The Signal, 1910-4-28, Page 8• FHUR$DAY, APRIL '•l, 1910 WAEIP Tit1; SF -NAL CUUERtC'R ONTAIUO VALUE OF ENSILAGE. FEEDING THE CALF. Care Should Be Taken When Giving It Whin Compared With Other Roughage; Sklmmilk and Milk. • ft Is Far Superior,. It Is %Yell In kers the calf by Itself • WELL AND STRONG By Lydia E. Pinkhant's Vegetable Compound 1lovedale, Sask.—" 1 ear a sufferer f rola le m a le weakness — monthly periods Irregular and painful and a bad ,diaskaM backache anti wretched head- ache, and had felt weak ever since the birth of my twins, 1 tried'doctors but got no relief. I be- gan to take Lydia E. Ytnkham'st`'eg- etable Compound, and after three weeks 1 was feeling now 11 better, and now I am well again. Mrs. Bessie Bat', Dowedale, Sask.; ('.111ada. Another Woman Cured. l tnystiat4a..'hy.— '1 --'sutured from l of female trouble !fuer a number of cglerlulculs at for a1 least twelve hours and, to ens,' the Nebraska. Agricultural calk•kew totcult' huNrunYIt h fie to e'Il for feeding 'aloe of corn eustluCe was 'wererol days. possibly 1We111)-four found to be fur superior to any other bourn. Attempts to feed • the cult ts:r roughuge. This should ciliflnetr-'tile-r Iler than this usn3nt$ren--ttlrr•rrrtf-tn, hlrsuer that a silo on the farm will geed and linty Injure the feeder's tem tend to lulprure it wonderfully. The per. If the calf's wuxxle ,1s held 111 zal'eriment shows that- tit.: milk' nod Um mouth •pried ep' :' One ton ut 'ensilage equals one ton one; So that it tastes the tullk it w'irt. sugar beets. drlug without the feeder being uWi;;tal. Three tons of ensilage equal 000 too I,l place his baud in the milk and ill• clover: bay. low the calf lu Sark his linger. Three 'turd nue-half trims of ensilage I 'rhe calf la uuable to bundle hay or squill one too alfalfa hay. ' 1 ,;rain mall It is aweek or ten days Two nod our fourth toils of enaliage old Inm'lu;; this penial It is not wise equal oue ton marsh bay. to try to feed-skltnutllk. At tlrst the 'three arid one -haft loris of ensilage whole milk should be fed three thiw, .so the worst fora that at Iaes 1 thought I eohld not live, :old my nerves were in a dreadful. 'condition. Lydia E. Itimkham's Vege- table Compound cured me and made ole feel like a different woman. Lydia E. 'Inkhorn's Vegetable Compound is worth its weight in gold to suffering women." -Mrs. MAxY \YooD, I1.F.1)a. senate Y•' a day—four pounds iu the morning tine boli fou of ensilage equals one two prelude 111 noon and fuer pouuT inn pumpkins. :It alight --at blood temperature. in lleluw• he glees his estimate of the :thorn a week or ten day's the calf can post of putting up ensilage and hay -ire• ted twice dolly. During. rials time: and the number of cubic feet occupied the allowance of whole milk can tie by each: gradually increased to about twelve One„fou of eusilage cost to put tip e.1 cents. One ton of hay cost' 10 put nl, $1.511. One ton of ensilage occupMs 'sl cubic feet.. Oue fou; of hay oceill0cs foe eattle-feet . 414-..:-_--.4 To this statement he adds the fol- lowing: It will be seen that teu times more spnrc be required for hay than NISI - loge. and It la hardly possible to eon- • struet even a cheap hay shed.. to say nothing of u barn, for the price re quire”, 10, store for same quantity of ensilage. With the ordinary hn)aoft fin n good dairy barn the cost of Sher age space, would be three times !hut of the the silo: 'rhe table also gives a of bar• f the_ c of w•nillen who suffer from some forms vi4s11ng corn 'ensilage ns cotupared of female ills,: don't hesitate to try %%Ith hay. It will fse seen that aura Lydia E. Ptukham's Vegetable Com- ensilage can be put up for almost owe- psuthirty from rootsisamidherbs. third the cost of hay. These figures For thirty years this famous remedy has been the standard. for all forms of du not allow for interest on money in• female ills, and has cured thousands of vested In machinery or storage. While w•oniell who have been troubled with such ailments as displacements, fibroid tnrrlors, ulceration, ifregtttariti ff. backache, and nervous prostration. CURED OF CONSTIPATON Mr. Andrews praises Dr. Morse's Indian Root Pills. hay' is about three times richer 1n f elements, it, 1s still an expensive r..hgbage as compared with enstt i . - Untll the feeder can find a food equal to corn ensilage for even twice FATHER 80- MOTHER 76 The aged father and mother of a prominent Boston lawyer safely carried through the last two winters by not The son says: "My father and mother owe their present _ -z \ strength and good to Vinol. During the last two trying winters neither of them had a cold, and were able to wlk farther and do more than for years. I think Vinol is perfectly wonderful. It certainly is .,tile greatest blood -making, strengthening tonic for old people I ever heard of We want every feeble old verses 1a this town to try Vivol. We will return their money without question *1t It deep sat seeoutpfSb all we dales for it. n N. C. pi' f41i..' <' �D1Cti+I f f, - Goderich, Ont. , �'. os., 12 Tumors Dear Mrs. Curr.% and 1 Il;nk I ace e1 rateful fur my ma— Removed Without An Operation' 4.4 lake, Ont„ Sept. 20, 1'011. 1 --1 ant Lidoying hear; he.tilh than I have for eighty years, lr,•h .0(0.1. 1. iaiv.• none of the old symp Jve y I,• •1,. :Ind thing en,lng0 Lfly le the grenteet treat ' t far l(.1(11111 the world knows. 1b 11110 in m7 tease caused 12 tumors or growths ofsomesort to he ex - some were us large as a hen's --:anot--others _srna41er, down to the size of a w.tinut. You may W1411 - my «use In your advertisement. foe it Is tee solid truth,. andpan an .0:tnnot describe all the rood has done for me. Mrs. Louise 10. Bobs- follow better rives' nn Indication of rl ,. It 1ta positive l l-neflte that always ' follow the use of OrangenLUy , nes tvet,.,..n to ;Street contact with the eu er ng .seam. It pnxlurell results front t w start In all r.r... , [ w,nu, u'N ' of • . m.luding 1 Mr. George Andrews of I i.Ilifax, N. S , writes: For many years I have been troubled with chronic Constipation. This ail- ment never conies single-handed, and 1 have been a victim to the many illnesses that constipatiery brings in its train. Medicine after medicine 1 have taken in: order to find relief, but one and all left the in the same hopeless condition. It seemed that`notlting would expel ftum me the ohe ailment that caused so much trouble, yet at last 1 read about these lndlan ,tmt-r**h That was indeed a lucky day for me, for 1 was so impressed with the state- ments made that I determined to give them a fair trial. They have regulated my stomach end bowels. I am cured of constipation, and I claim they have no equal as s medi- cine." For over half a century Dr. Morse's Indian Root pills have been curing 1on- stipation•and clogged, inactive kidneys, with .ill the ailments which] result from; them. They cleanse the whole system and purify the blood. Sold -everywhere atMe. abox. The Source of Healtk and Strewth is Blood Purity ifitt UuLfSTKIN TOCfteiaret4R, ponuds The anlouut deptwdy 1.01110-, ((hat on Rs ability to handle Increased qu:lnt'ties% The eloma(:11 of the young calf i•: tery delicate, and all changes should,, -T�-nmfir:grartaatty:-Wltettlt ttt"-tay.:-- weeks old the. cal(, If a -strong.. vigor- ous one, eau be gradually changed t" 1 t da epi• r 10in:t ilk. During e cease the.nmuunt of the wl►oli• it „,0 primal mud add one ieuud of r'• :silk, and so on each day with 1'. 4 hawse "Is complete. Previous to tnt�t the 01111 should'have a Little grain worn or Kaffir cornmeal or a lulstttre .'1 bout) placeel, In its Mouth intureiII- . ,, I ttely sifter drinking its milk. - 111 this way It Leets a taste of the gr:tlu and 4,.. 11 •I1I ream go to the Secd boxes a •i'� • `/ anti n relish.s i,'w t` .%fret. the change to sklmmilk Iq 1. ' ;; , lilpdeteel the amount irony be, gratin.- ::::y rati i ::::y increeased as feat as the Calf i :Ado to consume it without swot:: ' care Must be taken not to fa' 1 , o rapidly. The calf Is a. creetly :utt zr.:ti .tr..1 wig +fsr--a" .• 1 -se L'u,• r1 ,. n. er drinking Its milk than Letore, aryl if :Iv,'u tow mulls, It will soon ke ,' 1 the 1bt:'list. The I1111k si,'uld 1• ' 1 'weighed' Or anen-surir: ate It feels,' I . • Mr tale;rlence Gari been t at a , from three to circ Weeks of ;r_1• 1,e fell from Ira tn'twelre p�.un 1 1)•, from seven to eiTbt - w'I':•1 - nineteen- to YkSl0e'II pounds 11:'•1 trim three to lire n,0rths of -, lie fed eighteen ti toott'ilt) 11 11111... , t ,.wtk. The' tusk sh n1d always 'ire led 'verse and street. Ventilating the Cow Barn 1(1 Yemltla:t::.. •1 cow' ban; 111e wean assn- ,, s . 1 11 ,t i-..1:11., flu 1 LeuLl Irl a» 'la t t` I 11(y 1 . 1l t"re In the alio is ilau.o t the esti tie 1 It I r 1 111 and cat • } • ,afntul periods. falling r womb. irregullarit.:- 1 u ,0.l. ai I1,•. - I will send a 1 n U •• Ir"a onInh<'ng it 010 .11N* treatment tl eatmepupil nt abser olltely,atfree nto any suffering woman %, !' ,sm stamps and•Wd1. �- r: Rti: FR�Ar,CES E.CURRAh1, Windsor, Ont. • They make food because they're tnede food —with seventeen years' practical paiat.makiod mixed into them. They cover more, wear bet- ter indoors or out, and last loader. Measure the cost o! paint right—by the time it will last and real) be paint -and )ou wiltfiod your money's hill worth in A T1LR SILO - Aile coat he had better seriquply coin• rider the eI 1. Under present condi, dims - at. Ie•a. t 'nue-fourth of all ate: fanners keepd g stock hi the ctaru'twit •1 w ill Mal the ails Rn econeteic equip 111 Incur, An acre of corn put in the sib) is Valued at about *55, while the saute orn.stuudIng.1n the flet.' nail hnske•t1 in the usual man ler is valued fit r_7. 1 This Is nccouutlub for nil cost of •h•Ir- te cid, Ar, putting 11 t ,'hnfts.:,1141 I 14''''' ""11;'1 1"' I 1'''' id ! ill w'iiil. 41pe'm411.ir.1 t l• 1.11(14 a*, doubles the value l t'urt the• silt I 1:lo 1:lopt.: utlt 1, vesting. Then nu trertll. Iwo in' the I liuother way, the silo Blood Purifier of the `oils crop. Mow to Ptiekl is an efficient and relia e remedy. You have only to try it to be convinced that it means Blood Purity. We re- commend it because we what's in it. Price, $1.09. F. J.BUTLAND, S. E.VVICK. iN Don't turn the.calt to the feed t nogh with cows and steers and i'zj Oct r•) " + get a proper ams��nt of feed. -1t will SUN devour the portion It should have. fought t, Whie the ogler 411 ales eia '•le :li.{ 1 d 1111d r ill ted 1 I the coldest Butter,I we ijla.r. If the i 1 at I nes aur pro- f f I 1 II it (-.rr,,lne brs t% , .., ' ,:rte;'a ea nwe -.emit. these w; .h':-; .,,•t'0. 'P1l4'-4 t ea:,rte:{:cut eI ., 1('.Iiu 1.11:1 r1:4 (or :.1 Mg••ill,-tie: t u. ;lir. nrilrs;rils•d h1 this 11111,10. ..I I , i% 1.1od seer lsl..i. :114y had to 9 . : 1 111 d ket In ,' I ;it on eat seer ', t u' s a r e, c Cocci' with strong be ,e an p - a Cool place. The tubo r jnr most be thor'r11ghly elenue11 rind '4 sinfee•ted be. (Circ the butler gees into t. 'Writ Aul• t,httr lu tt pan nod Dirt' 1 . tub or jar over It for halt no bo^1 iter it has i ,•I N1LN1 oft It wl• 1,- 4(01, y for the' I:In• IL brine. Gane• but .• Is InfectIIg 1 .1s wen as th. tue.av:.• .nor. ••lofa•- ties Sold sad guaranteed by ..w THE DAIKYMA H. C. DUNLOP, . E. R. IDLE GODF R'IC/I ,i':; II 1, t4. l'tll sial,: I 1;'11 n!r 11,/1111.'- It 1.,1.1 111 I. • 1111, .1.a1114. cold, r (11,111 it fns, bt 4111,' r,\ I!' Le. 1f liter• I; ,a,144 of 1 1`• itt in tory cob' ti It ell I Ilett to dose nut 1:1•4 %eufllitl ''1 ;:44,4411, r•' els tin 1:.; 1 1 u.:h t . 'ro- 1 0.:11 it taust t lu o 4' 1 u Lr r kit of the ettlble be - ,a' ,..- 111e 11..or: 1.• id tha. 1.rt• 1,11.• (ilii AP \Pith half the labor, and at halt the cost of other soap, Sunlight does the whole washing in half the time, yet without Injuring the most delicate fabric. Use It the Sunlight way. Follow the dircctlons. Right and Wrong Way to Milk Co There Is a right and a wrong way q milk the row. 'fire wren;: way is tet the calf suck. '1'be cow Is kept fo her milk supply, not to gine her test i to the ambitious calf. The cntf should Ibe siparnted from the mother., Value of Cleanliness ,When Milking.' The milk will have nbout 23 per Cent fewer burterla in It when the cow is well Clod nevl find her 0a11k0 uiolstenell before milking '1'11 moi -ten straw Iavl• tog before milking cliii,llnlles nbnet Cas per vent of fire lawteria. A closed . 1 pall ka•ps out about 'Si per ,cent of I bacteria. Give the 'ow Pura Water. Give the cow none but pure water. It (s strange that 11h$ d;trtner a?nuht nlluty his milk cattle to drink from a stagnant pone) wldch Gften hoe n green, scum raid Is full of bactvrat. -Much water nut only endangers the health of the cow, but 014) rhes well being of (Mone win drink tllg tnllk. A Thriving Town. Amherst, Nova Mrotia. f1 ane of the homy Canadian towns. Its Il,ntlllfee•- tureel prodneta run all the way float raisins to railway palace rare. People are ahud with Amherst sheer, clothed with lIPayson underwear, awe'atera and twee -l1• 111 fart, liewenn flare wool fabrics fled theft way all over the world Rosh is the ',smelt of down -Neat enterprise. Separator Not at Fault. Rome farmers lents palls of mile setting around on the frozen groand or bang them up s01110 place while they do the "chores" nod then "crow the cream 101'arntor end Its maker be- cause the machine cannot sepnr•te re mach cream from chilled milk as fruits silk separatad as neat animal heat Y WOW T.'. -;, Ca.c of Fe.:s. ;re 1' .1 tl . i. :I 11al';1.1 •:1 ., 1110 11' are-thrhitty- Iitrnnper, 014 • .1 0 44.4'. 1 1 , 1 r,i,.,l'1":1 . r r 1, 1: 1• : ! % . 1' III '1.'41 t 1'1 t., I Pure Paints Made in forty colors for etery use paint is Mt N'r --and made to satisfy. -- ----- - Maple Leaf Paints are sold under a plain Eadlisb 6A1,4. ANTEE and only by people who lomat afford to sell poor paints. IH?FJLIL VAIN1S9 & COLON CO. .. Linked, et Tweets • Get them froth HOWELL HARDWARE C)•, Ltd. our 1 /FM sr)() r3110110claphU 1 I ' 1r . u ' r it e L" 1. 11:.1 is ',1. r;: VIII I.t III, 1o:r 1' an+r x11' tvEl (141 •••,11 w111 mit 1:e In tin ,(4. R:thn roc N: p•,•'•d 0( s1 ;11,.'1 ' I•olb ,1 r t.1 1 11\.•1 ,eft en' •till l'e p •.Ir the 1'e+1 1114 .1 •' - I ratio; f .''01I,: I. , I1 1i (.11e '1.1,1y t. 11,', .Q ;i,. 1,, g• oil *1,.11?. but I t:rl:e,i ^iaty. and no eller grail ++111 Aliening flint•. . )I) 't iu know how much you are losing by not ori ning • an I-;l-ison Phonograph ? . This ifl:.iranTtat was made for you,byMr. Edison. . 1l i : intrndt-el to bring )music into your home. It will hr',i ,flu entertain your guests. It will amuse" you (luring our leisure hours. It will help you to bring 111)1%1;11f f:lillil\ lu Kist musirr . l his is \\'hat Mr. Edison meant when he said that he would like to see.a Phonograph in every home. 11!)w can you -let any consideration of tlloney stand - in the way of your owning .one of. these great enter- ? ''1 -he Phonograph• \\'ill give you so. much • nluto ill return fer the money' than you can get by s1)ending,it 111 ally other \ray. Do.not take our 'vont for it. , Go to a dealer today and hear the Edison Phonograph play the Amberol ltccords, and you will ki'iity why We are so positive that you cannel-af imp to -4F) without it. RatvrmfRntttlgrarela - • 514 ween*15110 , . F •'�ntenl.ran prhc Edison handealers hFr;dnirseverywhere. titFa.n F k,','nnnrt;s(twice as. Inn[) 4E.Skr G1mha'nndndaann1 kecnnl•. Get complete l •-In I (Meta Re- „r tc - - !'u• catalog, from )•par dealer nr from 0. N•G„,nl Phon0ar•ph (-o,,,p•nt, 100 L.k••ide Ave.. Oraa•e. 4(..)11 U. a. A. Brockville Lawn Mowers We consider these the best Canadian -made Mowers ; we stock them in sixes that will best slit you, and can Suit you as W price; we have them in high wheels and medium, in foul -*111140 and three: we guarantee each Slower to give our customers entire satisfaction. Make no mistake. Sell that old worn-out ba:k- hrenkee to Mee. Brown and get a genuine Brockville Lawn Mower. We know where of we speak In that you will`be pleased. LAWN RALES, HOES, GARDEN TROWELS, Etc. SEE OUR FLOWER BED FENCING. , Ideal Fencing .,. Reeding done ; now for the fencing. Nothing showi'l rosperity better than good fences. We set the pace. pVe buy pal gely in fencing and get the best prices going. \Ve handle a line of fencing that has proved to be . second to none. This is the year to fence. We Gold people last year Cement would most likely be ups. la it 1111:' Ark IIrltl see. The rams is Iiktly G. o;eur in (elicitor However, we are offering retiring at a snap price Namely, ane sash per rod for all No. 9 hard 7 -wire Iwst ptialit y Ideal itettciug W.atnck all rtiindard and widths. WE SELL BEST OF POPTLAND CEMENT. The-tiowell- lifirdware Co. !AMITE!). \\ I. 1'.\111(1 A 4 O\1 l'I. 1•:'FI•; ,T()( I: nits EDISON PHONOGRAPHS AND RECORDS JAIV1E:S F. THOMSON, ,\ V.,I '-II'U', t;t1l ,tkl:, 1,0111:It 11 H. ( \I,i, AND SEE -.V Irl, 1. )R FOR THAT TIRED FEELING ! \\ l•: itE1'U\l 011{\ I I Nyal's Spring Tonic, Blood Purifier*, and Sarsaparilla Three excellent preparations for use in the spring se,uu.n when everybody should take a tonic. H. C. DUNLOP, The Druggist, Godenc11 Bedford Block, Better Things for Goderich I:o derich people are asking tot beet ter gouts than they were satisfied with some years ago. For instance. they want better furnishings for the hame, and we ,ire showing some special roods in Mahogany parlor Suites that are well worth the linspedtion of anyone who is thinking of, refuroshing the parlor this spring. 1f not a suite, perhaps a settee or an odd piece 1.1 trquired. Our goods a"e well toads and are in line with that good taste that should distinguish the home. We should be glad to show them to you. Geo. Johnston Furniture and Undertaking. The Square You Can Even Do Your Toronto Shopping Through "The Star" The Star's •'In Toronto Shops" Depart- ment describes new and attractive offerings seen in City Shops day by -day, with the Toronto Daily Star's offer to purchase any of these artiicles for'otit-of-town subscribers who send money. Many are taking advantage of t}^ti Department. 40flnteresttoWomen"t e'w r.Taeaned heading of a special page in the Toronto Daily Star. it is one of two and sometimes three pages devoted particularly'to women's tastes and is independent of the "Social and Personal" and "Madge Merton's" pages, for years popular features of the Star. "Of Interest to Women" includes scorn of little hints on health and beauty; the newest fashions in dress and house furnishings; talks on ,ethical matters of particular interest to women; points of etiquette; suggestions for home entertainment; recipes; daily menus; advice and suggestions on all the matters that lie close to a woman's heart. They will help solve household problems. and better still, stimulate and Interest the mind. On ,he Woman's page, and throughout the paper, current topics are treated in a bright, newsy way that appeals to the wide-awake woman. You'd thoroughly enjoy the Toronto Daily Star $i.50 A Year This pep.rnnd 1A. "Toronto Daily Sfnr•' tog•fh.r for ons year. 52.20. eueronf•.d fountain Pon given for 50c. a tiad fe ober* subscription pries. 9