HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1910-3-24, Page 3TRF IUGNAL: GODERICR' ONTARIO BOOL BINDING MAGAZINES, rFR1ODICALS and 1.1};RAR1ES' hound 01 1 epaitt d. t till/ (.FS!'7MING on THEA 000DS er•n•DUy attended to on !ravioli A. E. TAYLOR. STwai 'otto MUSIC - .1.. o. USIC '11.u, tTHS.. �Ilo•SW. ' AL. Uuderleli. *R. \t• 11: KILL'Al'K, A. (i. S. N. Menden, England •, orgarihtt of St. Uteri a'' P,,'mac, M 1. prospered to glee lost roe. stun• ,stage,. t• alto and %earl culture spot" attention tt un 10 the voice. For ;. o 4.1111x1 a pply to N. Klluaek. Re 41.111151e apply near Raplbt church, 'studio at. 11111 �t_Alat lt- ei�Ydr of 'truce and Notch i FRED E•'COOK. TEACHER (4 i'tartmpisytng, TDwrY• Harmony n nd Us prepared for axalni'.% A ofToron }wap atoryetMusic. Anil) learotT°"•k(u Conservatory t.wurtnl.. Moue's SI lititOU, t idenre of Mr. Ales, Ma••k••". rteanteriostreet..(h$irrtch studio at 1'.'M. ns,, Ung Loan ('o.'a stn..it. , A. rooms sear Slot Crld North •Ir'let. --- WATCHIYIAKING, ETC. 1, t ALSEY PARK iWATCaxAaaa. Jawgl.Lala UL7tetAk Iter side of Square. (:o.lrrlch, South " - - CIVIL ENGINEERING VAUGHAN. !u. ngr,vuta CIVIL and• Hydraulic Engineer, ()Marlo Lead earveyn yoatrrel MI14»et iiia••, li.xterich, coiner $Odin Trl'•iltune 18:. sn+pe't• MEDICAL t�. F t4ALLOVV. IM. B, .ta ret. 41t,trn,. t,. ,..,, .1 'r.idrrr.,. \ W t h „t , , ':nn' tri[i•" Y oai,w. 7a•Ie{).uu . (t LEGAL 1111. 1.(.LtA1tIll 'It'll. . 1 In 1,•11, THE PORT OF MISSING MEN By MEREDITH JIICHOLSOfv, /tether .1 "The ■arsi el a Thousand Candles" COPYRIGHT. 1*0y. RE THE $OR's.MERRILL COMPANY 7Ivea people who are usually to a 1mmDatten to explore Se drop • 1 t i I` pedover, Ila, avail and strolled away healthy occasionally t" t throtI gU tile garde'• the smell or warm some kind of afoul :(..1-. '. i' • earth, motet loge; Pie day's light w:ultt' rovim) that excel! .1- •w tad lite 1'al!It n lair of ••nest thing- BOOKBINDING hing• "The boldness of this clever adven- wen the bettw W C1sl.i,, att. ideas ors turer is said to have reached a climax i•,,, rettlou. In this city within a few days. lie "We shall go down foto the ♦alley, had under the name of Armitage. Oscar,,. he said, and thereafter it was Painted himself off upon members of -5t. tlwt,led. nue of the most dlsthlgulshelt families They struck , pre'sently' tuto an old of the capital, whom he had met abroad during the winter. A young road that had been au earlyy highway g.a� ieman of thta fatally. who, 1t will '.•rtes) the mountains. A,buye and be .ntlire to say, hetes n commission and 1.3. -:the,. f'ore'st hung gloomily, and pass - from the American government, Mg clouds darkened the slopes and oc- tal*.atertalued a mall-companyof friends ' casionaiiy spilled rain. env ltage drew' tills el"'. glad Oscar enveloped him - b wily a festa' it :a Washington clu Y cell In n •!!ricer as they rode through hl flus ago. inti tl►la phauslble adveti• :I whasp *hutvrr . At n lower level they Direr tens nhtont; the guests. Ile was ranee Mitt fair weather agafu and, rrr•o;,mizel nt inlet by one -ot the (OF. .•Kase• pr.xeut, who. out of conshlera• 'ion for the 'host and fellow hold Ids tongue+._but it is understood Unit 1Iiis gentleman wonglt Aritp•'cP n it .telt' :1,41 warned him t.. hat ..• a.i11lIL•te,n N'111r.,1 a''e'gl its tr t r,. t tilt till, awu.t,turn.• •11,:4441 •.•: 1. 1 .L.• \'•at .tu'e•ric:\u In '11, 111. \is, .I• t'1 \s,4 n,a_ n5hs Iltaron you I:h:•or. is,;.,: 411;1 f,.h.•,1 I.l•u.l•If were vacated: n1. ,t:edlai.•ly None of those I'tS•.r:1' for eapp,•t• avis! t'tl1: of the a .111.••• ' " I. It '.... 1'1. , shit\ 1 ref trait' ►' o •.•tees) dap". and the 1;c111:: • - 1t .v t i' said to 1:ni• lard lent t • t Ilii.. a p'.!i, •alt tit 1 , r .u•, likes rcJttng to the .\u...'• - i,1I;ci•. of fids tinttaifent '•' rnr, dropped •'o• 1 4a tire.'tool. with 1.o. oo •"1I • t,• I ,,1,1 1 '4h.•.t t•:•: : . I1 ' _'. 1 su.l•:en c :idol t 1 ! , to the t!:4•ne.. l i.1:•. • '1 at n',ten- • ..$ in: ill, olid- • .�... ...•r.ne•ei. , \tooT 1,., 1,:ti,; \•':b e' I.'t. i:..'. H. 4,111 •. 11. reu u:lb b.a, utdhy 404 V. -• _. , I ► . i-.Kl,\, K c.. IlAli!tl " II.1 I;. .;,t.'.1 t naw.) itllnitt', I tt111r- 1,, tiled. to..ktich. third Quer Poo, twain)! HAY-% k lI of I' t ' t i, r. 1 4.1 a t . tit ,. I• • not l 1 \witI gr-•, It a.. h ''tkv •'•t le n. ,.. ,. .. .et1d w rt ..I 1'1,4 40T. Li:. t . lt. l:. }iAY.. (. t T t1AI•l 1•:StiARItI%V I I L'-. It \;t. 511 s l' kN, ettor ueri..ydtr ' flet ltt m ey to lentil at Mu tau , . 1. 1.Il/...... 'UN. RAR1tISI Elt o. or, •'gods-M,ner, 4.,.1.•rt tut, Ili Ott., 1,latlton tot tikt. (odertah tint. • INSURANCE.. LOANS, ETC. lir1111 $itP MC'I'CAL FIRE 1N= r C I:.t � t F. 11,1.11,•-i• arm a,.d i -d a ,•.! • . tat.r..(2-1/. we %ills !t t• a +•anis 'i.,'. 1,1.•:1.- 4,411 • :. in .\rtaltptge. striker • 14!y ..^aptaill .,,, who had t."Itie:u pairs of mad to bad slt II a.oion - 411..1 ,t.. t:uif'irt»n-, Ile was_ . %cry pretty to t ;'.:: at On a ,.1-,,, r1 i 111 v to..., - ,n+;a •Y i' , 'tes testa rth'1'.t• h t •').. %',.'e -t,••• lin elnh I 1►wt'• 1' lis ,r.T,4.-ra•olth 1'..u - Donators ti tn. 1 bt.•.et , S ealot tit t .litho 0.4r4..P,.wihtbrop: lirmge 1, .:.:ieafort h. J,;bi la t,ta ••-1•. Mewl), . K+ n :.Jai toSa n, s. N u utak . .s•A John t- /ia rl IIe.Nh 1 liti lift of t b,.} d w . 'st t h. r It n. + . i N ij,j n ' g.rmr prix R't'.e 4 J♦ �' , ❑ nes g•. !prism d ill 6. N n.66ro:,1_ 1•t.,o•y.hW'1et • e• j ' : k t their cords •,t• t• wi .t 1,i, -s 4 t-., •1 •It,n,or Pt 1: H. (u:t. 1Hfr l '.u...'.ton..rett. Uuderich. fr►11 I1Ht ) I'RI A'IE I''t NIPS It) loan. Aptly to U. 1.. ''AM- " i crt•'h. .r u a t aeL end t.. later. I carol l .K,. .1 rr W 1{. itOBERTyON. iNsi•itANt• : A4E'T: rtwr. s !:loItTStvu. Stitt-.h.t Anan1*i4 and AIt It an. Af'IM'tr `i' a!tl`a AND EattrLOrkaa'LIABII Ire - The .waren Ass:idrut and iinarenttee .Ost.awui,n .l.irulted. of !cotton. Kos• bit'(.111 stick Purvis: Thu 1'.!t 114..104 end livatenteeiontwn)'• (Wee a' rrt'tdener, nottbrrwt touter et Vii' a4:d st. Davids 1st Peet.. 'Thune ):a. iOHS W. t'RAiUIE; LIFE. F1R1�. d and arektent,tn.nranee. Agent for leading mat nal and stook CUIUIIanlea. lsaar+ntro in all r .. rtt•r'ed o1 best plana and at low no.... Call a1 ottf.•e, rornr, West Street awl 1 readdress J. W. CRAIUIE. Uodetl_oil• net. fele ,hone ft MARRIAGE' LICENSES `VALTEIt E. KELLY, 1 thQL)KRi/\H, u\T. I' 41 EL' tor 11 AIt11,14 F LICEN`Kel. W LASE, ISSUER OF i1Ri' S4114: licenses. Ooderleh. Oat el..rode); a bridge. male down Into :: urtn -valley The road at once . tore marksot' Cafe. uud the) passed a uum- t •.f trans that apo^:.• n•tntistnkably of i -:..' 1 •t: a ...e glomi. 'net: ';Sr-. I 1,.;14.- u' •l'e'it rill part: 1, 1.1 'i.• 1 Ittu.rtt. I twfot'e . , 1.. . '•r,' 11611161,61111e es• :titlt'n:" scat rt :1.161 ..ti -.1110 I r', I ' ..;t:ip of Irl-.•: tree big sweet in Lis moo rho. 11'' walked to the far on 1 ..f the pergola sat down on a ttvuwleu item h and !:Pias' Outten' up to reverie 1:.• had been .'e• •suited as an Li:p'ntur__. ilr tc;:s "11 t'Iatlx)rue Moil, and 'he ellthit lilt r•' tatrd thnlig'It. It was while 1.1. lbw., pondered his 4fthiri that Shirley o...:':Ing over '.bf fruit lawn fruw n ueleo orlug masts mi tub. amIdeaIv ulw.1t hilt:. Her bead went up with surprise uud -Ix) was sure -with disdain. She stop ped abruptly as be Jawited to bis feet "I am caught -in tlagrante delicto: I .can only plead guilty and pray for mercy." "They said -they said you bud gout. to Mexico?" saki bitlrley q'leatIon' ingly. "Plague take the tan%Spapers: Flow dare they so misrepresent met" be laughed. "Yea: I read those newspaper articles with u good deal of interest. And my brut ber"- "Yes: your brother -he Is the beet fellow In the world:" She unused, but a smile of real mirth now piuyed over her face and •lighted her ece.. "Tb.we are generous words. Sir. Ar- mitage \ly brother warned me against you to quite nnegnivn(al language. Ile tilt! ate alwut your matchbox"- • "Oh. the cigarette lase:" and be held' it up : "It's really mile land I'm going nation of beef, ironl.:t' ' 1• wine, if taker. {'Fitt':: tem is riot (1o'Qt1! ,1y•.'U 'work or a slight t'(.. !. prevent a more SeCioiR 1• .::> : ` Ferro\'iln gh'es strength t') con valeseents and all thin-blocdtti pct,plt• $t 1w) :t 1R)ttlt• W VWieV'Ns,v .-. ..•:r t:•4,,. of ,tl,. 1.0. tt 1a•1'0 u d 1 .tr.l v i114 k1 ' 41 1 ., 1. n• • 1' I•:1.1 0 1. 1 1:..t_ Ill• I 11:. lel, c: n; I ,..! tit:• :b 1/4 111 • I. �,.I.y\La,1. 1; Ilii:; crt,I. Hader !.! :I, i1• \ Ttr. ..1 11 r .:nd laughter of a' 1.' • rr •1f 111 1'1011 -.11,1 wonicti ''1• - 1:0.¢-dtl`,e;;:1%r-111114111 1 1 hear' 4.," a 1P4',•: ,•1 ,1 Iii•. for there t:n' as girl ..u:'a'•1)"'.. tit • • •t !' a.'na he hod tollr�wrd .1 o t. :toil these pn•o• rte were P,• 1 pt -.rid the + Qe'tnflaelly ,A4.:h c..t t' likely she t n:n. Oft, 11 I t�ot y,u,... '1 yy1L`arl :tut1 1:1"14 lo'riit." .4rmtin,e,In,IpacdZr/r ;� xr Into the fire ,c}th 1114 1.1 . Tltr Idertll m i lice, • tht.•ntr;uux t1e'Vasweel :: u of til. death itt t.. • 1 at I tr t t.:a taken a c t 1.1 tasige hi+ tbstenti he capital. The n I�_tl, t)w.•:tr, but 1 shall do my best. tt 1.,at uud' first please.' t:arhof. 1•.'a hit i) w'- 'e 1 rook s et sot tltetwo t r r contents T11 hall uip.iwsl of deftly toy !)•nate as' Army it ll.!tf, h.t gage ,directed- ,Ute of tit. bedrooms stlrit,.s to -enc wits utihle.1-ria a 0Ietset. a11d garments ;'nail the tfr .tt` 1 a.va;lor 4'0.1 hi. eyes and 'bowed to (ns, everyInt ,;ivablc• 1x•casiun were a c^ t 11. hvmi::l.•' e• bowed' t»1•:11 bru:lght forth. 'There v. ere stout Eng- I 1 :t \uuu;; he. owed'lame. 11,• lisp twe.ls for the heaviest weather. Ga.) 'trees sults and Norfolk Jackets lu ' enr.i:ar.ty ."'rhe ownL,r'e tate ran to Leese• atlel 'brow ,s_ Ir seemed. and he w1.1 it l•ttlly ordered his raiment group- ed hycolore as be lounged about with pipe In his 110 OnII. -"Von way Ilan;; thus.' scoria oft the. sit lug proy)ded I,'4 lily • pretlecessor, trjli lU'!D otrr color +ch.cae• That palm Line doesn't blend well In 'Mir ta':111.on - put it ID your peteket nn;t:lte'r it, Wit 11 buy coition - needs; and those tau sho,s are not t'ati -for the Virginia nnxl. Drop them here. '4-4,uiw goo) campaign hats are conifortahte. I;h-e the oldest /o Inc And .there is a Pitting cloak I had for- 1.1,144 or1.1,144 a 1 evt.r owittol I gave gold for It to a 11itdrid tailor. The mvutitniu nights are Pearl. and tip' thing utas wares ole vote O'war. bow- far is It ilou7t to Storni !fittings?" "A forted march. and you are there In no [noir 'OfnlA-tratf--- ir." --- SENTNOL PLASTER CURES every sort of Muec• uhr pain. such its Sciatica. Stitches, (:ntks, 7 to. Twiching of the Muscles. Lumbago and Headache. Don't throw away money for worthless imitations, by un- scrupulous makers. Get the genuine. Each plaster 25c. in an airtight to boa.1 yard roll 11.uu. slatted upon receipt of price. or sample for Sc. WE GUARANTEE that they will relieve pain quicker than any other plssttr. ' DAVIS & LAWRENCE CO., Montreal. G. JOHNSTON EMtiAI.MER AMO A ..TO R FUNERAL E R L O f'?E Fsrnitare and UndeltAkION wasera.tmx - w'."t .Ids rquaro. THORN r titre 111. Oolerlrb Yr -M. suss'7t1 I Nbgbt eels; At re•tdenei. 3.5 Wllltain Si reel. i • •1 3 YLAAS INDIG .S'11U11 $ bones Little Dlgesters- E.s:1:.;ely Cured It was a iuc:.y day for \Ir. Payn, whore, portrait appears' below, when he sow a ••i1ittle lhgeatefs" advertise• meat in the raper, for it • narked his first step nti the road to 1a.alt b. Road ' what hu says :,t-oot r himself/ Shirley came aiiddtnt{/ upon •to keep It It was very damaging evi- dence. -It would argue strongly against r me in may court of law." - "Yes: 1 believe that is true." And )ked at the trinket Pali frank •t 1 particularly do not wish to meet that charge In any court has Cialbonie." his gaze tory steadily., and the}, lhlt, \oc. e grace. then elle asked Tna Cotsm .1, \It I. t :r. Co. pie tone that she would }ev had been very. old Gentlemen,- - PAM with- , hese t for t • suffered 11 actri Having a• ad excused himself If Indigewtion, nothing snubd relieve me, ay or for not gotpg hating seen your advertisements in the theater: paper for I.I it • Digesters.'' took three, was entire t. cured. 1 feel ego• ledge to keep vineed that anyone suffering with s:one were forced will not fail to try "Little Digesters." ' charge of • • I'IIILIP J'A\ N, Junior. I every- . "Little Digesters a dainty little see, inn- tablets compounded of a pure+t and ' nts for t relief of beat ingredients -1 am gr and stomach troubles. They a positively Ins, guaranteed to sure even eh otic, cases of Indigestion or Dyspepsia_ r money will be refunded. - In little red boxes -25e. fro ntyour 34 sit lo, Into •Bt1 Lave 1 •,-.r ro titetintere.d:• but, otidty 'e .tuug 1. ,H• • .'n1 passes!, 'tare! after. Arita- 1.12:.• nor a moment: then shook hi' ,d and tcal'cA Oil with Lutt brow.. \.' aline'• had lifted hits hat olid pas -c': '.11 tapping lilts Mg with' his crop. - lir. walJit''1'.towarti the+prlcgte'hoUst'4 111 :t ! tr .erittered over the valley ntnl .'lung the gradual slope of the hills as thous;') carelessly flung from a dice loot. Many of the 1111)0046 were baud, some estates. with imposing houses set amid bettntiful garddns. half tt mile from the hotel he stopped n passing negro to ask whoa owned u; large house that stood well •bac•k • from the rood. The man answered. lie seemed •aux- lona to Impart further information. and Armitage la:oileed himself of the opportunity. "flow near is Judlte Claiborne's pia Y' he waked.The man pointed. It wits the next house on therighthand side, and Ar- mitage smiled to himself and strolled' UEii1'ollD BLOCK IJASSSE RSHOP 11 This welfknown and popular stand 11. Patrons the best service In *having tr-nrhng, Pte., etc.. !Adios' sh&IIII100iIIII :a By. ernty •killed heads employed. o' tx,lronage will be appreciated. d1. 14. I°)}. 4411.It, Proprietor. ARCHITECTURE )PIE LADY Or TOE I ,:'.OLA. I:\\' photographs oC for- at igit scenes tacked on the =+ w:ills; :1 i tottoan blanket Intuit es a tapestry over the mantel a portfolio ,11141 tin veto's writing haNet•i:tls disti•ibuli•d attain( it 18 hie pro- dttrel for. the iturinl.:e•, 01nt n.a4tttow. to the ti. iL'r bookshelf a compre- hensive sa llacdekersn pocket gide, sec. American railway g evil volumes of Genuvns not so bled. an anti French poetry-uud the piece Ar'ltltage slept for 'nn hour atter tt pimple inneherrn had ItecU prepartrl by !)scar, striated has lett some and3 , gnome -Howie, in Oct, oteIn tin regard, to thein and wrote replies. Then 'at 4 o'clock be told Oscar to sad- dle the Neese'. sit Is spring, and in April a man's blood will not be toilet. We shall go .)rt1, and taste the air." • of LaMar Ile had studied the map Monty with care and lest the way out If his 0011 preserve by the mad over which they had entered to the morn - mg. Osenr and tilt horses were It tredlt to the training of the seaican Mar and would have po we lbs`'`watched his .Inn anywhere. Armitage watched mon adjutant with app quicker served without question, and, ieker If wit than of speech, ieted hand went to his bat beim when- ever ASrnTttage addressed filth. They a ,ngltt age the spot whence Armitage teed Rest tanked down nptnn, iItrrm vatle3, mtd,Ls opeocd bit. pocket PIM' .1. 11AK(iAti.b I. 1• 1,1 Itn1'al holm ate Hrltlsh Architect+ i 1• s.tnit• Hm1.0. UrdeHch. Plan-'. dr 'n11 .'1e i' t4."' pnre,,ee pr.•d for renldc' pod 1. 1,'1' blul, 'rig.. correspondence M- ere, AUCTI • EERING rj'IIUMA4 (iuND • LIVE STOCK ++ and gatesl suet lon ... 4)Mces on South °tree where he will be fund at all times when hot ^tying sales. Terni reasonable and ',err effort used to Inv* ?au satlataoUon Phone ;e' AUCTiONEERING. All hrnrrho.* rarer idly attended to. Parti 0110. lire stuck sale', real estate and merchandise ialet nmdr am when'. Write for dote. or ;ill and talk i1 ntrl ., it h (leo. Beckett, mammon Street. Goderich. Oat. $hiloh3jCuni enI.4.It -tor. coltish.. cum void.. hole tits '•Hint nntl lovas. . • - '14 ..•ntv. FARM PROFTiS ley be lamely ineiramo4 by knewiae t!s exact condition of the farmer's market, 04 by learning of Use best method is farm practice. This is precisely the wort of information the Panner* Weekly ata tires is every taste. it haa no equal 6 m a •aree'■ Andsi n.Papaw. (Mod rn'"aa rmy a IL Per plm ase eat dabbitea attar. /•fle looked down to n moment upon n pretty estati•, dlsttngniahel by Its formal garden. hitt with the broad acre* of n practical tarns stretch- ing for out into the valley. The lawn tet'Tfl" s were green, broken only by plots of spring flower.. The walks were walled in box and privet The house, of the pillared colonial type, crowned it stades of terr)te'es. _ A long pergola. with pillars topped by . red urns, curved grndenlly -through the gni'den toward ttte.mat.lou. Armitage followed n side mad Wong the brick partition wail and cutlte;irsnap ofe Inner landscape. The sharp gardener's shears far up the slope MIS the only smut, that r'achel him. It was a charming place. ands he yielded kf :1410 filet her eyes w is mach the hive " ce usedd i friends ,and he for not riding that upon a hunt or to t -Why?" "Because I have a and n work to do. and. to defend myself from t being the false Baron von K thing would be spoiled. Yo fortunately -most unfortunate!. not quite 'without responsibilitie i have come down into the moun where 1 hope not to be shot and los over a precipice until i have had ttm to watch certain people and certain\ druggist or hl mail from Coleman events for a little while. 1 tried to eine Co., Toronto: 11It1AYDAY, MAR( 11 '11, 19111 'Phone 56 D. MIL1M Co e 'Phone 56 Uousecleaninm Needs The Sin 'nif huose.el •aning se i•on 1) w now ar'r'tVadt 1i'r have this a+''Nou gone touch mote extensively into; the then demand of unsteadily increasing buuainese. and will iw siness. eSs.tter to meet / Nottingbaim Lace Curtains in great profusi : n. Hundreds of Curtains to select frc•n, in a beautiful collection of designs, reugiug, ua p ice from Stic G) $3 51) r pair. Irish Point Curtains, ywirs Point Curtains, Arah Curtains. tomargiamiglim Madras Muslins, Swiss Muslin* and Curtain Nets A splendid showing of all the latest styles, in John Brawn ac Sons 1uf tilasgow. Scotland) world•tatuedlladras \Iuslirs. in all widths, styles and colorings, at popular prices. Door Panels in Rreat variety. $ Japanese Rugs Japanese Rugs Something new in Japanese Squares, finished with borders all around : tit sizes tial►, at $1.iki; and sizes Asti, at $2.t5. I'hese goods should' prove most popttlat• as the season advances. -_ - Jad, Matting in an iimuenre variety of designs,. from 15c \ a yard. Oilcloths. Linoleum* and Carpets, Phu. 58 s rl.LAR'S SCOTCH STORE PhotN5A a a'. CURE OUR COLD Butland's Orli; Cu Will Puna' cold i11 two days. Pinar tar bottle..' 5o A quick'ath! -peed y t.licf ho sore flilrtat. Per butt l.•. . 25c remedy for bosky th,o:ti. 25c t thing ftir chariot 11 1u:auds ackt d bpi. Pet- Ina t le 250 and 50n A newshipntencin, in 25c and 1;0o bottle-. Nadruco Throat Oar_.I e Zymole Troches re M X' '"" Nadruco Cold Cream ' T„a Pure Norwegian Cod Liver 12, 19O9. say as much to Captain Claiborne, but i saw that my story not impress him. And .Dow I have said the same s'e (� N Liam thing to you"- ■moi'/• Fie wattled, gravely watching her, hat in hand. "And I have stood herb and listened to you and done exactly what Captain Claiborne would not wtsb me to do un- der any circumstances," said Shirley. "Yon are infinitely kind and geuer- otos"- • "No. I do not wish you to think me Ither of those things -of course got:" Der e•uncluslon was abrupt and point- =OAP BUTLAND, 1►rug 'st, (1( )(lei THE STORE THAT PLEAS S KI -1-I' Vu4;R 114)411'. I\ :\ :-.AN1TAR l'(INI1f'1'Tt)` ustbane disinfects the di' t. ptn dies the :lir and, prevents the dust front rising. Don't 1111 your lunge with dust gentle. Order a Mc can ou trial for vice week. At the end of this period i( not futu)d satisfactory it may to returned with no. charge foe the quantity used. Patited in barrels and kegs for store, office and school use. For wile l'v Howell Hardware Co. LIMIT ED "Then" - "Then i will tell you -what 1 have pot .told any . one else -that I . know eery well that you are not the person who appeared at Bar Harbor three tears ago and palmed himself off as the Baron von. Kissel." I fit "You know ft -you are quite sire of j+ It?" he asked \blankly. "Certainly• 4 saw thnt person= -at Bar HIarlor. I had gone up from New- port for a week -1 ala (nen ata tea where he was qu a the lion. and I am sure you are not a same person." Fier direct manner speech. her de- cisive tone. In which placer! the matter of his identity on aurely prac- tiettl and unsentimental Bane, gave Itim a new itnpression of her iarneter "But Captain Claiborne" - Ile ceased soddenly and she `slOct- •,'ted the questTon a`IWlitrh faltered and answered, a little icily "i do not consider It any of coy hush nese to meddle In your affairs with my brother. Ile undoubtedly believes you are the impostor who palmed himself off at Bar Harbor -as the Ram Kissel. IIe was told so" - "By M. Chauvenet." .. "So he sold." "And of•.course he is a capital wit- ness. Thete Is no doubt of ('hnnv.- net's entire credibility," declared tage, n little airily. "1 should say not," said Shirley 110- msponsIvcly. "1 am quite as sure that• he WWI not the false baron as I am that you were not." Armitage Inughed. 'That Is a little pointed." 9t was meant to be," said Shirley Mernly. "it is" -she weighed the word --"rIdlcnloas ;oat troth of you should be 'a" I('ontlhnedonpagenl AN EXPEIUENCEO HOUSEWIFE knows that Sunlight ,oap means n wpndertat saving of time .Ind Tabour In house- cb:aning. Whz:her with hot or cold water, nothing gets the dirt oil sot quickly and without injury as Sunl:gyt Snap. Use It the Sunlight Follow tic directions. se Tea Is Good. Tea" Do You Use I;. ? Prac1ct----Co$peration. . _ I'oth,e,' wit,• ea.,to tn aketheir eapit al 4,1 savings bring them en income inn w it-,*1nbihshed boniness and at the Rams,. time this oprt po' y ff.• exitaordnn (limo i t'otits, we ohk1• to a limited n hestmt." in,, he I'iince Hopeit Heal Estate Investment Co., Limited, alt par 11 It t' Shan'. - . • The oppxttonity is ex yierdinarty because of the profit'-shar- '1a It'll'. by whr•h y.11 n ty br'co ne an it tnal tnenitreb' of our colic, piise and share inter le in all the to (ditto of the l'otn)tany •tad 11, its rapidly incae•ash) business. •l lte-monerrreeiw ti-Ise•1•{tw urupany through the sale o_ its -'tit vested in evil selected real estate in 1 ,ince Rupe ,� ethnics ' • under the direct Ru.r+•rvision of file 'Imitator tDue tuI s. . We purchase, Imp,ove and rets' properties adapted to the \, uses id Lusiness and sell at a profit p petty which is 'enduring or can teaelily be mode. to pi,duce a R tista.tory income. As part of our plan for handling our rapidly growing hustne.- dnd to increase its repea i' y, ave have conehoded that we would go dir•etly to the public. with whom we have always ratio- factoril f• dealt, and give t hent the opportune to subscribe to omit' Isere 1tYohw'es. th.•.l'y sharing squally. wit iia in the large profits tit the Company. - One of the indication. of the high regard in which our 'shares s owbv e•niath e• interest. Rl.t e h ate held by thorP who poaewe til t �Y constantly hrin{}ing them Co the a tendon of thei \nrighh obs and friends. • Byttlacinptmrrehareaow wee ilei among individual investors, we are building up nn extensive co-operative organization,. each memiwr of which not the opportunity and will be interested in adding to the profit+ of the Company, because by so doing fie Ades to hie itersonal profits. Such otTe rw rarefy, a et- , reach pr vnta irrve•ntrire--wail we advise you to eet,d your subscription fon shares at once. '•Purchasers of the stork may send one-tenth of" the total subscription with the order anal the balance lit nine monthly payments, THE Prince Rupert Real Estate investment Co., Ltd., Prince Rupert, B. C.