The Signal, 1910-5-12, Page 8• THURSDAY, MAY 12, 1010 THIS SIGNAL: GODERICH ONTARIO 5he Portof Missing Men. D; Mereditigkliehotton, Moho, of "The House of a Thousend Coolies .•' Copyright, 1507. by t! a Ib,bbs-Met, H "uul iuucd num I•hge' "'Not Iafer than t rnJay'=Hack you , so!" shouted Arpnitage and laughed 'aloud at the enemy's rout. One of the horses -it seabed from its rider's yells to be Chauveuet'c-turned and bolted, and tike others followed back the way :they bad come. Ston they dropped their pace tu, a tr••t, lent; Lim trio, cantinued,ln OX .110 - fore them. . "They're -rattled," said Claiborne, "and the fog isn't helping them oily." "41's i€ll�ttlnl clue Lo coq' place•" said Anuitage, and as he spoke two _ehota x1111 rapttd succession' cracked -_fitortoi'titrottrh (lie fog, sad they 4erk- ell up their horses. "It's Oscar! IIe's a good way ahead It 1 judge the ahoti NgbL" 'lf he jurns thety back, we ought to hear tbeir horses' fn a moment," ob- leried. Cpgptu,rnn. "The :Qg -Ian sounds. The road's pretty level 1n here." ' "We rnust let them gut of lt•and into my territory fur safety. We're, within a mile of the gate, and we ought to be able to crowd them Into that long open strip where the fences are down. hang the fog. "ills--a(tteea signal of two shots reached them again, but clearer, Ilko drum taps, and was immediately an- swered by scattering shuts. A moment latter, as the.two riders moved forward at a. w•dlk, a sharp volley raise out quite clearly, and they h'ear'd shots and the creek. of revolvers again. "By George, they're comingl Ilere we go!" They tout tlieir.borees to toe gallop and rode swiftly through the fog. The hent of hoofs was now perfeettr audi- ble aheaek of them, and they \beard quite distinctly a single ret•olver\snap t w ice. "Oscar has than on the run. Bully for Oscar! They're getting close. Thnnk the Lord ter this -level stretch! . Now howl and let 'er go!" They went forward, with a yell that broke weirdly nnu cb6lting1y bid ills gray cloak of fog, their horses' hoofs pounding dully on the earthen road. The rain had almost ceased, but enough had fallen to rotten the ground. "They're terribly brave nr horribly seared, from their "peed!" shouted Claiborne. "Now for it!" They . One in their skimps and charged. yelling lustily, riding neck and neck toward the unseen foe, and with their horses„ at their highest pace, they broke upon the mounted trio that now rode upon theme grayly out of the mist. There . was a mad anteing and shrinking of horses:. One of the nut- torted their hones into the wood and Inds turued and tiled to twit, and his Wiry they all went, leaving this road ed Melleo* swept up 041 the lett. Os the right hay the old 141111Ung preserve and Avtufurge's bungalow, Aa they drew into the , urve they beard a re- volver crack twice, as before, followed by answering wbct. and cries and the ilium'. of huufi.-- "Otlee! Osoar has strucL them again. Steady now! Wat, b your horse!" And Armitage raised his strut hIgh above lite head and -tired twice as a warning , to Oscar. The distance between the coutendlag parties was shorter now than at the first meeting, and Armitage and, Clai- borne bent forward to their saddles. talking (softly to their horses, that had deuced wildly at Armitage's shots. "Lord, if we can crowd them in hers now and Zack to the Port!" '"There!" Exclamations died on their lips at the instant.. Ahead of them lay the fog, rising and breaking is sot(- folds, and behind It wed yelled and several shuts snapped spitefully on the heavy air. Theo a curious picture disclosed itself Just at the edge of the vapor as though it were a curtain througb whkb actors In a drama emerged upuu a stage. Zola] and Chauvefiet Cashed into view suddenly, and close 'behind thew Oscar, yelling like mid. He drove his horse between the two tueu, threw himself flats Zmai find at him and turued and waved his bat and laughed at them; then just before his horse reach- ed Claiborne and Armitage he checked Its speed abruptly, dung it about and then charged back, still yelling, upon the amazed foe. "He's, crnsy; • be's gone clean out 0t ills head!" muttered Claiborne, re- mith.- di/Realty "V♦'bat do you make of it?" "lle's -having fun with them. He's just rattling them to warm himself up, the little beggar. 1 didn't know It was in him."• Back went Oscar toward the two horsemen he had passed less than a minute before, still yelling, and this time he discharged his revolver with seeming unconcern for the value ut ttlnmunition, and as be again dashed between them 'and' back through the gray Curtain Armitage gave the word. and he and Claiborne swept on at a gallop.' - Durand was out of sight, and Chau- venet turned and looked behind him uneasily; then he spoke ,sharply to 7.maL Oscar's wild ride back and forth had dernnrellsed the hurtles, which were snorting and plunging wildly. As Armitage and Claiborne advanced ('hauvenet spoke again to Zmai and drew his own revolver. "Oh, for a saber nowt" growled OW- botne. But It was not a moment for specula- tion or regret. Roth sides weeeperfect- ly silent as Claiborne, leading slightly, with Armitage preset/1g doer at his left. galloped toward the two men who tared them at the gray wall of mist. They bore to the left with a view of crowding the two horsemen off the road and into the preserve, and as they neared them they heard cries through the mist and rapid hoot beats, and lrnrend's horse heaped the ditch at the readslde just before it reached Chau - tenet and Zmai, and ran away through tire rnttgh underbrush into the wood, /scar clone bellied and (lent now, grimly Intent on his badness. The revolves .of Renal and Mauve - pet cracked together, and they, too. Liverpool and Chicago Whe tP le Close Lower -Live, Stroke• Latest Quotations. Monday livening, May Liverpoolgtnat [edited dosed to-MW led lower bliss BatuidleY, aad cci !a• tures uaetianlped. Al Chicago, May wheat closed Ke bwr than ekatunbiy, May curb ♦k ltigber. ann. May oats %e lower. Winnipeg Options. wheat -,May Attic. JulY shills patio -May =tic, Au), sire. Toronto Grain M.,rket rider, struggling to coutrol him, added to the cuufusion. The fog shut them domo In with each other, and Arwltage and R>Mibsib' hone 11ot that ttmo:" shouted ave. 9u did i," replies] Armitage. '•itut never you wind, aid wan, we've gut Mein cornered now.,' llalborne glanced at Armitage and saw his right baud, still huldltlg Ills revolver, go to lois shoulder. "Much dawage?" "II atrvek a turd place, but I ase still The blood streamed from the neck ut Claiborne's horse, which threw up Its bead and snortett in pain, but kept bravely uo at the trot to winieh Armi- tage had set the pace. "Poor devil' We'll have a reckuulug pretty goon," crled .trmttnge' cheerily. "Nlo kingdom 1s worth a goof horse." ' They advanced at n trot (Owen! the Port. "You'll to afoot guy minute now, hu eerie In geed •hair aud an our owl 11101, with th,xu, carrion between u Claiborne, having flung back theft own horses at the onset, had an lestaat'■ gilwpse of Cbauvenet trylntg to swing isle horse tutu the road, of Zeal halt turning as bb horse reared to listen for the foe behind bud of Uurand's tw- paenit'e, white face as Ire steadied his horse with his left' hand bud leveled a revolver at Armitage with Itis right. With a cry Claiborne put spurs to his -horse and drove him forwent upon Du- rand. 1111 hand. knocked the leveled retoher tlylug luto the fug. Theu 7,mai tined twice, and Cbauvenet'a frightened horse, panic etrttken at the shots, reared, swung roused and dashed back the way he had come, and Du- rand and ?mal followed. The three disappeared lute the mist, and Arrnitege and Clalburue shook themselves together and quieted their horses. "That was loo close for fun. Are , you all there?" asked Armitage. "Still In 1t, but .Chaovenet's friend won't mise every time. There's mur- der in his eye.. The big fellow seemed to be trying to shoot his own horse." "Oh, he'd a knife and sack man and clumsy with the gun." Tbcy moved slowly forward now, and Armitage sent his horse acrues the rough ditch at the roadside to get his housings. The fog seemed at the point of breeking, and the blase about them shifted and drifted in the growing light. "This Is toy laud, sure uwugh. Lord, man, 1 wish you'd get out of this nd go borne. You' see, they're an ugly lot and don't use toy pistols." "Remember the potato sack! 'That's my watchword." laughed Claiborne. , They rule with their eyee'straight ' ahead, peering through the breaking, 1 flouting mist. It was now so clror end light that they could ser the wool at either hind, thongh fifty yards ahead to every direction the fog still lay like a barricade. "I ebould valne n change of rat- tnent,' observed Armitage. "There was nn hdeentage in armor -your duds might get, rusty on n damp excursion, but Aper altlrt wouldn't stick to your bkle." "Who carne? Those &vile bre pret- ty quiet, and the little eergesnt 1s abont due to bump Into them again." They had come to it gradual turn in the gsed,at a point where a steep wood - Wheat, dub h 1101 to Wb..1, red bush1 04 Wheat goose. bush 100 Buckwheat, eat, bush 0 64 HYL P,yua Babus 0 54 Data, buslu,l 0 m Toronto Dairy Market Geese, Per lb 0 13 O13 Eters, new -laid Butter, separator, dairy, lb0 0 Buller. store Iota 0 26 Butler, creamery, sollde0 0 Butter, creamery. lb, rolls,0 0 Hu•e1, extracted 019♦e Moray, combs. doses I S New York Dairy Market. os ea "Is Good Tea" NEW Yl)itle. May it. -1luttc•r-Sterid) al dtcilue; recelpta, elle creamery, spearfabs, per 1L.. 2'se. rstese Jd e-ethlrei lu tired. Sic to :fi4 ; vial. 24c to Lh:c; state dairy,. meet. nee to 'LMc, common to prime, 0e to Zlc; preemie, speedo!. 26e. seconds t0 laira^ le to :*c; factory. seconds to Rata, :Hoc to 7;1e, itulttsauu, ereainery. Ink tie 141le.------- Chee-- seSteady; receipt*, �; state, toll cleans, new, !anew, white, I3i(rc• stale. tug cream. mew. specials., 14e to 14Wac' fancy. eu'luitd, 13%e panne. -!1e to. 111%1 fair to good, 12e to 12%c.. common, 10%c to plc; old tee to 4uallty, Ile to Ile; state Anna spectals, Mier to 11c; fine, 9c w Mee;; fair to gaud, 9,4c to Ik; ,ol nmun, {totstate. skims. s,33tl Eggs -Steady , ece1Dt,l*0, ate, ?eaasyhaaln and nearby, brasses, whlM, sic to -zoic: gathereu,-w..ee. -tek10 .!ser bennery, brown. :3c to 231/s . gathered. brown. r!c to Wlie: fresh gathered, stor- age pae:ked, selections. 21♦ec i0 eeic; regn- lar packed, extra firsts. !lc to Le. a 1 CATTLE MARKETS. Cables Steady -Cattle IOc to 20c High- er at Chicago -Buffalo Steady. LONDON. May t• -Loudon and Liver- pool cabiee quoted tive cattle (American) steady, at-lPlkc to 141ye, dread weight: - refrigerator beef steady. at Ile to Irdo per pound Union Stock Yards. TORONTO, May 9. -Receipts of live stock at the Ugiuu Stock Yards were large ---a record run of 141 carloads, oonsiating of 21161 cattle, 99 hoge,,1IS sheep soot 111 -valves. Distillery Steers. Lie, Campbell bought fur Morrie & CO. five loads of steers fed at the Dun Syriac 1.360 lbs. each, at 41.50. E L. Woodward bought flue carlua¢, fed at the same byres. for t$witt ! Co.. file lbs. each, at r 5o per cwt. Milkers and Springers. A moderate. supply of milkers and springers, which sold at 137 to !146-. Veal Calves. The bulk of the calms* sold at 4s to W.>b, &lthu it few choice quality reaobed r per cwt and Haves solderSE t cw t per r cwt.; masa id N to M per cwt., yearlings at n to 4: per cwt.; spring lamb" at 13 to I6.61) each. Hogs. ' !togs prices are higher, at lass for se- lects, fed and watered. and 19 f.o.b. rate at country point. Montreal Live Stock. MONTREAL, May 9.-(9pertat.)-At tills Mot treat Stock Yards West }Td Markel receipts last week were 2e60 ,attle, 276 sheep and lambs, 150 hogs and 2571 calves. The offerings on the market this morning for local consumption amounted to WO cattle, 50 sheep and lambs, 990 begs and 400 calves. ('attic prices, as compared •with last V4 edoeeday's. show an advance of Sc per 100 lbs., attributed to it Heber. run and the Improved demand from t Y • The price is on ---every package. Digestive Tonic is a safe and certain rem- edy,for dyspepsia and loss • Appetite: A. (foliar buys n hig bottle. A srstbias you .ba with the Maio wed give you astir* lea • Identification Settled. It was only a email point of law, but the two counsel were hammering at one ttnother tooth and nail. They been submitting thio and that to toner for twenty minutes, and wing conte and more heated as ey argued. t last 're an ass, sir," sh£ieked one. "And you're a liar, sir, roared the other. Then the judge woke up, "Now that counsel have iaentifled etch other," said he, "let us proceed to the disputed points." -Philadelphia Post. The Retort Critical. Professor Harry Thurston Peck, the brilliant critic, raid at a dinner in New York : "The painter vows that none but the painter is competent to criticise his pictures : ,tnd a playwright said to tee the other day : " 'You never wrote a play. What right have you, then, to pass judg- ment on the drama?' "\Nell, my dear fellow,' said 1, '1 never laid an egg, either; but the minute I taste one I know whether it's good or bad.' "-New York Sun, A Use for Boys. 1 The ever.butuing question, "What shall we do with our boys ?" 'seems to be satisfactorily answered in the fol- lowing advertisement, which appears in n window of it Farringdon road butcher's shop "Wanted, k respect - .able ]toy for beef sausages." -London rrlbr,ne "Tommy." said the teacher waxily to the smallest member in the class, "tell all these big boys where the Kings of, Seolland were crowned/" "On -their heads." answered Tommy brightly. Celia -"Don't you - know her? Why, she lives in the sante square with you." Delia -Yes, but she's nut in the same circle," Sold aranteed by .,w F. J. BUT1.,M4D, S. E. HICK. H. C. DUNLOP, E. R. WiGLE CODER H • POPULATION O>: THE OUNTY • "So you can recommend your wash- erwoman?" "Yes, i can. She washes/ fur a' the twelours, an' y've nae idea o' thethings she can telly' aboot thum." "It seems to me t- hat i have seen you befpre." said the .fudge. "You hove, my lord. 1 used to give your daughter singing lessons." 'Twenty years." irate German (to stranger who has stepped on his toes) -"Mine trent, 1 know mitre feet was meant to pe valked on, hut. dot. brivilege _ pelongs • to ate." Exodus to the West 1s Still Taking Many from Huron. County,Clerk Lane has made his an- ,nual tettiru;to the (,uvet•nment of the population of tale Vatiuue Municipali- ties of the county.' as shown by Milo gear'+ assessment roll& l'he return tahowe 11 decrelr>w`irrthcrnr•aitnrpola- (iun from 11218 of :,46, and in the pupa - lotion of the towns and villages there js ,i decrease of 341, the total decrease heing•87i. The rush to \Vestcru Can- ada is undoubtedly largely responsit.le for the falling off. The figures are as follows: Townships bre lost Ashfleld - 20sel 2710 ('olbortie ......... .... I .... , 14:12 1527 (inderieh 'l 1956 161511 :ted . 3006 porters for supptles fe the weat, on count of of the higti prices remitted 4n for- i6gn markets and the low rates at which ocean lee*gM space can by ob tattled, both from here and Boston. There was some trouble in the Josiah trade, and dealers stated that they would not commerce operatlous until It was set- tled. Choke steers sold at Tec to 7iec; good et Ntc to 7c; fairly good at 616c to ,4c, fat at 1iec to 6c. and eumrnoa at 6c to 515,• per )b (Sok* ere!' brought 6c i Vic, sad lower grades 694 to Pee:, and bulls se Crum ].tee to 61ee per Ib` flog prices have advatced tic to 270 per 10 lbs since lust We, iesdee. In : .Ym[athe with the racesit advance In the Torottle market, Wet more leo to the smaUer asp- Ow r .paw which eaufe forward bare. cud the Impruved densand for the -same from peckers, as they were as more or less short of sleek ;bete. of seiected lots were mad,at 410 W 110.16 per 10D 1ba., weighed „f1 curs. The trade in sheep and lambs sea: quiet on account of the limited offerings I;heep prices ruled 'l par ID. lower, with sales of a few anrdl lots at 6i4c per Ib *ring lambs ware steady from N to le each. (Silvers ]net with 01 Mead) s.,1P at 4-.10 to 16 earl. Claiborne j(cmpnl just os the tcounded antmal roiled over derut. and a gap they won't care to ,trop Into. I'm off for the gate. You wnit here, and if Oscar fires the signal give the answer." Armitage galloped o2 to the right and Claiborne jumped from his horse Jost as the wounded nnlinal trembled for it moment, sunk to Its knees sod roiled over dead. Orey East Buffalo Cattle Market, EAST 11CI"FALO. Mao 0.-oottee-1(a- celpte. 670D head; active: common and medluq,.butchers' grades, 10c to pec low- er: others steady: prime steers. r7le to 118 IL, shipping, r7 to 4776, lmachera, i6.1L 10 $760; heifers, 16.S to $7: cows. ]1.16 is $6.66; bulla. 14.Z to 4876; stockers and feeders, 44.76 to 5.16; stock belfers. MAI te 16; hash cows and swingers sturdy, 0to47. t' Veals--Raoeipts. 2600 bead. sow and SO hlkrber. Si to 4x.2 Ung e-Ifte a Pie. 14.6110 heed. active Gall 10.• to 21'. lower; heavy and mixed, P.0 to OM. a few, 49.0; yorkars, 0 0 to 16.90: pigs, 4s e+ to 110; roughs. Pee to 1594 stags, 1710 to 46.26; dairies, 49.74. it, 1990. Sheep and Wniw--tt.anelpts. ele000 head; sheep stow; mixed "heap steady; other* 20c to 366 lower, lamb Mow and roc bar- es; bFer; Iambs. 47'25 to ls; yearlings, 1776 to V. wvthers, 17 25 to 47.40. ewer, fteS to 46.711: Meese 11lze41, N to 47.27 New York Live Stock. Ilullett Hay Howi'ck Morris: McKillop Stanley Ktephen 'i'urnt"'rry 'I'nckersmit h Usborne \\'awanosn Etat Wawanosh Weise. .... ... 1795 ,1009 37352 37888 \• I'EWy YORK. May e.-Heevee-Hacetpte, 4; market Irregular. steers. s7 to pile; b, 44.60 to MI6; cows, 1320 to V.1e: m s, Mr firm native mildew deat 11c Q N-ItecPlpla. 7067: prime tievivy ,al - steady to strong. others meetly to lower; all sold seals, I6 60 to 4160. Mee. 0.71e ,.44,76_W ® 0. dressed lvop dy stea; city drugged veils, 10e to rade; cq ntry . , , 7c to idlife rep a, • Iambs -Receipts. 1RM, sheep' steady. Isrhle slow to 16c lower, ail .036. neap, al ,lippedm Race : laes, a61 16 perbeset PAO 1a3: state l leere. K M to 6 Hoge Pee s, 740, market may. at 0.110 to 110. \ Ch ieatt Llys Stock. CHICAGO. May-<'.attle--iWefpta, 000; market eons Mews, 0.T to t4. oows, 45.66 to 47: heifers. 44 26 to $7 56: bulls, 14.60 to 1a 76, \ ralvew. 12 to 0S; stockers toe feeders. $4.75 to M W. market weak; oholce heavy, 0.10 to 6e: butebrs, OS to 0 611, light, mixed. 0. to OS. choke, light, 0.0 to 0.46: perca, 0.15 to 0.0: pparr0 0 16 to M M. Milk Of stns, $J• to • Bbeop and Lambe tide. tante. ked firm. sleep M tri to IILSo yeartinga �t M to 178mufti; Miele. $716 is I ; M iaa'[r, Mm to iii. 2475 '2450 '1154 3149 He -"isn't he ati awful flag' She - "Yes; but he has a motor, a yacht, and drives a four-in-hand. He'a what you might call a flat with modern twpt•ovelnents." • Strength Lustre Elasticity Smoot hne e Cider Va iety Those are dm five oulslandine features of DING'S SPOOL SILKS Progressive Dressmakers find i1 pays to use (hese wo• rld-famous .Iikse •• H}ILDING'S SILKS are unsurpassed, beige mai* sized se• this World'. Standard. They find that BBELDING'S SILKS are in a olaaa by themselves. Takiktor instance, the important yuestiou of Dolor variety. Pfotta shade is asked for, but we can supply it -simply because we Spare no ...Hort or expense t6 ensure our having advance knowledge of all novelties -and immediately re new shade is known it is incorporated ---In our line. Belding, Paul & Co. Limited ---74-Buy Street Toionto Ask vest dealer ase oat. seemIlsese ser welts easier per41es1sas. WOMEN CURED AT NONE Women's dliordera always >,.. from the very beginning et L1• treatment to the mild. but elle live, action of Orange Lily. Witter, two nr three days after roam, r:, ; c Its use rhe improvement ie. . notli•eable, and this Imp!'•,• - ( 1011nues until the patient ptetely cured: Orange Ley le an applied or local treatment. and se is directly op the womanly organs re- moving the congestion. t"ntng aro strengthening the nerves, and re- storing perfect rlrculat ion In the diseased parts. In order to cent/Ince all suffering women of the value of ths remedyyina 35 -cent bee, enough (days' treatment. absolutely to each lady me her eddrss: MRS. FRANCESE. URRANWI,(sor, Ot • e 31102 301111 2170 '=illi 2'r4t' Z1113 17814 18.9 i5K1 JO71050 1805 Pee) 21Z1 211111 11413 1975 1619 1616 Town. end �'llhtges. Hayfield Blyth.... Brussels Clinton Exeter Hoderich Ilensell Seater t,h Winglnarn :...s... .. '1351 'Situ Wroxeter... ......... 411 415 529 5411 772 816 1110 117!1 23140 24414 1616 16116 4551 46:12 822 801 2145 22.11 1669) 17101 Total 64042 54919 Sega-Recelpts, 0 • Loafers Cannot Vote. \II solo. ns of 1111110 have the Pram eluee except soldiers and beggars. Where Wes John ? A San Francisco wettish whose hus- band hall been dead some years went to a enedlaui who produced the spirit of her deul husband. "Ofy clear John," said the widow to the spirit, "are you happy now ?" "i son vety floppy," John replied. "HAppier,than you were on earth with me ?" she asked. "Yell," Was tine arlswet ; "i am far happier than 1 was nn earth with y011." "Tell me, .lohn, what it is like in heaven:" "Heaven !" reboil John. "I'm not in heaven,"- Lippincott's Magazine. • The Sod One - "Ant, young man. do you not at times feel That. this Sunday golf is j'up-irdieing your ehanee4, of heaven ?'' •( Soifer-"ieo p A r d i e i ti g. Why, it le heaven." " See That Triple Curved -Sprint!!! r 1 i NDIZON BABY CARRIAGE " The QENDRON is a beauty, and it's the car for ma "Tto•rc "c lots of good plain reasons why you tli4iould 'END buy a GENDr20N for baby. C£$.IDP,OtJ .l Mtivi.R" "This carriage car is made in Cana4a. Every barb of material embodied In the eEhIli*e is the best that money can buy. o f i "-Ste t::at o i;le curved spring ? That feature is exclusive to the GalleRON• It's made f s-eiucted sod test.d st c1- the triple curve abcorhs every jar, mating this carnia a tar a veds. ;e ft:other lien ior baby.- There are-ot Icr reasons wbv you should 'need in a GLNDRON age. St% candservicear•glerante-d Then- GE►tai2'AII ;;e car, arc 5o rosy !or hisy ba' /rivers to r;ot:ate.' alt Irdel :.:s Leiters Write us H your Gooier roes: 't carry them. foe i % .eCm 1-:r"et ca :.h a.nt.:fa:tl:rinb Co., Urdu!, Toronto ,,;t • YOU can now procure our delicious Soda Biscuits 6n a size and -design much thinner and more dainty than ,the ordinary soda biscuits. Just ask your grocer for McCormick's F -A -N -C -Y Jersey Cream Soda Biscuits - neatest, crispest, tastiest. The "Little Lord Fauntleroy" on the package guarantees McCormick - Qllalit� . Sold only in 10cand 5c Blue Label Packages ►aCTORY AT FANCY JERSEY$ISCUITS CR CREAM song LONDON, WARBROCSES AT MONTREAL, OTTAWA, HAMILTON. KINGSTON, WINN1PS. AND CALGARY Made from first quality corn by a clean, careful process. Is Nature's own pure product with the sunshine and the rain left l c A PACKAGE AT ALL GROCERS to Sweet as a nut -with a better flavor. Makes blood and bone. Treats your stomach gently and puts go in your meal. Eat the fireless breakfast dish to- morrow and know renal quality "THE SWEETHEART OF THE CORN 1r s sl