The Signal, 1910-6-9, Page 2li 1..7401141 •,� I \tau.. • Tl1URsl) \V 4111: -IoNAL 1 t:l\TINU t'n. .1 holt .d lrlrylu•ne t'4U No. 11., 'erect or sYw1:r 0110.•: • 111.4' ref Inform 444 n414444n,.. �Ir .0 Il ►'. , three ul.n th :L', - '1 .ulrrrtlr r. ✓j1.S1 a year 111.•.44'. 1,,4.,. • t 1•.0 L-, i1 ,.j.LL /.tl so n.1.t4"r 'fpr. 4t4us.41 - el..14rfi•-44 44,.,41 otll culler m fat or by .. u:unnn4t 4..40 4.e -4x4') 41 it,. (Atli a (tree.,. \\'nim'4 ch414ge •d 44,4.4... i. dear.d, Cloth the .4)..J the now sildl+••--1.4814hr torr u... . alwrt.iong Orates a' (..0.144 I 1..•1 h ill ..'t\erl 4rntral',..1'* t,r4, ....d 14. iwr tial.• 111* t1•, 41 • .1 1••u. t ..,.len. \4,arurwt by a a ho,N•..i• it .t.rl +, 4..414, bl,r. 101411 inch. 'V1,k10444 w4)'.•»f.ix litter '.4114.4/'.114.4, id tut_ ywr.' Aol r •41.o 1 F mt •fire '*ti 3411- 1'M 4.111411 , t 11011 mt d ` 1 nNt4.,11• y..•'4N1. Sl IM 11. 1•1.- t4 e,1.1•.1, Hu4l.rr f.1• nate- ort I4•yy,,, 4''.1111- t.. l- or to (tent, Article for .Nle, rte„ 41•44 r4e44(dlny 44fht 14444, 14.4rthanr•gtion :11 i..r l.rt 11µ4n41.:44 ler etch .ul.rarne•ul m010h. I.rrlt.r vcn.x'- mem- in.prut4trtiim . • nottwonr'-...e..' L ..44.. •.,..a44,e• 1(s'moi• pent. her Intr. Vo 141014.4. l4 ,, •. 4..'. the net rimy ,a•rxr•». At the a cut• There in it west deal of• disetin44ion III n' the i'.Inmtl•uet.14in of sithei,1(111'y anent the 4'4414miatitm oath. The Mem- me,. to rel am let ITN of `the huiill ttrnl Wil 111•+.44 14It44 the Minter very -\-te111. 1s going tn'w•ald. aiuI Leff44•t• lung the 4,.N.It will have n %'1.1•y eon- .itlerahle Mileage 111 Ihltario. Otte of fairly wlu'u it .ens : •1444' British realms enjoy Ieligio(144 Mewl y, and everyone 4s 4).1• to hold what faith ,agora to 1:.')lerieh. and it... i. hoped Roman l :H {11 . or Protestant, i ii•rgy- 1hat we 'shall mut have to wait 44 great 111411 i r layuuln, is fere to h1.id, (oluii01- 10 111 14:,4• )N•fonr the 111te.'t. cum- late and eximei.al cleat vit'w'» hltethinks t rooted .0„1 the 4n11N)1•t to f•' of aur rii(ht with 11•,411)1 't.4 tither pi.,111." s 1 '44 4 Still 1o11h. r.'nlxnr.il. • faith►.. Hut t4) require the King. who 140144.-n,la.tat1 roi.ark.+that '9'14, els/1111.eyun N) the Mena to of all his 44.1w i,+. 4034 111. 1h.. 111.441 !4411 •14h eel». 1..4 11,e 4()rohrio11r J4111 4114 • 141'. I.. IN' J ItI K 1.e •1111111/44114 .1 WI., ...1111 1.1 4• 41i... \cit hll•grlt.I to the faith of Wane or with the \It11er 1•a.-ing hill. The lrtlxc., t heat. i, nut kjud t.. hili, Nud is out ed with olhrr. it .uuuu.•n. l fur pohlial- 14.11 1'I'..to.trult prize= ill • sewing hie11 it i. el ti11pvl '''I ' of re•ligtlals v44((4,1111V before the J trill ,Intl letting. The Glide. 4ca1. tate I Lav " 9.11e Witney' further twuliuk.: I jb01!'1•r ' 1 t• 4. 44111 .+444 4 r•N.inn i!. It part of Ilu•.e.tr..uge,t >,nplyn'l,•1:. of the bill •• 1. d 1o44 "Ire to have i.' 441 1 I t1• t thy firstha t 1 e l lest tt. , fl '.e'. '' This looks like jn- e4ni ' Ia s ,r a1.+1t'LA )' 1 1 ':11hP' 11 1 1l. 1� 1 r 1 1L N ill11sfritila .if th.i. ....11• .d Ihr Rime. Ito 414111•1141 u)N.ti hlwsrather tMtn H(4404 tuahvi.hlul rl•u.eieuei• 1 , make people behave. . 'I'll• r•.Htt 1111 4 It ably .lt.11iu 1)t i"i)i.i'i. 111.•::1141 Iw• anti f the 44M/4111111411. v .1•ut it w'ot d Is' W4411 wivallV 4.relu'e 1 its' 1414• K .l.«•lui'- illg that. he Aid not hold flux..t dta•- trine. wit limit lualig'tilig'those wit.. hell -Went " '1'l.• fart of the mal t.•1 4.- that .that the wording of the oath is* snr- '.'iyal of .lays when nn(•44 were 14'.1 rat gentle as f.)4 y are non'. when 1411'(1 s A11?'..41941 nutter: thein i m•1 of which I• the noeit.i4ry'Irenrdt of an!'-tn411•Nl.nd or '.*4444 •atiwr,.to byoen:klerwl 3o adYeti ii.enottot ld he ehnnN'd.ii4t tttUuRl y. Hrtq4 tars. display ,mid $r,nln.ct advortb•.-- --1•!44..• 1hiI1.le given t1•, apt:heat inn:. Aching.' all oonolmairst ttttt to ' THE SIGNAL. MltlNl!Nil 1'11., Limited 1 -- lt.uerich, oat uol.kHlt•H 1IfCH814AY. JUNK 9. In144. tee ready for' Ihimi11ion slily it1 (i.»ireil•II. .'1910 e,•I.•lit'rt' 1011 committee 1)11. 441,)I'(4'41 tip eklirk..11141ilg.Nslel;)1 program is promised for the 11 et innal . nl11H 'e•t'r411-. _ 'fiiigts the tiny tile -Bruer. 1Ny's lw tl ' 441 .444 .r1) t.t, Iheil 11 lusty humus. 111111 WardenWardea iotathela Ir• 1. of the Hllr"u 1'nluleil AIN: huffy killing the fated flat.0 l'be•.melt council i..h, himflintit is not unnlildfld of the reoe.siey of p'44344nK add it Mimi'-'f;o•ilitie. Sul' handling Baffle at the harbor. 4(11d puhlir• fjdnttnl K ill .e11n114 it 'iii k- ing :no' t'1.0wn4)ibl.• exponditere for. this purpose. '- • The -.age- (1,111•Ire.inn .4f '1'4,1• Ii. NI4.r1.-II Signal is flint it -Hsu' town wislle. In 1j11j'eee e4.tu.• a gr.•:il shipping je)int 41 Will ' "iat.. Io do S'Met hnlg tin' 41401r. 11(11.10. ha II writ for the 14,111.144411 moan emit - pat ie• *4)4 the .(iovertlment. (o .lo aver yt11tn4.- StrotCorl 1lenvo.. - le town 1. going It1 41 .,o for 14+1.11• too. allt) that \'1.14' s„nl. 'I'hl•..•r•'.'t 11111 4' 'tlital.le freight shed. will put this !surf in shale. for Hand- ling Che freight 4)f 11'e.togn IfitOrtoin tr4ol.it 1. the 11'este•rIt ('1'41,►ulee., 4'. •4t'hei4s(4ervthing 1• n•�ul;Ifi4t by ll44, we atoll hove 11,4 needs for runt .. ieHee: 141 3111 : w'1terr we are in dotllit..:' we -Lvil I.nl'• natl. 4., ingtlit'r haw -Hie laic ii, the uydter stand.. .1 contemporary utter:n t. •Iy warning • against . the tendency' of ymmng people to l.alve .r144N.1 at '111 early age. Its points l4) thl•I 1N4anliat• fart 111aLwlen time. ore woe) Iter• is greater (isl..•it ion on he part .44f 1111', l,, 1e1'.v1• r44h.11,1 th*p there Im 4411411 t 4.41111. 114111. •,Th.' 't'.,.pr.t of. wage. Is a 44(1111)4'01141e•e1114.111, 1,114 it I4 4.111i r• 1 f 1 1 he luy lcho d.a•s 11sA )`field. if ho ii,-11ot.1.0(4) by the, esigehries of hi. efival:l.tenet's. The, additional ed(1,nlion lnay In.t altvny.l it 1•n. tnt•y nmkit,K 1trtwre,.• 114.4 tit' ►ant 1441141 44. g NNI r.Itle:141/14 i• a• ait'ide ralutblo 44f. doing better wairk than one with a poor w11u ..4 t'nl, and the 4.4110111.,1 'hip 1144 ••11111•414. of enjoyment 411111 !sewer 44'hii•II the peiorly I44111f•ate41' Ilse. tint IN 4.0.., m4tsid,• of r►1.iltty 441 earn )4..44,1 %Yawn...(' 444 rirll1lre wenith, 1. J11•. Huh{Nttvtfurthet' INtint.ont. lh.' I\ana4li.an 111/4114144-1 9(114 is very. wing' better situated t., Oki, pare -of it foreign !rink than I he .l Wittiest!' now. Outliner. f.4)• twure:a.nn.r :. Filet. the 1'1141t'il State. h4).. in. 1n11rh:art 11a11'- ite : 41441 • .14011111, 1 4111(1414 ha, better tariff 0144114.m, wit h, ether eutulh•ies. 1'1141111 Stater watltt:m•lelvers ler. met 1=anallinn matinf,,++ti•l(14'44 ill .N4 -ter . 4n enlarge their foil•utm, Markeloutside 4.4 Canada. .'t pN 1114ftil simply of e11evyt Canadian rim.. materials 411 -itilale. 111e i•n.trnnrq-ffs i:-A.,.h.t..1.1...X4.ttet.•-44 words. ono atwitter %vi ieh if'use444.to. day would disgrace the pN•r».44 !nuking 1),e of it. 1')))• •. lut4v ehl1n4wl, anti changed for 1110 latter. 'mut Chi; e.II'nl(14411111 ninth' riht4111) 111• revise(' :Int 11,'e4r41:knee 44.1411 the hrolhet•ly spirit m( the pr't•.enb (1444'. • Roses. You lot••' 'he room, - .o do 1. I wish The alt isldiatn 4g1411 r.14e.�aa they rain From..he *bake'. bu-h. Why will it not t Then al the valley would he pink and white .\4)d .oft no tread or. They would 1,411 as light ,(of .r , r . e'4ther•. prllieR.i!•f4at, a.d It N•nul-1 heI Like st'epinit.and lika•weklns: 411 at onre :. lit'or,te Knot. FROM 1,O OUR CONTEMPORARIES. Oil Sprinkling a Suecess. 4 olbome •F'atpre.:. That oii .pt•itrkiwl on out• Main 6t Peet as It .:muni• .,f 11. eti.rt.r .m dust scenes to 1'• all that is claimed for it - suppression of dust during the 's•xsnn 4.>' t Wo 11(4fli(4( 404(144. - a Christian ? it rat tut a Beacon. 1'140 it nlilway Man iie if t'hristian Wits 1 h finest ioittlisetts44t441 by is Code rich .III jt11.f PI'. ' 111* ennehl»Ion. wa44 that it um. 44114141/11 but not sible. 4'rdw*hh• the .: • r,nr•ha.in11 would apply ,141 'many nailer 4'4411111441*. 1 hn14;t11 It Inlay he ...merited that this +ntiiwxy worn ha. 1e'ruliar•te1y,tativl4'. lint have tea other nernirltinns theirs 1.»'. t hough they Indy differ from the r:[iit 1144- man..? 9.11'4 electro I'aiIw';N' 1').11.44. 111111 11,,- township fath.•1 • of 4'nll')n•11e 411.e1'Vt• the thanks 44f the 444,..1 .„'111114.111,. News, ' 5,nlehu44'ornH101''19i, X,'*:'.'4114k,. t•!us into 0)1 44('44 •4)t 4,)411111»1 Ireipy,e rift with the Slate... -It- is really :in 411'4(111111111. for 1.11.1)4)1 N•i4y. If than, 44 411 1114.111 144nel• tat•if can 144411 the United Stifte.l n11%nu4'.u'tevent, in 1.4'0ign 111lm•ketst they awed not 114• e orona. • n pal..:... enlifs)nr.f `•a,,t-1. The oath is 4114 echo of the intoner. rule, Ansi- !lg..ln. 1141111441:. of the -.•4. ente44,mtlt rent pry. 11 yet e,4I'4 •h.' 111010111 :Minnie of both I'rNe.r:ort :14)1! Cal lone' bigot» of that 11g,11.1r- m/torw4, tints, a11,1 i. 11nw'orth>"311' the 4'hrtinian ideal.'•t the twentieth een- litry 'l'li • •,I,, ' t of the oath i» In en• (((('lid mf eom44411)ion nn thi.'rontiti sari• th. rt.t.'.t:1).t 411e0•..14011 1.' 1141. far the (•1114.1•4at11nte111 1l.4•) Lao, pen -'twat, rued if they Illpl acia444 til the, 11114,11 frit I11i• -Medd merely IN• 4ele41 flatlet, the hast R•\. .f:.\ .t IKrl;1: I»eli of remsunlftt. to 1114•_4'11111111'414:1\^ 44r•u4'(.) 4l `without stigmatizing Mg pi0tir4.;sli.,n' i• 4),d in i1 11:1411 `41:41 e. this nrannY:uhir)'t'• uf.f'an:rll any 1N11t'of 4144't -religion am .ti1r•t•al- tiu11. and 4iiolal•,u.. \".'slut deetmt- Lhiuk• Iik4. filil tient „mop.,h:►(ileo. J w•am141 441) t"') 14 ....i ply. nlirlde&eitizfin would think of hurling The p•t•fornule4. lin. 1. -nn drrid,•flly l Th' 1144mf nnndrrfld Lhinjt.iVr hale mnr11 nnSu.ult• 4)t hi. 1)l ighlm4r% .(I- 11(1441. hot wJ 1114. 1111':1111 1141'.111 thirst' w,•.„, onil Haight to t•estti•et the omit - i seen •ii, lnitit 41111 111114 .Cup• 1, The. tons nod 0nns'ieiu'•• mf nue* another% o e o 1Vh> then shoill.l thus •.fNlvt•r•t•ign. (s• e.m1i"'Il'd to minks 4111 Beath '.shish it • an ofYl•nee t1. every Catho4ie in the 1':ngoirr, tine temo which thero is 4•ety The 1•a..• of a mina whu,tt' 11(1111 was 'Ingn•rinh.hrm 1'.tnads. 4tn 1144.' I'ly )4.... 1'-:144431) 411 H4111k he titre.. not 1111n- ,- frail 111n- Gnetni•e,l ii, n r 4'ilw:n 4cr,h•1,. rind w4 *I fe. L• itself '•!Nnlhd to .rlanixi ti 4) w•If Im•liecr. t •ve 1 41118llg :Ind 4.v,•r1 Iri h 11141'.4 iHr.1 :1f1.•r4r:11•.1.+, 4ilt.hnuKh nP1Nlrrnlly. ' h.•ulthy, wvl• nu:lhl.• t'f'.Ieep. is Ilwd fence ent the 1 4)...e: so it eon44.44 tar the dl•- YORK LOAN DIVIDENDS. • to smpport. the content n1ii.n Hutt nm1) fonee..f On...jingo_ •.rhylnaate•r with it• - » ran gef,lheng 4Vith.nu .1.•.-�., "1'4" '441Yfolded of wm11141 Thiele it threw -».in Poe More to be Paid by This Time rate 444411. 4ntp•11 h••_ (4 he ry in the ;tient and fhi.•k. 11.•re i,. is sample : • Next Year. bnhit Of talking I'h4• :n •1 t inns' 'Kipling'. 4 ril4iti•,1,, ping F:11w41rd i» T,4)• n)(, .inns S. I;. .1lntne Mn1ith, regi to Ihr 11)4111ni ,.1' to:l,je 4'. No of 44/.' \r114111at I,,,.1 (' pray, 11•• all right, int few ..4 n. 44;1111)1 Pore 1.1 het. 4i eater 44 Englkil Ver••' ham .neh .liilntdatura of the Yurk County IwNtn, to go ;through 'I he pi .101.61,411.y ,,f t'(Innulnd l,1' 1he1N•ntnm'h•r, '11• n.rw snvl thisitnnening rhn4. he hoped tttng oto h4.'. is erml k0a r40n' fop the• ,11•I1.guln• C111.1.1,141%"11111114. font. and tbiugo waltld b,' in mhrpi lot x divt- rhr snitenf anyint tip 1►jl ni}t4rf. - . • ...closes m thank way a lnn'i4.:11 4•x4)(1',4- demi hythis little next year. .ton Tt%e 1n the itinee lTng of:i mighty "14ill there' he just 1me dividend:" he wax A..•krd• '••Th44t. depends on how matters 1,11 (11) 111 familial, .1 •1i of n law-ITi,r,1111. 4,.w>4 art irk m4) liipiinq'. .nil:it11111141fanfora11vl-„I>'hilt Phe 4e,,.:,•.'%rhe-Don.' King.. 'Tip. :�e•wr L•aw y.•t'. •! t. the 011-0744.'11114. 1 organ 414 'Tory `Is Gocd Tea" f you use it \•O1) know t t IS4)c,,) (l . t Will V1Ou tell your friends?: At 40 . 1'nu will regret you did nbt attend one of ('anadate High- CIrade,Rusiness Colleges, located Pete(b.rough Welland Orangeville Marlton' Clinton Walkerton 's 1 Alineto enter. Now l a gond m Iter , Our graduates receive from $4411.1 to *ISM pe1',an1IUW. 31Ail Courses In 101. different eu1+,tects, \\'ritc fur porn -41111T, -. CLINTON BUSINESS COLLEGE (.E0. SPOTTON Pr,nopal. OUTDOOR SPORT AND ZAM; SUK. Every ' athlete. eves y b4U-filsvPre every..-awilut1ets every renlwist, �eve�-y,rty Ulan or woman whit loVet1 oltt4lt,r 111e 4e.1 eXeeehke, 44hr1111 keep :4 11)41 .1•r oe. d4 • it I IIn / I t1( tai -1,011( Is (4pn144•,. h.1 lief tie -event - tion, whirls, 4w 4)44.• nm 4Tlpeb d l4. ('4)144, bruise.. 14411'11'., 4411 )141P. •dist et' . el e., seta up highly betted, i • 1 0)0')44I son$. fj,1rit. 1114 mid istptis p • tie 11.s render ✓ •. ' Prow e+ n r wound n .e1• Im !t ! n 1•r front h a dt K 1.11.'4!-pli4ollinw. - ser; -its- rote hing properties r• I'eve and ease the pain. Tht•41 its rich, Iwo WI halms pr•neltate the tissue•. and set 4.p 1)1.4 wentti•rtul procese of beeline.' .41 whet) wife ,eratchttt+, insect %tinge, skin dins..wn. such its rrzelrt?; Next 1•ashrs, ring- worm, hahies' hest nor 444, cleated plmIrs, sore feet -all ensile within %•eln•Rnk's •power. It x4,44, rases and cures piles. All dram:gista and stores. Avoid ilnitetions. CENTRAL i L MIMED etleeletaM- SUMMER TERM follow. pIP.Mn( ....inn 4(1441 teat. Sulu Fol. Term f n .?4)44',,4 In all 41e.wrreneut• of 'be 1'.'11tral V1411411114-. c11144K f e t Tn, u. t. the t Ir4tt1i•.[, Helot Influential .chm ut0 . t'an 01, t. f .r 00 )punt/ vs.4pie mud pts- inc then) in flood 4411•.4' tat ones. fine. 6p,tr 44,•y time. \yrlre 4y, 11. ! (IN W, Pr mutual, a 14 Vottte St.. forunto. IND IND i� J' Moore's Nonleakable Fountain Pen W retATFOle1D. ONT. The Knott p.acticN1 training achout of Ontario. Three dr mrt•ments: .fhronsVt.. 1 u hv1I10n1111s stately. teatel:n. 1inrlosing'.he llgeih 1•11v1 1.. 1,1 (41144,14 44 111' 4(11111•,' avid 1 heatri.: i ism. but it. never ''4441 Is. ).411441 and 'llmirn- prl•.44ive " 4 1nj1...,urn. 1 hie phrase i. d.-.•rilN•.l 414 "•luintnoo4, Ali e.a ilw.sling." ':)s. 111 t all .Ili 111 tt 4)r 1 a 11)11lU044.4 •;110 of real ;eft ate fnil0d 1441•a1 . it 44.1* not pr'1N•rly ndtrt•(t.,11 '1914.1,. 11,• 11441111 ye. ply w11', I bink they are prat. - 44 i•in i \4 h. n they miter, a: (do1Llt or tw.'• in-1ate41gtsing ». .!nate 11.11•, 144 dot Lt : hitt 11 14 relit 4.1' thing t h4:y Imre he.ell. n1114+,1401 there- 1 1'1)(4.18 .„4 111001 *1111111 Is. said IteVer .tilt tam'Ir•Ih.•I,141..,fpe•t•Ia7ni,)tamIr'.1. w•144 I.4•Il1rlu Ted 114;4.11 11,11get• (1,8411 of 414.111r. in the proOP,•d. 04 tit• .4rlt•. 'thy tin)• 41 "'Mill mite 1. ,'.'nd.it• i eett11.,• .,f lack .4f In,>',',-., 9'114' 4,14, 1•nnulon eom0.pt1.0) of n.iv..rti$ing 11144-31 444 :41) e.xpe''.e: 1144' 411111141( ('nit- 1•e•pt14111 to t4.i1 it i. 1111 ittt4'mtI11llIt, MINI ,01*' that i4 preeporly 'handles bring. Nev.d1( tdeniis. The eleventh 4'aa,adianl I'onfe are sof Charities and 4'nrree1 ion 4•i meet at Guetplh 4,44 .1 •'rind 441 2 1 next. and. ii i. 11,1,44.11 that the'(' will Ire _ JI_ltktXe atfeadartee ilatithrepie worker., '4,4,1 r;nit4'xym nee granted u r11ne.111'a1.441.••1 4l eunitnillee at Guelph are pllnni g for a hearty reception. Amon the mnlrje't•tn te' lw cooader.l are 0 .1-4avittg, in41titutinit atld prim.'1) 111 nn gement, Iran• relief, care .e .f the sane, ar h.14 �h •- '. mind•, rte, Theme wit Ire 44r•y few if any long paper., 1 rant of the time being given up to neral d4se•umafon. Anyone`` in. 4". ' I IP %CPI • • toattend atom ga. , (lne-way Iirket1 mhoulfl 1te reit 4)d a ,(ertificete oht*ine.l r/m the agent, Quietly hut with ttradv pewter* the ('anndian' Northern 1twilway Aya- tem 1s etrP(4hing outto reach hrt.h coasts, and the indefaligeble par ratters, Mestere. Mackenzie and Mann, look forward to the completion of the entire 4)1144 lint• from Montreal and Toronto to the Pard& Ocoee within NV 4,41 E.lioneks fora disco.. s»14 et III,. 414144tion Whefhet' the 211(i o'>1ay Is 10 be a p(1ldir ?tolidny 111 ('nnnfbi for .411 time. King (ivorge".t hirthddy 4' Ale. :4111 of 'JUMP, rihll 'Isle 1?4141. fhiuk. 411141 dr4e wollkl ,Ir•' 1t('("ptnhle t holiday. with -Is ter rhnnt•e•s of ettjoy-khle,wenI her. S 114,4 t his wwnt her it-entara•ttaeal it doubtful If there w'unmet (1111'441.ml., to warrant the ehenge. 4rhe 21114 .4 May is . Nimr'a n delightful spririlr! day • of the days w9t1•p tintore in the bloom of its first aw.1keuing 44howe to the (rest rnh'nntage end when 11 4rp4•atU of fresh out N'f44,N))' air 444 44a loner M Wintee-weary ir•ople., The• Brat. wee tar .hese '» . t not t alw 'Aym N.., wntln its the latte • pert m' May, and s him year. for in.l4uee, !here w•Fptld have been tie edvantpge in lr4int..'1 weather in changing the date of the holiday. The lath or May he.. Ih•t•omr an institution and may Well Ir' periost•. hated me w me tint of Victorie the (144tH. King George errtainly will not objeectif WP neglect him birthday in favor of that of hie grand the.•; it is all in the family, anyway' Hut perhaps titer most. wart -teal -nItjertlon to the 8114geet444 change in that It wnnld bring the holiday ter' near the Fit•at of July. Holidays' 'hound not run on the heels Mom. another. P an 1 Ir 1 O1)' 44441 '4 e thing could he ' 11»wd rep in nn4 divi. (lend 1 would hold It f'41• n time to. do th 41,'1'.14 i would net. hold it for snore than three motif h..." •' W h4). i t lain' dr*w in 1 he twitter of winding 4)p?" •#:selhn>i the teal relive and getting in 1110 4),(rr4Ay, 44 -('ping tr•.tck tat Cha &&Atli*, Theo e. 411144444th flux in en man'.' Herkimer,, 44 then We have hundreds of aims rtes ite Claims, at "we 'tine we had lhn11441n41'. VC had 11 i 46411.141 111 fill g'4ry te. stoat wit, '•114 they,• much real estate left P" ''It iv inoa, of it sold nn te'41•nl,. it 4,y the end of the year we have the laud sold and see that the agreements 444 amid we ',layette/1 theta ata small ddiscmint, end declare a dividend to tripe off the whole matter, . I want to (dote it 4)p in one dividend, es it i. a Net' matter paying it divt- %delpl l it ,teats between ten and twelve twin.end dollars." It hi 11N'e.l that the lilptidatorw atUU have about 2.448* fret Il-ont.ege for sale, averaging about $1:4 n font. Knew Her Neighbor. Mrs. Nextdo.r - "Mrs. \Vi•.erly. ca.• 1 borrow your ire-cre h'.-ez••r 4" Mr.. Wi4Prly "No ; but 1'1i lend yon the err. 4f you want. her." Mrs. N0st44)o1 "What on earth would 1 n'nrtt will. your rat Mr4. Wtserley - ••1 don't know ; hut i went In Tend you a •thing, that will Ire nitre to come hark." Getting Honest. "This your birthday, Isn't it. Dow r • "Yes, Dirk." "How old arem r "Twene wo. Wall, l'nt going to MM 74* ► kiss for every year of your life.* • "Why, Dick ! Diek--1-I nay as wall confess to you that 1 Sal neatly twtwtyMt r Commercial Sbor Telegraphy We assist gr•'duatee 144 1.1- ..14iuna. The drmI4sid upon els for trained brio prestly exr•eedm the supply. Thr. three 111 u s t r'444nely ' pl'ced .err receiving $14;).$4, $30.t 0• and $.11119 110 per month Ierpt•CIiVrIV. HISNine•s men mote mot• ,4P444)41e. are the. (wet. tenter aur ••la -seg 'now. Get our free cataIWtuv. D. A. McLACHLAS, I'rincipal. (iKT A PRAl1'l'iCAL Ie;DU ATION by/ 'trending the fa - ELLIOTT Whet KOuld it be FOUNT.4tr1 PEN worth totat 1Oown a Feuntaln Prn shit you could carry around in your pocket oe'DaK In any P0 -1 - non with the pp .•'lve sasur- snre that 11 wouldn't leak? fa st no wn. a niw8! D tnktbtye possibly leak c.a. T.... pen Is always reedy ter 1.1•'. -ant e..•, art.Ttbemoment 1t jetubos 444,3 paper, wlitt•$,,wlt!Iout nos pre- liminary Miskin* .wSatev,'r.. Nlrthertnoto, it blit c1rrl all (-rales of hike toelu.i:ay Copy- ing and India Lp, a There are mune d!Sereot Linda of lou t:dnP.Mon tl••4 market, best lore 11 o•,:1• e••', 11.44 is :ly L. •i.t,rte,,, acres BUSINESS COLLEGE TOROtk10. ONT. Y4 114 t -.4L1: t:Y it Iwotsant other-. it will troy yna, Write Jas. F. Thomson,Cicderich ledorfor our 114,41 -onto Canal ituet Stren4ith Lustre t:lnsti'c'ity Smoothness Ct,Ior Variety Thomeore the fine outstanding features of BELDING'S SPOOL SILKS Progressive Dressmakers n firs It aye to nae these world•feesoee ei�ks, .. 111?I.DING'S SILKS are elr..urpaeeed. hese moog- ni..ed 44w ate World's Standard. They find that S SILKS WO in a clean\b y them.,elve.. . Take, for instance, the irnpnrte�eettes of oiler variety.,, Not a shade is waked for, hot Lotti hela supply it --simply b*can.e we. spare no effort or eapen.e to ensure our having advance knowledge of all ntveltien -wail immediately w new, whwde is known it in incorporated in one line. Belding, Paul & Co. L1�1,P/ 74 Tiny Street Toronto Ash Tsar '.wase Ise net et eeeieleerrh or wdin se lar eerikulese. -retro. - W. ACHESON c$ SON Saturday and Monday Bargains June lith and 13th 80.....----''aamssr SEASONABLE: GOODS AT PLEASING PRICES FOR JUNE BUYERS. UNDERSKIRTS. -Ten down Neck English Seteea Skirts, very full) and large trill. splendidly made, ail sizes; regular vale.. $I.:-.), NNI4.. - B9C UMUERWEAR. •- Men'N Ralhrulgan Ulderp•ear. • hitt its x o d thit weel. 1izen :!44,•;)44,;u, finely finished end with elastic.finish COIN 141)11 ankles: 101, each, for.. ..,. ...................... sac KID GLUVE , I. when' tan and Week, Veto dome fasteners -a fine 1"i'rnch ht.l t:l 'Vi' .1•gularll.l11 furSVo RAIN Gi)ATS. !'atc«rn only tueu's Ane craveurtte warranted Coate, splendidly . lent 11111 limit and ►t tailored tett - v +/everything first -chew. ! r *Li 00 (...M.P. int' .. R u a. IHIRTINGS..-Navy, blue gingham and gelate twill Shirting, 1441», f HOSE. Night dozen Mitek (lrshluet. Hose. seamless fret and. fine-feshiuned ; wised )4}. U, fl} -- our readier il1k', two days: pt irP ... sae UNION CARPETS. -.Thirty-six inches wjde, and pw r f e c t I y reversible. nn,l l4. S`0011 hundred and fifty yards, 111 eight ‘p ...ern.. CARPET SAMPLER.- Thirey eau/pleb English Tapestry ('arlwt, 1} Yards I: ,eh end 1.1," ;