The Signal, 1910-5-5, Page 7• 1. 4 4 4 Or 1. 4 5he Port of 1issirg Men. py right. I9V7, by the Robbie -Merl 111 !bowers/ teadlio" Company tuned nom t•ige (1 0 5 5 0 60 at ny 09 ite, perspiration on clalbermes Pace het nut& n paste of the dirt from tbe _.eateekenek, which gave him a weird ap• ppm -Alice lie grinned broadly. adding ftintastle horror to his visage whit% (waged Zmal to leap, back toward the alto the hall at a jump. t. luitee 04 earegged his shoulders. shook *be lilt° lila numbed arms. then tut 1,1 - besmeared face tuward Duran 1 del laughed. Ile laughed long acid teed as the stupefaction doopeued oti faced of the two men. The objects which Duruud held esuoi-d Claiboree to stare, and thee he laughed again. Durum! hud caught up from a hook in /twangs -as rOtnii Week ojetc, go long that It trailed et leietali from Ids arms, Its red Iltiltig brightly where It lay agaiest the outer black. From tbe folds of the cloak a anon], plucked Ervin a true's. dropped apes the fluor with a gleam of /IS bright scabbaed. lo his right hand he held a silver IN111-of-ordemt. atel act els arm fell at the sight of Cialberue the say ribbons aud gleaming peudatits gestated to the floor "It la not Armitage; we have wade a enktake!" muttered Cbeuveuet tamely. Ms eyes falling from Claiborne's face to the cloak, the sword. the labeled leap of tibleatis un the Door. Durand .stepped forward. with nn 1/1 the man?" he demanded. ''It I* toy friend Captain Claiborne. Nee owe the gentleman an apology" - Chau venet began. "You pot it wildly." cried Clailsorne in Seglish, his back to th,• fireplace, his arms folded aud the smile gone 01,111 Ida face. • I don't kimw your compan- ions, M. Chauvenet, but you seem Itt• ellned to the *4 -elide arm of 'and murder lteally, Monsieur" - "It is a inistekel It he unpardonable! tling you ask!" stammered Chauvesiet. "You are looking far John Artnaage. are you?" demanded Claiborne betty without heeding Chauveneed weed% "Mr. Armitage is uot here. Ile wee Its norm 811rifeta tonight at my house /le is a brave genUetnan, and Ties pm that you eel Injure him at. yew peril. You may 1.111 me here or stein gle or stick a knife into me if yott wiii be better satisfied that way, or you may kill talus and hide his body in these hills; but, by God, there will be uo escape for you: The highest powers of my government know that I that I am here. I have an engage. ment to breakfast with Baron von Narbof at his bouse at 8 o'clock in the rooming. and if lul tiot there every agency of the goveruuseut will be put to work to find you, Mr."./ttles Chauvenet, and these other scoatedrele Who travel with you.' "You are violent, my dear /dr." be van Durand, whose wits were cennue back to him much quicker . than "I am not as violent as 1 shall he if Myer down here and hunt you like rah - bite through the hills. And I advise you to cable WInkelrled at Vienna that the game 18 all off." Chauvenet suddenly jumped Memel the table, the revolver still swinging at arm's length. 'Yon know too much." "1 don't know nny more than .trtat Lege and Baron con Mnrhof : toy father and the_honoratele v of honorable secretary ofewar Claiborne stretched out-bts at ited ,easted tbein along tbe she et the tunntel ed with a suit which the dirt on Isis face weirdly accent - gone, • Ilie abort heir enter' ed IIe dug t 11 11 bricke of the hearth with Ilts toe of Mt riding boot a. an am coutentment 1th Ilse sleet awar,i droppeel upon 11‘.),e tile floor graylty of our (Shorn. pence of greet empire is at atake thlif bust. ne". We are engaged on a pat/doll:. mlasion of great Importance - It wee Durand who spoke. Outride "Yon nre, a fine pair of patriots, I swear," said Claiborne. "taliat the /evil do you want with John Arm!. "fie le a menace to a great throne/ - an impontor-a"- glance the cloak, the sword, ihe sent tered orders. Claiborne followed _the mates gaze, but he gookeel t°' ward Durand nnd Chansenet, not wlehing them to see that the sight of Neese estrum puzzled blm. 'Pretty grinketal !Jut such games sa yours, Teseetnubtea are out tot these freehil, b lls "Where I .101 -1 Armitage?" Qhauveuet half raised Its right arm Aa be spoke, owl the uteel of Ws re- volver flashed. Clallwrue did nue More. Ile mailed upon there, reentaae'd his less aud set- tled his buck more comfortably against Use email.! shelf "1 roslty /uretr where he said be would be` at lhly t*,ur. Ile nud lila Mae may huve:a;uuselta, eellitljpton, or they Way heed Started for Vienna, or they may he lu euntereneye wits Baron Von 1larhuf et nay (atber'a, or they May be waiting fur, you ut the gate The Lore) may knees!" "•Come! We waste tine," said I)u• Land lu ;'trues "!t Is a trap. We [oust not 4 ... caught jIe1'er• Yetis, you'd Mettler go.", Relit (,`lel borne, y:r«o0'11 :tial re;t110u {Ilmaelf 111 a nett' pu:e .•,I:;a hi: hart: still hr' the 'fireplace ••1 *l.na't t'•Ii.cb'Anmltal •• will rare If 1 tiro I. Intreg.tiou' a•e•u- -i101eittr [tutee [erre+[ tt-�+'�Jµe and I( you %%III hey,* eht1 t)*: to le.ell's' uty horse ' ^II tical mut there muter - t+bere I t ,..•:e 1I let et 1 e 1 1111* Rex - n. r. Cbanvetiet, lust I i •ut't fist re- use Y tebo 1ntrodneed ynll to me *111'1 nay fttp1N3 • 1 veer that lemon u debt ut gratitude fur,flriaslug so pleas- ant a•ttemsn*irel to. sue-.etut.L.e:' Ile steelael to the table, blip bands nr lamed to theta. .4Ound Maid. aa.1 eleisr out. a0 uv0*1 lila arm is* ellxaul+*sal. "Came"' said 1)nr:ued peremptorily. sud ue s•leitteetut.Itteit:sti*1 I)uraurl seized him by the •• arm and pulled hies tvtvnttt-ttle duet: .,r *el :By Dirtied IP go they Raw Clai• leorti4 standing the table iightlug -Ft -Wars: . the remdlest. lie teneil until be they . bail gone. ek eed the door. le the rdieer bea uul restore.1 the in•sigota to the silver fewaiotial Interest. rrittinnig Ids band Met' the aealdhlr11, alratithig the bright blade 'and tryieg Art he heel It thus heavy pterWsettlid ,,ed -at the rear of the house, dOut Wag 61113g Open. and Armitage sprang into tbe MOM, with Oscar close at WA ea "Is Good Tea' MARKET REPORTS. Liverpool and Chicago Wheat Futures ` Close Lower -Live Stock - Latest quotations. • Monday ening, May S. Leerpocr wheat tutorgeed to -day yid to led lower than )slurps and cors Litotesteady. ' At Chicano May when( closed i(tc r than t0alurdaY; May cure llec higher au Nay cats tic blather. toronto Grain Mv•ket. Wheat, tall, beyh 11 04 to 5 ars Wheat, reepellah Wheat, gobs*. bush re kwheat, bush. ye. bushel Barre?, bush. Peas. bushel Oats, buyrel Toronto Dairy Market. Cheese, per 1t 013 0134. Eggs. new -laid 0 Lt 0 N Butter. separator, dairy, lb0 la 0 5 ).utter, store Iota 0 96 0 LI nu,ter, creamery, pllds0lb Butter, creamery, lb. rolls0 33 0 33 Hooey, extracted 01044 Hooey, combs, doseu 1 7.5 3 00 New York Dairy Market. NEW YORK. May i, -nutter, steady; receipts, eat, creamery, specials, per Ib.. .IUc to tulec; do., extras, Paw; do.. thirds Never varies' , al i y, everv • itAiiTEED lir.9i1 will sive Ott ties HOPE you /lie • my things. Captain .Llal „cfj bonier' rel Armitage stood a lit tie in advance. hie heed on Oscar's arm (0 dee the men ef the little man.. Claiborne sheathed the sword. placed ft on the table and folded his arms. "Yee; they are ter). interesting." -And those ribbons null, that cloak I assure you they 'ere of excellent qual- ity.. Oscar. put a blanket ott this gen. tlentares- horse. • Then make some cof- As Ottear closed The door• Armitage (Tressed to the table, flung doses hI4 gmintlets and hat and turued to Clai- '"1 :WI cepa! this of yOU I really ill.In't expect R. Now that you base found me. n hal do you want?" ckfti't know -I'll be hanged If I know!" And Claiborne grinned 50 that the groteerpte Mies of him moiled coon - "You'd better find out! Thls my lomy eight, end if you can't,Fiplaitt yonteelf l'in gulag tri tie you4sand and foot and drop yon down the well tifl I finish my work. tOpealviip! What are jou &slug au my grounds, In-tuy house, at thls hour of the night, prying int* wir---riffatra ,tuussuaging In my "I didn't come here. Annitege I was brought -with a potato seek over my heed. . There's the sack on the door, any of ita dirt Unit isn't on my face most ..bo pertuantintly settled in tny "Whet are doing' up here In the mountalels?, Why e-ydu not at your station? The potato s glory is pret- ty liimay. Do better th that and hurry up:" walked to the table nod rested his Ilfe: ger tips on it-"Armitnge. you and 1 Wive mnde some mistakes during our short acquaintance. I will tell you frankly that 1 have bloa-n hot and cold about yeu as I never did before with ther_anan In my life. On the ship Waskingtou I thought well of you. n IOW' cigarette case *hook my • con s In you there at the ArttlY Sled that night, and now"--. "D- ink 'cigarette case!" bellowed Armitage, elaptibuk his band to Ma pocket to make sure t. disagreeable site -talon. You st ad- mit that." "It requtres some nerve for a man to tell a circumstantial story like that to it tableful of genUemen nbout one of the gentlemen!" "No doubt of ft whatever. Mr. Oat, Armitage unbuttoned his coat ind jerked arca tbs Lamle illituttlenUy. (To bielOtitirunsi.1 If 19 His Majesty's Favorite Car—The BABY CARRIAGE Hahy longs for comfort more than for anything els': in the world and the specie electedand tested triple -curved eprings -exclusive to the GC,1114)1101W--make this eat rieg r the acme of baby comfort and luxury. "Lien threznicomm is built In Canade. An unavoidable Accident ntay make the purchaee of a jiart necessary. Your dealer can supply yott with the part you want Sold by all first-elass deolare. Writ• to ea if year decler doesn't carry (hem. 0 611 044 0 if 0 40 0-41 GENDRON Gendron Manufacturing Co., Limited "WE" TORONTO 7,7 THE BUBSeeteflON LIST OPENS AT THE OF THF. CUARDIAN TRUST COMPANY, LTD.. TORONTO, Ole 14.aNDAY, APP'I... 25th, 1910, Affl IA/ILL CE. CLOSECt ON OR BEFORE • Cables Firen--U. S. Markets Lower peoi cebles quoted le, cattle (American) TORONTO, *ay 2,-Reeeipte of lie,. steck at the Union Stock Yards were 135 carloads, come,ting 3004 cattle, Id hogs, 93 sheep :old 196 calves. E. I.. Woodward bought 63 export beif rage; 19 steer". 1190 Inn each, at an ave- rage of 5.90. Butchers. - Butchers' steers and betters *old sit the way from 15.60 to 550.- With a very few more baby beef calves: 14 month, old. at - 58 per cwt Cows eold at from $4.1.0 tO Milkers and Springers. ony 0 F IL IVIULOCK CO. OWN AND OFFER FOR, SALE aph Lea nit Ampany litked MAO OFFICK. TORONTO, CANADA CAPITAL SnLzi, Issued aa4 rutty Paid Up. PREFERRED -a% Cumulative) - Tet-E2rOOMPA44-V--MAILMOLOOND3 I$SUED OR AUTHORIZED CUARDIAN TRUST OfiiVIPANY- Limited is prepare,1 to recel(e subseriptIons for I:f.000 leo ef 1), .• ,•,, .even per cent, cumulative preferred steak ea , par value of the e)referred stock :11iott.d, to be .1,blver,,/ .4. i ..inent ..f subscription In toll. the price of 5100..for each *hare, with a hones of coml.," , ' , ', e.eiel ie par value to- 26 per oent. of the ,., ' . The dividends ',on trre preferred ,stOck, accrue 10 111 ( etit. op Application. 'rate .1 G (or tent will be charged. , rr, ler root. on 'eat July, 1910, m14 . • 00 per cent. on Allotmen• t. close the auhscriptIon hook witlimo 0., le,, - Tat.- rlitht is reserved to ilInt eel,. each eubscr'p'1,..,e4,e nt:,1 lf,..,..r.r?titt.',..11 na nmy o ou nn t Ts Application will be made fer-the 14.-4,re of th. M. e haell Trnnaryonbtio SaPteek""idS•10111= 100 per cent. or There was it stem); market fur milkers and springers at eth to 170.eech. Veal Calves. Veal calves void at stiii loWer Prime. ranging from 53 to 5.90 per cwt. • Sheep and Lambs. • , sheep, eweri, sold at tO Pee cwt.: cwt ; 'tiering lamb", 34 to 57 per cwt. Prices for " kola unchangrd. at ri for selects, fed at..I watered. and j8 75 Montreal Live Steck. MONTUEAL, Ma, e-tepecieth-At the - ---ielideadrege stock y. .1., West End Mar- • COL.( those who dulfe4 k -Y from piles knovv the misery it brings! ft robe life of its pleszurc,•eteale . the bright nese from eeiste ,encs, and substitutes Jaye of dull pain and moments of acute aeony latest so called remedies" eve .ease only for a taut, and then -1 back comes the (rouble rind pal jand men in ail statues of life ho% proved it -possij-iy Rette of y01.1, friends' Let it cera yeti t sufferer for y- i eine Mlle.'s- ridprotendinemics. el,. lea' el ,i• no one ken Iternedy t.,' ,y1 ' here was no rilief for rue p xperienceuntil flak his earth like it 1 It cur 1.1 tue 'else, will cure theeil bad lex (rod tile, to1,1 Rosa, and ea ski i Week ending Aprit J) were ZZO ea eheto and limbs, 191:, hogs and 27:40 calves. The supply ern the market this ism -rang for sale consisted of 975 eattle, 75 sheep and lambie.1400- hogs and 300 calves. A weaker feeling hag developed in thit market for cattle since this day' week and prices have declined to Wk. per cwt.., due to more liberal suppliee eomIng forward, and decreased conreimption account of the high prices. Cable ad- ' vices from Leverpool on Saturday were strocg and nbted a further advance in ( prices on accOunt of the limited supply. i:33ales of Canadians. were made at 154c to ; Ite. and fed ranchera, at 1.0.4e to 151/2c per lb. Thee.. are the highest prices! realized for years. The Mule here this morning was rather Mow\ owing to tin unfavorable weather and the fact 'buyers in some cases wers tinder \he ltnpreesion that they would be able te. buy atilt cheaper later te the week. Same or the cattle on the market ' cost 5.40 per cwt., and the holders of such toed money. A few extra heavy stee ruttable for the export trade brought as h h as Ten but the. top figure pald for chefs butchery stock, was 7)11c, while good so ,at 7c to 714e; fairly good at Pecs to IA4c; fair. at 5 to Pee, and com- mon at 6c to &We per lb. The weak feeling which developed in the market for hog" a week ago stilt con- tinues to be the main feature of .the situation and prices have scored. a fur- - ther decream of lie to 26C per cwt. Sup- plies were larger, for which the demand was only fair and trade was rather *IOW with sales of selected lot* at 13.5 to 5 50 per cwt.. weighed off the cars. Cable advtcea On Saturday on Canadian bacon were etrongee and noted an advance in prime of la to fis per cwt.. but this fact had no Influeleos on the local -hog situa- Ent Buffalo Cattls MarkM. BAIT BUFFALO, May 2.-Cattle-Re- eaten's. 10e le 25e lower; others, Vevey; prime steers, 57.711 to 08.5; shipping, 5 to 5.46; butchers, $81.0 to 17.80; heifers, Ito sin; stockers and feeders, 11415 to 5.23; reek heifers, 14.10 to 5 76; fresh cow* and springers, steady, 50 to 170, Vet's -Receipts, WM head; active and 60c lower; 14 to WITS. 146ge-Reeeipts, 14,000 head; active and Sac to 36c lower; heavy and nateed, P.M to 19.904 yorkere 99.65 to 19.85; piss, fag p; dairiee. 0.40 to MAO. Cheep and Lambs--Recelpts, 14,000 head; arctive• withers, lie tower; Jamb.. 41.z5 • Preeid, nt Rat Portage Lurid., CAWTHRA MULOCK, To Director Imietrial Bank CHARLES W. BAND. Toronto. se Red, Grain Exportere. I 'Hunt Pros.. Limited, Millers. tar.'RTt. LE, Toronto. ..y The Maple le•of Flour Mills Co., Limited. cetee AlePle Leer Milling CO., Limited. Maple Leaf Milling Comjeny, new Company which has (Mon over Flour WI* Company Limited. tie .n that -of the Medley Shaw Mfil nod. Thc company ha. miles at St. Catharines, Weiland, and Port - ProvInee of Ontario and- iit Itiae.: 4:/ at preseat under way at Pill , (*heed the company will lee.- a 4 capacity of' 12.eu0 ',oriels per • . Pliny nits at p?esent thirty -live i•! throughout the Western W beta t - additional ones aft, twing oath d at ti, • time.' A million bushel (leveler • , etructed next to the ttev," eflil at Per( Tit -Conte, Winnipeg, Kingston, Ottawa. mid Mont - r f< ET FOR OUTPUT. ):1• 'erowth of the business of the' two ';'.'..Zitit:::,;firirldltlottal milling capacity. Fur- l-, the (la itterense la the total mat- t I t t.,• .e.-, et ern Wheat Belt makes It ary to have more mills in Canada I eat 'year thin, output amounted JeJ„itte .1,11,011.1a and experienced men by the end of the year 19110 Canada ; I.. T fully 500,000,000 bushel. an - A proportion of this will of twees. • I v:ay Into Canadian mills. Larger .e..• emu, to come its tie. population of , „ „ er..; t, loth from Great Britain and iblin of mina now controlled ,a..; :illy will enabby It to aecure trride of eeery sect Ion V.. .1 as of Croat lirltiairt and SECURITY AND EARNING rt)wrn: Th. c -'4 tAnn over as above stand in excess of all liabilities and without illo•Aance , ti ide., at 11.770,524.11, this amewnt being aemeetained c I the basis of an eapraisal, br Cie C. I ,,!ri:an- Appraisal Company, Limited, as of Month 17th, 1910,' of the cap:tal asc-et. tekca ci•rr, • 4.. 0 f.lfrirx. Price Waterhouse 8. Company, as tummies. There has els- 4.se Trc: 4,! P;J,i,,nal, gash. which. besides permitting r of the eempletien et a C.' .44. aed -a Tr' '..." 1 .1 r teed sto,age warehouse at Port Colborne, and of -fifteen addition•I o',vet,r3 in ter V.t.ot, of. I 4!•, n;•••• Company with further working c•pital. Company on tee prelent pe-nt a---ourittd fre-i •el orb, r V.;:.41, to Aogutt 20th, 1909, to .... I218.843.38 .eent th. preferred -steels of th4f; Company. • LOCATI▪ ON 'OF MILLS AND Mr:Healey Shiite sled Mr. lb C. Cam. fen, ander I1,1 LIM the Ppropertles ot the old companies have been 11,:s...inned. cent reteln latg.: latei.sta l'n 'et" te a. Met), Identified with the "new Company, Mr. nediTioSlhoneawtino; 017;71, inn,j;eentl,tritie'lli''br;:rrel mill at Port Colhorne with:ell exception.. the best in Canada. A complete re 3 on..the advantage% of the Vort Colborne alte*. rrepared by Mr: Medley Shaw. will be brarei of tk,e Imperial Bank of Canada or The Royal Sank 0 Clnade fre-n Caerdian Trust rCorn)Sr1,, Lirrni,d,'Tpronto,.and from Cavethea Molock and Company, Tcronto. APPLICATIONS (-De rt,HArtEe ni-intrtn fd-A-ts-G. - UPON. TIIE FORM ACCOMPAN'YING THE PROSPECTUS AND f.140.2:LO LIE SENT TOGETHER WITH THE REMITTANCE DUE ON APPLICA- TION TO: ANY Wei -BCH OF IRE Bin!!! 11, BANK OF CANADA on C.: CANADA An aeronaut's fears; are always GIJARLIANTI1UST.COMPANY.Limill, Tonal* OW 70 fOrmhere Toronto Stock Exchange 170701. DANK BLOO„ TORONTO, ONT. Why Wanted a Minister. "Is ti ere n pre er this train ?" pealed hone one *dee pe o smatter. liesteoleer_Ate,lind loud!) e seated his guy, fOr I he fiftKrinitith- e, grave -looking gentlen-nn laid ma lends, ;Ind vose up from *neat near rsne ebd of the err. -I have the in ivilege• nf being a of the Gimps I, sir," he said. "Can I be of any sett Clew to ger. -A fellow in the dining -ear has bet me five (halms hat it wasn't Lot's wite got Joeeph into atectIcle, and I thought yam might have &Bible with ou, so I could retire he Wee Wirtillg et money." Lot f en nho imagine they the AIM of state Prospe) il.y not. without ninny fears; Mel mistake% ; and miversity ix not wil hunt comforts sod hopes.- Bacot]. BETTER TO—DAY THAN EVER— oasicKs JUST TRY EY QOM SODAS could nosiga You enjoyed a package six montha ago They were thatch:tux Wit much more so to -day. Tmnrovernent In lirneerea end repterfals bee resulted in greater criemeess. finer flavor. a more Make a test. Try them now