The Signal, 1910-3-31, Page 3,a
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THE sit; \A1' 11 .D' R1('H ONTABI°
L) R101Di'CALS and
tMIllII 'n 1'•q•airenl.
0il.1) t.rnrl•I'Iiltlmu
4)u LI:ATIIKR GO01)s
Koh. atr.•nde•1 ' , un leaving•tL I1.
Kll.l'At'K �
leasit. is'sV it calall atx:wl •t.`"'•
JANrgs11, D. (0 to741 011W. Fnr P
m IFraen !tae
.I„.0 t:'rg h nilallli..ri-tf,S inai,.
' rt' sa•.t-. ..' .
• ' 1lr • "curl of itrt4
1'Ol►K. 'l'EAl'lll?ii (11
Theo:v. Hurtueuy
prepared for e•S•1111 -
of V •AI'V
r.,...::HMAKiNG. 111
-Iib I'ARK
•1:4 \6V11. Jr 4•I, Kit lYrI 44s.
,•t is 1:' Ir.. j ('141•'1
11 draulic En41u0er'
Ontario Land
Do le:.' ' neat
•Ir Telephone, FY.
. F. °ALLOW, Ii. -11-
aene•. Nor. n -tr•.' it
. Ited-"Y 0 tire.
Ir KILI4)KAN. is.%illi; i1
tan, etc.
4WD" •_I orab•F•11.4
f 1.4 et,h *,u. +..,
uta':,,. In Se ,
�rt�RUN, K. C.. 11.1 ICUS.
1.. 14..oif*tor. notary stabile. (thea•."_
ytn;rt, t}clurirh, third dour front
By Pik/REM-1H fil!Ch )LSO.N.
Author of The House o) a Thousand Ca::d'.es''
CO PY H 1611 T. 1007.
aY 4 UI4 1OnUl.MEIt111LL C01,1ry AlJY
„charter 3cv
• 1111:1.1.1 1 4. 4I.'., 1 SECRET.
h 11111 LEY- C'LA.1IIl 4Nh:
avag the:W.1'd ler ot• ride.
and elide .whiting for
her horse i.110 reread her
brether's letter tart the
ile etlu•ript which, foiluwa ;
sht retail toi..'1 -
Iax'1►I ours t HAYS & BI.AIR
nitre -ter•, solicitor' notaries u W l tart .
'urs at the Maritime l 001,.e. Cleft ..'s t l'n
pya.tre.:,,eat door ('. A. of uuen"t.
'.V.lund!toWT.✓tkve rotes11 \u. U. }
PROCDI . t. -lt
1tiet EH. agorae)•. *elicitor. etc.. Oods-
h al"' ey to lend at lowest rahew.
d1I „I
1• 1r0u41' luta'Y pub
Gvterien tint.
.., .I teal,, :�n .0 ret.
H A N e' K t' (1. -Farrel 1u'd t.olsosi
'•til•. -r ---J: It. .Irl.e..n.) nares:: 1•. u:
.,,,'wily, Ye'e-1'i+rk.s oderorth 1.. 11.
Ikons- k Nat••. &'hes..e' "aeaferth ; John
1St Uriev rs-w n,, e. hl0.Gee). hale. Sea_fonh:
0.un Mei. Winter...ibro o George •laws• YAW...
Jahnfkret tle.mewe4. 14,1,14 Oen; Malcolm
)lrc4hr0lhd : Jahn W*tl. tlarlu'.4
MI I'_wt11. Hn 4)y:acid. Sen 11 h.
.;aria.: 1, . ennwili 4)uFKmp.1.111.. K.
V.rkr'k : Jas. 4t' Vat'
H.,t•kli. ,s tet.. b. Prier •cwt. • 1 ed .•t
• 1101 that cwt. ), If. 4.100'
TwrnY mo.. llntral. •
(!1 ,•rte. i•ingsluu street tical rtdb•
�s i ""t) PftIVATK �i'UNO$ TO
�e, lean. Apwly In i. 0. l'Aal
Eftts': Barrister. Handltos straet't)••de!'(Ch•
iel •t. l , • tl,.'4 q
. 4)u.h.i.e. wuun1041 h'•1 1•' o
11:111 111:11eal 1"
1l"3144- ;44.
to n woman Itut•tw..,l•outdeuew with
\\ hist Shirley 0111resee,► the to:tu cud '
tee.u!i:nlrl•nl falli'.I:ts•tty' a4illi the IK') 4
cull:D:10es of the lu:•
pr.'.:'ed him 11.' spoke to• her rntdd:>'
in 1°t'ent'h.
"., wore the matt that 1 never h1ool
iii ill T4rf0.,•{M".`1',at thet'::'.l
41! 1'41'4.'1 t1'te• lata never.oe url't'tl to illi'. r
'fl.,a {ins.'s repeater of_ihts eve.. a
that.. went 10 tilt' mal slloundthCI' ,1 a) 1
t:a:-h 4.:J1' the 11111e Mewl. 1
t'h.1uveuet'a head.
"Sone 0 that1 1 rcvk''a the :\titrt'I
vv. n' Ian :•'lege gir`goodetiougth for these
I 'ere niazotint:ons:
' his shoulder
l h I t t'1u•t- • shrugged
lett he glottal Into Ilue cellule of 14:.'
:e r,ltllinrblugly.
- 1; Iw 44011 tot1511p w•t• i.1.
1_ 1:• It jaei !'re 11'-
uud arcual liar neck contentedly uu.ler
.the stroke of !4llirfey'x hand.
;llltlf'11: The picture 1;t even
I. la•I'Irct, ball foul elle "
r"Thirty r 1 ••,t 4i,' n thud
I \ I :'n• 4440 tutu,. She haunt
II .444.1: I'.''1}�•, hilt 1 thluk silt lit
I.f o 1IOW:I..
\. 11 • 1 • .�1:14 of til.•' 14141.1 tide,
• L +•' iu4rutlon of L1: :
11e "1 c1i-
a\ itl, :t riot
11:aj spent
the Intermediate
al•:hal)RN of tile
v ear at Stone
Springs eve:
sine's elle rota
reale :15er n n d
ftaJ cllml'erl the
surr..uhding hills
mud dipped into
the Valleys WJtir
a hay's zest and
freedom Tile
irpinln 41104)0•
talus %'.ere link-
ed In her mind
to the dream•
of lier youth. to
bcre0rllest bopee
Kett aspirations
att. and
Salrlay Claiborne tea
dressed for a rtda
l:'.11 1::4o0• 14,41 :11 I •
110:le1k 4t_ 1 till!
for is •1
a 44a'r0 , . . '
\s Chl1
.:lab tun•
fil'-i r t:.0 4.':1.1
1'':44:'44.. :tftor all. the :
t• •
1 u
1..1 !.
! 1 l
:. I:.
. : 1..t' t'...
1 1 ).t 4)r.
1. t!1:::
• :n 4'11 411-
')'111 HaDAY, Mall 11 at, INTI)
'Fiume 56o. MIIIAU CO
"Is Goo
J.: -
paste.: 'est
1- t
PiiiIIREU HIS E;'..0614
`1' ' f:,c'iara Root P• s
Dr. Mo�sa ? -
Healed Mr. Wilson's Sc*e
1 '.:rn the ewer .. i t t • ' •, - txovc
kidneys 41111 .n ducts • t.h>y:gett up
the bho+d r;4): 'ol' hero: •, impute and
frequently Stir;;; lartk ' 't,'vtr the Ludy.
The way to twat H. , as \(r. Richard
I.•.•,•e l:. Wilson,' 44 ncar London,x1Ie
i• t' • u 1 •0 .. time I hallwen in a low.
re t a Lunt t L y 4. a•s R ••- ! depressc. conditien. My appetite left
it . l4)Sts, t I t < • (i 1 :it', but i me an aural began toss:aur from indi-
1 with 44-4:4•1,wl gest'. n. Quite a number of sprrall sores
-You illy it Ilan . n anti'bloteli s -formed all over my skin. I
t'aln ' tau...i s;tT' I rrlrat:l• look- I hied medicine for -the blood and used
- ,IJ.`.''• writes:
Tire Il
e , .tl . :'. •'' Tor so
,,,11,• 4dt•wulselle, from the moment it
Ill i"ture'uce. Here, with
l the llouuIIli.. the sky, the wood,
:.1.1 •1 speak dull wusi bear, yoo
.1..we, that love you: I offer
u -my life. wy your attainments"
• •4:ut:steur. you do We a ;:rent boner,
. :it 1 cannot Witter what you ask (2
;• -ibhu quite Impossible. 11u1.
Flint Asn lrdl,Ten10-: Hrltlwh.l'aoadlaa and
Anal -San.
At' 114sYT,.k 1.'K%KM AND hr1PI.OTE1414. ntt,h
Iry : The ocean Accident and
'islet -alien, Limited. of Lousing,. tail.
1410"I.ITT AND 00A4A%Tea DON lrw . 'g tin U.S.
i ) and 0uanlnteel'ompany-
Office al residence. northeast corner Ii e
and St. David's street+•
sir gullols.•d happily out of the valley
to the tune of au old ballad. She rode
as a woman should. astride her -Horsy'
and not madly clinging to 1t In the pre-
posterous unc4ent fashion. S arb nu
ktiown horses from early Ys
which :she hail tumbled from her pony's
back to the stable yard. and she knew
bow to train a horse to gait and bow
to master a beast's fear, and ea•eu
some of the tricks of the troopers in
the Fort Slyer drill she had surrep-
titiously practiced In the meadow hack
of the Chinarne stable. • •
1t was on Tuesday , that e John
In 0the
(age had appeared
pergola. it was now Thu 1l4lay after -
herr twice since.sand tshe dbad, nett him
the night before et a dance at one of
he cottages.
ce free of the settlement she rode
null fast until she awns quite be -
the usual routes of the Springs
❑ontste; then In mountain by
enjoyed the luau of lelsnr'
uunted now and hen to •1•'
`e green of the uurel end
suet had scoured the 44;4144
Agent for lela.ting
and accident insurance. lnsuron••e in ail
nes et and stock t plan lea.
nes edw•'d1 on [rest plans and at Ie,re•u cwt""•
Call at office, Horner west Street and Square
w wldre.. J. W. CRAIOIi. Ooder(ch. .
fele tone ti
1-.4 Ell OF MARRIAGE LICSaislea•
. „aux utvf'es.Ooiterteh.Ont.
-TAI. wellkne n. and popular stand
effete tts patrols the beat eeraice in s44ar pus
•edaltTinaOsly' skilled eto. dh red. .hauetoloye
lour penman 1.111 he appreciated. N.
H1)}:HMER, Yrnprletor.
�1t1fl1'R J. RARCi•AY, MEDAL
let -iMS 'li t rt' 'Royal l. House. (laden -len. Architect.
ani de•
ail• and " rriflew inn. prepared for residences
A,,rl public buildings. l'orre.pondenle in.
0611 ills:
light In
woollen tit
Jules Chia
n11 day and plor'ed many mountain
paths and Ingi`red cautiously of the
apt operator at the
was a woman. reel
fpt by Jules Cbau•
hes• ninny of theta
lir Overt. The tel
Storm Sprlugs in
the 411af111teh and
Syuet of long income
In cipher. piqued Tit*,
aletulier of the Washington diplomatic ed not
circle who came to therePri Russian
even the 'shrewd r.,rt•eond ,ved lenge or more
enlace 'h ith the social diver-
sions of the Sprint's and the unceesity
for making a show of having ues,'hetl►e
gilflnate business 1n America.
, d,
Clmvenet *as pretty well
awl now til• presence •of Joan Arm
tape to Virginia added to his
„Ile w•:11 tired and per
ens with unaffected -plenstire that he
rale out ed4th Into
hit ofopen wood curl
Upon Shirley CI'nr-
ons defile and came ttpo
The soil was soft. nitd his horse, car-
ded him quite tient. before she heard
him. A brood aheet'of water flashed'
down the farther :tide tufty e • 4)f
pose, eetellag up - tnf
spray wherever it struck the
rock." As Shlrlcy turned townrdtriln
he urged ills horse over the eprt
"A pity to disturb the Picture, Miss
Clnihot'ne! A thonsnnd pnnlons, pint
1 molly Whited to see whether the fig
ore could conic out of the canvas.
Sow that 1 have dared to
ke the
test. pray rlo not FCmwnyI me Hessle and
iter hone tnrnell fes
brought her trace to face with Che
%once Don't COM.near
••Steady'. Fnnny• In.
her please"- oda last to Chnnvenet,
who had lenp0tl down and put nut his
hand to her horse's bridle.
the tete horsewoman's pride In naslh0.1 nnewl-
and general auctioneer. (Mines on South
Rope where he will be found et all timet`
when not -eying wales. Terms reasonable and
every effort used to ,sloe you satisfaction
P1101 , .%1
111 r eyes• had fulled Upon a thicket
41 hate where winietIllig bad
red. She thought 4)t prat that It
..:s an ab11n:hl of • suwe sort. but s¢e
tam .44)1(0 dlstIIictly a man's she
fort Ilat that roe slowly until the
....anted face of ata wearer was die-
, rd.
•'aluasltur." cried Shirley l4) a low
tune.--lotok behind you and be careful
44 lot you �y ..r lie. Leave the Luau
III me'.
Chaovenet turned andfaceda scowl -
.o inuultan'er who held a- rifle and
erre It to bas shoulder as Cbauvenet'
threw out his arms. dropped them to
ideel igha and laughed carelessly.,
-What Is It. nee' dear fellow -my
watch. my purse, my horse's" be said
la Englhrh, tblogs,�
"fie wants none of those
* dt,1 Shirley, urging "her hone a few
stein toward the roan. "The mountain
people tire nut robbers. What can we
a:o for your she asked pleasantly.
-You (•ain't do nothtn' for me."
drawled the man. "Go on away, miss.
I want to see this little fella'. 1 got a
tittle business with him."
be knows little
..f our la
"Ile I, nguage. You will do bast to
u tore
let me stay.". said. Weer.
141 oaalti Ialo the title barrel- raid h•toj
1.,,.1 4410't.'" funny, le -led 44y thy pro-_.
• 1 i.i't•ri'.fe'V. 41011: 11-r ort 4. :11111
• 11,444411 rt a weed.
.11.ntletnirt hn 1 is -en In :tt: e'fca
l!r afe\a• aver•::•. `You are certaiuly
;La.K friend." 1Lid 4':Ir!a'y boldly.
-Then heir c»low A:1.1110:1 auto her fnee as
eopl:t41atlnn fir the moisetalawer's lu-
-••,cat in 'a stranger rldlog the hills oc-
, 14Fred t.. bar. .
"My friend." she said. •'l am Suss
.Clalborue. You way kuow iny fatlwr's
house dowu 10 tbr. valley. We have
, been cowing here ms far back as l can
The n,ouutnl4)eer listened to bee
gruvely, and at her last words be un-
cunsciously nodded his
f 41011 ed. hed. nry.
seeing that be'
her advantage. •
••I 'have no reason
you. sgeff ..
'man, He probably never heard of n -
still• do you call it? -In his life." And -• r..iaastrsa _um ' mosa►e' ` -
she smiled upon him sweetly. "But If -
you will let him go 1 promise to testis
All branches earerun yattended M. Farm sale*
Ilrr.tnek vale.. real estate and merchandise
air., made anywhere. Witte for dote. or cal
And.,Ile it 1,t er with
(leo. Beckett,
Ham;lton Street. Goderich, Ont.
3hiWi$sr �n,� heals
quickly stops coeaher. • - ds c0nts-
the thrust and lungs. •
for mlaleadn*
many kinds of ointments, but without
satisfactory results \\'hat was wast
was a thorough cleansing of the blood,
and I looked about in vain for some medi-
cine thatwould accomplish this.
At last Ih. Morse's Indian Root Pith
were brouizllt to my notice, dad they are
one of the most wonderful medicines I
have ever known. My blood was pari -
Sed in s very short time, sores healed up,
my indigestion vanished. They always
have a place in me home and are looked
upon as the family remedy."
Dr. Morse's Indian Root Pills cleanse
the system thoroughly. Sold by all
dealers at 25c a box.
A Generous Equipment.
Editor* as ,r rob' rire Wits
-4 ^etltf•In
Alla 111•4.1 el. _\tl
-liaise awe w ho died and left foul teen
years: •ub•criplion unp,lid, The
rd i401• e) I1•':le41 as 1110 lid of 1 h collier
carts 1r•il•4 .elected down and put in a
linen 41lls1 t'1 ,-:a 1110111'.,111el el', n p.4111
.1 a Iel': 1•• for 11i,karo! i.'r.
lay be largely iecnaaed•by lcaswtst till
haet cone, tins of fie tscresses saa1lbet.
and by leer -Meg of the test meesed�t for herself, and her e,.... prof-
Ioractioa !W it Toodady I ly for a moment at Chanvenet'� door
tett d tslerraati� tis Parreess•'•aid7 forwd aid. A man might op
en foe v� is It isle ns e� for her or pick up her handkerchief,
`= but to touch her horse was an alto•
r a liasw'tirenes
samara • )As its our I ether different bnatoeas.l Then a momept
S. - ' gracef al mare was calm
"100, air n II •r. Itch!"
fy you entirely in the matter."
Cbauvenet started to speak. but Shir-
ley arrested him with u gesture
spoke again to the mountaineer In her
most engaging tone:
"We are both mountaineers. you nod
i. and we don't want any of our j)4'0 -
pie to be carried tiff
t t email ride loft
ro? Now let this ge uty•
and I shall stay here until I have q
assured you that you are mistaken
about him." -
She signaled Cbauvenet to meant,
holding the mystified and reluctant
mountaineer with ot.ea oIen
was thumping d herl
shook n little as she tightened her
grasp on the rein. She addressed Cham-
venet is English as a mark of gored
faith to their captor. 1
"Rade on. monsieur. Do not waft for
me." dark_ i cannot
"n111 tt Is growing
lea you ' alone. mademoiselle. You
hate rendered me a great service.
when it 1s 1 who should have extri fit'
e.l von" -
"fray do not mention ftp it iv a
mere chance that Iam able to lth this help.g-
shall be perfectly safe
The mouutaineer-tl k dff his hat_
"Thank ye, miser" leittild. pad then
to Cbnuvenet- "Get outr'
e In
"Don't trouble aboand (Shirley the least.
affirmed\i. Chairvenet,"
the last wointo hish n saddle as and rode jampeoff
When gallop of his horse had
When the swift fda op
earrt.d him out of sight and sound
down the broad. Shirley faced the moun-
"What is your newer
"Tom Selfridge."
-Whom (lid you take that man to be.
Sir'. Selfridge?' asked Shirley, and In
her eagerness she bent doe of tow.
lnountnincer's bared
"The name you called him ain't it.
ire a queer name I never •heered tell
on befo'-it's-It's like the
asked rimy"-
, "Is it Armitage
quickly. postmaster over
"Chat's It, mlesl 'rhe
at Lamar told the to look out for am:
110-e moved up by'elo and it ain't ret
no good. The word's out that a it)
n:nn's looking for something or
'idly In these hills. And the watt's
swan' "-
"At the hunttn' Clnb where fo*kJ
don't go no more. I ain't seen hiu1,
but tb' word's passed. He's a city
man and a stranger and got n little
fella' that's been it solder into 111 -
army •ta71n' with 'Ina. Ithought 10'
turriner was him, mien,
honest to od
1 did." oat tithe incident amused Shirley',
Inrghed ::loud. She had undoubtedly
gained infortnatton that ha�t„t the
gone forth to seek:
thing was funny -served Chauvenet
well la explaining away his presence
In the mountains and getting him out
FJNf=:AL 7'2=JrJ? ..
Furniture and UnAerlwklne w1ar..r^'•t•r`
\vers side •Masa•,
YHONli : Stone lel. t:iale 11 h
lteddena'e 178 .
Night nails: At 1 Amos,
1t Witham
'Phone 56
eaning Needs
have this season Kone 'omit .at' ex ens etc into-
.- The Shingttrrr1e-•1eata4l 111 111/14. 4) a 141011, We
nd lie
the deuhandlof K lousiness,' � ilyain/leasing 111•lnel'*.- I4) 1:11.1'.
li nodi cal.. 1)
e11!e' tom. i•1 tit.,
Irish 1'oinl Putt
1111 Lr' 01..ell- 111 ;:4'•41 L" 111 IIL
Curtains tl ...Caw' iv n'.
1 from ;41
.ol:ing,eo 1 jt4•
a p:ut.
favi-• Point l'urtitlius, Arab
Madras Musiins, Swi`.s Muslin any curtain IV -as
I 1111 hb,.\\ n
i, \, 1. 1 1 \ 'It. .- V11,110,1.11 t' \\,n ,'t-1.141.1'1
• J
Jspancse Rugs apanese Rugs
. Ill '.-h' .1 wAr11 Boni, -1
11, .I .I�..n' _ Ic,1t, at ld9 UJ.
• 4'11• 4l•. 0111
11%4, 4t'• 1 ,.,1 O.
Stout (WI'
1111 at,,ill•
nit K'I,..
illi VIII el• l'•
,kelt al:aloe; 1111114 i 1111111 n-,• V.
•:1141' kine b uuls ,nitl t`atp•t":
llaliatlu. •
V ytf dr'•1914/. 44'4"
She had not the r,tuntest idea of
what tfie man Wanted. but she had
known the moatF from
hood and well undPool that familiar-
ity with their ways at44 tact were nee.
wary in dealing with mem. and 1
"'fess. 1 have seen yea yybe_�te'.
on we ain't got no eath�a-
til you. hut this little ll
ess ❑p hy'eh. Them
no ba. - places to
pie has halt own p
drive, ant .pt's all right for you. amiss,
lint what's yo' frim' Odin' the dais
for at night? lie's ionkin' for some
nn, rind 1 reckon As how that gsmit
un air me!" with a lazy
He spoke drawlingly, wIt Shirley'saazy
good humor in his tones, his Sire
44 Its took advantage atl4e from
tion to consider the ,dtn Chnnvrom
sea-ernl point of view'
atoll looking from Shirley to the man
and back ngain. Ile was by too rnestui
t in the least
for (rou-
te' ntel Ain'tpee '
But Little Digesters
"Have Done Wonders for Me"
Here is an experience with the first
part of which you may be all to fa-
miliar. Mr. Josh Smith, of North
Seneca, Ont., writes about "Little Di
gesters: "
" Having been troubled with Indiges-
tion for a number of years, I have tried
nearly all kinds of pills and tablets for
Indigestion only to he disappointed.
Seeing your tablets adveitised I
thought 1 would give them a trial, and
„ice 4)y 1, am 212d 1 did. Before tak-
ing them I was in bud ib*Fo• Bee
taste in my mouth mornings and so
dizzy that I hart►ly knew how 1 would
put in the-sa,lay. Everything I would
eat would seam to sour and ferment, but
after taking "Digesters I can sal
they have done wonders for me."
If you know what the first part of
Ms story means why not learn the re-
lief and delight wh4eh eomes from the
uset,ef "Little Digesters("
el,,ittle Digesters" are positively
guaranteed to cure all forms of Indi-
gestion and Dyspepsia or - your money
will be reftmdcd.
25e. at your druggists or by mail from
'Medicine edicine Co., Toronto. 36
CURE rnr.• t1 el•1.1 it. , \\„ 6,.yn. 1'11,,.
re "ill 0111.• EiutJ t ______ (trip 1,•t' bottle.. .. . .. •••
:\ 1 ❑ic•k 414111 ..1.4•••41e feli.1 :�'
tiFlllrUCO l hfOptt. 'Gargle mire threat. Per bottle. 25e
-'-- � rented y for beaky the":, • ,
The fa 26''
e Troches Per hox.... ........:.......a••-••
Cold Cream The hest thiitg for 04144)4) cd ion i handy
Nadruc0 .end et netted lips. Per
and into
od Liver Oil A 0 ashipment
d pme t M. in
Pure Norwegian C s beetles.
F• J. BUT L A N D,
Druggist, uT�;ist. Golloricll.
a enwerel, and o[ awing IContlnntd on piers an
relish the thought -o " -
disinfects the dirt, purifies the air and prevents
the dust from rising. Don't fill your lungs
with dust germs. Order a 35c can on trial for
one week. At the end of thin period if oot
found satisfactory it may be returned with no
charge for the quantity used..
Packed in bati'els and kegs for store, utlice
and school use. Fur !ale by
Howell Hardware Co.
tactical Co=op Brat io n
ke their capital id
111e want,to s. well-established Inmates,' and sat t he s mil (time
an irefits, we offer to a limited
the import4101-tut s in 1her i'iiIl ' 14 p
manner shales in the Ihiuee Rripret•t Real l:.etste Investment
Co., Limited, at par $l4) per abate.
The (lpportrhnity Is extl'acedinary because of the pr•flofhaus
Ing plan by whi"h you may become an actual. Teener
elate' pe ire .aid Agave to o -rats in all the pi (dila of the Cot1tp any
end in its rapidly increasing business. throe h the sale of it=
The,money received by the Company g
shares it invested in veyil.selected real estate in 1'i ince Rupert,
under the direct reaper vision of the Ilo4.LI d 1'! Moldova1ies w ed to the
We purchase, and s a•e and retain profit property which is producing
vasa ofreadily
end tet at a p' ,
can readily be made to phtduce asatilfactory incuft�.
As part of our plan for handling our pidly growing business
and to increase its capacity, we have con dedvtth e `( weeywould
go directly to the public, with whom we 4utlwiil,etoour
factorily dealt, and give el 141'in heopportunity 1 u n the large
:sane of ■hare's;_thereby
profitsof the Company. -
One of the indiealitms et'the them is the high regard in which our aresare healthy those n Oate ,a tentiou tdf('the re neighbo
oho by
cnnatantly bringing them to
and friends.
individual investors.
By placing our shares as we do among
we are building up an extensive co-operative organization, each
member of which has the opportunity and will be interested in
adding to the pr/fltA of the Company, because by so doing he
adds to his personal profiteSucria me investors, and we
h. ereirarely,,it.ever, reach p
advise you to send your sulsseription for sharers ones.
purchasers of the stock' may send one-tenth of the total
suberription with the order and the balance in nine monthly
payments. THE
Prince Rupert Real Estate Investment Co., Ltd.,
Prince Rupert, B. C.
Sunlight Soap cannot spoil
your clothes. There are no
Injurious chemicals in Sun-
N2ht Soap to bite holes In
even the most delicate
fabric. 55.000 are offer-
ed to anyone finding
adulteration In Sunlight