HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1910-5-26, Page 8iI{ 8 .THVItaDAY, jitAv ., 1910 THE SIGNAL: GODERICH (7NTARIO tome Ti-ey'It. try to tell you .other kinds are 'a as' good aM " BELDING`S SPOOL SILKS lith don't y4)1I believe it. 1u.is( on flue kind that &boom`s kink. The kind that give,-. Ike dr4 ..Jii 1kt•r minimum trouble and the t•u.tinter IIuuxit41uu1 esatirtfuetiuu "111E1.1)1 Nli•S." The 111a1tl itt> Silk- Sewed Sema N'ill Stand 1* hull Dole Strain. Write fur list of premium.. 1'01(1 iiia4 Paul &C o. Limited 71 Hay Street, 'I'lIRON1'11 Edion Talejitr mng Records foryou DUNGANNON. A. NEWTON, DENTIST, LUCK-, Ij. Now. -At home every day except 'rhurs- day.. New reweryfur extracting teeth ISuuu,o- furwl. tetter than awe. frown and bridge wink, etc. AIIIIIa11Ut11 plata. woo-brookable.I N. It. -You o:ut always have your work touch bettor done lis the dental office -ueore time. bettor facilities for doing the work, more tout fujIdble for the patient. MOTH:E.-THE LOCAL AGENCY In Uuugaunou for The Signal is at the PBI• uatet ikon and Stationery storewhore orders will to remixed for .ubourIptioic ad. erU.tug and Job work. mud reoelptr wilt be given fur eutouuts meld fur the saute. • ' \\'(:IINg$I). V. bin). 35t1. Tug Neays IN liat>tF':-Mr. and M ts. 1). G. Sickle, of- , Goderich. are guests at B. J. l'rttwfuld's-....... Mrs. Turner and, daughter Ulady,, of t.utterich, are visiting at the 1 • of las. Wlty:u•d \Ir. and MI's. Oro. Begley are visiting their soft Will in Hamilton this week Rev. L. ltartlett atteuded the world's Monday st•hool convention held at %Vashing- ton, D. l'., this week .. , . Owing to the absence of the pastor, Itev, L. Bartlett, J. J. 'I jtylor, of 'Lion, occu- pied the pulpit of the Methodiet church worming and evening last Sun - .day Rev. C. M.' Rutherford lett on Friday on a visit to New York, where he inteutls staying for a mouth. Mr. and Mss.' J. \Valkotu nee taking their holiday trip to Mitchell this week. The stole Is in charge of T►.-$jroul..... -.Ed. rnln, of Tor- onto, was home for his holidays W. McClure and family sent. Sunday in Utderich Rola..McKenzie and tatuily drove to Winghant tor their holiday Mrs. G. Wo, ds, of Urete- ric'''. visited at J. M. Roberts" this week Principal Moffat spent, the 'Lith in Godesich... •Yesterday being Victoria Day. the stores were closed and Nattiness was suspended. Some spent the day in Ooderich at the dog show, others at River Valley Park. .Miss Fraser spent the holidays at her home in t3rlderich...... Elva Johnston, of Clinton, stent the 2tth at her home here... ..The G. C. 1. students were all homer for the holi- days Miss Mina (ilenn has' re- turned front St. 'Moines' Owing to the wet evening, very few attended the lectute given by R. D. Cameron. of Lucknow, on the Iktniinion Gov- ernment's annuity scheme, on Jlon- day evening. In what other way can you hear so cheaply and so comfortably such an array of talent as that engaged in making Amberol and Standard Records for the Edison Phonograph. To mention only a few of these star enter- tainers, whose records are the joy of thous- ands, there are: Mabel McKinley Crace Cameron Albert Spalding llarry Lauder Vesta Tilley Ada Jones Nat Wills Marshall P. Wilder ' There are several good records from each _of these and a hundred others that you can hear at the dealers and own and hear in your own home for a trifle. 11 N 11. ,n Standard Records - - - 1Oc. Kdlson Amb.rol Records (twice as Iong1103c. Edison Grand (opera Records • a4•. Edison Phonographs • 116 70 to 1142.30 JUNE EXAMINATIONS. Time Tables for.;High School Entrance and Public School Graduation. Following are the time tables for the June examinations in public and separate schools: hills L_ LLHigh7Scbool Entrance. 8 ass re tt'edue•4e1,0, Juuc.'=11(41 P \ M.L8 4u- 9410....Reading ustruc- tions (Circular 57). , 94111-11:11)... Composition. -11:10-11:55.... Spelling. 1'. M. b::IU- 3:11...Geography. Thursday. June 'Gird. A. M. 9100-1 l:'440... Arithmetic. P. M. 1:311- 3:30. .Reading (exam ination paper). mesa, June •lit h. A. M. 811- IIA10....EnglishGram- ma-. 11:10-12:4M)... W riting. 1'. M. -Ural reading May be taken either I•'riday afternoon or at such other hems as are can. Von lett t. Public School Graduation. \wine ,la). June ?Ind. A. M. 9:00-11:00... English Composi- tion and Writing. 11:10-12:40.... E l e m e n t a r y • Science. P. M., °2:00-- 4:00....Geography. Thur.d,e ,JuneLint. A. M. 9:00---11:00.. Arithmetic -- and Mensuration. 11:10-12:110. I'. M. 2111- 4:t10,..English Liters- . - 1 turn. eal& Frills,, June Ltthl] :NM A. M. 9:(1)-I1:tq_..English Gram - war. 11:10-12:40... Art. P. M. 2:00- 4ds1 .History (British and Canadian). Saturday. Julie 251h. Ek• Mt 9!iU fl,;( ),••A1gebra rend leonlal1y, 11:19- 12:49...BOokkeeping and Hustness Papers. Nouse :HICandidates should pro- vide themselves with a ruler (showing at least sixteenths of an inch), a pair of compasses and a protractor, for the examination in (ieotnetry, 2) For the examivation in Art, can- didates should come supplied with pens, colors and brushes. They will also need water pans and a conveni- ent supply of water. Rulers are not to he used. FOR DYSPEPSIA. mencement of the season's play. The initial wino. in 1 lI4Jlurou-Perth Baseball 1 autgue was played •-at ('lin- tun on Tuewluv between the home Mile and lht•li, derielltrail. D. Tasker was tli, 'atelier butt. the 1'hutllu team. w•1014. E. Bell and It. McCreath did the twirling for' titelerieh. The g • retailUd iu a win for Clinton by the .roes of 7-1. Bert Potts, or/Clinton, acted as umpire. CHURCH NOTES. Rev. Neil Shaw, H.:1., of Egulogd- %Ale; wilt oecutly the pulpit 'uta Knox church next Sunday. Next Sunday evening in Xorth street 4L& 1 hi 4(1144. church 1)44. t3ulgiall will k of the white slave trade. The •et 1tf Itis .Ormlun will 1a• •'H►alg- At the Morning service. ".The •1tali' will be his.ubjeet. est of the speeialviernauts un seal iu 1,4 the pastor for pul- leut tt 01 be detivet•evl 111 the lurch h 44•rviee on iauulit fhe aurstiou 1.1 lx•_41e1(11 slit ubj 111441 t4:111111 The a n,st it e tit 1 real lityltisl evening. w it l,1s lave w, 1(11y 111.00( Ihat I. .u. ata. 1) On. The pastrlr, ('. 11. Jones.. t ill preach both uturuing amt evening. 1Scrryhotly welcome. • Rev. Jaa. Ha as moderator of ilu,o, rebo is meting nor church during the service+ formally declared 'he day was the •nary of the b •- v. Jas. A, An- e church, and Mr. 'Loud - tire cttngre- on Sabbath last an the pulpit vai.•ant. twenty-second anni ginning of the late 1 derson's pastorate -of at the evening servo ton referred feelingly t oration's bereavement. The annual -birthday pa Mo.(:illit•ray Mission Batu in he hMtllre'l•141111 of Km 1', of the tea. 111141 e•hlmch n 1\'tslu4'.4lav :tftern44(411. 1 gi4a1 :ttt4•nl114it,e• of Inetnl friends 111. 3t,uui1t i. Ore w••1• a nd se M. vela)' Intere st1Ilg rept pet of the 1111•st44tl- ary meeting recently held in Tor and there was a short program g by the uleutlet . The offering f the birthday hags will be timed to h to clothe tel !Indian girl in one of t lids' sch,4.11a of British Columbia. tu Them...ot etof the -reading cileh'' in eunnretiun with the \V. 1•'. M. S. of Knox church spent •a v4•ry pleasant evetlul,g•at the hone, of Mrs. Warnock Thurstluy, May 12111. the occasion 14.111g a farewell to Mts. S. ('lark, ,w114,w7t, won 144 .1emv4 town hr make het 1111 1111* home in Winnipeg. 'The even- Itlg•wins stent in 'a social *ay tune towards its 110., Mrs. Clark was ie- sentel with a handsnne rut -glass teary Nue!. The gathering broke up effete singing "Blest be the tie that binds,"' 1st many good wishes fur s ill Quality Store Coffee Special From MAY ttth to MAY 31st we will gicewith every pound of our ile l'olfee which you purchase a rGu gut. gold to the value of (j'.. cents, in aid o of the lioderirh Marine Hos- pital. Save the 40 coup, hand theist in to the H4.pit 4) Or 10 any of the hospital Board. and when they tine presented to us we will redeem theles at the price it t e 41 thereon: bey in a supply 1,1 our Coffee during the next two weeks You will be delight, ,1 with It, and the Hospital will a-e'cf1Ye the bruelit' of pout IluVing. Pineapples Pineappl.•s are n ti'W st t heir cheapest. This is the titer ter• jars. tY Pr! 4hL. Choice pines at 2 for 25e. Fruits and Vegetables Aspatugus. Spinach. Itadi•1•. Cueuut0-re, Lettuce, l'abha., limen 0 nit): n. s ant! Tomatoes.choice:Butter and Fresh Eggs � .. H. R. LONG 1110. v1n 1111 Ip her new Western 04)11(4'. 4 Fiftl n different t•:u•u•ties of talcum p owde• on sale at \Vilsom's drug .Intl. Show against boldly dec ens. a man who says anything men, as women, and 1 e he is not a man.--Dick- There are F.dlaoa dealers everywhere. no to the aeareat and hear the Edison Phonograph pI y both Rdlsoe Standard and Amberol Records and get complete catalogs from your dealer or from us. Nasitwale►.a.srass 0...100 tek.aid. Ava,Oraass,M.t..us.A. 11 WE CARRY A COMPLETE STOCK.OF EthSON PHONOGRAPHS AND RECORDS JAMES F. THOMSON, .MST SiDE HQ ARE, GODERICH. %LL AND SEE US. . s(. WRITE FOR CATALOG' h: CUT DOWN THE TREES 1. 1'n the Editor of The Signal. Stn, -The sltggestion in made that the topes of the trees around the court 1 e should be trimmed off no that the clock tnay are seen front the road.- way. oadwrly. This Is 11 busy eegl'. anti in a town like (T(iiterich where ?ruttiness transactions of vs -et importance, and equirin,gg extreme punctuality. are bring carried on daily it should not he neve.aary for people to 0..4' titue keeping track of it. As the trees have to be trimmed up ft•om the bot- tom to avoid catching the heads of Filly atetenl.•tninded collide* who stay beneath theist, and trimmed from.the top t(1 give It clear view of the clock, 1 would suggest that they be cut out altogether. 1 would go further. At the present high prices of everything eatable. I think it would be is gust thing to dig up the lawns in the park and plant potatoes. The e•aretaker eould look afterthem instead 01 want- ing his time enolate the grass, and in the fall there would he a crop that would reduce the lax rate consider- ably. And the tops *Mild not grow high enough to cut. off the view 4,1 the ,•loek..1 hope the council will take this suggestion into their immediate consideration and stop this nonsense of growing useless trees and grass and flnwei•e, fours truly, t►.tNtgt. Qt'tt.p. Some Alcohol Questions Is alcohol a tonic? No! Does it make the blood pure? No! Does it strengthen the nerves? No! Is Ayer's Sarsaparilla a tonic? Yes! Does it make the blood pure? Yes! Does it strengthen the nerves? Yes! Is it the only Sarsaparilla entirely free from alcohol? Yesi Ask your doctor about this non-alcoholic medicine. If he approves, our confidence will be complete. . , 0 ,Lorre]( Vase. t (qy sl i`11t .r • l . s I women say), a .4I •wn tart vary sAea tow to eeaNlpatios 1 Yet the sure is so any- s MOs, Ask yule Choi Grocery: s 'PHONE 41 Leb.yourrecreation he manly. moil• elate, seuu. tt*hle and lawful. The se of recreation is to strengthen our labor, not to sweeten your rest. - .teele. MAPLE LEAF GROCERY AND CHINA HALL 'PHONE 62. 'HAMILTON • TOILET SOAP ' sr. WE HAVE secured a quantity of Toilet Soap ata bargain. „u eau have the benefit of this 1u11chauo while the 1(44.414. Inst. Regular ori.•••, 15c per box, of t here cakes. Sale price 1 Oa 114 l ' box. DRY PEACHES We have a limited ynuntity of Dry Peaches, which otTeuing alt 1Oc per 11,. This is choice fruit. ' TOILET SETS we are We recently pnrchao-.• 1 , Il u„iu , ,.I '1'„ I. 11..•Is. We are offering Ih'•se at, very lrnsen.e, 1, 1 1i„ . li, ni $1.25 4. s6s8 per set. VEGETABLES Lettuce, Rhubarb. Onium...1-narlsgas, Radishes; Tomatoes, et, Choice Butter and Fresh Eggs. MORRISH & MCCLINTON gemeM Alteut 12 o'clock last Thur.die night tlre_was dtscovet ed in the large two-story brick .house owneit by A. Bedford at Exeter. The fire had gaiuel such headway that when thea, fire engine arrived the 44.1101(4 inside of the building was in Hamel and all the contents were destroyed. The place was partly insured. The origin of the fire is unknown, as there was no one in the house after ahem 3 o'clock in the afternoon. Wasn't lite Cleve, During an e1utetriau prrfo ptiott a her of ladies in Ole Trois steed up, thus obstl•ueting the view of those persons who were seated. In vain were they collectively regorged to sit down, till at last a btippy thought occurred to one of flit settee ere. ile called out In measured near: Will the pretty lady in front kindly sit down 1" whereupon about fifty women briskly seated themselves. Month=End Sale Days for May ISATURDAY and MONDAY na e v 28th and 30th NI A Y 28th and 30th These are the days. for our regular Month -End Sale for the month of May. Every department df the big store, contributes. its share to a big list of special bargain -attractions. As the_months go by these sales are increasing `in popularity. We are doing our level best to make them as attractive as, we can. and if you cofne this month you will find many a money -saver, No matter what price quoted, that price stands for reliable merchandise. Make a note of the days, Saturday and Monday, May 28th and 3oth, 191o. SEASONABLE goods always to be had fresh, clean a n d pure. If you are not already acquainted with the merits of Sturdy's Groceries, try a sample order. It will convince i You Risk Nothing by Trying This 9e•, 10� Remedy. II III We want everyone troubled with •indigestion and dyspepsia to come to oat store and obtain a fox of Hexed 1)yspepsia Tablets. They contain bismuth -subnitrate', and pepsin pre- pared by a process which developIs their greatest power to overcome di- gestive disturbance. Rexall Dyspepsia Tablets are very pleasant to take. They soothe the irritable. weak stomach. strengthen and invigorate the digestive organs, relieve nausea and indigestion, pro- mote nutrition slid bring about a feeling of cimfort. If you give Rexall Dyspepsia Tab- lets a tsir trial we will return your money if you are not salasHed with the result. Threw hizes, 25 cents, rot cents and $1.15). It.•nlemler you can obtain jtexall Rcwedies in Ootlerich only et our store --Thr Retell Store. 11. C. Dunlop, south side of Square. SPORTS OF SUMMER. Myth h,u, decided t+1 drop out, of the 'luron-Perth Baseball Lragtur this year. This will neee+sitete the chang- ing ,pf the w•belnle which has been drawn up far the meanie'. A team from Blyth is expo; t*'tl here to play the kcal ' • next Wetinewl:4y after. n*o11. Watch for the hill. 14,r fou-lh. -, lout iculars. . A match between sides headed by the president and the vire-president, respectively, of the lawn hewlo/g clugavae rn►nmenced on Victoria Da). Tj{�p ine•nlltsrehtple divided into teams of foot'. and 1f the 01 ttt game. which I ended in a 1h•, is any of iterinr • the I match will be a very interesting coin- Massey=Harris Agency A ()ill line of Farm \l,u•hinery Binders, blowers, 'takes, Hay Loaders, Manure Spreader,, Cream Separators, etc., Gray and Mount Forest Buggies. \\'e have also the Standard Wire Fence Company's Good s and the Brantford Wind Mills. "THE STAR ATTRACTION 35c to S0c Dress Goods, 22c a yard Here is the star attraction for the month-end sale for May. A big clearing lot of spring and summer Dress Materials will be shown on the counters Satur- day morning and will sell at this extremely low price. Over eighteen hundred yards -a clean-up from one of the "big wholesale importers. Odd lines that he was ractically sold out of. Plain materials, fancy -aerials, mostly mohairs, blacks and all colors ; re ' lar values 35c to 5oc. Some would sell for more tha that if bought in the regular way. The whole lot at ene price, commencing Saturday morning, and that pr' e only �� 22c the yard In order not to conflict with the regular stock, these goods will be sold in the basement. 2 Big Millinery Extras Our Milliners are preparing two special bargains in trimtned hats for Saturday and Monday. A couple of weeks ago we were fortunate enough to secure nearly too new shapes at a good deal less than half of the first of the season prices. These shapes will he trimmed up for you Saturday and we will use good materials only in doing it. If you haven't bought your Summer Hat don't let this chance slip. Ladies' Hats $3.38 25 ladies' trimtned hats, every shape, new this *ea- son,.,black, white, cream and colors. Trimmed with high- grade materials. Our in• structions were that there was to be no hat put on this table that was not worth at least $5.00 In the regular way. They most be worth $3.(5) or more. Sat- 41V.1 „rday and Monday (J it we had not bought the un „n t.hp dollar we simply couldn't money. Agency for the Mason & Risch Piano. Children's and Misses' Hats $2.38 in the clearing lot of Hats were a goodly number of children's and misses' shapes. We are trimming these up with the ladies' hats and will have about 211 or 25 of them ready for you Satur- say. Not one of these that would sell for less than $3.50 and there are no two alike. Choice of the entire lot com- mencing Saturuay t2 38 morning, only .... C7 trimmed shapes at leas than fi(It give you these bate for any such 300 Pairs of Odd Hose Saturday mor n i n we. will put on 4x14 t Free hundred pairs, of lad tem' ,11x1 (Aiildren•,, cotton and cat,htnere hose. We intended clearing these out at one price, but there were so many qualities found it impossible to do so, so w.• take the whole three hundred pair and put them nn a table Saturday morning, each pair marked et one -quits -ter to one-third less then its regular price. ''here will et ckings of alt kinds for ladies an children and e v e pair will be it hargkin. 7 $211.00 and $25.00 Suits $14.50 Seven of them. The lmst of five or six Tines that sold at. $21).0i ar1d,$25.1141 a 111. •.'e,, high - grade man - tailored garments. Black, navy. green and Frown. Made from fine anality broadcloth with test of linings. ('Isar ing, commencing Satin s• morning, at $1 A•50 each `� J 15 Sample Wrappers Fifteen only Julies ors( perm, matte flim extra gims1 Liamity in-ints and percales, 14 td►n alike, as every yyo�,n�e i•+ 1 1 t•avelle'1 s sample. All going( comtnencing Saturday 010111• • ing at the regular factory ' prices. 18c, 20c, and 25c Handkerchiefs, 2 for 25c. T.a4lies' pure linen hemstitehed Handker- chiefs, narrow hen . extra fine quality Al lawn. i5 doe... of them. Regular prices 18c,2tk'. a n 1 25c. Saturday morning y0r1 can take y r choice two 25, for (loll and ser tar %efute purchas- ing anything in my liner. Robert Wilson HAMILTON ST., GODERiCH