'
the early settlers of Huron county; Do take out -0111.• 11 1111auee.
haying conte In this country wile-
athom the age of nineteen years. .►t
hi- death lee had reached the guar
age of eighty-eight years and tine
months. Mr. Stinson was a -native of
Gelwny-. 'rebind. 1Vhen the fawjIv
carne to l'wnatia they s't tied on a tom
near wLere I I e village• of Varna new
stands. 1)ri•e•ased was twice married.
his first wife dying in 1!•411. He mar-
ried again -snit his Sec t wife puede.
erased 1 ' . three year*. 'Jew•...ons and '
on,. daughter survive. Alatnt' shity
year's ago, Mr. Si testes was one of the
firet in the county ser pusp,•ss a thresh-
ing machine.. For a)•out sixteen years
he threshed. the grain of the fanners
in three or four townships.
11.1T {toyed 1getlttne British Architects
A' ',40 r- estops House. moderteh. Plant. de-
anA .4- "'tares Inns prepared (be residence,.
t! � meter buildings. ('orrespondence In
11 num,y4 OUYI.KY LIVE 'TOCK
Liverpool and Chicago Wheat Future*
Close Lower -Live Stock- .
Latest Quotations,
Mendav Evening. June 13
Liverpool wheat futures closed to -day
lad to Pad lower than Saturday: corn 1'rA
Cheap) hely wheat closed Wer lower -
July corn tic higher and July oats leo
Winnipeg Options.
whit cMaea'-iia-(aster-�
3ply oats 1kc higher.
What' -•July le)rlhC, Oct. %air.
Oats -July :iliac, Oct. mile.
Toronto Grain Market.
Wheat, fall, bush ., 110 95 to :D 93
Wheat, n•.I. bush 0 9„ '••.
Wheat. goose, bush 0 90
Buck.•: eat, bushel 0 5M ....
Rye. L ',Mei 0 4M ....
parle)'bushcl.l 0 73 ••••
Otte, bushel 033 ••.•
Toronto Dairy Market•
Cheese, per -lb 012 017+4
Rutter, sepnrt.tor, dairy. Ib. 0 224 0 21
0 11
Butter. store 1ou
Rutter, creamery, solids 0 22 -
Rutter, creamery, Ib. rolls0 73 0 ^-1
Elks. new - Ind e 0 m 0 21
Honey. estrarted 0 1044
Haney, combs, dozen 2 25 3'14
Liverpool Grain and Produce.
LIVERPOOL, June 13. -Wheat. start.
dull: No. 2 red western winter, no stork.
[inures, steady: July, 5s 4'id; Oct., f i 514.1:
Dec., nominal. Corn, *flet easy: old Am-
erickn mixed. Ss 4d; neer kiln dried, 48
farm on the Parr line, Shanley. loyal no via Galveston, ,a .a 1. F»tu,••
The Sunday morning etas
.1. Greene, of Clinton, took possession
of his residence one night loft week as
a surprise party. The visitor,' male
use of the 4_ c Bion to .congratulate
hies on the Attainment of his jubilee
in the ministry. 1n addrek to that
effect WAS read and the reqs nal gen-
tleman Wap presented with a 'Silk um-
hr.'IIa with a gold•nlounted handle
sllitehly engraved.
le. 1
Rev, du1••Jute, nominal: Sent., 45 i':+t 'Oen
winter' patents. earl)'. 2ft1' Ikl.
1.ondon (Pacific coast)• 'Wady, (3 150 to
it 154.. M to 30 11•s ,
flacon, cmnhertnnd cut.
steady. 'irk'• 0'1; clear bellies, 14 to 16 lbs
ggtpeady, fat. V,trd, prime we8Yrn, In
tierces; Scotty,- m Rmee}eatl (,Mian
palls, steady, ala M1 cheese,
finest whit'- and colored, new, lull. 1.4
('nnadlan flneat white, Md, dolt, fOei
Ike. Canadian finest ,colored, ,,k1. dull. +b.
9,10seist nil, ',Play, :-441 -
NEW Yprk Dairy Market.
\' YORE June 13.--Rutt',r, weak -
The death of Mary .lane lir Iso 1, NR
beloved wife of Thome. Stn4,14. .1 er: receipts, 7a1( Creamery
' eam rrr fpr nett, Mlle
EIiluville. ocrurt-ed on 'fhar4tlay, 2nd ; extra ie t ,lalry unset, er to 1440
;net. She was in her sixty -this year, 10 2 98 .0.4 to prime, xn4. 71 s- r: Pc;
and had been a patient sufferer fot•'ress, perond to .p�rial, 2b- r., •,: tantory.
Sande WAS Mc to 3:i" '; ' Imltatlon creamery, 24c to
the past tune yeah. Mrs, tjtl
born In Devonshire, England. and at, Ibe'Ireps-'te„1: mrehpt teat: vtatwl.
the age of•enty'two she tvait near- i whole milk. n,•a spertal, N1ir to ].'N'; Aet.t
ried t.. her now bereft partner. The 1, fame, 1M: dn., average prime. 214e to
following year they ended for ('an• , Mme: n, torr tonits(c: ,sk m4,todl 4tn s40,.
oda. A Wilily of three sons are left I MIMI. 21nc to U0o• Mme: state,
to mourn her. Egos--ettMdy: dyme white,
.n+l tRt..neral aMtlnneer. Offices mit South Pemm�•Ivanla and
�• where he will hr found of all tint',. A pretty wedding took place in To- b; �, 1 jgath,M*d v7h1\e:11'� to M;
w nor rry1nR safer Term. rem«,nmbN end 11rr James alit i,ennerY. brown, ■F►
er41)• 4Rort wed to give Fon .aUsfaottoo. ronin at the hump of brown 30!!3' to iia
)'hour ,v,,
Your 4hikl
one of then,.
Also a 'full line
should ride in
41f small
Positively cure Dyspepsia. Promote
Digestion. Money back if they fail to
At all Drnttists or direct free
25c. a Box. COLEMAN MEDICINE CO., Toir�onto
J \
Some early -going people still allow their
deniers to sell them a substitute for
Verandah and
Wicker Chairs
The .a•u.on 1- now herr when
you can sit outside, and ther.' is
nothing more comfortable than
a 1Vieker Chair. I have thein
to green, brown and white
Also ,t full line of Furniture for Presents for June weddi Igs.
' Phones. • Store R9 -Residence 178.
Geo. Johnston
Funeral Director and Embalmer.
Are you one of the easy-going kind
on pat' 1 . to '; e.0.. . Stir; Ao..
Blackhall, on Wednesday, Jane 1st, gathered, •
or are you ss'ive-Plioiiglt to insist on
•• the Silir that dot'rn•1 kink
n ••
1f you deon•t know •' H F, 1.1)1 N (i ' V ' ' yon don't know what
real milk waddle, menu,..
Ask your dealer for list of premiums
offered for empty spool,, or write to
7.1 Bay Street
Shoe . hat Give Your
Feet 4 very CJmfort
worn •
fitting a
1f you
you know 110
111 -fitting alitne
tnake your feet
UnaIghtIy -pre-
duce corns and
But there's no
reason why you
should Wear 01-
fitting unrnmfort
azide shoes.:
-144•catite- its iV %`l C U s
you have the very
newest, tip-to�I
,i i.',�, so 4-
whwpea-. the wlluea_-. I , ,
that send th.•
styles in Canada,.
And yon have the best selected lentlter and that finest :10,1
bighted -elms. w/.i km:m.1de that motley and expet;suer ,. n p• . 11 e
I'hen you Bays hook. and eyelets that never hrcnmr nosy.
INViCTUS Shoes mean perfect foot-••nmtbrt every ntinute
rhe) 'rc worn. - \
MAW` ponr'teet hy buying a pair to -day.