The Signal, 1910-5-5, Page 3'1K
ring 1
Most cases of baldness are
due solely to neglect. The hair
often become, dry and dandruff
forms because the hair glands
do not supply enough- nate
t 1.11 oil. Nothing overcomes
this deficiency so effectively as
til•." delicately perfumed, re-
frt'.,hin;. bait' Pomade,Bearine.
tat baldre�l 1; apply liearine
.1,n' hal: o.rslotially . A11
jai, 50 c n jar.
� l t
THF. `1GNAl : 4:0IiERiCII, “N AItIU
ewe of the Sistriet
The '.\iuthrt•p ti esMei y resumed the wedding March. OuI)' the 1wld-
upt1•atiulis fur• 1 Ile Insuuf:tr•t ore Uf tires and intimate Wends w'it'nessed
butter lart \ u ud.v. the ceremony, The oeynluu1t ill
Hem y Install; & tion, of Hills (;repo, lie spent in New Vurk and the South -
have au eIrvru II/1111 t.. utti COIL that 1'1.11 States and on their return the
weighs LOP_puundr. Illt_pp couple will take up their real-
14Gwen �nuilil -.._ -
. Mc(runY', accountant ill !lie Bank 'ic
a,e in a .
of Hamilton at \1'tughaui, lar leen . Disb_asResult•of Injury. .
appointed Manager of the branch -at
Nrustadt. John McClul, of Ibe seventh rune
cessii,n of Tuckerimaith, died suddenly
Miss Mxlrgie 11cDunngh. of Mentos th, 011 Mtindii . April 'Lith, after 44 hi i'r
and John Bouden,of Brantford, were illness- While wen king about his
quietly "'sill" nrthr Inter city um. (arta a few days before his death l .
Saturday, April :re4rd. injured himself so severely that au tip.
Kinein dir,r's population, n rortiiu:, +ration was deemed necessary. "Tiros
to 1ili' ycai'r assessment roll, i, ''.7;'l,was not buccessfttl and he pt +sett away
as itit'rrase of five Over Ism year. The to above stated. Ili•. McCloy Was
(41 .11 assessment, is $1173,5241. sixty-fuur years of age and was 11 na-
'I'h„ 1)ep1.1turn, of I'irhet'ies h;.sJ.•- titsut Irett0l. The..LAtoll y r�uie•to
riled 111 gran the t•rgttrrl of ti,• C1111114111,in 1/41842,1' sett let in'ru1'kty-
or Thank or WInghatin-tlt:tt The -slit", who tt daa•.•u A/1;trill. iii' -n 1-:t1""'
1 Lon-
ilpuur I'4' jl•nt.evtt since. Ilia wife.
yyw0 son and theca thou: Lina survive
' adduction and Presentation. -
liver t,. that town' be stocked a ith
snationt. claw., f
n )
• in '+� 11... 11, I I del � .t/caltitV/ tt• IlitrAt-etm of f.:rti-y.'•it•-e:t1., f/+1.--�Vttlpt6
5alveaandyou N..11a re::-Ic.,. 1, rhe 1't ceit'ed the ti lv stilt of $:Ilk'. i1.
• All jeafc-ra. kis since pnrchtasrd 1i well , matcloaf
p.tvts & Lawn'"., tC .','„ • pair ..1;nt'.-k tot $12:), 1
Mics. Cameron Robertson, . u" 1Iri-
- grave. h id the 1111rtn1 t Intl to break'
MUSIC , needle in her hand Suit it Was' necrs.
.sty t.,.tly,tly tint 1 -rays, Til locate • to it
'f pirkrrer.
tt uhtas N Jul a \\'illeid. t+t ihaaiwota1, sold n
ll. B. KILI'AI'K, A. (1. S.°511.
England,. or1aui.l of Si. titorgt
.•,.���ama'a t prepared
Id)'%weal csive ultst ure
.,ypnun Kea 1.n to t he coffee. •• For
reef near Bautl-t , hunch. Ht udb, a,
,play to 3t.-7ittr4tetrt,.
Ott'-. corner of Bruenand North
` 1 111':1
:+� .10-t.144
`1011, of TO/'0010
I•:. COOK. TEAC11EIt O1•'
Bina. Theup'. Harmony and
'nplln prepared for exalllilla-
'gt.ertatm'y of Music. Apply
at 14''l"a1-?1n' )' :Atom, O'*ttrtcn. Monday.
i,:.u•e1., x! n• -j 1'(4+44 of Mr. Alex., .Marken
tern, .t reel.'•, i.', -.bells et Y. M
, scat •
u u CO .'• 01111:11
Rids 1•:W l'AItK
n'AT in/AUK. Jxwal.Lla 0PTtclp'4.
ltov' h -ids of agvare. lioderleh, Ont'
t.HAN y1. Rui4I•:lf1's. CIVIL
*nd Ilydraulic. Eug•neci. ltdarIo Land
.%tcl.ran Klock. Ondertch, conn'r
Mon' real .trent. Telephoee 17.
DI:. W. F. UALLC;\: M. B.
nlll.•. and t.'.Liet ca, Sort •t reel. Owlet sett.
n••r•h •d 'entity Itrat•try ether. Telephone 11.1
OU/- ' l I:ILLARAN. ItAKR1.,fpR,
t,mcw-Nortlt~t tree'•t0 lerA
floe erieS
.�s. `,.•ual10l,kt•,. lu Serforth uaturdaj'
,rd Nlenday*.
j a:: cAMER11N. K. C.. BARRIS•
11 . 1'EH, soilcitnr:.nor atl.:'talllk'• OIIIoe'--
.a1 Street. t-:.L•rich, third duo' from
Key, • Edgar. 1'roly was f' t•. na11v ul
ttucted I'eeroi• ,,J•Kt. Paul's A.+gliran
church,\Viutthiuu,'on \\'ednrsd,tvo1
List week. The eereul.tuy of indt.t-
tion wait. performed by Ven. Atch-
deacon Ri+l+niMoon, of London. After
ttu the induction ceremonies an aJjhurn-
mrnt - 'f hrA
the chureh, where la social g'tthering
lout place, io the c4nt•.r tit which an
'pled: W. J. Perkins, l'otonou.rini 1 The beneficial effect of iron l,
note', Hay -K. R. Johnston, Dunn -
ion House, Zurich ; J. 1'. Kau, Uuur
mei Mal hotel, Zit! lett : Mrs., William
Nicttulw,n Blake, threat, mouths io
make necessary in+provetnents. $teph-
en--'.Viii. M'otrtit. Dufferiu House,
l:rutrltliarAt4Kt1I'L Hill, Central hWol,
ereilitull : Ezra': Brenner, Brenner
House, Ovoid Whet; .\\'in.
CuuutMarcia' hotel, 1) wood; 14. ( itt-
ninghatt, Khivx hotel. Khivx Ju
Zifei', Ontat to Hoose: ';'tont Vatt•rltel,
three months extension to Stitt if he
will Pond tact. Ins 111441•)' priapetly : H. C.
''lark, U •rciel hotel, Crediton,
threo months to sell '01, his stuck.
Tuckersinittt loses Iwo lier,tlsea un ;n
count of the carrying of the Anes'
option bylaw, while II.vlsall, wbu,h
was on the local option list for it t.') 111,
again gets two licenses,
upon the system weakened
through illness, overwork or 1.
anemia, is well knowu - Fer-
rovim is a preparation which
supplies the valuable element
pp -
in the most efficient way, combining with it the nourishiiig
qualities of beef and the
ly stimulative effect of sherry
wine. Perrovim cobts $1.1)0
:t bottle at druggists.
Huron to the Fore.
Sea1'orLh Expositor : People
us allows ons Om.-h_onorttl Alun-'
••Another Huron L' •y 111 the . Front.'
Grit oaUtl>- t1r Dhr fermi- s 4'---
olten that frequent 'repel it is
necessary. 'Phe latest tit gain distinc-
tion. are two well knownaltle
ileal.(tatrout the old +•aunty. Jlrssl'r,
It. Waiter. sr., of Sir,. Ch. and P..
Lamont, the 'geniatl reeve ut Hay
township. They. w1 re hot h at the
\Vest Toronto rattle 1,au'ae1 recently
with cattle: . \Villi+ they nere there a
house caught fire and was destroyed,
and but foie their efleiVltt work and
yes) noise - • '
have twrished in the nausea, in fret
they eot('11c,1 the I,,st 11111 ,111.1 ju-t le•
rasa and a hand' gold -headed
tore the roof caved in., anti. they re-
ceived apeLialmention in some. of the
1.r, of the Bank of Hamilton. �,n Toronto dailies lot th"ir work at the
eve of his. 'departure to Neustxdt^ fire.
I --r • •h - Art•-
What Had Gone .With It.
Lt•fta•te it.cuuld be exttluited. •
The sunt of *'2.14141 1;01. liven placed in
the Ilanuiniun Government's sapide-
nomitat y rstiutates Jur Lhe �iil►•puse. of
Ion Mg weloek •places ill the tower of
the wend/ice at \Vipgha'n.
to tail- rliatg,• )'lade punt .L
\l1.. 11c(iuite lad, been an active
winker i11 the •110101. .
Following a paralytic stro r•, STs.
Gr'ay'er Collinson diel at the house of
her daughter. Ilia.. 1.-U. Itith.ii'ds, in
141114%d*, 1111 51 wltiay ; Apr+iil 'Lith. .She
War In her seventy-seventh year.
\Vellington Johnston, of Blake. bar
had his leg cut oft' just above the
time ago, which became so nett -
otos that atmputation was found [wres-
tle.] y.
evessa]y. .
William Knox, of /fetlock. has por-
chasa'd.a seventy'"tIVe acre farm on the
13th concession of Hallett. It was the
properly tf Miss Robinson, of Harpur-
hey• and was disposed of by auction at
Myth.. --
After being in failing henith for
about a year, Mrs. F.liaha McVittie, of
the lab conceswtiu of Hullett town-
ship, parsed away to her reward ton
Wednesday. .1m it 21)th. She was
fillv-Ilvt• yenta of age and wawa native
of t'erth county. -
A G. T. R. engineer was in 'Wing -
Ilion the other day investigating as to
the nrel of prop•'- protection over the
c pany'it crowing in thar town. 1
subairoy had herd proposed hut' the
estimated cuss was over $31l,it0,. The
company may instal gates • and the
town tlnl)' 111(4.1• - l.. maintain a Ulan
thrift to attend to then'.
' 1. H. Markham. o►'garlist of Trivitt
\leraiorial church, Exeter, met with
an unfortunate accident the other
day. A colt gut entangled in +i's'le
wits and in attempting to relieve it
the emit k.ekrd hitt on the upper par'.
i.w.rJ:itgF in jut will probably lay- him np fyr
-the Kr eater part of the s
1 \ _: , .. ...t.r.ton_`ttetarlr, logic no,. of
th, Ittf+
tai-1,,1heMari( nor ('ourtetc.11111re e•.. ;le.
:li.ben•. nest daad'. A. el rn'.. Krarty. Pri
e• ':' to lend at keele4 no e• of ,,.tern -t
41 1 I ..t'1)F(110T. K.1.'. IL' '. HAYS. 0. F
il.1I ES6Alt ROM 11. B BAH-
( L IU TAHrn
, atroels, w
t 1.I
a axe
• •. 1. AN, to lend at "owl t r tw-
`�• i).......h•JOH MTI)\ IBAIt\\\KIM11'R
•) •elicitor, romrnwluurr, (otalpurls
orfs- Hamilton street. Uodetleh On
ltir:It,L0P MUTUAL FiRE IN -
I: RA SC F: - C O, -Warm and isolated
\ t0.., „0•taertl insured. * Scala 14th P.V
atfi..1- - I, B. �IcLoon, Pre
• 1 unrolly Viee-Pn•s., Godeeleh P. 01
Th nes,, L .Y Ys,. Sec ;Tre•a. 411 eafon h P. 0.
1) -tor*- m. t('h net'. eafnr'h : John
Ik•er h
.runts •
Tour t lir°
rrocerv. Kin
eve, Winthrop: deorte hale. Sea forlh:
nnewels, Hnxlhraten: Jame* It:vanr,
• John watt, Itarlock : Maicohn
J. W.
. TYeeo. Holme*a•tlle : 1l. Snaith.
Cou+mltars• Kalamai a ills :
forth. Poitcy-holders oar pay
,let their cards receipted wt
It. street Clinton. H. Cott
Into,.. Itarrleter,
ml toustreo (}ode CAM:
Flax Asn LIonrxINo : B LLh. (nuudtan asd
AC'lj,s'T Stens10w AND b PIATLRII' 111011111.
The 'he Iltean Aeclden and Uurtrttotee
.'ornoretlon, Limited, of don. lint.
441 r'i.tre 01SD UTARANTax Bo. ,e : The U.S.
Fidelity and Guarantee Com • n'1•
016re at rtxtidence, northeast Minter of Vic
and 9L David'* streets. \'Phone 1i6
u and accident insurance. Agent fo leulirlf(
mutual and stock oompaniea. In*uramre to all
ties effected on beat plana and at lowest rate*.
Call at oft*, corner Kest Street and Square
or address J. W. CRAIOIK, Ooderleh, Out.
11144 ,hone 44
Thomas L,ckiriy. who pasted away
nt his horde on the 12th concession of
(IrVy township on the Ylst 1111.., wits
in the one hmithetlth year of his age.
He was born at Louth„ Lincolnshire,
England, and came 10 Canada in 1855.
He was Materiel forty-six yeats ego to
Miss Janne Little, who died eight
year► ago. A Gamily of three sone sur-
vive. .
Mrs. \Vii. Sadler died in Wingham
on Sunday. April Yttb. Her maiden
nater was Jane Cornell, and she was
born In Ireland in 1)431. When she
Fan but three "months old her parents
emigrated to Canada, and for a num-
ber of years reside'; in Mornington
township. I'erth county. There the
deceased was married to \\'m. Sadler,
who passed away about twenty-seven
years ago. In 1)i:xi they removed to
\V ingham. A family of one son and
two daughters survive.
Former Resident of Clinton Dead.
• i r 11•'..1 -
sella, f .the last
aloud Cornett, who was a► • resident of
'+tun about thirty 'ears x 0. died
at, letrnit on efnea, ay. pet
Siff -•wear. horn in the village of (`laude,
Peel county. ;dont seventy two' years
ago. She was Tied to Mr. Corlett
forty' -eight years ago told in 1)t)k) they
moved to &Man l and built woollen
wilts sat the site now occupied by the
knitting' factory and•ic light
plant. Atter' the death of her hua-
iranti, Mrs.- Ctrrlwtt rp1101v'.I to lie-
trait, wheir she it•sidt•d until her
death. The remain., were la might to
Clinton for interment. Ono sun and
two daughters survive.
' A Former Alaska Miner.
A promising young 111x11, fotinerly'a
resident of Zurich, in the person 'of
Alfred E. Faust. died at Lewiston.
Idaho, on April '_1st, ss the result of
an operation. llrseased left for the
gold fields at Arlin, Alaska, about.
thirteen years ago. He Mined there
fir live months :and then returned to
the State of Washington, where be
lied for six, yea's. Ill 11811 he re-
. is
at h
rot l'
• and l
Ulrutal to %uria.h
1 for a year. tie 11111in went
West and settled at Lewiston, Idaho.
He wss.uinrried to Miss Minnie Har-
rington, of Lrwistien, ah0111 seven
ntuuthy ago. Bristliest his wife, his
father, a brother and two arrear ate
. AOs flosnaaa. Oodortok.Oat.
Death of Former Exeter Resident.
A pioneer resident of Stephen town-
ship and a long and much '+seeded'
resident of Exeter. in the person et
Mrs. Daniel Eel trick. died at the
home of her niece. Mt.. T. M. Wood,
at (''lint, Mir•h„ ott Weliarsdaty, 201
alt.- Dt,'raset W1114 horn in Cot•nw1111,
England, in the year IS -t, coming to
Canada twenty years later. She way
as resident of Stephen township for
t.hilt y yeara and for over thirty years
she lived in Exeter. She was twice
married, her fi(•tit husband being John
Brewer. who predeceased her about
seventeen yearn. Five years ago she
merited Daniel Kernick,-of Exeter, by
Whom she is survived. She was in
ber eighty-third year. The remains
were brought to Exeter fpr interment.
Each :n air-tlt•h, 1.:i t,*1":
yard soul ; .. . Le' 'r a:
161w. 1•
Bcvt•are of tvor,!.., ...: t ..0 . ,
`\•. • 1.\4'141 .. is
o , t
.r -
High and. low he -s,•au'hcd for the
bitg of confetti he hail in ought home
oft the previous evening for his son
and heir, but. his ,' (oats wets not 're-
warded with suciyrs. Where on
tow tie pot it,: \\•l)at had be-
come of it i' With +vet')' Minute. he
lecalne.mure irate. till finally he rang
for Bridget. •'Bridget,'' be .exclaimed
testily, '•"lid you see that hog of Ain-
fetti 1 brought h e fiar Freddie i'•'
•tour+. an' Oi did. sort- !" bro,tuetl out
Bridget. "But Oi di,ln't know it was
only for Mastber Fred. There's but
half av it left noali" •'There'* but half
._left r he. cried:- -•.What '101
earth have you dine '. with the
rest ?""Cooked it, av course," re-
torted Bridget ; "an' it's for seer Own
breakfast, with create. ye had it this
Morni0 !"-Utica Globe.
Important to Ladies.'
Stanley's Assessment.
Wm. H. Stogdill, township assessor
for Stanley. bas,handetl in his roll for
this year and reports the total assess-
ment to be $1,955,710. and the popula-
tion 1,71ti. •
Wingham s Assessment.
The total assessrnr'nt for Wingham
this year is $71114,477.: This shows an
increase of $21.8251. 'libe population is
now 2.373 -an increase of twenty-two
over last year's figures.
Had Collar -bone Broken.
While Jos. Committee. of Myth, was
being driven from Ethel G. T. R.
815400 to Cranhrook,M�his son-in-
o n -
law, A. McDonald, the buggy was up -
let by a too short turn and Mr.
Cootnlwe bad his collarbone broken.
The fracture was prompt! at• fix'
to. The old gentleman is nine
years of age. but is actio and hearty.
Mrs. McDonald also was in the buggy
at the time, but neither she nor her
husband was hut -t.
Typhoid Influenza in Horses.
- The' well-known and ',tinnier *land
Offentpatrons the best service In *ha.'Ina
lair-c,il1yng. etc.. etc. 14diee' shampooing a
yeelaltl• ., Only *killed hands employed.
YYourpnttdpa•e well be appreciated. H. R.
14°K M til ifroprletor.
I.IST Royal institute British Architects
ke, Home. Sault& Hoe. (ioderich. flans, de-
tail-. and of reifications prepared for residences
acid public buildings. Correspondence ln-
IL ie .not often an ,o1portunit y or -
curs at your door to ser the' latest
Parisian and New York styles in hair
goods. yet such is the alar. x, Prof,
Dorenwend, of Toronto, is visiting
this, town, and invites y.ulh inspec-
tion of these goods at his private
apartments reserved at the hotel.
These hair goods style-.
erly adjusted. protect and ornament
the head. soften and beaut'fy the ex-
pression of the face,. and cn►irequently
tone up an aged appeal -ane'.' Pe edt•e
sand ser then) at Hotel Bedford, Gode-
rich, on Tuesday, May 17th:
and general auctioneer. Offices oh South
three where he will be found et all times
when notrryina a,1ea . Terms reasonable and
!terry effort, u 10 miss you wild action
Phone MI
North Huron Licenses.
The license commissioners of North
Huron niet'in \Vingbatu at. the Hotel
Brunswick on Friday. April'L:'nd. and
dealt with the applications for liquor
licenses. All the hotels io Wingham
were granted licenses ,for another
year. The application for license of
Mr. McCaughey,. of Blyth, was
granted and Mrs. Mason's ,application
Irotu the same village was held over.
Waltou and Bluevale licenses were
granted. There were two applica-
t.ions from Wroxeter but only one
license will be granted. The commis-
sioners will decide at their next meet-
ing which of the two will get the
license. Belgrave license also was
held over till the next session of the
license board. Altogether. there will
be eleven licensee in the riding.
The Trouble at Whitechurch.
No ubo 1 With Sunlight Soap.'
Just f Ilow the directions on the
wrap and Sunlight does the
rest. C sts III t Is- does much
never Irj res i:ands or clothes.
i 1.t
Even the ntnvt learned or us never
1'extlre how little we know till a small
boy begins to ask q est 01ls.
The disease which killed no niftily
horns at Seaforth recently has been
defined by 11r. J. O. Rutherford, Vet-
erinary rector -General of Canada,
an typhoid influenza. The worst fotm
of this disease prevails in the large
st-ack yards, especially in Chicago and
St. Paul. where it is known as the
stockyard fever. It is highly cortft-
gious, especially amongltninlaln stabled
together or in close proximity to one
A Double Celebration.
The home of Mr. and Mrs. Albert
Paulin, Wroxeter, was the scene of n
very interesting event on Monday.
April •Lith, when their second daugh-
ter, Ditss Lottie Alberta, was united
in marriage to William L. Downs. of
Ht. Marys. Rev. C. W. McKenzie
perforated the ceremony, The happy
couple will snake their house at St.
Marys. The host and hostess cele-
their wedding by giving is, dinner to
their friend, the name evening.
A Clinton Wedding.
A quiet. weddinrr was sole)28th'at
; at.
Clinton on Tneaday.April
the home of Mr. and Mrs. i). A. Mire
Annie Agnes, was ani Sound.
(` i e n
rester, when their daughter,
There is no prob-
lem of increased cost
of food if you eat
more .
Prom nent citizens of Whits -church,
some av,th loaded shotguns, a few
nights ago used Mrs. Moore's resi-
dence an at target, and now several of
them are in trouble. The cause of
the trouble appears to be that some-
one circulated a report that Mrs.
Moore and her boarder had driven to
Lucknow the day before the shooting
and were united in maeriage. but
Mrs. Moore claimed she was not mar-
ried, because it is said she has a hus-
band somewhere. The father of Mrs.
Moore is a hard-working man. and he
was very much alarmed at the action
taken against one of the tnen who
gave him employment. Some of the
neighbors have not a very high opin-
ion of Mrs. Moore, who supports her
little family by running a boarding
house. Her home wse badly demol-
ished, windows • hroken, and large
stones thrown at the doors. Her son
narrowly escaped being shot. Almost
every person in the neighborhood re-
ceived at document to be present at
the trial, which took place before the
police magistrate at Wingham. The
Crown attorney frotn Underich prose -
totted, assisted by Constable Phiplen.
Five of the defendants were com-
mitted for trial at Go derich. There is
great excitement in the village over
the event,
South Huron Licenses.
Quaker Oats
An ideal food; delicious;
appetizing; strengthening.
Compared with other
foods Quaker Oats costs
almost nothing and yet it
builds the best.
Let tis have your order
New Spring Suit
FINE TAILt1111\1•
Tei- t anon -W."! s
. .lwslvw��►
'111 ust1;at', M s11.5. 11111) 3
'Phone 56 D. NIIL1R CO
'Phone 56
Children's Wear
(1f special interest to molheri+1,will he our stock of smart
• Garments lot ehtldrcn'a wear.
Childress Lawn Dresses, hoc to $3.75 each. .
Children's Chambray blesses. from doe each.
Children's White Wash Coats, froom $l.00.
Children's Embroidered Cashmere and Bedford, Cord
(;oats, from $2 00 each.
Infanta' Embroidered Cashmere Robes, from $3.95 each.
Children's Headwear
.\\'e show ail the '+.lest novelties in infant: and children's
I1t',idn eflr 1. )'•The c initng spawner
Children's Tams and Hats, from 35c each.
Infants' Lawn bonnets, from 25c each.
Chudrcn Sttaw Bonnets are the season's novelties. ,n
th- latest American styles, at floc to $1.95 each.
Childrt-n's Underwear
\\'e cart) the most complete stock in (iodcthit 'if children -
Cn.ltrgitrtuent-. Alt 11)4' heal urtkesare-.kept in stock, ita11•tvo
cent311 and wlt11, 1141 sill rot ton, in -Seery size. at sea 11 (1)1te' pair. -•.
Shepherd Checks`for--Ctrttdren'a-mise-
Ther"' i; at greet demand fol Shepherd Checks this season.
have x full Baso+ trlu•tit, of the differ pert -size' Checks. ayt -•,i,
and $I.(ral per y,.fd:_ a loves •
Childreo s• Kid O
Two-i'lasp filie- • i e1retrif itt4Rer ,--Poeri(k in Brown snit
tan, 75c per pair.
Otip-clasp Calf (11 item for boys, F'ast's and children, Dent's
make, 7:s' )WI' pair.
('nmplrte stoek of children's Stockings. in all desirable makes.
int Pln..„Atom I lbisti;ofind lisle ill plain and fancy pattern
in black. white, tan, etc., etc.
McCall's patterns and Publications
for June now in stock.
Millar's Scotch Store
tta ass
ras: i
l nrnitnre and Unde,takint( warerooms
w'e.t side 1-401111.e.
'PHONE.: Store at • 'under:.h
Iteeidence 178
Night calls: At re.idence, 1.' 4't;'Ilam
It's Ec sy to
- heated the tel my
fth anniver+tary I
The license rommiasioners of South
Huron have granted licenses as follows 1
for the new license year : 13ayfieeld---
Mrs. M. Elliott. Albion hotel :
Hanlon, Commercial hotel. one month
nn,.erca ory liner,
Knnv rhumh. (lod•r1ch:
2.t sell out. Exeter -I. W. Pp
Conservatory of Monte. ea0cessfnl „repwmth•n ted in marriage Cnm►llerhot hotel ; W. T. Acheson,
to Fnhrnary last. Spaniel coax Ing tar **Ai1' t(1 (,}. D. h'dl y t (tarn inn . I ('purrs' hotel; .1. Morley, Metropolitan
Hiller elle call at ant padal'e+.te* tett amt Tho r: 1 Rev. Dr, Stewart tied the nuptial Queen" hotel,alwhen bieehot.el lits r m-
ro„smtulot14411 knot, and Mins Helen Doherty played
examiner London
IohnR. Hooter. F. T. t'. M. (Vert priories'
H'nod.tnck ' t of Muetc ' 0rgani't
for :all examinations. Twent. -four sneers*')
"Fuse Dr. Miles' Anti -Pain
Pills for Neuralgia, LaGrippc
and all pins. t I don't intend
to be without them, for I find
ready relief in them for ever)-
ver}-thing i use thein for."
M.RS. L. I'. \IIi-T.ER,
120 W. 6th St.. 1)'lvcnport, Ia.
All Pain
"In my family Dr. Miles'
Anti -Pain Pills are used for
headache, colic and other
pains, and always give relief'
at once."
R. D. No. z. Dunn. N. C.
Price Mc, at your druggist. He
should supply you. If he 400* not.
send price to us. see forward prepaid.
1111111011111111111 J_
_ -1 rim I.HAnINO-
Funeral Directors
and Embalmers
Orders cerr1,114 *Honed to et •11
hoiln,alaat e, My,
Woodyalt and Maxwell La Mowers are.the strongest, ,
most easy -running, and most . proved Mowers' Every
one guaranteed. Specially priced t $.1.511 up. We are. sole
agents for these Mowers.
Every style and size of akes,\
Spades, Shovels, Pruners.
Martin-Senour loo per cent. pure Paint and Varnish -the
only Paint guaranteed absolutely pure, not made by'.any secret
process -just pure linseed oil, whitelead, zinc, turpentine and
coloring ; absolutely guaranteed to give satisfaction or your
money back. One gallon of Martin-Senour 100 per cent. Paint
covers 45o square feet, 2 'ooats. Come in and get a color card.
Senour's Floor Paint dries hard over night, and wears like
iron. Every color, in cans from one pint to gallons. -.
Paint your buggies With- Martin-Senour Carriage Paint and Varnish.
Elephant Whitelead, Zinc, Oils, Turpentine• and Colors, Alabastine and
Mureco, Enamels and Varnish Stains. Every style-nd size of'PairAand Varnish
Brushes and Tools.
See our new sock of Refrigerators, Screen • Doors and Window ,hammocks,
Oii and Gasoline Stoves, Charcoal Irons, Lawn: Hose, Sprinklers, 'lose Reels,
Re leer Skates and Fishing Tackle. Poultry Netting and Screen Wire, in 'all
widths, at lowest prices.
We are experts in Plumbing, i leafing, Roofing, Eacestfoughin-_Tinstmthing
and Repairing. ; Goole work at lowest prices. Give us your order now.
Hunt's Hardware and Stove Store
Hamilton St. 'Phone 135. Goderich.
- O _ 11111111111011M 11111111