HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1910-5-26, Page 5what we
likes, black,
ro.e, grey
; :,,tc silk,
offerings in
sista exceed
ered before,
at *2114 bar
1 tt•ft,a 811111 b
v now left.
flat Y alar fur
io more at
ants. one
4.t regular
[take a suit.
,, never had
rush cLiite
ionalde '
dirty to
aloe in
t styles.
million Strew
Idly huluanizir.g in-
Psto two fmin irltrl-
s•ing able to addrree
mint heir owls tongue.
t position which be
•nt of Enro;w by hie
tuages and the wit,
his Cllnstantass1N'la-
of all nation.. He
lo. tw in-culpathy
1t distre.• and sea+
objects which were
t of the i nor and the
e concluded by the
ational Anthea. and
it the benedict n 1'S'
71714,P was conducted
lurch at 11 A. lit..
hull. The menden;
Kr A..
v, and w large moo-
d all denominations
that a rumor IIA.
it," which aye ;oc
true• and we tort,
carred, which de
works some thigh
All fencing
LIPahle wan adv'•+•
g which hail Is en
or leas. by the (ire.
ad out in the shot' t
e, we affirm that
e are selling is all
never touched by
guarantee, hacked
Icorrgor - Banwell
every rod of
Ig" to be perfect,
e dell that we
Ire Action Agalnat
and we offer a
(N) to any %rho can
h persons.
Is enviable: it is
arket, and r and
'encing right,
ley ever got.
e Co.,
'alts ' IUN'1,. (;nrWRlCH. 1" Til RIO
The "Fair" Ch;nges Hands.
putrirII Fair, which has leen con
da,•td by Richard Parsons for a 1111111 -
her of years. w+aa taken over hist Neck
by ltettrY e. Parsons, of Sarnia. The
proprretor will arrive Arta• ++holt
the 11141 of .lune to take charge of the
In the County Court.
The parties from Whltetlhurcb.
Rbo suitor Little ago were found guil'y
conduct ot•FF
sant beforeItHis nJudgeeHit
tad&y 'I'heY pleaded guilty to the
0 and
oon l over td o keelsxch the peace $f r one
yew. ,Dudley Holmes, of Wiughalu,
appeared for the accused. while
Crown Attorney Seager prosecuted.
Chex= Mitchall.
A quiet wedding was 4oIeuinizel at
•rl'he Maples." (iodet lc second Tuesday,
etben_Miss Mary
terot Mr". S. J. !Mitchell. of Colborne
township. was united in uaart•isge to
William A. Clark. of (ioderick. Rev.
Win. Baugh,. of Henrniller. officiated.
Only 111e iumnediate relatives of the
iotelested parties witnessed the cert.-`
loony. The wedding gift+, were batd-
tor•r and valuable. Mr. and Mrs.
eters ^ .-stere aa+arried lift uu. ire
t,,h concession of Colborne township.
The Police Court. 1,f ate.
Two girls. thirteen yeRN
here up before. the police magistrate
•n weeks tato on the charge of stash
n biv� dP halm In front of 1).. H.
K, 'laundry. Upon their at real the
est tot sett
reel. have a
.ion. of Ave home. 1 est rill *y
*watt lte Rutter tvetti tiltaYl.dhesw
t,aahecate•'nt the r ty branch of
the ('hil+lren's Aid fhocieIy until they
resell the age of twenty -ane.
Two isiys about fourteen year" old,
;Aught til 1 fie act of ent 6ri lgthe bels.,
s.f 11)1,111.1/4111)1,111.1/4111)1,111.1/41111.' gr y $4 01V.
sin+Itiedthe veth roJYae fond wa sten sn4ed
Mortgage Sale..
The 1.4 1,1 .titgle.ea st rept 1 Nn. 7114
shu•h Wan of1•n•e1 fin' sale: by 'oldie
stgtietl ou x+at•unlay hast Ni118 811(1 441
T. Albert (t • 1 for $Ion. net,. is a
villain on the property.
Thi•'property in Colb me towtnshlp.
Gni+1ot. 12 in hls•k H. Was sold at the
C.44..rne hotel. (ilalrrich. on the same
da% to .11.s. Fellows. The pricy Haid
eii $175. 114e11• is x oar and half plaintiff; Atom,Spottaoklasreistonlfr.r
,t•,ry duelling;8 on1•-.4ry f'":',"' dertiilant..Theother rineirGibson vs.
1'1;164 API a, s►ttall 14"'"'ou the• Hamilton, the plaintiff. ►wing Alex-
vsSiert )'. l ander Gibson. of the township of
Another property. MIrty. being lot Ni. 717. Howick, and • the drtendants Martha
• was offered nn Setuhe at t Hatulltoo and. �Vildiani George Ken.
Cathet it hood. T.,UIs•rt Quaid was
•1:•• pun h:i-e••, playing WV) for it. A
'• 1me sto11 v -Rud -n -half dN•elliug Ionise
•t+.ie.l ,•o the list.
Thsue.. 41undry was the acct iou.Ytr
rated the charge, but upon their
,see• twfore the inagietitItt'thew
their guilt And were r 411,41 j-
ne . I4itice that tiute both
tempted on different .r -
there used to be when they were Isy s
or girls. List night, however, those
who watched the stranger in the sky
were rewarded kith a splendid sight.
After the sunset sky flail fated the
comet became visible toad grew more
nod more distinct. and". gradually a
great fanlike tail developed sweeping
away behind the head. Far an about•
or so, before the 10101. came up about
10 o'clock, it was a beautiful sight.
and for. u long while utter that it could
le seen more and mute dimly, de-
scending towernu the western horizon.
We have seen the curvet.
Agnes Knox tllack's Recital.
Mrs. Agnes. Knox Black, who gave
a recital in North street Methodist
church on Thursday• evening last
under the auspices of the Y. M. C: A:,
was greeted -17 - a targe- and apprect-
atiw•e audience. Her exceptional ta1-
ents in the departments of literature
and elocution . weer,"uf rousse, well
known t., (i,slet•ich people, and she
sUetaihe( her reputation ,.uagt.ifi-
crntly. lier 'mignon' included.selec-
tions from Ruskin, Wbittiet, Browu-
iirg. Mwdatem liarrit'.•.lnthony Hope,
Kipling and others. A very tine
epprrciatirltt of littlest t Burns) Was 9111.
it her nutulrers. The ;-.rngt•aut was so
vatted-saki-!19x-seteettnns so well
clout, slid rendered fit such consum-
mate manner. that the end came all
to WOO, 'fhu,w wbu heatd Mts.
Black could u(t fill to gain an in-
vest -wit appreciat' of the literature
Of whish Mite+' es, closable an interpre-
ter. In addition 40 Mt.. Black's 'end-
ings, there were several musical num-
bers, including Nolo. by A. Cook and
Jas, F'. '1'h rein, a cornet solo by
Boy Jones, and organ sele•etione by
A. Ri,y Adam* and M. B. Kilpack.
Thew: added much to the pleasure of
U atoning.
Non -jury Assizes.
l'be non•juay sittings of the High
C -t of Jurtier, to be opened herr on
Monday. May :11th, will 11e presided
over by Sir %Villiant Mulock. Chief
Justice .ot the Exchequer Division.
Two cases have been entered fpr trial.
One is aVakrford vs. Wakerd, an
action for alimony. The defendant,
George Wakeford, is a farrier residing
is the township of Howiek, and the
,plaiaitiff, Catherine Wakeford, is his
wife. The couple lived together after
their marriage until about a year ago.
wheu. it is alleged. the wife woe
obliged to leave the delendatitb house
on account of his cruelty to her. She
le now employed in 'Toronto. A. O.
Campbell tH.rtistani solicitor for
automobiles iu town is a Mclrr4ghlin-
Huick car which has leen 1/111rIuawMl
by J. H. Hawkins. It is a two -twitted
(141' of tN'e•Illy-t N•+, !mese 8 111.1.
Alex. F. MacDonald writes May
34th front Paaswegiu, Sask., in renew-
ing his subscription to The Signal :
"Seeding almost. pietist (nit here.
Quite an increased area sown." .
'rhi• militia will go Tutu 1:4ut11 .at
L,mdnll on •M,lriduy, Jun,• lath. ('4.m-
t+a+►y-A-hits etimmetm•*Yl to drill, and
:lily young own wishing to juin should
apply at once 411 CHIA. 1) lop,
I'hr N'itt4•1 and light cutuutissiuu, at
it- hast iue, ting, accepted the t•ndet•
of 11ugtI['h Hardy and }d
old. John ell to uu-
lelad the %•a8 "1'. c11111 at 42 cents per
tau. '!'heir murk will include the
hoisting of t coal,
'rut -site -, May :tl-t, is the date of the
inauguration of 1 uitel South Africa,
and to mai the birthday of the new
sister state in the British Empire it. is
4.1.11141.7444.11 that dugs Is• Howl +vet• the
s•hooIs of Ontario on that illy.
u• nate+ irli Renal Telephone Co.
'454'ixtay reeeiveti word from the
heal notes 44 the Bell 'I'elepluin.• (lel.
coufirulitg the 111411)1vsaJ 4.f (she fornter
Company to lease the existing Heli'
line front (ieslerich t i Kintatil and
Ittrtr'guitnun. This will facilitate mat-
tei4i greatly in providing a ectiuns
lit 4 ..Ilsrue :lust .tshti,ld.
It has been "tipped off' to the pro-
prietors i.1 jewellery stores, managers
of banks and werchatnta in the email
Giwns anlTclties of the Province tet he
on the Ipokout for a gang of safe-
blowerr, who are Itelieved,to be on the
way to Ontario L) utake a tour of the
1W411,ler places. The result has been
that extra police protection has been
asked for hy bank managers and Jew-
ellei•,a, and other precautions are
(wing taken. Police throughout the
Province leave teen ordered Lo be
on the lookout for the gang.
Hamilton, ex. -moots lit the ...tate of
the late %Volia,u Janlea Harpiltorl.
who t.wn "t.d.tlrerate a will in the vil-
lage ut Fordwrch. below the lands of
the plaintiff. fhr plaintiff claim's
that she Mail land River. which fioN•s
✓ 14 C A. lissuIS.------.-' through hi, property. has been
'u: hart:u,ir ation to IIP kn4.wn ii.• tin• da,llllle f 1.y the d.•tendents to 'ouch a
Kays' %root l w•aa fears' k,med in moot•.- I height a. t.1 ile.td large portions of his
rum uitltt',,• V: M. 1'• A. in We'inc.- lands. He asks ;OUP dainages and
day ecenu,e of last geek. Members. at1 tl'jollclton to tesutaein lh,• defend -
..(the jtu,i"r ase asitt oto the _tants t•remt c.i•+tinuing'4he action cotu-
her of atom t wenty-flSt were ..V1.11411 ' plained id. R/dtard Vanetune ( %% log-
in and Leslie Itlketer,' .lance. Carrie. j tlalttl for p motif% ; A. '11. l'dltlpti•il
Ilan Vo IsnrRld, l'lu•st•r mei h ,„1,1 't l Harriston) tor defendant«.
soul Pena' Ramsay \carte app11nutYl. News from the Harbor.
11itn.11•a,l•1•.. I)r. W. Y. Hayden i-' 1'h1.4teatler M St1•pheu aliiced
•'iutasster. The first 4tt401p \to-. Friday ' ill 41:4'1,"14 lSt. l'I - of {..heat
Wade on-Victori1 110y to the tarn• 11 foe the It(iiii rn ' h. Elan+ )i111'.
n.11 the oil 1nt•rnat ism,' x114 work-. .Ind clea.. el S+,t.ably- aft1 11111' . fi"
ehel.WOO gators w.•h. Pngagel itt f•in•t William to haul wheat for Suf.
41111.-... N1- %er•e'Kivett, mn tire. Knill-
in4.1 camp
fires :inti ramp kitchen..
14,1nren.sn w s ,‘,..tit t11. this Nnyi h
e-Ueatitrt Sh inav wall cilul for
u,d the 11.y,:oTiy4484,1,in4,411.-'41 Kincardine ran into port of s
•11.4 11..„11hh oat,' 4.aereu re. aft Irri.8,n, 1111314P in w1s,re her 111";4
1h1.r4.j1h prec,deu,e of fog. rhe left
14 of the aloe 1C s work.
The Twenty-fourth. tesuly I4.n,l+ly mooting.1'e steamer 1Varlak.•Nntt. a sinnll
Victoria pay N'a. nlxa•i'yel in (;,,,d,...,hiwu.s''tg''r 1.814 'nal built in Kitg41o11.
1.rhwith rn.•rn a 1 nvcialion of the, Na.Y in palm •ornhiy and Tuesday
. e'iI
K l 11 feria -able weather to pN M
waiting f
!"'111&1'. 111,'11' \\'1111 ,a g. sN1 .It RI of .. -
vas, • traffic 10 Rod (111111 town. Rn11 - to, lr.Yrgtatt BAY' She i, a small
'h'newhostayel at 1 • had ,1 yar- ,tessteamerof exceptionally light. draft
.•tv of t, w,tion., snow, of t1own,and is !wing run in c' e•tion With
• ,the ('nnailitut Pa'rifir Railway, rat•t•y-
1tin':iiIly eliciting,
ningktIi7ilthl i1 - lug INa+r„•ngers trout Wrist Rm Htr•tl Ur
and gay/• a lir mt oil th.• S11tu,r•• the numerous camping and tourist
which as..1RI'11 h tlppreri41181-. rem wt. -ituatell 111 the .,eighlsring
h+,rhie.ted and ".my shim Nus 11 11
for 1 Ilse +lemurs Kaminirtiquua arrived
rttral•tiun -a • tires uuans The I T,,-..I,i Twit. Ing with 10'2.:,,4) lnwhels
H ch
and rr4 which wnln e Y 4. .Y• ark each•
1 nl. t fit t , .•' light. . I I left. �-( N�lµ;t RI .NII. ,all K
dwxy, dist itinishes the 241h of May, :
hslfiPrt,hiiui• aay11-1aa1. frond 11„,,„‘„,,nt'n- ,Haitit14,sr, Mi+•1t111ientenl
N to night. le the es -ening t) 1.tem 1 ,r,hi
•I•IR,-1.81111•! Ionic arrived '4 elne•.-
ton, let sea- pmlooht} the chief center I (1ny tit..rming withilil.'NMP 1111411.1. of
d sttnct i'•n, 'although Many a pl i- barley mal fax. and left. light. in the
n14h•exhibitlou 4.f nt..w.. , 4.n set•.•.•- afternoon fur Sarnia, to lutul package
lit IAsn 111 r 1 YI , i t•. brilliant a(RY'-
1n4 It, 14,'e all 1Mkitig forward now to
betninien Day, only dal• weeks off.
Conary Council Reunion.
The enmity council is to nie•rt on
T'1^,lay, June 7, h, and the 814, inn is
file made 1111• 'aI/I1• by n -visit from
the '
isms Iron Pills.
Have you !•vet• tried Wilson's Bak-
ing Powder). If not, call and get a
Itiverhe.. Camp, S„te4 of Scott 1,
will 1,4.141 its regular iimeting omen. -
row t Friday) ey ' g.
The W. C. T. C, meets in the Temp-
erance Hall the second and fourth
Monday. of each month at 3 o'clock.
1'111• regular meeting of the Goderichbr:luch of the Women's Institute will
Ire held on Thursday. June 2m1, at :S
clock. A g1Nst attendance is de-
For rheumatism it is not necessary to
go to hot springs. Just use "The I).
at L." Menthol Plaster and result. will
be satisfactory. 25c at drulrgists.
Davis It Lawrence Co., manufactur-
A superb finial] is obtained by using
Campbells! Varnish Stahl on floors,
furniture or interior 'woodwork.
!'hese stains are sold in 1 pint, 1 pint,
I ' , quart and gallon cane. Ask
Howell Hardware Co., Limited, for
color card. - •
Convalertcents front fevers and in-
juries that have kept them led -ridden
for solar time and all people rut -down
and below par 'generally will tend a
course of treatment with Ferrovim,
the invigorating tonic. lust the thing
to put thein nn their feet again in
blood shaite, Ferro -vim is ,' poled of
treat', lean beef, citrate of iron and
owe old Spanish sherry wine. 51.00
per bottle.
Darning Stockings on a Sewing
The Singer darner is the greatest
device of its kind for darning atrck-
ingr, knit underwear. etc. It holds
the stocking firmly. PO it can be
darned at - any point. Shown in use
and for sale at stinger store, north
aide of Square.
W1r. Allow -the!. ito%•sa a fine o ay. fivight.
The third psNlt+sn for 1 h elevator
x d,N k, aA well as the first. two,
sue irrlW well tinder water. and with
favorable w r al h 1• r ;Mottles week
should see then, twitted 1N•t•nmanently
at the east end of the elevator. ``
1 '411 has IN•1•Ir i• owed and will
be Launched early next week.
Several ca111mds o const nc dun u
ma -
the Meat Sill.
Scores of housekeepers wonder why
they did not use Chat k's meats sooner
and oftener. As an alternative to
they give
'ced hutlhrra n
' h- r1
K p
the greatest satisfaction and cost one-
third or one-half less. Just try them
and see your meat hill grow less.
U pper Lake Steamers.
Sailings of passenger steamers from
Sarnia for Sao and !'ort Arthur every
Wednesday and `Saturday at 3:311
in. Also additional sailings on
Sri lin e
: 1 1
pp May
11 th R
nada •
.f ),
Collingw..od 1::i�4 p. m., and Owen
Sound 11:4•+ p. m• Wednesdays and
Saturdays for Soo and Georgian Bay
port. 'Pickets and reservations from
F. F. Lawrence, Grand Trunk agent.
Baled Hay and Straw.
I am now handling haled hay and
straw. and will deliver same to any
part of the town. Orders lett with me
or at the storage opposite the market
will have immediate attention. Terms
cash with order. P. T. Dicks.
roomy connril.1 Brum. which t4 BORN.
tells,•[ at 1,ucknow the sante week, f t
LECKiE in Toronto., on _Saturday, May 214,
1tMre Joynh, 4.4 Itucktiow•, is chai•te•t•- chillers' and remforceinent iron have In Mr. and sir", 55-. J. heckle. a eon.
arrived for the Stewart l'nnstrnctt0n MARRIED.
"1211iagriai 411110 to convey the Bruce CLAKK-MIT('}IF:LI.. At "Tho M &pie.."
nNmril to Goderich on Thut8la lune �'o.'N mill id The. withstanding
3 1' g i gtidh not \vith.talalini( 11w1erich on "I nes,lay, May '-Oh. by Rev,
Wm. Haugh std
'«h. On the any down a stop may M• PtnCi'Pi m
it `(Tinton to allow the Bruce the difficulty e•xlW, 4'ie•nr1'(l in drying
4Mrhirnt ti -i visit. the Iluron'comity the of the AMA
of 44't;//fhr in('e8Ntpt;t•ain"
"I i'fg!gy. In the evening a
1,7 51.1 will IV' held in (loder•irh for
lr and
L•,munnt of the visitors. at _
le visitor. will return at ntidni ht. �-
hi, •Uggea44,, that as 4 his meeting 14 In t hi+ . nriable climate a light overcoat i" an
Inde.*pel4bic to every man. F. J. Prldhern
in fhr satrtn• of n reunion, Huron and hits the right food" and make" them up in the
k^11' being formerly united, the best style at reasonable prices.
Iutisting should include a 1 A11 the Pictures, pirtnrn moulding, fancywork sup
'Mnntpcouncil of 1',•rth, as in the old plie", art marertal", window and Yerandad
(\refga•three r lira were united. "h"d1'4 I'Aies nandfanR• and other leather
with R.ad", fancy Ira"kets, plcturc I n t�^ts ibese
their meeting lace at Gndrt•ieh. are some of the lines for which 55 rimer Smith'"
14'17 WOull "like w notable q;athieuing, Art store East street, 1, heidqu&rtetc
anj 1 nnntr ('lett Ione is Mla in �.�O(n. Th.• ait•ol Regiment band spent, Vic-
i"nmce.W4th Walden Irwin)makitig torte Day at. Brussels. assisting in a
Pr«twrations lltr the event. celebration there.
*Itching the Comet. This prize list of the Canadian Na-
tional Exhibition, Toronto, for 19111 i4
Ills rnirtPt was performing under out, and copies may be had on AppQli-
hlir„Ities the past eek. Either the cation to the manager, J. 0. Orr, City
m^nn came up ton soon afterstlneet, or Hall. Toronto.
I ak9 WIu heavy with clouds. The
The gltartPrly general meeting of the
u eclipse nn Monday night also
illat,d of Trade will be held on Monday
'a' niteclrr,.d by the clouds. �)n Sun-
(af ni ht and sin on Tueeda ni ht evening next in the board n"n1 over
414irtj gond view of the comet war the Union hank. All menrl"•r4 am
hb. Nit the wwtcheM, many of who re/pivoted to attend.
b"rtM to the lake hank toget ant Gurlelr}' Bios.' dissolution wale next
wrtntlrtyraer Wndnl+wiav will doubtless draw n
v,pninuldp find It�sowindistinct and farce �t°dance, tIt will
Wee thoba ne etnf
An le rame to the .-nn- the t►tMt lmpo*tat+
oaten- t 1M �' 11,141 'n Ilii, oli.arirt.
". MaryICtta. second
daughter of Mr.. S. J. Mtchell. ('olborrie
township, to Killian, A. ('lark. of (lode -
IuUtiIDAY, MAY 711, 1010 5
Furniture for the Library
W. do not furnleb books -for -the Library -that i« not
In our line; but when it comes to Libriu'y Furniture we
have the goals.
Sectional Bookcase
is aYmarvel of neatueau.eompaetnes8 and utility. You need not put
in a larger caw than you need at first, but can start with one or
two sections and add more as you require. We are the agent- in
(iotlorich for this Bookcase. ti,
Then • we bass. Library Tablet', Secretaries, Cabinets, Leather
Couches +gild comfortable Chairs for the Library, and should he
pleased to show them to aoyone interested,
Geo. Johnston
Furniture and Undertaking. The Square.
One hundred and fifty pairs women's strong wearing Shoes
just the thing for gardening. These are travellers
"ampler ; sizes 4 to Il, would sell regular for 51.35 t"
$3.o0. All at one price, starting Friday, per pair ..$1.19
Thirty-five Trimmed Hats, taken from our regular stock ;
regular prices $4.75 to 57.00, to clear, starting 1•'riday,all
at one price *2.95
Forty-five Untrimmed shapes. to clear, at, each .. ...,690
Three dozen men's heavy Work Shirts, made trout heavy
black drill and moleskin; regular 7:ie anil 91.00. Friday
bargain, each - l•
beloved Loyal.
a,tgn htcrtof' MryndHMrs.
John ('lark. aged 10 ream and a month..
T5VKKD,tJC.-in Tonawanda, N. Y.. on Mon
11aa , May *Md. w.Mh M Choat', beloved
wife of J. St. ('lair Tweodle• aged 28 year".
TM/MOAT May lath.
Fall wheat, per bash !� t'5 to an 97
Sprtngwheet, per bush... ...... 95 to 97
n ,.r, en awl
Rye per bush
Buckwheat 1,er bush
patty per i,ush
04.5 to 043
030 to 03'•
Peas. per Meth 0 73 to 0 75
Harley, per hue ton 0 13 to 0 46
Screenings. per 2n nn to 20 00
Flour, family per cwt 2 75 to 9 75
Flour. patent, per cwt 3 cn to 3 00
Nrwn, per ton 20 40 t0 'AI 00
Shorts, per ton 24 00 to 24 .Y1
nay, „„ tem 12 00 to 13 00
wood' . per nerd 500 t0 e m
Better• per lb 0 17 to 0 'Drs
Cheese, per Ib 0 5 to 0 la
Kw, fresh. per des 0 18 to 0 It'
Potatoes n 30 to 040
CaWa ordtny to geed, per cwt. 4 10 to 5 011
Cattle. apart, per owt...-6 sl to 43 to 8 lie
Hopes ...... ...............». s n0 t0 7 0n
ft/op, per eat 4 00 to 5 00
railow, Per Ib 06 to 006
MINN war
,�, 1 m to i M
ah 4. '1t' 11 «. in 11
( M .t'1' »»
hat r, lathy'. 1-h-' •Ik,J- ,'t, I t
Wall Paper
ABOUT two thousand
rolls of Wall I'aper,
regular 12SC, ' 15c
and zoc per roll,
. clearing at toe per
ASPLENDID a s s o r
Inent at 5c and 6c pe
AFULL stock of Base
Ball Goods, Ham-
mocks, Croquet,
Tennis Goods, 'etc.
The Colonial Book Store
41F:OR(iF. PORTER, Prop.
'Phone 100. Goderich.
i have opened a shop
in the stand lately
occupied by P. J.
Ryan, on Hamilton
Street, for the repair
of Bicycles and gen-
eral' repairing, Now
is the time to have
your wheel put in
abape for the sum-
mer. I am agent for
Cleveland Bicycles
the wheel that has
nto,sl the test lir
iamilton Stteet Goderich
nothing like the • eta '1'111• lat•.t addition tit the numbers
We carry�taau��p-to-date stock
of Trunks, QC 'Cases. Music.
Rolle, Hand Baagw and every-
thing that can he found ina
tirst-class harness shop.
AVe are headquarters fol
Mingle and Double H arn Pas,
Collar'', Sweat Pads. Whips,
Rugs. Halters, Combe, Brushes,
Harness Oil, Axle Grease and
Gall Cure.
`Repairing a Specialty.
When in need of anything 4n
us a call,
our line, kindly give
we can save you money.
if our goods suit yoli,� ten
others; if not, tell ue.
N. J. Fisher
Four hundred Pineapples, nice and ripe for present
use,on sale Friday.
Now is the tinYe to buy them cheap. We are
closing out a lot at remarkably low• prices. Best
skin quality bamboo, complete with cords and
5 feet wide x ti -foot drop at.... dbc
6 feet wide z 6.feast drop at . 75c
6 feet wide x 8 -foot drop at CAM
h feet wide x 8 -foot drop at $1.'26
10 feet wide z 8 -foot drop
1(4 feet wide x lU-foot drop et.. .. $2.(N)
12 teet wide x 8 -foot drop at :..8'2 25
Window Shades, 3 x 6 feet, on spring rollers, from lt)c up. Any
size Shade male to order. We carry the largest stock of Window
Shades and Shade Cloth, Poles and Brass Trimmings in the county.
We beg to announce to the
publicis that we have opened
up a
coal yard across front the G. T
R. Depot, ,inti take this oppor-
tunity of soliciting it share of
your patronage.
Our coal is guaranteed to be
of the very beet ,duality and twill
tv ai r'
he so.1
d at the lowest t t o con-
sistent with good service.
Terms Cash
'Phone No.44
Goderich Coal Co.
P. J. MacEwan, ilanager t1
Etc.. Etc.
Estimates cheerfully furnished.
W. R. Pinder
Leave GoderiOl, m 0 30 a.
Returning Leave Detroit June 20th
p. m., Detroit Time /
E. H, AYER. E ♦at. /
Aspecial EeSion Train will leave Berlin 8:11 a.m., Stratfordforl
7:28, Clinton
li 5 a.m.. Saturday, June 18th.
From Kincardine. Wingham• etc., take morning train June 18th,
connecting at Clinton (11:35 a.m.) with special train for (lodericb.
Special train leaves Goderich for Clinton. Wingham, Stratford and
wav stations on (i.T.Ry., on arrival of steamer Monday night.
• 8:30 P. M. FRIDAY, JUNE 17TH
.Excursion train as usual from Stratford via (i. T. Ry., Blyth,
C. P. Hy., and way •cations.
Friday, June 17th, li a.m. Central Time. Arrive Goderich (L541 pan.
Special train leaves Goderich via O. T. Ry. to Stratford and vi.s
C.P.Ry. to Blyth, etc.. Friday night,on return from moonlight.
Saturday, :Tune 18th, 0::11 a.n1., Canada time, stopping at Eort
Huron -the "Greyhound Excura,on."
A special excursion train from Berlin the m fog of June
18th, stopping at all way stations to U,Nlerich.
From WinK ham, Belgrave, etc., take morning train, 18th,
connects at Clinton, 8:35 a.m., with special train for (todeoriCh.
Leave Detroit Monday, June :11th, 1:0N) p.m., PortA.Ittron 5:30
p.m. Arrive at (ialerich 9:30 p.m.
Special trains leave Goderich 11:31) p.m. for Clinton, Winahafir,
Stratford, New Hamburg, Berlin and way etatione, on arrival of
steamer from Detroit..
Leave Onderich on last trip for Detroit Tuesday, .tune 21st, at
8:31 a.m. (Note the time --$:341 a.m., Canada time.)
llleala will be served to the dining room for this Excursion at SOC.,
Signal for Remainder of 1910 for 50c.