The Signal, 1910-6-2, Page 1010 TiTri anA'r, Jvxs 21010 • THE SIGNAL: GODERICH ONTARIO • CANAniAN f'.%t a It: R.\11.\4 \\ , ' t 'Farmers' Excursion to � --- ONTARIO Agrit:llltural College GUELPH Thr Anil sal 141x• ur)ion t1, the 1/n- ta' i1) .\grirultural t'ofllge• at' Guelph, uncle l 1 he :uel,i r•, of (ho 1 tw( 1%atom F'1ei1 Mel s' Instil Ate, will he held on Friday, Jute 10, 1910 ,\ ,-.11,•,ud 1 rain will hr talo Ir., l .'i'. 11 tot the lteeorlltu0,litlion of ex.:. cm -aoonkt, :1, follows: Li•:.t.\ f. 'I't AU • ; Molt ItElil.l (.lHlt,;I:I! 11 7 2'11 x.111. $1.'2, $ 11:• AUltt'h\ 7. i:. 1.15 .1x1 • Kl.VTll I.I:, .Ise V A I TI I\ s. I n I- I. ' _,:w \I,'NAl'I,lIT v.G-1 I.IMI . :1f1 ,tti..iLH.4; at (4(I,.144h al ' '•.i x.111. OBITUARY. . Campbell. Ti.•• I onle of ND.. and 1.4s, .lock 4'.•,.,.b,11. lirace street. has Igen he- rea4.ed by lh,• death ut their only child, J01111. Kral jag t'ahlpla•Il, who 44rls$ed *Way 1111 44+41111'11x}' after a *411)1'1 illnNar• Tile lilt le, 14.1h)W Naw 111111• months and sixteen Clay. ofd. The funeral took ',lace till Mogday afternoon, the inter- ment being made in Maitland cetne• lel y.' The 4.y mod lip of the COBB (4ll- ity i. ex! eu4(r11 to \Ir. and Mlrs. l'atup- Is•�1 ill tilt 1o.. ".hirh they have i•u*• tau.ed. Stratton. . The death look plate at (44id ehnrg on 'l'hurwlay..Ixy *kb..Int' � illiattl 'traltun, a f1,1111114'resident of fiode• Colt It De'cea'sed was at nue tinge a t laud 'I'rugk Hallway .conducteir run- ning our of S1 rat ford, 4(4 UWel !timid and J0uittilh and was well known W11,411 ,1 i•undurt(r in' a way.tt•e•ight rooning out of herr four. y.444 t.l 4(44. 11.• was afty-nine )'ears of ago awl is stirdivevt by his wile, formerly Miss :McQuade. of .I)ow*iir. The funeral tuelk place at Stratford on NI outlay. 1. 1 hr how. of r1) gonad and kind 11 mother, but thin consolation he 4 'hwtftrl Ilien, 1.11ipa(.4.111g all 11(11111(11• Ay*4'FNlth)• that tl::'i4. dear torment (1iiJ1tted this 1;1,• in the full hope of the_ resurrec- t 4,411. 1' I.\TBH. • .. Symington. • • \holy tes•pl.•ill Ilui,nl r.;eloty will 1 4 1 1 1 Ihof ••gilt oil 11in' ('1.111ralllLists may 1:•1111111 •,n 44111 reg tri tt'ain,the manse day or on uc•hay, Jane -11. }regular trains l ;we Guelph ter 4 (t 4(441(4 at ' 7.40 pm,. '1'hi4 i, one 4It the waist interesting trips any n •rennR $.tI'1ner m' tow llNlslall, 4'111 take. tipet•ta1 111 t'ang4'Itle•L(I, ate gqaele 1.y the *t: 11 id' the Agricultural College so that visitors clay wg the tlh 1n.wy points of interest ulmttt. l',•Ilrge and Fill 111 with c fort, and c..reyettteie e. We -1 r \1' • e annual muting of the 1h s Iloruu Farwell' Institute will be he Id in the Orange Hall, Nile. on torpor: - .! 1y:.1une.lath...t 2 o'clock p.ul. • I1 1 N4 mints It:'•d,•1telt 14.e•.idi•nt. .I, .4. %(AI.Iheld', 11hn1ganrloml. Vier- Pre eideut. 4, %t. 1t11, 4 1tnc4,lunonl. See'y. %'.hat shall 1 take to clue a red n01014 ?" .i conflrtued tense asked his doctor. "Take !" exclaimed the doc- tor t "1 •k'• p,tt "dug_ especially be- tween nseale 1" PERSONAL MENTION - (i 4.. trykc lei! on \Vetter..lay fur Vancouver. K.i.••ell Oke -pent part of 141.1 week in London li.iting tucud'. Haug up trout Loudon recruiting recent' frvul a cerecentJIu4s•. i J. \\'. \•swatter and \4..t. MiNuvin loft on TJ. fin '.e.kaluua. Mi Illive Chapman. of WinglIam, visited friends In Lorin last week. '4' MI.. $Uri' ABM ix again in town. 114ynig xr- turne.t noonKruuklht. that. 'hook' Tuuner. of TO* etI1•.nal,.rt•t or ye. !ataxy from a hulk, ay v it (4 New York, 1111+. It. II. Sallow.1)11 her little daughlel have returned hula n visit 4,. Woodstock. r Mass Heaatrlee 1 .arrow, of Toronto. 1, 4.t -ding at. the home pt Mr. and He.. A,t3.lkusible. Mi.. Ethel Farrow ha,. returueer.frum Now York. *Oleic*Oleic.he was kiting. her .i.4.1/.1.. Air.. mew. • In. Herb Smith. of Hutlato. and his mother, Mrs.1smith. of 14owlet vllle. are Ytsttor. at H. J. �!aults• t I'••g•,'( 0 1 n•-•.•:' ' John tit•nnody and feluiq' of 4.uetp4,. \'11111181 UI,, )1.. of \.,,hr, \..i Int (h4. In.K4/ed nl• and 'pent :fw.day wife. air. _.•h o. jaaa ••.I rat'l1, 1 4 uitde•uh I gonur, ly'• .u,ler, Mrs. Harry Alartin.. 011 11a'il'"n.l li. Na.1 •0111)• tUsnit' Walter 11. HA11'i.uu IoM 151;0i ',faxing trip! 111 ,the 1 \I t 11 „at,. IN 1p•tl' Windham 111 h•. auto the last !eve • a). 1111 day•. pmeuul„nit 1•'m) 1.1144.1•311.a• 'a friend who ha- b,• II „e!Wu-l)' ul ul .Iran 1. 1'. +l Ming •! gcan• h�pl nal. - 111 t'e It 4,1.4. t:.w 1 .114,1. x1111 ".vent tet pieta/ rot1.'1 1kn/. 111 Y:uwou1.e1 115:.. 4x-vhlll Norris I4.lk't a 111 11,.• yl111 '4.4"51, 11.1 ' jatr (14emis to town. Mr., datumwentto 144i{ hr was •nut rd i1) 111111 ri11.gt'J o Nl iss .c tool here in h•. younger d►y. and .till has U: :1 rllmtlt.iwas lriatltnh, with the uw town_ �n.4L UI .dI I•:1 h.41 iI' tf:Tl'1,' \l. ICllioll, I Al 1 1(4. John Hite, hlurarlhnr. an - S% ul 1:. .•1•i/h. NI I•n, ; aou4de the rugageuueut u(thrlr daulhte•r, ani 1114110441.411 :(4111 .e•v,•u a ihl)'•'ll .411' i Alaudr lalliau. (.1 N'tlliau, F'ranm IIt.,ulu.tl. of .1 few' • l•ral^• ngt4 . 14%11441),4 (.e,tm, Alta. The *tiding' will take place t',n ".lel hi. fam111v novel 1 1111 their! 3".115 ill JUI)'. John (tea and mit Jonle•- \ o[ W..Iton. left I�rudrucr and tellgiou 'ale about aeeidt•nts, and draw good out of est et y- tlung.' Affliction hakes a wise man • patient, slrot►g and enduring. l'rov4- Lipner, Iike a wise hillier, Irriligei ttx up h. labor, wit and danger ; whereas the ijldulge ee of a fond mother wakes us all weak and rpiritles*. . Qualily Store ;leas! leas [•- Our stock 11f 'Peas is complete. I no sp eeIul blends are very Is'pt- •,Iar, her:allal• they always give eti.rfaclions Try a pound, and I••• • •invinced of their 'npl•riol t y 9ineapplea Pineapples are now plentiful. aria priers are at the lowest. \V4. have !Winn at 2 for' Ws', I:M :4444( '2.4' each. We handle 4'hrist.ie's Biscu4l.. -Ili.•)• are always crisp and fresh, and can be relied on to {live batisGealon. fruits and Vegetables S11'awing ries, '1' .' 111 .1 t o e s, 4'urutula•rs, helots, .lsparagus. rlr. 1I,g111•x1 priCy, (4444.1 for fat In produce. Choice Butter and Fresh Eggs ti. R. LONG PHONE 43 METHODIST DISTRICT MEETING. Business Transactcd at (Annual Gather- ing of Goderich District. The annual alerting of the liodet•ich district of the 'Methodist church W84. held in Se•aforth on'f uesday and \\'ed- nr.day, May 17 and IS. the chairman• Rey. U Koferr, presiding. The min- iete1'I4IVsesenons were held on Tuesday afternoon and evening. Nearly all the Ministers cf the district answered to their Bator*. Two of the veterans. Her. 14. A. Newcombe and Rev, 13. Clement, were prevented from attend- ing on account of physical (1i►*bltIt�, and may be ar4ut4d of the eiucere sympathy of thole' who wove present. The only probationer it. be dealt with vex* J. M. Kev*, who has ljpeu attending college. H4. case was duly consideted, and he Was i.'condnended to (1 c..,ltinued on tl'ial. • l'nder the question. -"What minis - tet. have died during the )'ear'" the. name of the late Rev. licorge Ituggin was referred td. and his character and work were most favorably commented upon. Considerable time time Was occupied in consideiring the question., relating to a review of the stale of the work, and as to how ministers uiigh: incrralk'the efficiency of -their lal'iire. In this con- nection the class meeting came in for a lively discussion and much emphxaie i.�etpow t b4.-grtatt-+a►iwrt.• ••ell e.f reruring the early come:ions accept- ance of Christ by the children. ' The general meeting .paned • on NVedne'selay morning at %.:114.with a pretty full attendance of ministers and laymen. Rev. W. H. Taylor was "elected as secretary and Rev. W. Conway -ex assistant and Rev. W. H. Cooper was appointed statistical secretary. lltev. T. W. Cotten.. and James Beat- tie were appointed to audit the sche- dules, which were read and accepted. The record showed n marked decrease I.•t 4.i mt., 1 h. tows ut,Nrr11 "(4°1'''1'u.•.lay of tba. week for ,. trip to. 4''tuiontUI, •.I t - 111e local lleW.••4N111'1'. be- '4W "1e I Anlerta. by way of rary°. N. II„ Where 1110' „414. 4444).4 Iiigltl4' *4.4 )4Y•4. 41 1 iv..eh.4 will c4.11 ',shal er. ind friend.. We wish them .ant .t sl4'1 4 ..) ed .nit's. 111' w . nn.lu-moo. ane/ r:urre. fl l 1 malt w a• .4.4,• 11, 1)hl.IItt :t 1-1111.I.44rable 4H' e•1tc, 111in;; I,1-. family in very fay. able i.irr11111•1.1 ••.. 11.' 11x. it 114,•11114.• ,.f t he Niro ho.1.1•1 lhut'l'l) 1111,1 liteel a e11nsi.l.•tlt t'III 1st ions life. The decease'1 .. glom. a \ Ili,uu . , Kt Nam a soon ut\ 1 all a pt44.4od L1111e. Mr-.1'xu'ott and daughter►. a1G.ea tloth3 i several of b •shirr', of ',tem rt and 1...„:7,„ d in return I a11d All •. tendo tht. at1 hey . 14. p' f a extended, vi It YheY .ail tunlurruw the, PII•cUlts, owing hu geiv to the ;411;4:41•: t••:e.•he 1 111' 4 i.1b,n uM•.luwnshlp. N 11.) 4411 .,111.144.'.. lit imt at Nevin., N. I1. , Monk. or n 'hoot, Quebec. for Liverpool on 4114 .leaul4r Many 4'441411)Va11 reported, together �Itm pre.. of Britain. with a more cat'etul revision of the Mr 111111 Mrs,. i Ut t Camelot!. l'lintua• (impound, reglatei'. Tire flnlw<iat returns were �e eng.,i:i•menl of their )orog41, .laughter. 1.. Ido Isobel Pearl. to Andrew N eatberwon, Kuoni in good condi* ion: in twat cases o 1441(11....u,, .1 H. NUa111UtW411. 1'11.o1111Urlf. parlicultr'ly on tui+.ion»l'y \\tinep.- Th K tin encouraging advance. " Hw H Special reference was Mader to the un w:•re *ani bele+.vrmsob which raver t0 ttrv. ps .•Illu1 .1. travelling agent for the ',arena- R. Mill''ard and Kee. \V. II. Cooper, tional \ mi•h Company. of Toronto. tie l in the decease of their wirer, and an A Iter a short. illness of ten days, ' limit!. to new to assume hie new duties. num .14 a will take plate June ':Int. 441 F:. 1Yur.e•Il. ..f the. late !inn of ., H. IIA h . who recently -old Ih Ir •' hard - +tea., to Fred. Hunt. ha. at:centre a VV1UIat►1 Muul 4ia*reel array at h4rrrs- Many frit 111. m town and tieistt) will be.Iappi-ol)1'ialr rrrolul'y'n 01 sympathy at 11111 re.l„1 was unanimously passed. Special 1(1,4. un 1'4cta045 Bert on Mridity .un of \v. F.. 4 1 r grants from the 44x4lent funds were last. Deers -ed war i)orn in the toren- t.udrn4 u(t.4. ichc ell ah t K^ti1 recommended to meet fettered and *hip ,ut ('hmgttae•uir.y, Peel count y, mated dna)' 1:uh rum R4. lip \\ at other expenses and to supplement sal- nnLi when hr was ttiitteen years of age 1)1 eng. i mt,ee• knu , I arils of weaker circuits. the fatuity moves) to Mullett. ,His p Mr. an4 'I he report of the district Sabbath fattier died when he was sixteen years itusteeme mad. 1'0 ,tie, r h gaa4 school secretary, Rev. \V: Conway. was presented, from which the follow- ing particulars are taken: Preaching who a.ru.ted his . appi'inttuenta •34, §,unday schools 37, to \orth street officer•sand teachers :14.4,scholars ,'i,13t; • number learning catechism 171: ax a welcome her who have signed the pledge 1,111'1; O this week. amount r•1i1ed for missions $2.15.511, for Sabbath school aid $7!1.78; number who observed /tally Day 24, Decision Day:1, The following - laymen were ap- pointed to attend Conference at ('hat - ham, commencing on June 2nd; Gode- rich, H. E. Hodgens. George Thomson H. Million : Clinton. C. J. Wallies, f). Tiplad and A. T. Cooper; Seaforth, .tames Beattie; Holmeeville, W. H. Lobb ; Blyth. A. B. Carr ; Dun - nim, J, Killougb: Nile, J. DUNtow; burn. O. E. Errant ; Walton. David ; Londesboro', J. Jenkins : Bay - Thomas \Vallis : Varna. %V. L. Alternates - John 1Vilfold, G. Breen, Goderich ; Russel Clinton ; Wm. Hartry. Sea committees as follows . v. H. E. Currie; &itern- Jones ; class leaden. Dougall, G. Jenkins ; Rev. A. E. Jones, hemline that. 1luwaru turn n. uuu,.o(A.•htia•Il1, tun n former (Ababa.. Malt Mei • Collette. 11111 - dlg4ee. a r. uurnln i. 4WUr1. Iglas H. Farrow. of 14.47 announce t enslave hl.•r. Mtxx lime Myrtle, The marriage Will ' e Ilth. The gentle. 'dithered by .towna- of'age• 441111 lite carr of -a family' of eight meta of their only Ant rested w lilt hive a11d Ilia mother. In to it44. o. Jen.. MO wa tak4 place u4. 'lte+dar. the year r' 44 hr wax uhit.rl 411 1,1(411- ',lam rrfer4.d n, will Iw r 11 )ge tt) Mi.s Al4nx .114.444' BP11ne. of people as [/tie evaugell.t ,...derieb 1ownshp, wIn) survives. with brother., in the ,entice• Methewist 'burst' two )roar s uute,hildlru: Mr-. 14rurgr 1Villiamx. A. It. Moron. of Spokane. f I 11"II' K'N L•). G.st•ge ISurlii... :114 r.. Orton wen !teat rice. 1farad :1gne., Margais.1 :rtld drYitotel. non at epukane an h en NIT'.. M:It 11••N 4411111111'• 1 1:1111 1` II4i.ltnl' 1111uwn fur��11 day or \1 1 I h l4 1 M M gaped with 4' 1a tion of bu•inee.• 111 June Weddings Artistic Brass Ware, Sterling Silver, Cut Glass and -High-grade China. We consider Modern Braise Ware ranks high as art, even though it can ie bought at com- paratively little cost., We have .1 ' very chuie•4 collet•tion to (hoot•• trove -Jardinieres, Fern Pots. Vases, I/inner liung4, Curates. Candle sticks, etc. Pierced Silver hes a pe.rlllii41• dignity which readily' disting- uished itfroul any other,quatity. workmanship and finish Il4'iug perfect.. l'*raerolea. Pie Plat..., Fern l'ote. etc. Sterling Silver ...Spoons. Knives mud Forks. _ Cut Glass --Special sale during June. $:,.140 Berry Bowls for .00. $4.741 Berry 11ow1s 3.75. !3itgaw-xmd Creanss at dollar 1e41ucti1lnr, China-1\'hit i• and Gold China. the vel y' newest add. must reel thing in dinner were. We ha4e complete Dinner Seto. 'n• it ..au Ile bought in *mortal'• pl, •'e.. The Colonial Book Store (iEel HGE I'NIt1'EIt, Prof.. I'boue 11114. Goderich. MAPLE LEAF GROCERY • PHONS a*. No,- h� Lor Pines. We have a Lull stock to show you. Quality and prices right. COFFEE Try our 2gc and 4oc Coffee. I t pleases Otho'! . it will please • you. VEGETABLES AND FRUITS A full supple alf_fresh Vegetables ;i nd I 1 11,1 for, Saturday. ;! NAMII.TON Sr. Choice Butter and Fresh Eggs. We are introducing ie new system of keeping our. account-, ▪ therefore all accounts will toe 444.111 mut an41 the balances carried into our new register- -\Ve believe .LII our cus4„wrls will appreciate this move and t ! ust that IL 1t ill p„.1 a sal iatd:tury to x11. • 1'be l'arpentet-3lortu1 a u.. Boston. Mass., Weer the first paint concern to offer varnish stains to housekeepers. 4's,iip1Wll s Vat nirh Stain is' the or- K -testae 1,tae r It1R'i mut Hr rtwud 111 "1 1 satisfactory t • 4.s recognized •4,s the most article of the kind upon the market. Howell Hardware Coo.. Limited. carry a complete stock: Color card for the asking. wen attend- InK a ewly 1 al \4.w I:ertl•IUI•' liulh, tilt tesi.Ittlt.• of town.; Orleans in the Ude t-, u( hi. nn . to Another 'laughter. (*aerie .1., diel 411 north to.pen4 a.hort time with rola 4.46 and Itltltilr4 , .11N„if right yeatrs 'ago Mr. friend, iu 1 Mlario before retnrnlnlr to... aur. Monk r.•ne,4 ret from/ it tl let 4 tea fartll kub. as fir i. 1:. n•ilixrly known in h 1w)'• .1 hood home. renewed tunny l.lrt acyuefu neo. .111 tTi•' Item-e1I1 I'.Nllt1'n- tf11(1.'rit+'tow'n• In t0wrr. writ Mx -friend+ r41rrei lest -.hip 4(4141 41(1••1 li'ing there for 4141• here wasneedwarflv.obrief. ' . 1.';ii's the 1x11,114. 111.11 ell to 11111'1. "Phe A Church Bell in the :City. tutee' al took 1.1+111• Monday tafte'111ttt1 • , 1., I'1oil og 1.011411.1.1. Hee.. 1t. W. Cal11agg to prayer meeting Wednesday might. 11 illy:11'r4 lolld111t,•.l lite xert'h'l'. 111',1 4,Id4enly over the rattle and CIAng r• Of .U -earn and traffic and toil and hlight., 111.' pa 111M :(41Y', were-/:ein ge N nllimu4 The silvery peat of a church' hell rang. Matthew Sproule, \Vim Sinned.. and Reit Potts. Mr. 41osk was a marl of I $ oMlnw4 mullItll a ift lifted their head : kindly. 11isrosit ion and':t gird neigh- Oxy and gaudy in illey and +(4.414. hut'. in IY'ligi.i4) he 44: ,. n Mei Waist I And bleared eye.. leering, mole blue eyes meet :11114111 1sIli( les he N'a, . lifelong rim- 1 ISnh1oe' soiree somelt thinthe g old and! lou ng .11.4.11144).. 'l'htwugli 111. 41,1u711,ts of '4'114 !digital .MI's. Monk desires (11 1!X- vldo,,. to Babylon cane of light pi, 10.1 'i 111 011• *kink, to her neigh- In the church ball music of Wednesday night.' Algid dream. rose oven the 1b nam', roar INa1, 14,1- lh hell" k1n4(111•.. 411111 sympathy luring the xickness and the sutwe-. 1144',1 tie•nlh 1)f her I4at. hn h:u1d. New PALI.Il Yard \\'e beg to l►nnuunre to the ' 1. 11)444'111x4 -wi' Mayr .)pelted np a cal yard nt•r•j.41 fmnl the G. T It. 4)41116, '4.44(1 take *1144 uig44r- tuhity 0t anlleittng a share ,if v11114' (h (her -Co -el patronage. ante's' to 1 e �'1 the very beet gttollty-Red will he sn!tl at the lolve.t price con• ,istent with great serv4','. . II ' 11 II Terms Cash 'Phone No.44 (ioderich Coal Co. 11 L1'..1 \1'.4:0;in, '1nn11get -44 Sullivan. , Of thecity streets of a vinecla•► door in 4U11111141 valleys of long ago With a church Hell's beautiful Tremolo. l'. J. Wallis; cont gent. Rev. W. J. Tradesmen, bankers bare armed toil A Bo flet&, Keys. Blyth t. Naomi) forth. l!onferen Stationing. ' ate, Rev. A. ' etc., Rev. Dr. Epworth Leagn Hom4turd bosom Item the long day. melt Jolliffe, George Thomson ; sustenation, ' ; It i- U it h nu .fight Ur rge' td regret Rev. T. W. (Jo*ens,James Beattie Paused • moment to cateh.the .(4011 temperance, Rev. William Baugh, A. Lao I .'hronJ.'1• the dentist' of a vel' ,N farttt1 hung. hl the evening bell, y 4.algng 1hra1, ratting thein. down dowli, down, 11• Carr : memorial, Kruk K. Mi /yard, •...te th)"t4' 111(1411 in 1111• perailu of Ni lea. To still .w'te( VbNAH 0( CII IId I,uod IOwn. A. 'r. Cooper : Sabbath . observance, .1..[111 1nlliv.t.1i, 1,t Kingsbridge, who Hen of the bh!s.4d and .w•4et retmhl, Rev. T. J. Snowden, )V H. Cobb; J. I:u ted flit` 11fe utr- M'tliday, May yoursyr church property. lieu. W. H. Cooper, I res weer trek ill 1 11 again o t e• c e.an r lite e4. •4•x1.4 f 4 moment, a!Id r ly-tilt K re110 IN• e4 14 t , ofthe 'work. I::tln. 111 Nta P ••F ►4{{ K IMI 1118', w } •w in.t1Y14. pre 11)44.. Tile di•cewt•11 lie 4, 411'),'4 t•xllry. (Il* trot l -trite. J H. we, well .known . thlout/hoot the ,With 41'.41 sunuuenand drealo, 01 41441, if. D. Tyler, U. T4plady; noutilfat4ng .Spread o'er the hills like a magic *nor committee, Rev. J. Greene, Thomas Wallis; educational, Rev. W. H. Tay- lor, David Boyd ; Sabbath school, May. W. Conway, I1. E. Hodgen*. i(esolution..-l-Th:lt this annual district meeting hereby expresses its approval of the proposed union of the Presbyterian, Methodist and Congre- gational churches. While open ex- amination of the proposed basis of union we find absent certain features dear to Methodiste..yet we t•ecognize that in such a proposed union the rinci le of cum minute must operate. e t 1111 t ere s 00 ' no un pressure or haste, that there should be ample time for the question to ripen in the minds of the people, and thus orchurches that ' not alienate persons otherwise might he retained for the new church. 2 -That this district meeting de- sires to express malt strongly our re- gret that the Miller bill recently intro- duced into cul' Federal Parliament for ;be enppression of gambling in, connection w ith rave meets did not become law, especially in view of the incresae of the practice in our land. And we consider the action of the Ministea of Justice, in opposing the hill AR strongly as he did, also his act in securing the pardon of King and Skill, who had been incarcerated for the sale of immoral literature. worthy of special condemnation. + 3 -That we feel it to he our duty 1,0 place upon record nur deep sympathy with the temperance movement as enetneeted teperially with the 'local option bylaw. We recognize with gratitude the progress which is being made along.this Zine, nur own district sharing largely in its benefiLe. and we would earnestly urge upon all, our people to fall in line with the move- , I mens and he ready to act promptly in the Matter, to do all in their power to secure the closing of the Mars of olir 'r•oTmhy. it wee decided to held the twit an- nnel11istriet meeting in North street chinch, (i1)11erich. In 'losing a motion' As passed ex• preemie. ,,l thinks to the Sexforth friends for 'their hospitality in enter taining the delegates. t ►wnship Id Ashttel1, :tool no lens re- spect/41 Icy all fret' Juno:tint:(4mee t. for her unaasutiiiltg, 1s•n••vol.•nt disptai- 1ion :11111 ninny genl•,.,us (Lets. Iter maiden name Ad, Jo.uln:1 1Mslt1Ond, 4 owing t1ilh her parent' to this ... not1y front 1(4.1ane1 in 1'►19, she mar- ried in 7..1 the het.' Ittntente'l .1111111 Sul. 144.:04, who died in \la), (1*47, leaving ..,is sorts :11111 1N -o drtngh4er14. Tire Loo .4111•.1. 444111 ,4411 NIi11us'I, ha vi• mince .h•p.otea. The 1'141.14144 were very 4p - ,..1e'1 :.11.1 this Ile/wit 111 14.x1)4 degree 11i: I., 1.,T.•it theta /tear' 111 -I's ilia frrr- it. ,; 4. .11 -. .111 hough f4.eh14 ter 1 lieu she 11414 elw'ay x (.right and cheer- ful. laird keiA to her bell only since the first day of Nifty. She Was l'IIIlxelons t.. 1 he 1: _ 'and realiRi?Ig 1 vafti wiis appii...•14i, N'trl ls•t'fect1)' resigned. 1rr4 tog .•1.1111.01:11 '1) x 0f holy re- ligion urian het' 11:1741111'. 'ley. M. Mc- ( 'ormiek. c-('ormiek. 1141 -.on 1'111 rick and daughters Nit' Morgan It:dlon x1111 Mrs, NI- 154:1,11111.11' Int Wile „e ho111e she •lled1 Well. Wait Trey i.n-lier-bi•l 111on1- en1., 11. weer)' /11 Mrs. Ellen Don- tielly'.:t sister, of 11 ena'1 township, and ,lere„Iirth Ih•sn1 ul, n brother, of \\'uwvulosh, Daniel .1., and wife, of Itenver. Cols. also n. 1^ . of the sante city, we•1, here fns the• Just that to prayer Illee4iog Wednesday night The silvery /real of a church b.•I* rang, ,t The thought. of • 4.) x11,41. 11n n,4hl Iter the roar and rattle 411.1 throb 8114 Clang ! Baltimore nun. •soh :\n- dh.•4. son, .lorry, living i N44nn, trot., o 1.411114 ',1)t. 1111.04114 at •ml. 1911 f •1111 took plats on the. 1141.1i inst. and was largely altend,al 'shy .kind neigT4Tsa1•s aria trielT(t4. 9'w hlIty-nix ` gtnmlrhibhl•11 4 i4W,11 the 4.1 ',Vitra, 1,1111 14.11 tie .heN x m141 1111•111t11111•111t1411 ft ill 11141111114' 1111,11 WI•1'1' prr,••nt, fres' I 4;t:11)'1,•111k1t1•ti x114',11.91 141'v. Fat el.. 11.•1'ornri,kliat)•is4 um,- '4f twluienl 1 .john 1'. Mn111va'ft:",lnhm S. 11x11.(11 111 .1o.'•l ' "SUM Vnet White Addie Martin •nde1•'-.1 11 Igdo very 'triple ably, '.Take 41.', •,y Jeans, 4,4 "41enven.': i1e• IiaTlFivii'v1•s we're r1.Pgn1r tlnitnn, 410.1114.4.1 I t'1'omna, h, Nt. O'Heilly, 14,4,4 thrrTAfters etf tine 411N•4,asa•,1. 1). .1., 11. h. 111111 fatt'4ek. Not4'eahle nn 1111 cn.I141 V/ as a magtlitleent N te:lt11 Rost', \I. 11, 1'ame411u. K.' 1', 4411 esteemed/ friend 4.11 do -reams' : also a toenailiful Ilan •'an'1 .heal of 44ht4:lt• with ••\lot her- 4nxrri1..41 on 41111(1, 11'0111 her :on. of le -m.4 the sheaf '.ighifving: tips• old age. the flowers imussnee, 11u1ity :11111 love, v(•ry nppropl4nte for one who through the many trials and 1lanis1114►+ of her long life hell t hew'• riN!Irs 11P01111111,4 In Iter 111 sits 'I'h1' sin4•0w' ''''ls''h` •if the 111111, 1'1/111 111 'iv 114 4.17.44011,11 (0 34011 mem(1.1' of the fani7y of till' departed in The Church Bell in the Country. Now. John. do hurry up your chore.. There gee, the meet In bell ; I'm 'frnld were tale. but I'm Most drexl. 111 get you ready to a spell. I ([111•.4 you needn't'h1uge' your shirt. You put teat. on clean today /l Vet ona u' Aurae M. y s ixief nue F'or yours 4s mew mown kap'• H's restfi4-like to .Melt the hay Marne through the open door lbklnd o' drowns the smell o' 115)14.11 Them death girl. al wafs wore. 1 often think o' city folk. 1'd 1!k. to hear ,lion[ tell If they share our pexreful fe'elin; When they hear the meet In bell. The city's ..ol.y tlhn and -lata KncKneltruhelle.een„ l0 hring : I Mink i1 4404.4 he 1,11,1 to hear when the bell, begin to tine. We have no bleary eye. Isere:John, T•, leer Al all they meet : We're.iu.t our young folks neat and triol And nought hut. what. is sweet. 1 Always like to he the la -a To (tart out U1 the meet In' • 1 1li•. e to watch the young folks pa. And get their Quirt greet In'. As I .aid. it'. nie. to go, John ; 1t rests one fora .pelt. 1 ela.iys feel .11 peaceful like When 1 hear the gleet In' hell. M,-. J..1.. \',.111. t:,xlr,,cln. Our Specialty \Ve make a specialty rings - of two The Diamond Solitaire Engagement Ring AND The Plain Gold Wedding Ring The former binds the bargain and the latter tips the knot. If you have the girl. we have the ring. Walter t1. Harrison .1,•44.1.11'•! and Optician. on the Square. Goderich. MORRISH & MCCLINTON Massey=tlarr1s Agency A full lie!e of Farm Machinery Binders. Mowers. Hakes. Hay Loaders, Manure S'tread els, Cream Separator"., etc., Gray and Mount Forest Buggies. \1 e have also the Standard Wire Fence Company;s G'o o d s -and the Brantford Wind Mills. ' Agency for the - \las(ln & Risch Piano. 44 /'all mut sere tee before purchase lly All% thing in my loos.. Robert Wilson HAMILTON ST., GODERiCH 1e Choice Groceries S1•:ASI AISLE pedal nlways 41) Is had - tre•h, lean a n d pure, if you are not al: early' acquainted milli the merit* of Stu.-dy'e Groceries. try- a /ample order. It *111 convince 4.1.1. Sturdy & Co. 1 , 1,1. 1.1 On the Square. rr 41 4A& 91 MORE NEW sUMMMER MILLINERY 1111 1 RID hot eatefnl for what may be a hundred }'ears heifer•. H4 who gov- erned the world before 1 *RR born ,hall take ••Rte of it likewise. when�t� i 1�� am deed. My part to to improve the ZHL RlarHr.14GN.1 0. Il4?YL),. �t�nexuses present rent*. -John Wesley. 11 A shipment of very stylish new Hats arrived. Tuesday of this week. Late styles for summer wear,' in black, white and- cream braids and straws. Not a great many.and no two alike. Hats that will'appeal to you if you want something just a little bit uncommon, but not extreme. Worth your While td see them if you still have a Summer Hat to buy. hose 22c Dress Goods We certainly had a rush ,for those Dress Goods at 22c last Saturday and Monday. There were nearly eighteen hundred yards when we started the selling. The quantity earl 4 be sold in a day or two, so there is atilt a good assortment t0 select from. They are good for summer dresses, summer skirts or children's dress 1tirts. Regular values Sac to 50e. at leant. 'Macke, browns, greens, blues, gra 's and shepherd c•heeke. Worth buying: now en if you do not make them up until fall. While ,hey last our p 'ce is, per yard, only 2c -- Handkerchiefs Ladies' linen hemstitched Handkdrehlef*, narrow hems, extra fine quality ; regular`.2 Ific to 211c, decidedly special at two tor Wide Shantung Silk, 69c Natural Shantung Milkv are more popular than ever this Reason. We have a epeeist' ahipryent to sell at this price. Extra wide, . heavy enough for coats, rough finish. a splendid wearer: really wot•th more o money, special, at, per yard ..,,• Ask NDpular'priced Nose We have the best values 4n ladies' and children's Hose at lac a pair that have ever been on our counters. There are liete thread or flne (ler- ',tan Cotton Hose, in tans. hl eek4, white and colors Cotton Hose with wool feet. Cotton Bose with balbriggan feet, gills fine -ribbed lisle 11. thread Hone, seamless ; and boys' extra strong ribbed Cotton Hose ; all sites, all at one price, per 25c pair. ' The Glove Clearance We are making a clean sweet) of the silk and lisle thread' (doves. There are over one hundred and fifty pairs of alk: and 00e qualities selling at Tic a pair. Blacks, creams and colors; jersey wrist at. dome fasteners. Choice of the 33c lot, per pair ...... ens oiaEC 4MPORTtR OODi*ICM.