The Signal, 1910-4-28, Page 5I
)ort -
' ' T,
Tito ktfi.N k 1 • P)nP'PlCfl o TA ILII)
LOCALTOPICS. errsvd thf tame day •with lcs,lluoJbarbels of wheat. The Dundeearrived ..n Sah►tay, bsaritig w .caro of ti3,100 bushels of wheat and '(►,000
- , bushels of oats. She unloaded 40,!YIIL
- Day osrditlp;_gauss,--'1'hst aeeottat a+1 M bushels of wheat at the elevates'and
Remember ember that Saturday next, thePinter of $17.90 for hooks was ordered tuck the hslan;e of her rLrgo Op()) Protntl
is the day app oloted as I to be paid and an account of $2 from
Fwlward. The Doric reached rt on
:duh IsL
„flood clean•np day for the Edward Reid for Carting ashes and
cinders Oro war to dried paid. It,wa«
townready for the n Craw whenen it It deride,) to try the system of 'fine
comer along to remove your pile. access of the public Cir the bookshelves
fur all works except fiction and a com-
mittee was appointed to arrange the
matter with the librarian.
Agnes Knox Black Coming May 19th.
All who
cancelling t
lo11nhe thaththevit. Y. M. C. A have re-
Bay19th�°r their Mrs. Black is ifaaorably
willll Rladh to t have beesanother xopsii-
poitunity of listening to ber. All
who have oot oat yet done so this Caroted
took. it apo
oanrdian elocutionist. By doing this,
they*W111 Rive tbewwhea a rare treat
and also help the boys of the Y. M. C.
Tenets Club Officers.
The (i,derich lawn tennis club has
ap1.ointed the following oMcrre. fere
the reason : Hou. president, L. N.
Lewis. M. P. ; bon. vice-president, W.
Pnodfeot, K. C., M. P. P.; president,
\Vm. Lane ; Vice pl'esldetlt. Sheriff
Reynolds; secretary, Misr Lillian Mar-
donald : treasurer, A. G. (iamble ;
amends eorun,ittee-Messrs. Roberts,
Boit v. Doyle. Fletcher. Walkden,
Nisbet and Proudfoot ; ladies' com-
mitter-. Mrs. Lewis. Mrs. Proudfoot,
Mts. Eliot, Mrs. Lane, Misses Hutchi-
son. Macdonald, I'rouditot, tiring,
Doyle anal (3orhould.
$allows' Illustrations in Rod and Gun.
Thi• leading article in the April
number of Rod Anil (dun in Canada is
the -till y of a trip to Algonquin Pro.
vin,ial park, the magnificent stretch
.f.-...intry that toss toren set aside by
the Ontario Government as it great
peik reserve for the Ilse of the people
\.141).•• •..M. The as, wie. is .plen.I••114 Campbell -Straiton.
it. , .ted, titn.t of tote T+44. 14.r.a A--' si4 (--preot.-
hn4 ,, teen supplied by It. Visit
tial celebrated at the residence of lir. and
4..\,,f,' (i...-telm v.•.ris, A4'h11 nIN�Ii N 4+ -It to F I I 1 (hinny MI'* Alexander .traitor, St. 1 )av i.l'N
thee p•o la -t year. \Vs, nli�he ..•I.1 lie,•',• \lunuing., .e.•ond1,1 iy Cann- freest, ,ua \\'.• In., relay morning, when
that flu- 441,. b• numla•r ..0 I{ud nI d�, i1111r \\'ittlace, was tidopted. to the their daughter, '1ixs F'lore•nr.. F,dna,
lion i• yet inlrr,•sting. effect tha'_ the matte. be n•1'erled to was united in rnart•iage to Het-be•tt
De.athofJ.S.larke. the''. aolk- r,uutnittee fat• the lampbrll, of \Virlghein. Thr cern.
\,;,hl.• bus Iwen received a' Otta•c.i-.•rulm of Mather• utf„rniatian and mous ova- p.•rfnrurrd by Itrv. .4,u. :►:
row. soh; lI'i it, �s �•( lhr drsth .rf .I t h.• .batting ot,+u1 Agt••.•utent to I Ha11iiltl,n, H. A.. in the• preeenrh of
s. 4..,, I,• . 4'at• olian trade r.nnmi.. 'it-triirtect to the r••,tnei4 'Phis draft the iounediate friends and relatives
• L L't in Austtslia. 1s,. I.:u lee woes a ;.1:11,n.rnt, it is under -tool, will de.- only. The bride•. who was given
rr1.h ns, ..1 IMIINw'* 1* toe hi. appoil,t- ,e o.a.• t11.•' .4*. • 1. upon whorls th.• away by 4.•t'tattier. secs•.. a la•rouiing
tirl,t 4'' II.r• (lttaw•N (io4 rni,:rnt. ll.• t':n',•llinit .Issas r,f natural rajah silk
was ., yrl\- r•'.l':able ills Gaal 11,.
.d,,.th.a.11 be r.' 114 ni)�nc
Jinn •n►�•, teres. .\b x.-ti,unld. In. ',•
. .t tie• G sirt,rh O.'gan t'. , an•1
^Ir I.., k•• haul aye, y pb• Is:alit fat 1 .1-
hil• of n, .nv yr'Irs' .tan li�•g. \ !
1nrk.•, .in a visit t
Married In Saskatcnewan.
Uu Thursday, April 7tb, at 9:30
ocloc:k, a very pretty wedding was
✓ ob ani^sl et the home of W. J. Fot-
rsn, Artland, desk., when his sister,
Mire L urett.a Mae, war united iu
uiart•iage to JarnesOscar Pierre. toter•
forty' of Springflrkl. Meer., but now of
Oh*t»'in, Alt». Rev. Father Fortier
niticiated. The bride, ,who was unat-
tended, entered the drawing•rooln
leaning on the arm i f her father, *nd
took her plat•.. heneath an arch beeut.i.
fully decolstet with Easter• H UPP, yel•
low jonquils mild ferns in profusion.
A large'r.ontrai,y, of guests were pr'ea-
Pnt to witness the taking of the nup-
tial vows. .1'he bride was attired in a
lwau44I.d gown. of pale blue silk rnull
arid her tont hlahquet was of lilies of
the valley and bride's roses. A deft'
cions wedding dinner was «etve.l,
after which the happy rnuple left pn
the afternoon train for F.dtuonton
and other western points. 'They will
i mks their home at Chauvin, Alta.,
and have the good wisher nf. m*nv
friends for a happy journey through
life. The bride and her parents form•
sly lived in tioderich for a short
liner acid the family hsvR' a erect
many friends in Ashfield and' Wawa -
The Electric Railway.
The electric railwiay quesftinn was
up IN•fo1.• the town council egeler last
evening. Engine .•r Roberts •repp•-
seno•,I the railway. There.vt.. :nI in-
formal*sine. lout the council
ready to [ak4• soy 7eflnite
Gel • ion with 11i• infot:11aal' as, band
,t tial ,on p. opose. ,yn
Sunday with 97,111) bushels of flax,
lodes) bushels of wheat, and 43,0110
bushels of oats. The work of unload-
ing war commenced on Wednesday
afternoon. The steamer Turret Chief
arrived on Sunday with 794tH) bushels
of wheat and '?0,011) bushels of flax.
In making the entrance to the harbor
she went out of her count a and ran on
to the sandbar. Efforts of the tug
Horton to release her proved futile
and the Reid Wrecking Uo., of Sarnia,
was notified. A tug was rent up and
with the aid of a favorable wind she
wee mistimed and towed into the har-
bor. Investigation showed that her
bottom is badly damaged and one
compartment is full of water.
Centre Huron Licenses.
The license commissioners of Centre
Huron bays granted twentyfour
licenses this year. Last year there
were thirty-one. Local option cuts off
two in Colrne and four In Grey, and
one is rut orf in Seaforth because the
cummiesioners find the population is
below the requirement for five licensed
hotels. The Iieense gut off at Seaforth
is that of the Grip House, and the pro-
prietor, Francis Catlin, is allowed
three months to dispose of his stock.
The licensees are : ' Goderich- - Fred
Davis, E. R. Swarte, Lily Craig, Annie
King, Ben Sults, M. Farr, Thos.
Johnston, Wen. Babb and W. W.
sINh1'4 'shop license); Clinton- S. S.
Cooper. Jos,. Rattenbury, Jas. Rey-
n,1ds.Jos. Reinhardt, R. Graham and
C 11. Pugh 'shop license); Seeforth-
MrLen nan rk Bmadfoot, Christina Step-
hens, Jas. Dick, 1). T. Pinkney and
Edward. Dawson (shop license); Brits -
eels -Henry James. Gordon McDonald,
Jos. giierin McKillop townships -
Louis \Wulff.
r.•nn• it i. 4 °,lliog• to allow rnnniu;
ptn'iI.•ges 1,. II.,'4ay. with suet)
, on.Lton. .i- 11'..o 11• ;1',•n1••.1 nerr--
•:rI y In ti'' int. ora• of the town.
A 1(oa.l 01 Hoses
'Ph. l'„r,;ilian enc is 11. Iway i•
idle, -,y to loe.•onie a Verital,l•• 14. +il 11:
4. C 1\9• aro ..11,11. in G11 1••• 1,• . Itlinessre.' It. lines Are floe'. Madeorb, tf„• )) f)4'.w ut the linu.i .,f 'n iI a4'rty et •••• by OW 44..1...4 de-
i 4) •hent• w•b;••eiis • ling oat Ihi.
Tr 4.i•: ,s p... kag.•. o' Cllr hr -t
.4,1u •nye, ♦•o �,
Saw :he Comet in 1835. tb•w'Jr tr.•11- Ih.I 1.111 IN' 411111'111141 in
It••!.•,t l'r11 ilfient, of town. an ill.! 1,r•'.,I H un, 4'nu,a..149..u,. 11,•(1.11 d.
* et ,'', ,.,,', ,1 ,,•,titer • f 'I'I•*. sigma. 11, i. I t 1, • I r. sou, 1, :\ n,,. i.o. Icelan,•,
n.• ••4 ' I.'' e w'h,, r.•nimeli v seeing I:.I-s! •, H••n
If -reed- r•,.,,:pr on its Is.l «pp,-•*t'«ns,.• many, Th....
.11. Is..."). Ili, house at that tan•• w1)- in the .4.4)0•)1
,he ono -Mi. id London. Hr whs ten and ..t {0.1 . mploy
'.ill-..I,l o. .Cols of that year. and Ile )bat mac.: A .43'1',1
'er •• was.iµ the fume. Lkid)). f*,rme,Is un-1;(111iy a
cur•' nn4 ent,•d. MN rrcolh••'' i .nI.-is ti.iw tro-th mt.-re+ntn);
hstth•• head seemed a. 1.1t'ge H. Ib,. \II ,Irunlnp.'hr l,r:il 1.4
red•t -' uIrl ,tool the tail was quite 4111meta, 1 -'out inning wit
ulna"1. It W414 n g' -and sight and orad.. teal 1 t..' ¢,.•..t w. rk he• u
ndied.,1 in.p' In on hi« - 1. IL• fou,fern's.• roego. :and it will
will fo'urally IN• ietelested in «.•ring
4(14! e .erond linos, a privilege ths'
not tuaio 45111 havt.
%'i'n,*coml. et brown diagonal sloth,
and a brown and [ascan turban,
The 0141y 1)1'11aIIIPi14 w'n1'11 44.14 i► hands
softie i ern l . pendant.. the gift of the
goo. ,ill. tier 4,1.11.411•'' was of cream
!nidal rosea and maidenhair fern.
�h,• ora. attendwl by her niece, Mi...
Nor nut Whitely. who war.' Alin blur
140.1*car, fed aO artIlflet of narri•.'Ir.
Phe w.•d.i(ng marches Were played by
*Ir•. 1 h'... W. I 1..1 v. The. happy
ronple. 1.•ft for a short honeymoon
Ilip'111) the 7:10 1;.'1'. It. train :arid
shower. of rice 31111 runfelti. Mr and
Special Prices
err _
Watch our windows and you
nlay see fume article on sale that
you went at e'Wry logy price.
We are offering special induce-
ments to Saturday Iluyers. Our
Saturday Specials
are ridiculously low in price. A
new line on sale each Saturday.
W. H. Harrison
Jest)elkr and Optician.
Me House of Quality.
and another full house is assured. A
tu+ler account of this popular event
will he given in thew culoutna next
Jas. Lloyd,' wholesale fruit dealer,
has moved to larger premises in the
McLean Klock tote. Crompton etoiw).
Mrs. Dean has opened up a confection-
ery and fancy goodp mewl/ in the store
on West street vacated by Mr. Lloyd.
Capt. W. H. Gundry has been laid
up with a very severs and painful at-
tack of neuritis. lids 'stony friends in
town and throughout the e ty will
Fhe 411341 lie kiln\)• I he is now un the
4111'11, :u hl 44.• la•pe 4' '.re his *tout
a>p(ai.0t�ir•pi:l) it is natal energy.
'Thele wits el very' )Too l turnout to
the eras I yeom,'02.11., rl \Vest street
tolled' rank hast Monday night. 'Phis
style 114 emir, t ,inuio,t is .omething
new i,\ Geste, den N1)11 t he management
deserro• ,^rdil for t h•a1 rll'ortm in pre-
yiding chi-, amus. -In -it for Goderich
pleasuir-..,•ekeis. '1'h. :tied lt.•gimeht
bond furnished the nnlsie for each
Comity frown .mdse,. y Trager was
at \Vinghaw ott \li)nd.15 ailing for the
ronlpl.inrant in :a erase it which several
pal t des I • Whitechur.-11 Wel i• inter-
ested. Several young men were'
hruged with Poing sh.t-s at a tesi-
den -r in that village. Five of the de
t.•11.LUIts wet 0 rollinlitr•',l fol• trial.
ft ,il w": furnished and the 1..1'0' will
come I pI rt th genet l ses•iolle'
Godet'i, h. commencing .tune 1 tth. -
.l very unfortunate accident or-
rurred at the organ, fa'),.ry yesterday
,liter horn. George ti.'•41, who came
here ft 1outhahipton about it
ndo l'•hfor11.1 oil Ger- I Mrs. 'Campbell will reside in \\ring- unntth ago. was nper•ting the shaper�n,n
,•g -t I buil.where u. here Cgroom holds groohold. the po•i. '4'helt he had the /nisi',mei. .•
tto hay,
its,-.•rtir,„r'etnen rim, nt mail otter 1,t the sleet vie .0.tlt cis left hand ,aught in the to:o'hini.
r. -with the 1• -tilt I plant. -The bride, who. is one. of our The first finger was severed at tl 0
I 'mill that wog most p.,pnlar vnung Ladies, carries '*'cord 101111 and the other three fin -
1 mom. resting with bar to her new 1 the blest gees wire ,uupilltWe.i
i .4-4,.ae44ve. sristtaa of uLu*tof friends•.
e 11.•r.'4 dr• --
nt iw -
Uddiellows at Church. •
1hn• t lire' _members of Baron
1.0.1y.. I. (4 t) F.. 111'rrraae,l t..
'trw•• lb•t4,.Nlist rhur'h un snmlay
morning *nil were there joined by
mends Is of the R.I*•LAh Lodge. the
two t .4gr* rs•enj,ying the centre por-
:ion.,f the auditor' nom during the ser-
vice. Thr pram', Rev. Ih. iti)u_all.
,rrm.'he,l an interesting and 1h'•111:h'-
.'(81.1••I11814 1.1.151101*. Kia text lasing N
most 44.411'? 'l i'4tl' .me. '•Pure religion
and amb•flled twiner God and the
Father is this. t., visit the fatherless
And allows in their affliction, end to
keep himself unspotted from the
a'ol ld" .lames I : 2.7). The sermon
was F.esnl with much pleroure and a
vote ..f thanks to the preacher was
after4:nd, adopted by the lodge.
July 9th Is the Date.
The Buren Old Boys' Aasocistion of
Toronto will run its annual excursion
this year on Saturday. July 4440. the
•)Jeno dye points being Goderich and
.kinctoline. Two •p•oia! trains will
Beare Ihr 4'nion at.. Linn, Tot'ontn. *4
7:1:, a in., North P*rkd, le at 7:25
111.. and .Vest Toronto at 7:35 A. no.
The (,'eh train will take the lead,
!vttrill wait for the Kincardine train
Guelph end will atop at all stations
.vert of sebringville. Ticket* for the
round stip to Goderich, good to return
up to \londey evening. July 1ltb. are
*Lau, for children 10e. A bsggwae
nor will he attached to each speci141
train, for the cons•enienee of ex^ur-
"innirl.. Tickets may he secured at
0. T. p.. emcee. from any member of
the '•,nunittee, from Dr. Stanhurv,
president of the Association, or E.
rods, secretary.
ruse y'ra•r 1.. foie .11.1V onethe
. nali.mll\'•• onorl:l'i�ns w'i:I have it -
p11 t y g i :nil reals -kept 1aw•nt>4.,
Appointed to Mission Fields.
v..t,l . •• guano orients made toy'
ore' 11 h \, n' MissionarySy
he atm tais,l4t , h.n•eh NIP 114 .•ape1-ia1
1,1:.1 111'eir.t. N11,01.0114.1' M. 'I'nrnei,
sig+es, of Band I I'n, tier of Tile 44 ,14 a1,
14 appointed for work is,, China. 11i*s
.\noir Swan, of FllllarIon, daughter
of Rev. Fr meds Swmn. x young lady
ovell known in Go ter irh and vieinily,
4. app.•inll•d 10 .l ,pan. Miss S 1''l H.
('ourtirw. of Clinton. aril goes In
-lepIn. and Miffs Penny ti Gray. of
Pott Albeit, is appointed for work.
Nnt.In t the Indians at Kitammat, H. C.
\lis* I'h.w)w Code, of 'Trowbridge, is
t, t•'ke work amotlg the (itali inns
*t Koh., hneeka. The Toadies Ie*ve 401'
thrix H. -I -I of work in October. This
distt•irt wend• to be doing its share in
supl'Iyi1R ,.omits for the mission
fletd-. ,and tunny friends will wish
these young ladies abundant sad
Ides -.•d success in their self-eaerificing
Blaming the Editor. -
The editor of a newspaper is often
accused of leaving out certain Items of
news purposely, because of a dislike to
the person to he mentioned or frotn
Prejudice or other cause. This is ell
lush. The editor has something like
million different things to think
of in eonnecticn with the Issue of his
Miter and it is not surprising if he
crimes an item occasionally or some -
'tittles forgets one which has been
ndledto his attention. Nine nut of
ask for news items will
toupthe ^ can't think of any. But
in molt cases they expect the editor to
think of, them all and criticise him if
he fails in e single item. The beet way
la to Rive the editor credit for what he
does field
and mention, and for some
things that be does find and doesn't
Examination Dates:
ettioente may now begin to look
forward in earnest to the- midsum-
mer examination!. The Deportment
of Education has issued the schedule
and time -table for these annual tests.
The examinations for entrance to nor-
mal schools begin on ".Tune 's,7 at A
a. in.. and are eonrinded on .duly 4,
with Latin composition the -Io«t sub.
jest. For rotranre to the faculties of
education the examinations lwgin on
.lune 27, and are terminated on .duly
11. Honor .,&d scholarship matricula-
tion "exams" begin on June 27 and
end on July 12, while for pass mattic-
ulation the first paper is on June 27,
And the haat on .duly R. Corutnercial
specialist examinations teals on June
27, and are concluded on July 4. The
arts specialist examination for 1941)
will be held on August 9, ltd, 11 and 12,
at tilt department of education of the
.unimer•school at the Unilereity of
Public Library
The piddle library boerd met op Sats
'rias evening with an attendance of
"I'TY member except Mayor. e
offer of Capt.Gu ofelg0 annually
for the Moo of a room 4g1 elm hasement
to he used as an arnsoey was accepted
1h. hihr'atian's report for March
din; rnesipte •of $v.It) from fines
urn aale'I galrids and catNogttes, and
aO lips • honks and maRasines•
It was decided to add the Plotoeial Re -
o the 1lst of msRaslaes for the
At the Harbor.
The dredge John R. Arnoldi com-
menced dredging in the harbor this
Several private hoethouse. Hove
peen erected on the Maitland River at
the east end of the breakwater.
The elevator p.uple state that their;
husineas :s 'sadly handicapped by a
lack of cars for shipping purposes on
both railways.
A Government partywith a poring
machine are engaged tis week' at the
south ride of the harbor entrance
making tests for the proposed new
breaks ater. '
Mr. Baldwin, operator at the C. P,
R. vitiation, and Conductor W. Mhortill
each withstood a very successful oper-
ation last week and from lest re-
ports both are doing nicely.
The steams% iSnlprevis of Midland
arrived butt/pees/day with a cargo of
115,011) bushels of wheat for the Ele-
vator Company. This was the first
cargo received at the elevator this
temorl. The steamer Winona fol-
lowed on Friday with a load of 171 000
outdo of oats. The Turret (prier
:.•Ile urlm-r''Ir:w-np In:,). and do 14 (orert'In
hick ,.nor )oar err -erste m.Irhn'n,ent- is the
.,) of a 'n,N -'.enure .,,it. s,'..4. I'rmlhatn
,-,uI .v,lh .11, .1, 44.11) n -art n„•nt ..f nr44
-nit rig-. •-
.•tl..•Nind.•N (ul of is•:11,tih,l. picture- ,t
V\-1.uu 0 .will. • \rl iron . l:a-1 -Wert. 1'he
11i -p v 4- .) t drams noo for at tlh--rtl•,,u of the
..ear 1 us,. p•op1,• Nill 1.• Larking for -ori
1l,ing to 1i)(1114.11 ,aI, tl,.• 1101111101111'.n,. .11.11 thrl,• 1-
nwhink rr 111
/111 111.411r1. nr
Get Ieitl1 for clean-up day, next
Something Maw all the time in post-
cards et \V igle s.•,
The proprt•t y offered for sale by .1.
1'. Goldthorpe on Aoturday last was
not disposed of.
H. C. Heinicke has resigned the
leadership of the )11nior Maod and is
succeeded by Roy .cones.
Loyal Englishmen wearing red
totes on their coats and the Bank of
Commerce Hag Hying to the btr•,'ze
were tokens on Saturday last that St.
George's 1)ay was not forgotten.
New patients are still arriving at
the Pasteur institute in Toronto. and
'the f)untinion and Provincial authori-
ties have decided that the regulations
for the suppression of rubies must con-
tinue in fitce for some time longer.
The regular meeting of the Goderich
branch of the \V en's institute will
be held on Thursday. May 5th, at 3
,i Block. As this is the anmu*l meeting
when the officer: for the ensuing year
Witt be rterted',-s . attead attandtutce ls.
The strike of the men employed in
construction on the Ont.trio West
Shore Railway, as reported by the
Dunlop correspondent of The Signal
last week, was .not of long duration,
most of the men returning M work in
a few days.
Geo. Johnston. the furniture man,
wants everybody to know that he is
agent for the Globe -Wernicke sec-
tional bookc*sl; Anyone sell s wants
to take rare of his h{o�ooks in a conveni-
ent end econotnicaf`l,anner should
see this Iookrase. -
The MPnesetung Canoe' Cloth Min-
strels presented their third sinal
pmnuction at Victoria Opera House
last night. A large and appreciative
andienee was in attendance. The pro-
gram will he repeated this evening
.'lure to th.•
hand. Mr. Mont is a el u'un't play.•I
.lTIf a tumult•er ed t0.- in
town. -
Last Friday evening two I baseball
teams, representing the public and
separate schools. and calling them-
selves t he Mohawks and Shamrocks
respectively, met on the separate
school grounds and played a g.tme of
five innings. Tho• game ended in ,4 tie.
:i-:;. Tuesday evening they art again
in a game its which the }'sung hopeful«
of the separate soh.ol were successful.
the result being 1(4-1). \Vatsou Straiton
war the umpire and the boys state
they were q lite well satisfied with lu.•
Cameron's List of Friday Bargains.
ON SALE .\TTL 1'., M,
3 dozen pairs ladies' kid gloves, in
Mark, brown and tan, sizes .ii to 64.
Friday, 2 p. m. '30e.
Lai pairs holies' shoes in dongnla
blucher bats. ; regular value, $1.35;
811 sirxs, at 2 p. m. Friday, 441,'.
5 dozen white cotton pillow covers
with deep hem, 411 inches wide, reg-
ular value 25c. ; at 2 p. in. Friday, 2
for 25e.
20 trimmed hats in our millinery de-
partment taken from our regular
stock, trimmed with fruit, Howers1
feathers and ribbons ; regular price.
from $:i to $R. This lot goes on sale
at 2 p. tn. on Friday. all at one price ;
Fridsy bargain, $34.,.
8 dozen ladies' fine lawn handker-
chiefs, Friday bargain, 2; for 25c.
'The Denartmeistei Store.
Atter the age of fifty people find that
their strength is not •vhat it us.•.1 to
he, and 'they- tr•quemly snit •r from
sudden exhau-tion, an.t we.•s hears
action. To all such we recommend
the invigorating tnnie Ferrovi.n, com-
posed of fresh Leef. citrate of iron and
pure old Spanish sherry wine. Noth-
ing could he more beneficial in math
rases. $1.110 a bottle.
Choicest of dairy Mutter and fresh
eggs in our grocery department.
We sell eggs to our customers at per
dmf. 10e. ; choice dairy butter Mc. to
Bargains !
Bankrupt Sale of Grocery Stock Still Going
On at the McDonald Stand, West Street
1 want to cleat out this stock as quickly as possible and *m i±
offering everything at very low prices. CANNED GOODS,
bargain rates. The stack it new and good.
Choice butter and fresh eggs taken at cash pricer.
Refnember the stand -four doors
west of Bank of 'Montreal.
Ttie hauaT. ArJuL X. 1910
Etc., Etc.
Estimates cheerfully furnished.
W. R. Pinder
[ 'Phone 155.
CAR 1.0Y''•
Dealer in Fruit Baskets, Paper,,
Paper B;its,' Gums, Twines, , T,. baccos
and d i,., I ti i t r..
Carload of Baskets arrive Ila\' 1st.
I'indl\leave orders as soon, as possible.
Single and Duuhle Harness,
Collars, Sweat Pads. \Vhipw,
Rugs, Halter's, (' 0 en 0 s,
Brushes, Harness Oil. Axle
And );all Carr.
\We also ca•ry an up-to-
date stock of 'ire 11n .s, Suit
Cases. \fu•io, It.•ls Hn)Id
Hags, and evr,l'ytbiog that
eau. he, fount Ito t< Iirst:ehte i
harness shop,
When in nrid of anything
in our line kindly give its a
✓ oll. as %%l ran have
Ii' our guil414 •. lit y.•.r. tri,
others ; if n.•, 'ell v•, •
Repairing -a -Specialty.
h. J. Fisher
T l -i E
By arrangement we are
able to offer . .
The Signal
The Weekly Mail
and Empire
-the two together -fern now
to January I. 1911. for
The Weekly Mail and Empire
will be sent to any address in
Canada (except Toronto), Great
Britain or United States. The
Signal to any address in Canada
or. Great Britain.
The regular rate of each paper
is 91.1111 a year. .lust calculate
the money advantage t his
bargain combination means.
Sen) in your orders to the office
of this paper.
• 1 have opened a shop
in the. staled lately
l iccupied by P. J.
Ryan, on Hamilton
Street, for the repair
of Bicycles and gen-
eral repairing, Now
is the time to have
your wheel plat in
*baps for the suer
mea. 1 am agent for
and a change of diet
is in 'order. Seabee -
is udm always
to be had - frceh,
Clean and pure -at '
Cleveland Bicycles
-the wheel that has
stood the Lest 01
If you ere not al.
rawly acquainte.t
with the merits of
Sturdy's Groceries,
to a sample order.
it will convince you.
Hamilton Street - lioderich
New Boot and
Shoe Store:
Guaranteed Kincardine Baron.
'Phots 20. CAMXai,N'a. `dee page• 5
for Friday bargains.
MI88 CAMERON ie prepared to show the 1Ate.t and
most artistic creations in Millinery for opting and
summer, and cordially invites the inspection of the
ladies of Goderich and vicinity. ,
Hamilton Street,
QsI:TI'esti bigger and spreading mit all the tine..
l as,;• -..owning up a new Root and Shoe Depart-
ment this dts,whirh will he loratesl ou the main
ilor, where we carry all lines for men, w •n ,nod
children. We willndle nothing but the nowt reliable
)maker., shows, and witloth,• close prices we will ark we
rxpw'c•t t make 44,,s deftssAmeattmu•.of the liveliest -in the---.-.'' .
store. Under the same r,4f.. nae management, no extra 4
help tit expellee requited, wi hap yrnl to solve the
tnc.'.,•ri r. of the law prices 4v4•ing.
Two Ili.,ot,g specials. ani• fort • stimuli and on �4
for the• men :
all pairs \V 'n's fine dongnla hats, all sizes. I liar value
$I 'Li and $1.511, opening Pipe dal Friday, 2 p.m.' $1.18
25 pairs Men's fine lox calf Hoot-, Blucher cut, sizes 1 to 1I.
regular„•,dile 193,!15, opening Apserial, Friday. 2 p.ln., 42.88
d oe. NOTE. Only r he pair ton customer.
The Department Store, Goderich
Steel Ranges
Manufactured by the Perrin
Plow k Stove Co., Smith's
Falls, Ont. These are first-class
Ranges. built especially for
farmers' use or for town kit-
chens where a large Range is
acquired. They .embody the
latest and best ideas in stove
eonstruction and 1 should b4
pleased to show them to all
i have a carload of (fray
Buggies on the road. Don't buy
instil you see them.
A carload of Standard Wire
Fenct thus is ins the way. Those
who are going to use any wire
fencing this year should call
and get pricer.
Robert Wilson
. Agent for Massey -Harries
implements and other
leading lines of Farm