HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1910-3-24, Page 10tt 1 t 10 THURSDAY, MAUCH 24, 1910 *Proper attention to the hai nulst.•alp the best preveritivi -4 baldness, An occasional a:, plir:o ion of Beariv.!?Iliii:r h-t1tht It urisv.1 th! hair folic•le4 ar.,1 suppnent the natural oil of the head. llearin"c uot only prevents fall - nig. hair but . stinuilates net! trowth. • 50 cts a jar at yout iruggists, h„,„s mon: u" •'i; Ni s A Want^ effeckier reined,- far many little al assume that are not cunsidereai 11f111 A comp...nit with • Vivienne isise. roman( non sill' Japanese Menthoi 411.1 olherdmos making sn erfe.scioutrentedyliir Sore Throat. MA Weft at for Inseet Tim ...Cut...V..% /114th. Mom 11 .411141.1. 411014111, as Melia{ Mr those Mal stile at holies !Is ...,1. saussa‘leruhsess litralls SPewills• DAVTS & 1.1 • Mentre,.1. 254? box. ate - - News of District Raw Furs and .Skin WE ARE BUYERS of atl kinds of _ROARS aad SKINS KINTAIL. dispersed in the timid' hours after singing, "He'd Jolly Good Fellow" Ttatintive; Morels Wed; . Auld 1. 011'wHoSeyL ALEISi STILL ON.-wDONT Mr.. and Mrs. N Intely all success. in end "7 .8 „," wiehing thtit cam This is the store that is cheap -nignchYSSl " new h(nue* goods at cheap micas, but duods of erst-claem DUNGANNON. quenti. that Wind Your neighbor to our_ stalk &MUM That • 4 proof •he.'s satisfied. We can satiety you the sanie. Just call aud see. D. brl A. NEWTON. DENTIST, LUCK- e0ttsv1Be. Kellett • NOW. -At home every day except Thur. .0ETT1 i DOWN TO flue N &IP. New moo:4 for extracting teeth 'seethe - the road of-- suctions very rapidly.] N.B.- You cant' always have yokualrbiwe'clork much Last, wtaineedars meeting was 1 better done in the dental olliokk-more time, 1,at .succon. . „,. ‘ic.froloto. of ! better facilities for doing the work, more com• ble for the patine whalsh Club. lent Valtiable an - .totf.a.ulAibejitiirnitihnatiatt. and bridge work. Rifle Club le prescreening • along XfOTICE -THE LOCAL AGENCY t nee and a vote of thanks to hign le in !)00550110H for The Signal is at the Post - Ogles Bok and Stationery Store where orders win be received for ad verum.loo and Job work, and rereInts wills, be dives tor automate mid for the same. w dtriy accorded. It teas & bulkiness night ; everybody was there for busi- ness and got right down to it at once. The officers eleeted are as follows : captain. J. J. Griffin ; filet lieetcnent. J. It 'tt ; beyond lieutenant, J. Me- 1)..eald treseitirer. C. Stewart ; sec- retary,.1. McLeod ; committee, J. Cameron. K. McIver. lb Melton/lad, Wbitty arid S. McKenzie. The neeessiuy members were forthcoming and the club WKS 00011 organized. and necessary arrangements: arc being made as te •butts. etc. It is hoped that sevIiI twitches will he arranged for the tall with the ride elute in the vicinity and that the Kintail boys, who haes_beea slab in coming for- went with their.eorps. will not he-iin slow when it comes to- µtaking the top wore. Now, boys. serve your eountry weltand when -your animuni- tion 15 iloite don't target tlieree 'no place like blues.. • I vie Girr'l eta', RoneSt AS:Ort- I - • I men:: Highest Rtrket Prices asa Qe!n! returns. TP. 17:4 • •••••-. efy eXesess crier,' .oeHalaaara-PRIE-F7... I ifEL • Le;t1 FRE 1. 1.11 et 1 :41411 . aan rya IMPU Wall Pa ers We eaoko tof llIrtd I' *ref Whivb • Ili lents expensive Il!an.evrr 1111, veer, and. AI.specially dainty and- artistir in de4111 rt. etsforilig, me., P31441,, of which range front 17ic per roll up to $1.0n, sehile the 1'n n a el i a n Papers range' in prig. e flout 5c per roll 114, 7.. March Month-end I I e.-....„ -.-....-.......,,, 1 A Case of Print Remnants 8c ayd. 30 to :r2 inches wide, a yards of heavy Print. strong.serviceable cloth. light and dat•k 'Fifteen hundred e colot logs. all g o o 4 1 patterns. These are mill remnants run front seven to eleven ot twelve yards. I Will be sold by the end only. Satarday a n d / . Monday next, at the uniform price of, tic per yard .,.. Not is piece in the lot but imsownoerty• .h a good aeal more ? WAIL . PAPE It. -01./ lt WA IX paper for this reason has Just arrived and includes all the latest designs and coloring. for spring. We have paper to suit any room. no matter how dark nor how broad it i. Prices' rand, from .* to .kk n roll. We -hall be pleased to stkow our lance ,..tork of 144$311. at any tisiet 7011 111Id it 0011reniefit 10 cell. 114188 M. lt Y AN. nunganuou. VASTER 1M COMING AND you lia% e a few Moods to remember by send - ma them Laster cards. We bare Just what you want. all and see our stock. MIdd M. ItYA11. SflINHAY, March 21.st. THIS LATE hiAkflYIKL 1. pENTLAN6.- Alter ten deys' illness of pneumonia. Samuel J. Pentland. 'second son of the late Robert and Mrs. Pentland (now Mrs. David tiiryint, departed this life on Saterday. February alith, 19144.- fir died happy, cononitting.hie loved one to God's' care. Deceased Wag born at woven' in 1/41111 and resided there a few years ado. 'when he moved Ile was a blacksmith by trade. ttre faithful miseieeey-oicie v. John Turner he was led to n ISsie and •becistur an active sunday schsed, chinch and ce work, ably assisted by his GODERICH TOWNSHIP. nt ' *seises'. Nisrch 9Ist.. Mrs, Vof the Cid line. is doing nicely now, heintrable to !Mete late It 1:hrist Mo., Wei, j.,,,hiist,,11. of Porter's Hill, Wits" . it'll lel mem( 11111 cluing w"I'kek- well now.. now help.: 5451 widow, to•whoin hew*- Tht le "1i lie 1 Itit 1"Wig united in liar' iage in 11414t4.• lie was %%likely a. wits well 'Allende& 1."'"" stelect Cou eillor of the IL 'rout. Ili priers Weep I vAllittill and everything I hinganium or a number of years and was-vold, - - **AS - el and trilled I.% 14W - A esr. -The ladiesof Invokers. 11 wax 11. man Who flied the vow,'hill li ilil tiid hoblitig another 1, ((444(3(4 of h' eini '.'Ii: ti ais and Was th..li. ti.weird the tearless* in ts.fr r 000 i t ig ills iiiity.• The end AI III, month., 'fliese affairs have 1 .rai t„,„„g sece Gum the family proved 5.41 4 serveastill and should he Lesid,.m.,., v,,„,„ el., ff. (.. kaleolirageti. limit iitei.ary !Whit. inT hail 1141. 14, past loam!. AM) WO. 'e . Woe.' by itev. sVests 41, :Meth - view as; 445:44 s..•2•11. , 1Noilleth 1 244,1. • 11 44(41141411 1'rdwir111,(1.1flui,:t 154-11 .iltl out.inntiwilt;n•L' (1141 141141)11 of the neoffil.h.lowd ot the local (alert, of .t . 0, wet . tenspera gal tiered 41L 31I4 IlIL(Itrll't hall Of 1%111 Edward; on the 61 14 concessioil, for • en . en jay 1114-111. Their wet e quite 4 large nincher present,. among therli :one- Ginn llohnesville end Car- low.. It .iaitre as 11 sitrotiw to t he hi-- 1. bid all weer 11.11de weliwine and al repo' ted a good Glue. hoping to re - tern at Some flit day. Fenn ellANtif:. -litiliett jr.„ haft ptirehiewsi the farm of G. 'K. 41111 Harry Johnston en the 2tid -con- cession. Isi,14 wilt te- tekileglitersisee important step before leng !told. Johnston, of th.• ItIi cote'essism. hes leinght the Pont at peseta sweigpicil iy F.0.1*.11 :11141,141111W1I n.. 1 he Mein - bit the ;wire being 50iio. is considered 444.1111,1 bit, ss the 4•11 7•4 in fair condition it elyihns sold Isis eight y-acie farm on the 71 11 "4(74145$l 44 t.11 Doll i.e. of the Burge) r1 ad. who takes pose'. ii411 -I his sitting. Bruce does reit int nit to •tevp bath- -but never mind. Ve wish I • lowers* in ..hie pew leen The Colonial Book Store Ety Ito ift )1 LT le I t , op. 'Nines. eat Goat., 1, 1. PitEsex %Vedisesslay number t %V. .1.. %V Loma tai the 7 last evening w token off friends 1 their deperture 1. all, ha I gathered t la was read by U. 41144 • s'i iiiN ANO 11t1001. -On evening. Nlarch h.. a friends of Mr. end Mrs. elv withered at their concerisiim ttt pend A t hem mil fedve 41 1% with them before the West. When following address • Mareh nth. it 1.. with 'dorm rpoo. lo remove _ Sheep -raising as a Business. The Wild winter ill Nitr/I been very fevOrable to.,the growth of tile line soft wool for which the Prev- irece 15 feineue.. The menage,' of the liewstin Wobllen NI ills is pert irularly happy over-Tliiri condirein of effelre, AA hitt factot so di of this choice' wool in I lewson Tweede and !Indict wet. 'I here *VP great (pow • . tunnies f profitable sheep-raiming iii Nova ('04 I, Mr. 11841 Mrs. Will Whin ogret 44111 vevrecord your 1 from 0111 4110.4 to lot libridin :nisi this evening 41.• 11 5 people rif th neighborhood, 14 in ',air t bid you good A.. neighbor. yori 11,111. ilWii been kind snit oblikringalways reedy to let a helpitig hinut *here needed, ankl hy your k ly nature 114,r won tininy friend. who ,or y 70 .er yogi IIfl 1111..404-044li7. Wir ask you to 41 l'1 11., niantel rtirel/ a ellatit token tif 11111. 1111,4.111 fur you. and Wr hope that 1,, your new home 3444 will 441111 174583 frien,I. to tesikeet 7.11 es we do, rilot Inn? F'ortiine will ire outer favors lip.in ou t,titiny Alberta. ritirnectirm behalf of the yoking neoille tn neighborhood. 1.-war4.1 ISP 11E41 A Imitable reply was 11111ile and the re ler elf the evening was spent in 'bowing, Mr. end • Mrs. NVIiiteiy fur- nishing Ow lc. The soethering MAPLE LEAFL GROCERY AND CHTWA-FrAtt- 'PtiONE 5 2. HAMILTON ST. Cabbages esti, etiee, 1 rge. ir.t in. . Fitts ttTu ONIONS -- .RADISHES, Y and RHUBARB We hare tweii hustling the who grows our lireen Gotta, to keep um 011milied. Signetimea he fai e, but not often. IVY have 44 ni stock. Iresdi and crisp. in this Whr We erfend Eacter G,eel.n.ac In a'; Custornii.. s Clothes Baskets We 1141 P A 111141 o! Very good 101 9144 1 fileke 41 1143 '#`11411. EGG CRATE BASKETS. cainicity 12 &wen. FLOWER POTS, all sizee. et right prices. CHOICE. BUTTER add FRESH EGGS MORRISH & VANATTER hi attendance. The burial services wet•e elintlin•ted hy W. 11. 'faun. D. I). 11. C. It., acid P. WA tin. chaplain. The florid 111111/0 W s. 11(4 g&- and lwautiful. Deceased Ito PS to IliollYll his hese Ids -widow: thre daughter,. one son,,../bis mother, two siseers and two brothers. who have the yinpittliy of the wh.sle c utility. to -horn the news of his death came a a great sbovk.''.1:11esbet1 ale the pure I heart, for they shall see Gud."-Com. LUCK WK1 1NICS11.% '17 Maeda 2.3r Tit K LATE 31 He. (.1,4131 dent h 01 Mae, Alex. K Cameron. the Oth inet., reimired one of the la, of the Wawa:lush pioneers. Mrs. Cameron war born 'at Wistful. Lan- aeeshin.. scetland. in the year Doi. and eame to Canada in tell, making her h 114 Pusher+ township. 111 1'47 she Itiovtd lit West WilW4014411 and was married in 1e52 to Alex. K. Cabietem. For forty-three yeat•s they lived on the oh: homestead on the lath conceesion. In 13011 the' retired from active work and rientive.1 to laicknew. %%hew Mi. Cameron died six yearlater. The deceased had been in her Orinal health when -the end eanie without t 1 .Ut's W41 She hail iweit engaged in het house- ' hold duties tend hail apparently seateel herself to test when the cell came. Medical aid With 44 lotted, but life had tied. NI Es. Camel on was Ai W ttttt of sterling ehat•acter and kindly disposition, end had many friends. 'lite large twi who were present at the tunetal ft her old LIOMP bore 'Ming tribute to the esteem in which she was held. A ' most appropriate funeral service WW1 conducted by Rev. 11). '1'. L. McKer-; roll. assisted hy Rev. Mr. McLennan, . after which the minions were laid, • away in Kinloss eetnetery. Decerteed was A consimtent member of the Luck nowPresbyterian church and it regu- lar attendant et divine eervice at Iong as her health permitted her 7.0 go out:I' The members erf-her-fornirlyietilelissing-L- re : Mrs. Alex. McKenzie, of Camp - Heine, Ont. : Roderick Dof Luck - n w Angus, of Toronto: Kenneth, of %Nest Wawannsh ; .1ohn IL of Hiu lis lione,, of Melford, Sask. ; Alex der M., of Oak Lake, Manitoba. and % Thant A., of Witinflalr. • IS Al' TollilltiTiO, he indue- v. D. T. L McKet roll. late . inte his new rharge at esbyterien church, West k lance on Tuesday of -preerierife• of large iefore leaving Luck? fro. NIcKerroll we4 n addles.; in the ration with which sef silly ieseociated re and accom do of epprecia- addlless were Mr. triMnitea cKbenert. tt le, .epiejt Kernel. I is. Mr ere 4.1 en - !son tion of li of lateko Victoria 1 Toronto te --tirieweeir-411- congregation. now Mr, and premented with name of the congr they had been mu 1 for flve and A half 3' Imnying the waim wo 1. tion contwitied in thi gifts of a gold wetch fo rell, a brazen hot-water lentp-anet etstnel -fele Miss end in addition • to these !puree of Itioney. Mr. and . Kermit left. for their new sp labor with the goodwill ang • wishes lif• the people of Luck eiAly, (111. mitside of the hound of their Own denomination- -they loved +Intl respected. ., • This One Was Clever, Anyway . thlengn News • 44-Wou14 you rather- Iseltsautiful or clever ? ,Jelie Beautiful, I think. V011 OPP. fliSTat.i1e0 11.1e of 'stupid men, but only 1 ^ f ew 11140 one4. --. --- ' I David MePlteelzerrmilion, Alta., In . 1 . • - , • . ., Specials Saturday and •Monday, March 26th and 28th Here are the specials for our regular Month-end S_aturday__anci Monday, March 26th- and 28th. They are beyond -a-4 Every price stands far a- quality that is absolutely reliable ip every way. TilcyLare good enough to make it worth your while making an- extra effort to get here. Saturday and Monday next- Read the Hsi through-- • it will m you : ' • . Art Sfikaline 13c Five patterns fancy Art Silkaline. American gtiods, high met•cerized tinieb fell yard wide. good ainsce of • colors. Regtitar atic /did lie, Saturday and NIonday• special at per yard Black Sateen 10c t me-hertetred-esersi 'earessiee__.? •;" weight black Sateen, suit-- ." able' for slate, Underskirts_ etc.; a g. cloth. the Sattir as we se -1,1 at Lie ell the time. A clearilig lot for Saturday send Menilay at per 10 yard • - 1 , Safety Pins -4c • . • Vour 11.1iitirtd card% o. s ((et Pins. -111411, no-C.1am tind large: or.e.o. Coe liesI pin, wade itegular 1" . These ttlii•ard's Saturday . and A , Mootti,. :17 4.-! eattl Laces and Embroideries 2 yards for 5c , Five hundr.si yda. 'Porde:to _ _ Lacis anti bisections ahel Swiss Kruhrt idery. t4treeti- ties worth up to fle and 7e a yard all gathered together for Saturday and atomises - selling at your 'Choice 2 Mg. yards for Waist Patterns r Half-price Seven only Waiet ' Patterns, pure' linen witli ctiihroidererl P01 - Ilex wad cuffs. Reg- ular iriteri 70 fill 14 I. 1 , (and on Saturday and N too. Exactly half-price ............___--,...--..-.4. "inn Lawn Ends 32c Extra fine qoalit y India Unger Lawn, VI to IS inches w e, close. even *reeve anti eh r finiete FiftY ends of 21. y dm ere+ to sell Sntur- per et '", 32 day nil alentlay C Ends o Towelling. 25C We has- • secured a big lot of Ts.wellin Enda. the mud- ' By is extra sod, the width 17 inches. th material 'pure ' linen maid]. melt end con- \ tains' tnree ya s and ostr .. prier Matitt•day and ell e Montlay is per en" LUC Ends of Glass wel- ling 2 for 15c With the Crash End we -Will-lleVe--i of checked Glass Towellin A real strong cloth that wi give excellent wear, full IS to 30 Inches wide, blue or red ehecks. each end contrails about. one yard. Saturday and Monday 2 ends 15 for Corset Cover Embroidery 25c New curset cover Embroid- ery. nice designs on tine .Swistai muslin, exceptionally eo:ei quality at this f55 popular prier. per yard L C • Fine Wool Mending 2 Corsets 39c . Skeins for 5c Twenty-ft've pairs of Cot- Five hundred skeins im- sets-5 cleat:Wig line made . parted • weresr-mendings-414) from good quality white finish, black or tan. Eti1141' *11 batiste, very c forteble, over at :W. Sat uedlay alai , special for Saturday *In, M 1ay aiweial 'I skeins 5 and Mobilay pee Et air.. JU11,.. for Towels 35c a Pair . Heavy quality Huck aflieek Towels. lialfaitenehed. bean - wed ends. 9Jx11) inches. Fifty to sell Saturday and •Mg., NI outlay at 2 • 11 A tircat Opportunity to Buy a Wool ' Carpet 85c and 90c Values at 69c 15c Taffeta Ribbon 10c vhundred yards purt :i 1 k Tel !Teta Rib- booheavy weight., '• .rtu weave. bright (ta- , fi Job, 36 Inches wide- L very popular width for -hair ribbons,- lcalf-as , dozchiding brown and en gond colors in- 1- neve as well aa bleck• Sold at lac eVerY- ' • where. Satuttlay end ? Monday you can buy c It. here at Per 10 1 40 -inch Pillow Cotton I24c seturtley morning we piit on side reiVvii ,,!. ,•ight pa.. u terns in high-giade all-eisli Carpets. These are the iw-t g quelities' we carry. • They etwine in brown'''. greens. red . II ;Led fatten. The petters's ate good. Til, regfilar pile,- " are Kie and Due. Mainstay and Abell... Y ;lie giv • yeti to,. it your, choice Pt per yard . . 3f 1_ L amaianammammeamsammasbaammassa . =a. I Sateen Skirts 59c Axminster Rugs $1.77 , Fifteen only black Sateen 'I went y only line tilialit y l'oderskirts. 12 Inas frill .A xminst er Hearth Huge, with two ruffles. made from assorted timid and ilwited good quality black sateen and cut lull. nu. garments ilesigne, at.. al 4 nude el cols.' - Inge. size 27 x .7.1 inches. Sat - are worth at 'mat .734.. . , Insley- 'end' Montley Special for Sattirdas- anc 1 er....zal "Ark and Mondiee mai. ... S.1.01 Table Linth 27c Two rtide only - bleached Pillow Cotton, In hiches wide. Cotten thet will inakeaut into sarong, able pillow clown. saturdav and M""(INY Per 12 1-2c yard. • Waisting and Trim- ming-Nas 73c Cce t 4114 ecru • fa ticv • Nets, 36 to le incites wide. suitelde for Ginn ll i tt tn. loll waist.. Regular-OG..1o. 34,4 Ate flier tab:whit of Weist: C‘ matey and ',Ir.! It 75 choice iser yard Will -sting Nets 48c .1., 81.25 !4,40 4iyil ey epe ilex End.. white or (1 414111 itt dal at vier Yard I.: ,n lir P111 1.11.141i'l Pit. 1101145.'Iter,t1114r Bleached Table Dam- ask 35c Two e ti ki n 1'.' 411 bleached Table a 11111 s k. extra heavy • weight, will mike eplendid .•loth tor everyday tine. TWO pat- terns-. Very special Matto - lay and Ntseulay. 27c" yard .5 yards White Cotton 39c rat, ends white Cotton, English make; soft weskVe. tine even thread, cambric finish, put up in V.11 1 P11110, Special At 39,, end [A Blind Complete with Roller 25c Nine only W04.I Rugs or Squares, stzes..tx.4 and .1x3', earae.- in /diadem of brow'', red nod ween. ftegithic $10 IS 10 $141.-01, rIcaritie flay and Monday at $6 45 erneh 500 Ladies'. Handker- chiefs 10e Five hundred ladies' Hanil- kere.hiets, a dozen different p et term.. heininitelied and scalloped edges. Hegolar 13c and 'Ale qualities. Sat tirddy and Mors ay clearitw at. 1 Oc your choice One hundred and forty-four new Window Shades, standard size, an extra quality of cloth. mounted on strong spring- roller, good shades of green. complete with brackets. Saturday and Monday very epecia I ell each Collars. Belts, Ties, 25c A tableful of wash Col- lars fancy Belts and Neekt. wear. A general clearing up of tbe stock, for Emden Reg- ular values un to • G\Litlemen'e hemstitched and n' y crose-bar Inindker - chiefs, full size and fine qual- ity. Regular Lic, Satuidayt, and Monday deleting at each GLOVES FOR EASTER Your Easter Gloves enn MifgtirliFre With "-he 'meet satisfaction. ,Every pair we show is from the melt reliable French makers. Extra hig stocks, fresh from the factories, for, Easter shoppers to chipote. hem. Qualities such SS co llllll end themselves to the most exacting. With every pair that leeveig the stere goess reir gearantee. All tlie buthilinahle shades and styles for Spring wear now waiting for you. The "Peerless." a real French Kid Glove at 51.00. All sizes; Meeks and leading colors. -Tift*.DreyInclr;-"- aingher-quality. real Kid. 51.25. All sizes Mach. and leading colors. The "Dorothy," an extra high-grade French Kid at 51.60. Siete, 3; 410 7 ; black and leading colors. Undressed Gloves. blackeand light shades for Seelig. 101.28 ‘k' and'111-410; •• o)•• • =messweiellemiimosimlneaws--11 4)i,' end imly 1.1riu-liecl Table Do 111 o414'. good pet - teens, height,' cjeer finish, gspialit y !lest will give exeep taehal WiYar. fuit twiny .10 a _... and :timidity per yaid ....P.Jl. .>,.........--.__A.,--...- _^...... .,.._,.. Net Waists. • i i • Half- riee • Tw e n i y•ti ve Net Waist.: wiiite. . ecru and color-, sizes al. :Mg and :01.. It-golnr $3 0111 to $111111.. S4(1411104 4111,1 M lay you Not 'eke your chilies. of the 144 ;It ' . Exactly half-price White Skirts. $1.08 Eighteen only ladles' whirr cotton Ctiderskirtis, amide I ruffle. Special for Seine- , d,y d it) 51 08 eachlurking and intaglio'', Oust from agniiiit: .1eniglieh cotton, frill of . lace, White Skirts $1.19 • Fifteen only ladies' white cot ton Underskirt.. These are mule trona high-grade English "(atm, • With bright candorie finish. I 1•inch frill et Point d' Esprit I9c• broiderv. duet frill:all fins tacks and wile Swiss ern - weans diett.le sewn, an exert"- - Point fr esprit WIMP, _cream OE ecru. tionally g !rod garment. mliades. . Special' Satinday end $119 indorse wide, a nice Me. ' Monday uee. Saturdey.endNon- ify. Welder a..ic Mc yid . day at psi yerd... ttttt %sr*. nama.sk_Lunch Clot h s hWhite Quilts 97c Twenty -flee only new • :ehaiker. 814,,intiluim,akeh.7ozeinoatnryb Nis.... 'Regular 111.-25, site- cial for SaturdaY and 417,,, Monday each ' ee111 Fine qualit y bleached dam- ask Lunch Clothe size 'awl1 inches, heavy weight. In•ight satiny finieh. Retie- le -lis pat- tern, with heti& border. Deeidedly special at el each I '00 NEW' C(Al IS AND SUITS FOR EASTER tp4R"17..y. 44, Half-price for New Vellings A big wholesale house bits gone mit of the Veiling business. They offered us dozen,. of pieces. at exactly half -01m Than the revision Metuseissy and Mondey Ode lot goes on sale here the same way. There are Nark and eolored Veiling's. Sell regularly at 25e In NW. Uferimencing Saturday von will hat e a tehleful to choose from. and the Prier will he just HALF REGULAR. .. renewing hi. 'to iption to The'_ stipule! writes (Ma(e* Atith): "It is quite 'springlike here MIR, end the linOW ia Riding *Way fast: all 'Drawees' of en early miring.' A great builder. -The D. & L' eneilftion n weal) lankier. It gives DIRECT IMPORTERS. weight. adds healthy fleeh, and Mtn 'tether overcomes eny downward fen tieney of health. HODGENS emmillIMINEweamasa More Coats and tailored Suite here for you saturday -neut. tip-bedate gat 'tient s, properly - made from feshianable materials of Rand quality. Absolutely right in every little detail that goes to make stylish outer gat menta for the present 'season. All ready to put on -no bother, nO trouble And feadtlese flt a , certainty. - Coats, $5.00 to $20.00 Suits, $15.00 to $25.00 BROS. ..IGODERICH. 1