The Signal, 1910-4-28, Page 3,w. 'ORE, 5 p Suits, )ple get (ling j, a at ty''-' $15.00, ,tion of wn, and (k (luck he most" inity Of 5.00 .pent G• /Al ri THE gIGNAL: GODERICH+L ONTA RIO CO-OPERATIVE GOWING aN AUURESB BY HEEVE KERNI GRAN OF COLBORNE. A Review of the Various Methods E $a__ie the Apple T rade. with their Advantages and Ulsad- ._The Co-operative Sys- (lifers Benefits to Stith • ro- .r a:J t;onsumer. \I :► meeting (hiring 8Mthe 1iptst Reeve if I N. Krruighuu, Loan instinctive 1.0,11e'.. „I...1.11ive Fruit -growing," lied ,- glad to have the opium. 111.-,•utiIg it to its rrlulr.ls, hope that the subject Will tui cuusideialiu0 of- the • ,.( this diru,cl. ill k' (11x14*,1 cunituenced his ed. d,,.., yl,ll ;t 1 444041,"n lit cu-upewltivi• bud gt••wers• iteopulptiunr. These air a.., ,,•ji 4.11'" J11• 4'.11111118.11 roomed r. Galt.glowrtr to nudity*. the proditc- (i4n ei. better fruit, the handbill: •'f Pilch Manner inmarkehe b marketing est and underIthe 1,-iiii r mai seeming tit 1»-t r,.ndltht. for Threethe associations Isnci prutlot dilTcr 11, 414 older eowbioee Ili 4(-4111 •t6••, I,' Iwnrficial U, 110th t,rolhoer The a•ixjucrt Iereivr. „t ,also user.' { lull value Tor, the &aid ot produced, duced, „vitt he ,,.,4.41.4 4 -1x(44 rL tot tL�. , art u9e purehastd. Pro,4 11 - ti„µ of good trait it enel,ureged. Kb 41.11 pl. err 114 paid -Mi -et -0 dirrlr-try tate 71.4111 „11the article he produces. It is enriully agreed that the 111 the past t, harthe flinot 11 been Mistry le n. to the 1 racial to either i111x1u6r1. 1.t• consumer to the exlent aeon -11010 (4r altainahle. It 1(n • not -,,r,sd.4r't not tuuintained a repast* for good trait.. Indeed, it required the Fruit -)harks Act to frotet•t the reputation 141 ('anadian fruit. Veer after year the prodtlerr lost from the fact that goodapples were often wasted and in- ferior *I''. sometimes shipped. Even the tuiddletuen have not pt•utttetl. Paying --the 'awa rate per barrel .to Teri v grower has not enC0')I* ed the growth 1.r petal varieties or g'.iel 1414dr or even ;metier mite of the or- chard-. 'The ddTe•renl ways lit handling apples Inay lir defined as follows • and 1. 'Die grower leek*. packs smoke's his own fruit. either through dealer or consignee. 2. The grower sells in bulk to chairs. 3:+'Che grower picks and sells to packer lir dealer, Who then tracks thdm. places !n 4. The grower picks and p hotels, selling tree run. •'; ('troperative associeti0nr. Each system has . • lulventagex sod *ono. di1wIV1tutageo : hilt the lir,' thoehave berm thoroughly tried and hair 1.,.t leen found wtlrfaet,,l v. • The first systems "(may em,our*g*' packing, an 'the (lull would lir s.d. ern r�ner.t-; yet every -�trower un+v rot tua'e judgment. 1a1411.Or .nf- N lent time firs' ..... r picking. Some awed. The dealer and the middleman are dour away with ; but nut of course. lite fruit merchant. The fruit is sold noire direct and the curl of .riling it reduced by the large Jlwnl- ity handled. The growing 111 better fruit esti assuclali agement fruit, gi form, an ter to t (dea411 Itt holt bei the IN by alte, tivvtinn -A--rid 11 e t t 4814 b•tPer IIMI+L .( tend to. the dolt place, tl the (Art 1',tyl, 11'111 491 got 4911 10141 f. , V'nur light - It The 1 tV a. Ill 11049 b grow (r 444 tellll of the 111:l graded The aarle.1 end .l! fruit. 4* -'-cul (dolly by co-upetalive ons. I1••ing ler one mew with a large quantity III outage 44 58441( ' 104 111 1e Mil - d 14 d the fruit bring ub481'shrl- he co-operative st,teh(ius'• is el dry and not f1)sted.'• Thr lig paid for according to grade, uareesS111-.prildn•e.4.JeLterdid lr•". r• LL 4!(44548'1 will :tsatst in his mai lel'. Idiot; tole 491141x, rpVayiug, cul- 1I' ping to .' 4, r'ntlt. t e n' p and thinning, la1rn i1. :le' mw(trl, will/ )411414s op •„'tier aw1'x'ia111111 111:47 pr :4'41.4 rho lines indil•11ttd. . ('0 814 nian scull, and indeed 54 1'ol.. r.•.prc(tIiIt , 111i llrlullf 4, t' to h • .n stwl•trd. \Iwnb'•P• r 1*e,'. Il to :lie Log!.; get jog, Illtlrt`tt - '1'•, 1'.. \.1.14.14 i•, is -'1. . Jolts Rnw't:ItllY. 11.•41 orch»rdr c1u,•fuily, pit k \I. I'. 1or \\'.•.t 11.,1"11. .I, 11111 V4110 1.1 lit 111(4tu1u)'. Uodrtk- , ll:uchal. 11111). 4(411 10 barrels end deliver e4 rattotise. 'ill:utr nrice4rtue ket Taring Land Ile, 1rpuWti'ln tit the o.'N'11- Il sell- the fruit. Cal'( e4ii ' 1'1441 n nnu' .1„,„;,1 hal' h'• 1.'�'•. en requited and fruit rag) 1'.1 ,. 14. rrnu11'4 .,f 'u-operatiive, u.•ucia- 1•r.• giV,111: - 10,11 lover Valley t• o., Or -g',n. gauieed with ten weILLh!'r..4u,1 141 hin44ty .. per Prot. Lilt 11,.- s lil.its we,nbe,''eIiiip. by lr•rl'ri 4441 t, /e1 t:h;tids Moiety iwr erot. applee,g(I No. 1. and sell 1.l ,••1. 1.41x -f. 0. h. Apples are into fancy, No. 2 and roils. St: l'athlstMuee Omit. toy : was ;o .1414»(n 1(144481' 111'iebt rate* I444N•d four elvtt•. ego Hill ears of 11 b sight .1),114) baskets whole. slim. that the rpyle irmde palatine. * hires revenue 1 properly ms»nu14t*' :41(11 it is in .a very oeniorabz•d 1111iun aL p4e-4•mt 4'"'11g lit Ili.'.' At the 1•1%1110. 1. • 191;111 411^'IPV 1.11 Neto,quit I'r he gI-Ievallere 1 have enumerated, stud lhi•,l.rl is( Ode i.,tl r.• .'1 4148' (' 114114'(. 11 to 4. .k i"In \\r 1•rsprclfully a•k you 11(•' Art. and pave It tlL.nded if p'.'-' 1• 4.14e. 1yr111 ' -i I I): I" oil lir over.'A ',i(tirl.'.4 i l(• l'I(19111'e a1144 I have „tl••1 .4111.111'" 4•, state that tl'4• Ivrttth't' t'' 1' l.h+at 't4(1.1 >; J't 1 atubt'nl in Ivhirh the t,0.vn 1(t Via.- Th.. i i' - bele. - 1'hr Georgian flay fruit -crowd•, 1.1lllllyd, hs'e. three Ilfltlllfrd `I 144 Si and - patrvrts and 41'tvr 1(1.111 14 .1 ',decade two of the hest 1.letile stet - 1g. buildings in Canada., 1111004' tiii•where` 'tf-'t►asticiation+( -;44- Chute' i1. .n1d tht•Ir top at $42.42•), while outside growers got,only RESULTS FROM . • APPLE ON.CHARDS. Figures Showing What Frult\ Have Actually Dotter The 0ntar can f mat ferrel it say du of ie. *c1+•. 0l• 4.111 1114111 44Pl 11118 diose • 14.1441 ,i('1( port then ten use 11 4(444 01418 own app: 4101 hie rea4 ale Farmer's Advocate says that io, a* well as:British Cul boa. urinal material for stories of ell success in fruit -growing. Be- g to Johnson Brow., of Forret, IV: 11111400 Bi'ur. have thirty-IIVe acres acing apple orchard. ant? twelve not yet herring ; 'Meru acres nn orchard, ten acres of which ix rd et tillers iti apple orchard 4 end e•e acres of !wadies, foul• year* •old pang. Tho. gloms return4 trent orchards last year wire $7.11111. s tte111 a poor crop with thew' and pewee batt. The teach a'd will have its Bret crop of tul- ruee this year. In addition to t• own orcheldr, they have about &etre retried. Two evaporators 1) bushels of tipples each per day. .1 these being in the orchard, the r at Wyomeing. They wake their barrels, and use everything in the e ur,'hnnl, even to the peeling. seeds. Last year they lied 1;91 ds employed in orchat-dr, fermi+. wtacos* and cooper shops. "%%'e stilt only plasing on the edge of it„ 1.,,-„' 11 l„ •. ;it uuln•uvw, lit- 1.41, 11,1 1 ell ic.'I „g of I.y` (iv•i 41415.; I.•Il'•.• I .I 1 1. n tore w' I': t foil Ion I„ lit. Ill( stock. •tt'11 his 1 ull:l, 11; liruwi! (ll t t. eagle ' 1, 1 411 1,'•1„ lik ct;tli pie. 4) .. ,1"•111- . 115.1•11',,,01 4418 1vk, 1491' I,1 ,u. 1• tell csn)'.1' tr I • -.v.t 1 - .1 y••:u•1 i. (ul'•I IIr1.111„ 141,1 4111 illy, He inn" I 1,:11•.1 ;1 ,Ir, 11 It,•rr-t 1ti t1(, •1 ,:,trail((•! .•of of 411: ( I' •' ►t .f11: 44 1 lit:.ltl,a. " 411. ilii( 1 ,41144 10111 111, t re language. 1,. 111 .e•vcr.'! '1 ate lelebnt I V.•'!, 4,1 Canada ,111'4 ha, -1414•()( LIIIWuLLa ('nlltrtllu.it t, 1W411y' (1l t -,ding !nage/te-,' ia;n,.,tic:tls N ,tapers e,t t1(. I:ry- Ili vl rite 4 :'rat•Wrired by .1 ttir literary :111 l a 44(41845 that -1.t'lp hits as 1 a, 411 superior merit. Punt,; 1903 tied 1'.104 lir. U'Hugau Tnl'natl,v, Ai.eit 4, lulu 3 A BRILLIANT WriITER. Dr. Thomas O'Magan's Essays Ars Receiving High Fraise. '1'huilur O'Hague, \I..1.. 1' It . •I, noted Canadian crit', tact terat 1.r, whose recently l.ul„• : • . - s;lys ure receiving .such tog- l ontreheat-gall-----..a•t crltii•s, Ia one of Canada . t:' t ;ali- It:ult young writers.. During 1.1• t.ttee•tt years l&o haat IJl'ii dvi,; -11•'41- lot .work in the field. i'1 Its-riuutr .1.1. kint u -name 1'rhili 1.41. lie :,rat altnlcted.1i1u(1 a Pi 1.[F lir-tor ruins of the Satt (bili. ru1.l his 4':'- t,.'.u:w i::.mys tont Sono,- 01 1'4101. 4,. 1.141 a wide aequlttu4 Owe with lie el;iture of. %tie Ikniti111„". Dr.lu'llagail i; 1.f. II-. ,I„ -'rut and goull old Kerry. 14.•11. lie wits edu- :.t.d at St. Michael's 1 •,U(:.' 14181 1.t- 1't,ieersity, gra.:i 4 1.t 44.1 hi 1i ... ,..1. hreach Ulu! 1 11114,1, .Ill o. Il;i)' Wok u t'. , rut,:,' cull Cornell 1'1iycr.,i•;.. ;1.•r., 1„ 1,1 ..1,•-.. 111 1.11 111, , i.'••t, 1.l .1 •rtl bill Ili ... .1111 1., 1.1'. thein 11 tb oolintt t' p,il . ''1 L,• ,1411 r iiegt('l't lit,- thrill. 111. 11:1' 1.111 i;4+• arc ,.'11-441-Ib11+• x.14.1 0111- 01 r, ,iltr. • 11.1 Ih( f.a'Jl(i• tin,:s th+U tel i•9,1. y ii,pr11vet. 1(1 he u4.1k •, bi" n...._nu•11/ i• 4,is ,•.,I .141,1 hi• 114,1111'1 111% ball grotl - 11 1111.14.' 41'11' la( 14.1• 110ol4 1.11 4(:11.• 111,41 c'p.•(n•It' '. 1 bou4l, hi. int 111114, .'!:,I, • in 4':11111• 1-11•41111:1•14,11. //1- pru4111111Y to the improved 1(51111: .1,.(1-8' )1,41 11ill' „'y lir 1115111 4944,, tau- p:olc- hi, 1`111111. 11.41 4..4''rea•,al of (hal ,,haunt (,t , 1441',;'•1• and Il•11(1 1, 4'. i,..1 111 Europe and! he (las enluy• crops, '4411 atTor'l to pile plot'(• tali(' „i 4.4.at sur68s. Ott tYe t.+etnr8' pint- tia11 hi. ueighis,r. who 11111•' 1.01 1111- 'rid Loth in Canada :4111 the Utntetl is reit LJ- the _Cattle). n -r hi- p..,le I t r.- - Ito! Hitt . n tt - -}t�araa 1aa tit[ ALL t 1('• 1.4(int. Tbr 1141(.1 p'1. 1-. I. It fait 4,, lax iilllruv.'IlI • t' lit t111• may the l:1t% allow, al the lel-wet 11,,,'- 'l'hr,n Ilier( i, the 441i.•sti(i 1,1 uuuuproy.d Idols lying id e. heft. anti 4444*"•. Iter 1110 country. sleuth' these 1.• left •(alt IIn1111' *1 110111111:11 a.- ,11..Illrit, N`Irile 4 iv 41111 tiro 14,•14IIv titx'sl lit keep 'up roads. bride. Itnd the like. which hell) to iuereils4' the v:;tut• 4(;• the idle Lund ? $100 Reward, $100 The' ,ad,•I..:l 111,. t1.'P' r will Ie. uleawnl 10 kw t, 11,41 t eel a n. „'..141(1.4 ono 4rooded 4549.1-8 Ulal.'1r1181' ha. 4.run able to 1.4)1'(1 141 ell it-, Ater..M. + 4, l 111,11 1- Cal*rrh.-. {isi+ C,•Isrrh 4 m41 4.45,. 0.44(1 p'44Pler Cale -tare known l* the uorticld fateril1Y. 11.4 14.4,: Woof :. 6an .111 111.1011141 djrt.-r. Itquirea . 80:1.1+11(1 i•Iud (,.•.11116111. 111}1'- 5 '.larch Cure 1. 1.1.81, 111- 141na114..441t.R direCt1Y 1411x1 111.• 1.4.1st ••1.d 'nu. ,urger. 14 the ry•teen, tnrlr114 dr- .;n•liue te fuuta1:11ion of the 41-e.1.e. :uId 5.4 I'..' the 'pit ion: .'rotielh 8)' beildlla: lie Ino olod1JJnw0 :4111 •....;.Litre n.11 oro ill ,,..loft 11- wurl•. 1'be 4. oUrleters hove .o much 1,111) to n. coni ler ,r,wer that lbr� utter one huodrsin 8,1( r- (wool ease 111IL 4 foil, to cure. 14eud fir h.: of te.iii '.0-. r': a.1'11r.'t:\' k ('li.; Tglydo. i1. 8. 1.1 be :li1llv4454-1-. ; "•. • Tato. 111ll. 11141(4.41'ili. for 6ol/rtlp1tiou. The wan who A •n.tatul•up for him - oar pnssih111tiw," s.ys Mr. Johus•'11. •Wve.-intend lo' stay -1.l lh ' f lea., an.l'endeavor to r=trnd t1( 14L1 444.1 t w•4 have yet dune. All this bar r he wry r...... •r a gn,.d pee*'. but ,irvrloped tr the system of cu-o4wr• lie tinter School at New 1 )rl OIlal. (the ('uluulbiau Catholic t u ter Detroit, sud,•the Champlain Summer School, Pluttsburg, and, has appeared on the lecture plaUorm in .nearly all the leading cities of the American Dr. ,,'Hagan is a mrt11' r 0 ('anadiltn Club, Hamilton; of the Cel- tic Society, Montreal; the lrieh-Axnel- o-an Historical Society. the American ffisterieul Catholic Society and the Catholic Congreaa of Europe. He has specially prepared poems and real throe at a number of noted oelebra• (lulls, such as the Moore, centenary .,e l(bration in Belleville,. the jubilee of tit. Michael's College, Toronto, in l41l'l. and the dedication of the Me. FREE DEMONSTRATION Don'tthrow awaythe 'old chairs because they ve lost their lustre and are very badly scratched up. mortal Church to the Jesuit Martyrs 1.t 1'euetungulsberta, in 180'2. Amon his noted published works may mentioned Gate of - blowers, 1811'7 ; Dreamland, 1893, and his recent work, I:srays, Literary. Critical and Histori- cal. His earlier poetical works re- ceived high commendation from J. U. 11 hittier, Dudley C. Warner, Ksthe- rin' Tynan, Charles D. liuhrrts,. JuIl' self rot( ,1.i'*.ly :.11001 lit oil. 114(011. Jeffrey Roche and a frust of uliuor critics_ Dr. O'Hagan is ,till a y'uunq- KI4p' u hent. and then it will be ,' ay 8s -t our nee '.0 keep' 41147 un4„u'•'- • still facile much valuable work pan. from • his brilliant 111,1:111 , 1,. 4 awl faCrle hpa 1:cri'y 1•0'1.1•R+•e,�4918 ., t(• 1' • n.r.' 1 C n 4 ,1s \'1riiiJT Stmt 1- .1 '4''i._it''•4 e,lli 114.• • -lila. ubolinr,l. \.-t•'i .. el a like it 1111 say. 14.i easy 1 '1711+ :i A se dei e. Ho11•r11 H , 1•.:0 1114, Ian hr h 1, Mit enough frau 4' r.tehlistl &. att.,II wr adopted at b'urrstt which 14:11 11•lur+u'•ht'mat k441.. At times he may enabled UM en retain. tetter returns tot (rut, and -given tin iulletll. 4.. lbs 1(1)sines. " One other instance may be het.. rile'.!. In Norfolk county. Ont.. '414 right .yen,• ago apple -growers 49(14•• Ili., ourwgrd, and tut -herds were valued t 1. -se that; c1►cat11 land alongside. ('u igwration watt; adopted: bringing'11 its wake inapt Ovelllrtlt in 6(1'11.10511 practice. Today, apple 411'•ha1'1. around `incle air srlhu4 for 141:11115 10 $1,19111 an 14114'. and it was rstiinlltrd, u .fol► time ego. that :11.111111 apple Ire(. would be set •out this Wring,. b8.ltle. 1 u•g4 qu(4ntitr4 orf 111 her. *tock. Sp•akiog 4w1ute the Fruit -grimes ,11 Nava tirlti*, Bobt. Ti pleat, of tit 'sthsriner, Ont., snid the land *41 ins v1 11 ict, ein4•r lwople had _begun 11 oil It more fruit trees, howl doubled in e value, and was now ivorlh 111.111111 per acl'r. • '•Von 10•114)18 herr" lin Nova tirothil, he added, "are in the s,tnlr way; land here i* worth just an mufti as with ns,rir as it is i1. Hi itish Cul Uutr't any ,,f y•'ii gentlemen who are grit• ing. apples in this Annapolis ' (4Ile)' let en, -one tempt you t1 mere out of Not* • eo tr. eve 44,11.-11,49•.. '1.,11gh 1' i a eat' and '.ill •r- the ,tuelllly 1. 1oui1wIle at a 1•,11..(.41. twice. lslpw 4114 11.4 i• 'i too tun 41,aki' :.p a ('(44. There• it' no waving In omens, such NY i11 r, isblishing a u atket getting cal•, Int ing b:urrl• VIA pt'!J'urilig 411 hrr *uppii r. - The 1414,'d syrteni reit &idly b1y Oiled bn•inrrm. it 4ra.gam le. with the ,-.1.11 alienist the urnmet'. The Move( •v►p generally rst,iwite eller 110111171W glewrr. and he will no lei)' liar.- lit a alai gain : Go etg11 so111*''t ter the glonet terriers 1.111 value. 1f t r Bent,, turn. out to r be. 4011 11ig1. 411 ((81,14"! may 118 left with the apples on his h.4nd,. 4)n the other hand. if the gru*e1 dIsi'nvrtw thst'he' has 110111 101 1149, he i. Ietmpteal 10 lake no carr o4 the Piet. This hat been in s ' de- in- the cause of the placing an the Olalt.-t of iiferior fruit, ar' n114144801111 .have u•putl(rl. The4Flyeetiot hating tithe or Means to disport. of inferior nitele places them in t he hitt els. S,'Iuet Ides he buys more thou he can *turgid to .at t. le proper time. Some varieties are either text ripe or 4141 i1 - Nature. Again, time in wasted M the pickets and packers in going frinnl one otchaid 4,4 another ; and another con- -sideration is that the ttee8 are not cared fir. The Child_ is the lie th04 lgenerelly F4liowrd, and, while probal.ly-tlie best Of the Ihie'eit has many 4inadvsntarges, especially if the buyer grit. 11)1)84' orch- ards than he ran attend to. It 1* ex- riniVe to troth grower and buyer. The grittier has to board pickers for a few hnrtrls, perhaps in atoltny weather. The buyer perhaps finds it ItI;4I sihle to get sufficient rxtlerie'ncei hands, and time ie wasted on the ro. and with cold and wet weather. The parking at best costs too much, rang - nig front 12i'. to $I.Iki, svei aging ;nob( ably Nie. The fruit. is not handled in thebe•st manner. The buyer cannot Oversee the packing of his apples, which is left to inexperienced cloys. There is waste of labor in double hand- ling, and the apples placed on the ground clay get frosted or sun -scalded, dirty and wet ; and some varieties are nut handled at the right time. The fourth method is not in general use 'mei isnot likely to he, *ti the buyer has to run too much tisk. Froin the grower's standpoint it is the beet 11144th, as he gets rid of his fruit at. the light. time and with very little ex - {tense. The buyer gets the poorer orchards in this way and often the (((�roar( keeps the choice feint..--Tbe lalyer has t1) ray all growers the Sallie price and teles to buy all at the low fate, and the growth of good fruit is not encouraged. Then thele ill the co-operative ay.- tela. Therehas been co-operation in others linea, such as cheese--- why not in ft141t. ? it is the Cheapest of all rays- " (rut•• By co-optlr&tion supplies can twilight more cheaply, and this in a ,•'1) important 'consideration : *pr*y- inl ran be done more cheaply, by P'w4'r 4 packing can the done et half the expense. 'there is no waste time' the fruit is dry, wages are lower. in Mg on cars a man is not needed to receive the apples, and him wages are consumed. I can In bell 10 a dottier r he tllav hold [ In w.ilt111g t0 148 to 13ritis wit' le disappnntrJ RKS ACT. s Ask to Have I, ',dyeable. Vu if you do." THE FRUIT Goderth Township G ItAmen • in, --At a meeting 'held in the Orpnge Hll, 4th concessio(ioderich ownship on \larch 311, in f4r'therance ,,fake interestsand;inls of r Fruit (;rowtrar .\esociation, ani f• e,•ieh township growers in particular.' hiih TRADE Get the AR� . R.{'yci;aly atlai,trd fur beau= tifying 191+1 {irrs'ervine.all kinds of fur:uture and wood- work, such as. - Daby Carriages Balusters Base deards -Bathrooms Bedsteads Book "Case. B Cabinets Chairs Chiffoniers China Closets Commodes Counters Curtain Pole* Desks Doors Drawer., Ha11 Trees Ice Chests Japanese Trays Lawn Seats Lounges illa"tels Music Racks Picture Frames Porch Furniture Rattan Ware Refrigerators Screen Frames Settees Sewing Mal:hincs Shrives Siceboa-ds .Solas •Stools Tabl.•s Ws nscoting Window Sills Wood Cci inas And Floors I'. ill �r4_P:.II-'\\' n I vire the'. w. 111 of r1. 1 mal d, 'H,. I,' V011 11,1,4.. bring 141.1' fn.•t w •"' is on 111e 4l'.'9•31,41,1 L,1111.141 .' and retinal] - MANUFACTURED ONLY 8Y I ; Li 5 614° HABIT and make old huraitur2 and woodwork as good as new. "Lacqucret" hos become the fashion in'a majority of well - regulated ousc'hollls and doubtless you will find many r( guatl(�cl 114 , t,. -;es for it in. your. home. ''Lac. uerct" Is. -It is neither paint, enamel, nor var- nish stain, but ami illiant transparent lacquer made with rolubie; ..,«'rin:lt lYt-.r-oto: �• c'c::.i liu(�tl Ivith an elastic, hard- dr\-i:i 190(1 ill, :a11S ll 1!1111. "Lacqueret",is easily applied, \'l";r� W8'll 8.444 )3.,,.11';51'.1 rare ar1(I exquisite color richness, retaining its hrr.ut} ..n1 , lustre, a 1 1 - t t for a, long Lime. It does not cloud or disfigure the natural grain of the woad, but enhances its beauty. There are a hundred now in • your home. covers up all defect;. and on It cu A 1' over the list of arti('le will beautify. e ses for "L vent right 'all , woollwork ailments - (vent can will convert a dingy ' t`LQ�" Read woodwork that -'L►cquerst'� Manufacturers of all kinds of Hlah-c Don't fail to visit t TORONTO. Varnishes, Stains, Enamels, Floor Finishes, etc. 2301 FREE DEMONSTRATION To be held all day, •S,K`i'URDAV, APRIL 30th; in the store of FRED 1`UNT, Goderich, Ontario A Souvenir will be given every lady attending. py.1. a' .(.,i:,. m ,tionlrs. It's easy to get what you ,ln't want in this world -coughs, colds,c throat, asthma, for intancc: It's easier still to get the remedy yyou don't want.unless you remem-bertosay"Shiloh'sCure -then you're safe, then � have the genuine. For 40 years Shiloh'sCure bas been the most.suc- ct�ul throat, bronchial d lung remedy in the muri:ct. Scores of imitations have arisen, are arising, will arise - trading on our! n'pu.tation. Shiloh's Cure outvalucs its imitators -as the genuine always does the sham --but the delay, the risk, the -hau=l of a substitute may be obviated now and always, if you'll just remember the name, and see that you get - YOU CAN'T AFFORD TO TARE A SUB. STiTUTE FOR SHiLOH'S CURE 101 28ce urge i1oJm A FAMILY FRIEND POP FORTY YEARS meeting earl addressed ►,y Johnson. of Forest, Lampton con y, Mr. Ewing, of Mors, and \lesei•s. Elliott aria Sloan, of Goderich. and after a full and ftee diacuseiut of the state of the apple trade -And all mat- ters pertaintng thereto, it was unsni• mouldy resolved that 11 ,ommit tt ttee coltttxMessrs. of shipper, of Otwd' erich, and Messrs. J. Sowerby and W. Bichan, of Goderich township, he instructed to interview our Dominion menlhwr with a view of haV the Fruit Marks Act amended elohe tettecertain nsize should 11e fin telt'Tha1. definitely stated in the Act for each Variety of apple, and also for each grade. That the inspection of a exrn4f apples by a legally impointeal (in 11rn- ment inspector in the first ► ehonhI,. i0Mce and Insult in the is- suance Ira certiRcattr remit-Augall fin they innlwction anywhere unneees- „*ry, provided he finds ,tpples all right and rdnfortnih$ to grade marked on barrel. d may say further that it is gener- ally ner- • ally felt by the shippers and fruit growers in genetat that aiff rent system of Merano; inspectors be adopted, such as a14.ointing two to inspect the apples of a rnunt) ft and last at the first shippirllt point, and other inspectors should have no power to either inspect or condemn apples et far -away outside points, prob- ably long after the variet ad in con Ibe The ' larI: \-11.1 Cla Marks their Hir11 Degree Semi -ready Clothes are tailored to suit he n:r.n who Las a preriliet' position to intain. To trip Clic man who, has a higher Dolt► to gain - To uncle the money c (tin save - very virtue Vn' good clothes you will find in -save fair the man echo needs all McLEAN BROS., GODERICH The Signal for .fine Job Printing. MOO P HU O 6111/1111111111 111111101111111. - i i NT'S HA'RL)WAKLi[T'S IS THE BEST PLACE TO BUY YOUR SPRING NEEDS. LARGEST -',TOCK AND LOWEST PRiC LAWN MOWERS.. -tt «'oody'alt and Maxwell Lawn Moyers are t e strongest, most easy -running . and most approved • Mol*, -rs" _Every one guaranteed. Specially priced at ${;.5o up. ' e are sole age{tts for these Mowers. • Evert' style and size of Rakes, Spades, Shovels, Pruners. PAiNT Martin-Senour too. per cent. pure Paint and Varnish-- -the '1.; .,.,,. s cI' only Paint guarantee.: absc)hltrty rare; not made b .�P�rt±.Ill-f process ---just pure linseed oil, whitelead, zinc, turpentine and ,FIUUR .-._ ,-,....,/ i� guaranteed d0 givesatisfaction or your MsyuracT 'tr J l/ coloring ; absolutely. g g 'I:y money back. One gallon of Martin-Senour too per cent. Paint .,. ?..3...-1-4,..7., covers 45o square feet, 2, coats. -Come in and get a color -card. •.._....• - Senour's - Floor Paint dries hard over night, and wears like ----_,........-- iron. �.-r" iron. Every color, in cans from one pint to gallons. . Paint your buggies with Martin-Senour Carriage Paint and Varnish. Elephant Whitelead, Zinc, Oils, Turpentine and Colors, Alabastine and Mureco, Enamels and Varnish Stains. Every style and size of Paint and IVarnish.. Brushes and Tools. See our neW, stock of Refrigerators, Screen Doors and Windows, Hammocks, OiI antLGasolinC Stoves, Charcoal Irons, Lawn Hose, Sprinklers, Hose Reels, IRoller Skates and Fishing Tackle. Poultry Netting and Screen Wire, in all--- widths, at lowest prices. 7-Z1Ve are experts in Plumbing, Heating, Roofing, Eavestroughing, Tinsmithing and Repairing. Good work aylowest prices.' Give us your order now. Hunt's Hardware and Stove Store Hamilton St. 'Phone 135. Goderich. ENININIMOSIONININIO01111111111 11111111111111111111111111/1111M.1111J •