The Signal, 1910-5-12, Page 5o to
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t slits
The Huron Orchards Co.
prime Notes.e iv the
The steamer Hagin'tw arrived Tues -
fruit but harwucatell uta the
day With n cargo et [cull for the BiggDonald Bruce, farm on the Bayfield
al a twilling a1)1)aratte., has been at road near Godes tch, and of which An-
etgk ,u the lixrlsn in front of the here.dis(On thonnve premium ie representativef the young m-
sea the
lha account atebethe n linable le t.,leake bear eared
lit, and 2173 youngof 123 trees now uapplettrto
dsbinK , II(11 have • have lwcu plautd till* sea*ou, a total
awl sii41) ulliuu 1i4G*Wxrt l'o., which,, of 'w:*t) truer, waking it the largest
1 a Nile orchard in he county. The
1ia1 the control t 4g tarot, imuild meating ion whole farm of eighty acres is now de.
caw' for the Big voted to fruit-rataitlM and next moo n
A,,. built. vator' 14 44 work on the
Cite 4't the elevator is • n''at, being kLL41 nugilwrpe
pof yintrude a J,1 treed betweenthe
wwl,hl with.row' of appld: On he premises is a
en Experiment That Had Results. comfortable frame dwelliug house
Last Friday at noon. Edgar, son of wbicn is being remtx:el!ed by the addi-
yr, Ned Miro. Ths which thwarts,
eight k kitchen ott of it
the rear ('for thenda M eceptind un
ore resell
an experiment
e M l 444 11iswore pre4tonseriously
than it did • of the
dynamic summer. mAllathe enceril be have been Iter
c r rii 1 in h pee
artrldge and curiosity prompted 1
moved but the boundary liars, and
Is the
wit. lilluted alielyuthereesmell
was an etiinressinn"f Gees road tortherireard. Y/end, of
wit. 1411 just one-half a mile long, and
{erosion whi •h shook the hoose to i t.Will the lot, the
I Rte shell above thec'knrek n lad
passersby when the t'tree*will t be in -
(4 the right wound, His right Tear and later on when bearing fruit.
dieting a nasty
send WAS also badly lacerated. A limbs which are Ltpt}AL70rIC8 IA BRIEF.
da•wr grasidlyq,ad andd Eddie returned to
healing etai'1tday.
h sol
,l.Ip mit v f (:(�nh'RIrN, (INT + ILIO
ThedentittIf-Mw. \Inil - WiLees- 410.
4•11111•41 ill Te,V11t1 ou 'I'h uielay, April
:tech, at the home of her daughter,
\I is. /;. ( 'at hclu't. 1 h4:easei aa'as a
uuticu of Ireland and wee born there
ever eighty-eight yearn ego. For
litany years she walla a resident of
1;4Nderi('h anti 4(1 tats y4mre• She hist
liven 41••1111111g the winters in 'ltilrentre
Wilk leer daughter, Where She way
when .she )144`$441 amity. After her
uuu•riage to her late husband she tat14)44
her hle. in \Vest \Vawitit slh for a
blue. liesidaw het• d,lu011er, Min.
CAI 114'.111„441 TII4.44nt), 44)114. 44Vilmnn he
survive.' by four m1ns, Viz.. (longe S..
of 1)ungauunu : W. II., .1 Steelton ;
.1.11lll A., of Walters' Falls, and John
C., of ('ulgury, .Uls•rta. The r4•uuun0
wets• hi -might to litelerich on Satur-
dlity.:t)th ult.. and wele takelt t' Dun -
gasmen mud niterrd in the cemet+I'Y
t heir.
with 41' ' Ad sloe 4. cheap. apo. •ontetlame n to worth
Water and Light Commission. the price. You gat a rail b argon..0 hgowweer. if
Stuitce rwllaeeall ut I,kturo end ,.alert one r
At the last meeting of the water you ,.00ept 4 4414411.4' a 10 look thea h Witmer
Alla4e light commirrion the tender of two for the -vr(ug r4eteietua a of Your h ne
the l'oneolidutrl Coal Co., .of (.recent, A11 nature 1.. clothing It4elf b, bright urr,Y
Its) tons of coal. more or less, h our d'. r For men the (a -loon• 4114
fix •t o Ire delivered f• o. b.
Rai arrepted, to at $rive d 1. Inn. theta pwle+,ly Nnd pal them in harmony it rattle
boat at (ipllerich, the sewn.. all..Nua have your order fur a nth, 0
W. H. Butlard's eatery .ase sari' d'+iy .pr,w 44441 of Win
electrician was raised to $2.2o lx' See if your latwl''sole 1911. Anwu,
d twelve hours. The tehgi 'decer it Thr 3-1111 ID giment Iwai I h4ae been fouls t
iquvle4L W have x pa 1 en tel fee the 2111) of May 1''1(l ' ' Ernest,
No. 1 boiler at the lumping etatiant• emu
Bt its4•Is. their w
The.,,cmt*ry ia-w. uutity the _parties
who had their metres inspected that 1e non -itt but the
they nett. found rorrecrt,andthat aehe tl dogs
url ieirill t4•li hits eXpireil, te be tithe. fdr h
'penli 4 s °Meeg 1 same )nay , i A ,meting of the Dabgbters nt the Tuesday
.cru at his pay Bach party is alms
requested to pay $1'310, the °ort of in. Empire will tee held at the court bettor were
.prcti4n. . ten - Monday afternoon next, at 1 owe N
Tnne•quarters of a Million for the Y. o'clock. •
�• n show will •''vier
M. C. A. Downier dogcid pony Y Maystreet a
Toronto has "made gond" again and exhibit in Godes tch on Iueeda out of
'it tipeeist ' attractions are the wet (
fir .A. fel' appreciation An by the Y.
Si C. A. and Y. �V.'C: A. raising
in less than two weeks more then
p)u,aaa for the former and $I:A1,a10
for the latter. These organizations accomplishing Potuet hing use-
ful to ca11 forth this magnificent tr-
out. local Association is Also loth lust.. at 7,x1 0dot •k.
doing good work among the bx1y.P, est., are reminded to attend.
oesi h struggling against difficulties. A concert of musical and literary
.tn *epee) is made to our citizens to numbers• bas heen arranged for Niter
by purchsaiog tickets for the day evening, May loth, in the church
concert cm May 10th.-iiveryone can at a o'cl.wk. Tbe proceed.' of the ad -
de that and thus elbow sympathy ate ( mission i 13e) are to i e devoted to the
well as aid financially. mine put pose. Lescol talent will con-
tribute to the program.
me'nse's Institute Officers. 1)r. t'. \'. E11No•v, Ih Ne 14•-
•' Tbe annual meeting of the Guderich • • tar 4.1 the Royal V, ih taus of Ten1p-
hrane6 of the Wowell s Institute was a sees mat, in 1,ovu hue week. -\t a
bid on Thus iffy last and the officers Pet ix) 'sleet jog of the 14N1K4• Tell Saul-
wn • reeled for the ensuing g K nnon ; tiny evening he gena' a talk that shuulil
(°trews : Ihrsidrnt, Mrs. c else 1.4111 i t'4 �•ucouritge cher 104 111 Trill'
4.1:..presidenie Mrs, 'Mwaneon ; 'were• lartt to greater 1'i r duets for their rTril .
ditrctnrs for 'trench. Aire. 1'. iteid, I The Goltorlii� t 1sT 44. 1. l---tmw=
Mr.. Geo. Bissett, and Mrs. James 14 •i in thereat trade of the town.
••• Meter ; $uditt..}}r. Miss Porter and Tyre uralta4rr it I'ettor J. Much:wan,. 1
Mr. Begie : 4ti'triet direetor1. Nils. I rite office i, at the former Chrystal
McKinnon. Slims Jl. E. )t4tlkeld. Mn. 1(011,', eh.))). at'\bu•EPi,uI 1)11' r for Rt l war
Howlin, Mrs. 0. Il. Green, Mrs. Mc-' stat' cod
.. Arthur : di -dict (Weenie. Miss M. E. pluar• of Ow public. patenting... ant) Will
ealke!d. The .rcretary's r e p o r t uuant4•s lira -rhos." aervi(t' t4 his (B. C
,showed a g.mel standing. Visitntit •Iwatnee..
will be made welcome Mt any meet_' The deg,ee team 'of Huron W
Ldigr. 1 0.1). F., were at Dungan- I Wa.
Dungan -
nen on,\Vedneed:ay night Demisting in
the in.ut muco of a new lodge at that
place. 'There were about twenty-five
randidot ea. Alyea shirt y -five 111eni-
twrsuf the three -linked brethren from
town. including the degree learn, were
in attendance. Signed
Thele it an opening at the_Sigta eto
Barge, Mrs. May Barge, Mtv. ?.
hard, all of Clinton ; Mr. and Mrs.
Jletlar, of Stratford ; Mr. Tiohburn
and Mr. Wilsteo, two fellow -workers,
let Loudon. The floral tribute' were
beautiful, a handwnue wreath from
the G. T. R. eonetructiun gang being
among the number. The bereaved
family have the sympathy of the com-
munity in their sudden leas.
.11thtingh 5111• 11741 114441 111 poor
h1'ulth for seine time, the death of
Mrs. Joseph Isielier came as a siewk
to her family and
, It n It .
About s mouth art she ate
the hospital suffering from dropsy.
Her 1wt. daughters, Mrs. W. 1.."Fuwh
alto Mies IdaiMY• of Hi1Iniugh+uu, Alai:
('(41111' h to a4isist in caring for her
and her reedit' ` was such that. Mrs.
Fisch had decided to remit, Immo.
She left on the ' • K titin
and at 9 tech tek the met her had passed
away. I)eeeaseel was the sixth mem-!
her of 4t family of sixteen, tteeh,e of
wl ore still living. %I6.04.11.11,Fisher l
WKS bornxn ill th rwnxt hit
\Vrllingtnl caw fifty-three year%
ago. Shortly lifter ei bi1(11 the fulf-
ily moved to Hay to whip. where she
spell( her truly girths Is en Decem-
ber le. 11173, she was i ,iteil in mar-
riage t1 Joseph Fisher, vho survives
her. After their mama 1' they livtvl
at Blyth and ae Aubau•li fit' 4i tints.
but the past fifteen nestles •,•tee Dewitt
in (1tx1e1.ieh, Besides h. r husband,
he deceased 1(•lavv's a farm of sax
chi141i4•n, Th ew. gong and t i
t'I$, vier... Nil/4. W. I.. Fisch a, 1 Miss
Daisy: of Hirminghau, .N1.4.; Mi Mar-
garet. of Cody. Wyoming ; Har +y, a
surveyor in South Dakota ; Elroy nil
'fort, both sailing on the (treat Irl 'H.
Elroy, who is first elate on the etmnl r
lire%4.1•, iS eXilected 114 • 1411t th •
funeral today, but Bret1!4)1111dnet bs
twitted. 'nu. fun tat tickplace this
4$(4'l•In4.t at 2 o'clock 11) ('ultimo
eeineterVl Rev. Mak T1u•ubnll,r41 St.
Gen•g,'e rhut•rh.lime04ting, and the
H1earei)4 are +V411. \4•114•w411, Frwt
M4avis. Geo..iimhaul. Jas, Buchanan,
.1. 1'. Mart in end Ro1WW-lififfe..
These front out of town•;tttendinK the
f real aur: . Mls. M.•Mictiart. Sea -
forth ; Mrs. Jir}ui Wattle's... a Sister of
dS'1'l1 ••il. frau \'arta; MPs. I;en'ge
Nott,; of Clinton, and Amos Anil Isaac
1'r, of Colborne tewaship. 'The
N 'apathy of the commtmity is ex -1
tended to Mi'. Fisher and f 'ly in
heir bereavement. ,
l!IYp4i.,Id av 12, 111111
Calm and peaceful was the 'end
which came bo Mrs. Joseph Horton at,
the Alexrgdra hospital on Friday
last. She war taken ill Lut a weep
previous to her death and despite all
that loving care could do she passed
away ad above stated. Moe. Horton's
maiden natne was Elizabeth Suther-
land. She was a native of Korea
township. Oxford county, and was
In the yeare early ISM she was yunitedago.
marriage to her now bereft partner,
they t0.
rich. wh
t eµ -v 'their u
dtteereut. but TTrldt,an, the Truce oar clothe family n
Horton; and two years later
,k up their residence in (Code -
ere they 'have since resided.
Mon has been • beared y a
f five sons.Joseph,
g on he (Creat Laker ; Ken -
Prince Albert„ Sask. ; Will,
nipeg ; Ernest. of Chicago :
of Toronto. They were all
or the funeral. Joseph end
reached here in time to see
other before the peseta away:
WAS a life-long Presbyterian
a faithful member • of Knot
The funeral took place -on
afternoon and the remains
taken to Colborne cemetery,
interment was made. Rev.
lliott conducted apt
s at the family home oo Picton
nd at the grave. -Those trorn
town who attended the funeral
Mae. McGillivray', a sister of
and a change of diet -
4a Lo order. Season-
able geode always
to be had - fresh, •
clean and pure at '
If you are not al-
ready acquaints
with the merits of
i$ urdy's Groceries,
try a sample order.
IS will convince you.
all Buster' Brown Bette, PatentllLeathet. Regular tic. Fri- 90
day bargain
3 dozer► Hue Lama $slats, all eizer. Regular $1.00. Fri• 690
day bargain 690
15 Tray Clothe', Itoguler i'$)cilu Friday
1B*l'ga Iiarp{ain 290
2 dozeu Corset Coverw. Reg
91 yds. Heavy Taffeta Silk in assorted shades. Iteguler 490
value Mc. Friday bargain per yard ....
14)doaen Fancy Neck Frills. Regular up to l'31c. In one 40
lot. Friday berg tin each
5 dozen Bove' Bow Ties. Regular 13c.
* g t and 50
*)pairs Ladies' Patent l:e•ther
Shoe Department, sizes from 3 to H. Regular price $'-e.2..,
to 83 oil. On sale Friday at 2 pan. share, per pair .... 1.85
Limit one pair to a easterner.
Clearing Specials for Friday, Saturday and Monday
4f they laet the time. •
No %ilt,tate the uu:croute.'. then 11 1: up to 1011 to get here ah N4xln :a4 5rnt cam
,t5 t'o •rct:d Travellero, -.ample Ila[•' to lrie Ztltttnet* tIelInrt at `•-o+wefl8c
.sand in the leant. and worth to the regyblr way, $1.14 to $3.
Price to clear, each .............. ..
: doyen *Ice'..:uxl Hoye 4'opv Regular ::,c. T,o Alia '4h'. 111 dear, 4wchIx
13t*.aw Large'. sweetcloth: tiba Navel (rain•~••. Regular vain° toe ami 48c
50c a dozen. While they Wt. per Peek... • . .. 25c
Regula, 'ries ti.-.., to dear 'each
IS ha11f-Sall°u {u,ilvay.urind Jam:+. I •
No 'Phone or Mail Orders for Specials
clown dug and the tiniest elephant in deceased, front Detroit : William
the world. Sutherland, a brother, of Cleveland ;
\ meeting of t he shareholder' of t h4 C. McCallum, of Pontiac, Mich.: Mre.
GiNlerirh Mural Trlop) Cir. will IN• A. Sutherland, of London ; Mrs. J.
hent in the Beard of Tratli• rxu41. Me -Kay of \Vood*t,ogk :sad Mr, and
next. Mrs. L. Hortea, of 'l'oroato. The
bereaved family have the sympathy
of. the community in their great loss.
Now is the time to buy them cheep. We' are
closing out a- 't at remark ably- prices. Best
skin quality bamboo, complete with cords and
pulleys. ,
+e feet wide x O -foot drop at......... ic
0 feet wide x 0 -foot drop at:
O feet wide x l;.foot drop at $1•lld
8 feet wide x 8 -foot drop at $1•'=;
10 feet wide x l4 -toot drop est...,. $1.50
10 feet wide x 10 -foot drop at.. . • • M2.114)
12 feet wide x 8.foot drop tit • .$'-' 2'5
Window Shades, 3 x 11 feet, on spring roller', front 'Jle up. Any.
size Shade made to order. We carry the hlrgest stock of Window
Shades and Shade Cloth, Poles and Brass Trimmings in the county.
Atter an illness which extended
over eleven weeks, William Gowrie
Hardy passed to his reward Friday
night, at his home on Bruce street.
Deceased was a native of Ireland,
being born at Newwnsrds. Belfast. in
the year 111'=1, and was thus eighty-nine
years of age. Coming too Canadafamily
he was nine years of ages time. and
lived at. l'ort Hope
l*4ter moved to Cold Springs. where
ardy served his Apprenticeship
( ., lwetnakei•. Before s onlii gg to
Canada his ialbetr wee mince
Lord Londonderry. Deceased was
twice married, his first a ife twing
Lavancy Hardie, daughter of Dr.
Hardie, of Louisville. Four children
e born to them, of whom two Sons
one daughter survive : [terry and
iam John Hardy: of Peachland,
and Miss Mary J., of Seattle.
heti; His second wife was Mrs.
well. who survives hint and to
to he was married in Strathroy.
them four children were born.
Jamea and Hugh survive and reside in
n. Jatnee Wilgar, manager' of the
k Fire Insurance Co.. Toronto, is
half-brother of th • deceased.
Nome time Mr. Hardy had
ked. at shtwmithing on his own
u at Dover. He later sold
farm and moved to ('bitham,
ni there t n Lucknow. where N he irewas
business for nine years.
ying his business he went to • Dun -
anon and from there carne to Gtxle-
h, where he worked at his trade
• several of the hoot and shoe
r rrhant*. He retired about six
hodte ego. For s be
suffered front defective eyee last nye sight.
funeral took place on Sunday
ternoon and interment as madelinn
iUand cemetery. Rev.
polhe re the funeral
e aJlhearerr
M. -Elliott, Thos. Hall and W. R.
.ing timing the :velar. e reit
IOW 41114 day 1.4 digit -int Thursday of
each month
For theit• enterteinntent next Thurs-
day evening in North tareet Metho-
bare secured • a strong attrection id
MI s. Agnes Knox Black, the versatile
Her c ..... •eption of her work is shown I learn a good trade, Many boys who
in h«r motto, -Let our atm he to in. learn • de at. this office are
[Prolog faithfully what is noblept and earning good ettlette" in the -"tire'
heol in our literature ; to teach the and the present opening is an op - found in the simple ha a e 14 i y tor P, boy of the eight sort
tbe heerth : and to find innocent:en. to place hinieelf in et good position. 1 1
joyiesra in representations of relined I 4 released :ff. lipplicants diet they
it shall have - the entrance ex-
Senior. Nine Black p e
chowe. end hem been very enteemehil
wherever she has appeared. T e p J. J. Morten who suceeeds Hug
erten wilt aim contain "several mupical I in the farm implentent biteionte, wants
number' by the hest locoll talent. Let all the fat mere of this distriet. to. call
everybody turn out, tend enjoy this at his warerooms on HatniltAn 'hetet
treat and assist the Y. M. C. A. • before they. make purchitees of birth
'The Fruit Prospects. • machinery this weapon. He has the
• Mush att vet ion 1...4 been given 111i. agency for fire -class 11IIPP. and iiiii he
knows what the fat•mere want he be -
sem hy-toir • trellittliilitti t41 t 13). Milt t .- V beim, be ,.,,b d„ y,,,„ste,04 wit et t brin
yore id their treehetrds. •The shewing with mutual benefit. He kes an
of ptimitig 1 lie trees and the general
of kids WI the apple trope. eeperially announcement in The Signal's adver-
the late varieties, doesi not appear to Using columns thii week. Mr. Hose
he as good as last Reason. but thelearly left last Week on a trip to the West.
kinds are ;bowing well and the tre,s .The friends of Miss ( bora Daniel
4411 he in full Hamm next wenk: Tht• will be pleased to know that ehe hes
o eucenwittily passed her examinations
hese geed end im just now t ,,, at thie (tenern , moor
81' " Y• 4 lierries abut hvivc 141 tfl.W"MM4 I i LI New York. where she has taken a
aril, kit We fear that the late frorof s plmt-graduate course. Miss Daniel
may .hisvc prevented the fertilizing took the highest number of marks in
may he n tight one. There have been are Canadian and are naturally
actstal freets during the past, week. teseed that a Canadian stood big_heet.
ana nut in the country iee fol•med an 31ips Daniel is a graduate of the Bruce
4Ittlith 'of en inch in thickness on ex- general hosPitel, Walkerton, chase of
weed water. list the delicate process lisM, and has taken a position at Dr.
of fertilizing im a matter of only n few Bu.11's sanitarium. which is the finest
time unless flue* in A change of tem- • -1 /I '
nr v te hospital in New York City.
Posture right away the chances. for a A very pleaming social event took
rr'IP ef early fruite are not. very en- Ogee at the home of Wm. Stewert,
Dr. Tolling to G. C. I. Students. Trafelgar street, when his daughter.
the I
Ltsi Friday afternoon the students of of her friend Nliss Spence, who. we
Mies Lizzie, gave a shower in honor
'ollegiato Institute were celled understand, is to leave abort' y for the
hetet her in the BA. enibly hall to hear West. After tea heal been served to
en address by Rev. Dr. Telling, before
„ of honor arm mystified lily being asked
the sixteen ladies amembled, the guest
his 4f.P411"1"`"' •IrrT113 stile tr"rti• r" to take hold of the end of a clothes-
Llyem Very interesting discourse,
., ing his remarks ou the subject of line. After some few yards had been
Persenitlit y." and how we moY I* hung with parcels of different
s drawn in the unique line wait found to
pointed out that the value of the shapes end forme, which when opened
ehange it for better or worse. He
etedents would not tw navigated al- were ell found to be either useful or
together by the amount of knowledge ornamental -linen, chins, silver. gr•n-
they might have to Impart to others, ite and tinware. Although MOW
b114,by tiwir manner of iinparting it - Spence wait completely taken by son
shier general personality. He stated prise, she tbanked her friends inT her
that the teacher should he the embeell- usual appy ner After the gifts
rnent of the principles he expounde, had been duty admired, the rest of the
erulthum he a living example to his evening was therit in social chet and ,
student* appreciated the opportunitict games. .
Immils and those around him. The -
interested in the adareas. I t in rarely Stocking Darning Now a Pastime.
that they heve the privilege of listen- That is, if yol. time a Singer. Saves
9f hearing I)r. Telling and were mite
Iolt to addreemest by visitors, Knit thet time. and it can be used by eny one
who rune a mewing machine. Beeides.
it all times was evidenced Joy the weshee better than hand darning.
minty words of praise for Fridge'
talk by Dr. Tailing. Por sale all Ringer store. North side of
The peeple ofs-Doderich were
artled on Monday el./Oaths( when the
intelligence reached' town that
illiam Young had died suddenly at
ndon. Mi. Young had been Inn-
oyed on a G. T. Rconstructing
ang ever since the e pany built its
*lion here. The men leave been em-
oyed near Hyde Park, London. for
nne tinte and have made their home
a boarding car. Monday evening
In Young returned honk a little
ater than his corupaniOns and entered
be f itting room et the time when
tnne music was being given on a
iolin and mouth organ by members
f the gang. AH Mr. Young entered
he compartment where the music
vas being rendered he gave a few
ceps and itiouediately.walked over to
chair and Pitt down. In another
inotitent his head fell hack. Those
wesent did all in their power to aid
hint and a doctor was summoned, who
pronounced life extinct. The remains
were brought to Goderich the follow -
ng day 'accompanied by four of his
eompanions. Deceased wan a native
ot Gielerich township. being born there
fifty-nine yearn ego. About thirty-
five years ago he was united in mar-
riage to !Cap Cooper, of the same
they lived at Clinton, ribere there
family of two sons and two daughters
were liorn. They have been residents
of Goderich for about fifteen years.
Their family aa•e : Mrs. Wm. Me-
Creath and Ernest, of town ; Mrs. R.
Metier, of Detroit, who is home for
d Clarence of Paint -
The pulpit of Knox church will be
occupied next Sunday by R.V. 0•
McMurray Roes, of Derry. Scotland. -
"One Lord, one Faith, one Bap-
tism," will he Rev. R. W. Millyard s
subject at Victoria street Methodist
church next Sunday morning. in the
evening "A Pathetic Wail" will be
his theme.
The atrial which the Lathes' Eureka
Bible class of Vietot•ia street Metho-
dist church gave at the IulI,4olage last
'Thursday ,evening prover a great suc-
cess. Refreshulent,wer• served filen
6tel14,4clock in the diningrsnli. after
wheat 'the president of the class, MiS$
(;tory'. H,gger•th, tarok the chair and a
good, ))I1)gralrt Ping r•ndeit'I, cc.nsist-
1nK of sweeties and vocal and hist ru-
needed 4+4tgit • .
The annul meeting of the Goder4.h
district of the Methodist church
will he held in the Mletho(ist church,
Seafortb, on Tuesday and Wednesday, ,
May 17th and 18th. Tbe ministerial
"'elision will he on Tuesday at :1.13
p. 111. and the general erection un Wed- i
neSday at 9::10 a. m. The midieters
are asked to come with complete sta-
tistical and financial t'eturtlP. Rev. D.
Roger'., Seafnrth, is chairman ; Rev.
T. J. Snowden. Hulmeeville, financier 1
eecretary, and Rev. W. 4cnway,
day school secretary.
Rev. Marshall P. Tailing. i'h. D.. 1
who has occupied the pulpit of Knot[
church for several Sundays, returned
this week to him home in Toronto._
The -congregation of Knox church was
fortunate in being able to secureDr.
Talling's services for a month's "'u 1
and his ministrations have been very
acceptable. His sermons were inter-
esting and helpful, and oat of the pul-1
pit he has displayed a charming per.
tonality. He will he heartily wet
coined on any future visit toOoderich.
Etc., Etc.
e latest
VP to turn
tbe burner
smell. no
ise. Light
Estimates cheerful
'Phone 135.
Baptist Church Anniversary.
Professor Jones Hughes Fernier. R.
A.. LL. I dem in theology, profes-
sor of New Testament end patristic
ontn. will be the preacher at the Bap-,
Farmer is well known in Canada and
the United States am strong. clear I
and forceful preiseher. Hirt visit to I
Goderich is andelpeted with great
as a preacher and writer.
jhis is rhe eighth anniversary of the ,
organization of the church end the 1,
and it it 11Ct only a chronological \••
third -ef-Ilte opening of t,he
milestone but es record of progrem
in that short peeled_ of time. The
anniversary committee, believe in
coneequence of this thitssit should
he it dav , of large thankestiiiing end
an offering of $200 is Aimed et id"witts
of the interest and -deist fund,
manes. ,the iteemid and fourth
Mondays of each month at 3 o'clock. I
Steel Ranges
Manufactured by the Perrin
Plow St Stove Co., Smith's
Falls, Ont. These are first-class
Ranges. built especially for
farmers' use or for town kit-
chens where a large Range is
tequired. They embody the
latest and best, ideas in stove
construction and 1 should he
pleased to show them to all
I have a carload of Gray
Buggies on the road. Don't buy
until you see them. '
A carload of Standard Wile
Fence also is on the way. Those
who are going to use any wire
fencing this year should call
and get prices.
Agent for Nlaseey-Harris
Implements and other
leading lines of Farm
Deafer in Fruit Baskets, Paper,
Paper Bags, Gums, Twines, Tobaccos
and Cigars.
Carload of Baskets:Arrive May 1st.
Kindly leave orders. as, soon as possible.
For freeh and fizzy meidlitz powders --,
make a fresh supply every week. 1 - We beg to announce tC'C'dt, es
go to Wilson's drug store. They ,
f All old people suffer from ettackm of , public that. we have opened up a
and prostration. The hest aid in such , coal yard arrow; from the 0. T
sodden exhaustion. weak heart action '
e11018 is Ferrovim, the invigorating R. Depot, 'anti take this oppor-
lean beef, citrate of iron and pure ohl tunitY of enliciting a ehare of
tonic, which is prepared from fresh
Spanish sherry wine. It mtimuletes your patronage: -
dm -digestion and_etreegthens the
whole body: *1.00 a Vinare. ttne-emeisieguisioulteed to he
of the vet y hest, quality and will
Important to Ladies.
It is not often an opportunity m-
eets; at, your door In me the latest
goods'. yet such la the PAPP, 0,1 Prof.
dena, Cal. The funeral tekes place Dorenwerid, of Toronto, 4 vimiting
the line ,
1 this 'afternoon to Matthew' cenietery thie town, rind Invitee your impec-
and is under the auspices of the ('. O. tion of thews goods et hie private
V'. lodge of Clinton, of which de- apartment.* reserved at the hotel.
, (*eased wee a cherter member. The Theme hair good* style", when prop -
Chas. TWePrilP, David litoddart. Rota. the head. soften end beautify the ex -
Johnston, Thos. Bell and Wm. Vroo- preseion of the face and consequently
man. Those from out of town ettend- tmne up an aged toppea.ranns. Pe pure
ing the renewal are : Mrs. Wm. and etre them at Hotel Bedford, Code-
VOOPer, Melo T. McNeil, Mr& George rich, on Tuesday, May 17th.
he sottl at, die 10WeartsprIee con.
aistent with good service•
.Terms Cash
'Phone No.44
Mingle and Double Harnese,
Rugg, Halters, Comb
Brushes, Hamm@ Oil. Axle
heave and (tall Cure. •
We also carry an
bate stock of Trunke, Suit
Cases, Music Rallis Hand
Bags. and everything that
elan tw found in a !het -elite.
harness shim.
-When in need of anything
in our' hike kindly give us a
If our goods twit Yeirt.tell
others ; if not, tell us.
I have opene shop
in the Mend ely
occupied by 11; a
Ryan, on Hamilton
Street. for the repair
id Bicycles and gen-
eral repairing, Now
lit the time to have
your wheel put in
shape for the stun -
mei. I am ageet for
-thewbrel that has
the test of
Goderich Coal Co.
P. J. Meg -Ewan, Manager
Repairing a Specialty.
II. J. Fisher
W. 1. YULE
Itant Iton St root