HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1910-5-26, Page 1ERY TON sr tin, Yeti mole last. .e 1 00 I"'1' it ata u,• r.• on:piing 6 i„•r es. t•'es. et, TON ✓ umK' e in This Cay• rad Po:ty Shan. tllesl, pt est est the pI(.&.ttcet f the Beanie, nil i'"u_ ',tsar bier cantos 'n \bay l'br.•i, the tun. Wothl. ehieho ordinary !Male, is feet luq•l• to lie the h-.; th•• tend. '\n. set 1'l1t4 tem) enormous -et.. ►t le t han an ie. . rf of his dilnntu• t•srr i . t► SAW** rat friend it the h+ye an app . hie en bite and rptaiu e -a drabs; :city. In aldi• other novelties 0 the . already • A.hni..ier- ts :;.i writ _. (joing to (let Married ? The signal hail special tacilities tar printing fine wedding invite- - 'tious, arinouncetnents, etc. It ie u 1'lt''asuie to show specimenN *ea wrote prices. '1'elephuue No. o-3. - Iseserwealiwer C• 1 e111X Irltlitt► YEAR -Na 331) yT Financial :ArmiswWWwil, f ZY r SIIOWinj, Ve invite no use t. Flail it styles elf hour to buy. Values iter that Hosiery Summer e styles. colors fa,l) ion - C and 't' 25c Lin or inkles, colors. amleys ver 25c , n)(.l- less 25c or tan. stocking 1s 25c C i1.00 full fash- that will at wear. 1 P9ntik .UNION BANK -OF :CANADA E.T.A la11Y.0 1e1; t'.VPITA1.. REST and TOTAL ASSETS 4,:„,1111 V11)Et) , April ail, 1910 PROFITS $3,tltIo.(01 - Over. $41,000,000 - TOTAL DF.1'1)ti[T`. A semi ail) 919 ' $35.500.000 • A branlib of [hie hank has been opened in the, offices formerly occupied by The Standard Loan Company, comer The Square anti~Ciirth Street. A general banking business traneaeted. tiavingy Rink Department- interest paid at current rates. i., I HOR"1 ON, Manager.Godcrich Branch 11 NOTICE TO ADVERTISERS :any of change. ot running advertise- ments must be left at this office Monday noon to ensure insertion in 0,14a0f same week. pittlielution pf Partnership. DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP Nontrl.. hereby hives that the partnerehlp l,relolerre existing between P. J.. 1 J. A. and a.); IacEwan. doling business under the flint sans of The Peter Mar Ewan Notateta this dly It alt ed. BOARDING-HOUSE. Dual. Only Fifty Cents. New subecribere wry have Tho Signal mailed t.. their address) for the remitted. r..f rimy ear for 1300. Send in your subscript lura now and get the lull ,benefit ot this otter. GO1ERICH, ONTARIO. CANADA : • M .1 1' ,l;- 1910 AUCTION SALES:__ • i'IJ:11RING AUCTION SALE V ur iIOUSf:IIOLI) )TItNtTCKI. AND . k'L'1L\ISHIN!GS._e Mi.. Costle wilt sell by ptibuo auction at the re.ideuce. N;r.t .t rw•t. l iuderieh, on SATURDAY. MAY YSTI(, eoumeuclur it 'Al10 clock .harp, the content - of the house• run_t.ting of parlor. dining. room. 'bedroom and kitchen furniture, carpel., curtains, Weds. china. crockery. gla.,:ware. cutlery, linen, 4n•. A good goal range u Id two Aird heater. Al..oI large [Wardrobe, hook. case, writing desk, 1' liuldie & Mccullough aon.(nnaton leek side. I 1,11 'r pre- and.nuue - eruus etherarticles. i verythhrg'must be dis- posed et. ai the family are leaving (hslerich. TEh.\In Ca.h. ]t1J.Y.LAIST:lJi -MALAY 11.1:3;1114.Y. r Proprletrew•. _ Auetloneer. 1) INS(ILt'TIt►N 1)F P.\Irl' ElttiI1l' SALE of a tart. and well-equipped LIVERY, eAB AND 'Heti BUS1NILISS. Gundry tiro-.. will sell by public auction, at their stablest Mouth street. t.oderich, on -wFDSFAIJAYJC\E 1ST, contiuelicitor at 1 uclock sharp. and continuing until all 1r diapored of : H0RtE$ LU Oltl'HARD. CO'I"1'AGE.-TH 1S hon -taro-been ned for the .Ntalner• and anyone wishing accommodation 1s invited to app' to the un- dersigned. kine badge rooms. well lighted : a11 eciateuie•,re- In- L ieyJtuu*e._ Mata. D t'.\ M k:RUN, corner Essex and Quebec street-. 97 t MicEWAN. 11. J. A. ilacEWA\. w'. O. �IArICWA\ • Ali account. due to t he linin roust be settled M ca.h or a p{,ro. ed note. by W ed made.. June LYR tsps. and the undersigned will assume all abtigatitus agauast the said arm. • H. J• A• MACEW AN. Y•tf W. 0. Um:EWAN. Kul Zotato tor bow. c- 11.k III STORE PROPERTY 11 at Endlail. for wile or to rent. Kees w ton say be elven by August 17th For further Particular,. kula►s apply to Mc/1UKC'HY. ,(lode" II(11'ME FOR S.\T.E.--COMFORT- ABLE right noires! hgttar IteendO- mon- sar lit, hen sod -hes, on Albert -trent. 1'or- reatrut ITS atitm. rand--- rveryt sled. M.shnn .•nnvl-niem..e, inc tiding fur r.s term. or tit her part irulate apply at Albert .i. \ A rt MISS 7 ItAL is e a .nu. . tl .same 1sc:c L1)KSALE. -WIVE ACRES. AVEST .ids 14ytleld road. tet weennbn of t Britannia :...st and lambed street : good Do :i d suitable for market garden. amid! fruits. e{r, May sell In two part., of two and one-half ores H. J,ttlA\.C111I door and e., Winwrite sor Ornt •\. , APOLOGY. • I'OLOUY.-1 DESIRE yo \VITH• URA \'' any accusation renilnat Mr. Gilbert 'lett. In ronneetiOn with the losing of a sum of mosey taken from my house. and to relieve him from any uspicion In connection there- with. Mlt)1. O EO. 1 I•I.I4ERT. l ioderieh. May in. 110. It SITUATIONS VACANT. 1 pair of white horse., a year* old. mound and right. and e. handsome a pair as there 10- in e antNrio. 1 I,.dr of roan` horse" I yeah, old. round and right to eveM►Y pito 1 pblack her 0.. and 6 yoarw old. 1 pair of bay hut 11 and ti ',eons old. 1 par of arty hone., et and 7 year: old. . 1 (handsome black mares years old. the kinhto ridt•tmd dee bay gliding. ri year. old. with the dame quail• ncation+N. the black mare. bay mare, i years old. an extra good thick road maty. • . bay horse, 7 rearm olds by "Sydney." bay horve. a year old. by "Dr. John.' bay horse. "e b1.. ' d ywnr old. , bay mare. "lieu." litter* old. black gelding. "Joe.' IY revs old. black gelding: "10114e.- 7 years old. black gelding. "Dick." 1l rats old. brown stare. "Lindsay." 1f year old. chestnut stare.' Millie." to year ofd. .sl bay gelding, "Prince.' 7 years old. try More. "Fla.,9 years old. bay pony. -Beauty. " 7 year. old. • roan gelding pony. t'Sani. Di years old. bay mare, 11 year old, " Wel gray -mare. 3 years old, by "Solan Mbnbar-." bray gelding. 3 years old. by "The Pope." roan gelding. 3 years old. the beet built and all round pony in the country. ba y gelding. 3 year* old. by -bunny Jim." half -bred Web.h pony. 3 year. old. MEMORIAL SERVICE. I\PENINO FOR A GOOD 'SMART lJ boy to learn all branches of *tore keeping. Salary to snort. Apply to N. C. CAMERON. The Departmental store. /1OOD GENERAL SERVANT ly wanted at once. Apply to MRS. BUT. LAND. Cambria road. Walt i,UANTED. -A MAN OF GOOD 1Y address and abilityy. to represent us In Ooderieh. td sell our high -claws ornamental stock sed fruit speuWt er. A permanent etosltion to night man on liberal tonus. Apply STONE& w LLLINtiTuN, Foothill Nunarter. Toronto. Ont. ' H)S1 f(1KACHER WANTED. -FOR 1 school action No. '. West Wawanoeh. second-class certidcete. Huron 1* eomherding een„arauand ppeeeat mtdau-i^.cSta • K ET T. 4rcc.. treas.. Pro.eterity Pu 0 . Ont_ BEItT LL \I (JEN :\L [ NYR (h. K NTN.1kf {{ to M {..4. e at.Tralttltc IAlfonl ellctt•easier' Y >tlt. '.aL . DAY CF KING EDWARD'S FUNERAL OBSERVED IN GODERICH. Un Account of Rain Service Held in North Street Methwlist Church - Large Gathering Hears Aperopri- ate Addresses. EQUIPMENT rubber -tired landau 0IighWI, in good repair. male by Sievers & Erdman. Detroit. Berlin coach, made by Sievers at Erdman. Detroit. coupe. pole end shaft/. 2 hacks. 1 Victoria. rubber -tired covered surrey. steet.tlred covered surrey. nearly new. band wagon and set of sleigh.. wagonette. will carry 17 pa..renger- ' waaggoonette+ will carry 18 pesseuger.. 1 rubber -tired surrey. some uew Inst year. 1 steel -tired beach wagon. phaetons,.: 1-teel-lired plteetods. 1 new covered haggles. Dber tired runabouts. 9ga good lecture sleighs. 3 -seated ig 2 D 'L Y-seaWd Dle.•a..nre sleighs. "Glad -tone cutter,. 4 large Portland cutters. with child'- seal. H single cuLten. 3 Clark's carriage heaters. 1 set of heavy nickel Englh.h-hack harness. 3 ..rte of good heavy driving 1 set of nickel light double harner.. w netts harness 1 set c. ago a xta tf 1►ross and nickel surrey hagness. 'J seta o inele barrister,. - " saddle.. and •2ladle.i side saddles. Mn buffalo. gallowey, coon. bear and goat robes rug.. shawls, etc. cutter and i • t anaeG• bells, wh buggy. {t >;r . sleigh axles. 1 Newmarket cUDper, and everythiug in and about the place. The 'bus business will be sold a a going concent. The property will also be offered for sale at the same time. TERMS. -All Muni. of 81 , , and under, earth over that amount..t month. rrndit w111 be elven on furnishing approved joint notes. A dleoonnt M the rate of H per cent, per annum allowed for cash on credit amniote. THOMAS OUNDRY JOHN F'URVIS and W. H, UCNDRV. and T. OUNDRY. Proprietors. Auctioneers. Aiotioo to Creditors NOTICE TO CREDITOKS: • 1� LATE IN emir. xaTArs Or MrtyrxN�tl M(iixadarR. `:j --HOUSE FOR SALE ON or THE TOWNSHIP OP -AAN. DICC , IN THE Si) ''11 1•tit't'rr or Ht'I of , YEOMAN. UrA;gAaxD: 'J.r• a1V. 'MOM »venue: red brick. nine \care 1e herebyatvett pursuant to R. S. 0.. son-: all modern rsevenleun.s except fur- ap IN, that all creditors and oboes having Murdoch • sThome.the 1\ I. Tho Moate ♦ 'ell . . st tae A. V win w'. L ora nmrrile oar PRItUDVOOT, HAYS& BLAIR. McGregor.y,shodied negUIl out the 15th dry b:s'stisi,. fitof February, ►HIO, are required on or before the _ ant day of /tine. 1910. to send by past. or de- et tit Y.1 LF. -1.0T N(f2 ON N ET.SON liver to Charles Darrow, of the town of .:orle- 1. t rich, solicitor foe Alexander McOreK••n T .ret, t:atedch. the Viupeliy of estate of administrator of the +1d deeeaeol. their ?rano V. Sneed). there 1+ on this lot a lance mantes and addresses. full particulars of their tons hone' with modern Improretnenu, at claims, a statement of their accounts, and the Present otempied by Mr. Miller. 'Term. stud ,nature of the aocurltY. if ►nY• held by thesis theunde, gne be furnished, on application to And furtber take notice that on the said lat- eheonden.ytnrd. mention,d date the std adnani+trator will Sederlrh. Apr111th. Ir10. - proord to distribute the assets of the deceased PHOCUF(IOT. HAYS t RLAIR. rhtong t1,e porde: entitled thereto. having re. 8olkltor'for Executor, Lmidou R tt'itaterts Mud -only to the chlor of which he shall then hoot 0. 1tstf nave notils..nd s hal be will not be liable for _ _ the said a.-cU, or any pert thereof, to any {Arron or b. 'sons of whoseclsims notice shall .11 CE:E FOR ace. li --UN ULOL • ,,eg have Mien leis eves. el the time of such 1111 l'F•!rER Terrace. 11 story, frame, tl es tnbullou, toanstone foundation 7 ft. high, with cellar Dated t his s,.h day of May. 1910. dteof house : also good frame barn 311x17 with sone fobndanon :ttrand view of 1 . 1'. K. and ' WW1'. Apply MRS. JNO. SANDS. (lode - rico. - - • ' . 92 -Lf TOWN PROPERTY FOR SALE.- Ronse and lots known a. the Capt. Mac- Gregor 11 property nn Angleses garret. Ooderlch : rooms. hot water heating and modern teoneaienee , with one lot on Trafalgar street. It6lbrsold joint lyor separately. Houm and law \aplet street, n moms, sort rerldenrw district. Cottage at Balt.ford with 3 acres of %grehut winter apples. Ines pretertie.' con be had at reasonable ras. Apply to J. L KILiA)RAN li.trri.tcr. errs tielrrirh WESTERN LANDS FOR SALE - a 1 se weirs with 32 *wrest In cm frame hoose with 'phone In. Mice Elitist Including MO. land a rich loam. VA acres at 41x4 per acre. broken and fenced. This is a snap. M kW) is Ing up every year. lei acre* with rood buildings, In scree broken : Price Ekt per erre, rood locality end phone in house. Anyy ether, can he bought In eay terms. J. H. TYW'81.i;Y. Yorkton, sack. OL'HE FOR SAM - At TWO- it•in Once ereet.sroitY rkPartl ulama cati ainevbe had en rooms,. olio, at :SIGNAL Office. 3661 r THE sTEItLING BANK (1F CANADA ppTo OF DU1tiN PARLIAMENT TO Odate Been rbrtot Rc*'TC CTa..a,ran CAPITAL - tn' '" INCORPORATirD BY SPECIAL ACT ?ON PA RECEIVE DEPOSITS ticcomm the Farmers we bave opened Branches in the Tillages of DUNGAN QN, AUBURN, VARNA and $AYFIELD. We solicit the Patronage of the FARMER - BALK NOTES DISCO( 1NTED. Highest current rate of interest SAVINGS paid in our 61S BANK DEPART - 111 iINT nn deposits of $1.(10 and upwards. ('ll AItLES (i.tRROW. Solicitor for Alexander McOtegor. Administrator MUSIC ■aL{� \ND F1111 t'ON('EIt'C n a µsinus to accept tloa limited, nerich umber of nr Hand ' gage - meaty fur celebrations, church and lawn voclAls, rte. Regular band membership YI.. 'ferns on application to Managers. 0E0 srEwART, tioderieb• flalm • To Bent Business was practically suspended in town on Friday afternoon as atrib- ute from the citizens t" the meoitnry of our late King. Edward VII., on the day of hie burial, Factories And stoles were closed either for the whole afternoon or front 2 to 4 o'clock, the hours arranged for the --public memorial service. The hanks And a few other business places were closed aur the entire day. The shining of the bright rays of the Hun in the early morning gave prom- ise of Agreeable weather to allow the (Jital service to be held in the court house pia. as arranged:last to- wards owards noon heavy clouds began to gather. By•1'2o'clock it was sprink- taiu-nnelast Yr:clock..rsttt•ady rain was falling which continued through- out the afternoon. When it was found necesasi y u, have the service indoors, it was intended to use the court room of the court house. but after seating caIuarity had been reserved for the 31rd Regiment hand, together with CoutiMIny No. 1 of the same regiment and chitty G. C. I. cadets, it was de- cided to ask the large coneten•de which had gathered and filled the building to overflowing to adjourn to North street Methodist church, where there would be much more room. By 3 o'clock the large auditorium of the church was filled to the doors and the solemn service was couunenced. Mayor Cameronrformed the duties of chairman. With him on the plat- form were Rev. Dr. Dougall, Rev. Jas. Hamilton, Itev. C. R. Jones, Rev. Jos. Elliott, Captain Brown of the Salva- tion' Army. E. N. Lewis, M. P., and Judge Holt. After Riving a brief eulogy of the departed monarch Mr. Cameron asked the congregation to rise while the band played the Dead March in Saul, wbith was rendered most impressively. Rev. Jas. Hamil- ton then led tn prayer." Rev. Dr. Dougall spoke as follows : "It is a thought almost awe-inspir- ingpalm- ing. these hours now dosis th ing that. R ing. Mot only in Landon,. England, where the pulseheat of the Empire is felt most strongly, nut only through- out the British `eles,.not only through- out the dominions beyond the seas, but in many Other countries, capitals and cities outside the federation ot mister - hood called the British Empire. there attt services similar td those in which we are now engaged. It must mean something to the world that King Ed- ward ie dead. It must be felt by the world that it has lost a friend. These solemn services are not forced. These multitudes of people in multitudes of places, these silent 'factories, these motionless ships at sea. these trains freighted with human lives and human produce milling a halt in their haste across at continent. Are volun- tary expressions of human hearts as they lay their tributes at the foot of a dead wane bier, as they do honor to a name and utetnory laved a ad lamented. I say this man must have bad some meaning to the world, and that meaning a good one. "What does the death of any man mean ? Well, to us who remain it means ooh what that Ulan sear to us I kings of Britain. He worked quietly, tl wherrhe was alive, he he peasant in tend accomplished much by kis quiet humble calling, or prince 'wielding a influence. No office bad ever been sceptre in the mightiest Empire the turned to better account. He worked THE SIGNAL PRINTING CO.. Ltd•, PLtsuutsMs. gracious and **tinted lie Mist v, do 10 evoke azul cuntulidule th,• ipitit of the Empire. "Then fell the 'elides' of rulerahip upnit her eon Edward. Nine short years Only since that metnoraile .iiiMy rat in t%estminctrr when tate mown was •placed upon him hrow. Nine short }•rare,. but lung etlonwlt to prove hitnsvir the worthy Hon of,his Western Canada Flour'Mills Co. •Has mother ; Tong enough to cement the THE TOWN COUNCIL. ROAD MACHINE COMPANY YALU- A T (ON PASSED. ----------- HOUSE FOR RENT. -ON NEW- OATK street. erne-anda-half story house, revel' rooms,' good garden. Apply to MISS BEAtthreebdoors oast of Montreal street. Avenue. TO REJT.-A NEW BRiCK holies on Nelson street nine rooms: mod- ern conveniences. MILS. HIENDERSON. Car- low P.0 - AST1; RE TO LET. -ANY PERSON rcquirinr'tee,dare for cattle for the coming reason may arrange for sane by applyingto Ltt ( ( . McNEIL Dunlop. GODERICH BRANCH A. 0. OAMHLW Ma.naaa Public /Mottos. affection of trtllionq of people to hint ; long enough to excite the admiration Of all petioles : long enough to prove' hiulselt a world statesman wtNur- passi•tl. Safely has he guided the ship of state through . waters often H' t 'gl t his good Several Requests -,Streets Allotted for Use of Electric Railway -Many Matters Sent to Committee. troubled. ttl ores) t . heart. hie wise head, hie strong hand The town council met on Ftfday so often have restrained the dogs •f eveping with all the tuetulerte pfesent war, have thrown oil on troubled and MayorAawerpn in the chair. waters. For the solidity of the E en- pire, the spirit" which makes many scattered nations respond to the touch of kinship, much we owe to King Edward. "Let the give 'Hied one illustration. The Boer war Hiet1 . done much to arouse the " spirit df !imperialism. \\-hen turn shed their blood in the saltie Held fur the same cause brother- hood will, follow.. But the Boer war left. a congfered people. a foteign p e with hearts mouse; dtaitTfta'e and full of hate. Only nine years have keen written on the page's of history siuceiheu,.yet these_NAM..arsine to- day are cemented into the British Empire. • Saute of the very men who had fought against the King's armies are today wearing his uniform They sit in the same parliament with their former enemies peacefully and happily tmtimatew. Hr waw informed that working out their destiny even air we Item t had been wt aside for the that in Canada. In the wise, kindly policy $ I ur- which has converted an enemy -Mao a pose 01 improvements here. friend, in the attitude of England A letter trout the secretary of the toward her colonies; regarding them Union of Canadian Mlutlicipallties was not as Spain did hers. sources of reven- read and referred to the finance com- 'kIEETING OF THE HURON .11 COUNTY COCN('IL. The council of the county of Huron will meet in the oouncil chamber, in the town of (ode rich. on the 7th day of June next. at 3 o'clock. wrath the Clerk beforainst e the11abovetuat date.� placed W. LANE. (Clerk. Dated May Yard. 1910. 104Yt NEW ADVERTISEMENTS -May 2- 6tthh. New Bt. Lawrenoe-Hrirtol Route-CAlta.11an Northern Steamships - sommer Tourist Tickete-F. F. Lawrence2 Special for Saturday -Welter H. Harrison2 Big Reductions- Geo. Porter S Carpets and (Curtains -W. Acheson & Son2 Servent Wanted -Mrs. Butl.nd 1 $0 Reward -Howell Hardware Co 4 Reader G. T. R Special for Thls Week -J. 11. Colborne. 4 Ji.nr Shopping -D. Millar le... .... ......... .3 Pineapples -H. R. Long - - 8 Announcements -\%Chaos's thug Store t Don't Forget- W. 1'. Pridham 2 Specials -N. C. (Cameron. Announcement -P. T. Dean 1 •l County Council Meeting w. Lane...; ...... 1 8 O U K B I N U I N (i `onthend Boy Wanted-N.0DaCameron ns Brow 1 Following the emoting of the minutes of the previous meeting, a communi- cation was re•ui ''row the market clerk, stating that the plank platform un the -scales was wuru out and needed replacing; also that the yards adjoin- iug should be cleaned. It was re- ferred to the Market committee. The auditors' report ou the water and light c7luwissiontre' bookie was referred to the finance committee. A letter fruul the (foderich Wheel Riese, alt regard to the payulentr- their loon, was referred to the finesses committee. The Mayor reported regarding some correspondence bo had hadwith with -Ron. \V111. Pugsley, Minister of Public Works, in reference to improvements at ;lioderich postofllce. ' He had un - (let -Mood from the Hansard report that only $4,(MI0 had been placed in the public works committee. The Board of Trade stvit in art•epueat asking that the council reconsider the proposition of having the 'alerts oiled for the laying of dust. It was decided' • that the public works comuttttee should confer with as cuulutltte,• of tb(t Board of Trate W see what slay to-• done in the 'natter. Road,Maehine,CQ: Valuation.' The report of the valuators in 'the matter of theAmerican Road Machine (Company was the next to be brought down. A letter was read from the valuators. in which they stated that. they considered it would he unfair to 'fie company to make -public property the value of the various parts of the .• plant. They assuted the a ril that they did not value anything Goat was • not uovereei by the. bylaw and. the mortgage. It was moved by the. Iteeve,l seconded by the Deputy Reeve, that the matter -of closing *nth- flee Comp- any be left in the hands of the Mayor treasurer to sign the-eltetfltae two. - able to the order of the Cowpony just as soon as all itemiz_d inventory is banded to the clerk, showing how the COMM is made up. (Considerable die - cushion followed as to whether. the Motion covered everythiug which the wishes it should. Some of the afdertnendititned that the count -Jihad' no right to ask for an Relented inven- tory, to which the reply was that the y wee wining to grant Rif. re-._,-- quested to do so. Councillor Hawkins moved in amendment "that we insist on an itemized inventory." This was ruled out by the Mayor on the ginund that it was fully covered by the lint Motion. The yeas and nays ou the original motion were then taken. Reeve Reid, Deputy Reeve Munnings, Ct,uncillore Vanatter and Parsons voted yea and Councillors \lartio, Wal- lace, Hawkinm and Laithwaite voted nay. This tirel the vote end"the Mayor gave the oasting vote.in favor.of the motion. 't Loans Coming in. A statement from Wen. Campbell, assessor and tax collector, was read, in reference to the different. entnpxniee•' having loans from the corporation, - The Kensington Furniture -Cu. had_ forwarded a cheque tor $31)) as the monthly payment tor April. ;The manager of the Goderich tlfrrgan Co. had promised a substantial reduction each month until the debt was paid. The Wheel Rigs Co. had informed hint that they intended taking advantage of the three months at six per cent. on their annual payment of *2.111.)). pay- able the kith of July. Mr. Campbell stated that be had written the (om- bad mis- understood them chat Com- Ppany. tellingthey a y underetHxl the clause in the. mort- gage. The council decided to leave the matter with Mr. Campbell to arrange with the Company for the payment of the amount. The a Septic Talc Patents. A letter teceiyed tr om the (, ana►dixn patent office informed the council that heal patents off the Oameron Septic Tank Co: bad smelted by reason of the partial no - yment of fees. Another to was received from Kemball 1k we, solicitors of Buffalo, regarding the leims against the town of the CameroS\Septic Tank Co. The Mayor ordered t to be tiled before it was read. Several account' were presented and sent 00 to the finance committee. ueto be drained examen alight )milk a cow, to the last drop, but am peoples free to work out their own destinies under the protection of a strong, gen- erous arm -in this policy and attitude we cannot fail to detect the tactful diplomacy and influence. ..f Edward VII. "We offer thanks today for the years of our late King. He came at a time mast providential. Nor can we forget the gentle lady, the daughter of the Danish Sea -king, who carte to hitt in the sweet beauty and goodness ot her girlhood and through long and momentous years wee a consort than have been no whom there could better. Fee this (.l.teen-unttbee,-- now - bowing with broken heart.hy the still fotiio of him she so loved, 'we raise our c. Heaven's v hR P she may prayer limit h grace in her widowhood end bereeve- tnent. Our new King George V. - loyally we greet him. Long may be reign over us, happy and Oniony. "King Edward now lies in stets in the old hall "of R'illiam Rufus. of brother mon- archs, valcade Thence eC71 archs, the ex -President .of United Stat•' with the world's great ones and with trillions of grieving will him to the old hymn, "hearer, God, to ale innin , the reverendgentle- man stated that many tributes were tnittrte. Representatives were asked to attcbu the annual convention on Augurs Slst. September let and 2nd. in Toronto, 1b was also requested that the annual tee of $1'2.Ia1 to for- warded. Referred to finance commit- tee. Chas. S. Spence asked permission to constt'ucta drain from the cellar of his residence under the sidewalk on the Huron road. The public works committee was given power W deal with the matter. To Widen Gibbons Street. The public echoul board asked that the town widen Gibbons street to tit) sums and '-six feet. gravel slot} plant• a row of trees- loft -the east side of mho street. Councillor Hawkins• suggested that. if it be decided . to old t ' en the street. the town should dQ a deed of the land. The matter wag, ooleired to the public works commit- tee. l'he collector of water end light rates asked for the use of a'`,room in the town hall of which the. firemen of scans was have had use. The c 1 given the use of the roost on condi- tion that it will not interfere with the meeting of the firemen. a b wt carr 1 u ecce . Y JMills Co. Flour from Requests Many e9 sovereign castle tit' Windsor. eulogies will be pronortnced, hut none. The Western Canada Flour Mills more real and applicable than that of Co. wrote asking permission to use• the Kings of all kingh"Rleased are part tit Water lane On which to handle the pexcemakete, for they shall are their construction material. They called the children of dal." also wished to grade it from its Inter - Thr h} n My G 1 section with the harbor hill road to Thee," was Bung, M. B. es -my presid- ing the dock level. The letter stated that tnR at the organ, and ttev. C. R. Jones W. J. R. Holmes, whose property was then cawed upon. would be affected by the change, was In R k tl agreeable. Permission wets asked to erecta plain frame building on public being paid today in memory of our property, lying between the street lite noble King, the great head of the line of harbor hill and the. guard fence Empire. It I'M hardly possible to say of the upper approach of the l7. P. ua such. His name would be handed I railway bridge, and to be over and G r down in the annals Of history as that above the slope of the approach, with of one of the most illustrious of the the front of the building forming a ie y, I section of the guard fence. The coun- cil was asked to allow the C. P. R. to extend the switch from its freight sheds across harbor hill road. it would he left there only temporarily until the delivery of building material was completed. Another request was that a dump -ear line for theuse of the elevator construction company be per- mitted to crass Harbor street, flush with the street level. It would be re- moved on the completion of the ex- . cavatt The oneseveral requests here outlined were dealt with separately. On mo- tion of Deputy Reeve'; Munningt, Melt.- united ect.uanited by Councillor Vanatter, the company wan given permission t, use Water lane and to grade it. On the question of allowing the C. P. H. to extend its switch acmes the harbor hill road' there way earls si MAGAZINES, PERIODICALS and LIBRARIES bound or repaired. GOLD LETTERING on LEATHER GOODS All orders promntl attended to on leaving them at THE SIGNAL Ooderlch. A. E. TAYLOR, p9TRATR(1R 0 LUMBER AND SHINGLES All kinds of rough lumber in stook et the New Lumber Yard, next t, Kensington Furniture Factory. nppoadte-(i.T.R. track. Orders filled at short notice. New Brunswick Cedar Shingles -"Larkin" broad -the hest on the market. --. - JAS. DEAN & CO. 'PHONE No. 22n. AUCTION SALES. world has yet known. • "There is a word which during the a nine yeasts' since King bed placed with august ceremony the crown upon his brow, has steadily grown bigger in meaning. 1t is the word Empire. Not empire as as Caesar or a Napoleon would think of it : not empire meaning the deepotic control of one man. who by the genius of a soldier enforces obedience within his dominions and Irer without; but the word Empire which displays its mean-' Ing only when proceeded by the noble adjective "British" -"The British Em - Ow." What does thin Empire mean --rather. what .is the ever bigger a meaning? It means seterhood of nations-onottt of then mistresses in their own homes though daughters of one mother ---a sisterhood now belting the world, in 1t are men speaking variorte languages and worshipping different grids. In it are faces of e('cry color found on the globe. What is the bond which holds these far-flung nations in the solidarity of one Em- pire ? It is not a bond enacted by any parliament menet of parliaments. if It can find visihl expression at all that expression is in ne person -a person to Ward whom all es look, all hearts turn -the imperial had of the Empire, the sovereign upon t e throne. The tie is not so much of I w as it is of senti- ment; not at all o force, but of love. "When Victoria same to the throne, Before her tried: t e a w a u r ah as girl were sovereigns ofhon we are not ptttticulgtly- proud. With then► went the last Giron to Nth, by the tower of sovereignty. The first estate, as an executive or administrative force, disappeared. Henceforth the reign of the people : more power its the hands of the people, but not 'N loyalty in their hearts. This hecadhe Victorie, the queenliest woman. the womanlieat queen. was queen. she of whoa) her poet laureate wrote :. "Her Con rt .v n- par.•. her life .omne : God Rn, 0 hereta, e, her Innd reposed :. ), A. theaas rad r M herovenHfFMM in her ns mother, wife and quern." More than we can now fittingly estimate did Victoria the Good, of centres in the district. e sseRIrA v. May Yeah. -('tearing auction rale of household furniture and furnlehing+. Com- mencing at 1 ai o'clock sharp. Terms sh. Property of Mir. (sortie. Wert -.treat c AP G I:M R%, auctioneer. WEDNESDAY, June lat.--Dbeolntlon of part" nenhip .ale of livery. cab and 'bus burinete. commencing at 1 o cloca aha' st the stables, �V.H.(hBURT. : South street. TnoM AH and mprietors; Jona PURI, IN wird THOMAS proprietors t NCRY. ancttoneere. A Star in His Line. .lack Barrymnre dropped into a Broadway restaurant the other day and fate assigned its him a waiter who. to quote the actor, was "solid ivory frotn the chin up." Failiii a Failing to fret anything he ordered,' ha lost patience. "Waiter, he SAM, "you are the ultimate thing in punk dtapensers of gastronomic provender I Why don't you chuck this job and try piccolo playingat the opera P" "Ii'no can 'play -a da peecal(h" said the *alter. ` "That's all right," said Harrymore. "Why waste all your Incompetence in ono phoo r for the good of hie" own people an the world-wide Empire. He was w great man, a wise ruler and a gracious King. The previous speaker had spoken of him as one, of those referred to in the beatitude, "Blessed are the peacemakers, for theirs to-' the King- dom of Heaven." it was a recognition of hie intrinsic worth. He bed a man's imperfections, but he always did those things which he considered his duty. It marked him out es a great man that he did his duty. His WinI140111e11eSH of character was notable, and he was a man of whom it might truly ixe said that be way a gentlemen of the highest order. He was the soul of truthful - nese, et man who possessed a mind (Continued on Cage 1.1 *.URAL TELEPH -.NE COMPANY. Reports of Committees. - . The reports of the standing commit- tees were then received, The water and light and harbor committees ad- vised that the coal hoist belonging to the Big Mill at the dock should be allowed to remain until the season's coal was delivered. The erection of a passenger waiting shed at the `harbor was considered unnecessary. It wits recommended that sour[+ repair* ire made in the planking of the wharf, also that the refuse on the wharf be removed. The report was approved by the council. The cemetery committee reported (bat it was necessary to construct forty rods of fence next to the McLean property, at a cost of $50. Adopted. Streets for the Electric Railway. Tia public works co have recom- mended that a proper agreement be drawn up with the Ontario West Shore Railway Co., allowing the com- pany the privtlege of laying rails on Cambria, road, from Gloucester 'Ter- race. to Toronto street : atlopg Toron- to street from Cambria road to the Nutlet maul: adouF± the Huron rand star - attt+wb-at~- tioderirh butes motion wast passed giving •the township : along Nelson admit, ft r quireed- pellets.; . with the pro- Cambria road to .Maitland road ; along visions that the public w•nr'ke eumtuit- 1 Maitland mad t cono Ntbete ,street to tee enter intio an agreement with the Oxfot'Il street : and •along Oxford C. P. It, to make Allowance for (larn- street from Maitland toad to !Intim agcs in ca,. of aecidesots, and that the nerd. 'Che report ryas ;III. mol. railway conqu►ny arrange to renioce•' The Ht•e enn11nittPc reprntCa that the tr•an•ks when the tuora•ss ty ala- the Hyrtl of bit•Ktentgh .0 'Trotter. of 1 anew t•rinl has been delice•rrdi. In vegetal l'hathltnl, haul ulrrre•I to attach t r to the erection of the frame building leader to the Mr engine for *UULI and it, was explained that Mr. Mr(inw -watt ,t hat they eon-hi'i'ed 004. offer should willing to build it twelve fret beck i nl't's'p e.1, The connri1 adoptt•It the from the t•.sulwu*y, and rat this was report. saltiefart ry to all the matter whit sent 1 On motion of Deputy Reeve \loot- . on to the public works. es ''teenines, seril)aeird by Councillor Latith- Permiseiore to• et•I.•t. n .i p -sur litre' wait., th,• nu7ice• of the pnysing ,and Orgeeization Meeting Held. and Direct -I tors and Officers Appointed. A ane.•' ing of shareholders of the 0.sletirh Ittlral Te•I.phone (' patty. ',Unitas', was held in the Board of Trask room .'m Fridnv Net. There vvittran ett•tt.Lulre rs•ptesenting every part of the country ad,acent, t • tiesli•- rich to the north and ertet, end much e,•, intrreinterestWAN tna►nifee!tt.sl " in the devel- opment opulent of telephone facilities. Att organization was effected with the following diteetot•s : %Vm, Hill; Br 'ller; W. 1'. Riddell, Anbnrn; John MoNah, l) tin yeaunon: John t4ehoenhals, Port. Atbert : Stephen Met�Tc , alrnrn ; John thislolP, Nilt� 11. H. (hitt, Olmlerieh; A. G. Gamble, (}sslu rich : W. J. ''arks, WislHold. Afterwards the diner.•s stet and np1wuint'l the following nfl turn: Hill. prt•seidenti A, O. (ianJile, t•eaN- carer t Andrew Porter, manager end eecretHt•y. • The present plans o1 the Company impute. litres h Colborne,' ArhH.'I.i. NA e+t \Vawanttryh, East 'Wewayush. and east AN far Re Myth. with possibly other extensions pater nn. This will give snbu'rilwt•a a very vahtahle con- nection, reaching ell the important. for the nese• of fife r•onattmimolt cum- r.•gistest et tit tit- e:h.srl 1,tInw• N. pony /tiro-waH grant .41 M)'. Mr( ;RW 11 tit Bilis was tui., p05t and ventilated. I• Hr' ae • � rH 1 It 1 aces present and 'explained fist itlh•pnly Beet. shirr 1 wlitild age simply a 1,0111 rrat7 stent.. that the wire bet ween t in..Hre hall tory.I and the lnlmlrit tt ,htau of sit ttvI) A communication from H..1. Lamb, I cottimissitnl and .tntr'l tint it. Weald61 the Dominion Public Womke fie- I vied'towards or $1110 to have .1t parttnetit, was read, celling'attention place'.!. The telephone itt the town to'the fact that the pike driven on the clerk's other had Is,•n used of hate (chat h dock on the went side of the when it w'nm netestsut-y to nhtify the checkmates were not held by cleats 1 ping station in case tit tier. according to agreement when permit!. Water and Light Receipts. Sion was given to erect the piled. He I The Reese)'" owed h., nndw'st;s.Hi requcated that cleats, 10x1'2 inches and 1 Mat the water and light rnnuni+Rion S fret in length, be,pinced and securely had about $:halal on hand, and he had bolted to the piers as ,own ae'pwoseible• I been tlh► that the euuiteil would have The, hi4rbor eotnmitsee was given t, ask for it before It world get it. power to art. The Mnyor explained thea the r.o n - A letter from \V�n• Ranh. referring tltimshun Nhuold hand overthe receipts to the condition of Ship street ;rat the to the town every three months noel harbor jest behind his property. wase reed. The letter was referred to the , ICO, 'Mooed on easel., • A