The Signal, 1910-5-26, Page 7)ES to exp„., nt. !ogs t ix dor ability, ✓ ER t thousand cil.•t'rs ✓ ER icar ING •saparilla pnutt gist Goderich. 'ION! r HUGH if \\'.•st rve.Hri}; N'ilk- t •r,•ant Noshing inti, on of 1 lir and will I. Fame It. my line •chasing. ustouters 41(:%1 AL. (:(1DERICH. ONTARIO The News of the District. *4646 X4545464544464641464545 11614A 44454644** 4446444 546 4***4V ' a untLauul flour esge:p THE PRESBYTERY Oe HURON. 'i euttet.av, MAv:3l. 1910 HOLYROUD. p AUBURN. MONDAY. May ': 3, d. 1L'i tiu:4Y. May 'Lith. th i+ country with his young wile ulruyt t.nciit.R;=JMmes 'Jtewart and win year 4t(57. Shortly otter their ors to sus; \\'Yaa�• Mr. and Mrs. I Sturders of \Vingham, visited former arrival in thir country they settled on rat Ackert and Mrs. U.,Coogrisw ! acquaintances in Auburn on Sunday. the feu' n upon which the family have a it few • 1�� ars ,title ink teltCdetlr• the I • 1 • Miss McPherson is spending the ever since resided and where deceaeed tat?':18 hulidry at. her home ill Winghatu. died. In his younger days air. Scott real of thrix grandmother; Fishing is the order of the day took an aaetive interest in Inutticipal Iles. Pierre it 'mending ( hereSeine tine shad. weighing from politics and served. nn the township b'N isitiltq her daughter, astir:: three to live 'pounds, are frequently council as councillor and reeve. Niro. ,rdsns,rr Kinrarline, ...carried house'by borne of our most Scott predtcea.w1 her husband about erL tr., del(vt. ed a booth of cat- experienced fishermen. .. harry fifteen years. Two coos and three all bstutduy. thrf'L1g yLh L uo Iles~,Frewliu and Miss Maude Ferguson daughters survive. l• \\'lttttt slow'''. are 'wending the 24th at the latter'e Wiagtram Carries Bylaw. Elliott is •iulprovtgR y' home Miss %alfa Dyer sprat Sun- lirs Mi'Leod is spending the du in Auburn Rev. W. Conway. bonus o[ 16aw 1rantitat C. 51111 and a free trite for the her home near .Ripley of (Ir•, prrao heal a flue sermon in the at fi taut Sunday with his Jlethatdimt church IastSuiiday everting. enlargement of their door tactors it ael1ltlK� tcardtnr......Mls. B war carried on Friday et \Vinghatu ;bee' I Master Allister \( is very Iry a vole of 4139 for and 75 against. drrburg Inlaid up with sit attack a slowly recnveriut trout an attack of uubrlt sciatica• %%e wish I igflunutation ad the lungs The The new building will curt iu the t tr Query• ' high school students in the village and tleighlanc"ad of $15.1"), a speedy A Large Order. )D RICH. NITARY Lir and ng t Germs i a can of end of this ae returned office aft Limited ONT. Resolution In Reference to the Late Rev. James A, Anderson. • The Presbytery of Huron held its regular meeting on Tuesday, May It)th, at Brucefleld. There were pres- ent Mr. Larkin, moderator, \letwrs. Shaw. Small, Carswell, Corriere. Dr. Stewart. Manu. Sharp, t)avideon, should withdraw his resignation and Smith, Pearcy, Fletcher, Sewers and remain with thew. Mr. Davidson was the clerk, minietees, and Mess's. tient- heard in his own Iehelf, however. and which war mill, :fiords, Putt, Melville, Young, tethered to his resignation, w h Shaw, Framer, \IcCaab, Strang and accepted, and Mr. Sewers was ap- MrKay, elders. . pointed to act as interim moderator The following resolutions proposed and to declare the pulpit vacant on the by Mr. Larkin were unanimously ac- 20th of May. Mr. Smith, of Homall, emitted by the Preshyter ; was appointed inteeim moderator of "The Presbytery of Hurrn desires Hayfield in room of Mr. Davidson. to give expression to its sense of *or- Mr. (enteron. of Lubytery nckn w, aad- row and lois calmed by the deathwho Annuities Act the end was thanked, ia Itev, Jiamer A. Anderson, 13. A., A call from Kippen and Hills green, with 175 signstut•es, promising 11.000 perannuw and the use of the manse, and in favor of John Richardson, licentiate, Wer presented by the moderator. Mr. Richardson, who was present, ac- cepted it and arrangements were ac- cordingly made for his ordination and induction at Kippen on 31st May. Mr. Pearcy to preach, Mr. Smith to ad- dress the minister and Mr. John Fraser to address the congregation. The moderator was appointed repre- sentative of the Presbytery to attend the jubilee services at Auburn. THIN MILK How can the baby grow strong if the nursing mother is pale and delicate? Scott'sEmulsion mattes the mother strong and well; increases and en- ric hes the baby's f ood. vicinity are epetml ng Vie Wiia Day at g for a period o[ twenty-two years ful- filled I their respective h e Ines The Pistil Madge, of Usborne township, MONDAY, kiss' 23rd, "Southland Singers" will five a con- hie career as a minister of the R Rwho intend* farming on ►father large Gospel within its bounds ; and also to I I.ni r: ONE TAKEN. —On Friday orrt to the Temperance Hall on hater-' scale in the Province of Alberta. hoe may Jkb• the angel of death i day corning, under t he attepicee of the i din potted of his effects and purpoa'es to 1 • to the horns of Mr. and public library Quite a number of leaving shortly. He has given en Aubornite• are taking in the circus at order to an implement agent at Exe- ter -pew tale K -twat ...Madera a Maas horsepower gasoline engine. three Jt) - disc drilla, four 1 iwr waggons, two nt in quality, et (•foot mowers, a IU -foot rake, a demo- I sod so excellent ul in labor and so effective arae wagon, four disc harrows, fourfthat his p results amin and rich in assing plows, two swiwthinp harrows, and a away has left blank the m( - t wrnty -horsepower traction with fieri ranks not only of the Presbytery l .uJ.lrn y .k and claimed Helen • °hand pNmtiting little of ten ,end eight months. ►trende'd Reboot on 'Y'ueiaday and rtry unexpected was the sed sum- , that even her much -loved trach- ea playmates 1atndwy at t11 know m• tike vu a11•place in borne to her Ira testing tittle, white casket covered with with and cantations. Only a little yet through her loving tiro ht disposition she women friends, lace in heal511't- of many here. prophesied God ti for that the might her sweet view in a big r sphere. bereaved fautOy have th hesrt- rympathy of the enti man - we to, ed her. , j.,t,d lire :re.. t J,.•+,- lin td her more. her As 11.'hs-K•ut1) To )wider shining shore. Thr pates este. were °pelt, • .t Ih•' I,• coir' said. 'N 'woe." ua.t sit f;.n•well. °ltspokear -h, c,Luly rnlered ••Hume... Mas _ withstanding the possibly of Tams. of Crediton, visited the fs week " weather. It will possibly be only parents in town a few 1i 01 yams, is vis- iting of his brother here ...... Miss Z. Carder, of London, and of Artt er. spent a fefwcadays E. Carder, with friends here this week. teaderieti otalaa*- -..__ _. BLYTH, TLesnAi, May 24th. MemoNtALSttkVtrits.—Liest Friday having been proclaimed a• holiday by .he Reeve was kept_jairly well. Most 01 t he busiutsat places closi ng. There war ,wry ice in the English church in the morning and in the I're.byterian .:butch in the afternoon. B.asmit. U..•— The Blyth baseball team went to Clinton Wednesday of hart week and played au exhihition game with the-- esguel team --of town. and. considering that our bay's have had no practice and are not in the Langur, they put up a very good at title of ball. The first innings Clin- ton made six rune. but after that our boys kept them doter, as is shown Fey the time, which was a-1 in favor of Clinton. The teams are to play a, le - urn game in the near future. UREWE. 'MONDAY. May Z3rst. mut.-W. J. Armstrong. of Bel - behind, who arrived here last rdsetdiv. is spending a few The eget hes relatives bere Merin Durgin and Minnie Upton are home from the (:ode- l'ullrMrte Is. Cutixre,tr a few who hiss ,... ..Mn. Jas. C' Ailing with cancer for some time . it. we Are pleased to say, feeling treat deal letter for the last few p ...... We ars having ,aing rape, id ,wth. Trop• are 1 ing to ,the trequent shower+ and kjs comet ' Thos. Conglxw returned to hi. new fern' at Wing - few days ,....The second stall match between the Kinge- are and 4th couresrittn bey* came as Saturday. The. score was 1 o Kings:it-edge being the victors Yot'No M.tN•s DKATH.—John 0.- C nor, who had leen a *offerer from con mption sin.:e January; parsed away Wudn night. It seemed too b to ser a y ng man et the age of twe. y -six cut. t by this drew! disease, .d it is cer Inly time that eonwthin was done to provide a place for t ase affected in this way, The Tuners took place Saturday morning et 1) . iu . the service being et the Catholic hutch, whence the re- mains mere con' yed to the.0}tbelic cemetery in Mo a. The O'Connor'. had been ersident of Mortis for a long ti.ne up to last tar, when they proved into town, en, are well liked by all who know then The father, brottereaud Water. all It yr the syem- pathy of their 'many fro • ds in their sad bereavement. MAVIS.. FAREWELL—The El l.:—The was goei__ronepesetion in the iseopel church Sunday' evening; it be g the night that Kew. W. H. H rtley preached h i a farewell ser on. Although Mr. Hartley has been h re convey the , aesuraace of its sincere sympathy to the family so sorely be- reaved and to the congregation at Goderich so unexpectedly deprived of bits wined -tradership and ministra- tions. The life ot Mr. Anderson Was plume attached. \Vhen Mr. Madge but of the church was a whole. deports, he will almost have a train of "Underlying, the r hie sacred vocation The Presbytery then entered m his own, o o takes three cars rotrs' was a manhood that was at once 1 cnnfelenre on the subject of "Evan- sh effects,. the of corers; two of settlers' stung and beautiful, w love of the I gelism," introductory addr•eeses being fencer, two of cedar posts and one of Gospel drat war given Its Messre. Smith and Sharp. fence wire. f h e delrveied up the h metres on { apostolic,a loyalty to •the art one saints that was unswerving and prac- tical, gifts that enabled him to reech the truth with unuteual power ac- ceptance. "His sense of duty and his devotion to his work were unexcelled. Of hint it might ie said, 'This one thing 1 do.' Able, earnest and spiritual in the pul- pit. presenting a vital message rn an attractive and finished form, he was The matter of a Presbytery campaign was submitted tote core evangelism. It was agreed that the Sabbath aichcol convention proposed for the September meeting should be de- ferred. The Presbytery holds its next ordinary meeting on September 8th. Another Octogenarian Dead. fine of -the oldest reeiiienta of the county, in the person of James Page, who had been living alone on his faros near Grand Bend, died on Sunday, May 15th. On the Friday previous to his death a neighbor, noticing that there was no stir about the house, went to investigate and found the door locked. It was broken open and, Mr. Page was found to be set:' ly ill a equally the than of God snd of the p with an attack of pneumonia. Despite pit. Amicable and ble incompanionship, ti habit, the attention of o physician he sassed prompt, pathetic and considerate, he was a cup away on the following Sunday its men- astrength to sufferers in their agony, the eager light -bearer to those in per- plexity and the willing helper at all times. As a member ot Presbytery, his wisdom, calmness, charity and judiriat temper were marked chersi•- terietiee, and his departure is mourned as a -Presbyterial bereavement. But Gott's finger touched him and he slept. Our prayer for Mrs. Anderson and the members of his family is that in the amidst of tears they may bave w aision of their beloved as antong'theapirits of just tnen made perfect:,' and mayfH}d a The Misses Mabel and l only four slid ; half years, before fat f {,cora, weft- the 1 Rot through with his address tear appear IM f nPr1° as the tamely remedy. oaf f their sister, Mrs. Andrew erre In the evest f a g y „ • hide th P hwhatever taxon moderator of d p]r. Morse's IndanThurs- .-toned. He heti reached the age 0 righty -two years and eleven months. Before living on the farm on which he died he had resided on the eighth con- cession of Hay township. His first wile died twenty -Cao years ago and two years later he took a trip to the Old Country, where he wee again mar- ried. He lived there. until the death of hie elecond wife, when he returned. to Canaan. A -family- of one son and two daughters survive. SORE FEET AND strength and comfort in the Soy CHAFED PLACES. Lord' and in the secret of. the Divine I Presbytery also learns with ...' ., -Bok" is beet for chafed plecee, preeenee. "The were feet, er inflamed blies' es casisset Pleasure of the kindness of the con - skies friction-. For adapted, beco se gregation towards Mrs. Anderson it i s it is t tett be' bdupta d, . • end family and heartily s commends itis of pu tem for their crow e f{gn y Don't apply to the delicate skin - of I it was reported that Mr. Lindsay your children. Tither for cute, sorer or . had declined the call to Bayfield and akin diseases, the crude salves made up sympathy was expressed with the from rancid somal oils land fats• with congregator mineral coloring and scented matter r. Hamilton was appointed as in - PURIFIED HIS BLOOD Dr. Morse's Indian Root Pills Moslem' Mr. Wilson's Sorsa Wbm the sewer of the body—bowels, kidneys and skin ducts—get clogged up, the blood quickly becomes impure and frequently sores break out over the body. The way to beat them, as Mr. Richard Wilson, who lives near h London, O He found, is to purify writes: For some time I had been initt low, depressed condition. My appetite eft se and I soon began to suffer from indi- gestion. Quite a number of small sores and blotches formed all over my skin. I tried medicine for the blood and used many kinds of ointments, but without satisfactory results. What was wanted was a thorough cleansing of the blood, and I looked about in vain for some medi- cine that would accomplish this. At last Dr. Morse's Indian Root Pills were brought to my notice, and they are one of the most wonderful medicines I have ever known. My blood was puri- fied in a very short time, sores healed up, my indigestion vanished. They :away, have a place m my home and are looked o Johnston,' • great titan o is sir unpleasant app the Beeston o Root Fills cleanse hart tin Thutrday. day of this w. Ile I It is h herr entien a d odor ! }(emewlwr that _gate into the pores gets into the blood. Knox church, Goderich, and to e- the system thoroughly. Sold by alb day of this marl. is his inlrntinnclare the dodos at 25c a bop. GUDERICH TOWNSHIP, to drive and he expects to arrive at Stick to nature. and pure nattual prep(• Mand,l'ulpit vacant on Saggar hie destination, Durham, to preach nets, %am•Buk is nature's own y' next Sabbath. La rad even• I healer, and is, t hereto•-easnot only imp- Thi following commissioners were erior in purity. but also in strength. }},__resent from the congregationssarof I Fate seems to have an Ingrowing it Use it, I Varna and Blake, viz.. Magainst the innocent by- nd Haugh, and all I grudge aaq MONDAY, May '2:1 The friitnds of Rev. W. 11. Dunbar II be pleseed to hear that he ea rived sly in' 13slfast. Ireland, After a avut vie age. He will return by Lake Miatetolte, which sails frow tut June Bath. surveying the line on Lest Thu ay ing a number of bis congregeti••n met at bis residence and after a plea/milt evening had been spent F. Metcalf read an ,ads'ress to Rea-. and Mrs. Hartley expressing the deep regret of tbe congregation that they wale A Prxs&NT.\'fn,N.—A tutu r td leaving here and wishing them as thing people met the other even- good success in the future as they at. the hotue of Mr. end Mis. C. have had here. As a alight token of . Williams, jr., who have recently appreciation a purse of gold was pre - ami started housekeeping, and sented. Mr. Hartley fittingly replied• nted them with ' a beautiful Rev. J. L. Small last Sabbath nee clock, sccowpanied by an a ad• evening ;leo preached a kind of tare - Pas expressing isiteem find Rmod well salmon before he leaves on hit airs. The trmainder of the even- (tit, tit attend the General Assembly was pleawnlly "lent in a social et Halifax. ay, PEKM)NAL AND GENERAL —Dr. W. A Srongertoe.—As the roeds in Sloan end wit of Burwseh Latake.e township ate, most extensively Cobalt, are at t•e:tent Waiting tailed during the summer months, relatives itt this neighborhood.. • 'I thereto's. during this period Roy \V heeler returned Saturday from onsible, his trip to New York '1' O'Con- uldode it kept *ell as p mild it not. be well it the hath- nor tett 'fursday for Cisntptellfor • stetaw1nld postlsine their gravel- where he has secured a position on a ns until the fall and thus allow those steam -shovel. .. ..la+. Dodds. of Tor - ho drive to get es h enjoyment onto, spent a few' drys of this week it of it as possible It Suppaee the with his smother here S West- thtuastets along the main lines of lake closed his term of office es town rel try the experiment for one servant Saturday night ager serving n• the town faithfully for five years. He is spending a few days visiting in Goderich. It. is his intention to re- turn here June 1st and open up a po restaurant in building, anthdpart as he oftheold lar with the young people it is iktly he will do a fair business JJ Blaney, of Lucknow. visited in town for a couple of days best week ...... Hoy Sims .pent the 24th visiting at Mount Fore visited \with her parents of Clinton, J. here a few days this week Walker left Saturday for Saskatche- wan, where he is going to visit with his daughter for a while and may pos- sibly remain. ..... tbeThe St. George Club is bringing "Southland Seren- aders" here to give a concert in in- dust.ry Hall Friday evening of this same time. full hooter. seeing hatexpected there this istll be a w good Hett.o, CEN•reat.1 Nominal --. company end that there have been ruse !—A concern to bit known as few concerts here this season .. -...T. e Colborne Municipal Telephone \Vwnleae, of Milverton, spent the 24th foam was organised on Saturday with his fwtnily here ...... It was a 1 rnonn, May '21st. The following gteat disappointment to quite a num- linerswere elected after an exhaust- ger that everything was so wet on the e dihcau+ion which lasted pFreed- 24th. Quite & number who intended exhaust - 113+ the whole 'afternoon : Freed- going away stayed at home. but $ t, 0. R. rerefer ; secretary. E. H. guitar did go away to Brussels. alter ; treasurer, -trod. Young. Goderich. Clinton and Toronto. while arma the mineesny it not slow in get- a few went fishing. It had been the tot guineas is proved by the fact inurntlon to bave the that bowling of W. B. Forster and other" were the mason. but the pawn was too wet. nen Monday. i fTva Stotler'. and Miss Cares where other things 1 vgricuee Sparrow, flan on a also, for piles, festering t ttleere, cute, burns, and every -day in - united in the desire that Mr. Davidson stander. pities. Every home needs it ! COLBORNE. 11uNDAY, May 23rd, John Munnings, of Colborne town- '', sold foot steers the other day to Fitzsimmons k Son. of Clinton. hitt weighed 5,731) pounds. The m of 1101.10 was paid forltheta. J"art s ..---bias Ella Kurtchinski is dined to her ronin this week with o attack of pneumonia M. hwanz, who has leen alightly in- Itprased for the past few days, is e to he around again While nrking on a scaffold on the side of e anise Chas. Bt•eckow had the mis- m•t in• to fell a distance of night or n feet and have his collarbi'ne die- ated, which will Incapacitate him r The roan who hires his friends IalIT Pan more than they ars -A-N-C-Y YOU can now procure our delicious Soda Biscuits in a size and design much thinner and more dainty than the ordinary soda biscuits. Just ask your grocer for McCormick's F -A -N -C -Y Jersey Cream Soda Biscuits — neatest, crispest, tastiest. The "Little Lord Fauntleroy" on the package guarantees McCormick -Quality. Sold only in I Oc and 5cBlue Label Packs ges• Special Attractions IN air is quite w d Rerence i.►fw►rn a.+ The total ammeamesst for the tows* ir loan w ho make+ his meek and the hip of Hull.•ft for loin is pieced at law whoa wife makes him toe it. . ,tit11,150. 1he population is 2,432. • WACTOIT AT Imo FANCY JERSEY CREAM SODA ICK iscuiTs Children's Clothing We have just received .1 shipment of Children's Clothing which, in style and `dressy appearance, is not equalled in Gode- rich. We have the Double• breasted, Buster, Browns and Norfolk styles, with the new Bloomer Knick- ers, from which anyone can make a suitable se- lection. We consider it a pleasure to show them. LONDON, WARSHOCSES AT MONTREAL. OTTAWA, HAMILTON, KINGSTON, WINMT*G AND CALCAR' " THE DENDRON DRIVER" " See That Triple Curved Spring 1" GENDRON BABY CARRIAGE "The fsENDROr4 is a beauty, and it's the car for ue.ahould "There are lots n good plain reasons why Y buy a DENDRON for baby. "This carriage car is made In Canada. Every inch .f msterial embodied Is the GLNDRON is the beat that money can buy. `ENDRON It's made " See that triple curved spring P That feature is exclusive to the of selected and tested st.ei- the triple curve absorbs every air, makings thi invest infaa�E ear . verit- able feather bed for baby. There are other reasons why you carriage. Style and service areeguaranteed. nted` Then GG to operate.' /!!1• - - A carriage cars are so easy baby SpA in et1 ar.ttlasa mamma. Write as if lour d.iiSr aosan't marry th•w Gendroe Manufacturing Co., Limited, Toronto ,,,s McLean Bros. .art Tailors and Furnishers 11 Vour. ,Oxford OpportunitY comes with our display of low shoes for men and women• it is an admitted fust that Oxfords are the correbt footwear for summer. Then it only remains for youto deride what two invest in. A lady wants elegance, symmetry and comfort in her summer shoes ; a gentleman wants class and perfect quality in his. Our complete line is at your disposed with these qualities predominating. No freaks, bet some top- notch creations in this beaa°n tt leathers. Try a pair. G. M. ELLIOT 0 ==:=I === =====, Spring and q Summer Goods q REFRIGERATORS We handle the Barnet Hygienic Itetrigerstor, as well as tbe ordinary Itetrigerator. With the Barnet Refrigerator you can cut your ice bill in two; you can put tlsh and onions in with your milk and putter without tainting tb kyutter or iilk ; t matches in id without as a proof of its dryness, you affecting them. GALL ANI) SEE THItM, LAWN MOWERS Ofrom er $4.25 shipment, $12.30 EveryLaowen Mowers has Wet arrived. Prices fully guaranteed. if your old Mower is out of repair, let us knew, and we will send for it and pot it in good repair for you. WHEELBARROWS ' Do'you require a Wheelbarrow? We have them. SCREEN DOORS AND WINDOWS We have Doors frown feet It inches to 7 feet in height various styles. GOAL 01 We hare what you want. Mud 11 ■ e ,• to as �i.v.r.. WIRE Cleveland ('oiled Spring vte.•I Wire at *345. Barbed at i6.e6. Woven Fence, from '25c to 15c per rod. PAINTS Our stock of Sherwin- Williams Paints wall Dever complete. . CEMENT Fresh ear of National Portland Cement just in. Let us figure on your Plumbing, Seating, EavestroughinR and Electric Wiring. Alt work promptly attended to and fully guaranteed. Wire 11 Pb.' CHAS. C. LEE Stere 'Phone zU �sme 'Pitsea eta inure