The Signal, 1910-6-2, Page 3SON
ons and Rugs
•y tine qualitie•
x 4yatals; ,:•11,41.
••• • •••• • • $23.00
114cial price, $1 9.00
quit, wide, suitable
'tem, in coloring..
lar 6& and 70c.
• reversible (Titbits
ially priced. 25c
• 394
lecturers have ell
'slices in our large
. At, per yard,
• -• 50c
ratigh to .t he lo
....65o end
snap in Hats
Goderich and
$2.00 tO $3.50.
ing shapes in
d. Saturday.
see N knew, 25c
THtR4I)AY. JUNit 2. 1919 a
due solely to neglect. The hair XCIIM Gi
.Most cases of baldness are
the Sistriet
th hair lands
often becomes dry and dandruff
foruis because e
do not supply enough nat-
ural oil. Nothing overcomes
this de ficiencr so effectively as
r.:at dclicaw y. perfumed, re-
frelling pomade, Bearine.
\ ,,i(1 baldness ; apply licarine
hair oceahi ally .A11
CN. a jai.
• Thomas Cortiock Bartholomew, a
er editor ot Tee hieicaoline Re-
view, ib dead at tut? age of sixty•tour
L. years.,
_ The y 1.4ge licobsels lose a pouula-
ti-an 01 1,0i2 and total oteseemment of -
$3140,90.1. soaring to this year's' *at -
tieorge Brown, tit Egaiondville, had
hi* arm broken the other day by a
kick fi a louse with which he was
--a : William Galtalwi, of Bluevele, hes
ITN As 94; EN1111411 i fieireket. with t000ir perfectly termed A soell the ll
quite 4 ceIliiiett y ou the form of a
0! Calgary. Alta., f!nonerly (Minton,
tIt Anna. daughter of Rey. tV.
1. toel Mr-. %lean., of Londty, %tat
40,14-mnized in the Forest City on
Wednesday, %ley 21ith. cere-
mony was pet fot of)4t11!e-tive bride's
lather in Olt kettetio•e Only ti tow
ediaos reheat Vett. .1.11 young
eouple left the 48,144e
ie aftrna
oon nd
ate' trip to Vanemiver and other
Western vales they will settle in Cal-
gary, where Dr. (limn has established
a large practile\it as a specialist.
Accident at Wingham.
rbets aceident bef
Q. Agit./ h Rs. 11. is anima 1.111 et• weeks old.
Ittlasalileti lee L. liartly,.4 Ext;ter, has purchased
the residence ..f C. J. Luker in 'that
vIIIt,elpaying Sao,i tor it. Mr. Luker
iiiii bed lois Wilily *41 51. Cattier-
• Alerfill ittcline ,I• k ie.. ti,
(1. M. latex. of 'Listowel, has ,ac-
crptial posIt1011 44 superintendent of
the Dotter( 4Mtgaii pollipany, Clin-
ton. Ise assuinee hitt new duties OM'
The death ot Mrs. Fred. Ilse of
OrAtotz Betel, 441a -erred Thurelay.
%lay Halt. Star war iu her
entleyeer. N-tiesband. three dottigle
ter* matt 1 iiii r mai". allrelVe. •
It 4...1hr%. b4.nlo14441 It a. -10 0,104, 114. ,
from Plies. itatracke, 'Mes-
..dem? asatlap. 4404.04.4 Lahti
r-c•it troubles.
ooll -ettive-litrrallv mean t e •1
t hlemtl...1
settee awl you tchevcd.
All Dealers.
DAVIS & LAWKENCe. CO., Montreal.
'A 0 M. M.
.11 Ka 0%I.It1.011111*.IiKiil!iinl :hors.
*,Vier1444,10. O•yrted•0 Attie in-truc
• Al.
st. ci .1 t. 1.1 • on re to (1s4, Volee. Roo par
e4,51). to 11. It. kiltwok. Itesideette
n„,k, Ofte. new Papa, • hurt 4410,4*1444
, ii,•. thuce and Nur
1.11t CO' oht
haiitir.i.layit.d. 1 11 tretor•y and
• .• .. • nolitt. p,itet. 1..erseis1 for esainiaa
,„..or Toronto Aloe y tif Aftily
• ilouesin s .4 to 4,
le -141i ei ..4 Mt. M •
• • hate tt 1..1..1 le I. -I who Y
• ro. 1,004 Sto Lams' 1 0:4 ittlee
Not;i. -tieet,
all7CNo. OltliAN, SINGINts, HAK.
o,ps Y. cOl•NT1.11P0INT, 1.1C. .; W b.f.- torenaring too bathe her feet
14 newer. F. 7 C. .4Tor.o. tirincipal tni.. ni tit recently. Mrst. E.William-
k», •,., k co...IA.000 of N1.1-,. of Fxet -1, Unite tunately upset a pot
b ' Much. tioderich : exasiolieir Iseaneo tory Of Mask.. husewssfulpreprration .11 1••0i44t water over 01)4 Will* hall
;••44 tett um-. Tweri!).fotiv,...11e...
e... 1 ,..t. .- 1. 1 1 -•
) Winmr
g, it. The einne4
41.:;%-:;•;o:., y lext. r.,•ecial e "chaste fur gia.t., „ .„ ,., A
ry paisiful coedit n4.
notions in poen • and %awl 11 • , ": ' ••
oil at nny . dc i left at .1 b .11, t....tie mar 'age of Ilissi Mabel. tiatigh
s ine• : • 4 of Mi. *1 Mrs. Jas. Taylor. atiti-%li
h 4If Exetrt. was quiet!
John L. Kerr, of .the 2nd concession
ot Niehilloop, her purchased the term
rrppositto his townTriteprtrtwetty ot
I 1*.111 1 141 Ik a k. ate. farm col:juin',
'ninety -dye metes and the price paid
Ileorge Cut, kwni, travelling
.11, ;lied III HulTalto on %Veditete
Hay, May ISh. AI the :vomit of injut•iee
• attain. 4i 1 y .s tall front a 'bur when
(hi. C flal hotel ;In
eforth a short tisue ago. •
Fieltl who has Iowa ked'
Sawn. y lirtiseele for a 'souther of
re, has istxposeti of his.toractie to -
I itS Of 111r ..41114 tOWII: 114'
i -e-,4. tornewing to Osten tibund,
lie will open an Office.
Lucas on Tueada),
v. Anthill Carlisle per -
Remy at the teetalt y
A. be was le Ilg It horse belhard his
boggy. Andrew reit:timid, of lietemll.
was Jet Iced iota ot the rig by the an-
nual. He was (4.IflhI lying on tne
road. insensible, bu watt 4401 serioasly
nurt. Both horses r n away but did
110 damage. .
Ninos Lily Tremain.I Hamilton. a
Butner iewident of Br boas. took a
dInte of tillIeLL II lye it unmake for
medicine. It Was feared ‘;itral ributts
would lollow, hut a chit 'ice for the'
better has set in and ate r making
favorable prowess.
at . 1214 OPTICIAN.
Soul), -hie of Square, ()oder',5, 414)1
_ -
..tlittlAN M. Mot ;Rot, OIL
ost Hydraulic 1.1tionet Ontario Land
reit etor.
tiller -McLean . Block; .61 rich, corn.
Mumma street. Telephone 137.
ly of Sponges of 4,1
end IOc up to $1.50.
rain IOC to 75c.
1 Purposes.
the clothing trade right.
necessary to keep clothing
II prices. so that all can be
from $8.0o. and all the
ECIAL of $15.00 Suits
• STRONG LINE, we put
ode that others get a gond
In you want a gond, fine
and tailored in linst-elose
gee for yourself, and
offer you at
1 Values.
R. %V. M. B.
And r.i•leves. h met. 0
1'. lic.
11 y 17 h. •
used the ce
eighteen -womb -told son of Mr• *11(1Mr*. John Hopiew, of Morris town -
shill. 1PW. NI air ). The child ea..
with hs titotht•r oat the top Boor f of it
1414)r4 414 Wingtotin and tvandered 44.1
will toward,' an elevatAw opening.
Before the child 'could be intercepted
he had champed terenty feet -10 tee
stene floor in the basement. Re w•ut
picked up and • tenderly carried to a
drug state, where a physician found
that. besides being badly shaken. mo,
the collarbe Onwilt broken. The ull
one had a narrow estiape front death.
Death of Mrs. (Dr.) May.
Liverpool Wheat Futures Close Lower,
Chicago Exchange Closed -Live
Stock -Latest Quotations.
Monday MaY 30,
Liverpool 4144141 filtur..s closed )o -.44V
Vika lower tltan gallirtlay. corn tuturee
s. re not quoted. •
The -Chlelltrn and other smeriettn mar-
ket14 werr_ loxed for 4 •• CWT.
Winnipeg Options.
At Winnipeg July Wheat closed MC 10111
e- than Sitti.rday.
Wheat- Jolt 117%c. October 84%c.
Oats -July 3014c,
Toronto Grain Market.
Wheat. fall, bush gi 98 to 11 00
Wheat. red, bush 0 98 1 00
Wheat, goose. hush
Buckwheat, bush. 41 66
ltye, bushel . 0 68
Barley. bushel 0 CS
Peas, bushel • . 0 73
oats. bustle' u
Toronto' Dairy .Market.
Cheese, per Ib., 0 12 0 1214
Butter, seperater.dalry, M0 23 0 M
l'he demise of airs. tite•.) J. L. .'(ler
rey. formerly oi Kincardine. occurred
at her home in Toronto on M lay.
May Zed. The hughand of the- ow.
erased hely W.114 fair over thirt y
pnotor 01 Knox church Kincardine,
44)141tette forty! yonwr-irrAe-gervita- ot
the Presbyterian In the fall
of 1110S Rev. Dr. Murray retired frioa
Artie!, work. Mrs. Murrey. had been
practieelly en invalid tor two years.
but tot bate she seemed to he
her health and her demise aye,. 114111e
unetpected. Besides her 1111-1.4n 1,
"Mrs. 'Murray leases thre • 1
mourn her loss. viz. : F. Abider 'Mur-
ray, editor of TIIP Well Street Joplin.
4i1. *tit Itev..1. LoVell Murray, eiliicac
!tonal xernotitry of the Sot lents'
Volointeer Movenient, both of New
Yoe k ; Mn. (1-1-4.) F. '1.v. Aoldeexmo.
'Voronto, Miss Vitriol, anti Mist
lyn, et home.. '
hit nem iy torty-beven years.
LEGAL 1 the house ot 111.4 tfaughuer. Mr
ye., NI %fountain tine, Ida
1.. hi LLONAN. BA% it KV, flail.. rday. it. 2-1th. He WW1 II
el • -.Moor. tedary, etc. Molnet etd at
taw, umona_Nottb to lbe citythwart yer. lie is Nurviv
meat reseal When. brake th ,Sistodse .11n Alia. Cottle f
and Moodays.
_ _
11 (. CAMERO. K. U.: BARRIS-
KR. whetter. tom et y polite . Lifai...-
flanalUn Street. 'seders 1.. (MIL 410114 twin
a Aso ii.t hotarica public 1.rti
01.14 the Maritime 4lalet. etc. Wilco. e ost "Id
nest dem t. - iy.
%tall IWO. 14) 1.1,41 at a lor 14114.1'
l'Kut.:1)1e00'1. K. 1.. L. HAe. O.
!•7 KU. into: steps, HO. et... 10410-
:11 4.pel
to lemrte. _ _
• .olicitor. 1. tiotaly public
061,r, 14.0141104) street. Oucerai. Oat.
1.11 IL A NC h' CU. -Form and uolated
to.. pioperty insured.
Officer. --.1„ 0. Mcl,een. Prea.Sestfortg P.0;
J.. • .ienolly. Vorse.i'res., tioderich e.
11,1.Hays. Sec-Treas., deaforth P. 0.
rs -Wm. Cheney. Seaforth ; John
; Winthrop; George Dale, Seafortn;
nevrels, liodheiten; Jaines Evans.
..1 ; John %salt. Oarlock ; Malcolm
1. W. Yea, ; It. Smith.
.las. 1 omtting*. Ormond. *Ile ; E.
s•eafoi [h. PoncyCsuldere 0.5I pee
get: their oardsrecenpted
ow'*, t bottom or at K. H. Cutts
• snowshoe street totodricb:
- -
);•i) ot)i) E
i10.1.1. rh.ter.°rainiftfe'iliertleoetMOUltierVell. •
it. 1L013ElrfalON.
Canadian and
\41e•IlInt•C,,810(1.11tail AND allIPIAJTILFta LIABIL-
ITY the Ocean Acoident and tiotarantase
orporation, Limited. of London. Knit.
Fidelity and Guarantee Companf.
011ice at meldene, noitheitet tomer of Vic
and St. David's it -re -RT *'honer 174
'The e hull' • liertly
.tate) lulu tine country a few yeere
ego by T. J. Bs.. . of 'frugal!. and tater
sold to iti..tiard Needisaus, ot (Hamm.
ha. died. 'Ilse animal wee one of 'the
Sorsa Malt biases ever lalraInght HILO
Causid Ile w..iglid 4200 pounds
. colit Mr. Betsy 140111.
1.1 and accident insurance. Agent 101 144.4(01
• an 11.1 told steek (.4)111911411ei. 1.111t e In ail
ors l. ed on best plans rind at lowest 4.144 011.
ogee, corner West 'Street and Moore
fit address J. W. CHAllilk. tiodench. Out..
fele bone 7A
The marriage of Mies Reuter •E.
Stirling. daughter of Mr. and Mtg.
John Stirling. of Clinton, to Edward
J. Lee took place on May sum et the
rectory ef Hee. B. Stens, .14(keon,
Michigan. Mr. and Mrs. Lee ate
spending the honeymoon at the home
01 )1)4 bride's parents in Clinton. They.
put pose making their home in Detroit.
A quiet wedding took place at t he
home of Mr. and Mrs. John .Sproat,
Tucketenth, on Seturday. May 2141,
when their daughter, Miss Helena, of
Detroit, ems • meted in marriage to
Ralph 0. Voken, of the City of the
Straits. Rev. Neil Shaw, B. A., of
.Egmodville, was the officiating
An eld Hensall boy, John Buchan-
an. lecturer 00 experimental agricul-
ture at 11.e Ontario Agtirultural Col-
lege, has resigned his position to be-
come inspector of parks for Calgary,
Alta. The eatery is $2,5110. Mr.
has been connected with
the Onterio AgricultairarDollege for
nearly twenty years. .
You -Run No Risk When You Use 1 h s
581') .44)44.4' 4.(1leilii711. If your hair is
(Alma out. and you have not let • it. 44
far, you can repair the dentege
alt•eedy drew by using .Itexall •iti"
Hair Ionic. with oe.eibteney and re„t-
ularity. for a rensonable length of
Owe. It is a ecienlitie, eleoutitieg,
anthwptic. germieniall prime -tante,
thet dearer.. microbes, . etiniAlites
cit coda! i.4. mroutel the .,hetr
route. prelialale4 hair -
11110Vell dAndruff end restore.(11411
heelth. It M as pieetteont too 'ow a
pure water, and it is de11ci4.:v.1y per
finned. It is a real toilet
We want you 14.) try Resell set'
Heir Toni.. with our prointer riess. 11
4 t cm nothing unleme you
perfect y sa lofted with he we-. 1; anout outtisee oxprhogerg est'
Veal Calves. -At Down st Our Time,"
1.11 1 Remember, eon cen obtain' Soon after that they discovered that
enitiels in two sizee: prices 5ite and at $46 to 565 each.
Kexell Remedies in this 'coin ..... nity Veal calves sorsa! at 53 to $6.50 enniets all hod or 144484 lwriodt-
Sheep and Lambs. ! '
si, the Ant ...... •I's lied been watch -
only at our otore-The Stott.. cwt.. or an averag of la per cwt. city. Nobody knows how they get it:
H. C. Dunlop. south side of S 1.1 e
Steep. PWP/1 sold at 94.50 to $4.26. with thrift day aud night end didn't
ste few Yearlings at 85.50; rams 14 13 k - .,w when they, were exposed, but
She was 14, ere, 11 teliet t%11101- each. talk and tit Kite
Take No Denial.
50: spring lambs sold at $1.50 to 86.50 1 here wile I bee
• . Hogs. . er the questit 11. There wine 2110 ur
n, and Ir the -eontident w .7' 111 comets all (1,1411) w *1 11 it. at mice.
ich she demanded to tote. the tote.
tier of the eete141,.hinetit the young
felt el. •• she had be -on th-o' N-
and would t mo dente) tie
we slid oil his Mood and tweet
e governor's private after.
a lady wisheeto speak to you.
004 -Woking "Ye., bk.'
dge of be titre you are.
' said the Mail/nava em-
s return 11 few minutes
are. NIF, I didn't know
holy might be your
e clerk. "So she ie."
WALTER Iticlf,iii..,,014,r
I-L7pft litARRIAOS LICNegts.
. AGE licensee, OoderIch. Ont.
Butter, store lots 0 19 • 30
Butter. crearnery, solids.. 023-....
Butter, creamery, Ib. roils . 0 330 26
I.:airs, new-lald 0 30 021
Honey. extracted 0 1014 .... -
Honey, combs. dozen 2 & 300
Liverpool Grain and Produce. - •
L. May 3n. 11 heat. spot du1111 %
weak, May, GM INA July. wo 2tid; Ort. eis 1\N'ays -s()Ici • in • lead
N. 2 red Weatern, no 1.1,4*; futures.
4%.1. Corn, 'spot quiet; old American mix- .;
vestlacniVilli, se jir's.sid7 Stallitnu-rea,dri"olful581; 4.111.1yv,tats(ISdal-;I n
-cut, steady, .7ta; clear firip. 74s.' -
1/;IC_, never
Seel 411 Odd. Flour, winter patents. etere.
28e Hope. in Paelfle COoitto
odY. LI to 14 II... rarnherland
;Turpentine spirits. seemly, 44s.
A former resident'of Morris Wain -
ship, in the person of William John -
mom died ate hospital stt Van-
couver on Tbui !Way, May 19th, He
wee fifty-nine year's of age. He re-
moved with his family to British Col-
itis, twentythree years ago, taking
up his residence at Port %freely.
svnere lie resided until hie deeth. Hie
wife-. -two 0000 AtI41 LWO daughters are
left tramourn him.
Tnottiwe Cumbria one of the old resi-
dent, of the toe nship ot McKillop,
pesswd away on %Vedneerlay, %lay 25tri.
at the age of seventy years. Mr.
Combes was a native of Scotland, but
vrhen quite young he came to Canada,
settling Hrst in the neighborhood of
Hamilton. About forty years ago he
came to McKillop, where he resided
,Until his -death. He im snrvived by
hie wile, joiir daughters and one son.
Pormer Hensall Man Killed..
Smallecombe, formerly of
Hewett, killed at Crystal City.
Manitoba, last week. He seam holding
a team of hortres atuacht•d 14) a wagon,
when they took fright at An anto.
The wagon paled over his body and
he WAS bedly trampled .0TI hy the
horses. Mr. Smallecombs. left Hensall
'for the West kwepty-nine years ago.
'1 -Thls well-knovrn and popular stand
effete Its patrons the best teirvice in shot Mg
Asir -eluting, etc., eto. Ladles' shampooing
Only skilled hands94•employed.
nr 1. iltroniqre will be appreiated.
UM k.14„ Proprietor.
CATTLE MARKETS. Hogs 6 to 10 Cents Higher at Buffalo
LONDON. May Mt. -London and Lie. ttt „ , 1 l• foul teen yeees
-Cattle Lower.
frIgerator beet steady. at 11c to iltio per -• 01 Ft atteisco At g.ttiant Ite45. Of
poued. (Itill Nyi-, the Intlitttitl Amoi•iettia
pool cables quote Bee cattle (American) ttttt•I"; "";
Stuck Yards. e ityl ICI** l'he
steady. at 14c to' 115c, dreseed weight;
30 ._R„ceiptitt of %.! hat 1101 seid ot ttttt etre jfi
- olo not hurt haid when they hit
k Yards'
•••T i•ral ront,et
le. c t is a icind •astronotnical
live stock at- the Cowl; Ste,-
109 carloads. rao,tettng of 2a94, on the planet. Comets' look
'little. 97 Chilies, 73 sheep and 1,5.• .host -1'.. but are thinner end
Exporters.- • ! any lee' y Its it pla,et does. The comet
George Campbell li0'4scht for Morris' -aIle* 1 41,0.4 I 1•4-• it. had hair on it,
& CO. 561 exporters, at follows: For I believe, ha: et late yearro the bald•
London, 125 cattle, avoragi ' if 1260 Ib.,. headed comet ix 1414 11414 knit as good
at 17.24) 'average: for Li%.rpool, 344 cal. satistael inn evei ywhere
tle, 1160 lios. eaell. at Woo to $6.71; 1:tr The characteristic :mantes of ,the
Nlanchester, 350 ..cattle. I10o to,
.eaciv co tort nu.- : A micleu.. a nelonlour
at average -price. ' light tor e 11, it 11.1 usually it -luminous
Alexander McIntosh ts.airht for 4741r-.. 1(14111 er 111(1 morn high, Somettinee
- don & IronsWes 188 -eXp..rtere. l'"* Ta sevecb.A.: 14411.4 ;lir'
; . 111)4•ii,
iii 011 111141
1411011m eachat $660 torat
}l,L;AQxiward5°ugiltr°eS71rtaMt tle oecuraonly ,in finil
• 5)exprter.afoIlo93i0Ln.When I was voung I usto think
at ST to $7.50or 4441 average price I we Id a comet in the Ay.
172; or Lverpool, 275 •attle, 1126 M4444t• 1 he world to high,with mob-
11264 7a0l; b.• s.. at 86.5to $7. or an average
, .„-,,,d " biloaf ariti eplay
two loathof heifers1050 tba•withthrlittle nevlAid ploets end
eah,at 5615. , have a gotta1 I1111*, hal 110W 1 COTsee
where I. Wail -14 1-0101.. 001114LP 81444)
have their troubles. their perihelione.
Prime picked butchers' sold at *6 ie..
medium LC to 86.25; common 55.50 tt)1 , A little ovt.r 310 yeal it ago Tyro Brahe
• their hyperbolas, and their pareholas.
to 86.81; loads of good at 66.50- to $6.0i,
not hear of any cattle being sobi taw
5."..80: cows $4 to if per cwt. We 114 diseuvered 1 het eomets Weir extrane-
butcher.' purpose. at $7. •a11 at that' 01.14 to our a tinospht re, *Jul since then
rtiolvii have imptoved. 1 can wee that
-price being bought 1. export. : j trade is steadier, end potatoes run less
Milkersd S ri I to lops than they did hefc.
1.IsT Itnyal Institute British Aro/Mech.
tte.iiienee Satiltm Howse. Hoderich. Plan.. de
rut mince( lons pretwrwl for re"i'l"""
and plitolic buildins. Correspondence in-
Hogs are 10 cent» per cwt. lower. I, ells axcititar tone.
Selects.. fed %and watered. 0.75. and 41,,nua5 ,.„kletunee lore 10 a gloat
roueldin & Co. sold one double deck st „„ 1,, the in•otith met"
oe. 'Fhb. hoe. bed the night air
10.40 f.o.b. ears at country pones.
6.40 te b. pomple would have its le lieve.
sir." •
• • A nice j
mind 44.ey
pl.iyer nn
tater. ••Yolt
hut what th
wife," replied
said tbe employ r.
Montreal Live Stok great comet of Ilkitt is supposed to have
MONTREAb. May 30 -(Specla1.)-There been the Otte that was notired about.
Condition of the exp.•rt tive stork trade still.
time pWf ('119510'N deeth, 44 B. C. ; and
Mil bes:rt no impovtant change In the
during the past two weeks The demand hen it appealed in Newton's
for ocean freight space continues' to bo i tme. 117148114 after its Hist strand
limitedand rates in consequence l'Ule farewril tom. Ike eeet that it Walt
steady. at Msto Liverpool and London. I very well premerved indeed, and
T1 e exports of rattle for the month 00 • • •
14,173 for the corresponding , 1 i
i seemed to have it -taints]: nll its facul-
Tos to Glasgow and 17, •Id to Manchester.,
May amounted to 111012 head. as aitille•ft, "e"„ I,atn g0"( 1' "I"'
month la c't le writer on evareo y maid that
WC snowing a decrease of 7.11 head, or° the etthetanct. ef the tiebillositv end
TISFIED over 50 per cent. . o tail bra el st imam. eivablo 1 ell.
At the Montreal Stock Yards West En• to t v. He said I his, alai then death
Market the receipts of live stock for the • ,,, t.: „ 1, t
week entling May fil• were Ian cattle. 210 '''"'''' • 1 •'." ""••••••
sheep and larnhs. isr, hoes and 1:40 calves. A ',other writer 444711 lif the comet
The offerings on the market this roorntng and its tail 1 hitt "the curvet to e of the
That Dodd's Kidney Pitts Will Cure Dia-
ure1 Her.
bete' Because They
'Cote Rouge. Two NI(ein
May MO (Special. )-Miss
ZP/111, Of this place. has pr
own satinfaction that Dod
will cure diabetes.
Oessu sas:
"Fin. 8IX month.; soffere.
dialwtes. Mix boxes of Dorlds
Pillweared Pompletel v. I
permission ,to publish this, AP II
be the means of helping others" \
That what will core dialwtes wi
cure any ferm ot kidney diseese is an
old saying, andno douta remains that
Dodd'e Kidney PillsWill cure die-
insCo.. Quit
rthe 13, a -
•ed to her
es Bra -
'Phone 56 0. MILLAR CO. 'Phone 56
Beautiful Wash Dress
Itecent shipmentsloave brought us light up to the iniuute Its
1 egards the latest styles itt Summer tVasti Fabrics.
'1"loi.e beautiful Linen Bemis, in eall therieweet vele,
20 ,
Mg,. nice weight for all 1 1%. ..Special 4441U8c ,1 .
A Novelt y -ItiagonallStrifw Linen.' - the tiewe,t 1 q
inal•o•Cil for as isti suits, AB colors..., ... : ....... ... ells./ C v;1.
. Cott oil' Potolcreitt, the 1. p go ilac material he
smellier dierows. %%'.• have it splendid 'variety ')125c
th-totis. Special 4.11114t' a . . .
Special ptirehh.e•iif . , Mot.lios. '.-iti,
_. , .
. .., 1 a kI
nov.Ity lite! et the 11..p11lar Niel, of
Special put chase 40 1144114. !Mien. , Several pieces .
'bought .ot :t 1 itr :-..v tug, a nice tine quality.- itegtilar12
•Children's Wear, Infants' Wear
We nee 4.1144 ivy, it apleieliti vat iety of ChildreTrat'IMI-
a nd Children n SII I I 1.0 CT Head wear, and a visit to ;iepartinent
iiII -�I,ttw V4 844 1 he xmits test children's wear tio „he see1; ' Huron
Count y.
Childten'e Tail. Ureses
Childreti's Pique Coats mid Reefers from . $1 00
Infante' Casluterie (eats from..............$2 00
75c le $2 50
Infants' I:a-linter,- Kobel. Boom
Initnts. Fo;tobito1olereti I/sonnets ham*
Co -00.e sheltie of Childisen'it andintente'
deuvests, Hose, Mock", elc.. etc.
$2 95
25c • • $2 00
Thio -to lut make up 1 beir 0%14 cheeses and *MOP 1.111,11 Id 11'-
1111 WWI. that Pittterrlil are the beet, th tt ate I I 1 ,t1,.
N1cColl Patterns, 10c and 15c, none higher.
so illar'sScotchStore 1q5)(e
hoiie M •
amounted to g25 cattle, 100 sheep •ndl i I.ater and the scaleration of the
was no important change in the condi.. periodic time in the clue. of Enekem
Iambs. 1100 hogs and 100 calves. There
lien of the market for cattl. prices being 1 t indicate theitYbring effected by
firtnwpetykaicmai.otatned at the advance Dote& a 1...g•ittifilz medium which II', 04.44141'
• iewn observed to liner the slightest
A feature of the trade woe the fairlyrr on n
. 'I Bunethe plaery
large Dumber of bulls of fered..One lot Oli • I do ha folly egret, with the e ... i .. ent
three choice ones. weighing 5865 lbs.. sold
Authority, though he !logy 1* right.
at 64.4c per lb.; one lot of five, weighing
ItIM lbs, at Vac, and another lot of 12: Much fear hen been' te testa of the
Isetee--essaiste. 4c• while the( 991110C.5 appearance ettee *into\ the
ernaller and commoner grades brought w.
mid lietpan, told it hi NS grind n thing
from MSc to 614c per lb . The demand foil
ster44 and cows was oleo good, sad of" 1 to worry about NM tolything 1 know
the whole a fairly active trade eras doles ' o. If We conld get close to w conwt.
without ft•ight ening it AWN)* WP Would
(dee eteers sold at 7141' to 7yme; good &6
111.41that. we. could walit_through it
to 7e: fairly good at Vac to 614c; fair
ar ipso to 6c. and common at Es• to Wad ..
• aeywhere as ere could through' the
lb Choke fat cows brought as. high
I -load AO live thet we vi ill not, he
o-hanted to look a comet in the
oe") of tbe market for hog, ,
ftewarheunV°e4chnadPanitgled from met week. SuppOes .
se however Let lin nice 0 our
ly fair, end sales of selected tote , • ' • ..- , P
0mnatie_at MY, to sie 50 per leo lbw,/ lowelithaapetrwahnehencrtihpethemonatnetti
weighed off raft, but scene were received.. liwea
' it ill he re 441 y.
on contract made laat week at MO00.
The marke for enroll meats was with-
feat u r es, supplies beteg Has lUther Worries.
s for ail lines steady un -
Fire at Hertss11.
The residence of Wm. Russell. of
Herman, WAN totally (let royed toy file
on Tuesday of last week. The fire is
supposed to have starved from spark
frost' the ch y. Neighbors! suc-
ceeded in Fleeing the contents. of the
lower part of the house, tont, only a
few smite of clothes. from the tipetairs
were savers Mr. Rummell Was away
from home and Lite house was entirely
Doubtful Improvement.
Public opinion in Cateula on the
road question bee for souse time been
M that intereeting-stege where it, re.
quires that something he done. The
something may he vrime or foolish, bet
c to 614c. and the lower grades frond t I si e4e 11. torchlight proces . We
Sour Stomach and Heartburn?
• errammr•
At all Druggists or direct from
25c. a Box.
,.< awfat,s
The most delicious of
chocolate confections.
They stand alone in
their smoothness,
richness and unique
flavor. insist on
having COWAN'S. Name and
design patented and registered.
mo Tong As eependittoo 1 out arty ne
out on the roeds the demand is meas.- lanai'. and nri
(trebly appeneed, though grumbling dor a rangy good demand.
and eriticism 'are indulged in on gen- Sales of yearling sheep were made at to
per lb.. and old 'sheep at 6c to Pize, while
era! principles. _.._ __.., iamb!. brought from 53 to pi each,
One of the common, %tasteful and nd calves from 53 to PO eacb.
annoying eonditions met with oc- East Buffalo Cattle Market.
regionally in all parte of the country
is a ridge of gravel. dumped to the 0,R•li.r! 31:1)-17.;sdAw !Az;z. 3,0,i;.- dcvt-1,1;
depth of two ' or three feet hi -the i„,,,, prime ete:e. gt 4„ itt2g, ',,t,amtm.
centre of the track. No attempt is 57 to r 75. -butchers' . :Lao to 5750, helthre,
11P11 a 1 17 made to spread Find coneoli- il: tToo „VA:, :.t.‘,'„=.., til to jet.,e 6 , 84b.:170,
g5Thg; stock heifers., $4.26 to 64.64. trash
date the material, which lies there
like a lake beech, every teamster cows and 'wringer, octave, Meade te
tic eventually Ned's, up on the edge ot:edel'Irl!oor::P31.7571) head: actioe argi
avoiding it, as long as poesible. Traf • saron, f27 to W.
of it, compactin the 'duff, and con- eroaa__fs,,,,e,n,. nolo ),,,,„,4; act",,,,„.' 54
verting it int() a amiable thieewayto sec higher. halaTV. OA Lo OA; mti
it Will, however, remain a high grevel *SS to Sew yorkere 3030 to 810:
ridge or hog-leack, with. * flat 'mere on
1asleetp r rn7t1: 40Ss: i
end Lamb-iteeree, erbeimnde.;
.*ch side betmn it and the ditch87.50 to
Between the difficiirty oranfixlora mem mow:
wedvagesk 21e hgeher : lambs,
a road passable hy traffic and the urt1s9, vy:ari, Mein.8e) : et,,filftetwesn 0w...ernes,
gist..25,75 tow
sit: owes 14.110 to sheep,
awkwardness 01 of turning init with e
toed after travel has once taken the gg to acts • 11475; tntit
1 that the benefit
of this method of gravelling were
Nome worry a good ilesd about the
;•hences for a big comet tit plow int()
the sun some dark rainy night and
IIIIP Int Hp the whole igniverne.
wish that was all I had to worry
mlenit. If any 'reponeihle man will
.gtee to pey tny texes and funeral ex-
penses I will agree to do his worrying
the contet's crashing into the
bownin of the sun and knocking its
lavlighte mit.
There is much in the greet fleld of
mit thet is diecont aging tA) t.he
441(444111 who hasnt the time or tneans,
le , rummage *round through tne
heavene. At times I am almost hop."
less and feel Hee saying to the great
yea, nful, hungry world : •Groe
forever. Do not *Pik IIIP for another
dentine feet. Find it out yontaelf.
rip row own new -laid - planet*
an let me have a rest. Never ask
HP ;tin to sit tip all night end take
rate the new -horn world, while yon
lie in I and reck not."
.,001 general anctioneer. Oferes on Smith 10 'Pd before he 'arrived. The loss
Mott AS DUMMY, LIVR MT(XIK e°°"1"--
P•ree where he will he forind at sill time. insiirmnce.
The mGeurrinneg-Me of
oractically covered by
Dr. J. Nesbit Ouna,
*I•en not seeing *ilea Terms reasonable and
•very effrt. soul to grivel 7° utistacti°ft
ridge, it wod( neem
almost counterbalanced by the &toad-
vantege. What inconvenience we dn
aubmit to nn our roads from
bated efforts to make them good ! If
that were the hest, that could be done
In gravelling, better leave the roads
surfaced with the original loam, keep
Ing this crowned or smoothed by eight
or ten droggings a year.-Former's
One of the Six Hundred.
London, May al Roger Pahnet,
survivor of the charge of the Ligiti
Brigade nt Brilclava, died at Wrent,
Nun Yosumisy. aged 78. One tif tb4
largest land owners of Enland, hold -
Ing 146.11110 acres, he ranked as lieu:,
bansurt-general. He nerved ttsrougtf
Vie Crimean war inthe Ilth Hussars;
\ Not So Bad.
"You don't amount to
"Tut, tilt, fetcher."
"I enitld paddle m -own canoe at
your age.
"Well, dad. I do pretty well for e
rich mans son. I coin operate my own
motor boat."-Louirrille Courier -Jour-
What About
Your Sleeping Room?
There should be aluit, reposeful beauty about your bed-
room -a refined and soothing elegance tliat woos steep.
Vou may feel like buying a nett -suite for one or more of
your bedrooms, but you don't need to.
Send for our free booklet, entitled -Dainty Decorator,"
and learn how "LACQUERET" will make the old suite
shine with all the beautiful lustre of new life. .A coat of
colored " Lacqueret" (any. shade to suit the furniture,
or your fancy) %%ill make every article look brighter and
be Iter than on the day you bought it.
Mogi prominent Hardware and Paint Dealers wall "Laccserst.'•
International Varnish Co.
Toronto - Winnipeg 2365
110TL-ft L.ACQU ERET " Witold la tail Imperial mars packages sub
For Sale by FRED HUNT, Goderich