The Signal, 1910-4-28, Page 9ers
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The News of the District.
+1'+`#44dk4444444646464 4*444444*ld+44644444N
MONDAY, April lith.
leek Kuntz Ir spending a few dove
by the seaside.
Mrs. A. McDonald is. we are glad tt')
report, recovering from her recent
A treat number of the young folk
ettepAtri to bear the farewell sermon
preeehed in fine River Preshytesjee
:hunch un Suuday evening by Me,
14aiosley, who has 'Seen lalot•ing
with great success in that congregation
since last fall.
Ailxin Ruttte, our local milker. hu aloxuAY, April 15th.
sal hie chopping twill to Wm. Huck- NEWS tW THU WggK.—Mr, Ackert
juicier'''. of t.ucknow. We understand took in'it number of cattle last NOD..
Mr. Rattle intends moving to Ripleyley \ars. Shelton and daughter,
in th.• fall, at which tiue his sucteeast►r of Beryl-, spent Monday with the for -
will,. tike posseseion. We wish Mr. leer's daughter, Mrs. T. Cetson of
ltuc1.ingharn every aucc Cas.
health for come tine, but. his death
we unexpected. The dreea.ed woe
torn in the township of Hullett forty-
three years ego. He was mar•tied In
NISI to Miugeret Helron, Of 131 y•th,
end einee that time had lived at Black
Henle, 't'eeswater and Meatorth before
moving to Lucknow, being engageed
most of the tiro•• in Lbe hotel buri-
oees. He Ie survived by hit wife and
three children and by several broth-
ers and sister& The rernoine were
taken to Neatorth for burial.
this place 'tits. Itobert Elliott is
41ONl)AY. April lith.
IUi l}lerbsll
boys have ork•)nized
an+T-mrd tanking fp' ward to jis� ghat
w„son',i sport.
(i, ,Locke, barrister. of this
ker. has been appointed solicitor fur
U t.LN'ti8blp.
' )Ir.,. Ito heet Mullin haa.receivedttte
sad. -intelligence of the death of her
.1, 4,•4, Mrs. John Ewan. of 'rhesealon,
'un the (Joh inst. ,
A lodge of the Order of Canadian
Nome !'tiles has been orgaoiztrd
here by L'. F. George, district orgato
liar. `t)tti.v IS have teen rlreLeti .111.1
,11•,d. 1
T. I..Y'1•E 1111. `t'•.
d• ath oeeur•ret) on $unday. April loth,
i ., , h .Stellee, Y,mo of 15a�Y ui
%%ret- We ». eh. III 1lie
h 1• 11 til her i...•. oft, lf.'
.. is Intal t►e 1•:ngl:in11 mid
ii., c,.tnitry at an .tltl
t Y iced icy her bu,b,tu,4 and
11• F) _1.. YY. -3... , i •
1 .piao1* it, ., 'It 1.\ l
Lie ih.ute col all '1. •t
tfe,:1• (41411; . t.I
MONID.IY. April 35th.
Mies Irene Maize is spending a few
days at the home of Mrs. Johnstone at
Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Pierce have
arrived borne here after spending the
winter in New Ontario,
Mrs. J. H. MacKay And daughter
Vary, ot (iodericb, are visiting at the
homy of Mrs. Wm. Pieuee.
Mr. and Mrs. 'Phos. Congearz are
home again tt•otn Wingbum. Thomas
is laid up with a severe cold. We hope
to hear of his retwvery 5000.
No cu ute for "The D. & 1.."
Menthol PI Nu:, recommended by
everybody, for ad pleurisy, etc.
Made by Davis & Lawre Co.
"Did you ever hear (iadbv sa
thing particular about me P" "
never was very particular wbat be
said about you."
Tonic or Stimulant?
There is' an immense difference between a tonic and a
stimulant. Up one day, way back the next; that's a
stimulant. Steady progress day by day toward perfect
health; that's a tonic. Ayer's Sarsaparilla is a tonic,
a strong tonic. The only Sarsaparilla entirely free from
alcohol. Do not stimulate unless your doctor says so.
He knows. Ask him. Do as he says. J. c. Ayer Co.. LewrJ,Ma
Are You Ready for Spring? 11
Menlo not like to be'botherred overmuch
with the per•cltasee of .heir clothes. When a
.change of season brings need fora change
of apparel, they want to be tilted out —in the
best of le, o surra -- but quickly and
without too ueh' "shopping." This is .1ne
reason why this store is so popular—you can
get everything in men's wear (except the
boots) right here, and our special facilities
in outfitting guarantee prompt and).horou�tt
Constipation Is the one great cause of sick headache biliousness.indl�st{tM pad
breath, debility, nervousness. Has your doctor ever recommended Ayer's to' you?
(James River, N.s., April 23th—Hpec-
ial—That kidney disease can be cured
on the sick list, but we hope to bear of sorely, simply and permanently by.
odd's Kidney Pills Is the good news
that Mr. Dan McGee, of lames River, .
Antigonish Co.. N. 8. is, .pr•eadigg
among his friends.
"I suffered from backache for, two
month.. It started from to a strain and
great steadily worse. I also hod oc=-f
cesional attacks ot lumbago. I was
alwayti tired and et times niv eyes'
were puffed and ,Jewollen. In thea
sem/singe 1 hada . bitter tete in my
—i "Then Idecided to try Dodd's Kid- 1
'ley Pills and the reknit is' that today -
I amt a well pian. 1 advise all Perseus,
etitfering front harkarhe or Iuiniluga�_.
to use Dodd's Kidney !'ills."
)er speedy recovery... ... Min. - 31c -
Donald. of Ethel, spent a tew days
tact week with Mrs. 1.rneet Ackert', of
thii piece ...... Wui. HAI war kicked
try N hosYe last week and had his 'hand
badly hurl 1h. god-$ti.B. Tan -
dei berg spent Sunday with friends at.
Kinbsugh 011lir Haines and his
sister, Miss Nellie, sp)lent Sunday .with
friend. i t`nhove , 41r and Mrs.
Hughes, of 't'tteswater, spent un ay
at. The•s, Henr}•'a.
\L(OM;.\y, Apilfl►.
Tu I. SI. 1. I.I:i'._. Mrs. Joseph ChN+�y,1u-
IteV is at pi esellt tattler- the tloltt„1''e.
Cale. ,.at we hope to beer coon of h••r - Ml in a Flutter.
11'111. 11.,hluson
ha •t 4v1 ill 103 t t •• lM t 1.•w ' ,ten put •
es i. a very
1 .. It • heart ;,
I>. . ui 't 1 in .. \I e y laugher if ung U1ing t c e» 114
Jx1.1 1),. , • n b,. oa. 1,,. . i , ' t'Inlf Oe one ucc+i, hie 1{tlyttl '
1,. r • i 1 Iiighnv:. I: klghed vela• hettrttily et a
' I lino, o srhr/olte)y 111 , ttladi ae. The
ttt� by lt'
had been drilled into .the
v .1 in ' ••Y ,. )loyal
} l ti, I'lir,.•ept•akto
„ n t .• heir -up.
-. ed trod,
I , . , tttep,e;�
., 1r,;:nv
C,1NU!:AN ,NORTli:li.`. i:lall�l"i�:'ti
r. -
841' . Ali I:
tflC@sets. t, .1liltlli. 01'j
:RqOM1c Nr7t[14eD:0fN::'T, n•ti111\ Runt'
YARMJUiH l•F `\ 1 1 CNT
PAci r'sc
in every department.
will commence with sailing of S. S.
— ' Assrnri ts:a from Owen Sound
Saturday, April IBth
and regular saltines thereafter
as follows :
Monday 8 5 "Athabasca"
Tuesday..... ,, . •... S,S. "Keewatin"
Wednesday , • ....... S.S, "Alberta'
Thursday:-.. .....,S.S. "Manitoba"
'Ass: iboia''
see ne;ue.t ('. IS U, Agent.
le: p:n,ieulnre:
JOS. K101), Ag,•111, (i,slericit• 1)111.
IOU, .• hours t1.34r a. to. NO M.:pl i,. Ill.
McLean Bros.
Tailors and Clothiers.
1 lilt he "'ill say reothille
against them. liat oboe' lo,.
„,819 E
s •S•lifi
New Sh es Made out o
old es at Our
repa shop'
VI • 1111 Winntpeg and return $32.
Edmonton and return $42..3.0
he inspection
thinking ot
ne or settee or
feared. Our
aste that
e home. We
how them te
The Square
-not -they are simply imi-
tations wnicn are never
as good as the original.
They are like'thin milk—
SIOTT'S is thick like a
I f you want it thin, do
: it )ourself—with water—
but dont buy it thin.
1,01 NAL' sr Atilt. Latt:filillfTIS
AAA b•lik AtallAlia• • 'feud Lack P4•100
(14.11,11 the le.'41f•fAil.e I1 4411;444 e
years 1401, when they 'noised to (lin-
I on, leaving their fa: trt l'harge
:AM. Tilton. H. !body. They vele-
bested theltirtieth annlversery of their
A four yearn ego and just two
years hoer 'Mr VV•141 railed
ever". Mrs. thocily ironed to oe-
cupy her awn home until last Christ. -
rims, when •1101144 to tailing health she
went to reside with her, daughter on
the glee liroe, where oohs. missed ARIA)
after a few months' illness. A family
of tworsons and one daughter. survive :
'William, on the Lender' road, l'husairis
II. end Art ro:-Neil. otf-tfre -those lbw. -
Mrs. A. Huller, mo the Huron road, is
very friendly disposition, w o as
Sbe wee a lifelong member
ot the Methodist churl:h. The funeral
took place from her late hoinein Clin-
ton on NVednesday haat, Rev. T. W.
Clowns, of Ontario street Methodist
priate sort.vice. The pallbearers Were :
IL Tinted y, Jamem Stevens, John
Oovett, Wm. Robb, Henry Raker and
James Cornish.
being :appointed : • PI ts" r ileA of...4 I o 11.1 j111114 a,pply to
manireee, t. groom,' conmo 1(a.) el' er's. mg and Toronto
whether to Into tire League or MO.
ete Noma out bat his WIA'tlille
f' Wei not et ong emough toirrout
his dough -mixer. o be has exchanged
it for a larger one. .. Sourrft Wad
Totrolttlo last Wee expeeting to be
tweeti 1Vade and the ell Engine Co.,
but the case was poet ioned, so after
otAying A couple of dayet he 'returned.
The Epworth Lea ore or the
Methoxlist o•hurch enters Med their
hien& of the Westfield Epworth
Lenellt• in the basement of t e Morrell
the visitors suseiroun after w kit a
nice lunch was served.... .Ther was
ra-very good turnout ot. fe
Sunday evening to hear the
'reached by Rev. W. II. Cooper,
ing there would have been more
There SEPIAS to be very little prompect
of John O'Connor's recovery from hie
sickness, as it seems it has deVeloped
into tuberculesis W. Carr, who
has beep looking after a veterinerY
praetice in Clinton. has derided LO
it and ie having a sale of hie
hnumehold effects here next Sietiorolay.
atter whieli he intends moving with
his family to llodifornia, where he put,'"
Meal merehants of the town are. titgy.
delivering coal for next winter. It
seem% as though it were pretty early
to be putting in neat winter's mock,
hut the price being low makea it an
indre•ernento. ...E., Livingstone has
bfltIght A number of thoueands of feet
of logs from' the Anhorn anol
hiul thetn brought here by C. P. R.
and intends cutting them at his mill
of Dashweod,
morality Scott. Seaforth,
mimeo Sunday visiting his parents
here ...There ls SOIDe talk of an.
(other baker coming to town and start-
ing up in 'the vacant stand. There
roug,ht.__to_be_ranod business' for a
eently sold his dental practice, hex
been 'succeed's& in -dispoalng of his
ing purehalled. it last week The
room. in Milne's hall for the past
three years, have derided to get ot
larger hall and have rented the
hall over. Mr. Stothers' reagent -
ant and will Move in the beginning of
the month ... Mies Ritchie, of Ter -
onto. ie the guest of her hunt, Mrs.
W. Scott Mite( Sadie Somers left
lest Wedneedey for Englehart. where
she was inat•ried to A. Ewing,
farmer of thet place. The best wishes
of her many friendc*ent with her.
Star -
ops" Depart-
s offerings seen
h the Toronto
any of these
Tr' who seed
l'oronto Daily
particularly to
'eraonal" and
he Star,
ints on health
ings; talks on
of- etiquette;
o; advice and
tart. They
rimulate and
'torero topics -
wide awake
rimier* pere•.
Sirtking Spells
Every Few Days
'At the time I began taking
Dr. Miles' Heart Remedy 1 wag
having sinking spells every few
My hands and feet would
get cold; I could scarcely
breathe, and could f&1 myself
gradually 'sinking away until 1
would , be unconscious. Those
about me could not tell there
was life in me. Aftcr these
spell's I would be very weak and
appetite; 112(1 neuralgia in my
head and heart. After' taking/
the remedy a short time all title
all the heart trouble was gone.'
R0,3'/I 3d Ave. Evansville, Intl.
For twenty years we have
been constantly receiving just
such letters as these. There
scarcely a locality in the United
States where there is not some
one who can testify to the
merits of this remarIcably suc-
cessful 'Heart Remedy.
Pricv stoo at your druggist. Ns shouts,
Inooply you If he does not, send prior
to us, we forward prepaid.
fate miLas MEDICAL. GO. Terenme
, MONDAY. April 2-Mh.
Mt a. Lorne Scrimgeour is ill at
Fred Plaetzer has 'recovered to om
an attack of jartnolice.
Mt-. .1 lunte.r, of Drussele, was the
guest of O. Erratt last Thursday.
Mr: McPherson, of Winghem,
on his drinaler, MAIO Pawn McPhee -
ROM week.
Slime Maggie Y1;11041:1 has; gone to
Tavistocit, where • she will visit, her
"deter for a eon* of monthe.
John Ff. Jackson and John E., Jack -
eon, troth of Godeeich, spent Sunday
at elleir respective homes here.
Hervey McGee twirl his parenta a
flying visit hurt week. He is visiting
the towns end villages id thole neielt.•
prominent newapapers. We regret
that he had to give sip hie work. on the
rsilway because of defective hearing.
The Golf Elbow.
MistAh Ebony—How in ',moth odd
health die mo'nin' MI/gab Black
'cent my right ern, Misteh Ebony.
Pee atifferin' frOm de golf elbow.
:rown Agent. oni, hour,. 14.11O n. pia.
rio'l is the most
°‘4441 44
Spr4ig and
SummO Goods
i will make a cup
e i:Onomical that
Haifa teaspoonful
of cocoa — rich,
flavor Liat, is characteriLtic of Cowan's.
HflId 11•1111..11. ItI•lit ti
anfretitsg them. CALI. AND
.11`. fi Refrigerator you ran
1.4, eh, IPA/ t tlf; milk ; and Nettles.,
oo. eae ie.', ittebes in it without
ore liiad andletter bread
And the Reon for it
RONO FLOUR can only
made from strong wheaL
ManitoSa ard wheat is acknow-
ledged the s tonged in the world --
and that is \the kind used for
Purity Flour. \
But that's not all. Every grain
of this vsheat contains both high-
grade and low-grade properties.
In separating the high-grade parts
from the low-grade the Western
Canada Flour Mills put the hard
wheat through a process so exact tug
that not ot single low-grade part
bee the remotest chance of getttng
in with the high-grade.
- ----. \--,---
4,10 ,e• sh;pmen. glf Lawn lt,itvers 11,ss Just rived. t\ieel
frogs $1.25 t o 912.5.0. Every Monier irony guaran \
,. I oy row ell Moover is mot of revisit', let us knew, Ind' we vitii
Of cohnle.this *pedal process 10
more expensietesto operate bet It
means a lot to Purity emir niers—
that's why we use it..
It means that Purity Mout ha
made entirely of the highest -grade
flour parts of the strongest wheat
in the world.
It means& high-class, strong flene
and therefore yields "more bread
and better bread."
Purity may east a little more
than seine flours, but resuna prove
it the cheapest and most eCOD0111-
lad after all.
Worm from 0 feet 0 inches to 7 feet in height mei
ri.vonnd Coilkii Spring steel Wire at $2.4,1. Barbed Wire
lato. Woven Fence, from' Vic to Lid per roil.
of Shot win - Paints was never more
lenient Pest irt.
Let us figure on your Plumbing. Neatingt _
Eavestromthing and Electric W;ring. 'All
work promptly attended to and fully
Store Phone 27