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News of the District.
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Mosnay. May :30tH.
Br:t.r'•tNT BRten+.—W• ti. McOradie
IY visiting relatives and friends at Miry Nile
"awl G,ab•rich this week .. .
Sherwood is spending nten.
'lavaae with
yrla0a',•s at Dung
re,niley hes returned from Wing-
hanl ,Mr. and Mrs. Adam John•
sun, of i ticknow• stent Sunday with
the laulyn parents.. Miss Florrncr \Vals,n, of hoderieh, lurid a fiyi ig
;t,derich, who has tre'tl►virit' visit to a few I.1' their friends here uu
Sunday II.•clor MacLean has dis-
posed of hie handiowe driver to
onald MecLeeo, of Lothian. \\'e
understand tlectott intends going
\Vest,..... 'FI alar Sandy has coin•
pleted the 'hinter un Boyds' • bill,
which makes a marked ituprul•e-
went on that part of the road.
The eeeraiii nt of the Lord's
Supper will --Ir dispensed in Ashfield
Presbyterian church Sunday morning,
June 10. The society from Pine River
church is expected w tale charge of
the meeting of the Guild tuwurrow
MuNo.ty, May :111th.
LAURII'.K Lta ,tLs,-.-Mer, D. Boyd,
of (ioderich, visited at the home 01
her won Charlie a few days last week.
..hisser Jennie MacKay and Mar-
garet McDonard visited in-Strathvrala
on Fridey Mr. Van Loon, of
Ohio, herd services in the (have' Hall
revered nights last week Utes. Fin-
lay MaCLeuuau, Miss 'Tena and Mr.
Altus, I"
Jag her grwnuaother hete, has re
turned to the circular town
• and Misses •Haines, of Fordvse, mete
war on
It.t w of \I1•t.. j l)1. Volker, of rGmrie,
last week..
• iisp''uding a fortnight with his sister,
Mrs. W. .Crosby....... J. and Slue
• l' k :and Master John were with
Luo.know it•iend r liundwy.
TuespaY, Map•31st.
t Ji,rrlNaix;—Mr. end Mrs. A. Kirk -
laud end daughter, Mho. Letitia. of
' etetwater, spent Sunday with friends
in this va(•inity Mr. and Mrs.
Duncan Tavior, of Brune -Is. visited atf
11 w• McAllister's last week There
wxshgt a very large attendance at the
Farmers Club tneetinft hest, Thursday
- ea'enirog. \'ice-preaident.\Van. Thomp-
son occupied the chair, while speechless
songs and !titmice! selections were
given by different methhrr•s of the
club. A very profitable and enjoyable
evening was spent . The renieiva
id l 1
of the late Mrs. M. Corrigan,
nuto;formerly of Lueknowa were in-
terrai-in the Oathnlb cemetery here
last Friday afternoon."
• MONDAY. May : lith.
Nla, • of vita W KKK.- Mr. and MI11.
tieerge Naylor, of Fordyce. spent the
.24th with Mr. and Mrs. wm. Burkitt,
Ernest Ackert delivered • 'sr -
load of fat cattle test week to Lucknow
for L. Watson, Blyth.... Mr. and
Mrs. Freeman, of Lucknow, spent Sun-
day at Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Ackert's.. .
Mi. and Mrs. Cerson and farnily spent
, e taw days last week visiting the
lads's patents, Mr.
in Mrs. Shelton.
near Hervir
Kincardine. spent a few dale with her
graroIpnimnts. Mr. and Mrs. Pierce, of
tbu- place.
\TusaDAY. May :II .1..
(Dwight Fisher spent the week -end
t- in 1. ndon.
Win. Kehl and sort. John, spent the
holiday- with friends in Be, lilt.
Miss Ida 1)iusdAle, of London, *petit
a fro days with friends last week.
Mr. and Mr*, Thos. Mc('lymont
were renewing acquaintance* here
laser wrrT TOhn Mc( ty itlnet. nt
t.,rh. also was w visitor last week and
thus seri: altar.
W. W. Cooper. a graduate of the O
A '('., is baring w plan made for the
drainage of his fern by an. U. A. U.
reeresent,tt.ive who gave a very in•
t t 1 nionetralien of .uch wutk
- TnandAY, May 31st. TuxKUAv. May 31st.
1)uNLOP 1)4)1N448.—Iawt week 0m HAYeiet.o BireezKs.--The benefi-
was enlivened by a visit trona fill weather of for 24th hrdught u
a u•avelliug lecturer, a certain Pro- large weathenumber
of 1,l( 21th-srekets to
in the. schoordsnn, who gave x lecture the lake. moat of whom bring armed
in ler school boy* T un phrenology wind with rod and line spent their time un
ulhet subjects. Though the evening the ierr luring the unwary perch ,
WAS flue there waw not. much of a trod their happy teatime. Others,
turnout, probably to hong to the tact taking advantage of the quiet condi-
that there chi too short notice given. tion of the river and Lake, took to the
'1'ha sm hunt children were in great ell- tow boats, while the Paatiwe Club of
dance, and Bowe of the young tarn Clinton wound tap the day with a
evening's awubeulent seemed to be dance in the Grove
1 relA. atives Is hrr Campbell. ,firs. t:rawfuri and, Summer Tourist
is taken by people in tropi-
cal countries all the year
round. It stops wasting and
keeps up the strength and
vitality in summer as well
as winter.
and girls, but the chief feature of the
yr pavilion Miro.
of 'Toronto, is visiting
ridingup and down the track on the .
hend-c.ar et intervals. when the Pru- Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Sterling; of Pick.
lesser got too deep for them. How- fort Mich., are visiting at the home
ever, they got their money's worth, (,f their• parare
Mr. emd Mrr. \Vm.
as the adwiusiun fee was only only reit hurling Misr Nrilitl-Biggart left
(writs for adults and Nva cent~ for hart week tor 1't.rontu Miss
ingatru qua William° it °pend- Mamie \lcIougal, of Stratford Nor-
ing a few days in town this week. wxl, °pent the holidays at her b
visiting friend. and relatives there-- • here Alias Christine' her b Monteith!
Mrs. D. in -the
also in apendtown a who had laee•n spending a few weeks
fries days in -the who is town wuh relatives in Stratford, returned
Jlias ,Rath a3H>tiw, who is teaching at "last µ,eek.
Porter's Hill. spent a few days al homy
last week.
MONDAY, May 30th.
NOTICM.—Samuel Ynuog and fetidly
(peri Sunday with the formel's par -
tone. Mr. and Mn-- H. Young
Harald Arlin and Frank Chamlwrs
stent Sunday on the Maitland
Wtu. Sir reughan bias mutated to erect
a cement bile Mins Griffith, • of
home of F.
Laminas in six .0 at the h a
Kur.chine i' \Ye ate pleased to
note that MIYN Ella Kurschin°ki is con-
vafescing nicely, although it may he
w week or More before she can leave
her room. •
C,utt.uw, May Iltth.
Slettl'IAL Mss:TINu ne •Coe:sem—A
special Ineetiutg ut Colborne council
was held for the pierpore of discussing
the West Shore itatlway bylaw and
the municipal telephone system. All
the uaen11wis in•eeent. Reeve in the
chair. Mr. Forster appeared with the
petition, agreement ,end bylaw for the
municipal _ telephone eyrtein. Mr.
Porter and °there were heard •in con-
nection with . the Godericb.' rural
Ny..tetn. It was moved hy Councillor
Wilson. ' seconded by Councillor
Young. Diet the petition presented ...ay
Mr. Forster be granted -With theexcep-
tion of Clause 2. Carried. The by-
law wale then taken up and it was
Inoved by • C'I,uncitior Wilson. sec -
led by C , illor Young, that the
hylaw to esuileirh the municipal tele-
phone system ter, read n se eon '-tine-
and a third time at next meeting if
satisfactory to a solicitor. Carried.
Moved by 1',,uncillor Young. seconded
by ('.0 cillo.- Wilrnts that the bylaw
submitted by i he \Ve-t Shore Railway
Ce. granting the right-of-way on the
public Inglis/ay isr' Ounlop he not
ills( Young
wait twist:mo d to irret the location Of
poles thrnntrh,n the townabip. F.
W. ,Moi)u\ tett l'lerk.• -
ftpiiuIc.tvi, May 2tith.
Ntn•r:x.—We are pleased to hear
-that David Chanlney it improving.
. The. Donnybrook end Auburn
Epworth Leagues intend paying the
i%estleld League a visit on June
10th Misr May Beadle,.ef Auburn,
is visiting her aunt, Mrs. Tune Robin -
ion., The
.mL, of the lith concession
Donnybrook Sunday school and Ep-
teut h League intend holding a picnic
in tiro. 'Wallace's grove in the near
Treenail'. May 31st.
r1 r+ Inl(a r
to an appu.ciative audience of farm- Mis. Thompson, Id the Myth 'public
tri• on Hi. (;huprr'r farm one after- scho•.I staff. visited Miss Mabel hrratt
nolle recently. Satnaday acid nnnday•
The coot rt -leen by the Southland
Serened.•r. 'ANL Saturday evening oat
SATURDAY, May :Nth. well att.u.ted. A carrtully nriected
braes las At.N.—'Phe shown P• 1.1 pingraln was excellently rendered and
lade have given Mother Earth an en- Ihtr-e pt•e.ent enjoyed- a rate leaf
tjrrly hew, appearance. Everything Leat, -
is spirini(ing up rapjdly, in home Rev. 1 E. Tunes and family left
pluses for stain ha; aln usi covrr,d •.•sirtday for Chatham, where the
U,r 1.'d" 1 • Mi" h' tta 1 •ledldnn Cent. inner uarrts this yuan
peat 'm, ..f R.pl•s, is at ple.rttt visit• ta.vnlg to the .shames id the parlor,
i• g t1 lend. at Irene-. Mab-kiug end,' t; orge Curt y. of Nile. will preach iu
U r, e: •..... Mi. 5u.d",s4•1n. ytu•' lu.. Mrdratt -t church next Sunday
n,re tai i's tatter. seri r the trlrst"r rt,.r,lind.
put , I' the weer at t u.,s+ \Ls, 1 6 armee PARTY.—'t'hedate of thear-
t.ni.r, nr, of l_oit•1, Als(•nn», rrUuriad aival gulden pay-ty of the Methodists of
hair, 11 Mnhdey Its' after nt:rfJiu:; ¶ tape Ammo0 cu cult hes been fixed. It
the 1unrral of her mo,hrl. uh.talr; will be held n the pat manage lawn 011
)lis. 1. l'. Hwl.twfn A1•ldirw u1 f the evening .,f Wednesday. June lith. t
r:n h '1111.u; +ui•forhm• of hadng a I Tee tvi11 perp w•n•rd, beginning at 1
,1ltlnbP r
le I No veal,• dd cnlr nue i u. eI's a, an 1 t e tinder left braes band
d it I on week Mr*. \\'. la. K rel. I will b • in attendance to furnish the
who ha+ of late been under the carr .11
.i. for Ibm evening. An admission
(lectors in the general h repit{I, Tor• 1 fee of 25 cru.t Inc adults and 15 cents
oMn, returned borne on M"Mlay Inst. I for childneta a ill he charged. '
\1'r hope that she will sale tie former I N.witRu IN A RUNAWAY.—Ernest
he again restored to her former ,
i{„pert•on. rpt Chu Walkerton Y. \(. C.
hrnitb. t,•, is .pending a few days under
Cor parental pouf. \Ve regret to rr-
.MAFEKINO, f.,,t that whits be and a Icer of Y.
COUNCIL Mee -runt. —The township
council eget today as a, court of re-
vision and appeal : members all pres-
ent. The following appeals were
brought up for consideration : Hy.
Deacon complained that he was too
highly"aasessed on his properties, S.
half lot aft, concession 10, and N. half
of W. half lot 30, concession 11, in
pprOp,trtion to other propel ties in that
locality ; esaetwmrnt reduced $:,0 on
building. Mrs. 1.eisbuotn, W. part
Int :i:i, concession 11, Gro highly as-
sessed ; aaaenament reduced $511 oh
buildings. David S. Scott, N. half lot
34, ,n eland. Assessment
n 7, ss educed too highly
$1(i .
The North Huron Telephone Co. and.
the (i. N. W. Telegraph Co. also
appealed, exemption f aeseeument
being asked in troth canes. The
appeal of the North:Hirton 'Telephone
Co. was granted and' this aeresament
nr ered to be remoireai fano, the roll,
while that of the N. W. Telegraph
Cn. was laid over till next sitting of
court. Tbe following names were
added to the roll : Elezeor and Geo.
H. Orvis added as T. and T. JI. F. re-
spectively, lot :as cunceasi'an 14
Allan Fralick. tgent,-1,rt :ti, conces-
sion 11: Chas. Keating, T. M. F , `lo:
30, concession 5: John Nixon. T. M.
F.. lot 39, cbncession 13; %Vie. J.
Elliott, M. F., F. K.. lot 41. concesei(n
12; Jno: Burchill, M. FF. Si.. lot30,
roncasrion 13: Ernest HickingtoUaam,
M. F., F. S., lot ?+, concession 3. On
application dogs owned by the follow-
ing persons were nirurk off the roll:
J. \Vood', (iris. Gunn, E. Dexter. bias.
McGowan. (3m". T. Robertson, Wm. J.
Rodger, Wan. Kotheigill and Rota.
Johnson. The court was then closed
for the present, to he reopened again
and 'finally dispnued of on Momdsy'.
.lune YJlth next. Council renewal end
ordinary business proceeded with.
Minutes of last meeting read and con-
tinued. Tenders for the construction
of McI,ean's bridge, coneession R, were
received from Messrs. John Gaffney,
of Kennicott; Wm. Love, Marnoch
Robb. Vint, Blyth, and Oen. Taylor.
Belgrave. The tender of Mr. -'Taylor
at $stet, being the lowest, wan ac-
cepted. H. B. E'hutt and H. B. Mc-
Gowan waited on the council and
waked for grants of tuuney in aid of
Winghaut and Myth fall fairs respec-
• 'o was taken in
No actinn Lively.
ease. Application of Robert H.
Thompson for the position of tax col-
lector for 1910 received and ordered
to he tiled. On motion of Councillors
Chamney and Burchill, the peeve and
Councillrirs l'amiphrll and Scott were
instructed to view what is known.as
Quinn's bridge, concessions "l and '3,
and take whatever action may be
deemed necessary in repeit'ing or the
nf-w'-asew bridge _►t that c:
tinder ptare this coming season.
Complaint having here made of fail-
ure of some of the residents of this
township in not complying with the
provisions of bylaw re muzzling of
dogs running at large, it was moved
by Councillor Scott, seconded by
Councillor Chaniney, t hat Alex: Scott,
concession 7, he appointed a 0E1.641 of-
ficer to enforce the carr)ingout of said
bylaw. Carrjr rented endllowing ac -
ordered to
count• were pars
be paid : Win. Wightman, salary as
assessor, 1910, $(ti; F. G. Todd. St.
Helens. plank and delivering same et
river bridge. r.•ncess' 9, $11.311;
Duncan McCallum, putting in tile
crossing, lot 30, concessions 14 and 9, $5 ;
Dr. Hamilton, services as medical
Wing -
health officer, >l;:i ; M R
ham, copying *peeificn.tions for Mc -
Leans bridge. apd material, $1.75; P.
W. Scott, freight and telephone
chanteys $1.50; Lawrence Peeren. till•
ing washout. :fit, concession 4, $4.
The council then adjourned to meet.
attain on Monday, June 211th, at. 10
n clock a- m. ALEX. PORTERVIKLD,
\IoND.tY; May :30th.
and Reheat Tucker. lath of the Normal
School, Stratford, -spent the holidays
last week at the parental home of the
former Don Fittiayson. of the G.
C. 1.. has returned to Goderieh after
spending Victo, is Day at his home in
Lochalsh .......Misr Tena McLennan
of Gaxlrricb, end A.
J. \Vutron. of
Toronto, were visiting frietide here at
the end of last week..... D. A. \latbe-
son spent Victoria Day in tiodericb.
tier. Cliirk, of lirucefield, has
been conducting per s ices in the Free
Preabytertan church tear the last few
Sundays .. . The M1 -see Pearl and
Violet (luaus, 01 Hervte. and Miss
Johnstone, af Ripley. are n1 present
visiting at the home o1 the furtuer's
sister, Mrs. Thos. seemly .: ...A num-
ber from this quarter attended the
Point Clark pie nic last Tuesday, at
which a fairly large crowd wile
few athletic events came
Alex. Hamilton, of Hem -
k ahnost all the honors,
rize in all the cowpeti-
he took part. During
junior brass hand of
Mated overt music to
towd. By the way. a
MONDAY. May :Ntth. M. C. R. friends were out drry n
Vii•toria Day the team took fright.
\nTttt+Miss L. Alton, Of Lanes.a, As Mr. Robertson was doing the. driv-
is;raying• with Mn. Anson I?inlay t ing he was thrown out and besides
present Miss Hazel Henry visited' having loth wrists sprained he wan
friends et Crewe ower Sunday t pretty badly shaken up.
`ant: Kilpatrick visited Ripley h iends I • JC Irll KV SKRvtI ria.—The congrega
tion of Knox church. Auburn, have
her held at on Sundayr their s, J nubilee eervicee to
1'lth and
19th. lin the morning of June 12th,
at 111:30 o'clock, there will be an old;
time service, conducted by Rev.
Stephen Young, of Clifford. The ser -
last week Jas. Saunders has ley
h,nt.r moved now to the new location.
Hr will have things much more con-
venient when the alterations are 60-
ibhed. John Gaulry is helping him at
present Mrs. N. Shackleton vis-
ited6riends in London over Victoria
Der Fred. Court visited- friends
in Lucknow last week. .Most or f1 vice in the evening commences at
the contig people of this ileinity spent 7 o'clock, and will he in charge of
Victoria Day fishing in the river here, Rev. Alex. M•eMillan, M. A., (if Mim-
i/1111P ;mete went to the lake and icor On Sunday. June 10th, there
(Owl • took in the tea -meeting at Nile. will be a communion service at 10::311
a. m, and Rev. J. L. Small, of Blyth.
will preach. At 7 p. tn. a Sunday
school service will 1* held and short
addresses will he given by Rev. J. L.
Small and Rev. W. Peary, H. A., of
Londeaboro'. Tbe preparatory ser-
vice for the communion will he held
on Thursday, June 18th. at 10::311 a. m.
Rev. Stephen Young. of Clifford, is
to preach. A social and entertain-
ment is being planned for Monday
evening, June 13th. The lames of the
congregation will nerve a supper, with
ice cream, and the program will con•
slat of music by the choir, selection"
by a duet, a quartette and several
reading,. also addreweee hy Rev. F'. H
Larkin, H. A.. of Seaforth, Rev.
Young and Rev. A. MacMillan. The
admission fee will he 25 cents for
adults and 15 cents for children.
off, ie whit
lock City,
whining first
tions in whit
the evening t
Lucknow disc
the assembled
few young couples were observed by a
re to traveller walking along the
solitary brach, from one to two miles
north of the lighthouse. It should be
remembered by some that to lie seen
at that distance on a lou,ely and se-
cluded shore excites public criticism
and suspicion, and.that It its never safe *cony Staterooms, Marcnn, Te'Irara `h.
to disrm Jud the, conventimlalitiea. ^F^^ Thermo -tank Ventdat,on.
\Vm. Bugler has erected an elegant
new fence in front of his throperty and Next sailing from Montreal, Royal
is also having his humcompleted Edward. May
which wee built last year. All these For, rates.. reservati bl. etc. apply
improvements witi gtatly enhance to Local Ticket. •Ag
the appearance of his wndsome new Bourlier, General Agent. Toronto..
At Low Rates
June 1st to September 30th 1
Portland and Astoria, Ore.. Seattle,
Tacoma. Everett and Bellingham,
Wash., Vieturie, Vancouver and New
Weatmin.ter. B. C., San Frencisco,
Los Angeles and San Diego, Cal.
Return Limit Oct.31st,1910
via Chicago. Slay 31st and June 14th.
Via Sarnia and Northern Nairigat ion
Company: steamer leaver Sarnia 3::1)
p.m., May 30th and June 13th.
8ecurii tickets and fell information
Town Agent. Office hours 8.311 a. nu.
• to 11 P. 111.
Or address J. D. McDONALD, D. P.
A., G. T. R.. Toronto
St, Lawrence -Bristol
Route to
is by the "Royal" steamers of the
Canadian -Not thorn Steamships,
L' 'teal.
Royal Edward
Royal George
young (nen residing on he 12th con-
cession were walking hi IIP late one
dark night recently. after 'tying spent
,t pleasant evening towel r. While,
as usual, in the midst of an animated
discuseiun concerning the et operative
merits of some young ladies\just bud-
ding into wmmanhood one of the
three stumbled acmes some object
lying upon the road. Upon investiga-
tion theme yoong men were It reified
to find the body of a sten, appa nutty
striae deed. hying stretched sere • the i
road. Then "there was silence eel, '
as death. an the boldest held his
breath --for a time :" after which. 'th
tutted breath. they asked each nt
what should be done. As one of the
had acquired a sort of medical repute
than, on account of having i erfos tiled
several oiwrations on some wild ducks
lately. he was detailed te Make an r.c-
anlination ut the inanimate fop m. Hr.
irpwrted that their was a slight pulse
in thecal, of the left leg, whereat the
other twowere glad, Ia(1 but on an
ing further that there was only it
"little wind left" they became sad
again. Suddenly the supposed almost
dead form stood up nn the road. from
which issued an unearthly peal of
laughter. These young tarn were
brave. They could visit a house and
teem the cross dog with n unpleasant
tendency to ceniibuali+m. They could
boldly knock at the door where dwelt
ere the were
not expected, and face the aston s • et
look s of the said twit. one. the stern looks
of the old man and the suspicious
looks of the old woman with an ex-
pression plainly inquiring, "Whet is
thi• young scalawag alter ;'"• Yes,
they could face all that. tint when
theyhe.trd that awrul peal .at laughter
they sbuddered. They were well edll;
sated, lint the blond of many genera-
tions of ghost stories, f.tiries, and
freaks of evil spirits was running in
their veins. One furtively glanced
down to ser if there were any signs of
a cloven foot. the second squinted
around 10 ret a glimpse of the tail,
while the third ons ,nifting the air for
brimstone. They were just on the
point of taking to their 'heels when it
when it came to
e het
h tat
occurred to t
sprinting iaongboat himself would not
be in it with hie sulphurous majesty.
Another p e.a 1 . o f laughter, which
sounded somewhat familiar • where-
upon the gallant young lads discovered
that it was only one of "Peck's bad
boys," to whoam it had occurred to
practise this method of alarming way-
fnrere along the inad.
All report an enjoyable time
Miss A. Campbell, of Belfast, is visit-
ing her uncle, George Campbell, at
MONDAY. May 30th.
Ni:ws Norrtts.—Mise Katie Sullivan
left for Port Huron on Friday. She
was accompanied by her cousin. Mine
Katie Deane, who went to Detroit.
. Mrsr.l. Young, Goderich, is vis-
iting her another, Mrs. C. Moss ....
Will Dolan left for Detroit last week.
A number of the young people
of this neighborhood spent a very en-
joyable evening at. John O'Connor's
hast week Mr. and Mise Young,
',eye], spent -unday with Mr. and
Mrs. Garvey Mr. and Mn. Moly-
meths and betty. of Dublin, spent the
week et John Griffin's in the re-
turn football match between Kings-
bridge and Port Alpert, Kingsbridge
of centres won. Hoore 1-0.
11„rn.. hit rs, tiro:era nr.l 1 n:lu.
Ii'" O.' 11rnlh•,I Sal. .• will +o •ah• nd
heal then, all. Wa. a tin at or..,,gir.s
Darn Stockings on Your Sewing Ma-
Don't darn stoekinga by bend when
you cart gat a Ringer Darner that can
heused on any lock -stitch sewing ma-
riuinr, vine r• .1 ••'-•'- • r.satina.. Pnr
.4.. et. Ving.•r r",ie, tooth side of
*pia: e.
Pork and Beans.
Apart altogether from their cheap -
nese everybody liken ('lark's Pork and
Beans. Clark's Baked Bean* are of
course the finest made. the moist appe-
tizing and mord satisfying. The most
fastidious New Englander would en-
dorse them as being "just as good as
we can make them." And they Bost
only a fraction of what meat would
When Going
Travel via
Great Lakes Route
Special Sale
One Week
Your Oxford
conies with .put• display of low
shoes for men and women. 1t
is an admitted feet that Oxfords
are the. correct footwear, for -
summer. Then it /ugly remains
for youto decide what to invest
in. A lady wants elegance.
symmetry and comfort in her
summer shoes; a gentleman
wants claw and perfect quality
in his.
Our complete lime is at your
disposal with these qualities
freakl, butsome top-
notch creations in this season's
leathers. Try a pair.
Five Sailings weekly hem Owzn Sound. 111\
Passage tickets include meals and berth.'
Single Fare For Victoria Day I I
GOOD GO1.JG MAY 23. 24
os. Kidd, Agent. (I,slerich, Ont
nr write
L. Thompson, D. P. A., Toronto.
1Publishec Annuallyl
Enables t red . re throughout the World
to communica e direct. With English
in each class of ods. Besides being
at complete comm •clad guide to Lou-
don and its sulsu be the Directroy
contains lists of
with the'goods they ship, and the Col:
onial and Foreign Markets theysupply.
arranged under t ne ports • to which
they sail, and indicating the\upproxl-
mate mailings:
of leading Msnnfarttwer*. Me4tan
etc., in the principal provincial trials,.
and industrial centres of the United
A copy of the current edition will be
forwarded, freight paid, on receipt of
postal oulrr for 203.
Dealers seeking agencies ran *dyer -
Des their trade Bards for £1, or larger
1 advertisements from £3.
"Don't you ever get. hnmesie . cap-
h -
tain r asked the passenger on
,Mean 1 nor. "No: I'm never home
long enough,". ueptard the e'ptalOs
The Loden Dinctry W., Lt.
9R Abehnrch Lane. London. E. C.
One Dose for Coughs
Children cough at night? Give them Ayer's Cherry Pec-
toral Often a single dose at bedtime will completely
control the cough. Good for any one with a cold or cough.
Good for easy cases, hard casts; good for acute cases,
chronic cases. Ask your doctor to tell you, honestly and
frankly, just what he thinks of this old standard remedy.
No akohol in this cough medicine. jr-Ave, Co., Lewe1C Mea.•
lama Mer seals • bop bag. Aa arise tuaila demands set active Yew Ne i.ar
lsastlea ler Mrs awl olds Mrs Apes Mb. Ask your dodof about them He items
========= 1C-1
Spring and q
Sumner Goods
We handle the Barnet Hygienic l(efrigerator, as well as the
ordinary Ref
With th
e Barnet Ce[r
yon can
with > r
t + and onions
crit your ice hill in two : you can put tishY
milk and butter without tainting the butter or milk ; and further,
as a proof of its dryness. you van keep matcher in it without
:affecting them. (,-A .LAND SEE THh.11.
'bur shipriaent of Lawn Mowers.q has just ert•ived.• Prices
from $4. o $1.2.50. Every Mower fully guaranteed.
if you ora war i' out, of repair let us know, end we will
+end for it and put 1_n good repair for you.
Do 70(tt`etlulre a Wheelbarrow.? We have thein.
We have Doovs from U feet 0 inches to 7 feet in height and
various styles.
We have what you want.
Cleveland Coiled Spring Steel Wire at $2.45. Barbed \\'i,.•
at $2.55. Woven Fence, flout 25c to 43c.per rod. • •
Dur ;tock of Sherwin - Williams Paints was never
Fresh car of National Povtland-Cowent just in.
Let us figure on your Plumbing. Heating,
Eavestroughing and Electric Wlring. All
work promptly attended t0 and fully
Store 'Pianos rs
asese ' Phone i 1 i