HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1910-3-17, Page 9Paper In Ontario Daily Star. ple like a newspaper is their ey for it. Toronto Daily Star" than r Monthly published in the on of the "Toronto Daily idly than that of any other t happen. veral reasons. Star " publishes Market ier than the morning papers. t an "Organ" -political Or,, la s Page, but the whole paper, is more fully than any other ,ch as the "Chronicles of the lg. :e the "Toronto Daily Star" raper. k Year pont. Daily Star" fogothar foto sed Fountain Pon given for 50o. Picts. 4 Is n LONDON DIRECTORY Pnblishec Adnuallyl Inahlre tr deem throughout the We tad to culmmunicate direct with English MANUFACTURERS and DEALERS in each class of good*. Besides loving A complete commercial guide to Lon- don and it,. suburbs, the Directroy contains lists of EXPORT MERCHANTS with the goods they ship, and the ('ol- onial and Fo:eigu Markets they supply. STEAMSHIP LiNES arranged under Oat. punts to whell they sail, and indicating the approxi- mate sailings: PROVINCIAL TRADE NOTICES 'edit' Tat4 AT,• (ODERIOA• ONTAItIt1 it 44 +4 919 49 ******* * *At*** *49 *4+4 44 4444'' **** The News of the District. 44.44,.... WESTFIELD.' AMBERLEY. . 'I'u tetiav, March Inch. Stores,- 'Lev.Mr. Fydell will °e- ve/ -the conference.t the Sery ceh'ti timi- dlyii o'clock• :• . MIS. Filsiuger, daffy aad been her daughter, rs.II.. tit WildfanK, Cor the pest, two we,.q;s, teas lett for her house at Tette- smart ....l'ortie $hieeId .who ho forbeen e visiting twfriends; uu nthe, left 1Vedneedey for pie home. in Washington Rory McDonald, of Lothian. bas birrd with Cbes• Hoyd for the mint horses for Lean Bross figsolure lest week We *rehand, glint that Duncan bu Thor - burn heat baro 1, o! the tne8d : abet ahagent a James Bine is able to he art g rn We w.•rtjcDonel , t)who died in• Rios Mar)')' Lire remain, were ('bought Iasi Werk. few-tairial. ' brought to Kincatdirre LAMES: Mo4DAY• Mar.1 'tit. •silts hast two weeks have en seri plea/writ, and , ingllke, leen aAt •4", flats in A NO con- /li>tungh tt l • t nit of Nuuike slit Well r the Fern rung Illstthat the F:yrup makers at le mornings cite a Ia•r at 1. tine y bury • •a`te attended theriale at tete, flus visions :Frida last.. • • KlrhalYl 1{ td's i t'td Y Jewish Sigel zee Is busy these• days muvu"K hi, effects tt.o the ttlsg1'. Vier tir to bledeeg cert of \ler. Iaprph (luublesire i* the g suwItzeratprrwut.:.... Daniel` slim h1a rentkd the farm of 'rhos. 1 ' Ins 4bt'•1I of five years ..... Mr. ,ural ?lt.W..1, 4.aane were presenteti wit the lezy coin. LUCKNOW. • Ml1AD.\Y. March 1�Ith. A huge number are leaving Luck- noW and vicinity. Ism_ the Wert this spring. Wm. McKay, of 'Myth, it taking Dan. Mrh i'egor s piece, on the bidder • rich stage line. Itev. G. N. sliezeu, of London, preached missiOnary sermons in the Methodist ekut'•h yesterday. 'rhe Lucknow pipe band has ahwad+' had sevcinb1equeeLr for engagements for 1x11 Inns this yea*, The pipet'« are p..p 14u• whereve* they go. . Reeve .loynt, who .perates apple. character on Friday even- evaporet sig factories here and ow , of a literary 1Valkerton, is negotiating fit the line. The captains were Miss Berkley tbtiihlieh,n•'nt of another at Tara. and Mims Annie ()hwntttey. Mier Bark - Mrs. ('amet•uo, widow of the late I Iey's aide winning by one point. Each Alexander l`auiiet n, died suddenly at side furnished a good program. show her hope here 1 est %%'wine e1ay. Her iug that touch interest had been taken ern. HAS 1,) (ia►i)eron� found her_ tying I in the ptwp4raltion. A nice little' 14U111 dead on t he lounge.. -The f-unette] took was rert'lleat' w the treasury, amount - place utt, Friday. - .' •ins, to oyer *16. A special feature of the "Mrs. M' I e�t• ll, vibe is iesvint; f'irienteitaiunlent was that the purge:sin was Politely provided by Iknluyhr•nik '11aseitu, was the Ruest .. humor at. n V')ling people. The judges were leek 14ib14 let given by the y•uu,g mesal .11ia11--„ Clerk, t). E. thwart and Evan Bible .'1.asw of the Presbyterian I Bains. rtturelsi-4tµ1 w•ui presented. 1.; 111 -Norge.. also "siren's ()rm +f+ell• is hundletl-'Lac ei.a ki as 14 p;rtingltesti ! viksititrg friends in Kincardine this of this class, which is tole of the tinned h on 1 esu y of with MoNDAN, March 14th. Al•I'tt1 tl.\•1'ION, At a recent 114ee1 ing of the official board of Donnybrook Metlu4tst church a a-littteu* vote of thanks was tendd t'• William Mixon for his generous gift of the Nand and gravel to he used in the re- building of the church ....The trustees of the Donnybrvwk congregttien have pretenttd Mimi Emma Minton' with a puree, of money es a small token of their' appreciation of her services se oi.'Ketflst. Miss Bamford intends leav- ing for Winnipeg this week. LITERARY C4NT4'+T. --The Donny- brook Epworth League held a contest nt leadlnR YaoTacttlfren, iierehaat etc.. in the principal provincisl towns and industrial centres of the United Kingdom.''` A copy of the current edition will het forwarded. freight paid, on secelpt of postal order for 20s. Dealers seeking agencies can ativer- 't6 their trade cards for LI, or larger advertisements from £3. The London Olrectiry Ci.. Ltd. 'L1 Ahchurch Luise. London. I- 1 i'ol,t and teoommended by all reliable dealer.. including The Howell Hardware Co. Limited D ent in the and oil and •nt, for it makes and protect far fault -full paints. 'on to buy 'ure 'aints N tine bitty boy 9n &tatu..14y mat.. lite bachelor problem which was' n0 syeterua4N is so1Ve1 Atolast. ••Kl .11 your dogs muzzled." 14 to observant the doff, not the word ld to the te whet is fared. A o•xl wink' e loses: Contin ►r in this K df keeping the du a 'nuzzled. AI BURts:\ m0'Y, Mar. 11th. I. \lose oc t as ere! c cher • wt Ma anaik Mrs. Il:tinee-re- tn sneered Mr*. 111,•K erten as teaches' 1� a tart sifter a fbntt• sietag br41Chee teethe church, very pleasant honey n) h trip • friends at mud near Hamilton •r l Ai" ) r t (iw ry -t+utt.aai)'k in a tq,s,,s 11csr Anti • 1, •!et•ich on 11: 11,•Iwd.dd, ot'I ides. hes bei•! 'r1t4bte law desk by 1 . T. Riddell. Willi At•1tist1'ong an ltobeeteLn.•k- hart lett last 5141utday fteruoon fur Regina•: Lovri. ee Piaea z -r an Ge). Item. s& were Itt'(fudr.rich 1 C Satu1•day • nbusiness. • •s Mrs. 14 l..•et .Iu4M. of ti• lerich. is ti 'ting I.re "lIother, Mn.. He wig:' • brit depaa litre to the W )1' , Man.lt,Ferguw•nhesre tt1Ctltit Clint. le ra•stlme her dutire a t.tilur- meat , ort•i«h+k 111) 4 I -Celine& "lent. ttt1e Tayltn of East 11 wa- rs UN' t(WYnln Te- ,ently •^'ri�ltied 1'y Joseph Irwin nil 8111 isle la Ppion as a resident of the 4i1L.g, ► rntly. Tint 4AKui)1-itt'.ct.ra. -A report is i ritridati•.n .uv,und here • that •lt► weigh -merles 'it the mutt ion NM not weighing correctly. its required by law these *rale « were exanuned by the ,Inspector un Janalary lith last and fngnd'c'trout 'I'h' certificate of in• •reader .n 1.• cu fit any time atihe� seals. • k rn a t.*- has to {N ndon grocery. ' nos paid altyint,' ►e 12th inst. r,ODLRiCH TOWNSHIP.- N edding belle are again ringing in --trim midst. This time it is the wet• ' Mumma'. Mar. 11th. . i singe of Miss Spate Dunbar, second • Hill, had Is hal (411 on r.he tet: one 141.1 gc14'hwhic_h will take place on Tues ry - 4( rw'rnUy lied was unctmsd.iour i day aft renown of this week tete• Miss fur M'1!e time. 1 Ada Mc('lintotr left last week 'for (ie,..,,)c.1+.. wior hes 1N 114(ht the back ltlytly where she will >contit:ur '(4 kart of the Oetr.qu farm,,'.Mottos; of l."Atm the milligtry. having 111)ent the .t/ sty acre-. fr'°" John nal.,telid fisc two previous eeaPttua at the trade. h emit of $1.".. f • '1 a young people of Bethel Lravur 1 PORT ALBERT. bed another ut',their interesting de- '� I E oAY, Dlareb Stitt t a recent meeting. 'Ihir Wile' odrrich ,jeer was the relative. iotas Chas. Carey returned to (; wouiiul end man. and the 1 on Saturday. . the jetliner 'was given u4 j • Mrs. Nesbitt. of 13l' th, is spending 'a fo.w days with her brother, Thos. Stewart Macdougall, of 1'ut•talt''a'thanghter of Mr, and Mrs. 1).Dunkin. . Cunnin ham. froth near Hel- bales the mu tame 1 Verdict • favor of t w on+.111 v DEATH. oF' Rather 'odd the Oath of R ttiwnl:bii'. ...Wei i .� ill ,if u " f Iasi it . s. not . , 1 Khrpp udrirl. visited at Lh.k hnin...cif The Family Physician The best medicines in the world cannot take the place of the family physician. Consult him early when taken ill. If the trouble is with your throat, bronchial tubes, or lungs, ask him about taking Aycr's Cherry Pectoral. Then take it or not, as he says. f sVlt/DAT. Ytx'N 17.:1910. W. publish 0.. r formate. We banish tleobol s cru incur medicines hers doct roY b cmau:' rotas attar Bilious attacks, sick-headaahes, indiges- tion, constipation, dizzy spells - these are some of the results of an inactive liver. Ask your doctor if he endorses Ayer's Pills in these cases. The dose is small, one pill at bedtime. �-Yado b7 the J. O. Ayer OS.. Lowell. MIL. - the mote important. RonKn•r H. and Iowans- ted war rt 11. Elliott, of this •rtll•reit in rue)tlxy %Ir.;EFliutt was b a een Mime Rus.•lle Seho'•nhalr• was the Delong, (Sode- r Grace f guest of Silas (lis, K• ratjlp•ow•er Sainday. en l Mrs. 11'nr. VI•ootnan. of sienning we ill ,if Porto. n' .••.. - Mr. and Mrs.'..au. Hawkins onSuh'. Tied to be In n Rossini$ ee lititm. when day last. {"1 t Irian an Attack .'f heart sl tete cork ed KIPPEN. EN. I't'Itsn.\Y. March 13th. 1Kw•+NM'•I'F•N -.Mips ido I)inatlalr $4 "lendinta p'I••apant .two Weeks with • iriands iu F:x.•tvr Mies Mabetle Whltrntnn ham ret%truetl 1 ' t the Central Itusitiess 1.liege, Strat- ford. whets she had been al tidying for tbe'pse: five tuonthe. 'In her tate ex- sminetiops *be lett her -class. 'teasing very creditably in bookkeeping, short- hand aid typewriting. She leaves nettweer to see w position in Tt r- +antu .... Alf- d Furry's Pale la t Thursday was -quite a succew. amount. ing to alm,tst CAM. besides keeping flimsies and other.tbings to take with biro to the West On Monday. the lith inst., John Logan heft for the West, tekipg ten horse'm besides wag- ons, etc. He is bound for Tnx(old, seta., neer which p •„•t' his brother ...William mss Wealthy farmer. He ii tinrlPritted whether to remain or net, Mit think,rof homesteading I,Nst Allwrt McGee left on Saturday on A orf. Elliott. -one- of th�sun of Anlhunn'vi,u to his sister, Mrs. berbeit, of tt,• tnie- ni 14414 piopert' '.4 this V1 tort'. towushili, end was bort in this t.YWn- ship in Isi7, Itt••ol'ent h' bier and had the respect of all who know him. 1 faith h• se's K Pain in Heart Ailtt of r4(I"Ita i „ 1.1'11• t. - r•eligions'ter's parents, Mr. Mei:. .1As. Swan- tonic effect upon II 1111 An lied! ant�1, rifer t s .•1111 1 ...D tic. (' Tweet -)•:)t We. He le Irwr,vl ; Mr. and Mn. Wm. ('rtWirnd eisited c•and by hie Wit.• ond'11.4)bya hrot,h . 1Vil-• ittthe home of Mr. and Mr,': Itufm•rt 3c :ere c;tse, of long funeral tssrk I) I r h\ HAy' : Domini of Dungannon, recently. liana. The yy 1 ted by 1. 11 i.. u. t nth r ,w "For two years I had pain in m) 'kart, back and !Mt side. Cou not draw a heel) breath or lie act left side, and any little excrtio Would can' -C palpita- tion., 'eerier advice Is toak 1).. `,tile Heart...Remedy and `. ervine. took about thirteen -Loltlet,. atm 1 better health than l'ecr was,a d have gained 14. 1 utt:ni' " l: LILLI ' THOMAS. i "1'per S • For tn;; :" .}'car 1)r. limb • 11'�art - Reincdy has been ver-. ,seceessfttl t in the tr( tinent whole life1 Me and Mei. George Milton, '•-t troubles,-'beceSt nd G 1 t spent timidity with the lass 1=� '• Easter Excursions • Return "tickets at Single Fare Between ell stations in Canada, also Niagara Faand ne acid Buffalo, .N. YMich., Tickets steel going 11ari�ll'91, ':i"•, 2ti 27 and 211. Return limit March :Mt, lel11. 11omeseekers' Excursions ro WESTERN CANADA c1c':. ' is 111 paid• N!1).• Ess frequently ptptiaogedslif stat cemetery •,n ist ey »(ter mm. Miss Jane Young has rstnrnedirom IS i'ttty c::r, after llo)CtOis Arid was cont to Beantford after a u t y with 1 1Nt, of which the deet''+asell had been relatives there. f i1 en ul1 all hope, as proven ntendier for torics i.a. There was no eerv�e • .1a eltifwa ..f,} tillnl�aml, of`iettcF,)vc 1a'N sone l'erl:\I'It.. lay call ref rite ��.- churrtws on Stinnes• . owing to. rite pCOpl: Reeve a stwc,ai *114' int; of the corm-' condition of the roads. i r'if'e 1 fr(,ttt jsrratefnl eil was held at the r.Rice : all I )pe 'Witnewiel the Price S1.C3 at your druggist. He should • n'rullwr, townie Moved h) ('tonal I - bout sixty peon • supply for lite., secondml.by Councillor 1(111- b ing up of the, river on Satin day.: 1 you. If he docs not, send nrrm %yell, that laylaw No. 4, which irnii' as i semi Brown has the contract of . to us. v.: forward.prepald. II ors. be 11AVerd. Carried. •'Ho i1 1 veneer g the schowt with cement thin DR. MILES MEDIOAC.CO.. Tortola• a b ' (VIA _:HICAGOt !eluding vett )in points ,.n Grand Trunk Pacific Railway. April If, 19.: May 3, 1T, - 31 ; June 14, 28; July 12, 28; August 9, 23 ; Sep. tember 8, 20. Winnipeg and return $32 Edmonton and return $42.50 Tickets good for esters days. , Proportionate r:ttee to principal points in Manitoba. Saskatchewan and Alberta._ For pempbelets giving lits and jtarticuleta ,IIT '•Free. H.q1 4slPAthl." 3.dsuia fo• Pmrha.=e alone: the (it:.oil Trunk Peelle Kaitwity " ..billy- 4' F. F. Lawrence, Town Agent. Office heats It 31) a. lis. • • to9p.m. Or address .1. D.-MCDONA1.1i. 1)..P. A.. G. T. It., Ttirot_t.'. 0 meted therefore lay the .nilmcetpal summer',\ e. 1ori1'nf the corporation of thetnwn- 11'F'n�Ksn.%Y, March Itfth'. of Godes idh as fidlows : That- no ;)�.,• •L' Bit 'Thom- in. harbor- NK vimi- bl a a transient in owning. possessing. son. o[ Godr ir', wa y ung • nselodinlc L at 1 $hole lith- neighlwrha'd re - Mrs. sull:•r save ill 41M at lArge ailth- t 1 t, of Aul)urn, were aititnnees here Satur- ..Edwin Ulver IY•r turned to Torontr( on •Monuay. after spending the Scott \intei methhim" gannon. • 1VIu. - \C spent timidity at the hone of Win. Blown, 1•r lire. 1'm. Corey en- tertained a number o(. he lady friends at a quilting bee t*4 Turl•daas A jolly time iterepnrted.......1, whither iron) around here attended the tea -meeting held in the Methodist church at Sbepptrdton 'est Wednesday e'ening. Asher Gray left for the 1Vest yesterday (Tuesday). He intens to spend the summer there Mise M. Farquhar has returned to her hose neer Clinton. after spending some time the guest of Miss \nary Gordon. 'John Nchoenhals sold two of his valuable teams` lest Friday et the huraae fair at (ioderich. realizing a good price. HULLET 1 a ph pet suit 0 in tit fnurzl n • in this stmt and Roll new ing old met day anis Sunday township melees coeetantly e with an effective luetellic 1101.414'. Any county constable or any Aht•r l" townrh,p 11 'is.1ne 11 may depart, any dog running at large emit rarytot isl.vlew,and suyrxpenee incurred in t1 • tr••yinK Nisch dospl «hell he paid by owners of eetue. Any per - eon runvi,:ted 4) a breach of ,the pro- viN'ioIli Ilf (his It i*W shall fi,rtelt and jiug ay at 1 t the 1p ratty art. Sin tlne hf te )alt ynot 3 e1• reeling Cot (or eat.% offence. exclusive of costes, and in default of pertinent fol such pelualty and crest or errors only. the ta►►ne tiny Iw.leVied.I'Ndistreto d toile of • ulfendei's goods chattcl'•, and in calve of there being no dicers,. founts out of which Birch'tee- alty can tie levied the convicting jus- tice of the peace may con)mit the of - (estates to the county jail of the county of Hiieon With or without hard labor for a period not exceeding t l4nty-Ooe dlty14 mats.m the said perielty and costs be sooner paid. Moved -by Co0ncillor A young eon ',obi, seconded by Councillor Hudie, I I Clement 'newton be township for tse or Co. KS IAS HI resident within the said - of H'ait'i ich nr pee p1111 nr pointed for that put lase week sevees1•of our Western vh,itneg left for home, ''among thein being Hugh ('ametton and Mr. and Mrs- James Forrest, who wer . ac- corop4nied by two of Mrs. Forrest's miters, the Misses Cochrane. SHEPPARDTON. TussnAY, March 13th. $lt1EF•N,-Mr. Pollock. of fine River, has been the guest of his tmman, ire. Nelson l iraham Mtn. 8. Keir, of Nile, visited her daughter, Mrs. Wm. Graham, last week...... Mrs. Scott, of Auburn. has been re- newing acqueintancPR in this vicinity. Mims Farquhar, of Hilum Green, returned to her home after s pleasant visit of several weeks with relatives here. John Tigert ha been busily toRsged in drawing in the supply of wood for the school. A iitorioter I-1. 6RFoaT.-(5n Wed- nesday evening last a most •ticeeesful tea -meeting was held at the 1lethrdtimt church here. Had the roads been in better condition more would have been present, but all who attended thoroughly enjoyed the excellent tea w ac waw served in the hall and *leo the splendid concert given in the church. The pastor, Rev. C. 1V. Con- way, occupied the chair and interned- ing addreswea were given by Rev. i,. Bartlett, of Dungannon. on "Bewa of the Dog," and Rev. A. R. Jones, o Auburn, !n "Strength." The Nile double ynartette turnimhed a number of good selections and Mime V. McNee and Heeler (i. Dunbar, of Nile, de- lighted the audience with their solos. aR did Mrs, 1. Hetherington with her recltaf.ion. The following evening a Rood nodal was held and the proceeds will be devoted to the Sunday school and for church improvement. ;NAT1Y UP-TO-DATE Spring Tailoring Our Mr. W. L. McLean has recently returned x.111 from taking a - three _weeks' course in. cutting Arid garment -fitting with the John J. M itcholl Co., New Yoi kL and we are now in a better position than, ever io suit the Most fastidious in cut, style and material. r• McLean Bros. TIIE PALACE CL( (TILING STORE WHEN SPRING COES -a tis r ee wed REDUCE(' tiATES fora couple of year". and over misty- tWa'yral'4 ago he took up land in the township. of Willett. Early in life de- ceased was n eiviel to Lillian McLean. slaughter of the late• .11hn �1,LeaI1 et 1shleld, who died maty years ago. He later married Miss Jane Beattie, sister of Andrew Beattie of McKillop, who predeecased hire about seree the years. For many years. and up. Gine of his death, he was an elder of Nes forth Presbyterian church, and was a life inemlwr of the Upper CAan- as ala Bible Societ Liberal. He ie surviveddhyttw2w os and one daughter, John M.. of 5... - forth, and William and Mrs. Stewart oo the homestead. $4.2.I5 MONDAY, March 11th. of Owen Flynn had the misfortune to fall and break his eros. Samuel Pollard and family are mov- ing Constance to the tarn* on the kith concession - chased from • amue • Constance. quietlyWednesday,2nd t..to ceremony of f orme t b The D Carswell R the lAlc- Killop manse. LoNulta101to' PARAORAPN4.-Renja- in Lyon. of Brandon, who had been VANCOUVER VICTORIA SEATTLE TACOMA PORTLAND NELSON ROSSLAND SPOKANE F'RQM • J GODERICH, ONT. 9eCOnd'cta11-vee-- .Tt-esa oyes a _ v stuaal pin 13th. Proportionately low rates to and from er point.). 'or full particulars and ticket- rail on JO8. KIDD, '. P. R. Agent, Ooderich. Ont. -hour.• •that a. m. to s.:M. p. m. Iw Thorneaml, C. P. R.. T3ro,'t; J. BK.OPIEY & SON 1. -Tar DINO•-- Funeral and Em Ors liners t)mer ' Orders aar'•INllr attend u..,nlght .r day '•1 never comlladned ot my condi- tion but once," said an old luau "when my feet were bare. and I hA.l no money to buy' shoes: but I, met +a Man without feet, and became co" - tented." Talkative men seldom read ; this is among the few truths which appear the more strange the more we reflect upon them. --Aristotle. ?tiM Mt 11 tit co en tri to pe ay an their system to his rima by UoypCiilor Rothwell. secondest M Councillor Hurtle. that this req left over till next meeting. Council adjourned to meet April 4th at 1::10 HA Clerk. I'• at O em notable to see that above bylaw be forced. W. B. Forster presented council bylaw Nn: 4 ot Colborne Ing from Goo on thee reeeotly Pur ?teat 11,r”,....•• 300 a unship• giving Goderich township Samuel (ads Milk 240 ala emission to extend the telephone was ' Milker ion Ih.. John Riley, jr., of C Mew 27nee_ M11111 into le Banns. Mr: Forst), married on sder ked that Godericb township extend V .taxies idence. Moved the hiss Elizabeth Wright, ,er FOOD FOR A YEAll m. N. W. '1 KRw .\ RT nt Mrs. Homebuddy-"Wune is the visiting nletives at Londesboro for two months left halt Werk on the re- d r ndin to visit. tela, ••1 ea -when you co(4 . trues at Guelph, n n And the ser Barest spot on earth. after aill•in he taro journey, intending • Toronto to and other ent wages." places; on the way Geo. McVittie 1 t Werk for f left as Schrieher, Ont., MORE EVIDENCE, where he hes position with the C. i). is m -roe- el sir divisional stores. Dodd's Kidney Pills Cured Mr. Anderson I ... .Frank Ntbhert. who has Leen of Kidney Diseases of Several `tnplihas am ered his lerk with conn connection with n ing. for Ot- Years Sta d Pine Valley, Man-. March lith.- (Special.) 1th.- (Special.) --Mr. Michael Andet'son, 0 this place, mattered Ale years with kid nes di,Pase, but is again strong and THE LATE WILLIAM 1VII441)N.-One he hearty. Kidneyyits his Pills. cu Mr. Anderson' pasre entirely to of ee•d oyer toly t themof grenthis district beyond on Monday. February LRth, in the person says'1: i am glad to let you know hat of William tVilmon, sr., of the 4t. the Dodd's Kidney fills you sent me. conceealon of Hallett. Although a suf- to thatumatism for some I thanthone month em, cured me,)m and thtime at is sera e, Mr. Wi1tr from Pn was mirk only three i g kidneys have days, death coning soddenly at the over a year ago. My being due to a giving way of the troublnot ted with ski miny cd aIpwould system under its weight of lamb, use Dodd'ili Kidney ePills. they would Mr. Wilen wee born in Berwickshire not have to minter from more kidneys Scotland. eight vn liiRght he came and two r. rnontlet ego. any Oen- longDodd's Kidney Rowe ePillandcure kind. kidney short staylthere he movedGalt. to G oderich diateaae of every stage 1e) anti leaves shortly - the firm, f taws. where he expects to engage in the same husineeee. This represents a fair ra- tion for a man for a year. But some people eat and eat and grow thinner. Tbis mealks a defective digestion and unsuitable food. A large size bottle of Scott's Emulsion equals in nourishing proper- ties ten pounds of meat. Your physician car_ tell you how it does it. roe twee AT ALL 140004515 8094 aa.oast* of sore end tit . sal 4 nor ►4snef-1 as.inas asnY�, nd (4 4I'' 811.0-h Ronk. Wk hank .niton. a 41..'14 tenet 1•.ne,. sc01T & ROWN& lea Welli•etee Saner. Wast Tem**. OWL, FINE TAILORED \ CLOTIIIN6 FOR MEN FITS WELL LOOKS WELL WEARS WELL When made by DUNLOP eat St. Thr Tailor, themselves in a new garb ; and the Shoe question is not the l e a s t istspct'tant. To young people whu desire Shoe individuality we commend ulu• stock. In all the realm of Shoedl: tn. nothing latter can Ire rotund. N.• have more than doubled our se which include, all the new Phone all the popular leather*.• Yon mils as particular • as you like. heetoree ►t there it any 'suet► thing as pteineng these Shot's Will do it.. 1, J1'ST RECEI t'ED-a large shi; - ment of Trunks and Suit Cases] - 1 - - ,'Mlle in sod SOP them.. M. ELLIOITT THE S ARE. n A Dollar Savcd II is a Dollar Mader! 0 CANADIAN NORTHERN ONTARIO The Established Anyone who watches our RCN. during the coming aeon and ilit ekes adv ante ge id }will CAA 1114kt• money. Route to Clowganda Gowg•inde Junction ant! the flow - gande Trenimeset Company. Feet and reliable serviceS., Fifteen hottest shorty, I limn any other•reette and lower ratee. Passengers conning fr outaide of Toionto coin make very food. con- nection hy taking•the Canadian Piscine Winnower Exprees at 10.10, 'connect wale!) waits for (hie tt ain and arrive. in Ociorgandla that evening at 0.00 p. m., or under twenty-three home. For tickets and info' written apply to nearest C. P. H. Ticket Arent. FENCING ;We have a largo quantity of Fencing, on which you ca pave ;shout $5.110 on every one hundred rods by buying at presentscost prices insteed of waiting , until the end of April and paying Spring price,. HEATERS If you want a Radiant Home Heater next Fall. invest Visits which is only making you 3 per cent. in the„Bank. and have it make over 41) per cent.. am you will save git.torl#13 a six months' investment. iVe are selling other Heaters st so eat reduction, ae we require the room for Spring goods. • PAINTS If you intend to paint inside or miteide, call in and see samples of Hollywood paint -they will please you. and the price will ameure A sale. We have only a limited torturtity, so do not delay until the beet colors are all sold. VACUUM CLEANERS When houne-cleaning do not raise your carpets: get 4)114 Vacuum ()teener, which will eace all the hard work. And don't. forget that a little Varnish Stain will renew rubbed and scratched furniture -brighten up your homes LAWN MOWERS Do not forget that the good old summer time is near at hand. and that you will reqnire your Lawn Movrer again. le it Rharp or out of repair ? If so. let us know, and we will send and get it and put it in repair for sem. I /o it maw, do not leave it until you want to use it and want it in a few minutes. Those moth orders do not do nettles, to you or ourselves. • CEMENT Are you going to nee osny Portland Cement thi- simmer"' I have contremed for 4,000 berrels of National l'ortland Cement, sod will he able to supply your immediate wants. For Plumbing, Heating, Eavestroughing and Electric Wiring give us a call. All work promptly attended to and folly guaranteed. CHAS. C. LEE g iLrz:;;ThiC2:= ===ial 4'4