HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1910-5-26, Page 2ti
2 'I'nu1.n.ty, MAY 21. 1111(1
In'for.' hl• tini.hellherdt•licat1 (.4.k of
making tlul..oleli•get lu els 11 how
�iOnai I many thousands uf! 1 110. In• was tut
in lint geography. l'. atilogit gi"our `any
(30UKRICH, ON'I'tltlo. unn4essary (genre.
THE sl(;N.A1. PItINTINU CO. Limited
Telephone Call too. 3 . -
T.rps of Subscription :
ee1.W per rnn'p0 h. anvanoe.
811 month.., 1 ; threw months, YS1.
1u Uull.•.t .$tate. 4ubscrltwr*, $1.50 a year
strictly lu ad%ani•el.
SuI IIY by mall who fail
willtc00(4,1 aetams
Lour by ..c
-ea,.Ist1F' of
,,uafutll'a us of the fret at as rely a claw as
Whim . cha.lao o I•esx .s
lath .�
ate lulu leK
aPtiillit tolhetsizt• 441
th1M 1s. kers? If Otero , isn't, there
oul(ht to 111•. Some. of those now on
1,110 /11'1' ltllllillt !ug i•tita1j(le to blow up
a house.
This tory II elt11n41t expp•i'l tr' Ket .any
package freight shipping' mild N
p.'slble. uuakis s • provision fur handling it. e
f add desired lath the
old and the new address should be giteo. The hove ensued -.11,01111 Wilke up 111
.ad,leetbina Rates ;- _: 11 " I l.. t s q (. i hi l i t y) n* his n l a t 101'.
p 4 lar tot aria fiother
ht Insertion and Ic 1 r line fur
aomri4uetlach �.calllent .twelve lines l0 ren. n Inch. rod by a
00440ees cords of six lines and under. M per
Advertisements of Lost. Found. allayed, 81t-
motiou- V.1404•. 411 us.tion. \('eat rd, Houses tor'
Sale or to Kent, Farms for sale or to Rent;
Articles for Sale. etc.. not ea.asding night
Ilse.. !,c earl insertion :#1 for net month, 351440
. for each subsequent mouth. Larger advertise-
ments in prolartlon.
...muuoements in ordinary reading typo leu
.cents ter lint.. No notice les. than 23e.
Au). special nnttne. the object of which Is the
pecuniary benefit of any individual or asenci.
anon. to be eon.ddered n advertisement Id
be charged a000rdingllY.
Hate- tor for 11Iplay and contract advertise•
me W. sin he Sven on application.
Addeo*. all armmunlo•Uons to -
THY. SI(iNAL PRINT INU'('U., Limited
lira.erlcb. Oat
\Ve rriblish in another col
edit/ mini articl► felon T+lrt/ntst Meant-
- *day Might in which the: ri solut ion of
the council of the Montreal Hoard „f
Traule toothed 111e 11111110,4M for 11•t•i
'pr44•ity with the Cultist State's IN
dealt w1111 111 K1111 strong (61'11141.
Montreal is a lig city, but it is not.
the whole of Co la, and the '• •il
of the 'Hoard of Tradel• of 11t'til11'11)
d.ios not 0"1.11 rt present tile W1n410 of
the -city of Mltitrral -not even the
whole „f (1s manufacturing interests.
Th.•te fire other interests to 1K• •lewd
fella* and • of 1htlse is the agricul-
tural interest 01• \\'astern Ontario. to
say nothing of similar interest,[ in
other parts of Canada. An ermine. -
mod whereby the farm p"alul is of
this section would sour' a market in
the 1'IIIGYI Stats would increase the
�lue of Ashland everything the farmer
r thin
raises. and it wliu►d lie a strange K
if the t,e•nt:Its of .swab a market were
existing on this side' of the lino ag,timst
truding.with til l'nitd States.'
my content ion=sennet' ,M put. for.
ward that min:h trading with Uncle
tam'1 people -would 1.•14 t- k/- a denier
te'n• pwdltill% .ilnion with t>t' t is 1.1441
31111111111.11' t•otl.i41i't•ei .e'ri411 '. I1
WIllllli 111' n. senilis for n Meth+
to refuse to tiny bread (mint a Ptealty'-
Lorian hakes for feu' „f.)e,wallowitig
Cal) Mist dial rine. ••
It i. slimly 1444 1l•y .04) the wit of
1111111 10 41(vi.e a 11411/111.111 arranKN.
ment�With the a'nited States .which
tionlrloody- writes to the (Allot44f the
Ivonuln', column of our .1 the daily
Patsy. asking what she can 'uv• 11/
help her .top 1.it ing her Huger -nail..
The edit. 's reply i.: •'\Vitt power."
It -was. almost 1•xp•1•tet1 that 041'11M
lu1cer•ti.euo'n1. 4'..11161 IM• IMlllltell 011
the mines'. Util, fins s41 far 11..1MM1y hat
110.•11 aid/• 14 slake alit wl17a1 148(6111
nlydieillt• lino 111114 seem -4:41,01m adver-
tising ta•ic•
.\ member of the \\'e.tiughrlose Hew
i., () 1•fv.'tisK as invention aitidL]Ylil
4144 away 't 1t II t ht. tees -11\' IIf E't111I'H•
I ill•. 4411 Hut, iliiles id1d- n-ltl Tt'dtter
lilt, price of the nu1e1 • :s. one-hallf. "11110'Thnt is wilt Ire we get Ahead of Walter 'l' A ge•i•eratinn age. the United States
Kelly H 1 • fuel the test of them. laughed at overtures for better
trade elation!: 110twee•n the two
.1. imukh. wamat that
the IlHlntr' but they have since learned
t lel year.. !G 1411.,• h1.statement iHV.. lam we t p10rfom r rets f 41n
f out• bellies (4r at least the" uuagullal
s s
' : ka\lM
Summer Tourist
Al Low Rates
June 1st to September 30th
T( )
Portland and Astoria. Ore.. Seattle,
Tacoma. Everett and Bellingham,
Wash., Victoria. Vancouver and New
Westminster, H. C.. Kan Francisco,
Los Angeles and San Diego, Cal.
Reture Limit Oct.e31st,1910
via Chicago: Nifty 31st and June 141h.
Via Sarnia and Northern Navigation
Company : steamer leaves Sarnia 430
1111Mv 30th and June, 15th.
11O \'Oil `Secure tickets land full information
Town Agept. Office htit�s* (i.31) a, m,
Ilse it?
( 1'1'14 Ije•14 4(1141 t'eeIl111 M'l6) trade. IMV'aln4P
tt.• all• now lel'ki111tr1 11111111 11. +1 M1wt•t'
111 (lie euunueree 41f tilt• w•orlil. the
entitle!! lit The itrmtreat Mutts' of
Trndt• world have us sit down like a
htt-of I•ret-telsl eted.- post t*HFF-+4t'hool
144tyt lull dt'tlare against t'14•iprortt!
farm.' „f Ontario Will -IesA4t, �•• Naha
, lelaa. 1 N.. writ( to. them iti the
spin tilt• 0514.14 ting high. proles o We t xud that atufountd to the
You will regret you did not
attend one of Canada's High -
Grade Business Colleges, located
Now is a good time to enter.
Our graduates receive from
$Nil) to $15110 per annum.
Mail Courses in 1(10 different
Carpets, Curtains, Linoleums and Rugs
WILTON AND AXMINSTER RUGS. -Very tine qualities, in
conventional pattejus. Four only, size 3 x 4 yards; regular
$35.(11, for $23.00
VELVET RUGS. a x 4 and alt x 1 yards. Special price, $19.00
TAPESTRY CARPETS.-,TW.41ntyseven inches wide, suitable
for any 1..•out or hall. Your choice of patterns in colorings
of green. fawns and red effects; regular Hoc and 70k.
r,..... ........ sac
UNION CARPETS.-Thirtf-slit-4neh soda reversible Unita]
Carpets in a range of colorings. Mpeefitlly priced,,,$B0,
30o and 1a90
LINOLEUM9 AND OILCLOTHS. -Manufacturers have all
advanced urices. \\'e quote special sale prices in our large
importat.inn='_o, :1 end 1 yards wide. At, per yard,
25o. 35o, 40o and $Oo
INLAID LINOLEUMS.- Patterns right through to rho beck.
At. per..luare wad ..._. ........... ....... i ...d$o uud 75c.
to. llp.us.'
Or address J. D. McDONA(.D. D. P.
A.. G. '1'. R.. Toront
Write for particular.
Inspection incited.
GEO, SPOTTON• Prinupai,
St., Lawrence -Bristol
Route to
nr II plr4atm.self list-tHPiwwt'4+it"'ptt" , ,, titit►gk -flet- tai4l4 - 1u►t'e
talion resulting its a gr'at'e de 1 chluii,•d. A generation 11x14 tlaa.er1.
for farm property. It looks like a
K1111 (tills• for the• Ontario 66i•Inel• to
hold on.
TheTortitnGl411a• has 18441, p111)114h•
is by the "Royal" steamers of the
Canadhtll Northern Stesulsh1pv
Limited, - e
'111e teen' who now govern In the
l•11ite1 States have a due appr•.•iat'
of this country's greatness.: and the
position is albaj1t[:ethet• reversed. They
r • tit u.. We 1• do not go to them!
.\ generation ago the elder brother
1118 PHNOM inler•11titlK 1)011414111 0„1.1.141. ! Of 1111.11• Sa111 ('1n1se11 (101 ollt „f his
ppnit eu0esignee trading' vol now t11e n'unel o•e' e
this is do IIs a j10rnlnnnt feature nems' „
• yatl Wilting we had not hilt worth
1 1 "J F \\ \\'e hops f the
f Trade would have
of 79n• lilol44e, SI of the Old . 1141 Nplt 111 the younger brother over
4'44unte•y 1118%14 that -1s puhrtshel its
('411141111 Itsoks very, queer its a Litwra1
16181101, lett. "J, F. W." '14 lette•r..ate all
Woodstock Sent hod -Review : "The
the fence in -Owe „f swappingjack-
knives aJ4 normal youngsters will. At
this. •fit we have is Hist -class jack-
knife and the younger elan on the
other snit. of the fence pinea for it.
W. could, in all lmohahility. Mali" and
get MI 'thing to boot. It's at least
)ltiple of the eountry are to have an lwi,rth a trial. Rut no. These dyed-
opiemtunity of hearing (he ppoliti0alf IontrPalMF 48448 1 protect'f Trade rem Id fill hP
Its Mit back 111111 pant like a lot of
spoiled children.
This rry of weaning Cawlulhan4
away -killing the national
spirit- by
opt• ' K u o Canadian Markets 145 the
world (trough reciprocal trade,
it eatirs, as 0111 Ig sled bV the, gaup-
ed the 1i,utr'sI 8.Nrml of T1'aele, is
its a 'Miter of tali -a clever hit of
eulpiri.ti0 141'1dt•rlash, ler tin•
shield of whirl 1114ra-protectionists
hope 1.. prevent any 114001ble Altera -
tie et in the tariff.
These "Imperialistic- Kentlenlen
with ultra-ins'tectionias' tendencies
forty chance to r•memllep• that the
Canadian West. looms 1M1'ge• 6111
!wait ical horizon• 611111 that it is grow -
nig larger with tremendous timidity.
Ito these ant i-lreci Itlleal 1111(11• gentle-
men fl•„III MI11411•11 imagine that a
member of Part. •fit (•4)11141 Is•
elected fends ani• of the Western
Provinces upon their platform? I
think not.
The sll•initert46 of the elnuirll of the
\lout real H161O•d of TV/1de are unque's-
tiomlhlywise and successful business
turn. and ran therefor.• hardly is•
1111111 11 4 1111 with for haying their eye,
on the main chit nee, hitt fit the wane
t' 1 vert' 11111011 donht if the H„n.
V. S. Fiehlong and other members of
1'alrinPt ate to 1e lel far tett ray by
any flet of resolutions 01milt ening the
pritl.•ip of reciprocal trade.
It sone!. too towel) of self-interest.
•r of Finance has not
lost' the use of his
leaders on booth sides, aigh there
is not a gent•I'ltl election in sight. This
is* ;peel 'sign. !hiring a p.lit frill cam-
paign. when part feeling is fit its
height, is not tilt• hest torus for it calm�
tempyualtT dismiss' and coamid - ;
crating* of puhlir quesfyi„n41. The people
have too few npplrtunities „f herring ,
f121 VIII the16' leaders. just as the leade•t's
have teal few omelet 'ties 44 hearing'
fr'pi the peony.;
Though the respect felt for \Ir. Hlnl-
ley's, menet has declined 4, 0lewhat
within the hast few days, the retail 11 -
of Oils, disenvcrer 1' elf has
Iden enhanced, 'The
hee 1111111
font ally previous warning.
est identified the erratic
qky IM winrthy of the
In from the nlil-
h rollout., of
, esti with
itnl'. .\
Sherlock Holmes (night ilepl)4'Aihllt
the 44141 gentlemen had a pair of hriijht
Oyeb, 1i curious mind. and it big tele-
scope 14111 k.1.( vt•t'y bad hours,
Who, w
toyind and
traveller 44f til
-would IK. of benett •141 both e/Mwellelee .trihnt,. of a41ulitti
aud'WI s161 do n„ 11111t11 hi Itit,•i'-its- I Ilan.., of 54411'p1.' w'hll.
period trade. Thele• are 41) ljties 1111"i0e• from the h.w•.(84I)1
in which trade is n(Nunlly; done he- dit1lOuNy .tarry v
t we•.•r1 Canaan an and the States ; there.
ate 111ho•r's in which the etiltural course
of trade is Is'(814411 4'ln3dli and Great
Britain. if lair neighbor's will give
Mlltlie1,1,1 inducement • for Refer inter-
( 1)8' in tegat•d 144 t1111se c lilhw
which ('111110111 mit molly l,uvs from
the United States, it will Ile 1110 duty
of 111,• Ottawa (to"1.1' silt to IHlet
the situalion in a w'ny that will bring
thegr•nt1'.t advantage to the people
of Yamada as 11 W1n111. •
Royal Edward
Royal George
'Rporny Statero' ljfarconi Telegraph.
• Ther nk Ventdatron.
Next sailing from Montreal, Royal
Edward, 'May 26th.
Foe, rates, reservst�tons, etc.. apply
to Local Ticket Ay1(era. or H. C:
Bourlier, General Agen' , Toronto.
111111111116.1.1 men
a start which 1 $1l'ead you into a
good salaried pp-'i)ion t Enter our
college NOW and be ready for a
.ItuaUon in the fall when business
is at Its best. We are locating well
. (861(041 young people every day.
Wh> not let us help you tltart
any day No vacations. (`atalq[ue
free. Write Central Husinew Col '
lege. Toronto. W. 11. Shaw
\\'e call attention again to our deeerveed repstab[oS for always
('011)iug x stock of• -
We have FRENCH and we have ITALIAN OLIVE OIL.
both Purr, Fresh and Good, in bottles. at 25c, 35c. 60o.
650. 75o, etc
Also for sale In bulk in any quantity desired.
"Always the Best at Hick's"
and the Mint
Toron'o-Saturday NIRht. ru. yet. 1 believ
A 11o1,tlelil despatch puhlishel olfactory organ.
within the hist few dates in a Toronto
Atm NI. int real Blast' 1 of Trade declares TATs, or Intro, r•tTr oY T01.6
t � I.l'1'ae Cnt;vTr.
plp'r e' that 1ht. • iI 44f '.
u ral Directors
and Embalmers
Orders carefully attended to at all
hours, night or day.
The great practical training
school of Ontario.
Three departments:
Commercial Shorthand
[ Ph1
\\-e assist graduates to po-
sitions. The demand upon 444
fur -.trained _hel p_ Brea tlLr x west e
the supply. The three most
recently placed are receiving
$44O10, $50.10, and $100.00 per
- month respectively. Business
men state our graduates are the
hest. Enter our classes now.
Get our free catalogue.
When Going
Travel via
Great Lakes Route
Five Sailings weekly from Owen Sound.
Passage tickets include meals and berth.
'e •1144iVla•llI " agaitlst a r.'Ipl'la9t'' . Frank J. 4'henev makes oath that til II. mentor
trent)' Willi Il•i.' 1'nittrl States, tillsll' partner of the arm of F. J. Cheney`. -Sc Co..
--- -- - -. -.--- 1111 arrangement, the 1•rsolutnn of the dole hnetr". In tilt• city of Toledo, aunty
K and $tate 61("01.446(4, and that sold arm will gay
A STORY FRU.. WINDSOR. 6• 'il declares. would 1111111P1' 'VWthe sum of one hundred dollars for each an
progress of Canadian ill.11artrt'.: Hut ''Very' cast of Mtarrh 111.1 ea Loot t.e cured by
• - the hulk of attendann
t I10•Hl ivoultl o the neo of Hall"( (•ore.
K FRANK J. ('*5F:XF v.
Those• who live along the boder t„ oh,: United States. and-titlnll• sworn to before me and subscribed Ismy
have all kinds,f funny stories to tell would lend to weaken the -tier binding pre.enre. thisath day of December. A.D. n14*.
l'anluln t„ the 1101 he•rlanep. 441 ,11 A. W. 0LSASgN,
Shoot the ignorance of „fir ni•Ighl".tru \re the Metall of the :Montreal No'r.'ar P1'111.1,'.r.garliig things ('iH1a1'104 Ill' Itt'Itish. I1.wtnt 44 Trade firitishers only fhon. Halls ('atr-rrh Cure la taken Internally. and
it i4(. said to he not an uncommon 111• directly on the Mood and 51,400,1 .urface.
the te'n'th 44ut :' ,Dla 111t•SP joint of 1ho.70[.51. Henri fm teo.tlmnnial- (rel.
thing 141 Windsor, Ont., for people to imagine (fir a moment (hat the as et- , F. J. c'111C 4NY &CO., Toledo. tl.
co • 1401•„... in the -feet...,.. 1 spend an age Canadian has no sent intent (a•- ' sold by all1trux16
Rists. 0.
1 k,H II. Fxl Il full.
yowl 1hP dollar? : f we t„ (calk
(over and become part. of the Unite!
back w tthlhe contended r'tilark that Slates, and that is the intimation, '
other good st„ry, alibi) h we get fnn11 • neighi ors, then our nnleh vaunted
loyalty nod 8 h vs.
mst British sten- i
The Ili 'Icon Spectator. is iwing t,dd ne•tioti 1. Mot 0114' whit 1,«411• sgbalan-
of +a 1Viera1sin delegate to the Amin- tint thecal a toy balloon with its pmtti-
cmwenti„n of the Engineers Brother- „tie Kns 161idy 1„ he llissi161t1Pd lI wet
1 I Han:. '1 y for eonstlpatinn
hour „r t Ivo on tide side and then go
Slagle Fare For Victoria Day
Jos. Kidd, 'Agent. (,oderich, Ont
or write
R. L. Thompson, D. P. A., Toronto.
by attending the famous
It has p11d other. It will pay you. \Tits
today for our handsome Catalogue.
A pessimist is a man who would
chew a pill.
The fruit• of old age too often con-
sist of a harvest of regrets.
The man who uses his head is the
one who gets there with both feet..
The trouble with a dark secret is
that it generally conies to light.
Some men never believe in kindness
as long as they ran use a club.
when you want a omit of clothes
t hat the proper place to bur is
where ate). Make clothing their
special business. We k n o
what is right, Belt what is right.
end you "get its" right if you
buy your clothing here.
AT $ 15.00
our Sill '4 are selling well that's
:1 1peri*l price with d.. We put
into this line Suits that sell
fora good deal more money else-
where. Colne any till e and see
our gncde, and you 'till be
rnvinctPfl f the autwriority of
lannd clohingo. CHIT $7 (\(\
land see our `lune at illi
in the new ',loonier knick er
style 14,.141, Mt111I117, re 1I44hIe
tweeds and worsteds. from
$5100 to $9.00
Sole Agent for 20th Century
Brano Clothing, King Hats, Pea-
body Overalls.
tliov tmrti "seen t'atnnla,' 01 "Can- just-- fierier.. we rhrw se thee widest 7
wily," am many of them call it. An Posmildt• trade. intt•tc„Ileus• With „m' Moore s Non=leakable
Melt. held at Detroit last Week. Ow- f • tlight/wt pro 1411'. ion.
1t tanndixn loyal('• to Itril.is11 insti-
ing to the tax on 1letroit hotel otec nnl- tuitions is not a 'tetter, 1101114'r thing
-nlIKlatio14, many of the delegates, in- than this. wee' would have long ago
eliding this one, were billeteol at ;nine' the 1'nhpn of States. Hark
Windsor r hnt•161. Windsor, of comers, m the• „Id days, in the dark tinlee.of
the sixties
was in 1,nnlrning for King Ed wird, eightpe44, when (Impute's young then
and at this particular hotel the display and woolen were leaving the (smeary
• was very fine. The Wisconsin dile-. 1/y tens of thnflsends to seek a IivP11-
se"ellt les 1406) 0%•1'11 ill the
Fountain Pen
.�� -
OA//1; /10L-5-
Rate, finding himself in \VindMor and hotel in the i'niteel 'states : in the
days when our 11 art war It resale•
having been told that the mourning our n1an11ff(ttU•ing industries ltnde•
bunting. display• was 1leeauae of the veiniest, and our tl1111e1•a1N uiulis uv' �.
Kings death, einn.iderel himself in 1'^441 or untouched : in the tinges when
gent luck end called the hotel clerk to C mita hn11 n„ rket ft her pro-
dnet• in the 1:(.1.1„147 when real •y
one side, when this eoh".•i'raatlon took was nl t 11fin iosit y, .o Mr'a111' Nae
place; it ; did the majority of Canadians
"Scythe King's dead P"\ favor bettering their lot, which they
"Yea ; 1 hat's what we' n would unquestionably- has a dolts at,
that time. by joining the united
meouro -
pu,.h to
Ing for." that•$ of Aniepica'I
"1 reckon there'll be a No. 1n spit' of seeming failure
they stuck to their colon.; they ad-
hered to British in.titutioha and hung
by the 1' ' .lack.
And now that we air successful ; at
e period when the nation. Inok to
Canada ns one of the coming eoun-
t.ries of (he world ; at a time when
we are able to go nut into the market
plaee11 of the earth and denund trade
flee the body- ?'
"Yea : inllnense crowds."
"Kay, ..mild you fix me for a pails to
Windsor castle? I'd like to he able to
Bay, when 1 got hark M old Wisronain,
that I'd hard a look at n dead King."
And the hotel clerk perspired romp
twtorth b e FOUNTIl1DI PEN
. to you to own a Fountain Prn
that you could carry around 1n
v,n,r plrklt 0t 1464' i0 4407 prlal-
tt•n 811th the po.ltlrn 4444 ur-
anrn that 1t wouldn't leak)
( In! Nw.44 Mw-IsakabM there
(a no 81.44 (n whish the tnk inn
isnadbly Irak out, Tilts pen is
441.'44 s ready for 10.4,46'. 61610,
and lb. moment It mashes til"
paper, writ:a, wlthoutwhatany evepre-
Iminary haktaa r,
furthermMc, It 8(11 carry 4411
Rra,lea of Ings, leant:ling Onpy.
Ing wed Indra lake.
Ther. ars man?7 dIRereat
kind. of fountain I'enana the
market, bat there Is only one
that Is akaMaaly satldactory,
and tial 1. Ia.an's aa.•laskakis•
UST received The
Spring models.
Shoes of
and c'.:L.: ctcr fur
09 Grand Success
Spring and Sun.rncr f._:.bions,
in the smarteii new ;.ha pas
and designs. Clever pat-
terns in all sorts of leathers for -
either eindoo-t 4(r• outdoor wens,
morning, afternoon or evening.
O(JR N1 ay Jewellery Festival
will close Saturday night,
and for the last day we
are offering a few SPECIALS.
Real hand - painted Brooches,
brilliant stone Hat Pins, ladies'
and gents' Fobs. ladies' a n d
gents Cuff Links, one hundred
Brooches, all to go at twenty-
Hve per cent. off, Saturday
China clearing at half-price.
Benmiller Woollen Mills
The Oldest -established Custom
MW m the County of Huron.
AS usual i shall be prepared to
buy and give the HIGHEST
bath washed and unwashed, or
will exchange for my manufac-
tured article**.
You will find a fine easortllent
of Twreda „f various np-to-date
patterns, also a goo.I supply of
various colors.
The above goods are guaran-
teed to be pure wool and
give satisfaction.
r �`
Ion BALs sr
Wm. Sharman
Walter 11. Harrison
Jeweller and Optician,
On the Square, Ooderich.