The Signal, 1910-5-5, Page 8III ?RUNWAY MAY , WM
igf .
fiammatory rheumatism in my tight FQi( CHURNING RESULTS.
anal. t tried peva nal reneedit», but it
kept swelling and was painful. My Garcia! Heatingo1 Churning Roomand
hands and limbs were Ivtdh•'swullen,
V y hark ached and buy heart Withered,Cleanliness Nee essary,
u,e. 1 Kota doctor. He helped nip, here can be uo definite rule laid
but tll.• swelling in my limbs never al- ' dnwq as to file temperature at which
together left. He stet it was because the cream should be churned. as dif
lily jwttrt wag y_e_ X weak. The least fereul creams require different tem-
ezcitrueuf,ttws a sleep of iTalntiness peratures The fat Is lu the form of
ndenslcuplc globules, and they must
have a certnlu degree of softness If
they are to unite When the cream
titters the churu that is properly rip
eued and ooutains 20 to 30 per cent
fat the temperature should be such
Hint the cream will churn In thirty to
forty -tire minutes- This will glee on
exhnnsth'e churning and leave the
butter In n condition lu which it, eau
tee easily handled without injuring the
—leure putting the cream in the
ehuru the churn should be thoroughly
scalded and ns thoroughly ebllled w11b
cold water. The advantage of tide le
Hutt It will freshen the churn end-all
he pores "lu• the wood so that the
cream -and butter will oat stick to It.
The outside temperature of the churn
Expsrimsnt Hu Haa Satisfactory Re'• would cause my limbs to swell. 1 le
'sults in That City --Differences in Liven tending of !hold's Kidney !'ills
Oils—Method Of Application—What curing drnp4y, t.' 1 decided W Icy
It Costs—Not Mors Expensive them. Ied J fix , holey, and they
than Sprinkling.
The totlowiig letter bop been re-
ceived by the secretary of the Huard
of Trade from Ur. Sheard, medical
1►eaItD officer of Toronto :
Toronto. April 130, 1910. -
ecieerich, vat
amous Verse -writer a Former Resident
of Lucknow.
hell. '' 1•,' An article of intense interest to reei-
iz An
of LueTinow appears m the AtpriF
Imes' HIR, --I. have personally been number of the Busy liars s Magazine.
conducting the expetiment of laying The article in question refers to
_ the dust on the city streets by the use Palmer Cox, creator of the Brownie+
of crude oil, and on the whole this es- —that _fnony rare et fanny little men
riment has proved eminently settee whose exploits are the Sunday
.factory. The method we empluj• is to ,supplements and. colored newspapers
- use crude p:troleuui residue, and as `famous to all boys in Canada and the
there are many kinds of petroleum oil Coated Staves, Palmer Cox was once
we endeavor to secure one that nae a resident of Lucknow.
the least ndt.i and is the .Treat expert- Ie the retentive memory of Mr.
Aye, I ...ay sae ;n this connection Justice Grehatn are stured many fists
•that 'varying locelitles wilTliaVe dill- pertaining to the Mien and the hist.ay
erent oppoetunit.ies tor securing an of Lucknow in the olden days. Feouu
nil more or Tess free from omen : thus, the very beginning, when the village
for distance, *if Texas crude be em• was only as a seed of civilization sown
played. it has pian) advantages which in the great wildnerneentethr p`r'esent
the temple petroleum residue has not. day. all of LIi many dislioKuished
It is cornpatativety-ud•y►eas, and iolto LMS _anti._ tlautahlers of m he "Sep ,y.
some extent iuisceable with water. town-- and .1heiri inal•eris gr. at—ani i
This, however. we could not use beer incidents that h eve played on dmn-
. because of our difficulty in securing al 'deferable part iti the nuking_ of !lana -
plentiful supply and also on the 1 diau history —these have been known
vroind of expense. In Peensylvanin to him, and his telling about • them
they have tonne varieties of petroleum now lulda a iN11pnIolr lin, l,etwrret- the
residue which are prae•tically exlorleait; eventtnl past cud the egitalh• eventful
that itsetirvt•"-fr .m tlse' neighborhood but lirasal reououaprt•Nt•nt. ltemeineer-
of Oleop is of this character. Never- ing Ptlmer Cox. rto, in those rattier
theless, the ail we are using has little days, was a working carpenter in
to be complained about regarding the Lucknow,-and tilt, builder of tast.„
• odor,. which *loan dies away after its which are remembered to this day. as
application. ,lienerally after five or his handiwnra, Mi. Grahame has given
six hours the odor is entirely gone. The Saltinet a little sketch of Lhe now
The method of application is 10 apply, famous than ; a tketeli',Ivhich 'joy
,the oil in 'several relays. with a trw supp'eueuts for Luckm,w readers the
- days between.. The number of appli• leas hies! one 1a•,•viously refetied to.
cations required will t•.ary-ai,tnewl.tte -For fuller intormaatt ion regarding the.
according to the road to he treated. subject of this sketch, the reader is
It the road is r( reasonably good one, referred to Lhe Buoy M -ins \legezine.•
free term ruts. and not subject to Veinier Cox was a trsideut of Luck
very heavy traffic, three applications now in 1146'1 -and Vele About this
of oil should diet three months. 11, time occurred, the event known_ he
however, the. road ie as bad one,. end history a.* the Trent u:esir, whkh
subject to being tiavorated by heaty created a c dwiiuy in Iiritain'end
drays and wagons, it wool(' probably Uanedn alikeThi•+ was the seizure .titre. Is warm the cream will
not last longer than one month. The and the plasia: on hour.' of 1.)1e Fed • warm up rapidly, and the butter will
better the roadbed, the lighter the 'mal warship 'fume; I.y I'uitetfiStates likely he soft and will require• more
dose required. If it be simply a authorities.. of two British suhjecte, washlug to remove the buttermilk. It
sandy, mud read, with a thick -.cover- Mason and Slidell, charged with heinpt Is •airless to lower the cream rapidly
ing of .several inches of flout -like dust, spins in the iuteices al the. Nevelitig In the churning polos just apiary
then a heavy first done of oil is, prefer- Southern States. lnv4Nion of Genitals churning. It ing `hers nt least
able, the idea being that the admix- weeexp.eeed, aced volunttyetlcomp ttt• 'two ing. before should beelthe The era-
ture of oil and dust. will fume a most- - ies were air enized in luau `lacer to sun for htours
fs re curt ill II slow eon.
Ing upon tbe surtace of the road, to el the armed danger...
which the dust particles adhere- If In Lucknow a comp umy itf, volute- dne•tor of beat, and. altho1gtt the R4:
the road bas w considerable grade. trt•r riflemen wee formed, largely rum bas cooled and the thermometer
and is much exposed to the sun's rays. the ,ugh the exertion i of ('apteiu L. reads the right. temperature, the fat
the ail would dry_ out sooner .tan it McDonald ;who was then book-keeper .baa pot actually reacbietture and the
would if the road happened to be in the eulpiay .1 .mideohn, crontibe11' results would be the ceedlis.if churn•
--- mower lesaehadn1 by the trees.' TI e • • Thant of Luaknow I htgbai • •a•
Method of application consist* in and 'slur, (ox. who waw drill- ser-
lightly sprinkling the tit mete with oil grant to the.. comp my. Milkers of the
from a widerueg cart driven lit a e party were, besides these two :a .1.
pretty rapid gait over -the surfece of Sompmerville, !1.1114 na nt : J. Reid, en•
the road. endeavoring to Ps. deposit sign; H. Graham, color sergeant ; and
the oil that the spats of oil will. he C. Brady, bugler. Old Brown Bess
more or lees separate, •rare Ix•ing muskets, procured fr Goderich gaol,
taken not W leave puddles of oil in the were the weapons placed in 'their
depresuions or channels. Mhould such hands; and long, faithful and st'en-
occur, it is advisable to have them meet wei4' the drills itt•-y p',for,ued,
swept away with a broom. sit that for -the service of their country. '
they will not be ap'atehed by bridle or Of BOA •. 11 military eo.nptiny• Mr:
stain the clothing of Iedestriuns. The Graham tells u4, n t of the heave an d
road is then wat eked' for tllie a or fair of 'fernier -'generations. 'few stir -
four days, when the second d.f4e•is vive few indeed: Robert (inti un;
given and again allowed to rest' for himself itnd .tags Admit.. of In"rknow;
awhile. and after another week or•so John 13 nhiirn and Kinnon Vele lemon
the third appiicat.' '-is rnMie.=-The of Kiolinas: Ensign Reid, now of
- road hi better fir lichee P•Tiilrcd. S,•:ttlle; 1:. H. ; (1. Armstrong. of Pel -
channels being cleaner) ass; drpre'.--rolia: I'.almcr, 1 ' elf, whose fame
Nions levelled, and ruts a or Inas wads sot 1u be a warrior's -f aur; and
filled up. This. hawevet. isnota!- p is ioly oar or two'othera all the
ways practicable. and the roiulwey rest hive gone to that last qnu •
may be treated will t NueII prrptia- ramp lig ground where neither hug•
tion. The rain does not affect diel l- simnel -j4 heard nor :the Omni. of
vantageously a road that has been armed corn.
Treated with oil. Stith 11 road will -Even in those days. Palmer (:ox was
dry more rapidly after a rainstorm. known as posse/NMI; some indefinable
The surface water will more 'p.4*dili• quality which distinguished him from
run to the channels of the to td, and uglier nen. \Vi elding his carpenter',
generally such a road i+ rather iu1• tools like a1 skilled. workman, he dis-
proved than other%ist after a rain. I played occiesiun illy a ltm•rand gieitrr
The sup corning out brings the sod (sower ata a dr.u,Khlsm,ul. a - portrayer
again to the surface and the dust all- of Llnel h fot•ur.wit h pen or pencil.
a ow• era fe
t from L li•kit aft r w
(:a'n mit h w
Berne. 1 K
We have found that •tpnt n•dih try vete* sl.j turn, the cunning of lidos
roads 1,5I$) gallons per mile wit eons- )11111 1 IVvretle.1 itst•11• ; o ,t of his biotin
piece the three IIPPlirattopN,-.peeilled 'p.'n•tg, like %V1.Ibaoi limn the- bruin
shove, and ought to maintain tar rout) of .love, the Tull-il •J,4M Wonderful
for at 'emit from one to two mouths. little Itrosinic remit!. carrying mirth
This at four cents w,gallon would be And gladness and innocent a sentient
and the cost of application f into hundred and thomeinas of—(Tane-
0 to `116. 1'his f} probably le"4 than dinn and American Immo; ; and their
Lb cost of sprinkling. A mild of road author and creator found at last a
lupe . kled twice a da witulal :cost. for fitting renes for hie talents. Palmer
lab° alone }I a day, which would ('.1x is Los)1tl' rep rted to he a wealthy
leave he road more at less ddy. Man : his Brownie men' have brttnght
it wo nit, be dustless for more Iheir tree.item. to dein!.
than two or three hours, and in some hitt la more than this netel.hcte. be
cases, it rye dusty and manly, a utile wI'd, ,Luektu•w has sent in rr,' famous
of road qr Idle. more w.ro11 require children nee the mored than 11 -obeli)
the c,msten • attention of a Dean and any other Canadian village of espial
borne and ,wa ring.cart. Should the age and size. Maby are still living,
_ road 1W i1i cOnditlnn and In close many ere de„d ; but reetren works of
proximity to .thee routs, a man theirs shall not quickly page away.
would probably '0 a toile of road in Justice Graham himself survives—one
ATI hour and el a ' ay would provide of the buaieet writers of terse In all
for two sprinklings day, Canada` Palmer Joi survives, still
When the cost o a Targe area of crealin,t his mete, Brownie men :
i macadam roads is con idered. 1 think many others are yet mattered among
the oil would not be .re expensive the living workers of the world.
than the cost of aprinkli . On roads If at the great reunion of the gree-
that are not much frrd anted by ent simmer they eh,uld all ix, here,
beavy traffic. i consider U1 oil app!(- ,ole likes to imagine the greet-
-cation-wilF he Tetrad a Iy rev- etre* ami the iretrelshersinge Thee will
vioeable and cnmpat ativcly cogen-{ transpire, the retelling of old stogie',
• Rive sea dim reducer, - 'the rrrllHhg of old days. • Pethsp• in-
- setting forth the above fart as 1 deed the good "Browniej' Wan himself
'have (mind them in ,o•,nect' ith I may come, and surely mina would be
the week in the city of Toronto, 1 m more welcome than ire. —W. W., in
free to admit that there is yet consi - Lucknow Sentinel. ' '
--arable investigation required as . to
the cheapest end teat application to
be employed. !triplication*. off tar I
have been used in the eity of Boston;
a mIxtule of oil, Roup and tat;°hit njns,
places, and in other localities e.t o114
residue) capable of more or less
mixture with water. However, tht'v
are, 1 think, apt to dry out more mi.
Idly than pore 0H.
Faithfully yours,
OIMARIA M Holland, M. D , with equal Ole.
Medical Health Officer. ming. Join the
and buy Ularks
1 By the time fns
That the best body-building
and strengthening tonic for
Delicate Children
"My 9 year old daughter was "My two children: who were t»
strength whe” 1 began to give them
Vino!. I proved that V inol is a *plan-
Madid tonic for delicate children." —
Mr.. C ALLEN, New Bedford, as.
Vint builds 'up healthy flesh and makes thin little limbs round
and plump, Children love to take it.
We return people's money without question 1111 Vilna
does abet accomplish all we claim for /t. Try fit. please.
weak. pale, and 1:.=d no appetite. 1 and ailing rapidly gained flesh
[ar_e her Viol, and she began to
thrive at once. She gained rapidly
le w t. color and strength.
es H. GILMORE, Durand, Mich.
L:6= P, b U 1=, - Goderich, Ont.
IC iiWM$'S
nese and exquisite
flaorgive an added'delicious-
ness: to homemade "sweets"
and dainties. Be, sure you
- get • COWAN'S —• the cocoa
with time Maple Leaf Label.
het; rootq should' be as nearly at M"`I-
ble the same as tbi churning tempera
Milo Maize For Horses.
The farmer who plants a good acre
age of 'miler has practically lusurcd fur
fiimsetf a good supply of groin fol his
work teams. Borges and mules 'Woe
shat, herd work well all summer, slice
as, breaking pralrie, with no grain but
mho. Ilvrses doing heavy farm work
should be given three good feeds of
ilii!., gado a day. Milo In the head Is
usually fed, one-half more heady being
gloat at a teed than would be given'
ears of cure. Most teamsters Iprefer
to fe•t•t1 111110,111 the' head to leoniele, cut-
ting the main stein off chew to- the
head. The main stem of lee lend and
the many Iltlle esteme that 110111 the
seeds Gone the horses to do n large
amount of chewing before the feed eon '
he mwnllowed, and this mastication
griuils the grain land mixes ',It with
the saliva, greatly iucreeeing the pipe
tlortIon dignated.
The seeds of mile are snail, nod
whi're the thrn'shed seed is fell• to
Wirers It le ehy'weel very 111th•, and
much of the steed misses through un-
digested. Feeding roller- in the bend
sates ell ex(x'n'ir of ',repnrntlon, and
die 111)1111 stoma of the head eaten with
the, g.raln seem to nit] in diluting the
grain III the mtomncb, 'making it more
•tip, .••1 lire(' 1•,
a's a n')*T-'aetarrn
worth J.V.:.rtmlr•i•
write fur It. Fal.
These swords or expressions bav-
higihe same inean111g are contained
In hundreds of the letters I have re-
ceived during the past year. Marge •
we're from women who had suffered
agonies from falling of Womb: others
from women who had escaped dang-
erous surgical operations, as the
tumors :and ulcers had been remov-
ed by the action of. Orange LIT;
and others who had suffered frots
suppressed • menstruation, leurer-
rhoea, painful periods, etc,- 'For as
these and the othe,' trouhlrs knows
in g. -neral as women's Dlsoulers,
Change Lliy . furnishes a poilllve
"•Irhtlnc, never -falling etre. 1t Is
1;.- >,.((.-rice ••rgane,. anal Its opernti4n Is certain and heneaelaL e
T-,-.*- it, -°*cell:- t Iartby offer to seed. absolutely free, a box --
,t f.•r It -n •:aytc tr.atment io ev.-ry suffering woman who will
elatai" o MRII. FRANCES E. CURRAH, Windsor, Ont -
Saturday Specials
The gears is growing
We have the best lite a,
town. Every Mower fully
wart anted. Priced, *3.5o,
375 14•00' 54 50, 54-75,
5. 00, i55.5o, $6.00 and up
To start the ball rolling In the Screen Door line. A bargain foga
early buyers. This door is made of four -inch styles, 'veined
quartet -cut o 11, complete with spring binges, book and pun
Saturday, only
We have all styles, ranging In price trove .... ......1 s1oIOe
Only 22c and 14c per
bottle. Liquid Veneer is
the last turnitue p_lish en all dust, din t
and dullness and leaves a
to illiant finish, and will not
harm the finest piece of
We tie showing a large
range of Mechanics Tools,
on et number of which we
often extra 'epochal pricl s
for Satundsy. ,
The greatest known cutter. Get one of these Stones mud ye
will use no other.
We believe it le to your interest to deaf with us.
The Howell Hardware Co.
Sour Stomach and Heartburn ?
At all Brattish' or direct fres
ear it yourse![-1he
tirade the flock just as carefully se
you grade the dairy herd. Weed out
the pour nnimala and keep the beat.
Judicious Feeding Necessary.
.1 flock will go through u winter
sheltered ' by an open shod, but no -
flock ever same out of a winter in
thrifty condition Without judicious
feeding. -
Shearing Machines' Worth.
Shearing machines beat baud shear-
ing every time. 'They nre uot expen-
sive• mud they cnuse fewer Wound-.
and du the work more evenly thdu the
nverage farmer cap do with the old
fashioned shears.
Easy to Build a Feed Rildc.
A good rack for feetllug , neck CLD
be made by nlmo't pay een'le farm-
er. About all ttttit is needed it a stip .
port for the hay su that It shell tot
fall to the ground and be Wanted tiud
MIR tee handy for the sheep to get et,.
A Saving of 25 Per Cent. in Meat.
rifty housekeepers appreciate this
in buying ('lark'' Corned Beef
of uncooked butcher'► meat.•
A Savin of the rest -1f oleo Oland in
thria•_pie ns a idg reonhmy in the
year. This_ 1 ail monomy in cost
ater /satisfaction id
loinrarhold economist*
Rock Milh, Ont., Ma 2nd. (epeeist) thraagh Irving him
--el recommend Ddidt's Kidney Pills time for laving hi' neig
to all m friends. '• Throe are the lienrin.•, the 'ten.lanl h t'1 pinnacle, 1 ' newt) injer't the solution with a
01 Nes. Mtephen Rose of Rock Is male from the err'se of the (sense ( se.MIl lista Vf1 at
mole. Grey Co., Ont.. "AlxmL four- then bear. whieh has the heaviest meet'
sans Fears ago,' she says, "1 took in- let Bair of any animal, 50,;. a jie• fans if you Isbell*, 1Wfi►
Gains In Lambs.'
Lambs which nre well Bern) fee In•
the spring and w hie!, Dave a tun ha
fetid ernes alone when six mouths old
o:hnlld nverage from W) to 100 I,otlnde
and nt eighteen months. w•Ifti goof
cave should average 110 to 1015
Attendate • the Wounds.
Sheep become Inceratetl on wire
tennis or other objects. Watch the
•--\ wetted' cnrtdttlly and if warms np
ersge matt gni' per wnsh the, mounds with n week
It he ham im ,,,lotion! of rarbelk acid and venter.,
ret the wonads are deep and dItitenit
- House-cleaning Helps -
N'e have everything that goes to make the Breed rl house -..leaning
much raster, and give everything it nice clean and limit odor.
Pulverized Borax, IOc per Ib.
Household Ammonia, 1Oc and 26c per bottle.
Chloride Lime, be and 10c per pkg.
Creolin, 60c per Ib.
Formaldehyde, 60c per Ib.
Carbolic Aclo, 60c per Ib.
Sulphur, etc.
*Iwo needing anything in the drug line, we would like to serve
F• J• BUTLAND. Druggist, Godeiich.
Fqrniture for the Library
You cannot judge the Edison by hearing
other ]rinds: -- The Edison is the sound -
reproducing machine at its best. Itt is not
a talking machine. It Is a Phonograph
reproducing every sound faithfully—the song
exactly the way the singer sang it; the opera
exactly the way the orchestra played it; the
two-step exactly the way the band rendered it.
That is the Edison Phonograi)h as Mr.
Edison makes it—the object of 'his constant,
daily care.
When he says he wants to see an Edison
Phonograph' In every home, he means your
home. Do yoh not want one there ? Do you
not need this amusement maker for your own -
sake, for your children and for your guests t
Hear one today. Hear all the others too and
compare. Only in this way can you now
that what we say le true.
- -- -
gSLoidgrappce- i_ • _ 114.4. !° 11122
Edl.on Amberol Records (twice as long) .e3
Rdl.onftrand Opera Records • • --
There are Edison dealer. everywhere. Go to the nearest led
hear the !Mann Phonograph play both Edison Standard noel --
Ambcrol Records. Get complete catalogs from your dealer
er from ns.
100 Wi id• Avaw. Orange, N. J., U.S.A.
CAi.L,At4D±4RK ('q. WRITE FOR OATALOOIfieareweeesewswrewwwwiemeo
u Library—that
We do not f furnish books far the
in our line: but when it comes to Library Furniture we
have the good,,
Sectional Bookcase
is a marvel of neatness, compactness and utility. You need not pott.
in a larger case Than you need at first, but can start with one or
two sections end add more as you require. We are tbe agent* ill
(ioderich for this Ilookease.
Then we haves Library Tables, Secretaries, Cthinets, Leath'•
Conches and comfortable Chairs for the Libra' y, and should be
pleased to show therm to enyoae interested.
Geo. Johnsto
Furniture and Undertaking. The re.
Nyat's Spring Tonic,
Blood Purifier,
and Sarsaparilla
Three excellent preparations for use in the spring
scas0n when everybody Nhould take a tonic.
It C. DUNLOP, The Druggist,
Bedford Block, — — Goderich.