The Signal, 1910-5-26, Page 6a Turiu.DAY MAY 911, 1910 i/ / . / .7777 / , .7 J i1 /1l The Port of. All sing Men Eire it awbaasador snatched It from him eagerly. 'Baron von Marhof, the events that "This device, the falcon poised upon Jove led to this, meeting..have been a sliver helmet: You have much to ex- isowewhat tuure than unusual -they aroplain, monsieur." 'unique. And cotupllcatlons have arisen "It Is the coat of arms of the bouse which regofre prompt and wise action of Schouihurg. The case belonged to For this reason 1 am glad that we shall Frederick Augustus. Karts sou. and have the benefit of Judge (iafborne's this sword was his. and these Orders advice" and that cloak lying yonder -all Were "Judge Claiborne la the counsel of his. They were gifts from his fatter. our c nbasiv." said the arubsassador. And, bellevc nate.--tlty friends. 1 came 111.1 gaze was fixed intently on Aral- by thehonestly." tage's face, and ho hitched •himself for- •The bhrun bent over the table and ward In his chair impatiently, grasp- spilled th orders fluke their silver box Ing his crop nervously across his knees and scanned than eagerly. The col - "Yost were aoxiotis to find me, baropl and I tiny have seemed hard to catch, but 1 believe we have been working at cross purposes to serve the same in- terests." - The baron nodded. "Yes; i dare say." he remarked dryly "And some other gentlemen of not quite your own standing have at the sante time been seeking Inc. It will give me great pleasure to present one of then[' -one. I believe, will be enough. Mr. I'la iborne, will you kindly allow itt. Jules Chauvenet to stand in. the door tor a moment?. I want to lion a question.' Shirley, witting farthest from Armi- tage, folded her handl! upon the 1on4 table and looked toward the door into --- -whisk her . brother vanished Then Juke Chanvenet stood before them all, and as bla eyes met hers for a second the color rose to his face, and he broke out angrily: "ThLe is infamous: This is an out- ;at,. i • 1 f raw t.*aa• 7i The eotorul.rU,bohe.:the*Irtertnt jewels. held the cpcx 91 an. peed ribbons, the glittering jewels. held - the eyes of alt. Many of them were the insignia, ut rare orders ho longer conferred. There' were'the crown and pendantcmas of the Invincible Knights rage! Baron von Marhat, as an Aub. of 'Lartnger; the white -falcon upon a trtan subject 1 appPnl to -yon for pro silver helmet ftwuug frc*n a ribbon. of . 'tecUon from this man!" "Mo'nsienr, you shall hare all eN proteetton Baron von Marhof earls to give you. but first I wtah to ask yon a • at>saclon-jtre.t_wa_-Yee xw sp Amellca with the fixed puepoee of killing tae. You sent a Servian Assassin after me -a fellow with a reputation for doing dirty work -and :1e tried to stick a knife Into nie ea the deck of the King Edward. 1 shall not recite my subsequent experl- enews with him or with you and '51. Durand. You announced at Captain (2alborne's Gable at the Army and 'Navy club in Washington that I was an Impostor, and all the time, mon- sieur, you have really believed uie to Ise some one-- some one in particular." Arnitage's eyes glittered. and his mire faltered with intensity as he ut- peed these last words. Then he thrust his band luto his coat pocket, stepped back and concluded: "Who am I, monsieur?" (Arauvenet shifted uneasily from one !sot to the other under the gaze of the Ove people who wafted for his answer; Oen he screamed shrilly: "Yat ate tete-devil--en Impostor, a O ar, a thief Baron vim rarhof leaped to his feet • roared ared at'ebatmenet In English: "Who is this nten? Whom d0 you be - Mere him to be?" "Answer, and be quick about It!" A =wed Claiborne. tell you"- began Cbauvenet fierce - "Who em I?" salted Arntttage again. M don't know who you are", - 'You do not! You certainly ,o not!" laughed Armitage. 'Bat who have grou believed me to be, monsieur "1 thought" - "Yrs, you thought"- . 9 thought- there seemed reasons to believe" - "Yes, and you believe It Go on!" Caanvenet's eyes blinked for a mo- oniest Al he considered the ditllcultlea of his situation The presence of Baron von Mar - hof sobered him. America fright not, after all, be so safe n place from which to conduct an old world conspira- cy, and thea in- cident must, 1f possible. be turn• ed to his own ac- count tie ad• e oth nI 1d; -111e- tnmtltnr dna-lee-0f- the house of Schotuburg. tbe [;old Mal- tese cross of the Chevaliers of tbe Blessed Sacralneat; tbe crossed swords atrove an iron crown Ot the Ancient Lcgien of Saint Michael and Ail An- gels. and the full rigged ship pendant from triple anchors, the decoration of the rare Spanfph onler of the Star of the Seven -Seas. Silence held the come ,any as the ambassador's fine old hands touched one after another. It seemed to Shirley that these baubles again blond tbe new world. tete fa- ruiliar hills 'of home. the Virginia shores, to the wallowing caravels of Columbus. The ambassador closed the silver box the better to examine the white falcon upon 111 lid. Then tie swung about and confronted Armitage. . "Where Is he, monsieur?" be asked, his voice sunk to a whisper, bis eyes sweeping the doors and windows. "The Archduke Karl is dead; bis son. Frederick Augustus, whom these con- spirators have imagined roe -to be -be. too, 1s dead." "You are quite sure -you art Quite r. Armitage?". "1 am quite sure." . "That Is not enough! We have a right to ask more than your word!" "No, it Is not enough." replied Arai - tithe quietly. "Let m` make my story brief. 1 need not recite the peculiari- ties of the nrcbduke-his dislike of coo. venttonnl 8oclety, hes contempt for. sham and pretense. After living a her- mit lite at one of the smallest and most obscure ot.the royal estates for several years he vanished utterly. That was fifteen years ago." "Yes; be was mad, quite mad." blurt- ed the baron. "That was the common Impression. He took his oldest son and went into exile. Conjectures as to his where moots have filled . the newspapers sporadically ever since. Ile has been reported as appearing In the south see Wands, India. in Australia, In vari- ous parts of this country. In truth. he came to America and estab- lished hamlet as a farmer in western Canada. Fits son was killed In an ac- cident; the archduke died within the ' aerA/.9 e. lnf,Imotur' SIGNAL: GODERICH ONTARIO Tr..fa tl.rk Semi -ready Clothes are so good that 100,000 m e n bought Suits last year Mt 1.EAN BROS., GOI)FRICII i c 8 W N'S COCOA ae 1t Sults Them All Old and young delight in the rich- nessand delicious- ness of COWAN'S PERFECTION COCOA It suits every taste. The Cowan Co. Limited. TORONTO. 136 Fullness and Bloating After Eating? Little Digesters '�l] 25c. a box. Cure or your money back. At all Druggists or direct from COLEMAN MEDICINE CO.. Toronto s fetal? PARKET REPO. S. Liverpool and Chicago Wheat Futures Close Lower -Live Stock - Latest Quotations. Saturday Evening. May 21. Liverpool wheat futures closed to-4aY %d- to -NA k.wvf thea Thutstia ,sura -Mi t ,uotrd. Chicago May wheat ,closed lc lower tbtu yesterday, .lay corn %e lower. may owls 'tic lower. Winnipeg Options. Wheat. -May 9:disc. July Vic.Orta-ilea 3214c. July 3.1%c. Toronto GraIn Market. Wheat, fall. bush $l 02 to 8.... Wheat, red, hush 10'! .... Wheat, goose, bush 1 00 •••• Buckwheat, bush. 0 fol •••• Rye. bushel' 065 •••• Nrule3', bushel 0 .,.., Meas, bushel 0 73 .••• Oats. hurtle; 0.6J •••• Toronto Dairy Market., Butter. separator. Cheese. per. Ib • 0 13 0 13'4 Qgl a%3 Sutter. store lots 021 0 Butler, ctwonery, solids0 -'3 ..•• Nutter. creamery, ,h. ro.Is0 25 .•., 1•!.["., new -laid Honey, extracted Itute•-. corn hs, doscn 225 3 M Liverpool Grain and Produce• uvI•:Itl'te,1., May 21. -wheat -Spot dull; No. tend western winter, no atea,k; July, 61i 10 5-5d; tk•t., is. • Corn -Spot quirt; old American mlx- 5s 7 1-2d; pew' -kiln -dried, los b1 -2d;, Uatvestun, 5s 6 1-2d; futures auUt y nominal. 1 ns -Canadian steady, 7s 3d. F • de -Winter -pail-exits dull. 30s Ad. Ho , . In London -Pacific cost steady. 14 to 5. Beef Extra India mess firm, 127. 64. Pork-' ime mors. western steady 108s. 11 ms -Short-cut strong, 761: Bacon -I gutar,-Cumberland cut, 701 short rib. ,'s 6d; clear bellies, 74s; ion clear middl tight 72.; do. 'heavy. 710 8d; ihor c ea LaeRa :ts 6d. shouMers; square strong. 65s.. Lard -Dull; ime western, 66s; Am- erictan refined, ."s 6d. Cheese -Dull; t : nadian finest white. Us 6d; do. color. 57s 6d. Tallow -Prime cl •, no stock. Turpentine -Spirit. firm. 45a .34. Rosin -Common 11 • 111 , ' Petroleum --Steady. 1-2d. New York Dairy erten. NEW York. May 21.- utter -Weak; receipts. 5"28; creamery t{peclala. per pound. 25 1-4c to 2s 1-2e; do. extras. 27 3-4c to 2$c. Cb eeae-Fl rm- Rece l pt.. full cream. new specials• 14 1 - state skims. fine, 9 3-4c to 1001 full skims. 3 1-2e to 4•. Exports: Eggs -Weak; receipts. 17.181; BuyJKellogg's and try -Kellogg's-then you'll buy it again. You won't tire of it. There's the welcome toothsomeness in it, you'll like. With sugar and cream, Kellogg's is the daintiest morsel ever rolled under your tongue -with the healthful strengthening qualities your body ought to have. A dime will prove its worth. tr 10c A PACKAGE AT ALL GROCERS TOASTED MADE IN CANADA H "THE SWEET- HEART OF THE CORN" stab% to 15c; : do. 112. tate. Pennaylvanis and near -by hen ere whites, 25c to ; gathered whites. to 25c; fresh -a• -.hired.; egular pat•k extra firsts, 21 1-2c to 22c; do firs 20 1-2c to 21e. CATTLE MARKETS. WALK-0VER SHOES WHEN you hay a se pair of shoes you have a right to era kutnethitig beelike good looks, th.e#e only one point, .'1'hett ate vsriotte other things t3 le contrition ed : cowfort, dux ability, style. WALK -OVER Shoes contain these and a thouuotl and ohs other excellent -4, that oily NNALK-ON Lk tot Aires k now. • AGENTS FOit GOOF ' ICH Downing & MaVicar \\-i: lti-: a \l \lt'NIh Nyal's Spring Tonic, Blood Purifier, and Sarsaparilla Three excellent preparation: for use in the spring 'seas,ou when eve' yb,efy ehould'take a tonic. it Goderich. Hogs slow and Lower at East Buffalo -Cattle Steady LONDON, May 21. --London and Liv- erpool cables quoted live tattle (AmeA- can) steady, at 14c to 15e. drawee weight; refrigerator beefsteady, at 11r tit 11 3-40 per tb. LONDON, May 21. -John Rogers r Co., Liverpool. stated -to -day that sup - Wei' for Tilrkeenhead this week have increased considerably. and with the demand being small trade was slow, a few deals only being completed at one- quarter of a cent reduction on 'est week's prices. All the cattle were Caradians. and may be quoted at from 14 to 15 cent per pound. year." Judge Claiborne beet forward In kis ebair ns Armitage panted. "What proof have you ;et this stats, Mr. Armltage7" "I am prepared for such a question. gentlemen. 111s identity I may estab- lish by various documents which he gave me for the purpose. For greater security 1 locked them in a safety box of the Bronx Loan and Trust comps in New York. To guard against acci- dents I named you jointly with myself as entitled to the contents of that box.' Here Is the key." As he placed the slim bit of steel on the table and stepped back to his old taowitlon on the hearth they saw how white he was and that his hand shook, and Dick begged him to sit down. "Yes; will you not be stated. mon- sieurr' said the baron kindly. "No; 1 shall have flntahed In it mo- ment. The arch- duke gave those documents to me and with them a paper that will explain much in the life of that unhappy gentle- man. It contains a disclosure that mtght.ln certain emergencies be The noon ens very .1111 fie the last of very great word. rang nut The old ambassador's value. I beg of wise clung to Armitage. ale stepped you ts•Ileve that Nearer. the perspiration- breaking out fie was not a fool won his brow, and his lips trembled and not a road- ie he faltered: man. Ile sought "Ile tvoukl be king! Ile would be exile for reasons king"' Thee Armitage spoke sharply to Clad - bore e. "That will do. Thegentleman may retire now." As Claiborne thntat Chnavenet oat et the room Armitage turned to the lit- tle company, smiling. 9 am not Frederick Angustn", the ant of the Archduke T(nrl." he anld Quietly. "nor did i ever pretend that 1 was except to lead thrMe men on in their conspiracy. The etymon* case that ranted on trach tumble at Mr. Qatborna's supper party belongs to me. dfiee'iTiTe bar- on in German: 'This man 1s a designing plod ter. He is bent upon mischief and treason. Ile has contrived an ttaesnpt ngatnstthe noble ruler of our taat1ei Ile is a menace to the "Who 1a hey" demanded Marhof lm- pettettly, and his eyes and the eyes of el fell upon Armitage. "1 tell you we found him lurking about fn Lturope, wafting his chance, sad we drove him away -drove him here to watch him. See these things - that sword -those orders! They be- longed to the Archduke Karl. look at them end air. that It Is true! 1 tell you, we have rendered Austrian high serv- krfine death, one death at Vienna, and thin win • t' n tnndntan would be king! Ile Is I rederlck Augustus, the sou of the Archduke Karl:" -fur the reason that h1. son 1 fennels, who has Judge Claiborne been plotting the rounder of the new emperor -king. Is not els limn:" "What." roe red the baron. "It Is na 1 have Mild. The ratline,., nets of his wife and not madness drove him Int.) exile. Ire Monodist that pa Leo- 10 me and "wore me to carry It to Vienna if French" ever got too near the throne. it is certified by half n (111.0 odlctals authortZetl to administer A Record Trip. Niagara Falls, Oat., May 23. -Over 2,000 members of the Brotherhood oil Locomotive Engineers, who have holding their national meeting -in De troit, were in this city Saturday on a sightseeing trip. They came alt guests of the Michigan Central Rail- road Co.' which brought them on twos trains of 12 cars each, treating them - to one of the most remarkable rides in the history of railroading. The Brat train, consiatieg of 12 vestibuled cars, carrying 1,134 delegates, made the run iron Windsor to Falls View, 224 miles, in 217 minutes. The train made no stops in the entire distance. slowed down but twice, once while running through 8t. Thomas and again while crossing the drawbridge at Weiland. This run was made by the second train in 224 minutes, a mile a minute for the entire distance. etc l' 1ft L: owl:isle �1 Nit. 1stOtt - -' .'. • tikte v. • The "Kitchen Queen" will stay longer if her realm is beautified with " Lacqueret." The old chairs ere worn and soiled. A mat of "Laequ.ret" (any shade to suit your fancy) will make them look better than on the day ynu bought them. Touch up the refrigerator with flak "Laegt.r.t" and note the effect The wainseding wants a coat of Colored "Lae- queret " her- scars and ,etatches will vanish. • ° "Laeg .rot" is a great rejuvenator and will help you to keep the " hired girl" by reducing her work and, .bag beer happier. Write far our free bx,nklet, "Dainty Decorator," and keen for yourself the many uses of this household beautifier. Moat pre.ntnent Hardwer..nd Pint arae.. e.f "Ia mere5 INTERNATIONAL VARNISH CO. LIMITED TORONTO . WINNIPEG zttit robe Dant Mardi INTL." L.ACQUERET " b oil M tdl INIIiW Man pII NN MI For Sale by FRED HUNT, God/rich. Realizing What's What. The United States are waking up to the fact that Canada is fully compet- ent to conserve her natural resources for the use of her own people. Titne was when popular opinion in the United States 'ended to regard Jack Canuck as a hewer of wotel end a drawer of water for Uncle Sem. Hut certain expressions of opinion of a contrary sort that are now continnelly cropping up in the United '\States press show that this attitude townrds Canada is fast giving way. Here is e sample from the editorial columnf, of the American Forestry Journal : "Canada is measuring her timber resources and preparing to protect them by progressive and tdvnstic measures against exploitation for the behefit of wasteful foreign cmrntriee. including her • next-door neighbor. We cannot look to the north for oar salvation. We must hu..bend all out remaining resources and plant tree', wherever they can he grown more profitably than other crops, in order that our own future may he assured This it the only way. Canada hen not the resources for her own needs and ours too, and she in sufficiently wide awake and intelligent ,to guard her own. The only way that our timber resources and Canada's can he made inexhaustible is by the application of the highest scientific knowledge and the broadest common sense." St. Peter's Joke. Two Irishmen were in a city hank reeentlj, waiting their turn atthe earthier. window. "Tide reminds me of Finnegan," remarked one. "What about Finnegan ?" inquired the other. "Tin s story that Finnegan di and when be greeted St. Peter he said, 'it'. a fine job you've had here for a 1png time.' 'N ell. Finnegan,' maid. fit. Peter. 'here we count.* million years lie f1 minute and a million dollen as a Amnt.' 'Ah r ..aid Finnegan. 'Pm needin' cash. lend me a Bent.' pure,' maid St. Peter, 'just wait a Ininute.' " FARMERS, ATTENTION! Having ROSE. 1 a Huron with ught nut the Implement business of HUGH praparrd to supply the formers of We..! 1 kinds of Farm Machinery. 1 will handle ewell-known International Harvesting Machinery, the 'anode ('arrixg�ee Co.'s Bnpgies. irrson, Paris and l wn Plows. Frost Wire Fence, ('ream Separators. Riede Twine, Machine Oils. Wasbing Machines and Wrin re, etc., etc. Plow points and all- inds of repair,' constantic on hand. The warehouse w I be open at all hones td 4h•• day. i am agent for the Toronto Windmill Co. and will have pumps, pipes and fitting always lib hand. Fatah water supply systems installed lo up-to-date style. Farmers or any other's wantingny thing in my line ere requested to call and get pricea\before purchasing. Fair dealing is my motto. and i protgise my customers good value for their money. J. J. MOSER HAMILTON STREET, OODEitICH. =moi KEEP YOUR HOME IN A SANITARY CONDITION 1 DUSTBANE Disinfects the Dirt, "Purifies the Air and Prevents the Dust from Rising Don't 'F Your Lungs With Dust Germs! It's House -Cleaning Time. Order a can of Dustbane on•trial for one week. At the end of this 'period if not founn-,satisfactory it may be returned with no charge for t quantity used. Packed in barrels anc�•tegs for store, office and school use. For sale by HOWELL HARDWARE CO, ted - - ONT•