The Signal, 1910-3-31, Page 44 Tor K$nAY \Iii, a 31 1910 .THE SIGNAL : GODERiCH• ONTARIO News of District COLBORNE. treatse, March 34th, N(rnte. - -Mr.and Mrs. G. R. Foster spent Noonday in thc,euugty town Harold Millin has hired with .John t3chwant for the Iummer.. t ...Master Tommy Freemen is visiting with his gtandfa her, Thos, Pennington Was. 'Viet ham pnt•chaise(' a number of extra, choice witch cows from John Wwlter.4 Carlow Owing to the remove of John Schwenz it is ex- pected at John Durst will be the etcher r the beet ring this summer. , , Ice 1st con- cession people .Ie.ct[ F 1 young in, 'e-siaA grid vicinity held a dancing pat ty-atAlemd 1iib'aril'+ cru Th dayevening last prior to his depart• ure for the Vit to the near future. W. H. Forster lost a valuable horse last week - F Kurschinski is visiting with friends in ]'edict end Stratford t h i r week.... -Among those p�rrho lett for the West last week wire Fred Lloyd, Alex. and Paul I w,del, Nelson McLerty and N. Johns and -family, with others.....The man- ager of the D,u,gattons ct•eateery was •snood this week soliciting trade for the summer. • BAYFIELD Tee.sn.AY4 March 39th. Mise Charlotte Stilling is spending the holidays at home, ' Miss Flossie `it.anbury, of Toronto, ion. u n he E.wtrr.vaca is house for t SIiss Liizie Cameron is spending the week with her brothers and sister's in 1).•troilt. Mts. Walter Wallis Roth Mi.e tient, 16• h,.„1„.„ "."4_ ir4.1,,e• with' tripods in London. ('leave Et win and Laurie Fourth.. of London, -peat a .fete ;lays et horse this weep. Miss Chesney, wh'* hes been in Dc - trait visiting friends for the nest month or (mote. it amnPd on Saturday, Mr. and Mrs. 1)nnaidton slant the E.4.ater era Utiofl with their sou, Claes. Donaldson, and -his f.tnlilc io hatn. - iher.• was'no cervi.,• in the 1'r.• -)•c-. tet•itur'heireh.nn Saliba! h..ts Key. \I r•. \Ialc,,l n. who was ex*wcted, to occupy the ruled, did rot•al rive. NILE. ,'ti l-,4p.:Y. Match -oath. Aft 11)1 NT. -- The many fl•icudr of Edgar $hepp •141 . Were saddrnl.1 14) hear ,(the painful *crident whish he incurred by f..*Iing off the horse- power. Both 1••gs are I'r•a,•t"used and the right enc vett meriogsly injIit•r.l at the knee. The little fellow has tinuch eytopath}' in his suffering.• fl EN sK.tf..-Mi.s Ruby Robinson is spending the lediil.y at her home in Sparta and-Mi•i. Lottie Robinson in (a/>derich Rev. W. Conway is .stkanding a few' ltLIFN in London this welek Miser Ella and 1Falsv Hears .pent Sunday with Nile friends. Me: and Mr.. Brown. of Kings- ville. spent a couple of days with their friends.. Mr. and .Mrs \VJ fight. Cuenca Nimes. --The W. M. S. of Nile church held a Lutist successful aneial and literary entertainment last \Vedn••.day night. The ladies of this soviet)' dear! ace credit ter the excellent manner in whirl they manage all their affairs. .... The pastor preached an exeellemr F:.t-ter -el mon on timidity evening. M 1 he afternoon the Mon- day milord gave an Easter missionary program. which was eta iyed ler all who. liot.lned..: • Ke.'p in mind .\lay 2 -ith. Nile Kpworth [xkgur is pre- paring an extra-treet•fnr this veer. KINTAIL. Duro:Lu NON. 't• A. NK\VTON, DENTIST. LUf3K- dd T. NOW.w IU At Cyfor extaact ery ng teeeth iSumno. forint. hrtter thee gam. t.ruwnred bridge work. etc. Aluminum plate.. tnombroskrble.l N. B. -You eau alw..y. have your work mach better done in better f&vUitie, for doing doing thee dental w k u ore ore we - Portable for the within NOTICE. -THE LOCAL AGENCY In I)ungQanoou for The Signe' Del thePore *Moe Book and Suauouery . orderwill be received for ,.ub,.crlptiewi rd• vertinlug •n job work. and receipts will be rP11 for ante usld tor the same. d IV rR.-OUR WALL usre taper for this OIi h s arrived and inclwie. an 1 he 1.4...t design. and oolorinav for ..print. We have paler to exit any room, no -minter -hue .1..kwerhewheitel t at l.. Prime non�cc from :a• to;IOC a roll. We.hell be pleased to ivny time yuu1low our end 'Haid enie t to call. ance .tock of paper. atMIAS M. ItYAN. Uungaunou. WenstomAY,' March 3lith. Elva Johnston is home •for Easter holidays. Rich. Reid and family leave today for the West. • H. Knox, of Auburn; spent Sunday in our village. , Edgar Ilickle,f 0 (Jo Lerieb. hi visiting friends here. Wellington Oliver s moved to his farm near Ebenez r'0. -Allen leave. far his hush near Peterls ro this week. Er*aset 1 tett! bee 1w4vad.tu the house vacated *.y W. Oliver. his u improving 1aa Ii. Shady is not friends would like fusee. • (i. !Novell. of 1(Ivt), was het e on 'creamery hurinesi this week. Miss Ada Sproul, of lio lerich. spent dyer lorifebtp with her parents, -..---- Miss II. Z. M. \Vhy:arel, of (iaelph. spent a few days at her home here. John I1 4* tIe has vrd to his sew' home in ltichaul 51ellongh's house. Misse. Olive Crawford and Peal•I Itentifut•d were in Goderich un Mon- day. ,lack .1tc,ber•t, of the Welling Bank. Aol,nrn. sta'r't- M:•weFer ia6 �i+�r l)Z)ii►a hate. \lias'r!urt it thetas. r,f Brantfor.l, spent the Easter holidays tit. her 1 herr. • • N,,rtemerreleaven and his new baker start business t,xla} in 'fetch's old i taint. • • Mrs. i'. ti1111I It and beat her, of Tor- onto. Were E ester • visitera at B. .1. Cr.tw'f norm, .14111es St•tl.hers and Gamily Ieeve to- day 1 \Vednesday( fur their ae,w home in the Weer. ' '31r. and Mr.. H. Turner and \liss Gladys McLean. of Grxlerich, spent East .•rat ,las. \Vhyerd's. Benson Case. Ross. Rutherford and Ks y hairlwirn, of Toronto University, visited 'friends -here Easter.' L EEDING TJ3IE.-DON'T` FORGF:'r 1 to *.n chi. gent- ••card.. It nn•an' Murch , to Sint In the crop dnA Note ym, no mot.' al , t11' pp trh..e. Onr .hick 1. guaranteed fetal,. l'verytbinit 1. gnaronteed here quality and price. right. 1). FOHd\'TIIF: Kintall. Wereigsnti, March :111th. -Miss R. Riley's leen London, is vis- itRilg et the Misses Itiley'm. T. Griffin has 'rrived ire our midst from oit. We learn that. Ted iv making his ((ley amongst us instead of out West em re•pr.rted.- CnNtiIt.1TrLATI(,7s-Several people have their odd friends to visit then„ but J. Collinson and J. M. Howler have new visitors in the home. Whether the hl*ekemith will ever marry the dairymaid titua alone must tell. Congr.t(uletions front their many friends have been sent in through the mato and the whole neigh- borhraxl ,joins in the felicitation.. Unexl•e'•'ted ple..nres bring the grrete.t We didn t Immo whit% you wanted. A little girl or boy. Anyway. you've got it ROW. -. We hope >'en like It ,arse : You camiet plek and choose them, You n, u -t, take 'hens a. they •time. PORT ALBERT. 'rt • Melia y i1 tFi. B. Augustine arrived Saturday kussels with a string Id three. ilea buggies for his new her• ery. are Rlatl to bear that our old friend Mr. MlNevin is getting better. are waiting to sere him ou the street sem. Roy Meld, Olive Glenn. Peary Alc. Kenzie, Daisy Ryan. Ethel an.1 How• ard Cae, of theta. 1'. 1. ale •ponding holidays with r.:tivee here. licit i1ANKET$. Liverpool Exchange Closed, Chicago Wheat Higher -Lw• Steck- Latest Quotations. Monday Evening, March 1111. The Llvcrpo0l eosin exchange and the Liverpool wheat market were closed for Ito holiday May wheat at Chicago cloned to -day Sit< h her than uo Saturday, May corn - trc j)pr, and May oats lac lower. Toronto Grain Market. wheat. tall. bush $1 05 to MU Whet, bush 1 09 ...- Wheat. bush 1 06 .... Buckwheat. bush 01'4 nye. bootie; 0 0 .... 0 53 .... 031 . 0 u 044 Morley, I.usheh , Peas. bushel Oats, bestial Termite Da Py Market, etwoo, •per 1D •...«••••• 013 0131 Eggs, sew -laid.... 0 L 0 3 .. Mutter, pare es. -dairy.- 0 f1 0 D nU utter. store IO Putter, creamery. solids . n 17 026 Dotter. creamery, lb. rolls 0 9 0 11 !forty. extracted 0 Dari *loner, combs. per doses 2>�1 s6i New York Dairy Market. NEW YORK. Marsh 20 -Butter-Steady; receipts. art; r•rearnery, specials. i11ke: extras, 1Shc to 34r; third to first, 31e to :`eye: heed. eared to spcO*al, 2+.• to ::7. etare-4drl; rotmntm to Hare, 24.- 1.• 2.e; ixnaess. first to special, rye to.�.•a- ern factory. 29c to 27240c: weetrte tion creamery; 3414c to 36c. ('heave- totem: receipts. 532: state. full cream. fall made. specials. 17•..4c to lir•; tlo., fang, 17' do., a.m,d to prime, 16' e to 16%c; do., current make, heat, 154cse to 40.': do.. common to fair. 13c 4. ISI•: skims, fill to i ertT Sri to 144ic. I meg-Ptrady: receipts. 31,49: state, 14nnsytt•aeht-sti d -nearby. heone•ry. white. fall')'. to Se: do.. gathered, white, ire. t , 22jc, do., 1,cuner>. brown and mixed, fau.>, 9r: d., . gathered, brown, fair to t retie, '2'c to '_Syr•: western storage pack - ••1, 22`:- to 3c•, do., regular packed. Bret, e, r first, :lc to 3c. CATTLE MARKETS. 'rests', Marchnd. H(•SE FURNISH 1 NO14.-Y 4)wn get the ne.a de'igna in Mall (aper. windea' .had.. lace curtain.. art mu+linlinoleum. aral eacloth4 at \►. T. Irl G11F:I:L:, Auburn. • De end uon it. whoever tries tosell you n silhstituUi is doing so for the ptx.tlt and not fur your good. "D. k L," \le•nthol Platers for atiIneas, etc.. have many imitators. Beware of the Suleitilute. Get the genuine, made by Davis k Lawren", (;o. CARLOW. VF:l,xs*.*. March :k*th. Frank McDonagh, of Toronto, spentEaster with his parents here. Miss Jane McHardy is visiting her aunt at Toronto aver the Etaster time. Henry Harney took advantage of the cheep Easter• rates and went to LondonMrs. Leutenalayer and children toe *pending the week with friends near Auburn.aL. 1. tergusnn'Tetn > nMonday and everything brought agood price. Mia. Duncan, of Toledo, spent Eas- ter with her daughter. Miss Duncan, efnd her sister, Mrs. Miller. 'Charlie Vetcoc, of Toronto, accom- panied by hie friend Mr. Busy, is spending the holidnys at 4 ol. Varcoe. Alex. Olen has sold his farms on the 14th cnnression to hie brother Rnhert, who now. has ::;11 acres, al1 _adjoining. Wm. Cunningham has secured e.position as bushranger in Northern Ontario and laves May 1st to assumue his duties for the summer. Earl Cun- ningham has taken a position in town with the• Doty Engine Wolk% Co. Cabl.. Steady -Hogs Have Further Advance at Chicago and Buffalo. I.4 1NIN.N, Mar. la-I.Iverp..o1 and 1mM dot, cables quote live cattle (AmerI•au) I leper. at 13As<• to 14%c.' drelsed weight: letrlgeratur heel' firm, at 41.' to 11!yc Lor pound: Union Stock Yards. 'f1.111 ONTO. _3 arc12 ReePlpt 1-0 live stock :.t the Union Steck Yards were 7N c:. Heads, consisting of 1639 cattle. 67 hogs, 1011 sheep aid 59 wire.. • Exporter's. Gen, C:oupbell:lµ.ught ba cattle, 1400 Ib*. each..at' 15.91r to 15.ei. per cwt.. for extort There were r 1w. etude,• oads, the best the n:ark-.i.'.inc1 at higher prices. May- n•P & W ilaun reported selling a Io:.d brought In be D. Murphy of Mount For -4 est. at 17.0i per cwt., and Coughlin • & Co 'repined having sold -the• hicheat--prl, ed load of rattle en the market. 17 choice (at. Ile. at more than 4111. per head. Butchers. Prices for butchers' rattle, or, at least• cattle bourht -by local hdtrhera, are kP1r- Ing ''„pe up -t0 the export line. One load • of t2!t.-1h, cattle was veld by 1{irr' & AV holey to $7:3 to a local [(rat.and the same fl-ni sold .a prune picked_ lot at $7 per oust 1*'.' would gum e eboicet picked lots at $6.:5 to E. luaus of Koury. [6 to • medium. $4 75 to 1N. common. t; 40 coo. 12' Vitt- (1K Moa'; McLRAN.-The sari news has been received of the death of Mise Ethel McLean, of Patten, Saek., formerly of Lucknow, Ont., which oc- curred last week. The body is to 1•e brought to Dungannon on Thursday, March 31st, for Interment, , accom- panied by her wnrtowing mother and eldest brother. Edward. Mtn, MelAtan andfamily have the gym. pathy of all the relatives and friends in this cnmtmmity, ex this in their sec- ond bereavement within two years. Peamo1.tr. MxNTIoN.-Perev Iiay- den was home from tanderich over Sunday Miss Lizzie Brown left for Detroit last Thursday after spend- ing the 'winter here Mina Blanche Olver visited with relatives in Strat- ford last Week Mre. Harry Hay- den is visiting with friend,' in 'itornnto. Mies Rowell* Schnenhnl* is spending a few days with friend,, in Winghatn Mr. end Mr.. E. Lin- ington, of (Ioderich, spent Sunday with the latter's parent*, Mr. and Mn. Brown Harry l.ednor returned last week from n visit with friends In Hamilton and London..... Fred Me- Olenn, of Detroit. is renewing ac• qusintances in this neighborhood.... Mrs. Nathaniel Cunningham left for Toronto on Thursday Inst. . .. . Mr*. Angus(iordnn is spending the Easter holidays with friend* in Kingston .. The Mises Tens F. Hawkins, of Wingham, and Lleuetta Cunningham, of Belfast, are home on their vacation. beurnatisrn. is Uric Acid in the blood.. Unhealthy kidneys are rho cause of the acid bei., there. If the kidneys acted as they should they would strain the Uric Acid out of the system and rheuma- tisrn wouldn't occur. Rheu- matism is a Kidney Dis- ease. Dodd's Kidney Pills have made a great part of their reputation curing Rheumatism. So get at the r•s.,e of those fearful shooting Pains and stiff, aching joints. There is but .surr way- Dodd's Sidney s PERSONAL MENTION. • Fred. H. Munro, of Toronto. wa.. In town for Eaten. Fred. Thunm.Ii, of soutfilmplun. a ,o+ it, town for '.day ur.twu chi- week. Mr.anr. Mex 1i e Baxter Itul+,imnan, of St nit - fool. fun*, users• clting n•Ldirr. un'1 friends lex town d ring.iutt week. Mr- .4'. Iuiall+Irmmgh and .On. Arnold. of s.ei und.ilk'. are ,i.ithlg ilk town. the guest -of Stip. Macitfllivray. .1. F.. Jonlan. of t.rnulun, Wit. in town on Goat F111ti4S - Here -ports everything tmetier hug eflh him, im his ilea 1.a•an,m. Mr-. 14,,l1and 51b. Ina 1.1, rrwxl yesterday A fter'- pending. t he wintry al Ludl 4l11'un, 5114*.. *tier, )nom. limy. met. is in *-inrw., 51r. ,o,'1 51 r.. Oban.-- laity haws returned borne awl Woe taken y4' Jig •*• re.idt•nee nn Nel.eil -tiler. •Mr.. linty will tot milli,. until the !Main,. of M..>, . Blush the Great carries% bilge coot - 44 sssistinR artiaL' who help hiss in his scenic numbers Victoria Opera Hunte, Goderieh. in April. AUCTION SALES. . -April Y Auction sale oftoiufotlablo frame• rr-'done end hou.reol.1 1,1114ii+ue: property of Atfnd Nirhul-on, St. Ila"Idl+.trig•,. TimMt. 4.4441.01', auctioneer.Sloohar April 4Auction -aleof humfok end'Iruplement,.:property of Ja+. S. 51i'ir, lot ;1., 1aa.e 1ine. (loderieh inwn-hipAll to he .old, a. proprietorhas .old the farmT. lit sbgv. auction.Ttr't,4y. April 5thAuction salt& et farm.lock and nupMment-: 'queerly of tarn. K. Joht.'ton.lot l0, e.nie.-ion 2. Dederick townTnn,i .Grxoae,anrtk,teer. Wr.pxr.uty. April , auction ,ile of farm -tuk ; prperty of David Elliott. lot NHayfield lint. (JudaeaI. township. T.l;rsii.yauctioneer.7.-.ttetinn esteof dc.lrahl. tow, pi .pert in the Iildihor).e .neve'it•y of J'. T. lioldlhurte.• 7ln,e., Duet*5ahs, lugger. PAnnnAs. %prll !r .. Aut ' .ae n hems( end lot on Howe keel. et the 1'oborne hnt.I, G,.trricb. con,n,rning at 11 oclock. 1'nurotooL Hc4s lit 141..41.4. yendoi..olicter-. Tu-. t:rvnay. ttuctluneor.Petrel, iv. April le -Executor+ .arc of a brkk -hp ..nd a brik cottage. St. Andrdw- .1r.et: property of rhe late Patrick NugentTu.,.. Grspay, auctioneer. Milken. Not many on sale, but pring were firm at unchanged quotations. Price. ranged fr.n1 ter to $46, and Dunn & Ievack sold the best cow on the market at 175, Veal Calves. - There waw a light run of veal ca4vsekwhich mold at 11: t0 SA per cwt.• Sheep and Lambs.t1•Pa.v I,unrl, the heaviest buyer and • 4nsheep at alt time. arid twa4one, yearlig Iambs at 'II9 to 3s .7• per41 ; !beep, ewes, .tt fu to tl6 per cwt• and ram. at $4.6 to r6fe ter curttenhs at 14 to 11Q each. Those ..plug at 14 ,4,., 1 *0t have teen taken fruits their m-t•.rP.-which ware u sin to do s0, and ea.tefU(,Al.O. Hogs.I1. P. Kennedy reprtd that he wee paying 10c *ewer for. hos at country p4iOs.. whlah la 1766. The hoes •on the market sold at the old price of 110 per xit•Montreal Uve Stock.MfNTIII1AT. Marchthe Montreal :took Yards We.t Fnd'Mar- ket. receipt* last week were 2400 rattle. 130 sheep and larnba, 140., Iowa and 230 ca*vc4Offering. today were 560 cattle. 21 sheep anl lnn,*a, qn hog. and 35o calve.. T:e supplyof cattle was compaativNY smll, but wap ample to fill all requirements. Prfcea were fully tee per pound lower tan this day week. (Tolee ateerp anld at 4;r *0 rPc: gond at tl!• t0 6Vtc; fairly gond at 554.• to 5e: fair at 5r to 6Vac: mediumat 414.' to 4.%c, aed common at 11%c to Otic per pound. 11ng impeller, were light and demand imsll. and prime ruled steady, sals of peleeteelIota befog made at 110.71 per rust. rattle Advic. from London and t*rlaiollast. week on r'anadlan bacon noted a deiof 2. lex Y. per cwt. SrlIts)L ENTERTAINMENT. - Mime Augustine'a pupils of school section No. 1 entertained a full school room last \Vedneaday evening. They gave ks fine program. rnneisting of drill's, cub swinging, dumbbell exercise and mase. Miss Augustine in to be con- gratulated on the way she hid her pupil's trained. MovlNo,-Alien P. (grant .has en- gaged to alt as foreman for Robert (glen and has moved with his family to the old Alex. (filen house. David Hardy ha. engaged with Thos. Burns for eight months and has moved into the house vacated by Mr. ('rant. in the meantime the blacksmith shop in vacant, presenting a good business opportunity for a young man. How's This? We offer one hundred dollar. reward for any OW of catarrh thet cannot be cored by Hall'. ('aterrh Cure. F. 3. CHENEY & CO., Toledo O. We the undersigned have known F. J. ('heney for the last 15 year., and believe him Perfectly hnnorehle In all b,Mndw •traneartlon, and f1• nine' ally able to marry out any obligations made by hl. firm. Welding Klnnan t Mania • Wholesale I)rnwg(.t'. Toledo. O. Hall'. Catarrh ('are b taken internalll. *04 Mg directly open the bleed and murotu Rah terve of the *yawn. Testimonial. sent tree. Irice 75 rent. per bottle. 14014 by all drumlins, Take Halts Family P111. for constipation. T a • HORN. WEIBTF:It. To Mr. and Mr'..Lhn 1Yel.-ter. . Helm,. um 5arch 31+4. a moll. Hill-alIN. on %lrch ':nth. lex 5t r. ad 51r -Philip H. Murto. bank ..f SIuntreal. *'ort *lope tforna1Iy of (4.slrkht. +a daughter. aw. amelelselMetweildwIllwammarwlesolstwiwooth ING STORE NEWS 11 A visit to our store will convince anyone that our Spring fferings are the kind to appeal to the young gTT or the atron. The store is full of new, up-to-date goods ---just hat everyone is looking for at this time of the year. OPLINS . heit nod K'tY are servceae tor dtesaes or tailolyd suits; it is a soft, silky finish, and can tie washed with safety ; it will come out as new end silky as ever: twenty-eight inches wide, 'W. and 35c. GINGHAMS . At Ilk., 1,2P.. and 15.•. We never otleted such a large beautiful lett. of pat 1ertla gnu carate - a 1 l imported, and Glees/ow make. Ciders absolutely fast. __ . VESTINOS Elegant white Vestings-wear 1 well, look well, laundry well and always look trite and fresh. Neat patterne, 124c, 15c, 200, Pc. Ask to east them. . - LAWN WAISTS Just in, a large and finely selected stock of white Lawn Waists direct from the !makers. Never before did we show such values. Faubloideted and lace f anti. up • to • date to .•vel y particular, and our prices n1 e r..ckhotto,u. Every one new f„r this season. HANDKERCHIEFS Auk to sell our 'issue -make. They are very new. Nut seen here before. I odelible colors, superior quality and permanent t'o'ok, and can be gut only at thief, 'tore. Plain or colored botYters. PRINTS 1)ou't forget that this Is the Leet niece to buy your prints the cloth is the beet and colors are sure fast. Prints are a specialty herr, lila and 12ic. DRESS `GOODS SPECIAL FOR SATURDAY Colors onal v•e►n*i amethyst.Copenhagen. ll t 1iro'wi g. They are all title and til;: qualities, and un Saturday you cru have your choice f ,r ilk. This ie a so cat 11 chance to get a guod drrse or suit cheap. ��ICOLBORNEJ. Saturday Special 1511 hairs of lnrli.•v.' �� ester gents Cuff Links Itegmhtr price 516•, 75e• and $1.I01L Font• choice saturdny. $fgo .Idy: • See our window display. I Jeweller and Comicial? . 1 i fins+..Nsesss>•a • To the General Public of liuderirh and Vicinity - You will find it to k.4 4 Your interest to rail on W. It I'in+it•r far • ..nythingJ•ou want iu the line of Heating Plumbing .Metal Work Electric Wiring and Fixtures. First- •I.r. htteof Ranges Heaters Granttewlre and Tinware. I'ir,nnpt attention given t., all -kind, of JuLhiog. 'Ph/ re 1.1.). - NDER, I Agent foe the cefebealeo Brantford Woofing. PURE \ LAK1': ICE We wish to "announce to out customers of former yeil,ieand I the public ingenet,tl that 0ti ieehouies are stocked witly.pu, hike ice and we are preparedt supply all offal end sew enttne: ers. We are -the only dralet • handling are Lake Ice CRAIGIE BROS. grub 'cite Jordi inter, take tIt tor 1 Hart Th CAP' b4 el els Vitra dr>' Coll Oat ban two Av. lila Tiv it) rel' 4I (he r{ 1 tit 4ti to sir cr 'Phone Calls : Office 24 Douse. 124 5:1,'v. a 441. In M. Lake's !wankel, Chinas., ur, amnia'. 51,1.1) l•4h..Henry Taylor Elwood. aged .G, ear-. - ANPTF.\'. I .(:,ah•rieh an eat,nlay, March 'MU.. 5t'. I:..51i.1,>. iefant wm of Nichola - owl ably .5nstty, aged tiro' Ser& and e4ne (mintier. KIRK. Inlir11o,t..int 5toeidal', Manch Pen. .1. Y. S. Kirk lfornierly of o.,tcrich4 in hi- 7x21, year. i'.5 NT$:1.)N.. 1n. (..lorirh.,n Tuc,•day . Manch ;Mel, Arthur 1'pi,*,•Ion, in Ids $2n.* Scar. trade gnlet. A few Iota of ((beep were soul a. 514. to lie per pound. Spring Iambs brought from 15 to 110 met), and calves sold at from rt to 4 ear's. East Buffalo Cattle Market. FART BUFFALO, March N. -Cattle -- l(40 vent*, 34fn head; good to choice steady to .tomo: crvnmon and medium Mow and 1Se to 71.• Inwer; prime steers, 17.75 to tS. .hipping14.76 to 0.60; butcher,, 15 7,0 t0 37 50. 'heifers. 15 to 17; cows, 23.3 to K: hull., 54 to 16.25; stocker. and feeder.. K to 25.11; Mocker heifers, 13.71 to M.20: fresh cows and springers steady, 177 to 170. Iow e --Re elpta. M00 head; active and Sc to 10,• higher; heavy mad mixed, [11.211 to 411.1:.; yorkero, 31.10 to 111.30; Duca. 111 to 2(1.10; rou,tha, 110.:6 to 310.60. .tag., *1 to 11; dairies. 111 to 111.X. Sheep nn.l Lambs-ltrodpts, 13.4 head; .h.ep active: wet hers and ewe. 25c low- er; Iambs tow and steady; lamb., r; 1: to 110,40; yearling., 0.3 to 0.75; wether., 21.14 to 141.75, ewes, 47.71 to 13, .hero, mixed, 34 to 13.5. New York Live Stock. NEW YORK. March Sit--limevea-lta- relpts, 4312, ',Mere elnw and 10e to Ifs - lower: eows 1.,.' to 2be lower; steers, 15.:/! to MX; hull., 14 to 16.16; cows, 1275 to 16.00; imp. 45.71. C01ves.-Itr'eelpte, 11&7; market about atead>; *coal., $5 to 311; culla, X to s:; I S' nyant and fed calves, 14 to 15. Sheep and Lambe--itecelpts, BP; /if Pep 'steady fanny Iambs steady; heavy elms; .hoop, 14.70 to We"; cuUa, 14.60 to M: un- .horto19.n 30, lamb., 1'I to *fedll; (lipped do,. 11 Hole--Hpc*tpts, 4541; market itrnsg, at 111.10 to 111.20: pima, 111 tri.*11.10. Chicap Live .Steck. C>4ft't 10. Mnrelt 111.--Cattle-Rec.lpt.. estimated nt 32.000: market 10.' to 3, low- erawe.. 141.40 to 13.73; rows, 1F to 17 50. heifer., 54.07 to 17.16; butte, 15.16 to 14.14. raise". W to 1.1.10; Markers and feeders. $1.7'• to 17.20. flows- •1Lereipti, 25,01*; market Ick to rkc 1'111'er: choice, heavy. 111,10 to Itehers, 111.(6 to 111.17: 11;tht, mired. :10'•, to 111.1. choice. Hetet, 111 In 111.10: parking. $11.06 to *11.13; pamm. 110.141 to SW. 75; hulk of salmi, 111 to Sate. Sheep and Lambe-ltrcetet.. i3O, mu kr: ` :• to . 'ower; sheep, 1; lex 4, 4. lcn.b , 11) to Hell; startles". t7.10 to 2.2a. It is well to have on hand IL remedy, simple, effective acrd easily applied, for mosquito bites, insect. stings, w Sores, bruises, sunburn, and injulc to the skin, and folly other ailments -not a"svays'dangc1 Vaal . ":' W11 ids can be ctrl*. 4 . ;.tion_ Suci a remedy is Davis' Mesal, Salve(TheD.RL.),which c.•l' in tins for 25 cts. at drug;, a4 e i 0 mos immasdis taw NEW YORK STOCKS j Bigfrloney can be made in New York stocks by careful operation. The only things neees• F'. sary to spell success are the guidanceof a specialist inmarket conditions and suf- ficient money on hand to protect the 'transactions. Our •investment Syndicates cover these two points. in our judgment, you can 'sake at least 5o per cent. per annum on your money. If you have kept in touch'with the market you have noted the fluctua- tions that occur every day. Why not take advantage of the opportunities that these changes offer, as by the'syndicate method a change of only one point in the stock you are operating means earnings of $too for a $2,5oo syndicate. -- Join a syndicate• NOW. Cut out this order, fill it -in and send it to us. .- - Quick Returns 1 Honest Assortment Correct rlarket Prices Paid fr- all kind. of RAW FURS and SKINS Rend Sec.'s collections M REVILLON FRERGS The Leader In the world's Pur Tend*. 34 et set neral Sweet• file ereI Oer 1909-i°10 PRiCEI LIST FREE for the eking Wit PAT watraiess c0Aanwll PATRTARCIIE & COMPANY INVESTMENT-MEW- 31 RDE 31 Scott Street," Toronto. Dart',. iO10 Herewith I send you Dollars ($ to be invested by your system of sy- ndicates for my benefit in accordance your plan as stated below : THE SYNDICATE SYSTEM • These Investment Syndicatme are for $2,5O0each4 and each known by a separate number. Each Syndicate will trade In only ono hundred shares at a time, thus having nn each trantactlnn a protection of tWen£Y.flve points, which, based on the trend of the market for many yearn, is con- sidered ample. Syndicate; testbetsWill receive each week statements of the transactions of the syndicate they ' :are int mate d n. , Syndicate members have the privilege of investigating the bx,ke of their syndicate and check- ing up the records to vitrify our accounts. Syndicate members may withdraw all or any part of their credit balances at any time by giving three days notice. lyingProdfits ant. will be paid at the end of each month, and six tier rent. interest will he paid if money is orm_____ _ _ Charges for operating the syndicate are a regular commi,vrion of one-eighth each .way, or $12.50 for ewe It 'Inc 1 tired .haters handled. Signed (NIn fullame) i Street Address_ r ..................................................- _........_ . . with 0 e Signe' -31 1.1,. City or Town...-....�.... .�........-Province ..-.-.. If you have money you wish to invest, let us know about it, as there are con- stant opportunities brought to our notice every day. We want your business and that of your friends on any stock you wish to trade in ---outside of the syndicate system, if you prefer. , Patriarche & CompanySEND US YOUR NEW YORK OR COBALT ORDERS 1111111111.111115.- 31 SCOTT STRUT TORONTO ,so1-t OYaMAIN 0 O 11111111111111111D111111111�