HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1910-5-12, Page 44 Tat•RI.t1AY MAY 12, 1911; THE S]CNAI. GODERICH ONTARIO District News AUt}URN. -- PORT ALBERT. Tt•F:sIIAY, Miiy- moth. . • 'h)twaaA-E, May. BE.11.2-. J rut OM SKRV 14 Ks.—Arrangements 1.1.VHau HAI•u Mr. and Mrs. John uuelefor the jubilee services Quaid visited -.1 the 1 • of Mr. and sae o bei Mies. Reda•rt thu• • , of Dung,nuou. W is held in the Presbyterian church her next month. The dates are June "n Sunday Mrs. H. hath,- ford. l2th and Jun(' lith. Further pupae• „f Belfast, is visiting with her .l41gth LOCHAiSTH. ulars next week. to*. Mrs. 'J. Bennett. jr., at present. _ . Will jleoWli Was lousy list week • \fososv. May itch. ' ' LOTHIAN. putting a celueut wall ler .1a111es . I, I'11$Wtorrl's -driving shed Miss DK.yTII 0F' Mns. Mt Kisztg.-Mrs. rµer aKsttsv, May 1 th' Sarah Dunbar. ,11•en111pnhIit4) by her D. '1. McKenzie, of the boundary, died friend .Miss ('otie, of l'r..Wst.an,1. Muni- last Sunday evening atter* protracted 0 111, is home on a visit to her Mother. iliness. Torr detailapf this sad event It i. 11%.• year's 'Alive \fisc Iwas as will he given later olio" Inane Ieflore .411i1herMurryfriends,al9' NOTES,.. --M ilia .beanie ('amphell,hay. pl. r. -•41 -444 --..slow again— ...... ..:1vvolti 1 -lug spent a few days visiting at home, Imo from Dung+ on made aInisinrss returr-ed again to 131antford last t rip Allow!' tttr.44Mr)I141 nue evening hptt week ileus 1 '4 Hardie attended week. Hei.• serioush• thinking •,f the funeral of a uletnher of his former start nig ,. je4,•liy shop in our village. 4 ongregalion et Listowel last Thum• \. livery rigs are hard to proiTare day -Nfiss Tiary A. Bulten; i'ho — 111-1 LOY AL. .,.ere titles. -we Nish this clever young shot time ago bad almost recovered 1% KnSEsovy. May I Ith. Ulan g,ssl lurk NIIss Fanny S. fr a reticent attack of congestion of 'ways. Missl'Iarn .\agusfin.. ls•nl Gray has elanplet.d her eoulse ,.f the lungs, was again laid low last the Week -end lit hertmnn'-1111 t4Nu 4H('a` 3ttitty a- a illi`siientry, and ret time( week with u severe attack of enteritis, ' nun Miss Bueh11linn has ret trued from T,•r,•oto last Thursl4y. Wenn-but her' friends are pleased to learn :11 •rich after spendIle she is going to (British Col- I that she is again in a fair way of re - 1 -1j''''' \V1. wtish Miss eovery Run' and Hugh have l;rav .ucecs.. in the g60a1 work which been busily engaged. -.Ince last Mon - she is aim out too undertake. • day. in solving the following intricate prohtem : What is the suer total of _ the hylwrtolic and the parabolic. Tt-KsbAY. May lath. curves of a given -straight road?' ClirKi'H N0TK4..._Servieeti next Sal YOUNG PK4i'L1-$ 61:1.1).—At the hath will be conducted 1)y the pastor -regular meeting of 4 h Young People's at 111::111 a. to. and 7,p. m. Children's Guild last Wednesday evening in the service in the morning, , .. • • League Presbyterian church, there Was an un-' meeting on Tuesday evening will be in usually large attendance, a number charge of the missionary committee. being present -from Amberley, Pine Remember the annual tea meet- Rive. and other (outside points. The ing to be hell on May 24th. ' It prone- aul j, •-t for discussion w as -Life heyven better than those of "Leis. 018 frmu the 46th Ps*tu1,t'and a previous yeas. More partleulars num' 1.r tit papers -were presented. next week. ,:...Rev. A. E..Jones, of whit..., as the honorary president re - Althorn, will ,syrupy the pulpit iofthe marked, gave evidence of deep Nile Methodists church on `ltulday thought. Those who-. read papers evening. May =nil. were Miss Belle McDonald. Miss Mary H. McKenzie end Hector McLean. Fred Ross tnade a short speech and invited the Guild to attend in a laxly at one of the meetings in the near ttLue of the Pine River Y. P. Society, of which Mr, Ross is a mem- ber. HUNTINo THE WILD) DUCK.—Among the many species of waterfowl which. during the the of April and May, are on their long journey to their breeding grounds in the far North, are the wild ducks.' in the -latter part of April barge flocks of 'ducks were observed along the shore of Lake Huron in Ashfield and Huron town+ ships, sometitnes *bolt flfty to a flock, and in a short time several hundreds could he counted. What was remark- able• neatly all appeared to he of the one species, viz , the reed-hreasted ' GODERICH TOWNSHIP• TfljlteWAL. AI■#loch, Tits: 1tii I.F: CLU R.-Tbe Qoderich T..wuship Rifle Asso14.1*4 on Will !INV.' ,t 41114 on the Govrritulerlt range ou 'I'111•841aV, May 24tI1. 111111 shunt, w:11I lye the first i'f the season for the b.- ' III of Canada prize. .U1 thein14•rs wishing to a iii .. to tllllpt bre present for eiu•h shout of the series. There will ise a alerting of the Association on Tutsi,ty' 1Mity 17th. at the ureal 11111.1•. I4K'A(•ti• \Ii... Donald 11e1.,vt,. • f 1..'urier;4and her daughter. NI-' 1,,\I.m•. .111,11 111.1.1• last wl'1.k i Iter, of 1,oelutlsh. maIle olool de some calls 111.1.11. Miss Jean ITIP dict last weeks- Johnston spent \the on i 1ir11111 i t\I, Ill , -'4t,•tA•all s •411.1 w'a• the •guest of Nits-. Uo11eue II ' MacKenzie., HEART1 DISE A lug a week with her sls 1.r•.. res. . ('lark Josses (`rare •141441 luta Wise, of the. G. C. 1,. spent Sunday with their Luueutx.'Ati. and Mrs. .11- .1ler•t \Vise .Thos., S1111•I,1 anti-frlrrr= ily. of Auburn. tiundny ill our village •• Sallo ws and granddaughter, .Miss Jean Sitlloows, have been under the din t -"r s ,•are. lint wl• ,o•evpdeasrl tft say all. 1404 on the way to reruver•y. COLBORNE. N1TF:s.— tin c.• volt seen the collet JLs. \Vols (Older Il•turulYl In ytt�- week from w,.•ks '.1.11 with lit,` daughter, \Les. England. in Hay 1 -township The new pastor ..f the Evangelical church. Bev. 1). Hallman, at•1•e vol fast neck fr.mi his.lest itestir- atte in Rorkiughaui, and book rharg,• of the l'ollsn•ne and Hull'tt appoint- s i o oint- s nleuts'oe Sunday .. \Vel. tJ)tt has 1 Wo tennis "n the toad hauling hnulwr tt. (i1111eriell since shutting down the sawmill last week. ... Thus. Oakley • went t)1 Tnirt1141 on Satnphty : he will enter a hospital t here for t mitt mein. • NILE. WESTFIELD. • TrKsu.ve. May lith. N F:CVs N(rrvs. \V.• ,ue very sorry to know that Mrs.1\'m. Bamford •41111• r ill. \Vi• home for her speedy tern4ery. \Its. I1•rt Finlay. of Ashfield. Visited her cousin'. )fi•s. T1lou1s Fiaui- fritd, lust 'week .. Marvin Mc- Dowell and NL'. Mei t .well hays• 1110Ved into the haus• V911111411 by Henry IMnsuloee 1 Amodio -1 4.f ple•hanu in this m•ighlo,hls sl who ap- plied to the I 'Kett ion I)eluu•tmeld for farm hell) hay,- during the. 1 het few days received the help aI.p14411 for. ..-. The y411111); p oslpl• oft he Iknify. Epsvorth League serynes every Bother Sunday eve galternately with the church -.rine, during th.• sutumer months .... Miss A • Huchatuul, of Blyth, daughter of Holten [turban - nu, of this Olive. left !Myth last week .roar Alberta. where she 4.11) 111• lIt1I•t•e1YI fo \\'m.'4Vnlper. of near Is-thl,ridge. Miss G. McIntosh is yisitiny ,at the home of Mr. and Mrs." Isaac Hetber• ingtoa. I:NTtc1tTAINEENT,—The allllltll tea - meeting lull concert tud,•r the au... - piers of the Kpworth League of Nile Methodist chulelr will I1• held on Vii'- toria Day. 1111-4 24th.•The following ate ,•xper•ted to take uu•t in the pro- gram: Miss E. N1. NVheaton, els•u- t ",.t, of . Kincatrlinl' : Miss Pearl Merlon, soloist. of Guelph : Rev. 11. T. i• ,.I-gus al, -of Kincardine, and Rev. 'f. E. Sawyer. Of Lllekrt.w, 111111 1)19(1 tal- ent. Tea will I1• sel;Vell iu the- base- ment of the church from ti to N 1i e14s•k Wstrioo )AY. May iltb. NKws NOTICE.— Mims Mary E. Keane has returned to her home here after merganser. This is one of the three *pending a few months with friends in 1species of merganser's whizh visit Lucan Willie Walsh. of ily' .. t, Ontario and is easily recognized by is visiting st the Misses O'Rielly'-.....' John O'Connor entertained a nuin- leer of hip friends at his home on Fridity.- All report, a good time 1 aIT4t M 's. f3'-+f'altwhan. M Augustine. agent Sundaywith friends here Mise Kate Styles left on Tuesday for Alberta \111. and Miss N. Lennon, of lift. Carmel, are visiting at J. O'Loughlin's.... \Ve , ST. AUGUSTINE. Trgsn%Y. May lilth. Rulers.- NH. and )Ito. George Iitrq.liy spent Sunday with .'4"htleld fl•i,•nrls . :. George Stother9. and his stuff of teen were ranking cement blo*ks for the basement of the 1)l,ntlV- br.o'k (lonely last week \�'illinni Tlom•1l184111 and Robert. :11• Altist<er -at- tended the shooting nulteh het nowt' I.ueknow 441,11 St. 111111. teams a th.' St. Helens ride range Frith' .... .los•ph'w'ils n. of Detroit, Visited his liaisons on 111• 7th r 'es-ioti last Week ..l'\\•,• are sorry to \state that %Vm• Si•rimgeour is on the sick list at present . .. .\1111mos• IhY.phy sold a Valuable horse hast • sat t1)114V. for which h'• received it good price.. I1 {{Mays to raise golsl stork - 111141 AVadd'•II and family spent K lay with St. .\u.tnsticie friends 1'ntr1 -1 \\'.1L b Iia )reti dealing in 4.':41 estate Mishaps,. lately. lie ftur- 1-14 -1.,1 the I'Ettig p1r.i11•rt on flit. Nth r„nr.•.•i. n, . \I r. and Mrs. Joseph F1vurl • i.11 (.11 1:4ni •hridge friends oh Smnd:11 . the general black and white appear- ance of the. male, by the long. thin. 'pointed crest on the head and its tier - tow, rounded hill with fine tooth-like projectr n +tett able of the ii1f: hence the name sswhills by which mergansers are called by hunters. As the aawhills feed chiefly on fish, their flesh is not considered. a delicacy, axe being of i* fishy Hnvor. Sometimes sorry to report_ that Mrs. O'Intghlin these ducks can be seen 1.w' - gsnd is seriously ill, hut we hope to hear of , divingfear out in the lake, and sonle- r is a symptom of Kidney Disease. A well-known doctor has rayl, ” 1 never yet made a post-mortem ex- amination ina:ascot death from Heart Linc•,se .with- out finding the kidneys wereatfault." The Kidney medicine which was first on the market, most success- ful for Heart Disease and all Kidney Troubles, and most widely imitated is Dodd's Kidney Pills BENMILLER. •1'4 can %y, May 1.110h. e speedy rwroven .... . Miss Merle times, quite happy, close into sl?ore.. Sullivan and Miss Margaret Garvey. .in- the very midst of the heavy of the G. C. I'., spent Sunday *t their breakers, wliirh they do not at all ap- o a tun -s :... Mb's M. Deane, of near to mind, although they aye nr•4'A - Lnnaon, is visitioq at her Home here... tonally ovetwheluled, or swiftly driven Mrs. J. Sullivan, are., is very iN' back firm: their course by an un - We hope that slit: will soon be well 'usually heavy sea. And indeed it is again... . 'ties Carrie at c (',inn ,a beautiful sight to observe these I visited her sister., - Mrs. Austin, on crested tuergansers gracefully rise and Monday Nearly all the agricul- fall upon the mighty waves. and then tui -fists have flniaheolwork and are suddenly dive. to appear again and busy wAtchirig the _, movernenta of 1erenely continue their course. Their Halley's cornet Jlisses Kate Multi- senate -like hills are ' pecti liar! y van. Minnie O'Connor and Kate adapted W retain -.,rarely their prey. Bowler paid a Hying visit to our burg which is, as mentioned before, chiefly Friday evening. I fish. Occasionally another species is seen down at the ,.hoer, the American 1 Seism) duck, or. as it is ls)pltierly called, the• lluebill. The hill of this bird, as of aluuust ell the other species (shout twenty-fiyei which visit On- tario, exhibits n rens*rkahle contrast to that of the .awhills, being broad and Hat, the side of it, instead of being set with teeth, being provided with gutters. through which the mod and water taken in with toe food is forced out the sidee of the hill itclosee. Thus how remarkable the at iptations of nature! As is well know wild ducky ire extremely wary and ke n -sighted• and therefore somewhat dl cult to secure: but it is just that, whir makes , I4 A. NEWTON, DENTIST, i.) CK - T. - NoW.-At hon.eeverydayszerpt Thum days. New remedy for extracting teeth ISemno- forrnl.hetler than Iters. frown and bridge work, Mc. Altnntnnm Slate...non-breakable.i N. R.—You ono always have your work much better done In the dental offs—nwro time het lir facilities for doing the work. more oom- tortable tor the patient NOTICE.—THE LOCAL AGENCY in Dungannon for The Signal is at thehero oMce Hook and Stationery Storeorders will Lo received for subscriptions, ad. verttsing and job work, and receipts will be /firms for amounts wild for the same. 1 F Y(lt' .\ la: THINKING OF 114))N(:' any wall -nap. ring this spring. call at the Dungannon 1'ostofve Store and see the now dorieiwns In select P(Dert We believe we two duck -hunting so fascinating,. And .urf,l you with what you want: • 11 our stock q TIIF: REV 11.1•I•:It Nu ),'KH1F.11, The `Int* nt , t.uge unlet,annon. of style' and patterns. nothing eqwhen he u*lsthe as the jpoy of the fatY Y un ,the spring delivery of ttees fordo 11,.• li.•n• Hitler N,nseri.•s ave" fhli.+lord Inst WEt)Ne.snAY, Mayllth. hand. Take a double-barrelled shot wick and t14oLproprietots telort that H %,'rENIN11N.-- Miss Fraser 'spent gun some bright morning and, well it w,1- the la, -got --t M..% ,'l ere lad. Sat411-da\" and Sunday visiting her hidden behind entire low cedar bushes, Marr varieties of to ee. were eon- aunt. Mrs. LAWI•eI1(•e, at Lucknnw• near the mouth of a river, patiently fdetel) s,ld.on :old 111 1.44 rgl,•ens the Milos Riley, .,f London. is visit- wait for probably two or three hours. demand was it ,preee.l•nte.11t Ia1•ge, ing her skatt r, Mrs. Bradford with the roar of the breakers of the St m L u. albdol•, 1. K I•)11 •r:1I 111,111' \Ile{11vRobinson, o f Nile. spent great d 1pa tilling your r e ars a nd to t)opov.• ow am.„,„,-„,„.), ..( 181.111. Sunday with Miss -Olive Crwwfu d... you begin towonder 'now many wR1.R and to&el tots. f'1\stnraels( mot Moe \\'..1. Moffatt wheeled to hie hotne at those white -capped billows have t.o r.,nn• t.. the •seri• from long •lig- Nary*- twat Matntd*r- Mice -Mary dasihed-t-hestvAee•- ashore, and _you 1.1111, ' ,tui ,i large a�n ler of s.-%el•Il Polley, of l:oderieh, visited friends feel how insignificant is man *ftrtr• all, hum•11.•.1 ,,p,de trees witi..tppli.11 to here Sunday l *rel Itivers•h11p re- in presort -ice of the forcer of nature, • the r,riii.iv •r '1 the Bu'r'n Oi,•har.ls stmed. his position in the Sterling and what an unfathomable mystery To, .,n the linydeld n,:pt. The deli,- Bank .-' .,lack Roberts, of the Ster- the whole universe is. But suddenly 1.r) i. alw41ys n busy tithe, "end when ling (lank. Auburn. spent Sunday At the blood is stirred, for tight at the -e% raid thousands of order* have to be his home here The innny friends mouth of the river there are three or goo rrruh• in n few.flays-foe the lentils of Mine Lily Mclean will he glad to four black dots which have moved in that distribute the stock through the hear that she has improved SO much from the lake. and are now coning cep townships from orders sent in by a as to allow her 1.111114. t.. leave nn Mon. the liver. Batt probably they will • staff of agetlts it i. rook 111 conceiV,, -day Some of o111• lllel,rhents have delay. and then you are tempted to W a . a 1 re morels Tim? 4111` prop, l. . s their windows suitably draped. since anathematize things in general and and their staff hale ,It 11,1- .ra-mi. receiving the news of the King's docks in particular. for you date not IIF:NMILLF:R \\'nn,.,.KV \L,.t..-Neve death, The school ting has ';been at move. although one leg is sound asleep .v'at tons of son•tt)os wI '1 were,4,11,r: h.iif-mast since Saturday nlprning• and the arms are all cramped with from the lir flll•r woollen mill(leo. Htothers met with pain- holding the deadly weapon in position. wsr'k .1•i1n Mellow -.lotion to a whol,.- fill accident on Monday, While lriv- The lt'ight, keen eyes of those black sale an of w,ol 1111-4,). in I11111111111111. ing near Donnybrook hos horse wokk forms will detect almost the slightest fl It. is the quatom eVerd year for that fright. and kicked him just below movement. At last one of' the Hock pngt•ietoil .lesse tibrll,ill, to ))i.11,'.ei kti''''• .pdint/erid¢ the Ione..... •M1 will di+appear beneath the water for a -nf the stork that hes awvnoittetr41 .‘da, Sproul, of Goderich, spent Hen long dive, and suddenly n sawhill is ddt•ing the y, -,,r, to teak, r.t ii for,the day at her hotne here.... .Jack Mc• thserved close within range, the eye new....won's (lip', .\Ireo.Iv ..•Velem Nab is wearing a broad motile now since lances along the barrel of the gun. --- tear_- _,erns 1n. Rt18145 of ,ua. the arrival of n boy last Thursday.. • • • t e trigger is gently pilled and In- wnstit'i • w.$)1, hut the hulk of fop• mss Edith Augustine, oT ()misrkR; s toy there Is a commotion itt the floserx a ft tit arriyr 11r•ft'r • l ...•till spent Sunday et R. August.ine's. water. The duck, - if only slightly 1uf this n ,nth, when sheep-wnshifig St Hoot, RKI'ORT. The following U wounded and unable to fly, will dive, will is.j.01.1' gertl•ral with the f,t•ni1t,-,, the April report of H. S. No. 17, Ash- In it. attemptto escape. but soon it PAW tfiree-f1.,nrths of the wool r,tised field, hawed on the weekly tests. reappears and then the kpoond barrel in tails sect inn finds its way here der- Names in order of merit : Sr. IV.- of the gm) is brought in requisition. ing these/won And the reputation of the iialtour Simpson•. Hr. iI I.-Lissie The second shot is fatal and the mer - mill for honpat weight and pure wool Mark, \Vail*1.p Blsok•, Lorne John- gamier is now gnintly floating upon fabrics hasomadee the 111111e of the par,- et.on•. .Ir. 11I. Charlotte Hampson, its back in the water, with ata 1)ewutl- ' priett• known far beyond the limits Vera .Iohnatnn, I'parl Jnhneton, Hazel I fill white breast open to the Mop sky, of the ,atopy. The price forwool Steels*. Lila Mcllwain•, Lloyd Black, as if in pathetic appeal to heaven for will he about thy amine as last year, si ('ase iilack. Mr. 1[. --('evil Bleck. Pt. vengeance. 1 t a enmp*nionn a n d Mr. Gledhill infotirns ns, hut no iw181- 11. Richard McIntyre, Roy Black*. every other duck within n quarter of tire figure hits yet been given. as it is Wilbert Johnston*. Those whoop a mile have taken to wing and lir Go early in the newton for the whole- names ate marked thus • mimed one l appeared, by reason of their In. aide hoker, to repoor•t uaihe price for or more of the examinations. MARY I etInctive And hereditary dread of flre- the coming year. R. BARKLEY. Teacher- wtmA Constipation is the root of many forms of sickness and of an endless amount of human misery. Dr. Morse's Indian Root Pills, thoroughly tested by over fifty years of use, have been proved a safe and certain cure for constipation and all kindred troubles. Try them. e 25c. a box- � _•1 r J. H-COLECRNE''. , On next Saturday and Monday we will put oil our table, some of the best Belgaius we have yet' offered. Some lines at unbeardof prices and something that can he used every day. 4 are Skirts Two dnsen Bhiu k Sateen undceo ,kilts, IYineh tuckel ontrillelf flounce, full width, 4)) to 42 inches long, good value for 7:11•. You can buy one of them as long as they last tor just 49 Cents Irish Poplin Suitings .t : slur sale of these Suitings until next Tuesday. They are goingfast at "Ilk. Regular price is '�'. This week may close out the whole lot. They are great Value at 20 Cents Made of linen op cotton warp. GinghamsThe 15c Gingbatus will 1» ou until Motlday If p.m. at 12 1-2 Cents This is a chance to get Gingham-. cheap: White Lawn Waists t h e m.k ted the greatest stock weilever„tTered. 98c to $2.75 Embroidered fronts val. trimmings. Ask •to see STAR Waists. Nothing tike them at the prices. HosieryThisis the beet place in town to ¢et Stockings in either cotton or cashmere. 1f you want a good pair, Week .or tan. at a smell price, come here. We never had 10 many ip stock MI we have now: Hercules Rib for Bc•ys, Princess Rib for Girls are great wearers. Ask for 'Tun Rib, fromchildren's up t1 ladies' sizes. The best we ever offered. A sec. and 300 pairs of our great seamiest; fast Week, 2 Pairs for 25c - rams this week. This lot is extra go,sl. I )ver 31111) pairs now in stock. Prints de4Vit1helve take first place in pi -lob., 5, 10 and 12 I -2c You can depend 1141 hath t 1.1oh and colon'. They are right in eve;) Way. , White Lawn Skirts that 1, t f *�.;:t4+ for 81.29, it n„l,'s (Aernlekc, all alike and all One Price tion verde of Ott inches wide. Table Linen full bleached. Going only • Pillow ()oven 4n, 42 and 44 incbsetwide for only 17 cents. Hemstitched and wide hem. J. H. Colborne 1111111111 4111.11111.111. — ONIIIIMIND -_O 411.0110010 _ ` 50 'Cents G. JOHNSTON EMBALMER AV0 F UNERAL DIRECTOR Furniture and Undertaking warerooma Wert side Square. i. •FH()NK:Ila 178enee Oodertck BeeNight calls: At residence. SS Witham Street. r. MILLINERY SPRING AND SUMMER. 1910 MISS CAMERON 1s prepared to show the latest and rn••st artistic/ creations in Millinery for spring and mer, and ,cordially invites the inspection of the ladies of (:nderich and vicinity. Hamilton Street, 0oderich ONLY A REMARKABLY LUCKY PURCHASE eculd make possible the following wonderfully fine bargains : 100 Ladies' Shirt Waists nd mllalin "eo•' 7,1 alike, each waist beautifully trimmed. all worth•more in the regular way. 9Qc Special bargain price �7CC77 LADIES' SEPARATE SKIRTS. -The best and nowt exclusive styles of the season, including pleated and tunic styles: man- twilored, in new striped cloths, panumas and voiles--highcltan -garments. yet with prices ordinarily quoted for interior classes. These skirts include black and all colors. We ere showing the newest out in Belts and Neckwear, Lace Curtains, Whitewear, Underskirts, etc., at very special and saving. prices. JOHN STEAD Ladies Wear, Fun and China. Hamilton Street II House-cleaning Helps We have everything that goes taconite thedr/wtdeil house-cleaning, aua.ch tauter, and give everything eluate clean and heal odor. Pulverized Borax, 10c per Ib. Household Ammons*, 1Oc and 25c per bottle. Chloride.Lime, ftc and 1Oc per peg. Creolin; 50c per lb.,' Formaldehyde, 5Oc per lb. Carbolic Acid, 50c per lb. Sulphur, etc. When needing anything in the drug line, we would like to -vr,- • yon. . r F. J. BUTL-AND, Druggist, Goderit'h. THE STORE THAT PLIA$tS --tit, Weather is Coming AND SO ARE THE FLIES PURITY FCOUR And Its Keeping Qualities SOME people find it necessary to buy a considerable quantity of flour at one time—sufficient to last for a long period. Naturally they are anxious to procure a flour of the kind best adapted to lengthy storage. There are two important reasons why PURITY FLOUR possesses these qualities. One is that it is made entirely from Manitoba Hard Wheat. The other lies in the fact that the careful Milling necessary to produce " Purity " absolutely excludes all low-grade particles of the wheat berry. • It's the high grade Manitoba Hard Wheat Flour that keeps—stands longest storage. That's "Purity." "Purity" flour may cost a little more, but is more than worth the difference. Try it. Watch results both for quality and yield. "More Bread and better Bread" Weems CANADA nom Mnaa Co.. IMms club at wia.ipw Ordirkb. Searles. Look up the store that sells Window Screens '.I+u1.' of l,-'4 strong. adjustable -Cramps. Flint•% Loin 1Bo to 50o '•, 1: . Screen Doors We have w handsome line, made of ►sat serve, wire. varnished and stained ggarter-elt oak, full assort Intal of sizes. mod prises t•' suit all. Poultry Netting Made of galvanized wire, 2 -inch mesh, 12, 24, 30, 36, 42. 48, 6o. and 72 inches high. Our price -s. are right. Lawn Mowers - We are sole agents for t h c Brockville line, and have also the Wooflvatt and Maxwell, i f Ian y should—,want them. Florence Oil Stoves These are the l a t e s t 'paten't,,, No valve to turn off. - Sim-ptsr lift the burner way from the oil by a sire, le turn of the wrist,. Sb melt, no clogging. no dangler. easy I.. operate and ecnnntnlic*1 to use.-.klght your tore and put it nut ns 71 on as through using. A Bargain in Wire. IDEAL Five -wire, all No. 9 hard. 24c per rod. The Howell Hardware Co. • H! ,V P'