The Signal, 1910-3-31, Page 2THURSDAY, MARCH 31, 1910 �l�t'�clj tUO1)ICRICH, l)NT OHIO, PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY ■r Tut: s1ONAL PRINTING 1'0. Limited Telephone ('all No./1 Towns of Subscription 5110 per annuls In advance. BStx months, db ; three months. 93o. To United States aubaortbera, SLS' a Yoe" 'strictly in ad; annoet. Subscribers who fall to receive Tux Stu. al 'ocularly by n{aq will confer a4avor , by, ac uaintbug u- of the tact at aa tarty a date .u. possible. When a change of addrea,1,+desiced, both the Old and the new address ,hound be given. Advertising Rates : Lags) and other smiler advertiteni.nt,., Inc p•• TiniTliFfIKt ni;temorr-and-ir-pet line. h su uent 1fea.ured e...bare•! 1 m.er1lon. by a nonpareil ncalr,.twel{•e Il Sas to an inch. itu.leeas cards of six linen and •under, Sri per year. Advertisements of Lost, Found. Strayed. Sit - mit ion. Sluwllun. Wanted, Houses for Sale or to Item. Farm. for Sale or to Heart, ' Arttcln,. for Sale, etc.; not exceeding eight lino...24e each Overflew :ill for Ant twin h, Arc for each-ubw.ptent month, Larger advertise• bunt. in-nrpiwntioo. u;,auncetnr;+t- lit nrrtlaary r'esdittgtl•pe 1)t. Orr tine. No nodes, le+. than •Lac. Any -uncial ursine, the (Allan 01which is the pecuniary tr•tcOil u1 any individnal or j..-nch at in. to 'Irs rnn:Idered an adCerts emeal e d be eh1;M d acrunliturtr. hat.. for di -play and e.', rae: palters-r- wr t� tvl.1..he Oranvat avitlteatnor, A.bnr-- all .'nn, mnni•atlnr-. to , . . TIIF..e'ifiNA lflt1N'T1Nu ( tt•-Lin» re . t (it..crk t. Ont 001tI It!('11. Tltl'lt-ti 't'. tI tin !1 31 1'lo. NO TARIFF WAR. TI • G tl ..0 \\.,-bin .o II:e r7J ,in..)' .rel _,,. a,n'i•: hat- he; •, t.,1,11-.l'te'illi the i'.uuutit n, nt. vhirh tIr. Its .•i t Lite Ih ar•i,r,i tante was !it,. fteu.t•. •.itr11 t,i.•h gratill • tt ion un both side+ of t l;r hoe. Iit.snri\L }.. l+'i:4liitb; uu1 ll.n. (h•• 1 P. Graham ret *Nen! eti the Cm Oil on Got-eryw✓nt in the filial ne j;..(i.a(ii•- et., 1t'as:lingtom and although th.• t t•t'tlIS of lite Matte esii.nt have, not at the time t•f tit's writing ht•t•n hustle: pub:slit la-t}ml.r.to1.1 th.tt Inge iron. cer•ri•Itt• the Cut {,,ljftn repre+e•itative• mt.!e were iirron.idiliolhle. and that the 1'r'ITtrur :-;,err t:,{verttmlrnt crus glad to (lave.even +c send! exile... for climbing dawn fioru the position in which the • pair nr-Aldrich t+tit,- law had piacrld R. It is tndrt••trod further that the arrangement which haat leen arrived it is to Ie. ennriderell a•etarting'point for the negotiating _tot a general trade treaty Iwtween the two countries. As The Signal stated (cast weak, a Isaa.raatrictt'd inderratif rote between the States and Canada would he a boon to this part of the country. if not to the Dominion generally. and fair reciprocal arrangement between t e two countriem for the exchange of th ' products would Inc a pleesent outee inc of the recent Tittle awkward. nese. CLOSE GRIPS. The 'Britis Parliament haa ream- sambled aftar .t • e Ewtlicr reees9 and the Tong-pendinghponiet between the Commons and th .Lords will, ores - rally cohort() an iss . Premier As- quith will ask the Hot of Commons to adopt a resolution t abolish the veto power of the Mita of lands. This resolution will be reject by the Lordsaa certainly as it will. be dupte•d by the Commons and then the risis. If, on the rejection of the Go m- e bent resolution by the Lards, t e Cabinet offers its resignation. tin King plight call upon Mr. Balfour, am leader of the Opposition, to form a Government ; hut them is a very con- siderable difficulty in the way. A Conservative Government could not last a week with the present House of Commons in existence, as it would be - Neither could the King vers well adopt the alternative of dissolving Parliament and calling for another election. as the present Goyernntent has had supplies passed for only six weeks and this period is nearly up; so that if Parliament were suspended for six weeks or two months while an- other election was being held there Would he nn horde for therarry-ing on of the national aervi,•ea. Under these circumatancea the King may be asked to override the House of Lords and toy an exercise of the royal prerogative 'carry into effect the demands of the House of Commons. It le imp osaihle to forecast the out- come of the struggle. hutthe demo- cratic forces of (treat Britain have the hall at their feet lad if they play the game shrewdly a great victory may be won tar the people. alty to Britain, to do her a real ser- vice and at the seine time d. 'much for the consumers 01 our own couutry. Britain has fu• years allowed oar t.roducta free entry into her market. Leet us retuindhe compliment, and in- ateitd nt deu)anding a thirty per cent. duty on the Inattufa.ctu es of the home latod avow there to 'enter ()an - ads fret of duty. This would be a gift worth considering. 'jt' would imme- diately give an impetus to trade be- tween the two, Ansi what can be inure binding than the Opening and broad- ening of eontutercial retaliuus i• The giving of Dreadnoughts would, to say the least, be an extravagant display of spectacular generosity tin the, Canada. To open. our utrrkette freely to Britain would be a clear evi• dente of a substantial nature of our desire not only ten aid- the Mother Country but',. 4ejt which' would also he of * lasting benefit to the consuut- ers of Canals, as well as a loyal recoK- nitiorr- tt4--tbs- nvt�_viltges we have an long enjoyed in the English markets: We tear, however, that such it test of loyalty would be tar severe for those who wish to be generous and loyal et the expense (lithe whole cnttntry, but who baulk when anything which might affect their own pockets is mooted.It is • mw-.- than twssinis %crange that th.i.e who have been the lniidest in their protestations of ley- ally and hsyee been railing Ger gifts of r✓toluuugbts to Britain to prove t t loyalty are the seine who (-p- ipe. l :tnd still criticise the British ,.rete •11tial policy of the Laurier (iov- e-nuntrn Not doily do t hey criticise. the gi a praterenc_v--in _lige Markets 1 Bill isit tniauufacturerr. tuts cwrflrmn he Government for not deirsanding p .le4.1i1)t fa1•-T',a114itlatt g wide ih t • 1)1. 'nun, ry marines f ti• Amy 1.eurtlt the p (.vence.w•KS to the - fhiri.h ttI•Lpl1.. (• in a situation ansa b depicts only to truly the shal- lop nes. of the I.iyelty ,f those who matt.• t 1110.1 noise•... A CHALLENGE. The member for South Huron gets back at 9,1MP of kis critics, who have been so foolish as to accuse him of "dialoyal" speech, by challenging them to a real test of loyalty. He says in his paper, The Expositor : "During the late naval debate in the House of Commons, we have heard much as to what Canada owns the Mother Country. it was one of the strongest arguments used by the position in defence of their poi; icy to vote the price of two Dreadnaughts. That polio has been considered inadvi.tahle by the majority. But the Opposition have stili an opportunity to show their loy- Ilete i. a thanes fur t i•ri,t.• Ihenrtht'.•- upt.n their: .\ .1:. 1.1 the ,'t 'titer ('uutitry. titre 1.110•it' le THE SIGNAL: GODERICH ONTARIO lege in the eyes of The 'Telegram, and more maddening still la the sugges- t ion that "0 Canada" is preterable to !Hulett hymn as a national anthem. The Telegram declines "there was Ijrnore of the power of the genuine British-l'auadian patriotism iu the late Alexander Muir's little finger !than in Th.- 'Toronto World's whole anatomy, ' and that 'iti is time. for British -loving believers in Opknadiau nationality to stand up.egatnift The World's glorification of al Pelitl y'neut- ral anthem that would teach the chi!. dren of Canada to Inc indifferent to the Union J.tck." The Telegram it at any , rate amusing in ita.tante tory. The 'Toronto World it' .uservative g yrs cur:►ency to an interesting stony of seriuor disruption awing the Op- p.aiiiion men4.-tts at Ott,tWO. and' nt the growth of dissatisfactionwith . i. Bonded as tlibe Cutsert.ttive leader. The 1\'orid is W. F.Maclean's, paper ; so that the p edal.•ation ttf (hr al ticle is tr.ken to re fleet to mune extent the views .1 Mr, M •lie tit himself. Mr. Hoyden, it appe:u-. is a great War, but he is not it g!wel Father- ,'He i., not enough -of it fighter. lie ti' ssen opportunities of trtant•attg his (ippon_ eras. Ile hos fern unable t.. control the w:i••rittg element, or hi: part y, and today nonce than h.tlf of the Cott.. awrvative tutruherd have tuade up -their• minds do t-epla••.e, hjn..-- thus• un•utio .rel a: p .-side uhai- tu ea• in the l••adet.hip nye Prettier . le of Int t1 i -h l'e•Luub:a, '•hut. it t is •boat• r'..iu, says The 'tVe INtt. ht• tit::an.r ,iereLt 141 1C -t 1 t ut : T t. 111.31 jot •1 1 iia : .'1 �. (i, tr:.•cr, lt'ili 1 u: lit•:. it , ..,.tn,l111. II 11.1 e•x 1i't' i ,•r 11o03 1 lb•• Not ll' s' 'I'it - 1 •, l t - • eI•'ll•'•t, l V•t cot' t ,•' :he• iittituh,•t tut 1,tntit Keep -one- visits itlt.,tt.--you Go- mm.: ow. o-utol•tow•. •Kentetdw'r "April Fool." -last,- deity` p.p•ts. tell un. that tltel t1'roptht pure lel' tuht'••1 Is goin; up w'itlt 'a' laic EDITORIAL NOYES. art': Hat; Her Ellossnms. r'nlrt-• .n.. un the ....it hitt-bcll.a L ks Zinc a s III uuutrhip. +u.d houncr. (VI it iv the; matterw•ilh the git4tt (',enadi,un climate i• it is •,etually br having. iItt 11 No, dear reader, • y,u haven't fors gotten to tear it month or twit off the. totleetrar., this is Match yet, al• though the weather man may not know it, The . fittest item in the record of prosperity is the stat itient that dues ing Easter the people of Chicago de= voured over forty million eggs. Egg., d you--EUG31 is I hey had 1.4 .lad in the Lc itt t • . oat•g•ol'. IsInit.trcarr ruga -pit it. el adj.. tahet-e'oke, in Nu f,.r they to rartl, •. 1- but a perfume. erane.cent, ,•weeet, • While in the •ea•b ttn-11311 i .eern•:th meet, It Iran et•h-r f.tin t of an unending awns.! ,Fler.-,on battle Coates FROM OUR CONTEMPORARIES. The Comet. fA •Iph Mercury. .Sir John He •hell once said that Helle-y'e c t co be stlueezed into a pert•[ ruantesu. 21 - n;obaoly meant a ' T Nothing . Mesa A •rut Him. • Howell Observe Our town clerk, R. Borah •on, is one of the most versatile of out •itizens. He hits a rep ortoire of alxtut • 1 selec- tions whit•h he plays on the violin. One day last week he rendered 72 of t i -m to the great delight of those who we fot•tunate enough to hear hitt. Delicate Definitions. itrerybo ly'-. Two chorus ladies were *t' one of Vitto1• Pet hert's cone trim on compli- mentary tickets. "My" exclaimed one of them with a glance at her programme. "hasn't Mr. Herbert a tremendous repertory ?" "Well, I wouldn't exactly say that." replied her f•iesd, "but he is getting pretty fat." Danger for the Child. Toronto Star. .. Aunther child loss died from pill - eating, a five4eer-old girl. this time at \Vindso,. There is a law against the pt-outiscuoits distribution of medical maniples which the drug companies say in baring well Omer%ed. This touch pro- tection halving been secured by law. it is the duty of parents to see that {rills are carefully pet away on high shelves where children cannot get them. Hogs and the Tariff. Fortner'. Advocate. Hogs hsve gone up since the agita- tion for increesed duty on pork was begun. 1f Ilse d(lty hatt -tern raised, the increase in price would have been triumphantly claimed me an inevitable effect of the increased duty. The fact that it Occurred without any change whatever in the tariff ilho;rates how easy it aotnetilnea is to construe coin- cidence as cause and effect. Jumping at conclusions is not logic. Dollars in the Orchard. London Advertiser. The well-known orchardists, John - eon brothers, of Forest, last year had a groom return of $7,(331 from thirty- five acres of apple, fifteen acres of plum and t welve acres of peach orchard, th latter only four years old this sprit Ten acres of the plum trees ere planted am fillers in the apple hard. \W Blinn, of 'Iamhhngqt ere, has an orchard which vielde him +F net profit of $75 an acre. 'these are t.*p examples of minty that could he cited to show that orchards are gold mines above ground if they are properly handled. Why Some Towns Grow. 1:alt Reporter. The reason why Nome towns grow is because there are men of push and energy in them who are not afraid to 'upend their time and money to boom their town. They elect sulrctantial buildings, organize stock companies, and establish factories, secure rail- rn*etR, work for public improvements and ate every means in their power to induce people to locate in their city. Wherever they pin they tell of the ad- vantages of their town, they writs about them in every letter, they bend circulars and newspapers to all whltm they ran get to visit the city, and When enynoe visits them treat him so kindly that, he fells in love with them and their city at once. itis enterprise and everyone pulling together that makes a program/odor town, and don't let the fact escape your memory. A case of a dog that on examinatton at Toronto had no signs of rabies haw at last been discovered. The head of a dog was seat front Wingham and was reported ttr tee free from sy nip- tornS of the disease. The Liberals of South Haran at their meeting on Monday gave.. their representative at Ottawa, Mr. M. Y. Masten, a vote of confidence, end pot measly declared. their approval of chis attitude on the navy question. Won't the dear old London Free Press he shocked ! Here iti au editor who excuses the men for not attending church because of the big hots which the women wear, preventing them (the men) from seeing the preacher'and. alto blocking their view of the choir- That may be all right for on excuse, hut, boneat now; would the [nen turn out any better on Sunday if the women ail fv.ore hood t ? \ftp'. McNaught, member for North 'l'oroltto in the Legislature, states that be Waal misunderstood when he was represented as declaring himself in layor o second charmer for On - tat t estien was that groat- er care should be taken in the prep- aration of bills presented in the Legis- lature, so that 'the members might pass an intelligent, Judgment upon them. Mr. McNaught'a head is leyel after all. The \Vingh*ur papers report a meet- ing of the Board of Trade in that town at which over seventy! of the business teen and citizens of the town were present. No wonder Winghaut is thriving and progressive. In t:oderich'a11 the time some people have for the Board of Trade is to make a grumble over it. The Board of Trade, here or anywhere else, is just what the citizens of a town make it. A few weeks ago the Ottawa Oppos- ition censured the Government for ratifying the French treaty, claiming that such action would be looked upon with disfavor in the United States. Now the same Opposition, which was willing that Canada should yield its right of making commercial treaties with other countries rather than have trouble with the United States, is spoiling for a chance to claim that the Government ham matte some conces. sions to avoid a rapt ore with ilncle Sam. That Ottawa Opposition is a great institntioe. The Toronto Telegram falls foul of its neighbor The World, which -so- cording to The Telegram-- has been guilty of describing "The Maple Leaf Forever" as rag -time. This is seers If You " v Mows nbre.i.e' ash star masa.. Try. t'It Wa Mark) Miss Clark, Supt. Grace Hos- pital, Toronto, writes they have used it with the best results. 50e. sag 51.00 .arses. 11.l LAW i( Ii N t F i ..., tt „n tre*L NEW Spring Near Ladies' Suits Coats, Waists Skirts. White wear, Etc. are bring daily unpiacked and. 1,1 teed in ,tot k t bar I.•st elf. •i to 11..\'e le.•,, gnv•n In se.'ure.:tln- Ir•sr u1 ever t' hiog 'taut i3J. tit, tial -b, -.tyle and value•„' . Fur; f:.i Price Rcduct'o .s in all furs 1 •- wort. ne;d (or FUR.; 'll.• os inter te't. You can bl•. nt- bur in . l -1..'$ !too. u• . -.t ow. 1,.- Olaf. : 1, ,. -t ,t 1 1 • ,,, xt -1.,..1111. i,11 1 1 .y , 1 sett Jahn Ste :d I,:uiirs' itieae, Hatltilton_ tit. GIST A PRACTICAL. EDUCATiON by attending the famous ELLIOTT BUSINESS COLLEGE TORONTO, ONT. 11 ba. want other.. - LL..aOl pay yon.„_ 11 •rte« _ t,alay for our h,u1dro91e C'a WI•eg+te. Spring Term 1 oat Marrh 29th merges into our ' ceps mer amnion from July 4th and afro s continuous opportunity for brigh •young people to qualify for good biter's positions. Our school, • The Can Butiness College bf Toronto, lrwtea your consideration. Catalogue Malted on request. W. el. Shaw, Principal, Yonge & Gerrard etc., Toronto. - s 1•1111.1.1.111mgentw 'mow A Third of Your Time is spent in had. Don't sleep on slate tit' It leaden mattress. t'uME HERE AND BUY YOUR BED -ROOM F'URNiTURE. \Ve 4 K have elegant braes _._Jtty1t of most approved pat- terns. end dressing tante,- suitable to match, at prices you'll agree are reasonable Examine and see. GEO. JOHNSTON Furniture and Undertaking. Welt Side Square.: STRATFORD. ONT.. \ovists oto at -tome forrnu free e*telegue• and learn, the nature of our courses in Comm ercfal, Shorthand or Telegraphy depot -t- ee lit-. \Ve hive the+ le•adirc 3.1,11 al tlaitlil:g aeh(,0I its 11 -t ri ('outdesr am -e t,u't uta e x pat• r i - ,,I ur al tit' .,z.t gtadutury-'f-' , � Irl. tel +.te enter iti;(, ,t 'h t. r .::, 1 art sh. old enter NOW. • - j1. - Principal. V i High- Grade School The three faetnrs in the , e- wairing of a hnsine•ss eduei►tion are teacher. text -book aced stu- dent. Ever since its inception the Clinton Business College has secured teaches of the widest t-xnerience and ripest w'hob:p- ship. The text -!.(oke timed are the (rest published. consequently their graduates have received• t;heitat potljl.ison• and their aue- crsa has been unrivanetE This school receives arhlit lona, pres- tige by being affiliated with the Commercial Educators Associa- tion of ('*nada, which comprises l'enadw's greatest chitin of high- grade modern actual business schools. The spring terns openings are M -itch :fifth and April Ith. ta'rote for particular.. CLINTON BUSINESS COLLEGE GEO SPOTTON P,nc,pal. Retiring from Business The greatest sale in the history of Goderich will commence March I2th, I9I0, AT PARSONS' FAiR As this store is rented and has to be remodelled by .Tune lst, everything will have to be sold, and the entire stock will he reduced to unreasonable prices. We have a large stock of WALL PAPER -all the best American Paper, from :ic upwards. Bord- ers to be sold by the roll, will be cleared out at a reduction of twenty-five per cent. as long as it lasts. This is all new stock and the latest 1910 patterns. Everything will be re -marked and sold at reduced prices March 12th. \Come early before the rush. No goods will be exchanged during this sale. Parsons' Fair CARPETS AND RUGS Have you had a look through our new Cat pets and Floor Rugs? Our import of these goods is all open. and the qualities, patterns and color, are better and snore pleasing than for any former season. Brussels Carpets Twenty-seven inches wide, heavy pile, end in a large range ; floral, scroll and conventional patterns, suitable for any room or hall. Made rad - laid at, per yard, special, The, SIAM and.. .. , . .. .. 111.10 Tapestry Carpets Twenty-seven inches wide, and MI new patterns and designs after h e s t Brussels, heavy pile. wear warrenteed. Specialty priced and uo extra charge for lit tkiug and laying. Par yard, 50c, 55c, I[„ Wool Carpets Thirty pieces, Vara Wide, a1F pure wool Carpets. -revertible and new. At per yams',, ..t.: and ... ... ... .....,NQ Union Carpets Yard -wide. colon and designs beautiful, Reversible and warranted cast cuiutw.__,it- I.er ytu•l, �.i+•, :t,r, 1:n and 10c Axminster Rugs. Wilton Rugs Velvet Rugs Over nae hundred to choose front, every size, and every Rug iwraonally selected. 3peciall, priced fru• April selling -$1:n, $'21. $2-) And ... . . • • • . 1135 LinoleumS Two, lhr.•et four anlR wide','iljb :ht pattern+. All ort own ship std At pt•r yard„ '4313 • tk, ,:t ;tl lel ..., r. .. ... ... Carpets made and laid promptly and -well. W. ACHESON ce SON SelIingOut9f of Furnishhirs In alder to give ;);Ir undivided are, . irrl toour ;ttrcatft' tiri t, :r 1rI col . tants!' increasing 'I•;.:!'rini. Trails, h:11r tlecidetl to chose telt our Furnishing 1)epart•meitt.: • Profits will 'bc forgotten on all. sates. This is no fake sale, as we are positively going out of the turnishing business. New Hats JUST IN.= -.A11 our pew Spring/ Hats, in stiff and soft styles ;, in black, brown, green and blue. All $2.5o and S3.00.Hats, Saturday - -Q - WATCH OUR WINDOWS. 11-artin Bras. Tailors and Furnishers. Good Spring Tonics ! Beef, Iron and Wine-tt eft .i makes!, in huttle•s at from :sir t.. $1.133, also iu bulk. Dr: Gibson's, Peruvian Tonic (pint bottles.. Compound Syrup of Hypophosphites t ow:, stakes of it. *Bottles at, .O .e and $1.00. Spring's 'Sarsaparilla, a blood purifier. Litter bottles at $LIt' • nntaining 1131 dnsew. Sleeman's Man Extract lin 'Lw: bottles), "Oxo' Extract of Beet sin 1113: and 'Lie loxes., tale staking beef 4..a. S. E. HICK, CENTRAL DRUG STORE, GODERICH, ONTARIO. New Spring Suits and Overcoats Men's Suits At $15.00 -ale the nice high-grade Suits in Oxford grey, with green mixtures, solid worsteds, a nice plain model, good trimming. splendidly tailored, making a good-looking, good! -wearing $15 and very serviceable suit. Extra good value at 1 Men's Spring Overcoats At $11,(%1 -in all -wool Oxford grey cheviot, in the newest Ches- terfleld model, plain lapels, a very dressy garment. Splen- si 3 did value at Boys' Suits The handsomest boys' Suite we have even shown, either two or t$4.00 hrew-piece, double-breasted Suits in fine worsteds at from $pI] tet X77 Buy a New Hat For Easter Everybody will size your new Hat up on Easter -you don't like to wean old hat on other*, do you? Well, does yours look any better? Crown your head cn heater with a new up-to-date KING HAT PRICE Ii2.5O WALTER C. PRIDIIAM THE HOUSE OF REAL VALUES.