HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1910-3-24, Page 5LOCAL TOPICS. An AnonymOContribution. be wail severely reprituanded by the ns 1 judge for his condueo r f Alexandra C. A. Nairn* f"alu. mre- n' ' Frank Fahner, of 1)i...editor. war. up hospital:bee re _ . 0. before Hitt Honor Judge Doyle last neveu An anonymous' . . contribution Of $3.00 to 1 he items .1 Saturday on st donee of moutulting - -- im-Mospite).- The unkliKnni 14"" th I hie paresuat.• Be pleaded guilly .tO_tlie hest lily thanked, and it is hoped that , Lieffitii.ercileceatal ,wasi released on bUr penatal his govd szantrle will he followed by 1 others. TA .Splendid Performance. Board of Trade Council. • I A Targe and' aPpreciatlye audience 'As the 'list Monday of this) month gmet,d the. , . .tai, niat,er Sisters last wit; to, Easter Months y. I he regular I Thursday night, when they appeared meeting (400 Eketrd of Trede rotuicil ; under the auspices of the &loosening wit be held-rea the following Tku-kui..Y !Canoe tub hi vivtorini Opera House. evening.' A. proposal to have a board , The ptiogram throughout was ten- ' dewed in An excertionally creshle ' room fitted up for the use and ronven. manner. end the graceful apiwarasice ience of the members will be une of the matters for diseallsions I, and pleasing pertionality of•the young . I ladies Wits the subject of tuueh Nom- a Heavy Consignrnent. ' I able comment. , It would be useless to Guelph Mercua y (Fettles.): An ealtireyea„.,0„,ke approa reference to tiny ore of the extensive freight trail'liarticular number of thsprogram. ao carriby the 0. 11. It. was pin 'hied each number woe in Rad( 41 tient, and ed ', es terilay when the afternoon wI ay- , Ithe ent husiast ic applatme afforded „ freight carried eighteen calm Of sett- i ample evideme of the apprecriation ,, lers 4 ifeCte. These were all picked up t the audience. The moon 'umbel hetivern Guelph and Goderich. If this I were well selected and u ere Kiren in ,•an be taken ma an indication, the flow greeions and appiscisaiie manner • ' I •s into the Northwest title Alto/ether thiii was onelM the last en year will terentlY ant pan anything yer. tertainmenta of its kind ever schen i Goderie•li, Iola much eredit ie tine tit 0 on re( 'ord. meddle' a of the CAW*. Club for thei Back from Muskegon: ' entei prise in a...cluing Meets:. A his Alex. Saunders. manager 41 the class perfortns.nee No Golet•ich. . t, ' .h Organ Co.. accomptnied by .. , superintendent NleKay, have ass it ed Baseball Meeting. " b,,me from Muskegon and Grand Rap- ids. where they spent a couple or- vterks. While at Musikegon they wenreit -the • pole Canadian light tit manufacture the ••lifystone" patent wat. Sotne time waft spent in Grand Rapids pickinsc 'witless. Special ma- chinery la "wing installed for tie* hi • itioutitfacturing this itew brand, of we di,. \• Mover Canict•on. 'I he rei)re^-ei ii. Notes from Castle Griffin. Alfred Harbour„•.who arrived from app anted to atteittiohe leasote nese the Old Land Oa int eieht th4 ago. ing at, si..afort le 1 tomortOw %were 0. ' nos 1 no,,n to the n,,si fm• the in- -Dean asel L. h".. Ito:ugly. It %vat, d . me at Lontiou on Wednefulay neon- itietl to join in 'floating, a .league, if g. James L. Martin, Whit heirattee 11ie idellta Ill it tier 1 „yens nal eu-iiin vp lent iin Tuesday after living lodged ale, 1146 eltotee id a manager and ot the jail lien. was removed at • the captain was kit with the menagi olio,. tutse. Both ssoftatatnsitem came e ttttt tnittee. The elides tioni;.nest 1 ' . t he. ',resident. y , of I he league w& L. tioni i he vicinit y of Clinton. tarots tVilton. of Brustoele,,who was trotters y. Steps %yip lee taken to fot ay league in town for it !ries elf too THE SIGNAL; Gi DERICH ONTARIO Quality Store farmer in the vicinity of Saskatoon, Mn. Mohringas maiden name was Martini. went to Laura. Sask., in charge of Mr. Catharine Troyer. and she was born . 1, in Stanley' township tiftytwo years The t evidence of W us. H. Borrow!, „ived.ino" of the time at Bennniter. ; ago. Siete° her Illarridgel she bait Bruee tareee, watt sold at nuction lasts ' With an interval of two years spent in Saturday to T. H. lilted for the 'ono . ,_ ti,_ , , .... . of 81,1'45. • miller Methodist church, and the two taranow, she was a tuentoet Ln fell A beautiful window dieplay &pont- nal set vices on Thursday, Inth inst., mint() t,0 the I._:aster Iwason has been were conducted by Rev. W. Baugh, made this week at, W illuvr Solider plustor of the .1 tenmiller Methodist Art Store and has been the object of church. The paillwarers were , An. much admiration. iiiits Smith's arthe drew Heddle, Edward Million, John II( iamb6 is conetant ly in evidence, but McGibbon. M. Pft bunter, "Jesise (Med- iate is espeeially t4, be congratulated hal ,n,r Henry Fisher, twiseminnt,.thie excellent piece of arrange - Glover. e Martin Bros., finding their tirue so News has Ireen received of the death tully occupied with the demands of of Wu). H. Glovor, is former readmit their large tailoring trade, have de. of Goderich, which ort•urred in Detroit cided to go out of the gents' furnish- on Saturday host at the age of eighty ings tendons and are selling off the yea's. Mr. Glover is well remetnherea stock. They will thua be able to give by many people of town and vicinity. their customary in WW1 ing better at- He and his family lived 4in the Huron tention than ever. road hutl left here about six years eon. . He was a butcher i by trade. and Was 'CHURCH NOTES. for souse time in the employment of '.. • , • Stephen Andrews. A family of seven children" surviver.-----A--enw. Jahn. fur Pulpits with his on, Rev. J. E. Mill. years a reeident of Dungannon, is Rev. .1lo, NV. Millyard exehanged f yard, of Hentsall, hest Sunday. now located at Pnislev. .. .b Matins and ante -communion will be , Simons. " a celehrated in St. George's church to- On Monda.y. March lith. Charles morrow morning at 11 o'clock. Simons, an old and respected resident _ rich. passed to his reward at The sacred cantata, -The Cruci- of Clyde fixion," which was to be two_ his home on St. David's street. e dered by the choir of St. George's Though an invalid for twenty years. 1 church on the evening of Good Friday, Mr. Simons during this long period .- hail been indefinitely postponed. was an example of Christian trina and ___ol cheerfulness to all Who came in con- conduet the services in Knox church tact with hint. The wino of hi. life Rev. I). itamitity, of Ottawa. will was spent in the township of Gotte- n where he is still remembered next Stmday. It beieg review Sun- .. day in the Sabbath school. the Doctor 'kb' swab -respect and affeetion. Mr thenons is also -expected to address the echoi- c. on lit - it's it put any )u t !ant Fe. A meeting was held in the eounc Wecineatter- ewaluing--01 this. week for the litil tine itf organi tine the baselisti ciao tor The following woe the itliteiob elected presitIcto, (i. Iliair\; preaden Dr. A. C. litincer ; secretary-1.re* mer, V..I. Dotit ; managing coromi lee. John Tait, lioyle and Cha ; E. N. .1.0awis. M. 1 C. 51.1'. P., an wam,born in Atardeenlb ire. st ot !Mid. Lies.... seventy-six years ago and mine to this Atiatotitateneeting will be held • entintry-with his pai.enta.whew61 tele the Salvation Army on WedneadaY ohild. The family livoti for a num, . . ---- MitttNERY OPFNINUS. - next, 3e h rfi.t. Cale Rini Stewart, of years at Hamilton and Dundari a Taylor, Crawford end Brown will be then came np to Golerich township lOontinuad frotn page LI iri attendance. Everybody welcome. when) the deceased lived for many ot•nament.. A large elope in the Mir- Admirnion free. A *Orchid meeting of the Preebytety Hayfield. Him health giving out. he • on renewed twenty years *0 to Hayfield your on R farm- a few toilets east Of undy shade,fht:ttivIt 0.1.4ragrams sp.hr.itiyo.anIdt welled ornament. is quite a favorite. ther that is tweeting- with.. alit• Tuesday, Nlarch 'Itla, at 10:31 a. in. and six years later to A call frOm the charge); at. Hayfield he and his worthy plotter in life hail 1 bait melon erown and silk riru, and and Bethany to Rev. Malcolm Lind- ance reeided. Mr. Simons was a I is trir nod With Mack grapes. Still say, of Arkona. will lie dealt with. staunch Plesbytie;I:,,ort .1! MI. fAorndirn:wnys isr.fiii,tillib,e, that We might mention is one ' Miss Bailie, lif Nile, will address Vic- Yeas* wits ruling •apery of tulle for the crown, tie it" street League next Tuesday chui eh, Ha Yliethide. sailiiitilditiyslattpatoots:11,:anand inniatszczen. and black, with slimy to evening on "NI issions," and a good dia. active part its course rty a most Moot speaker will he other good wore.. In politics be sup- • rs. Park's. 41 interested in heard. Meridiem and especially strang. ported the Liberal part y. Ile nerved a , re ent. mod in private awl, public life he 'I, the disPlae a whit+ is h The ladies ere ate earnestly requested to he pres- term on the village e•sincil of•Bayti,-1,1 There will he a special. Easter song eat ned t he esteem ot ell who knew I crown and is Ir Mrs. Park's. A , hat deared has it dome treed with crushed serviee by the child' en \ 4t the Baptist him. Besolea his bertaved wife, thief.. church next Sunday mottring. A ser- fasten 'survive him --Mrs. Edward net and' butterfoi 'dilute. It le rolled, . all of the same _ ' on ••Whal the Iteourt•ect ion Shannon, of McEwen. 'Tenn. ; Mrs. corner front. A at hhe hack and Teaches Us" wilYbe preached hy the Briegel, of Collingswood. and Miss t in the new t meting much pastor.' The topic at the Peening ger- Jessie Wilmot'. •ot town. The funeral Alltha shade also is %ice will be ••A Wayside -CoMnanion." took place 'int Friday Afterid0On, 'the 'lir t entinn• rt h!'", i Is tem crown. Everybody welcome. interment being made in . ai trimmed swab shot silk ribbon. The im tolled all celnetery. The . services^ were con. brim 141 1410 very arge an dueled liv Rev. Jame* Hamilton. around. A not her in t he wisteria shade. assisted by Rev; Neil Shaw. of Eg- trimmed with roses And spray of the ,mondville. and, Rey. Dr. . t Lean. t tonne erdo,.. and with the rim roiled at town. Among those mese the left side. bowery ;wieder. , . at the inners" were Mrs (Dr.1 Ste art, of , . Clinton. and many old fnen«if the deceased from Gothwich toWnship, Hayfield and Seitf',0 h. The.-- pall- bearer. were John Whiddon. of Hay - 4.1d ; Lt. -Col. Varroe. of Caelow f 1liver Ithyvas, of Hsantford ; Vill F wagon, of firaforth. and Jas. A. le - in sh soul Chas. -A. Reid, t)f town. t. D.. 4' et. t - 1'. if .1- a gig tl4. -10 ntenced recently to 'serve rt it . • '.Ir term in penitentintY, was taken gatnem. . • . to 'ing-ton on 'Month's; morning. of Agnes Knox "Mace Coming. 4 . some years ago Mbis Agtois El this eek. Here. s Something, Good. wits a 'mustier of the (intlerich Cent .inother special modem' -event is, in ' 'whoa teaehing stiff, and there aiire for Goderich. in the appeatanre those still in town who t•ernettilwr . "(the- Hattnoral Concert, Company ae as their teaoher. She has travelled Vimm ill Opera .Hotise on 314milse. 1 sinee 11hen119 the ladder of echo! April ith„under the auspice.. of In- !aims. A few . yeara ago sh6 was vveo'r.a '*t' (101'. of Scotlattl. 1 pointed to a professor's chair i , Tin. rompany. which comes direct . Snow.pnifess tralip-intetpretation bolsi Scotland, ineludes suoh entinent, Engliatt literature' in one 41 the artists as tieorge Nell, Serstland's pe,,r. legea in t,iith!rticin with H 1r81a.41 I •les. tenor: Ruby Meath Grant, '•)4 ao- ; wersity, Breton. Maio.. foul she In land's sweetest Pt irirnov:" Elsie Dixon 1 that paste i thtiligh .h. is now 5 . (-tate. an it i i lll itahle entertainer, and I E. Charlton Black. wife 0( 41 profe A, GO llllllll .. pianist. This will bo. n illI Inrw.id. Mrs. Black is to gi 4plenditi opportunity for the people 'd i r. eital in eonneetion with Tot' opaerich and- vicinity. and no doubt a I l'ilosetratiirr of Mask and ' Who. las serTiourn -WM greri tin, enteetaiss- tiftlatssi llll it Al" il 4t14 in Tor" er.. . and esotlerielt ;wool.- are -to emelt.' ' y of hearing her tin A The High Tea. ' 1 71 is in North street Methodist chit The mottos' high tea. whirls was 1 The chap.!econtuittee has cons, etre,' it. the school r -o of Knox to give tim tow of the church and r herb %seller the direetion of the Mtn. a. the'surphis prowetls ar'• 4 1.3 tie.' Aid of the church last 'rt.,- !devoted to a good valise, namely .1.1)evening (Mt. Patr.irk's night a wos I further Beard enitoce and treat roe a el isti 'success. The reputation of the blind patient, 5liss Hay the la ies of Knox church tor making I who has since December been '.• thi..,At titial .affair eonsetiting worth , for in Alex %mita homiest. while i. swell knows'. A go0411)* 01118. I-• i,..1 .'i il., pm t„ the tame% n rid i,,, . Union Bank Opens Goderich Bran took of t e Vet fr, eumpettotts retinal I 'Tuesday otoillio next. the .gf that was mi.) lwfore them. • At $ i hot:. the Union I sok of Canada o'rlock the t ides Were eleariht nod A ; C enee iiit.ine' in tholerieh it good twourgn roosts. Big of rie•al. in Ilttleen III 1\8 /lee,Ilril t l'y the Stitti eft itinclit.LI 6114 literary neambers, teas ' Loan rottiparty, and aimultatiet rendood. .tle Hamden iterfortsnoL, the .Stitielarit Lam Company c tit...fifties of elm man of the evening.' it la b/IlniiiPlln bete. Tnv Hank 'ha .1liliellt toll 1.1kert d Itratlell iii "1 loaf Am:tress by Dr. Sa son. .. and nego i .11 0' with the Seal The Dominion (t. werninent los op.' Loan c -my Isti to isti arrange ishited Dr. James S moo. of 'Wind- whet ebY Ow Minis t.tkes nye, .04., as it" agent• in openteeti llll with • 1.1>A11 Offill'anY." deo""K4 here the scheme of 41141-ag. tinntiaies re. 1 nIn4 I itli (Alves., The Union Ban et. ritly inangurneed. Dr. S44nann Will I "1"ng 004'. .me "f the efrmItte addles. a public meeting VI the rout . Canitiiis, nn41 it •iS fOrtnnate' in . holto , Goderich. on Thersd eve deg. ' l'or as its massager lore Mr. 5 m,,,,a, io,,t, for the p.„ pm,. , .%),I,i„. : I Ipt.ton, wh,o has:been the Weal it\ hie the legume by whirh wog e.o.m.,. *ger for the Standard Japan Con and Where may make. ptovis'on for I and who hail a wide l•nnnecti `. their 44 Age. The Pinhject, it If is 1 commorcia! circles. The 1.; nitrrrstjog and important. and in the i 'flank was established in ISK !bull's of Dr. Samisen it will eveir be I has over 170 branches thrall enfialnitiing. for he haft a reputati n , Canada, including, forty-five i. as a peceliarly able and attractit Wit; five in Que c, sneaker, The chat^. will be token by Manitoba, forty-nine in &Cask mayi,r. oomernn. T ,e meeting is Open wan. thirty.two in Alberta mud *Utah Col bin. Its swats n 'ogee $42.t111.1510. nn4. it is to 1 at orm of Coned& a leading God ich is fortunate an net coon Lion with et) strong an i ral Ale her far air - a it - the of Tni• Ir.. 8501 re A into I 41 nto, New Maple Syrup NVe are receiving freeli 6014 14(4641 of Majoile Syrup. It has thot real, s motile flavor, beedlire it IN 'node from maple sap only. Every bottle guar- anteed. Per buteld. • Stics UNA Cookins Apples A few harrels of tine firm fruit will be offered on Saturday. at per peck, 1 ISes Easter Lilies We hay/ just received our ahipsnent. of Easter Lilies. They are a very choice tot ranging in price from Olio to $1.00. Ile eure You seethe display. - Grape Fruit We have very choice heavy Grape Fruit at 3 for .260 FOR SATURDAY. Green Onions, Radishes, Rhubarb and Crisp Lettuce. Frankfort s, Sausage, .1 ellied Tongue. . Choice Butter and Freak Eggs. H. R. LONG , 'Phone 43 v • a Tier Rollit NI.tttcit 24, 1910 THE BEST Farm Ma,chinery Mil s ch. need icor. II be . the nt of nes. ared , following will he the music program I tinder the leatiership of .5. Roy ch. Adam.: Missioilat y anni verger y Services will be cond acted at Victoria street Methodist -church next Hu day. Mayor Dinginan,, of Stratford, • will speak at II o'clock in the Morn g. Dr. Kilhot ret armee missions I bum China, will deliver the address t 7 p. it. Collections and. subseription. will be in Aid •of missions. It is ex ewcted that one of the gentlemen men, )toned will address the Sunday school at 3 p. tn. All are cordially invited. lir services in North street Met110- diet church on -easter Sundfo missionary hi character. The awaken will be giv. Dr. Ellison, missionary Im fin lough trout Ch-titti, China. anl W. S. Dingman. mayor of the city of Stratford. Addretows of more than Italia' interest are exie.cLeil and ahe rhumb will be approptiately and beau- tifully decorated with flowers. The ..-Tell 41 1111.' .• . . ttttt s 1 ed i 11 "t in' tt 11;17 i • lt( id, 44,11. Thy Light.•' Booms! 1 4144' solo . . '... se- lel t (lard ...,.. - - Mrs. May. • . lusty '''''.° To be announced,- .. hoes a .a,.. , St. George's Church,' Goderich. rt ieh. Easter Ihty, March *27tb. 1010. _ ittard ..,. ,„ 'ion I' t i lll inithion Went 11 .t. I"; Malin- aunt liolv 1.:11,1,11•••, • ow 44141111 t'oloit..rt iTrmiseript 114 11) Woman) J,•-•,.. t lir-! I- iti-eit 1,.1•14 . and 11, ito ••.1,.... 4 hrid I- Ili -en '111•Ly.' ' k is. iii Fe-tal Itc-pne, - . rains st ;.., Ed -ter .1. 'ahem "4 do 1-1 4 4t11. ',1-,41.‘..r.- •" ilsmsr I sato.- ".. ‘1,"•...1. .1 artists t 'hants FreUr- T. I te lllll in l' . . : . emart V. 1... Jubilate . . Or. W, 1 'roteli "In' .‘.:11',.ti.717.7„'',:".' -.,.42T.::;%riZLigfili:i.r. sporty xtrp. Maunder iii I: on in t; 'rid Tito and I ; 1 at i., . MAktintler to (1 n *4) n, '11"y),111 before , 1111.0 . het r "TM, Sit'rlill•iirifsrli;:•tr rid. .. -1 alio :sermon :Le% . 31. TU11;114111. Iteeti gnmit, I Offertory Ant ben. . -.1.'harle4 I '. 1 n °(/' I lll .I.iTi!:.:11.711"11.4‘ii::1Ni- 141111.".h.l'IV71=1" Iril:itt ht in tttttttttttttt 4 .1itiot to share" Sur -mint 'oida.. .. . '. • .. ......Merberki.1. ter •Sanet us. . • .. . tttt .... .... Maunder -iletioilk.luai.... ., . .. ... .. ' ..... Manditer ' . . Mint'erter ilgyin"iri ditkirtIng 4 'Imoiliinlon .,!..'il part 2, "1 1 Salo - 1 114-luniiritt itiiiis.xteicalsis. it sot enfold Amen. 111":4111k1:1111111.1g. A Reel:P.1011M Mane nE mo wend Sermon. 7 p. m. , YistuitioW erranfterietioniihy %Vorthild Jesus 44,14.4 Is Risen Today , .. ymn lit ... . • ."Lights (Mitering )torn Itedeeks the skies" - . . Tani. Festal itesponees. Prots•r !Sabin,. exiii..exitl.. est . , Various homes ilt . Nst,,,tir,,:ii11140.4erat. tit Ittnilit yut. '... :,...i.V.1iintkk...; Antpunts:froof.rdl 1 inPha ttheg111.Lfetevrenthogliderstyd.e,itofthPeormt,11414e.tric.ebloareg .... - .... -, .............. .1 1 t I • ' Creed .. . ... .:',TifeiTiabille setting Me. I 01 grandfather, wiuntm .Seheson. . ()thee Hymn 1501....."( 11114 the Lord ksvHorgi....i,i, Ii00 Irtsh. 7.1...1. Moli.rietflo eantki„t.. iftanr:eRt.ftewrillwretteard 10e00 liyiTit;7114s).1.o.re-rteritint1; 171 "Welcome, Ravin, the tint Thursday ef eaeh month. Mrs. liriegel anit NIT -4 Simons (lune frotn %limning". .. • • . .Sir .%. Si1111 \All C011illnW0011 ia.t week 1,1 attend the funeral of Sermon. .. Rev. M. Turnbull I Ifferiory Anthem S. Charles t 'ooke their brother. the late titaries Simons. "Thh• is the day. which the Lord hath AVitightim Times: Mr. and Mrs. Henry T. Houle". • Stainer Thomson and •on Pre vhiting for a few days it 4 'losing Hymn. 170 . ."Chtist. Is !Risen ! I 'hri-t Mmr. iT.homnontorns'slipawkireanot ali.ho.mpeen.tiiiindatadhe:richK.. ,,ter 'Revenfold Amen, Iteressional Volindary. Offertoire In 0...1Vely 4 ieation at her hotne en East stret•t. Shit is a Is Risen!" student a the Normal School at Stratford. ' Organ Re_ _cite'. J. J. l'urcel.„_1 late of Seatort h. a.sist ant oiner- -1 K TWA That My Redet•mer Livelh"... From intendant in tliTs'iThy. tinrrar tile prndeotho hi. sumac° Co., has taken up his residence in town. Itartdets '•Mesetan" The "HalleNah Chomp," ... .. Front Hamlets t endows. nt the Normal Isehool at Stratford. Mil. Nellie finthem. who hno been in at - "Messiah with violin. cornet, flute nod 'organ nerompenimerit. ill llpendiiiK the Easter holiday. at her home _ in town. OBITUARY. Miss Jean rt'llson and her nephew. Jean -... Rich, of New York. who had been nukking en ' '..., Mohring. left this week on their return home. Best Music extended vhdt. with Mr. and Mrs. W. K. Kelly. ---.... ono,.‘JnotenftShaw and daughter. Miss ()faro i on TteoAay afternoon for the i Attractive Special Features An esteemed resident of Beemiller. pealed front this life on Tuesday. vs'est. where they purpose making their home. , tiv..2.:,,,iil.,ie: ftili, m“.„:414::44,%if,..th": Something to !leas:: F.Very body March Sth, in thert, person of- Mrs. Mr. Shaw took out a Tina,' of _settlers: etfeeti- ' Mohring. Mr*. Mohrlits had been eil- family in town Join In wishing them otos.. Nothing to Offend mohring. widow .the late Manuel ,ng for some time, hut selemed to be verity. recovering, when unexpectedly she sustained a stroke on the day itefore For Easter. .. • ' only - 5c. d th She leaves a family i1 Liman) handkerchiefs. Something 5c, • OW .40 new AR not seen here before. It is not,alone the texture and finenesa of I eintiting colors, which mak« theft)" Pop- ' , Buggins & Schade 'issue handkerchiefs nor yet their fag- I ular, but all three of Goole adnitrnble ' en lor qttality and permanent finish. LI yric Theatre qualities combined -indelible colon, It ANNOUNCEMENT. Kincardine bacon now in our scro- . tee y depot trnent. N. C. Campton, \Watch for the 15e and 2.5e windows of graniteware Lice.'s HARD YANK. The celebrated Kineardine bacon -now -440--...de le tun. rgrucerY tl 1 • , PERSONAL MENTION .• ment N. C Cams:Roe. . , Horne. hien, braise'. anti " la Dr. Hayden went to Toronto this morning. Avis' Menthol Saiv "'ill sruirlie an Theodore Moss ill -pending the holiday at I al them. all. 2:1e tin at druggists. . I I will open .11 repair 'shop in P. J. th.Mhars.r.atio'rton and Mr.. Reyna& are away to., ny,,no „hi st on 11-1 timiltoo street Toronto.' • OW the 1s11 f A in il. We. L.",YuLs. reser has ft ehoire lot of t im- clover atol for sale. If you nit -close seed of any variety. Isim a call. "Lifelmov Soap" is delight felly re- freshing tor lather or toilet. For washing dnderclothing it, is unequal- led. Cleanses and purifies. it. Man I. home from Jerou s Collet:PS:1 't i will keep i ati,ing and. healthy. The Mary. cm %sidle -am% 1.011 ilieeti't hoe vnur hair: lleprine H. It. Sallow. 'nt.ute a bmines. tri Canadian beer grease in the ciontatie is Heflin for the holiday, Mr-, Jos. Kidd .11111 dais M"'" "`t" ' i'' the effective\thing. 50e a jar. - ,itors ill 1•111111.111 llIk ,..,-,-.1: 111 Will he the. aim of E. R. Wigte. %V illiatn Mnedel sod ss rata are -pending the new ptoprietor of the 'Wilton the E ger tenet in I ty. t. H. H. [woo. of st Kink of 'Montreal, le/ lirli 14 store, to Maintain its past repo. 'Tending the hot ay kt Welbuid. Whin of being Golerich's leading drug 1.. smith, of el/1.10ml Itrug store. will -pi•int aore. -- 01,111. . Miss I ...J.• ctart i. h • from stmttora All the for lllll lat iif the late Jatnes sat home in Netherton. Norma :hoof for (8Is Easter term. ' Wilson were putetonsed by ,E. R. 11 t.amebell. of Westfield, has been spend. Wigio with the drug Imminent., anti In a few days_WIth friends in town. • • Will in future be Manufactured and it. 1.. sheranni bat returned th hi. desk at sold by him.. \ the Kink of I'll tttttt env after three weeks' holt. Miss Ruby Meath Grant, a aopriton • days. , with a voice of engaging quality of Miss Jean Clinton. of Minton. 1. home from the Normal School at stratford for tho Easter. tone -won the heart). ollier hearer') by holiday. her singing of' "The ' Auld Scotch Mrs. II. Martin. Nee gate street. has rad urned Slangs," and am an -anent sang "Scott' (non a visit to her daughter. Mrs. g night., at Whs.Hate." The vast ant 'tomtit' was crowded to entineity.-To Mai Globe. T°11"a"rry"..Vart.tone; of the- elevator stalr, left “.....ktestay to siznd Ids holklays at hi.. home in ' ... At Victoria Opens House, Godetich, April ith. Mr.. A. C. Fairistirn left On Wisineaddy afternoon for Winnipeg. where she will join IMPURTANT TO FARMERS. . . her Median& :Him (Hedvig MeNiven. who iii a Normal -- the hoildare. Always at the top with the highest student. in attendance at Stratford. n limn° for - your farm produce. Mr. and Mts. Oliver founts4 and their son. Pie" for y This week we ano pnying 22 centa a Master Philip. of Brantford, are visiting their dozen for•eggs and "13 cents n pound ..teKk.ii‘v%e*I'lkiniti40arti:11" lt. L.111 1[011. of the Jackson for butter. Don't take any less for it. Mfg, ro.. wig spend Bowl Friday at their N. C. CAMERON, \ . firing it to us. Late Cameron & Moose.. td. ilt all, -and there. ainuld be it lar e attoulaw.e. At the Harbor. All of the after-crewm of 'the yes/eels which wintered here have arrived oral are hnsy fitting up and making any neeeleary repair! The steam- ers 3. A. McKee and Paliki were unloaded hy tbe elevator staff on Mon• day and Tuesday of this' week. The Paliki had A cargo of 110.000 Intsheli. ^1 nate. while the J. A. McKee had 1211.400 bushels of wheat. )loth newel* were -dipped" last fell before tying uP for the winter -that ie, a portion of Ole eargo wfta removed. on Well- nesday afternoon the tug Horton, 0 -treed these veesels to the oppessite side of ttie harbor and an attemne, was made to bring to this side of the harbor the Turret Cape, which is Joaded with a cargo of wheat for the elevator. Owing to rathtr unfavor- able conditions the tug's efforts did not meet with eticeern, but they hope to have her moved shortiv. County Judge's Criminal Court John C. Cook, an Englishman, who had been lying ill at the jail for about was in charge of t car. three months, suffering from typhoid Owing to the abInce o fever, appeared before ilia llonor Holt at Chi sago, C own Judge Doyle last Thundssy to answer Seager was neting jud at to a charge of theft. He was let off on tinge of the Nolan' C rt Suspended sentnce. forth on Tuesday and at W. Henderson. of Morris township. Thursday. appeared before The Honor Judge The tuberous -rooted beg Holt on Friday last,. He wits sent iiii distribution among the me . for trial by Magistrate Leckie, the Goderich Horticultural 14 lirtenselch and was accused of interfenrf- ISM have arrived. and may Ing with Pao young girls on their nay e,1111ing at the office of t home from school. He was frond , itleY' 'Wm. lane. guilty of common outsatilt and on Mon- ; Two carloads of settlers' e day of this week was sentenced to shipped from Goderich via ( serve one month in jail anti to play a. Tliesday morning. One es 11"" of 1125. In default of pnymant of charge of John Shaw, of 14 the fine the prienner will be a gocitt A F. to Otill (Ake, Flatik. A Castle Griffin for another month. Maedel; of BenTiller. and S. n el Ned him actione try a former remident of ()oder a lion. . LOCAL TOPICS IN BRIE Miss IMMO this week. Mrs. Abell '- at &Rayner. Mrs. It. the old home. Mr. arid Mrs. J. Tot onto t his week. Mi -s A. 18 . i•eeell. of Loyai, +pewit fee days in Ton alto. ache- two in mount recog- tring a notate- Everyone has a friend or two wh imprecate n token of goodwill at till -eas,.n. Wilmer Smith. Fast street. h line of Easter cards conveying the tits et Inge. "Sap's rueinin'.' is the cry from cone (sinoession. That means that syrinx' and it le time to call on F. J. Md. l'ailor and order your spring suits' Be lats. cornet fit. right prides. It smells like spring. The ; biles are Mat. Work wag resuhted 'net Mo the new public school building 1 W. C. T. C. will m week Tuesday, instead of Craigle billiard r on :Antonin F. & T. M. carload of ho Wednesday. Jo F. o would Faster as a fin seas° • LO ts here. ham the • mater• "Motion nday on et next Monday. ' handsomely furnishes -opened for business vie, o wn, shipped a to Calga Alta.. on Ryan, of Solt ford. f Juage Attorney the sit - at Sea- linton on onto/4 for Inhers of ociety f Or be had on he sec' ... 74aeli41., Stainer bill., ."Jesth tient its.t ntary. 1:10ria 1;4141 Twelfth NIontrt stient a foie days in Londott +Meg her sister, Mt,.. I /oner, , of freston. vidting at McIntosh are visiting. in it is..none too good for the. farmers of Huron. Deering machinery k the standard for all-round ex- celle.nee. Mowers. Binders, Manure Spreaders, Disc Harrows, Wagons, etc. REPAIRS KEPT CONSTANTLY ON HAND. If you are ,buying A Cream Separator. .et us show )OU the INTERNATIONAL 6 HUGH ROSE IMPLEMENT DEALER HAMILTON ST , GODER1CH t.......faeseawasetesses." epairs Our w iorkg00\l'in been I liorntighloV et hauled and ate now in A positiori to attend to all kinds, Of, watch. clock and novelle, y rt pairs. All our repair work is guatanteed. , All work P;ompt- ly attended tii. W. H. Harrison Jeweller and Oplican: ' •• nen"enlalAlen.6., Lyric Theatre NEW PICTURES EVERY N I (1 I -IT NEW High- Grade School The three taco's-. the 'wiring of it business; education are teacher. text.itook mill stu- dent. Ever sitter itm inception the Clinton litimineme College has, aecured teachers of the widest. experience anti ripest scholia. - Phil% The text-Iniolte ultra lire the be.t ptibliahed. cons...queue le their graduates -halve teceive41 the -best position'. and their suc- cern has been unrivalled. This mchool ,eivea adeitional pres- tige by being affiliated with the Commercial Edneatots' tion of Canada. which cosesprises Canadn's greatest chain of high - grate modern actual %amines. schools. The amine term openings ate Match 151th and April RIL Write for particulars. CLINTON BUSINESS COLLEGE GEO. SPOTTON. ermr.pat, I ' R IC AKE We wish ter announce (0 001 cuetoniera of former yews anti to he public in general that ow Atones are stocked uith pure 1 ke ice anti we ate prepared to oly all old and neer elle10 '• We are the tally dialers h ling Pure Lake Ice CRAIGIE BROS. 'Photo. Calls : ()Mce 24; liaruse 124 Illustrated Songs aer Herta were 1 (Our boys and two ebbs, who have the '. P. It. on syntpathy of many friends in their ✓ was in ; Irreparable lows. The daughters Ire own, who Mts. Dick, pf Kippen, and Miss Mabel. ear for P. ' itt horns, and the sons are Emerson, of Johns , I I lo • Will of Red Deer, ich town- And eatneroft and Roy, at home. Mr. rosperous Mohring died' a year ago last fall. -3. CoLnomen. pleading that he did 11 "for fun," but ship, but of late years P en erann *nen WE ,ARE HEADQU ART E ItS FOR HARNESS POTS Single and Double Harries., eoltarn. Sweat Pads. Whips. itugs, lialterm, C 0 m 1,s. Brushes, Harness Oil. Axle Grease and (Intl Cure. , We alas' carry an up-to- date stock of Thinks, Suit Cases, Music Rolls, Hand Hags, and everything that can be found in n first-class harness shop. - - When in need of anything in our line kindly give ue 11 call, to we call save you money. If our goods Mitt you, tell others ; if not, tell us. 9Zepairing a Specialty. 11. J. Fisher IIAMI LT05,1 STREET. SPRING IS HERE and a thasece of di••t is in ,•rder. Season-. iable goods always to he bad - treats, clesitkenil pure -at STURDY'S I f y•et are not, al• teady acquaint ed with the merits of sturdy'* Groceries, try a sample order. It will convince you. Sturdy & Co. "Itrocers.. on the Squale. CORONA and LEADER. . • Steel Ranges _Manufactured by the Perrin Plow & Stove Co., Sinith'e Falls, Ont. These are first-class Ranges. built especially fof farmers' one or 'for town kit- chens where a large Range im teeptired. They embody the latest and hest ideas in mtove construction anti I ehould be pleaged to show them to all entjuirers. BUGGIES • I have a carload of Gray. Buggies on the road. Don't buy until you see them. .WIRE FENCE A carload of Standard Wise Fetter also is on-tho way. Those Who areigoing to use any wire fencing this year shouli, .all and get prices. Robert Wilson HAMILTON ST., GODER1CH dainesiminewettaleseeets Agent tor Massey -Harris Implements and other lending lines of Farm Machinery.