The Signal, 1910-6-9, Page 3aft.,.
pot 1*e d n,..t rows but are very
rl)i,l, ••pr1ills, burls, f3
— r
invest ;,3 cents in a box of
.\leuthol Salve (;;The
& L.") a:ld.,be prepared for
iroc' ailments, which may
,a -
XelVel of the
Sistrie• w ' suds reputation Jut the vim' we offered, Sto4k:aR Darning Made Easy,.
w4.{311 IM known and xpprrclNL4d NII T11.•hitettrl'd+onY1 ll•1lln bel sill and i
uvrr thew continent,. -iN u.ra1 in the ,pnie krr 1 h 1. 1v ht,'d. tl'hr oat ung
Huta •Xtrhsl�l! i,lein1s both ill t••)naela i• testae 1.4, U Guo Ne'arr heater Num
ant .%1144 Plt.tes. MMM te•slrd b)' Mr. hmell dal molt. The device i. vei
Kelly, -the- enyweee .here. Nnd 1"".I•npte, .requires no study, cut •
George Malan end daughter, Miss The 8i3FClub, n ,ewl 11f the brat qu»Illy, to a -.•e, 1w. ,,..'1 • d 'soy lot k•:t i1 i•4. sewing in
Mq of \Vutyhenl, are eN•ey on a Th.. 13i11 ('1444. is r1,S•nng in Kx'ter, 444 tn4 t1te1r11' h (h vast co.. the Ful 444. ,.i ,,, I „• » I q4 Sulyrt "fore,
Ulr p wontht' trip It the old land. strung indeed that it se•Itas to 4a• »bar lure 1'.•.. Ile %% heel Rig. ('o. anti 4 „ 1 ,, .1411 of Slu•Itr
The At•tl► Of \V. Piekat•tl le tion, of h, elect the town cwulell. •1'hwAelvo ‚doers. Ua11 the. sante Ise Said} of the v I• .
Pafor•I ll, teeteely pl.'.Le 'emoting to YNttr sept, , •Mixek•r h414 newton' laid 1.4;41 punch:4»41 11. 444 rot I/Std NII\'• !'„1.1114.1'.11 s .!gills and four finish
► ' t old 11 d N bevy ht tarsen excel); Mg at the al.., ....., meed. by Ihee nrlkrrw to give •
i••, T, i •a1111Gr1yi1•. 11+1R 4,Y n
eta: I. iy s 1Lt:t'-!: hold reiucdy
• alti1:; .1' ,; iul fur oliie trouble,
and ill kept in the
!:ell:^ ci6set.
J4,✓ ...�•
!'aspired from the Beate '
. the C: sachan Hear. '
iyelicateIy 1) f Zd
The Clowiart Neale
Mr 0 Years.
All ttealses,loc.per lar.
tic tswrcncc Co.. Mnetree .
Ir ak tri, Y•..l f.u•atq(( t.. grit' r. t,)(a.-l.► .0 •`111' ^rw-d
I 11 F I' f rl•(•w to be .- Ws of having Ir. I Ane... IlIlili1111'r 411411 tnr,rm,• N4u,d•
properly K all called to Clarks Canadian Meats. p iep,o,a n N 1� .
_ " , •• 11 uN'rII H-eFlta tU'•• 4,'n,.' Lime
Mi. ani Is.. wi c t - r William liawdeu, U4 , wi. + .
IN•(•n IP$IUrntreil4tnt0n Int twenty- (•,,IinciNnrr \ViUiam Heitman. \Villiaul inv.
te Jtrplrcing ulrria:l I ,1,!+411'4 '(dal '.r,..*'s a;1' h'•Nvy to
right le•rbr,, haa•r rrujovrd to Steer., I,,�frlt, \Villi:uu H*Ikivill and \Villiaul nlwatr I.'*N•ywhei4 '1'hrit• I•rputatiou, hOMI : 14114 Nt1r•1 •n , hrtw'. Nrr right.
- - -- _ is /aper." • ' fur excellence end' eve, \'thing in ....on., I with li...i it -1. ,a^Interlitl-Kow easy 1h.'
I)evnnrllife Inwn, and pwuple wit waterw(itka. NO one else
Clrtk'r hotel et Crediton wits die- era lit byre.
Ir 1 neulra
lusts of by suction 11*4 Saturday, May lopulnr. herr, Prrllapxt )'(4U bs►ru't - \V M, J. R. 11"1 -111.61.• __ w.wk wit4*--at*i**' stems MALI the 1. ,Hitt
4th, The no Irtty WNr bought by loll cd it .hut, it is nrtt•t,hrlrrr 44 tact, will r,u,•e up In ynut• expects tem..
1 i . ,I .,tor.
Samuel Brown for Itl.l:)i. that lir (a/N'11 I L 114 44 are 114.4. hard over
1 d \ T t h 11 whoha'1 '.' 'f)rk by the sine nhme 1}III. There g 111 1 1 1
they ole K evils
Throughout GanrJa l Irl k g Jle+►lr i g1 II 31111 v 44 II about them.
A •, 1 nws•IYwI
A ' ih•tte-yearsold 'steer, sold by
\Voter Forrest. of the second line of
%Ion Ili' N to wtship weighed
gd J,�,
110114 Is alp) hruught the owner nearly -- I selves alai• /111/11111 1.1.111 '4• 1 h • .tIn- . FOR INDIGESTION.
1II11L 1. • I Toth., 4 nizi•In lit l .1.... w a of l:alcrlrh : Ap4 1
` Th'® Iwt • i nhnur UAft c(ulPaud in- dard of rxrrllerce• in 1 ena,lh ' A
• Preto 41'11'1 til• 04‘.111044•11. an eiwr e.
'who n„ue ;Y it derea•,e; xutl the
to our do net express my view4, and bar a gO44(1 deters .. i.1 a• 1,111.:._ r.,,,' -Troll. tint, it i,,• 1. Di.1l,er is bw•b should g.tto
oleo for your itlrtruetiAn attai Iwnrtit• : make new 111:is d .1,•1• rt. *,•u h 11. •,nd
Olt pea rtjed;.rly for those of .you An Awkward speech. ihi 1,44,414 t4. ai rlrp4,„ n•Ir•d condi-
whn fk•luug n, the 1/..aril of Trade and 1.4.. t 1'v 1 ' 1 t4, '"
Ifeetion with -their seleetifin and prep- yoke 1, •.,.ptv,5:-(': 11. Soriag*on.
sip plisse thrift in N t I:.s. by them- 1
I;..y. IL KIIa'.At'K, A. 0. M. M.
11 , I"i'..Y.1•glat.d•, orgaliel of At. Georta.,'
,w,. --f, 444,. b. Lsepoite' to ,rive In.trnc
„ 1 t-rar.wtutu..+ 1's& and t 40"1 •snore
nuo11 pit en tot ,r cone. for-
- ' '''IWnt 1tr,,li-ta nuns. I+udtna r#i i(w attaterpw«tuct4t Pu f �1J.dtlutJ-l� t
tt , ,,1•'• es,elrr lit 1lroaw trod iWlh l+rtinr3rta•, )I a«i, ti11ta wat�atiKltt?`' - • r ul.r* _fir 1 )rFirFirrtrltrrtg.'r,(•r1. 0
rhlcl• fest. of ,•:1'r Nod 441 aurwtw d by a
It 'la el Ihnr 1
Alit buoy law.0n, of Hallett town- t 1 t t "
-hip, Ire. the dtptintaiRn of having tea/eat-11111Y the water and 4.µ•4.t Cnnl- of course they pay no d,u �'. • I If yl 11 ha�r indlgr.tirnl, Conr .fond �.
Wiesen,, 1t• is WPltten lietanre the let. a 1
tett; of I'Ctalt date falsely' ettli Rotted lite duly fs a well-uruL•' 1'1.111 ' 1 , I
lived in 1lir . reign of six snvrrr•gus.
lir is 11illel)- .n. years of age and en-
Inys v4 iy µ1w11 health. ? . _
11(4 1 ,414 Armstrong, of. Norris
township..deljveetal lhilty•teto head
of cl'11,: to Baur 'Ilio.,, off 13ru.sel4,
t he tot I,.-r.darr, t, •r which the tidy rum
4 (.$• .111) w'i'.* ei•ce•i'ed.
Whitt, \Its. \Vin. 1lrimieourlw•, of
Kerner. way pr. partnx ttim,.-r 111. -
other day, her dress caught tin fire and
before 4t, ('(4(11,4 Ise rxl tugW.hl4l 1410
was savert•t)' hurtle.' about the tasty.
*. funny . n i....1 a ie gto• ,•( 1 he 1.1""i• It, r,•� r "u -n•' nll-
olher occult•Irtir. and cIubs% who
Prn11r of N crrlaiu. (ul.i 1. • On fling I n 44. 4., .mal-ty.alton, •irk h•eJ.che.
441htulrto ruts ,linnrlwgnJ to Iwd'p,,iwintrd to the p4..nion, hr tVi(44lp h,.ma which disgteasts your
other when t4.,• iighta a,1' ea14, tum liner Ilhirnd•. iu'li usher diw(greeahie 441.1
Iuk,❑ by the psi.nn rhallr'+Itu loin ahs
being 4.14 n,eullird in devising .rhrrnra uo oe,isi 'It VIM 11014.01/. .
cl,ap,•I, Where thl+ pe,' y yrre' as. f
f. r U 4,i..»....:L1 ..1tlitt n4, Ise• „nip. _...Itk„i :.. a l r 4,r. '43w -,1:!.741 11'1!.4 J\lljt, •4H r]j4,i• rt"n11414• i. eaugt'd 4.m !lir.
alive)/ t4,( e(nuse 4411.11 thr 1Yriatance .4nt•d 1' In 1(.4. r, t•e,•ar v, h 11141 t" 111 t1,+�l .11'r•n't •I:Le*'. hue f4reneltn
11f some 11f the ti,% n f1•iriui'. a ,d '•t tittles to:r in the stomach.
Std! coal-„n44t h44rd fatal; not the• Venial that hi. wn.,1A -ay 1'rw weirdo. A1,.1 t(••nu nhainn J, •+!used by the
1heeoyer,1or yes A buelltefl n1an, and
�1tt tiylppliet 4,u y"ur house* sea tall! uuxL auto t►ril_to Ppee,ts w ltMg. 'lir rto11a(h ne,t ne•it•g •Uong eteeigh aryl
lftr>r OPG.+h ` ' t.y,t,.(�.,. ,t+•r(gh 1'a thnl"o/lYhlt n1iX
1" 1' M H Kopslck Residence �' NUnhPIC'l 441 i1I,i•tr-'1, fdu.lrprf, xnd •
Khia 1 ti)I*.' a +4 hip la rurrwl all ing 111 !sirs halm ONO of Julie -toll fattened "Ladies ane} ., nn lt(a•r/lr lhu n«41 a'uh tnr eiiytt•►Uvr juicer.
nil -4'r
-ps..ttrvr .carr for indigestion and :11 '
I•. ,no playb,R, Thtoty. Harmony and
1Cy•uot, Pupils tartan”! for citation*.
lit (.,)lto('ooeervalory of Music. Apply
\4.:.i•; Torr. Uode. tch. Monday.
it Marocr of arken
Galeria, r. udio at( Y.1
A ser liver that third Loan (a.\. o
11 044, t11tGAN. SINGING, HAM-
, ,\ y. cul VidateI PINT.- }.11 .
I' 11'u,trr. F. I. ('. 1, ,Tor.(. {admitted
•' o4 .4rvatorr of Muds ; olr:uli-t
1., lindcrtch : exaa.1nr.4 !.Dutton
of Music. euoceesful preparation
...4,44oluu.. Twenty four snore.-,.
).. ;•;.,. fs et_f.,1 c,a,chln4 he gtadu.
hi peano and rte.'s4. Mr,
t any (d':n'--r- loft lit 1 hutn-
,, .it', 11?tAYLR JLw'r1.IJax OPTICIAN.
wu• h soh. of [square. Uodenr b, Out
Thr \Yrle �te ('a lens Flim \Itlla 4,'n., - k' -'t n' -- r thougand4 n1' rnrr». In 14 such
( ran'f nlNl(r a ►pwrrh: 1+1 ixrf
the l.utlrrie•h 1'.irvatur Co. xnt the _At 1 e "1'r osis Ir rt !het 1 n► tett ,
..r i• and 14..•4444 dautth-
t —
1's. waterworks it sir pey boat in t1' own real.
.•,wr h t1'a•„+•l -.41 .1 1� 144"a Let'll
gl:1d indee) to o'er ..i Horny .,f c'nu •
TCr 4,i'.: 's h!4rl et. Kineanline 4.As bring it here h)• boat to the '.unsure 'herr.' by E. It. \\'tats• U. vote or rnooey
�'AltiRetN I. ItQIiEK1'S, CIVIL
,yid Hydraulic Kugtneur. Lenart., Land
roe 1')'W.
011, e- McLean Block, Ooderleh, earner
Nutmeat street. Telephone IT. _-- -
(IK. W. -F. GALL0'4V. U. $,
and re-utenv.. North suttee Ooderieb.
"may Heats: 1'y utthr. Telephone 1'LI
Is en puteladwtl liy John Bunn, of and /deck it 1n their yards ter winter hark. The pt 1 ► of a n}.
pox they
'hnrnhu1:4. •wh'i intend. putting it now. outside id this ( thele i Igen
1 1 'i 111111 and Beware of Ointments •for Catarrh that 1 are ' .e•» t.. 10.1. ttIII IV IPli,ve• the •
into 144"4-: Iars condition. Mr. Conn used herr annual v between
• .
it' a former te.lelrt11t or Kincardine Loin ion --t-riding54
t' 1 1 all the I utri coal r — w i>, - S ■
a. ata rculr will sill',., .,- rhe cense of
' 1a )rnugn u•t•r 1)• . loans:.irl c 44,••1• -fir 1• t � whole w-
ssvete l• a ••m w ,►n cn 1'Y „'ia'.
•r l.a,ll . t• 1:^r111M., a. '*
delivered in 1'r-. siva,. -n tw• • • ,,
1'f f J B tt:man. td• Grey town-
1 . the ••n.a{E1' matt D,•lain fife, Cu, w..4. ( c• .. t t• ',1'1/• •••• ,.,., t•a' . 1 ,•. i..
ttrno.hip• tlty .app 1w 1'y us, a
I h usual
.oiir-1uar, notary. etc. Muury to Irt4 et
nis4 SternNorth
al ()fuse.' 1 1eeafurlh Ca utday
sod Mo lds)e.• •
:11 TM'13...ol,ratnr. notary VuIAM. Odor --
1 t4, 1 4441 t r �1
\td r 1 vii* sunt•* of pleurisy,
r tom tieing !het each f+4, t 1'y putrhas,a , t 1 t ting„ j' �
lnituwe 1 •p 11 1 p4, uN own dal w* 4)1 1 t d t !
Tin HMDAY,Jt'Nic D.Imo a
Phone 56 D. M ILLAR1 C'OPh0ne 56
r. I
6illghams a Wash Suitings
Anderson's Celebrated
Scotch (iinghfms
in 34 coHeetinn of e11 the Retest gob)l11111
0Ienthtnal0'44 , in Art k4. rttipea it
plaid., at file, I:,', .4J. and 2.10 a yard.
Heavy Irish Repp Suiting
-just the correct' maitetial fat stylish
wash ruler. in all the newest, colorings
Sp'rc*al. 20c a yeltl•.
7hcee Specials in Indian Head
-Suiting - 36 inches wide, at
15c, 10c. and 25c a yard.
New Curtains and '
Draping Material
.t lh*pmeut of new l'ut•tains at•r v1';
'this week, including some special valuer
in N4)l1inghtilu ('luteins at SI 410 to $2.'111
• per pair.
/enetian Scrims
;Tint 0" t'r'e`4 p'"'I'• '' , . i♦ �' 1
err iota as I rynirrd, Onihi• et 'al used . cisn•. a1' t ... a err i4.. 14,
'tt I• c c1' loon eco raa Ic i ,�•+ 41..14
life (4 .'.Fe 71 .
.hip, wg4 rutl "14 "1 cu '1''ieeday, May in ltertlt•rtrh with arty li I 1 gond y 1 , b n
Girt. Hy sea+. 111,.,,Iv Alaill.4 ern J1(yP' the 1Peiyht l:., rail is 44'::4 !per ton. Hal' 1 4' orb 1 or-. •: •.t ••. I. --
Eight yeah/ 1''l'' hr 1
L 4,u 1.. •e 1
twnichildrru. ail•\;Ivry. •' not- tw obtained' when only 44 small In Inning n .a rot kr IiT, a1' .+•. a 111 1'.l
t4., g.•n.dn,: It 1. •'1' 1'n U.t,nr;'t,' and meds
r141•it ballad.. n( Rht,fla, 44:1'4 with quanttry i0 handled, This makes a to Tolr.ln, a r.•• by .' J.l honey K (o
ulfrriellee of (4411.01[.0 per tun in money num„te, tn,e.
Take H,II':) . , t• .1• t, 1 e -• n,•nm.
v }'. to d in mar-
W1.114011 roti tet. t..4trith. intl.' • d....' owns
aquae __ ---- — qtr.' end Mts. •\\ In -
pROCUFOOT, HAS if 131.•►1R Italia, ead ,a 11111.11 of %Irl. lirn•'vieve
banMte*4, *ulicltm-, not»r$t:. p,. Guo yr, • (To k `•\Vil of the ('onservatora• of
:ash. lire Maritime t.uurl, et..(I:1.. e'.el sus al Hale, 'r.nnnl.., Kncr a.nnK tw1.ital In
.44lwre. nett tend a• a n.) 444 -Det 4y. Pel
rrta�7Onde 10 tend at lawn.) let gala. Wlu,.ftw,•t ILrinll•lr h:In lel that iU•t 14, itlnU one
w•.PittiLliyutJ'r:1frL. it 1,, �Yt1. W. t evening it -et -oily. Mire Elliott 1"
lLAtlt. - wase/ it pure luerzn-w*prano v,ilreof en-
gaging quality. The !recital wag re
ported as a -great borers/ and a highly
enjoyable affair. -
A Sudden Death.
r (•' 1 1 t should ter 041 .3.1 ('hers•, r e • , r • 4 o. 0 1 .,1, .10,111 . 11etrnr, .
•t u who.
stag \I 11 tt1, ng1a1
' h/• frig It - ia' water s I, ani a a4I. -n • •6»h). t Ir'g duped}' uttlal
per 1wr. hLL, ib{N favnrehle rate ran- the tI d .n:1' oos 411 Is. e. o. y... __
444 imbetlm$
*Mo. Willi h x la f, of 4 titer men.
1.e was engaged in ,i Kray• l pit when A
•heir 441 rat til •t nu•k him in the ba"k,
*1)walclog his hitekiudie. Doctors
have snerrtdrd in re Petting 41:4• *44)440
and the unfortunate man hes favor -
Able plpspects of recovery.
One of the pionFers of McKillop, in
the person o1 Mra. A. K. Rola-rt.on,
hoe . passed away. Deceased .wag a
native of Galloway. Kircpdbnght-
.hire, .Scotland. and (mine to Canada
with her patente in the rattly fifties of
the hist vent*lly. She wan married
Any years age to her late pal tner,
who predeceased herr only six week*.
7'he residence of Wnt. Mcialuehlin,
of i%•ellwit-h, was tot •1'y dent `lay ..1by
lite on \tnnday- evening.
The Ate , a igulal rel IR the ttn'hrn temp
the stove turd hall amuse* 110 lunch
he•adweiy before it wa(41 noticed. The
woodshed, stubble land 'surrounding'
building. were saved, The house woe.
i l'e111 w1 fur $,10441 in the Howick ll11tual.
Fine 1,,in'anl'0 Co.
Miss Lillian Elliott, a daughter o1
t1' Notidrsit -twit werk1
;►lion, of (:en•
saved to the town, if hruught by sat" he , ase, .. •., 4...0.4..
water: in other -words, ever $:3,101111
annitelly would t,1' kept in town in -
stem! 111 paying hover to -the railway
panto* asjlr. p"e"'en's Now, if f
have made this Clear. you wilt *i rely.
agree with nor. that this is of *tome•
importance. Aasin, to bring' :3.144441
tuns lit coal aw011111 mean *IX•cat'goea of
411011 tons each. Each of these vessels
is herr two. three lir more days being r
tinloadel, and the officer's anal craws
spend money all neer the town, not
alone for provision• but for clothing.
underwear, rte. You will agree this
also is a benefit. Again, every rat go
coming to thin part adds to the itis•
pnrtance of the port and is always
taken into twee -tint when striking lire
(invern RIP r.t for improvement?,
AK•::.., . - a1 1•v ear•! -. -.. l 1 .i 4iu'*'
way of being - ".:'i'l'••d • with furl.
Time and again, but for oar enpiply.
/Helot les would have had to shot down
for went of 1 nel: On t wry nrI•11•i•,ns the
town pleat would beer lied to 00.41 t
111 fence rails or such like or !env- v n
wit bout watt rand in•1hr dark. \\`r
have 1'n different i MCesi'n*s kept (.tc•
heir*, going in ed)areul. tnwir'. Thi*
swing, tieing short of fuel, we were.
aht. even after ixjrroemg salt it we
tools fr the town to supply the
boats which wintered here with tet
serer coal than was barely Pufilcie‘nt
lir take them to the nearest port to.
get a supply. and this certainly is not
the way to attract vessels to winter.
here. Now, what I went. you to see is,
that this, town should have- its Foal
brought here by water ; that it le
indent. to the welfare of the town to;
have it otherwise. i have for years
liven impressed with this idea and
hetet, done my [est to further it, with
scant success. We have supplied far-;
curies with cad and made no more,,
p olit on a year's enp.-4,y than we
should reettimeiely hate• on one Car -
1.1.1110 tied
arTten0tied egain we have ten -
tiered on the few,' coal et the ex,tet.
ininrt'4 prier. not libel, We at•e'anxio11l
to do thl*dress L,r nothing. 'but .the
handling of - the Targe quantity of
town coal, 3,144111 tons this year,'would
!tut 4414 in .a touch better position to
wt. c(ial for other iodistrie'. Pet son -
ally we coo make tie Hauch Relit 41
profittyuselling ltfesell
1,100 tn+, hut welinch !meter !ht.
latter wily and handling the'own coal
(tilAltl Ft;(iARRO\V, L.L 11.. BAB -
attorneys, solicitor. t1'., Crude-
rMb. Money to tend at n +ret rate-. _--
. ••n ICllot Coram IN•11ene
r notary public
1' ®a,•, Hamilton street l.olterIeh Ont.
8UKANCK CU.—!atm and inolated
tea:. oropeny masted.
lid,•sir.—J. 4,i. McLean, Pres.. riawf.'rth P.o :
Jr . unroll)'. Mae-ITr'.. uodench M. U:
fiton..4o-F:. Hays, tlec.-Treat.., :leaforth P. 0.
DtI4ntexs—Wm. Chesney. io`aforth; John
U.ntirie. Winthrop: lorte l
JehI•hennewel4, [trod lir gun: Jame. Keane,
Beerteond'; Dom! Watt, Narlock
Ilc6wrn, lcolm
Agana: J. 51'Ye.), Holrn/10,111C: R. Smith,
Betl,.•k : 4144-. ,'onuufng•• F:Xmond, ille ;
BIn*IJ6, 4esio:th. Polioyd,otder' (J) pal
vet -menu* •,nd get their earn. rerelpted et
Tozer a 0ro1014.,I lfytou or at K. H. Cott's
rtorerv. Kinrrtoo "treat_ i)oderteh. -..•
11 0 PRIVATE. FU1tiDf9 Tl►
Q ►n. iff GGGtttrrnter. HaIMIlon s wet tlslt.r%. b.
The Weld daughter of WnI.,Torn-
bull, of the 'Thrones rood. Usla,rne
townehIp, died very *uddr11ly on
Wednesday. June 1st. She wws a
bright young lady of nineteen years of
ege• She went to bell Tue*day night
apparently in the Inst of health,
shortly after )etiring she was taken
nevi uusly ill and she died phottoy after
midnight. •
A Huron Boy's Triumph.
4110: -*44. 1.40r1TNIRe : Bettleb. Canadian and
Ar nae r, elms LM AN0 h,MPL0Yiat' 1.WA1AIL-
)Tt : The Ocean Accident and Unrrantee
• ortslration, Woalted, of London. Ent. -
1'rtr'IJ'e AND Ut'ARANTAN *40111.1 : The UM.
Fidelity and Guarantee Column?.
(Mix at residence, noftheeet corner of Vie
and At. David's streets. Phone 178
J014Ai--\K; URAIGI•$r-k%F R.- FIRE
andaccident Insurance. Agent for leading
-actual and stuck companle1. 'mamma In all
see abated on best plans and at lowest rat Da.
.111I at 011ier., cornet Wella *1,4wt and Square
or ac:dn.- J. W. CKAIUIk:, tUolcneh, Out.
fele ,hon, 'G4,
OINAtiorip 1110( -0 -MEI
Bronchitis. Croup. Coughs and Colds, or
money back. Sold and guaranteed Iry
Will Hays, of Regina. Masks, s son
or Thome/ E. Hay'., of `jesforth, ie
spoken of es the brat nrnet,nr^tenor
soloist in the Province of Se*katche-
wan. At a musical festival held re.
tenth• at Ssskalexm, Sask., Mr. Ha)y
took the lending tenor part i ,min the by 'p1 -
duction, "Jtr:ut of Ar•cr 1
clef Chat. of Regina. In he tenor
. A0eneeteos•Ooderlob.Ont.
1tThls well-known ins popular, .tan
t 1 yetronn 1 he hest en•1rr In she, ing
tshxettf�ee' eco etc. Ladies,' shampooing a
MAN% Usll skilled hand? employed.
E-igti will he appreciated. H. H.
solo coinpetiti4R he WAS , &Wal
p, is...
Congregation Disbanded.
The last .se•rintn In Bethesda church,
t'et•orne townshipllf ; xeirra h d )'
Rev. E. A. Fear.
day, May 29th. The church wan
erected in 14/71 and for a number of
years a flourishing congregation wor-
shipped there. The advisability of
enlarging the building was considered
at one time and now tits r+r(e(*tlattt_;1h-
ing congregation has dieh'anded. The
1.,ntgregation w111 be divided, put
going *4) Heeler and part to Ilrnaall•
A Wingham Wedding.
MeV hoist ln.tltnte British Arnhltect4
ismer !twills Howie, Uederlch- Plana, As-
' Is and s frinorinnno prepared for ra,l.lrncm'
"a Hustle heildtnwa. (,orrestiondencnIn-
Sipe tone ae*t oneer. (Meeel on No
where he will he found at all It
when not nr.71114 a dei. Terms rewennshle
-vena effort Hoed to este 1041 sattof►et
A pretty wedding WAS solemnized ref•
the home of John Mowbray, Wing-
hsnt,.on Wednesday. May --2Ath, when
114 druglater . Mise Mabel E., became
the bride of Wesley Leggatt. a prosper.not allowed to tender. Prrhap* a tu(tr
Ass young ytrnlMi of ellen, Welling- ' teith Pntlemoolx._IthY of doing the. sante
top county. Miss Jessie MdnRev.thing. We have herrn -thee t(tarnat
plkyeli the wedding foamed and Rev. achern performed the cere-
MMcFtenderer every time, quality cnnst(ll--
Just to Hand
This I. 4111 4X44'34110111/11y Wrtulg weat'in4
material, gnet'Ntltt•rlt fast colors,', 2.!r a )41.
New slock of ,ART SA'rEENS 11 , 1
,Lv31I1TO ' N E'
Nairn's Lfnoleums
'n '', :3. 4 yards wide. :n•tlnw,l. 1,loek au. '
I lei. ural Jri.ignr,,.-1, htper wlitiare yawl.
All Lrnoleumsd,wid (reelof charge.. No.
Mi (all Patterns
3348 Ladies' Over -Blow*
3354 Ladies' Skirt
Ps;'`'Millar's Scotch Store1156"('
Shoe Value
(`i. 1* -EN. you Inky 44 �piii of ehelre yo•t have al -right ' to arose.'
11 some' ling be.iel"l''good looks. tahel'* only 1'•n • pr4iot.. �9Ns, ••
a 1' verious es hi•r debuts t o be
Jel 341111rlet] : •'omfort. dieral.ility:
� 1 .41)41.-.
w.gLK -OvI.0
C.3llapsible Carts
\'our child should ride
one of them. -
Also :t full lint of small
Shoes. -_
.•,ntain thee. anil a t110.IwroF
and 000 id tet r excellences
that oily -
Verandah nd
Wicker Chai s
Th" eess0n ill Row herr whet*
you can sit outside: and there is
not h•Ito luore comrut•taltle Ihan
:a- Wicker. ('heirs 1 have them -
in green, brown and 'white -�:..
colors. -
Also a full line of Furniture for preemie for June weddings.
_ - __ --- . 'Phoney: Store 119 -Residence 17S.
Geo. Johnston
Funeral Director and• Embalmer.
r i
cutustencrs what would y0li *I.ggest .'
-a cash bonus, a loan without in-,
trivet, gutuanteeiIg oar debentures.,',
exenrlriun f4 tsxatlu't or A fixed'
mea•• -t bent; or is it to he kirks and
Miff• and anlnoyel)CP, thrown off !lir
dock and put in gau)l's.
Attd now for the commission. • 111
very truth I.hate to writ• elxmt tb4
cfflllll iaefrnt : their action 1'e meattlu
Coal pat el)411re has 1"1'n 0') idi'orie end
1'.t etternt(1•t( 4 I (ill all
about it.'i wrnidet• it the same Meets n
to *heir other of which. 1 know
very little.' If we, the town nerds rhe
prayers of the righteous, and possibly
something els('. Every year since the
birth of the coTl1Uliesion we would'
have been awarded the contract
left to competent, unprejudiced'
All save last year, and. then we Were
err*, and we never art a etn11110
contract that was of 111nrd C0har-
glrence 1.1 )ou generally thhanl ((4 *n s,
individually. Thlnkof thesa hatool 1x1,114*
tunny ,Guests were present from
'reemwater, Riveradale, Hensel! end
Exeter. Mr• ad Mrs. lt at 14o11041. Leggett
Former Kincardine Resident Dea asking for ten( ere .'l• a
Peter Tfintand a former resident. rsit Planing i1Mi114 nd fist its!R1-pNyer(of tae'
of Kincardineespeand for many y
Th'd ,t espectei rr*tdent of Mullikin),
on. .1. o .1. town e*Litli , le for Isom � !her help t 4,„l` 1
dard so the Tonto, on-
daMr. silly reason, The -Rt'(1t4at- referees 4-”
Thomson, Toronto, on' Sunday.t» tender
Thomson was w flatiliT of
he Edinburgh.
building, Or i companyallowed and the `tender
',even y , itriag
',even year* ago. He came to this is the lowest, the concert is given t1''
country about the year IS44 and was a a firm in 'Intro t . Vovein nnno* Ito
resident of Kincardine for a quarter of agine it : he 1
a century. Of home in Hamilton with hie daears he ngjller, de hie great Tycoon" d into a attt heshead wand la
Mrs. K. M. Cline. Three weeks ego have it a* a reality. Take this ia*4
ht, wan in his usual health and went a le award.
ch nth ninklis t Eeileast, (4I
toTorontoon a visit to his son He j
leaven to term and termor sono.. The remains twill h- equal.el r►dWithout,t attempting dis-
coal purchased, it hes no
be interred in linnli'tm cemrtlt'y. psrsRe
"Lacqueret" is the right
thing for renewing the beauty of
floors that are dull and lustreless.
1'hcre are so many uses for "Lacqueret " in the home that the
tn:rrvelt-4*-411:Lt ;,,.v x,•H.rectllated ieou• hod should he without
it. "Lacgacn•t" beautifies everything to which it le applied -
makes old furt.itere book like nc•.c and adds a lustre to worn floors
that gratifies the particular bouscwife.•
Shoes that Give Your
Feet Ev
Hbve--y041 ever
worn tight. 111.
fitting eboett>
How to apply "Lacquerse to floors.
.' /uiadirt ••ncl 01.40 00g M,rn, stain d and ns, front the �kdt wod floorst thhesur-
face 1s badly worn and tegD114$ a *ewmd coat. 1444• cent "Larnuerlt" after lbe
colored coating is thoroughly dry Tei. cents of colored •'L,conerrt is apt
to produce fro dark a finish. Stained. natural' wood. painted oilcloth Need
uner,[Oat that are of tle441 'in amid Laelueiretrekt No This Rains 'the original rule* elect
Write foe cwt Free Kn0klet. "Dainty Decorator." and ..
lean for yourself the .meat' oats of this household
The most
Dealersasell'HL.acgwaret." and Paint
International Varnish Co.
Wiatipee 1144
if you herr.
'' ill* kill 11V ho W 11
'111(1111.14(44 t4.••)'
I1l4ltting .I1 .1's
make your feet
n•Isiglllly p,o-
dune corn* and
But there's no
reason why yin
should wear di-
nning nncoln( •rat
able "hors.
Heeawan -til
you have the very
newest, t4, p -t o -(lute
.hares - the shoes
tlbat !rad rhe
styles in!'anitd,1,
.End yin have the treat selected 1•a' ort nod the nne.t anti
high."t,cta's workmanship thitt money and (•xlmrie w.. roti ' • colas
Then con' have hooks and eyelets that never beci'lut• 144 n•• a .
INViCTUS Shoes mean perfect 'foot•raotri't every minute
they', ,• worn.
Salve your• f1.e•t I.y hey ing a pair to -day.
\ \.
MOTEL—" LACQUERET " It sold felt Iapulal measure packages cab
For Sale by FRED HUNT, Goderich.