The Signal, 1910-6-2, Page 7fr ,-7:1,t.4411*?t,,t.:;#::'
#1 • #1 #1,14 4 ;14 ;4
l'auktwAY. trtitli 2; IOW
Maher et "The Nesse of • Thousand Candles"
4 weak and eisaky, uud 1 lacked up tied
watches! Idle Be kept uis, mud Jules
before 110 1:11114e to It, wbeu 1 was very
close to IiIw for he web a slew ruuuer
-yes?- being se big mid clumsy, he
turned mei shot at me with Ins revels,
er, but tie was in a hurry and missed.
bet he ran on. Ills feet struck the
planks of the bridge with a great Jar
and creaking,'but he keptanuning and
stumbled and fell once with a ems!
eftitter-ef tise-pleirles - - He wee 10 V44114,
ard with a hgert of Water and would
uot stop when 1 called nud come back
for a little fight. The wireb of the
bridge hummed. and the bridge swung
and creaked. 1VIacti• he watt almost
eildway of the bridge the big wires
Iseld it begun to shriek out of the
,e./ p.m, that held them. though 1 bad
not implied Olen% and It seemed many
•:11',41 that (motel while the whole of
it Mingled 111 the air like a bird uest
bt a storm, uud the creek dowu below
laughed ht dint big coward. 1 still
heard his hoofs thumplug the planks
mite ilw bridge dropped from under
him and left him fur a lung second
With ills emus uud legs flying in the
ulr VPS; Walt very horrible to see:
Atel then his great body went down,
down God, ft 11.18 a very dreadful
way for a wicked man to die!"
And osear brushed his hat with Its
ideese and looked away at the purple
and gray ridgee and, their burden of
nes; it must have been terrible."
said cialborne.
."Liut now he cannot be left to Ile
down there on the -pocks. though be
W11-11 s. wkked and _flied Bee a beast.
1 am a bad Catholic; but when 1 was
it Ii..y 1 used to eerve mass• and it is
not well for a man to He In a wild'
piney where the buzzards will end
"Bet you cannot bring n priest
Great barter Would be done if news of
this affair were to -get abroad., You
understand that what bas passed here
must never be known by the mumble
world. My father and Baron von Mut.-
bof counseled that, atisf you may
besure there are reasons why these
thinge hunt be kept qulet or 'they
would seek the law's aid et once."
"Yes; I have been a soldier, but after,
this 'little war I shall bury the dead.
In au hour 1 shall be back to drive the
buckboard to Lanaar station."
Claiborne looked at bit watch.
"I will go with you." tie said. . •
They' started throngh the wood to-
ward the Port of Messing Men. and •
together they found rough niches In
the side of the gap, down which they
made their way toilsomely to the
howlder Hoed stream that laughed and
tumbled feamily nat the bottom of the
defile. When their- work was done Os-
car took off bis bat and knelt down by
the side of the strange grove and
bowed Isis head in siletace for -n mo -
:talent Then they climbed the Weep
side of the gap end turned townrd the
bungalow. Oscar trudged silently nt '
rialborne's side, nnel neither 'spoke.
-Both- weee-were-s441se-pobal-er exhales
flan by the events of the long day
The stubborn patience and fidelity or
the little man touched tt chord in Clef
borne :tiniest unconsciously he threw
arta /screen Oscar's shoulders and
walked this heel& him ns they tray
ersell the betflenehl of the morning
errei kileW Mr armitnee when be
WIR 11 lioyr miked 1 3-riborne
in the Ai.sirlan forest, 41!I 1.
it is as 1 have sa1,1 The fetitisiess-
-SS of Ins wife atel eel waduess drove
m into eille lie Intrusted that pe -
r to tat and IMUre 111, 244 tarry It to
min* 11 FrauviS evet gut ext near
,e thrOae. it is certified by ball a
,,z,er, outdate aut !tete d adMillister
,,t114 Ill 11,11))04 !Mote if bey, of
,arae, 'lever Itilet‘ (Lie oateuts of Ibe
to which they suttee 11101. lie
carried It (.4 Net," York lied -swore
there betore the ...nem general of
kerhellui;eary that city There
cif a veto!, grit!' humor its him; be
„„,d he - Is it•;11,,,1 to ha ve the affidavit
the twat ur 111%0%1,11 voIllalry. end
.,,.,#,,,tittut general n011111101 that it win.
al-PTP-0nalle..T1-4:11 Week;
hariM 10440,1 tit the hey,. be
led the ',liver taiv; 1114 hand restudy
11 toOttielal the IONOrd,
ti:t1 mem
irii4 stoM
ry- It hi %VI
r. Can it tie true eon it be
11.11.1r111r1; the isinbaseiwor
• ri1l. documeists will 1, *he 1,ebest
•We cite settle the mallet 111
nty•fs r ill JlI,l.11 1•in
"Voti o ntrib.ii 11.4. tot 1•1.0,11ing 11,
r.,1Ult#11A, Anil 1:141. birron. -tint 11
,tll 50 cx1 emittliirr. .1 rid thee,
ewe tleee pri-•:
.orbey we under the
impression thas 1 Van. Fretlerlek
sestas. oddiY enotigh. I. ton. tint l're.1
old Augustus,- anil ;Armitage
was within, 11 1§.11 141o1,tlo4 41.
Sr, Stid 1 Lad a little\ brush en,.
teisareeri and I0luIupnI Mk 1i1•11.41 Ilt.
theyimplined Illy cigarette
_it lee belenged to Frt•slerirkawl 11.
artbduke I. It ft, lige lurl 104 1,0,i,
les herrn The elni.eroi 1,the 44 jN.0.. -
and III The disorders, 11,
were to cloak the rootassItilitien i-
sa,essur ..-flues the ,lreltilt.he rravia
harts reputed 8011. V. US to It'
coo the theme"
".Yes; there has Gees a emepteary
"Mid there have been eoleiliirlitGrs:
7.-q of them are Rarely behind Ural
6,4r. eel; semee 11:1 . throng's toy et
forte their chief. WiDkeIrleil. should
IOW be under' arrest In Vienna. 1
d reasons, besides ray pledge to
;delete Kerb for taking an !settee
part in -these affairs. A year ago 1
es4e-VesegerepusiintigeLee_his ntvolu.1,
Pio to Count Ferdinand von stroebei,
!ae prime minister. stuteuaent
vas stolen from him for the Winkel
ned ednenirators by these men we now
tare locked up In tills house."
The ambanfiador's eyes blazed with
excitement as these statements fell one
ty one from Armitage's lipa but Armi.
hge went 0111
"I trust that my plan for handling
thew men will meet wit[* your approv-
e. 'they have chartered the George
ti. Custit. it fruit carrying steamer IY•
:'g at Motean's wharf in Baltimore. In
olach they expected to make off after
they leht1111)elliel with me. At one
time they had isms hien of kidnaping
'1111 !,71 fp%
liC elnk to au. fluor 14 4//t ,1 Magri,
me, and It Isn't my fault they tidied
st that game. But I leave It to you.
gentlemen, to deal with them I MP
suggest. however, not the presence
jost nee In the West /tidies of the
trailer Sophia Ainegiteet, Ong the nag
of Austria-ilungnry, may be 'lieges-
Ile ginned tit the quick glance that
Pissed between the ambassador rind
bilge Claiborne.
Then Baron von Marhof blurted out
the question that Will nppermost 11)
, the minds of all.
"Who are you. John Armitage?"
And Armitage answered. quite elm"
NS and In the qulet tone that be had
nsed throughout:
"I am Prtsterlek Augustus von fttree-
bel. the nen of your sister and of the
• roam Ferdinand von Stroehel. The
orebduke's son and 1 were school (p1
14)10* mud playmate*. You remember
At well as 1 Iny father's place near the
told lands The archduke talked tall,*
Of democracy and the new world an.,
heed to Joke about the divine right of
lints. Let toe toe' ,, tny story short
I found out their plan of flight and
silheed away with them. It was be -
118,84 that 1 had been carried away
117 griales."
"Yet that a true; Itis all true: Anti
1" /*ref mw your father -you never
want to him?"
"I was only thirteen when I ran
alts7 with Hart. When i appeared
before my father In Paris last year he
*mild have sent me away in auger if
bed net been that 1 knew matters
"1 Itattertartee to Austria -Austria. al -
%Zs diattler
"Yes; that was quite like Wm," said
the ausbaneadur. "lie served tits vouu-
try 'with u passionate devotion. Ile
bated America. lle distruated the whole
glenewratie Iden. it WLIN that Which
pointed his anger against You-tbat
you shindil hate:idiotic!' to live here."
"Then wheu I .uta w him at Geneva -
that lust Interview -11e told inc that
• -Karl's etatetneut .otolett 11te!
he had lilt tittles ubread looking for the
t tleses. Ile was very littler ugulust
tue. It was ouly u r4•141101111i before he
was killed us u ',art sir the Winkelrieti couspiracy: lie had given 'bin lire
for Austria. Ile Old 1111.. MiId un .
again, hetet'. to claim myown
nnrnw,turtit 1 hitt! furi
Auestrie. Anil I ss eta le Vienna and
knelt In the creed at the lulterla, and
no 0110 Ile.'.'. 1111 111e, MO It bi:11 'M#. oh. it
'biter me, 1(0 know thu,t be had grieved
for me; that be had 14 2:1410 a 14011
earry WI his work. '. had' grown
a way from the whole *tali In
ber as his. And Il'iw”-
Ile faltered. his hoarse Mit: ino!;i.
lilt 8141'04 of fi411.4., itifit ids Intik"
deepened. • .
"11 WAS not me fault, ft was ren!!
nut My fault. 1 dtd the hitt I. 4.1014.1
and. by :Gad. I've sbe them in the room
there where they ean't any li;irin!
.1n11. Diek I la itiorne. .1 .11 are the Iinegl
fellow tii the iital the iiimarest
and bravegt. and I emit to 21114 your
mind before 1 go to S11.1:1 141,
yes. 1.113 nick -111111 ;Ind runt
better haul dowu til tlag over ilc.
door. It's treamon. 1 tell .‘1141 it
y0t1 set. Shirley., tell hoe (iii John Ar
mitage; tell ;her Fin Jolni Artirt,:g,
John Arm"-
The'room nu,' Its figures ra:,10-,1.1.0
fore his eyes, and as to -feed. ft, veind
erect lilt It11ee14 (Toni:0.4 'elidlo• 14,1,41
and before they. 4,0111,1 rea. It 6i' •
sank to the door, with n ae
crowded alsout le: et icred *jilt!y
sighed deeply tin 1 lay pereectl. still
PK, ENT to to Al
l.I11 1: 4..11144 •Otw:Ir
anrit the so't 010; of
of s111-4 111111%41
tlittelQttly nerirss the
liev•enii \Claiborne litt
t,11 his face gratefully to' be
breeze. for he '.yes wo ti„.
stress and anxiety of the d:o. am,
there remained timeh to do —lie 1,11:1
;AIM hail been Apt•Plilly 1rat3 orbn•d
•ttitoit hospitnt One nurse 1.0 oe
(EOM n coal li•seent pollen, at
Springs,4411.4 to be re en'weed
other summoned by wire • front trash\
The ambasaador's demand to be al -
!owed to remove Armltnge to his own
house at the Springs had biecti pflimpt-
ty 'rejected by the surgeon. A hewn,
had hold of John Armitage, who was
gnough \without the wound in his
Moulder, and the surgeon move.41 his
(rips to the bungalow and inol; (degree
of the ease. Oscar hind brought Clab
le -melt brig and all was_now in readi-
ness for the
Osear'a erect figure at salute and his
respectful voice brought Claiborne
dowe from the stars:
'We enn get rid of the pritioners to-
"At midnight two secret 'weeks: men
.will he here -from ITnshingto.n to travel
Willi them to Italtimore to their boat.'
The berms and my tether nrrauged
it oVer the telephone from the Springs.
4011Cr‘ understand that they are.
In ::,•rlesis trouble acid- e-Mrtrgreed-te-
go oti feat, The government agents are
dl'ereet men. You brought up the
buckboard/4 •
"Hut the men should be brumes', for,
they shot our eaPtain, and Itt may die."
The little man •spoke with and ca-
dence. A pathos In his erect, sturdy
figure, his lowered tone as be referred
to Armitage, touched Claiborne.
"He will get well, Oscar. _ Everything
will seem brighter tomorrow. You bad
better sleep until it is time to drive to
(bit train."
Oscar stepped nearer, and his voice
sank to a whisper.
"I have not forgotten the tell man
who died; It is not well tor him to go
unburied. You are not a Catholic....
"You need not tall me how -or any;
thlug about It. But you are sure he is
quite dead?"
"Ile is dead. He was a bad man and
lied very terribly," said Oscar, anti he
took oft his hat and drew his aleeve
acmes his. forebead. ••I will tell you
Just bow it was. When my horse took
the wall and got their bullets and tum•
Wed down dead, the big man they
railed Zmal Saw bow It was, that we
were all coming over after them, and
ran. Ile • kept running through the
Semi -ready
The Nisi* of Quality
in the Lott l'ocked
father's place -the Count Ferdinand
von Stroebel. The young captnin's
mother died when be,was a child. ills
tattier was tbe great statesman and
411 much for the:Schotaburgs and Aus-
tria, but It did -not aid his disposition -
The Secret. service men bad come by
way of the Springs and were e:alting
at the bungalow td report to Claiborne.
They handed him a sealed packet of
inStructions from theutecretary of war.
The degtortatioh.of Glasuyeeet and Du-
rand was to be -effected at once ender
Claiborne's direcion, and.he sent Oscar
to the stables for the bnektsoard and
kat down on the veranda to discuss the
trip to Biltimore with the two seeret
agents. They were to gather up the
personal effects of the -conspirators at
the tavern on the drevelo Lamar. The
rooms occupied by Ghatevenet at %Yeah-
inglen had already been ransacked and
(orrespondeace and memoranda of a
startling character selzed. Cbauvenet
mailer and plotter -o( political mischief,
and the embassy of ..hisstria-llungary
had Identified Duranctgassan ex-onvict
who had °lily lately been implicated
111 the launching of a 'danerous Have
of forged bonds in Paris. Claiborne
had been carefully coached by his
father, and be answered Itheoluestione
of the officers readily:
"If these men give you 'any rtrouble,
put them under arrest inethe nearest
jail. We can bring themisaek here for
nttempted murder, if nottdrut worse,
and these mountain juries svill me that
they're put away for a long` time. 7011
Will accompany them on board the
George W Castle and stay -with them
•••••" you resat Cape Chariest. A light-
house tender 'will follow the atentner
down Chesapeake hay and tate you
off If these genthemenelo,not give the
proper orders to the captain of the
steamer, you will put than ,all under
arrest and signal the tender."
Chnuvenet and Durand had been
itrought oat and placed ln tbe buck-
board, and thew:orders wens intended
for their ears.
"We will walVetoarilighttOta writ of
habeas corpus," remarked Durnod
cheerfully. as Glalbome „flashd n., Ian -
tern over thein. "Dearest Jlu!es, we
brambles and °t-er the stones, and I shilll not forget M..Clatborels.courta
thought he would soon turn and we on, trmtment 01 we,
might have tt fight, but he did not stop, "Shut upt" InappedtChnitvenet.
and 1 could not let him get away. It "You will both oryoutdo•vrelltothold
was our captain who said, 'We must
tongues" reniulced Claiborne
take (bern prisoners,' was it not so?" Your
dryly. "One of these cancer" under -
"Yes; that was Mr. Armitage's wish." stands French, sad I assure you they
"Then 1 saw that we were going to- canDot be bougatortitobms. /f you
I8the bridge, the istio they do not try to bolt. they with contain)), shoot
theme at the deep raTin.• 1 bed r. If you make& wow abouttglitlell
crowed It once and 1uweir Usal It was
:cleansed on 9741•7)
has proved that there is
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when it means quality
"Kelloggs" is the equivalent of
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PANDORA RANGES. We are prepared
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Etch the name
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It stands for all that is best in spool silks.
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But1 above all, they appreciate BELDING'S
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Belding spools when empty bring preto's.
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Disinfects the'Dirt. Purifies the Mr and
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Don't Fill Your Lungs With Dust Germs
It's House -Cleaning Time. Order a can of
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Packed in barrels and kegs for store, office and
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• ••MION.
Nyal's Spring Tonic,
Blood Purifier,
and Sarsaparilla
Three excellent preparations for use in the spring
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611$38 CAMERON is prepared to show the latest and
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Iiamilton Street,
; treezkvs,'?
You enjoyed a package six months ego.
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Improvement In .proctuts and materials as
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Make a test. Try them now.