The Signal, 1910-6-9, Page 1Wedding
The Signal is headquarters for
Wedding Stationery. Order(
fur invitations, anlanitllr'ewente.
etc., executed) promptly and in
coiiect form. Telephone No. 33,
or call and see specimens of
work at office.
d1%TY THIRD T*AR-Ns. Sit
Financial. -
K@TAl11.Isii » Ie116'
PROFIT'S $11.6011:000 Over $44,1100,0010
yin absolute safety, when you go on that trip this aymrner,
is„ in the form of Letters of Credit issued by this Bank.
Besides holing equivalent to so ouch money, always
available to you, Send to yoil only, in any part of •the
• civdlj'sed world. they are letters of introduotfont to
thouimnds of banks and bankers. ,
Ask one Local Me.nagt'r about these Letters• of Credit
•-it may save ynn loaf and Inconvenience. -
Honey transmitted by [lank Mussy Order. Draft or
Telegraph or Cable T taurfer.
• W. L. HORTON, Manager Goderich Branch
- -- - I [ OUSE: FOR RENT.- ON 'NEW-
I,N EY TO LOAN.- ON FIRST- 11(lATksnect..oueusta•halfstory house.
. I .. farm ..curer. se very Inw rotes of w WI rnmu.: g111N1 g' .drn. Apply to MIS••.
,. 1 make my own a•a loOtIons. Apply I HEAL' NI *NT. Laki••k1a•, F3gin Avenue.
4 U' M, I)O ADH. t'arlow P.O. l r4•tt three doors i•wt M moo .Twwre"r. P
f lvalue' 1 CI n U MBI fa
_..__._ _ The Hutt shoe G. M. Elliott ..... - ••• • I JIr. Ptnud(cxrt's absence waw owing to
GOUERIcH, ON't'ARIOq &3ANADA : Pm 9. 1910
TNC einiav, June
Fall wheat, per bush Su +li o
Bpringwheat, per bush... ai o
Rye per bush 0 r' o
Buckwheat, to
(path, per bush. 0 t7 o
Peen's per nosh 0 73 o
Harley. per bush 0 13 to
Screenings. I/0 10
Flour, family, per ant , 2/ 3 o
Flour. latent, per owl ' 3 IN o
Hon, 00 to
Short^, per ton ., 24, uO o
Wood, pe coedon 15 00 to
Cheese. per . 0 15 too
Eggs, fresh,
h, per dos o in to
0 yil o
('attte.ordtn'y to good, pwowt4 W o
Cattle, export. per cwt 6 611 o
Hogs, 9 25 to
Lambe -s w o
Tallow. elhe-ewe
-e b CCK - W
Hide., per cwt 7 W to
Sheep •kips - 1Orta
Chickens II t0
Turkeys IS to
gu 5rf
0 44
U 776
9 75
3 OU
90 OU
94 at
13 IMI
0 Ito
U is
n 1N
m 40
t1 3u
Only Fifty Cents.
New ,sub -crib' i•• nt ty hove
Thr , Signal iululyd' t 1 their
address for 1he r.rae.►iudriut this
6 eat for BOO.
Send in your sub'criiption now
and get the folll 'week, of this
TSR e1()NAL PRINTING CO., Ltd.. Pususaaas.
O•fficers of Last Year Re-elected -Nom-
inating Convention to be Held in the
Fall -Resolutions Passed Address
by Thos. McMillan.
,Unfavorable weather conditions.
" W .!N1 excitement at the prevent time,
a uo
1 0o militated egainnt a large attendance
12 At the 1.:1011x4 meeting of the West
17 Huron. Liberal Association. held on
Monday afternoon in tete Board of
-,__-Rase Trade roolu, (iodrlich. However.
Man Wanted -8. ft, L. Waldo, ('hat ham... .al there was a very representative. if • Cunnings ;frock and attractions --Dr.
Mona and Hyoniei- H. T. 800111 1'0 ..., . . 3 not w large. gathering. eve(•y^, Inunici- Clark : music -W, E. Kelly: trades
Nqw 1. 'Ills Titus to But 1'. J. AurtLr, pality of the riding tieing represented. rrr,cession, floral parade, etc. -J. K.
Kwg.brdie s In the abiesnce of the.• •provident, �•
A Safe -Shave -S. E. Hick a Harry J. Morrie, who is away '•un a *whine': n•iesting anti wdvertising-
Tracher.,Wuntd-Chrl;. W.Johaetoa...t1 trip to lows, John Fingland, nn- of 1V, H. Robertson and A. M. Todd;
Lippincott'. Magas* s the vice-president., was voted_ to be
finance -president. savt,r -ry-uewwntrr
Summer Terme-1 entr 1 Ba Inset rotate. chair. and C. A. sNairn. :Mayor Canton in
'lurtrnto ..... - • ' owl.
.............. Y Lewers from Sir. -Moretti aP�+a= r'aa! }
Notloe TbogPringle.. 1 Proafoot K. C. M. -1'. P , regretting
menta for the d*v
..pec a u r ng ams- at' I ti were
Ile present, wt' rerrS,
e'' N
hl v to re nt re
-Ifh 11111 1l p
mapped out. The details are not yet
fully arranged, It the lays i
K 1
thumpian "wade, track events, base-
ball match, hood music, athletic coin -
petitions, .etc., etc. As usual. the
ooptutittee will reeake it a big day for
the children: and a good Het of sports
for the hoyl and girls will be included
in the program fpr the day.
A meeting was held at the town
hall on Tuesday evening to organize
for the celebration. C. A. Reid was
elected president Andrew Potteh
vice-president. and William Lane sec-
retwry-treseurer. The following pro -
grant committee was appointed : The
:resident, W. E. Kelly, Fred. Davis,
Mit 'e proceed.
ins will nelude a trader and cali-
Crossing Laid by Railway People, Fri-
day Night -Torn Up by, Township
People Saturday Night -Put Down
Again Tuesday Night -:Next 7
The towoahip of Colborne. and es -
W. F. Clerk, G. L. Pat•sone, J. B. t1ecially the Dunlop village corner, has
Hawkin H. 0. Mturd A. Saunders been all torn up thepast week over a
ant : nix, anvaeuers were sp. rnnttict between the- 4oetrie- railway
point li to solicit guhseriptiuns to- People and the township council.
wards the funds for the day. and the 'bels has been t► dispute for a long
following committees, with their
the se to the rights of the railway in
rhairmen, were designated: Decors- the matter of a crossirg at Dunlop,
tions -A. Slpundere ; baseball - Dr, and it came to a head when on Friday
Honter-; .gets---and--gntttpdS Il. C, night last the railway people. having
gut a gang of forty •ur ittty men to-
gether..starttd about miduight to put
the essaying down and by daybreak
had the work pretty well done. Wm.
Young, a son of- Councillor W. F.
Young.. was on hand. and at' a coni'
stable warned the railway people
aat�alnrt pi•oceeding with the work, but
tf.tle attention was paid to bio[. '
I1 \'II F'ult l'ON('F:R'I'. EN(i.%GE-,
( \t k'.TS. ll.detlrh J•'ntor It um 1- In e,1
to arrrpt w wetted Ler of manage
for celebrations. church nod lawn
rte. Regal r .bd.mrn
rber•htP :'s. 1
'I .bind
.tin appliwetlon to' Munger. GEO.
t'•1 1.\\ AK I . Goderich. to lac.
A 1'(11.()4.1'. I IIEsslit:'rt) JVITH-, 041(0 Y 0 o ng
ri Int 61v any anima. ion a[aln.t Mr Marti2
Plaut, in manse b•n with t hr lo-io[. of • sure
Gift.. for Bride.. --\['alter H. Harnson r
of nnone, taken horn my hour. and to relieve TheTlnie to Pilled -Howell Hardware Cod
Mm from any-enpteioo in eonne.•tion Deere. Meaty to Loan -F. W. McDonagh .. 1
with. MKS.GkO.l.HPItIT' End- Print.. Din e.. t'oi-
Midcrich. May Pk 1: P•14••. h d f i(*i.. 'hams. Et-JH. ..
LI N)KI'HARD ('O'I TA(/ E. -1.1114
1 ,•umfor!•hle' trrwtnllmg-hon-e bas Dern
Mood for the, .anon.. -r. and impeach. -
x. x1.)41111 t- Invtirrl to ■p1 1r to 1110 no-
- ner-.t1ad. Floe large moms. well lighted :all.
nd, n, r•oevim ener. In the house. M141. D.
\I i'ItIN, envier 11,:, -vett and tjuebec If:streets.
rG cosTItA(Tolts.
,an scute attack of rheumatism.
The statement 1,1 the t n neuter And°
Auditor. showing a email dnlenee sof
cash on hand, was read and edoleed.
The following rr.olutioans. owe
unMrlitnously adopted : .
Aannal White Sale-Hodgens Bros ,,; M M• yell by Jo eppb bell, ,1•cnnd.d by
Choice Pineapple• •Motrls45. McI'1lnten,...\s J. %V•. Yeo, that we dmfse At this the bre..., craft work. - t ing at /'allow in C4uneCtIllp with lt1 - •
Buy Your Sunuger Hat Now :Nelson Bros. 7, first 'sleeting of our As.uclsiinn since Rumgrrr i,, ,,,,rt la.t; ,1171.., ynn got ymtr w•av, '
new .uulmer it' y«t t Prluhnru Has trlr phwlr wucrulrnt, and when Reeve ,
1 ••'I'u enable the railway to run along
Saturday and Monday Bargain,-. W Ache- i the death of, our late beloved soy ,,,,row rlrgant et" h.. J(et the right thing for Krl•nighail invited the loco to Pilaw the Lahr roil w township -bylaw Ie,
i son illi Son .erri,tn, Edward Vfl.t h. place un a11111111er:ear• t II andste them. xl a,g +end help take up the track there oro reser).
Th.- township council gar.
s altos:' out• 1►ppr•eridtiou of thus i k C t' hl day in boNdrrleh / there is no nerd t ttw
the crowing and are indignant at the
action of the township council in
interfering with it. On the other hand,
the council claini -that the people of
the wlgple Gnwnship Nrt• interested be-
cause ut the township's liability to en -
tions for damages Inc accidents at the
crowing. And so the dispute goes on.
A good deal of personal bitterness has
developed, and altogether the Wuxi.
'Lien is a most unpleasant and undesir•
able one. and something should be
done ea once to put an end to it. Both
sldee Claim some authority from the
Ontario ltailwsy and Muoicipal Board
and it would he quite in order to put
the matter fully and distinctly betore
the Board and ask for & decisive rul-
ing. The railway must have a cross-
ing. If the crMaing is not in the rI ht.
ptncr tmw;-4M' the Board say so Ilia-
tinctiy and indicate where the right
place is. Then let -all ppaartie* submit
and put an end to the dispute which
has bedeorilled the affairs of the town-
ship for the last two velars.
Rewe Kernighaai_StatemmL _
Reeve Kernigb*n informs The Sig-
nal that he haw a letter intended for .
publication With regard to the Dunlop
trouble, but as the matter is before the
courts he dues not wish to have it
published now.
e o owing stateMarrt is f.■uLl ow -
The program committee is to draw I Neat morning the members of the behalf of the township ;
notified been ne t
nhavingn r 's to de-
,council Company wish piens for the day end' :epics@ ata township I •71'hP .{.arlway l nal my
etwf meeting to •ie held at the •t'f what had accursed, cause to, tuwu elate from their private right of way
41 hall on'l'uesday evening, end sought legal advice. They con- about 30ii tart. to the south of Dunlop
stilted Barrister Kitimat), who nils riu•sloads awl, instead of running in
O(;AL TOPICS' IN BRIEF. ►mer hero acting for thew ill the oat it straight line un their own right of
3' - ter. and as a insult detailed to tento/ve way, wished to awl along on tete Lake:
\\P-icture fencywork .noMies, leather rood; what they ennaiderrtl Nu �otleh•octiun toed to Dunlnli and on past Glazier's
set moo talons)" china: ere.. at \ohms: upon the highway. It happened that hotel for some Oat fart surih:*nd then
Srnith F'.a,.t .•:ret. Coll and ..e the new FS,at»[day afternoon there wawa Inert- i urn in again on their owl[ right of
Staled iender. for the erer'Innnfthe wait1,,i Quality. "�•' H.
room and Rrlght -lied. at the dock will bete Announcement+-Wit.on'. Drug bore.. ..i -kingly quelitirii which made hint the
...rived by the committee a{. to s o,-Ioe.: on Announcement.' M. I.. Taube - i greatest. wisest, -and twat -laved too*, w-'dbedad.'the 1-dh day of June. loin. . • Raiirday Hat :+S'et'a- Marti° Bros 2 ..reign of his time ; and we further de-
i Plan. and spednratMk. are to he ,men. and rile w --\\'m. l.nn•
all n,.rmae m obtained. on application at mf Month 1 rt g
l l f h Dt
Mwere :leu of volunteers. Th , *rut ref a Prof the 'rri
K a -over to Dnnlu and between and x '
t, way's rowing -on the Lake, coed : jhwt
p in
ri clock about forty a their. started (l9,iziero huts' :tesla acro exn be
had the
F. s, e-
nd in two or threeI pessrhtd ten feet and the hotel r
whole thing up &grin. The railway i ved ten feet to the east and a few
hsdatren wnrkin pn•tt •_ sterulfly , hat this would
1 sire to pledge to our present soy-
' mllloxar the ottloe of the engineer..!. A. Few AmateurSupplle.-R. It- Sallow.... ... 4 ereign. rg
tor, (-. k. - pia Im \ 1• Cameron S loyalty to hie croWn�and person.
Seo a V. rots continued
tendon for the materiel, worktnan- i'te •
:.alp..* brit, tooting willbeconsidered.:K L. L. Knox - 1 :'cont by Thos. McMillan, seconded
Teacher Wanted S. 16 No. 6. Colborne 1 by Williaru Bailie, that we, the Lib -
Tender.. Wanted-L.I.Knox ..,. ... 11erals of %%est Huron in annual ineet-
Aeetication for Po.ition-L 1.. Knee: 1 1 ing aanewhled. dealt: to place On rec.
wanted- M"rri-h & McClinton .... 8 ord our continued appreciation of the
wise and pmgresaive legislation' on
AUCTI9N SALES. - the part of the Laurier Government
-- during the past year. That we ere
.LvNu HF:NT.-N INEli ttl)NIFD
1-'houwe. rentralit located : all modern con.
sentences. heat romona►e. J. B. RAW [SINS.
• :h St, I'aldek'w stN St. -
r •U.
1. KK '' 11
-tarot:- A large' e nifortah!e hone wilna..
. :1 imattrn imMovemeut+- Ge-Irnbl'- !oration :
.111$118' for boarding -bung. Apply to 1. 1 2t. M.
FLLIOTT. Kut street.
• 111:+•tlIfAI11.K `4TOIVE VRO1'hHTi -
I at Knoell. fee sae w w rent. w'*-
our be OVUM byli A0 0. Mt MDItt HYh For . /lode-
• �nl alar• stew to It
-,d• I4,r'neld . road. bet worn Britannia
rout nruurtt greet ;good oath.. el the.
MMI-oleblc for market garden.(solus.
rte. May .ell in two Ire to of two Ned ons -half
W V'. each. For price and term.
rod-o.. Un . A.
404(11AN. Ct W &rubor Ave..
81�� __1101•SF: FOR 44A1.E ON 1
• e1lJ Klein avenue; red le Mk. nine
,caro•: all modern conveniences 'aceta fur-
n ace.- .Apply 0. W. LANUI$'N. Mt. Thoma..
Oetwrio. or PAOL I/FOOT. HAYS & BL 11R.
r -(reel (404 r)08.the property of estate of
latr1. smooth. Thera la nn Ode lo' a large
frame bon..e with infidel Improv.•no'nt., wt
pas. t'1 aleupted by Mr. Miller. Term* and
and,rip., will be furnished on application to
the undersigned. i -
IiuderO's. April it►. 1481t.
Solicitor* for Ksso tcr, London & Wooer*
Tru.:. r o.•
IIOI'ME N'OR SALE. -UN (1(.0'17-
(INTER Terrace. 11 story. froth,. Ii
rornri none foundation 7 ft. blab. with cellar
late ei hone.. also good frame barn 617117 with
Mae fourdathr ;grand view of (. 1'• FL and-harl:ot-. Apply MB$. JNO. BANDS. Gode-
rich 71x[1'
House and lots known a+ the 1'apt. Mee.
:rotor properly on Anele'ma .treet. I;oderich :
Lour In mom.. hot water heating and n.od«r•n
rentrnien'ee. with one lot on frefal`at' .treet.
Will he sold jointly or separately. House and
',a alt Napier street, w room., gond residency.
district. Cottage at Saltford with 3 acres of
eIebatd winter apple...
4nc.pprroopertles can be hall at reasonable
• AIDlyto I. L KtI,LeeRIlar
AN rots,
po. 1 eudetich
lai,acrese with 32 acre. 111 crop : frame
hen, with 'phone in, Price Pen including
1114.. land a rich Stant. 321' acres at Ills pe -r
arm broken and fenced. Tnt. 1- a +nap• ow
hod t- going npD every year. 146, acres with
roof building+, fir acres broken : price g:tn per
*ere. good locality and phone 1n houw.Any
of theme ran be bought In ea.y teres.. J H
Txtt'4LF.Y, Yorkton. Sack
No tender wlll,tsrr.narily be accepit.t..
Tendrn to be •rldressed to ,Lionel Parsons.
IC.q.1halrtu,u Har her four.
1.. L KNu\. Clerk.
PPLI('A1'Il1Ns haw THE pool- µ•rpvspty. ,lune 154h -Clearing ..ale of heartily in accost with (heir naval
TION of /'hist n( Poise and flue.: I,,, the uN-bred .northern attar, property of. R. H- policy end appreciate what theyhave
or ohthe tows. of
alodrrp h. wddeersawl In the ' �'u,d, & I41ns, Clover Lea stuck farm. .lour 1 PPS
utdemigued. w1� err" received by thw Town Ilren able to accomplish with respect
l7mnoTirpA,ehao.,:eMrk ere the otraa/aa ✓ Ktsemland IRot;o. d.-I'nxrati . alert wnrces.
JJ to netts. .�.tiant with +tor
Thursday, nee herb: nolo. For wry Inform.- Tet'erovr.Jude SIM.-ran..erted auction
L L gNita rale of farm -took and implem�ut-: property southern neighbors. That we would
,:soon[ we sami.appar ,v It of John w. Bowler. PO Sl, e.rlce..lOn F.14; respectfully urge the Government to
Tonnwawaniwh. Sale comment*. at 1 o'clock
/TEACHER WANTED. -FOR 8. H. spdrp. Trlote.sOrs rat•tiom,er. continue Isr•inu upon the statute
1 No. s, ColMtrne: donts to oome,enro at books of the Dominion legislation cal -
1 to break the war of ail com
mMsumme•r. Apply, dating •+toy, t0 JA,e. BORN. - r
t\'AT0OX. Lny.1 P.O. 1141142-2tg-ine@ tending to aQ illy inerenee the
_-_ . _- .ppg►V El'. -In lir. 'II_e 1. on Monday..- o-,. hA prices of the mecemartee of life and the
to Mr. nod )Ire. Nell. A,1 rosy'• a.n•r, P
ITKAI'H F:K.' W.#NTKD FOR S. S.IS° rt' ilrements ut the great consuming
Ne. it U.w:eetch tnwn.hie. Dulles to cnm• Y('LF - At -Alrvend rt Ho•p Goderich. on P111/11C. i
nlence August 131h. I'il•':.pplic.nt to holds WednesdLay. May 2111'. to Mr. an . . lo.
•n eta-- re;tiflente. nate ealrry M•. Yule. axon. Thos.. McMillan ,in ,peesenting h
flr.t or ...wend 1 �•i••
wu 1 extr.rteeee adds• -s or apply to CHRIS. IN)ULFY - . r ►sed• NnrtA Dakota, n\\n ed• motion Houle an excellent address,.
la.'JL►HNST7,k.iloderlch 1'. O. 610-(8.. '•slay. )la, 'tth. to Mr. .and Mr••J. H,
--_ - - 1►oeley, adaughter .wihua Anna.
Air ANTKI► -- IN (1l g)h"r-e 'H,ti00D. i DIED,..
1 coli .1.1•• Mal owning hoer and wagon.
who will push w pet nanrnt 18101 OP.. that will HAXTEH. -1t'. 0oderieh: on Fti lay,.June 3.
ray well, - Addree. S. K: L WALDO. Chat" Jwmr.•ltaxtxr. aged g,ye it'*.
ham. Ont. •
STIRLING. -At Hayfield. on. Saturday, June 4,
William Stirling. aged 73 ye*r'
TKAC I3R I co.nIF,D FOR ft n 1;i(FKNIn "heppardtim. on Saturday. June
No. 17. A.hfle1', county of Huron. holding I. Peer kireen. aged 7. year. and 1 month.
flit or %rondrla+.111 4. "ate. dude• to tom-
nernee.\,lwr•, �tateraleryand exMAY. In Colborne. On ?neater. June- 7th.
wiener. if any.. Application. will he received • Oeorge May: aged 74i• roars. . month* and
by the undermined up to July Sth. 08.44..\. 12 dap
JI►HNSTI i ., rlecretaryitierwerer. 1 iungannon. ,
rpm) PUPIf. NURSES RF:QI?IKED \it' and Mrs. David Price, of Bsl'eville• ere
l at the Alexandra Marine and General y.ufUhg*t l'hernwood Ilia. tot► Kingsbridge.
t'(neniud. lioderlch. Durk• o commenes at Third vice-president -John .Flog
rice, Apply personally or by letter to 11158 Mrs. Thee. McLean end daughter Alma. of 1
owes -Jana, Lady Superintendent.00derkh. Lucknow. were yl.Itor. in town Ia+t week. land, %Vittnier.
SIM=h __ - • Mn. Harry Knight' and dwn.rhter. Gram. of Secretary,, -w. H. Robertson, (:Fade
.. Tnrmlto. are visiting Mrs. Knight'. parents. 'rich.
�17ANTED,-A MAN" OF GOOD Mr and Mee. Henry Martin.
11 addN.. and Ability to reproeent no InStriddenTrrssurPrrJoseph Belli Carlow.
Goderich, o gill our h h class ornamental I eniMr. and Mr-. e' av and son. of Morden•
stock and frr.ft .peclwl'.e A permanent Slanitota, err hero on w clfit to Mr.9taldartb Andltor-W. J. Paisley Clinton.
I.o.itlm. to rlrht mwn.on'fossa' terns. Apply
parental horny on Ka,t street. Chairmen' of municipt(litiee : (i
STONE& WKLLIN0TON, Font hill Nur+edee Gerald 11. Hay -..of eRar.tro Virginia. 'write -Alex. Young, Carlow Ash
Torono.lmL I was in town over y itii
field -Chas. Stewart, Kintail: Wes
.I grnndmWher. Mrs. Oibson_ ,ti„+ Wawanosh-J. R. Mclyah, Inman
I Mr.. iDel A. MeKenzle. Monckton. and F of non; Goderich township -J. 1t , Ye
dealing with the transportation, trade
and naval police. of the Government.
He emnbatieally eudorsed the policy
of the Government in the inauguration
of w Canadian navy,. and as a farmer
protester' against the statement that
the farmers of. Canada _were oppdsed
to such a atep.
The officet•a- of last , year were re-
elected. as follows: •
President-H.J. Morri•, Loyal.
First vice-president- Wm. Bailie,
Dungannon. '
Second vice -president -Joseph Dal•
on Friday. July
u is
• 1 / townshipcouncil The Colborne e
(. 1 rn
improving the road on Sans' hill and
et'e^ting a fenestelonp>tside the road at.
dangerous p :iota.
hound or repaired.
All orders nramppt�l attended to on leaving
an Bruce streets Particulars can be had 97
telling at SIGNAL Omce.
SlO1v�L Ottrrirh.
them at THF.
STORY brick house. with seven room,
a>r r
R8AD 9s's'1og Tosas're
' 11111411M11 Oarefat. • 51.000.066
To accommodate the Farmers
we have
pend Branches in the
We solicit the Patronage of the
Highest -current rate of interest
paid in our
posit ts of $l.(x) and upward..
A. 0. OAMHLK,Mwnaae
)lalleFF.. et' 1 nodal, ere go.'..s... at the horn
Mrs, "R. W.•Me ienele and Mrs. Leech. HohnesviHe : Hullett-T4 os. Atoll
W. 1t. Davi+, the veteran publisher of The lan, Seaforth • Clinton -Dr. Shnw
The M .1 e�.joved a was in
chown at with Mut
• Mrs. 14.411. King. of the Kine Edward hotel.
who has been set na-ty 111. 4. lmpr nine. and
was able to sit -0u1 on the balcony, on Widnes.
K. ft. Witte Is at Toronto this week in at- Bannon ; No, 2, A. Finlay, Mafeking ;
terdenee at the serol -annual meeting of the 1�
OntwrinC011nge of 111181111110V.Hr r.ptc-entn o• 3, James Hackett; I4elfast; No. 4,
dkdr'• t No. It. which la composed of Huron. James Crawford, PUrt Albert; No. 5,
Grey and Bruce counties.I hos, Su(Ifvan, Kfnpebridge Na. 0 ;
The many friend. of Mbse Alice Spence will D. McLean, Lothian ; Nu. 7, Johnbe glad to know that -he Is making (avorabr• '
Proves. toward. recovery from the attack of Jamieson, Laurier.
•ppendtcitl- with which •he w'i..elx«d some (;Ot.nt'7RNZ-1No..1, Wm. Hill, Cen-
time ago while 'on a visit to Mende at Dun- miller ; No. 2, Sarni. Bisset, ,Maaltford ;
- o.. Mn 1
Dr. Wilber Guest. former hoderleb boy. No. 4, ,lames Chisholm, Dunlop.
vtalted relatives and friend. in town fora few i
day w
during the e
week, He has beim raking WasT WAWANOBH-Nn. 1, H. J.
p�r••t-grsduate work In the ho.Nte'. of New Crawford, Dltngwnnon ; No. 2. A. C.
York since Ia•t October end 1. now rerarning Jacksons Auburn ; No. 3, D, D. Mut.-
to Winnipeg. hi. home, to Deo. mow hospital
work the?. FDA old friends in Utthrlch were ray. St. Helens; No. 4, Alex. Stewart,
plea+eel to se 41m. St. Helens; No. 5, John Sherrill,
HuLLETT-No. 1, G. Stephenson.
Constance; No. 2, Jas. Watt, jr., Her-
The general session'
the County
Court will he opened' on Tuetalay next
and will he pr•rwided over by JndgP
Doyle. Three civil actions' have been
entered for trial. -
n -0.
it -
Goderich- W. L. Horton. rows ht.,A
of chairtnen of polling wuh-divisions,"Toodles, the. town treasurer's
the appointments being res follower little bulldog{ is no more. It died the
AonFI$Ln-No. 1, H. M. Duff, Dun- other day, evidently of poisoning.
There is a growing sti-picion that the
doge get the poison from tin ".ans-a
theory that would explain why the
much -berated trdog•poleoner" h as
never been detected. At any rate
"'Poodles" was seen nosing around a
tin can shortly before his (11•wth, and
potmaine poisoning is suspected.
H. Aye -lbw excursion -agent -of
the White Star line, says that the
dog -muzzling ordinance in force In
Ontario will not cause any difficulty
The London military camp com-
ic y next. it ie ex-
pected to he a coinnaratively entail
affair this year, as officers throughout
Western Ontario report it difficult to
uteri R 1 ), feet. to the north, and t ,
since Friday morning and bring Geed
I nut cost more than about it U).
out were not kept On. hand 1.0 guard °Aplrtreotly to avoid this small
the crossing on Saturday night. The 1 lotto ill expense the Railway Company
chief pf police went out from Goderich removed the tracks, and afterwarde •
wish til 4+yintr on to the Lake roti -1
and took the names of the mea who, instead 01 running on the atrAight
the railway people took out a number
lin: un their own right of way., The
council refused to peas the bylaw and :
1 ' theRailway
1 rd
March ny
Company to this effect.
When there is no need for their •'
coming on the highway, grid when
of men from tow's, bun by the time
they got to the scene the township
people batt oomp)eted their work and
everything was•qufet. It was perhaps
fortunate that the two gangs did out
get reeluits. i the railway would: he better In a
The G.(`I. board met i •at TllurwayS mson. err those .va- e, h-ei..wMo fe,1 straight nney. wool wnsAlp tternl'i rt'
and accepted rhe tender of Chas, ing on both sides, and same broken fused to pass the bylaw. The town -
Harper to make the changes and he*ds might have resulted ft' a c..l ship people think that 'leaving this
supply tale necessarymaterial far tire halm. railway on the highway will be a
protection purpose.. et the Collegiate. On Sic.rirlay and Tuesday the law'- menace , to the public's .afery and
The work will he proceeded with Tess were busy. The townships twnplr c torr, and have an syr to the tat
got out tan injunction to restrain the that with the road on the highway
railwi j people from potting the crow- the township play bee involved in
ing down again. hut as the president expensive' tl.tiK*flan for d uuage ac•
of the 04h)pany, J. W. Moyes, sus 10 expe and nthrrwisr.
Philladelphla, abd the set;i•rtary, H. J. t On lit•ptemher loth Slut there m u
June 19th the train lane here at 10
A. SicEwan, could not he found, it a h„ring :rf nos walla Before the
Although not officially announced,
it is expected th.t when the new C. P•
R. time table comes into effect on
p. m. will art the alw,ut two hours woe not served. The railway people
earlier. This -ire the only qhangs ru,umenced prticeeelinge againpt the
which it' expected to bit made iii the men who tore, up the track and had
schedule. about fifteen sutp Inonses homed. Ad -
S. L. Taube. eyesight specialist -Of ditional summwlses fm about thirty
Toronto, will make his regular visit to other. may 1.e issued shortly. .The•
Goderich and' will he at Dunlop's drug meta are to come before Magistrate
store on Monday and Tuesday, June Thaler tomorrow afternoon and will
20th and 21st. If there is anything likely he adjourned.; . The railway
wrong with your eyesight do not fail
to consult him. All - work absolutely
.guaranteed. ,
The county mond' has decided -to
buy a new flag for Ibe pole in the
court house park. This' will ptit'w
stop to the suggestion that a p'ckwt-.
handkerchief ire Operated to the
'o'mty to take the place of the abbre-
viated piece of hunting that haw been
doing duty for some time.
Halley's comet has been obscured
by the clouds on most eveniinge of
late, but last night it was'viaihle,
although much les, distinctly than
two weeks ago. It will not tie seen
touch longer witch the naked eye. as it
is rapidly getting farther away from
the earth, and the new moon as is
titer will extin _ uish it.
0otaiiu Railway and Municipal _
Board. The Hoare) sent it@ engineer
-to make a report, and the engineer in.
his report recomlueodwl the running
of the railway on the east side of the
Lake rood past the hotel, where the
railway are trying to put it now. but
the township people say that the en -
leu pie did not rest with his, how vrp en-
gineer's recommendation' to go on the
people P highway was passed on the erroneous
but made preparations to ay the cros- Conclusion which the engineer seems
sing again, and about 2 v ick Wed to have come to that it would he irn-
nesda morning •w gang o sixty or possible to move Glazier's hotel. This
seven hien were put to woe and the ; in fact there
n 'm Iwihle at all
tracks eie again laid.. The township is not i put
people h*d got an inkling( f wli*t was is nothing in the. way of it. The en -
to happen, and Reeve Kernighan, was ['neer darn not aceto to have seen
on hand,people1int there was no rouhthl i that the shed room can quite easily be
a reduced and the hotel moved, and the
At the time of writing the crusting people claim that `lane Rall-
is still down.\ nd it is understood the I way Hoerd'a finding passed on this re -
the courts an the Ontario Railway
and Municipal , Hoard, will now be
asked to deal with the matter.'
What the Dipute Is About. -
The dispute is one of long standing•
and dates back practically' to the com-
mencement of consttuCtlwt on the
railway. The railway people had a
and some of the ratepayers of the
township objected to it. The plan was
submitted to the Ontario Railway and
Municipal Board and the engineer and
vice-chairtnan of the Hoard visited the
spot and recommended a slight *Itera-
tion, while generally approving the
plan. The railway people altered the
plan accordingly and ever since have
maintained that they had is right to tit
All kinds of rough lumber in
stock at the New Lumber Yard.
next to Kenning (nTF Furniture
Factory, oppoeite
Orders filled at short notices
New Brunswick • Cid-Fir
8hingtee_"'kia" brand -the
best on the market,
{--pas-Ne. 27C,.
Laborers to work on
the new elevator for the
Western Canada Flour
Mills Co, Apply CA-
CO., LTD., Goderich.
oH PRIVILEGES. --TENDERS lock : No. 3, A. Flynn, Clinton: Nn.
��wttl ier-SIV- 'tor the booth 11�•rt.tttary 4, John Temhlyn, Londewboro ; No.
on the Agricultural Park around.. (:nderlch, 5. Janes Snell, Clinton : No. 0, Hum -
for ibminion DAY. 19111. to •sled Replication• hn• Snell, l.nndesloro' l No. 7. W.
will be received by the under - Idol! up to and p
Including `atnMay, June'4Rh. \\'M. LANK, T. Riddell. Atthnrn.
SecretaryTreasn?r. _ . ! (lonERI('H TOWNSHIP -No. 1, Isaac
GBl.ltt NOTICE. -•A REWARD Salkeld, Goderich ; No. 2, W. F. Hick,
of five dollar. «111 be paid by the' Town (loderich ; No. 3, John Torrance,
'ouncll for intormattnn that will ked to the Porter's Hill t Nat. 4. A. E. Ward,
conviction of any per+on or person. or damp• (7linton : No. 5, Henry Teblxitt,
ing feM.eorgarbage on env nubile property Hoill8, John Huller,
notdewteiftwated fee B -purpo'-o. _Ey order of lmesve; No.r, .8 _e
the Town 4ouneil. L. 1.. KNOX. Town 1 HUTrlfesvllTe.
HAVE 80Lp OUT ' to The question of the nomination of a
1k?OT(CE.-Ai 1
,emIdtdi to conte be_riding &
hndne+. and am sevum[ OodeHch, next election was discussed, and It
note close up my bookstand all Stereo+ owingg
TIM are ?vomited to Mtge their account* by was deckled to recommend to the ex-
`+wtnrdey .Ione 1>;ih, without fail. .\:tenons. that a convention be called in
not walled hy that date will be placed in other mbt•r of this year for this ur-
hand. for eMlon. TH('S. PENDIA. 01.IC It MoPte yp
Take notice that the (bort of RPrMlmt of the
town of Ooderirh will hold 0*. the sitting in
the c.nell chambers. town of Ooderlch, tor Committees for an Old -tittle
the purpose of hearing Appeal. th?
awae..ment roll of the town for the year
Coderieh in the good old way.
tip Wednesday. the l.k It day of .Ione, 19144. At Dominion Det will be celebrated in
P o'clork In the evening All prudes int.?+tad Y
sem ?'d to attend
rt is alts conditional upon their
ening a bylaw ; in fact, the Railway
ard intimated that the bylaw was
necessary before this report or finding
could, have anyeffect.
• "Thr townsip people say the Rail-
way Coitripany knew they could not
get, he leytaw and decided to take the
w p_ th-•t' own ha de and on June
3rd, f' t e o nig . surrrptl -
tiously put down the track. On the
evening Of the, 4th inst.. *bout forty
township f111•mirs pulled it op again,
Early od Mo lay morning, the town-
ship nolieitor leaded a writ for dime
ages for 'njuteog .the highway and
placing ohstructinns n some, and got
out an injunctitln. training the
pany r(n lain
:allow C an � g any
Railway I i k
down the crossing thus indicated. The tracks or doing construction work on
township people insisted that the coal the bake toad and', handed, the papers
sent of the municipality had first to to the ehet'i$ for sei•rh : upon the
he obtained, and that the railway r*ileay president or secretary. The
sl►eriff up 1O Tuesday night could not.
locate either of these otlleers and
could not effect the service .of the
papers. On Tuesday night the Rail-
way Company sent '..ut seventy
turn and again put down -' e tsar
and the Railway C'ornpany hay uis
ammonium.* requiring w great man
the farmers to appear on Friday
aternoon to answer ace m c
ot•ai w
and injuryt a a l
i we n4
o R
t cons yy
The counsel Tor the defendant will my
doubt ask for an enlargement and the
hearing of this will piubahly be post-
poned until next week, The town-
ship's case against the Railway Cone -
patty will come up either before the
Railway Board or the courts in Sep-
ter alloy e
people had not taken the proper steps
in bringing -the Greyhound to port to obtain ouch consent ; and further
here. He bas made arrange)nents they held that the crossing as planned
with C. C. Lee, the hardware man, would be a menage to the safety of
so that if it is called for a muzzle big people driving past, it.
enough for the session will he pro- In the Itaeantime.t-he work of cnn-
vided. Mr. Ayer assures the public shooting the railway has been greatly
that the Greyhound doesn't bite, any- hampered.• The rails were laid from
way. - the south as far as Dunlop earlyiath
George Parsons. of Hernia, atyiv"t l spring. Since that time about x mile
in town on Moseley to take overthe and a halt of track has been laid on
hominess of Panpn,sFair and Mta'. L. the north side of the crossing, the con=
E. JVhiting. of the haul atoms in Mar- etrtiction material being teamed across
nim, will assume the nrnnit.gement of the gap of about* 440) feet. Hesides Jw
store herr in a (simile of weeks. ing expensive, this has seriously de-
Rirhani Persrm+, the forlreep- {R0rrie- layed the work of construction, and if
tor. has removed wit h his family from the crossing is allowed to remain the
44 WI) 1►trl uttrpow•s niakil his hnnte work, en the railway pt't-ple say, will
in 1h• The hest wT„i'esipiiheir go ahead mum More rapidly. • _
.ft•' Is. her.' follow them to their new t The westerly rail of the crossing is
about twenty, two feet f(rotnthe atone
Ilam A. Miner, of Chicago. flip foundation of (ilaziet'ahoteT. A-econ-T-
sire who was robbed of $7),(31) ing to the order of the Koilway.Hoard,
south•lound cw
nd negotiable securities whilst
stop at the
north side of the crossing and sound et
gong. The town chip conn^i1 say. how-
ever, that the danger is in the narrow-
ing of the roadway between the rail-
way track and the store or blacksmith
shop on the other aide of .,the road.
The railway people say that those who
are making all the trouble are mostly
people from the south end of the town- Wanted, at the Maple -Leaf Gros
ship who are hardly ever on that read, cery, Hamilton street. Ps) boahets of
awl k in said that the people along the good potatoes. Mommies k MIVLI$-
in cash
on w tra
York th
Miss Alice
of this to
Miner's (lode
the 'tnagnific
Miner hoe Beta
When the rob)
between Chicago and New
other day, is known in
His wife was fortuerl•
minor, a termer reoldemt
and sever»( of Mrs.
ieh friends have visited
nt pat,tte which Mr.
baited near Montreal.
yJ orcnrrPd Mr. Miner
Wee on his way t New York to go to
t. L KNttX committees have got to work and a Europe to join ills family, who are
Town Clerk. programday
r/edsetcfi. Jule hot. Ie10. IOt•st bign for the is being touring the Uontini`nt. • lake shore road are quite satisfied with TON.
We Have AdvrjnCed Eggs Again.
we ate nuw payitig-19 cents in trade
and one rent less if you prefer theaohah.-
Butter in pound print*, 19 cents. Rolls
and crocks, IS cants. We have a mar-
ket for any quantity. Bring your pro-
duce to the place where you can get
the moat for it. Bntter Must be good
quality. Cowen- C n,
The Departmental Md's'e. '