HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1910-3-24, Page 21116:
Tit l'RNIIA'i Mnnt It 2t 1"11O
he sio- al
utUl-ltR 11, 0IN'I' tRlO.
,?.>" teak I. Milted
i Tel•Iyhone Call Na It
• Teems or erbtltrNi4yr. .
�I,00ller RIU1111n In 41rr1aU.,.
ix months. yr : three months, xtn.
To United States oubdertbers. also a year
I.trictly in advRncwl.
Sutweribrn• who fall to reeetve THg•SIONtt
4YYlal'Iy by IIEalt w411 oonfe* a favor by nu-
nalntingus.Of the tact at :ts early a date as
• '%'hen • ehalive of luldressisdesirrd,•botb the
otd•aud the nape address should tw given.
Advertising Rales:
Legal aitr.m
mit other -Millar lullersrrte. lila
per line foto. nna insertion surd le per line fox
each ortwngnent-in.eetioa. Moll ufed-by
uonaorll scale, twelve lines to an Inch.
Husinew cards of six lines and.alder, a1 per
Advertisements of Lost, Found, Alt rapid. Sits
notions Vaisya. Sit uat1o11» Wanted, Hou+ewfor
Sal, or to Hood, !Arms for Sade or to Rent.
Attirlos for Sale, rte., not extending e*rh:
use.. •'..rut ,.ett1.11 $t fol' ant month. sr
foy,w h •utimuinelit month.. I.,rger advrrtt+e•
UI u
l. rilitid
Ate0anltnun. in
n type P
meta" y.vs IIIe\a Mlrl. 1e► t ha1xis.
Any t I mot er.•. the ahiet l of whish Is y...
pt+i.mi,i.trveh.g,etn of any itntivl.lnat nr *•eels act ye. aril then exp.et the edit')
ain't. !.its,-. ft lds•r.'d,n-advvnLeeasaa 4 d lsow the town and its businet.s.
be charged ece,ynlitigly.
Rates for dl -play and rontriul adverts.,- .out star helphow them.
matt. will be driven on application. T'•
of Carl": hostilities', the present 'di ua.
tion would 'novo. to'he a bleesiug in
i..guiak - •
, eul1fluu Spectator.
The rount)y e411111s of Canada per.
fortreierthe-4segis Grata more- gt&tni' -
ou$ public servire than any other class
pf men 'hi public 'life. A generous
poet »aya,kin.l wools for the country
newspaper at to its ipflnenCe in the
community in which it is published :
Tide hardly d.*al. the busy day begun
Tltt his keen eye •lair the sheet has
Tt..• blooming ,t* ler throws her needle by
And reads bes.a•'buolmate • nlarriaye with a
sigh .
tyke! the grace moth - herglar<- on
Ant'giver a tear to some old .larlZgour.
The . Sl'b
rr er. • too ht. ?*qday lay.
Yawn, 1
To lnow what I*.t naevi, fully tilt. the town.
Yet the 'copntry newspaleeir, these
-orders out i seal history. retrive but
s fraction of th4 ,' unpensetion they
richly lain.' City Printers; ,canvast;
the 'couetreo towns for ell the profit -
'able Tota of the local business Pier -•
men .allow the editors unaelti.hly
so that the city wilt itl future rail; its
revenue by the "single tax." The On-
tario Legislature has refused to allow
the,jmuniciprlities of this Province tot
lotreduce the sande principle in their
taxation; Int the *orld tuovr* and
the r.forwtis coming. ,
Toronto Gititw : The Slatrihut•ion 'of
wraith -"salt. -o to. t+,to p1Wp0sais emi-
tigunv. Mr. J. G. 1 Carter, of .war-'
ni14; formot•ly , of Harmn county, has
made a donation thronkfii-l-Ws Otltartn -
Goveruun•rIt to provide •a high school
ach•llerwbip of $•'flet, a yeaal in .each of
live •counties, Th.t Government has
contributed by allowing +i iter cent. Il6-
terest. The generollr donor nr•y ir-
crease IIIA optribution and extend it
tarot her cotintlee,
The Legislators. reached prorogation
13afurtlay after a rather -uners:ali i '
on. Among the More notable
featuj•e» of the session wet a the ')lane
exhibitions of temper on the p ort, of
the Preuliei, and the evidences of ,e
disposition on the hart of 'some of • bis
followers to iesent the arbitrary qn,l
dictatorial 'manner which
uSir. James
so.fy.Ietdltassumes. Commenting
upon thia,4rhe Galt Reporter tConser-
yutivet tea asks:
lire ' •r Whitney *pow mit ly nerds
a holiday. 'rhr,w.oa•k of the tewsi
^ ba.rvid1ntle.got nn his nerves'. He
ONshould go out into 1he heel yard every
morning t-Snnday exeenfedi and split
r to
With --
Address.» altcolntnuulcationo to .
Ur..•ltich slat I a few big sticks of '100!
'rite Winelstoek' Sentinel-Rtview The weakness cif the-Prem?et� a 'tem
min Kit tett. THettstlA•
MARC HI`,f-%...it. yer SC• slates gets 1' tato awkwatd
'_-_ makes smite seli::ihlr c rat, upon I
'' ' 'Ir. M. Y. .\1i•LI1111'14 .reeeh rp 1hr posits. 1 and if the Opposition were
UNCLE ;,AM'S BLUFF.[ ..6:46,•,.
is »Cron_ std hers it`would lead to
navy question It s ays :
�--- . - 1i1. M. Y, Me 1 ran, Lider•NI n•I'IIIl t Sulu! t. rum scamp» in the Poetise. • T
('anadiap o;4uutn 141nnarllctllty of flit' Ml....ih H Itsal. toed rye u.ow
one in view of the. tbgmtel,t•d tarifT. (4 »i lit Ile• House of 1'. `•
Be Swift.
ware aith the :Unite.' Stales.-t'nele liar othwt Ihr)•• ,1'111 discussing II"' 41,Ita1 p,•li.•t, that neither fel a 1+1:1- HC.WIf[..1P.►rh0a%t, 1111044fng. .
$4111 coin Itare w111rI1I'%1'I he w'ant`s lel i,,1 sen.* men i)E »ray osis" »noon 1'ortitnel.bief.
c titrinPI'1• III prate nr et-,111tvet tial war. wn. Cast -511%1 ltpleht, d 1.11il•t:41 Ili 11 ,111,. .Ina y1'0%111131'1;4 lean idonitlVei1 highway
;i'au,tdx does n)t wish to eng lge in ratlq,t for gouda ill rood neturiVelT0s - Keep step with grief.
tion. Be swift, dear he. r'. •n saying
host ilia..., but if Une•le4tun pmts on if A. a :L,twm•+,t direct. to .Grant Thaklnd!y wi,rl:
prohibitive ;aril( against t'in.,dian Iniseip those ttntd. night sweetie. tt•henrar.ieded.thyWltsloa►tatdeadil;st
goods Venetia n+ reAlly to play the gracious 141,4) , 4x11,4 G.. dna h t4'ill not bare.. heard.
Rance 1144 patting n flan on United as Great Hritain is larking it dr•
m.o.ds.,t, this cElnlnr, etl l .grin» In. Be,wV',dear heart. i&dis '
States Roods and diverting her Viso- Ie ehnwm� a di -pi -iion to ie rr:lly The gnwious
chases to Great Britain, t.rrinany. gu,lrrul r.•t• artvthtngji`II the w.,r.4114 Le. h.nonthrywho•ut1rdholdcat tlsans.t 1.'
France and other eounttire. Fater on contril tt ion t') .1 1.11 i.al defence ('son- , Bepa-t the orad. s
radiator may' freely offer: But.. of �;
there may I»• ditto lwncrs of aipiu:ou ns Ike swift. dearte•nrt, in gialna
rn11t•.r, -t hr-wlordA aero. not 4tirrctrd Tho nro'troi 1 flower:
Ivy Ihr, by >,s•rtucal tvh oing of ML eel- t Nor wait to heap with Marlon. theca.ket
to the it ea•11res whirl mlay:lie taken
shy ;Cllr Ottiiwa (iovernnIPnt in sleet-
ing the 'Mutation, Intl at present 1,51..
1.o 1;r.GreatHritp
ain. !bey writ' rovoked.
(MLitt cl two of pantesaional esi,salatl I In some call hour.
eral add Conservative, pro ertielIEi-t I "Patriots," who think it grind rolls y , pear heart, toe.witt.in toying
as Ihr• present time A) decry theirs Time .peedethon:
and frrr_Uader, carr united in sn'plNert „wit country. and ole not above re- And all shychane.'ofble++ed.,rrtee-
of H strong stand by the Canadian sorting to any tractive that may give - will -ono b• I .n.e.
authorities. promise of forwarding their own p 41f -
It is not merely Ie commercial no. an Heal schemes or injuring their 'option-.
• s
!Cononl&C question. Thr issue:ro
is one Inse. the light of sntih conduct- it- is
which effects Canada's gationel dig• well. that vornenm• should have the
nity and national spirit. The gars• a -mirage to ,l'etak plainly. even if
tion is. is Commie to. allow the United there is a po.sihility of the words
--- -States Ai..r.•r.: her 16 1L_ o, dies i'
The Unite) :States Govt.*. •rat has
.•taken a club in its hands and tbre•at-
envoi Canada with a hostile tariff un-
less eenceseiuns are made to United
Suttee triode in the ('nnudian tariff.
The United States t'erift on Canadian
goods is . already higher than the rionahip. That f411(41 Int)trltion sir
1'anadiiin tap IIT -)n "it" States ('lined a hits''njited h•ls Iwe11 a Wedeln'
goals : but no conrr.aiona are of erv,l, hu►.ien on the people of 1;teat. Britain
by the Stilus to offset the still further is a ('1x1111 1141 114 not put forth by the
twdsn f eco of the ,1; i if on United
illi people. it 1.14 not so Icing ago
The Precious Pig.
notrcay'geon In lependent.
Pigs 1101. pigs Ihese days. ell right.
being misintereisetr"QA he pe.'plc of At len cents a pound live weight pigs
n o err.
-ba a-.1'as he
step fon
the lilertiey and Privit they ec
r j y, xrr• pearls.
just as the ,people • of En,tland have
fought and are fighting for thein. The Joyous Springtune: -
That Canada has enjoyed and is en- (*Meaty.) Record Herald.
joying certain -protection from her -Di. Hillie is Sere the world is get-
inmetial relottlenship is freely ad- time hotter. With the pussy .willows
mitred : elle has also Maid certain p"n' in full bloom, our would hove -to lie a
altie•a as the mire of that 1(1111. relit- decided it 'st if nue didnot agree
with hint.
No Demand for Daylight Bi 1.
Stile furd lfescon.
The more daylight people are 'start.
Ing an agitation again for ts system
that. would !totally discos atomize the
whole r,iilrosd eercieeu)f the country.
If I>,tople wish' for go to work at Ii
,,'eli.ek and quit at 5., PO as (4e get an -
hour longer matte evening during lhy
fllelntlla from April tot October, let
them do it. but the efforts of The
1'hathoun Menet to get this done in
Kent rotull v l;s*t. year show that these
i» no• very Actieral desire fora shaoge
of the_holrs of labor.
Canada and the States.
I hlrago pally Herald.
The - Seriptut•al injunction afmtlt Thi internal knell row is a disgrace,
meting Pearls befnte swine loses some and, unfortunately, our country is to
of its significance in the present con- blame. Tot Ceti into the tluarrel against
dition of the hag market. •its better jonlginent, without provoce-
tion and without a shadow of excuse,
• Hereafter bars in 'Ontario are to be to pl'a`y Standpatter Aldrich end the
jtepubHtan grand dukes who grow fat
closed on Chri .fnatt Day. • An amend- on tariff pap. •••
mental) thin elect wa* made in the Progressive American citizenship is
license law at the session of the begin- IteduMtwtee thus nredlrPely imperiling
Uta -
!attire (pet clo.edi its friendly relations with its next-door
neighborjot 'beptoflt of New Eng -
The United. States Congress' put a, land mill noshes. '
ted -hot poker in .the President's hand British Shipping.
when it imaged that maximum tariff London Uafly view.•
provision. Mr. Taft is doing his hest Half ihw saw -going shippping of the
to keep his fingers from being burned. world is built and' Owned- hy' Great
The member of the Legislature for The population 0t the wolld is 1,u1N).-
(NN1,IN111; the pjso.pulation rat Oreat
North Toronto says many ill -digested Hritatn only i6,1N10.11(N); yet we treat
hills go through the Legislature and the whole world at shipping. The
pig este a second chamber for this following are the ocean tonnages of
Province-. This would provide two some of the leading countries.
• (treat Britain ..-66 : ,-....zr4=..-11-107,t10ff
ohembers, instead of one, to engage in '2,616,000
the work of iotching bills.
-mow The London 'rinses f,atrkly and
f3tates goxalw Which is demanded of explieilly declal•ed that if1%gniula %ere
:Anada.• 11 1'.nada yields to'.the de- to di*:•pi.e•n• from the map Great Bri-
m/in 1 her 1lacoal independence is gone. lain would not be relieved of any part
At tiny time in the (elute the sat1111 "r her linden sir her rrsponsilflity for
self -414i nee.
r1u1� might. l,e.. held"Parr t':lnadn'a 'I lI.•tr• halt. heel) a good deal of gfish
head to force any farther concessions and nonsense sine(' 1 her naval debate
that love agolersive ne•ighl.11» luiglst J,egan. .1 few frank words now and
desire. NOW is the time to cell the; then bluiedd be w4lronlcd.
4'.anodisi ng rt•h0 desire n kowtow de.•
gree of freedom of inter cuu1 Pr be.
• !ween Cafada aisl the 't'tlittid . States
are- not rouceding Nnytliing' to pro..
tectienist sentiment in moment tins( the
Comedian Got -pennies -it in its Attitude
of resistance to the United -states de -
minus. While there uta' be some it,-
tereste in this country that would
neflt from commercial war with the
Rte es, -it must be patent that for the
coon v.*s 44 whole it would have Nevi -
`0118 c
probates' 11101e serious Consequences
for out. neighbors', and` a taste of it
might do More towards the breaking
down of the tori restrictions tort ween
thetas) c4ttoties t all any amount of
free trade atgumen Protectionism
in the United Stades is a bolster of
protectionism in Canada, ani) a plow
at the one would go to the destruction
of the other.. Free _traders in Canada
are not -unwilling, thetefore. that pro-
tectionism in the United States should
bring upon itself the reproach• of de-
stroying that country's trade with one
of best .customers. a circum»lance
that within probability might lead
eventually to the withdrawal of pub-
lic sympathy from the policy of high
tariffs that blas hitherto ruled in the.
Rept bedded. there are alisasdy
lens of impatience }among our neigh-
tore at the Nitletion th&F has de-
veloped. and the idea of I'P1utr.14!at
.,gide arrangements between the two.
601:11Rttfes is receiving some e1frntrages'
foment,\While the Canadian autbori•
ties hole&.to the position of refusing to
field to threats, they will serve the
Interval; of Canada bye shooing *dis-
position to mires. the United States In
mutual oonces,ions for the promotion
of trade between the two countries.
No fiscal policy would confer a great-
er boon on this portion of Canada
than a reciprocal arrangement with
the States which would Allow free and
Spring Wear
Ladies' Suits
oats,e WAalsta
Skirls. Whitewear,4
are being da I) onpacke,l and
pl.•rel fu etOk Our heist .,orfs
have Ivan give* to Iidetire the
hese' of 04401 ) Witt( tt. •-•. material,
eft. finish, sl the and values
Further . Prise Reductris
in all Furs
Iw)ta allow •nes it for FURS
this winter lets (Yan ou cbuy
a '
any For in our .t.at a
•1 now
grs*t sarin, less than- half
what g 0 irt watt' 1.next 80111801111011.o.
It's against oar policy to carry
,.ter *tock. Co4ue and look.
JA -In Steed
Ladie.i Wear, Furs and China.
Hamilton St.
tat." • .An item of llthal711 fon-the per
chest of ant ' Liles for the 1 -
1111»eien Well also ''oiItli• 4.41-1111(411. 14111
HOU.- Adaut Heck will 11e railed to
testify Mitotic 1t • loose on. Mr. Pnlw
said 'here was no written agreement
with the (OmWim.ion 15 10 1..,hbia re-
urnneratl')U, Evid• ntly ermine of these
11rt11s roper, attention all the part
of theleople'of the 'tower ' •poli
ties who arc. meeting Lhe expenses. •
Don't let anyone -dictate to you. get
what Yon ask for -the genuine -D. &
L." Menthol Plaster; made for many
.yearn by (Nevis b Lows..nee Co.: - for
the quick relief of hickacllr,.headlache,
ete. (u -L the genuine.
-by attending the fawous-
'The House of ('otnlnons the other
day got into a little dispute as to
where the best apples were produced
in ("sneak. Seven or eight members
from 'different parts of the country
rhampirated-their own reepeebive dis-
tricts, trot we notice that there was
nobody to say a word for the 'county
of Huron as the beat apple district in
the country. Where' was Mr. Lewitt?
it does not make much di(ferenee, of
coupe, as the titgr•ow rig cepa 1}t
ties of this county are beyond quer
tion ; but it would have been a good
opportunity for the member for West
Huron to spread himself. •
In British Columbia the arse011uent
act compels all municipalities to ex-
empt improvementfa from taxation to
the extent of at least fifty per cent. of
their valor•, and the municipalities
have the power further to reduce the
untrammelled trafie across t h e taxation of improvements to the van -
border line. if greater freedom of ishing point. The city ednucll of Van -
grade between thetwo-countries should mover has just passed a bylaw 49 re.
America ' 0:10,000
France. 1,214,000
Italy ' 11.22,000
}tussis ............ 1,010,0110
Norway 1,302,000
it has t with -pan nee. Wei*
Reckless Financing.
• Brentford Rxpoaltor.
The slimed businesslike administrk-
'tion of the'V1lflhlie�yy-Uovernment is
being• challenged h1 hydro-eleltric
poorer commission expenditures. The
public accounts' committee of the Leg-
islature made a few casual ingnjrian
of Mr. J. H. Pope. seeret'ary of the
commission, by way of finding ot)t
how the money that ie being ctiiirged
up.•againet the power municipalities
was expended. It was brought
out that Mr. Lohb, who bas attained
more or less favorable notice in con-
nection with the hydro -electric
scheme, wee, between ercb, 11106,
1111 July, iRV, paid $1,810 a year and
expense., when he got $10,000. Mr.
Pepe teatiHed that Leith got $80 a day
and $F• a day for expenses. Mr. Pope
was asked whether Lobb had M any
came charged more than *1.8) a day,
and answered : "Yam. later he got
$10 a day Mr. Pmudfont. M. P. Y.
(Centre Huron), wanted 'o know why
',oldie pay wax raised from 5.41. to $N1
a day, and the answer wait : "Mr.
be the outcome of the threatening move all taxation from illaprovewnts, -Lobb made the charge off his own
rap .
A Third of Your Time
is spent in 1tr,1. Don't sheep
on elate or 11 leadenUlattrerr.
We have elegant brass
lads of ')lost approved pat-
tern?. end dressing table. -
suit•Me to match, at prices
you'll agree are reasonable
Examine and see,
From March 29th merges into our $
Bummer *rayon from July 4th and
affords cont. opportunity for
bright young people to quality for
good business positions. Our school,
The Central Business Colles* of
Toronto. mels your consideration.
Catalogue mailed on request. w,
111 N. $haw, Principal. Von/te&Gerrard
Ste., Toronto.
Furniture and Undertaking.
West Side Square.
STRarecrr.O, - ONT. se....
Write nst inter -ter our fawn-- 1
catalogue and lea' II' the net Newer our Newein Commercial,
.Shorthand or Telegraphy depot t i 1
meat's. 11'e have the. leading
practical training $e110441 in
Weete n 11nt*erio. (sou t:mem see
-"hereat})--i ietene .saes -
4.1110/1 Hild we assist graduate. 1.•
'posit 1111114. t•; -t nlirnt i fare entering .
.lash week.' 'Yeti
Y eti should enter
I). A. MCI.AI'1rt.AN.
. t
A Rosiness Education is' the
greatest legacy you can leaps
tour children. We get down to
the bed -rock foundation of living
business science, sod assist
worthy graduate's to thechoice
Enter any day. Individual
instruction. Houle study eoursee
in Senior Teachers' Matriculation
and Commercial ruhjects. . Seed
for 'p.acticutat's:
Affllii,ted with ('ommereiaf
Erioewtuas--Associa:ion of Can-
ed*. -
Easter Term Opens
March 29.
Write for particular..
Easter Gloves ano Dress Goods
Women's Gloves
(fenulue French kid, perfect -fitting, in shades of tan end
brown. glualiLy recommended for satrelest--141_us,_a1L. skews,
Special Easter Sale price e9c
Women's' genuine French kid Glove., tans and black, Peril n',
make, warranted to wear. Per Pair... $1.00 and $1,25
Dress Goods and Silks
are in full display just now and attracting great attention- '4 'x,1,
(foods, Linen Egrets, Haw 8i1k Effects, Chattier, Dalaiues iu u
great variety of pat trills,
Twenty makes and styles of Amt.. lean, French and Canadian
Comity, In the newest nrevailing mode, at. per pair, 30'.
715c, 51.(10, $1.23. $).34i, 62.00 00 an�d*3.00
'rhirly only English .Mortifette ,*tut .Asiminrster floor Rug., h.st
quality, rise ranging 2Hx58 inched; reg. $3.60 each, fur$1.95
Chantung Silks
shirty new shade* in Client ling Silks, 241 inches wide. I4pecial,
ler yar.l -Tan
Carpets and Rugs
Nifty new %%N10,utlod Velvet Rog-. linglimh make, antes 8xal,
:1x1, mitt, 3jxit. leautiful'.1 -isms and patterns, ep.clly
priced ..... , ... . 515, *20. $25. $35 nod $40.
GEO. BPOTTQK, Principal, -
from Business
The greatest sale in the history of Goderich will
March, I2th, I9I0,
As this store is rented and has to be by
June 1st, everything will have to be sold, an the
entire stock will be reduced to unreasonable prices.
We have a large stock of WALL PAPER -all
the best American Paper, from ,sic upwards. Bord-
ers to -be sold by the rot% will he cleared out at a
reduction of twenty-five per cent. as long as it lasts'
This is all new stock and the latest 1910 patterns
Everything will be re -marked and sold at reduced
prices Mardi I2th. Come early before the rush.
No goods will be exchanged during this sale.
Parsons' Fair
is be no f
going o
In order to giv'e our undivided
ention to Our already large and
tantly increasing Tailoring Trade,
ave decided to close out our
hing Department. Profits will.
gotten- on alt,' sale This
e ,sale, as we are positively
of. the furnishing 'business.
New Hats
JUST IN. 11 our `raw . Spring
Hats, in stiff an soft styles ; in black,
brown, green an 4 blur:.. All $2,5o and
$3.00 11,11 , Satt,r, y
s \
Tailors and Furnish're •
Hick's Burdock and Mandrake tters
and' general Hir>.al Put ifler. there.is northing morn effective or o re
wholesome than Hick's Burdock end Mandrake 1}ilterr-a co
pound of a dozen of the vet y leen! mains, Marks and herbs in use f
Stomach, Liver. Kidneys and Blood. -
PUT liP iN LARGE •Lic 1'A('KA(lE`;. Ear Pa�ekar make -
2 pinta. E* fly Prepared ! Agreeable to Take!' H etisbldr Effect'
Pri•pared and sold only by t - \
S. E. HICK -2.= Ceetri Dreg Store,
,!Ai,3iil►sl-, a
New Spring Suits
and Overcoats
Men's Suits
At $1.(t4) Ree the nicv high grade suits in Oxford grey, with
green mixtures, solid worsteds• a nice plain model• good trimming.
splendidly tailored. making a good-looking. goof -wearing $15
and veru serviceable snit. Extra goal value at
Men's Spring Overcoats
At MOO --in all wool Oxford grey cheviot, in the newest !'hes•
terfield model, plain lapels, a very dressy garment~ Splen- $13
did value at less?..,
Bon$' Suits -
The bandeomest boys' 8ults.we have even shown, eerier two or
three-piece, double-breeeted finite in flee worsteds atAgetes �Q
54.00 to e�7
Buy a New Hat For Easter
Everyhndv will size your new Hat lip nn Easter -you don't Ilk^
to eras• an old hat on nthera, do )on? Well, does yours look any
better? Crown your head en Heater with a new up-to-date