The Signal, 1910-3-31, Page 511
mittee to act In the matter. Another
Brush the Great. etnumittee was appointed to collect in -
Crush the
engagement of Mr• i formation in regard to the proposal to
ordaas concert t•ourse will he carried I oil the et ret r, W prevent the dust
•April• Brush heti Great, nuisance which ip to ruuch in evidence
during the sunnier Months. A gen-
eral spring .leaning day for streets
and backyards also was moetad and the
idea was fyvorably receive d.
Five Generations in One Family.
William Campbell a few days ago
received au interesting picture, show-
ing A1c,geueretigns of the James L.
Hamilton family of Mill Creek. Utah.
MIs. Hamilton, the great •great -grand -
e l r t s t o r mother, is a sister of Mr. Cautpbel 1.
sows'. \Yrxfoii1 exileete t0 clever tto' I and judgin from the t•esemblanoe l..
into dry
the likens i good one
out tlurnlg
is the alu•aetr'serforn ante. will
take µtin h (from your mouth or a
take front your pocket: and do
i,,,.st, otlher wonJerful thing
for II' (tits
tf a.
The oa u of the steamer Turret
C,tt••, the at of the whiter fleet here
tobeunlo►tted, was transferred to the
last Saturday The
dock t , him
""h ihr will go a sr s a very.
dr)'• ...Thr saw- Mrs. Hamilton went to the States
inllniKya we for rrprira
.sill commenced operations on Tues-
twiny vents ago, and dlr. Campbell
It ie rxp.cted that the logs en � not ween her for ahuut thirty-five
dsy�f will keep the mill busy for about
I ears. At present she is very ill. Her
bend husband is long deceased and she is
two months.
•I the head of s. (urge family, her de-
�ne`S Knox Black April Tth. ;