HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1910-3-17, Page 8• I MARI i, • • THE SIGNAL. GopERien orriclritii . , A Great P rnier. ,feWd of the Sistriet , sharness d me Minister of Sir Wilfrid Lau 'er has twat eontir.- uouly in aPrime . Montreal Mmes. that country fur the post fourteen yeerm. During the whole of that per- • on the ice at his home and fraettired daughter in that town. on Sunday, Iiih bike ..141)01.4 b,,vt" beet, tneeeaant Josenh .Higgins, of Turoberry, fell 1 of Seafortb. died at' the home or bis ind, and fur 3 tttt 1 t Owe of years befole his kneecap. inst.. aged seventy-fotir years. Mr. and air un tin, herotr sratt„, it ft -w. Seaforth Agricultural Societ T will Lowery we A native of lieland, "in- months of whieit is enough for most hold its- annual spring lair on ing to Seaforth about forty yesrs ago. men. His toon vatios have heiall ill Tusday, April 5th. , I.." th° 1E4" Year he had no 4 he'Ln in honewaliathia doves, tailless we collet John W. V. Hodgson, of Csborne good bralth. having "tr'I'd tt Pit' *uioi11( tiuun those progresses abroad townehili, died on Sunday, March nthlytic stroke. Two weeks prior to his with+ hey.* made such strenthais de-' at the age of forty years. decease he received another stroke, mends upon his powers as Ow 111131 ;Inch proved fatal. Mrs. Lowery cos uld va- with. Dm During all that time James McMichael. the veteranbiked about,' three years ago. Three he has kert lit, hie re..otinit. bee kilo eighty.seventh birthday on IVednete &One ansive. in touch with the world of events, and bowler of Seaforth. celebrated his d a daughter ury day of last week. old Resident of Exeter Gone. has maintained a general correspond - The first rural mail route from Another (adresident of Exeter. ence slash ell and stindrya For a twin Wingbam postoffice will be between passed aweon Friday, March -ith, in who ad his first prime was aeetoe• al Wingbaru and ()lectern's,. It goad the person rff ,MarY Sheere, widow or unusually delicate; this lm a s ii p ising record. Ile used the recent Ash Wed - into effect this week. the late Jetties, Oke. Mrs. Oke was Miss Deverell fell on the pavement born in Devonshire,. England, sixty'tutnststs," h•I'after things in Montreal. ome. 'tut it'y ro-1,m- hilt t" lookS in Clinton last week and received in- eight year+, ago. When twenty yeat who then *AW Iii10. 'via's' ked on his Juries that will confine her to the of age she joined her parents at Isxe- house for some time. ter having remained in England witb earga Placid. untired, unwrinkled, unrailliatil , The marriage of David Sondem of ber grandmother at the tome her par- apphe he lust: attee. ad though of man many m thooght, had Ethel, to Miss Jean Currah took plac-e ni elites!, Two years .later never a care. To all tin' fact that lie at the home ot the bride, Ash Farm, she was married to the late Jalliesi Camel, Ont.. on March 2nd. Oke, who died in PM For several has hail evil' umme""nlY to wit - e draw from the active guidisoce of earti they conducted the Central. Rev. David Forrest, who was pastor affairs will be lit eat matter of concern, of St. Andrew's church, Hayfield, otel in Exeter. four 41l$latels and for there is no element in the llurtitry about sisteen years ago. died at one son ate left tei mourn their loss. that ones not respect him, and few echaaaaa, is Heatusville on February 2alt b. aat. bonne hini.Hrecited al LOGICAL ECZEMA CURE ruler of the country has been a mar - Brussels, was fined Wu and rOsilio ENDORSED BY PHYSICIANS. vellotts our. Under hint t ',male has mails amaa. Joseph Querin. of the Queen's hotel, Asquith, for selling liquor to minors. Dr. t it. A. Polka Is, i if 'Witt h, ing st rides in material prosperity and g pulitical importance. The population on :a charge by License Inspector , — George Siemno, an old resident in Minn.. tells of his succetal in treatin the vicinity of Zurich, i. dead at the patients with 1).!). D. Prescription : has ineteased from under •a.4100.000 to age of sixty-five years. A widow. "There was it man here wafering 7-301-1-10IIi or ffty _per cent. :- the total s trade has increaser] fr five 1101111 and four daughters survive from eczema for the lest fourteen eversea him. years. and I applied the, D. D. D. treat• about $210,uo0ario to aatatatuu,000, or Paul Reid, of Ashfield. has thirty %Vest Duluth. Minn., who had been "nic 'tut" ill ricflIktion have in - went. 1 also applied it 10 45 man of more than two mnd u half times hens of the buff Orpington breed that suffering with ec•zein* in his feet. and et -eased 1 • about $311,040.11 10 to $70,- per day *ince the beginning . of cleared -the -skirt almost atbsol t Iv. the second treatment in' bath climax 000.0o0 odd; lir more than double ; the total deposits ot the p tople' in tin' have laid an average of two dozen ryear. The first a pplicatiou im a balm. and its be- ns have 1)))teased Loa, altriaasi, Patrick Phelan. an old resident of soothing effect is beyond expression. (CO odd to llato04100 odd. or Morris. died at the home of his son, I shall never -be without it, -and shall tween three and four times otw() new William, in the same township, on U8P it among narpatiente altogether:: flourishing Provinces have been sodded : Thursday. March ',fad. He WAS KeV• matter No how terribly you stiffer to the older un': ind tic ries enty-nine year of age. from ecarina. -salt rheum, ringworm. hove boning tip op all sides. and some of f hem are now of internationel int - While attending to her household etc., you will ted•instantly soothed duties one evening recently. Miss and the itch allayed at'once when a Portance : river channels \and canals Maud Livermore, of Clinton. bad the few drops of this compound of lwil of have been deepened and widened and harbors. fitted for the exigencies of misfortune to cut a deep gaeh in her wintergreen. thyntol. glycerine, etc.. left hand, severing the thumb cool. is &plted, The cures all seem to tie modern commerce t pudics utilities have reached a high state 91 efficiency Norman. the five-year-old son of .permanedt. . in the cities. and thousands of miles %Vm. Sanders, of the 3rd concession For free trial bottle onl.). D. D. Pie.' of Stephen, met with a painful lava- aaription write to the D. 13. U. Lalmrso of railway have been built an see • pro A dent recently. He was playing With a 'tory. Department (1. alZi Jordan. i ected all °Vet the-.riantry. ll this has happened during the fatin•iet re - pitchfork when one of the tines ran St.. Toronto. into his foot. For sale by all aletiargieje. . . Matrimonial Catechiam. IVIoil is marriage ? . Marriage is an institue fur the blind. - Why do 'tome petple never merry? Because they do nut lwlieve in div- orce. When a man seriously thinks of man•iitge, whet happens% Heaemeins tangle,' . Should at man marry a eiri (or her money ? No. Hut he should not let her be an old meld just lweattse she is rich. Whenaaatirj_re(graataut acid court. tabip" what daltabe ineatir — She means thaathe man got away. Ilan engagement as gondans a mar - nage , It'. better. When waking papa, .how should a young mat He should `face\ papa manfully and never give birds' atkence at his hack. When the miebster elys. "Do you take this iroansiltafor better or fair wait se ?" what (iota he meat. The hridegro ttttt 's ink ple construe it one'1,1„ way and the bride ), family ;inter- pret it another. It is vet. sad. When a man says he ;i5mange bis wife. what does he mean. Ile means be an make her ay- thinja she wants to... N% hen a child is smart and whose family is it due? to To its thee& . When it child is had and atupIll to whose family'is it due? We refuse tiratiftwer. Is it. possible for 11, ,,tarried tnan to be a fool withoint knowing it. Not. if his wife is eliyia-rnited Presbyterian. - -- ------ - NEW KIND QF CRAFT. W. J. Currie has sold bis Elft y -acre farm in East Wawanosh to in. Arbuckle and has purchased twenty- five scree in the seine township from his brother. Rob(. Currie. 11e. now has 150 scree in.one block. Annie McCauley, beloved wife of Alex. Grainger, died. at Clinton on Friday, 4th inst. Before removing to Clinton several years ago, she, with her husband, had resided at Hayfield. She was in her sixty fifth year. Wm. Hamilton has sold fifty acres of his farm, east of Jamestown, to Donald MeDonala and has purchased the 11,0 acres belenging to Joseph Cambria in that vicinity. alr. Coombe. received /Waal f,.r his hum. A very pretty wedding took place .at. Elimville on March Oth, the con- tracting parties being Miss Mary A. Cooper and Melville F. Skinner. Rev. W. H. Watson performed the cere- mony in the presence of about sev- enty-five guests. John McCaughey paid Nature's debt at the home of his son. John T., Morris township, on Saturday. Gth inst. He had been confined to bed eight months before his death. suffering from gan- grene. He was a native of Tyrone county, Ireland. Thos. Cameron has /told the Clots. Hackney farm of 137 acres oil the Thame14 road, near Farquhar. to Alex. Hackney. sr., for Sio,issi. 'This makes over :55) acres for Mi. Hackney. He now has one of the largest and beet ferny' in the county. Clifford Spackman, of (uelph. a son of Hugh Speakman. of Exeter. met with a painful accident at Guelph re- centla. 'While repairing an elevator in a store in that city a plank fell on his foot. crushing one of his,trsee. A nail in the plank penetrated his big toe, inflicting a painful wound. John Smallacombe, of Exeter. is dead at the age of seventy-nine yearn. He was born in Devonshire, England, coming to Canada in 1553. iie had tollowed the occupation of fanning. but moved to Exeter about thirty years ago. Mr. iimallac be was tnar- ried lento, his second wttolrettecras- ing bini last June. Two eon stovive. Mr. and Mrs. Gen. Kirby, well. known residents of the fIth line of Morris township, celebrated their gold- en wedding on Tinteslay. Mareh 1st. About forty relatives veers- present ott the occasittn, including an unbroken family of ten children and six of their ten grandchildren. They have been residents of Morris township for thirty-seven years. WARREN TOPPAN, Lynn,Mass. Cured of severe compound cold and coughlby 0 ••From Dec. 20, '08, to March 4'09, 1 had three bad colds, one on top of the other. 1 got so weak 1 could hardly get around. Nothing seemed to help Inc &antil 1 began to take Vinol. The change was magic. Three bottles corns Wendy fixed -that aompound cold and stopped the terrible cough - and what surprises me most, at the same time it cured me of a severe stomach trouble that has bothered inc for 20 years. VInot istcertainly a wonderful medicine." Mr.Toppan is one of Lynn's most promlniint and highly respected merchants, whose word is as good as his bond. The reason Vinol is so successful in such cases is because it contains the two most world -famed tonics—the medicinal, strength- c1717M71771771els of Cod Iver 011 and Tonic Iron. Your Money Back U You Are Not satisfied. Ltli.L.ramorA , - tatcrIch, Out. 4 More bread andgBetter bread And the Reason for it a ASTRONG FLOUR can only be made 1'10121 strong wheat! -311zittobst hard wheat is seknow--- ledged the strongest in the world - and that is tate kind used for Purity Flour. • But that's not all. Every grain of this wheat contains both high- grade and low-grade properties, In separating the high-grade parts from the low-grade the Western Canada Flour 'Mills put the hard wheat through a process so exacting that not a single lowl6de part has the remotest chance of getting in with the iligh-grade. • ' • Of course this special process is more expensive to operate but it -means a lot to Purity floaar users -s - times why we use it. It means that Purity Plour is made entirely of the highest -grade flour parts df the strongest wheat in the world. \ It means a hug -class, strong flour • and therefore yi ds " more bread and better breach,' Purity may cost • little more than some flours, but results prove it the cheapest and most econom- ical after all. The Most Popular Paper In Ontario The Toronto Daily Star The best proof that people like a newspaper is their willingness to pay good money for it. More people buy the "Toronto Daily Star" than any other Daily, Weekly or Monthly pnbliahed in the Province of Ontario. Moreover, the circulation of the "Toronto Daily Star:. is increasing more rapidly than that of any other newspaper in Canada. These things do not just happen. • There must be a reason. In this case there are several reasons. ' The " Toronto Daily Star " publishes - Market Reports r 2 to IS hours earlier than the morning papers. It is a Newspaper—not an "Organ"—political or , any other kind. Not only the -Woman's Page, but the whole paper, is attractive to women. It reports athletic events more fully than any other Canadian Daily. Its special features, such as the "Chronicles of the Khan", are most entertaining. Consequently people like the "Toronto Daily Star" better than any other newspaper. $1.50 A Year This paper and the "Toronto Daily Star" together for one yen Guaranteed Fountain Pon given for 50e. added to above subscription prices. 4 PURITY FLOUR T I I I: LONDON DIRECTORY Pnblishec Attnuallyt • WESTERN CANADA FLOUR MI/JS COMPANY, MILLS AT WINNIPEG, GODERICII,- 1 kN.DON LIMITICD 0) Our Shoes Will Shine .saaa1 allr First on This Side of Atlantic to Se Built by Doty Works. Winnipeg. Feb. 2a. -Hugh Stahel.- landand a number of other lawalcepilt- lasts have formed a company to build a number of freight barges to -ply on the Red River mini Lake %Vinnipeg. These barges are Lotto used prinsaprollyain tt treurportation of building inatieria-irs. Aneorder for the first of theme halt been placed with the Doty Engine Works Co.. Ltd.. of Goderirli and Tor- onto, and a site has 'been seemed at the fopt of Water street, which will be used as a shipbuilding pod by the Doty company. The barge will be of suitable size to pawl threeigh the new St. Andrew's lecke. its length being 1511 feet, with 40 feet 'beam. It will Ise propelled by David Oeddee. fortnerly of Morrie twin screws operated by compari d itirsinship. died in the hospital at Tnr- engines of 151) horsepower. It will 1 onto on Saturday, March 5th. He constructed entirely of steel and will was a son of the late John Greldee, be capahle carrying a load of 1.155) who peened away on the ifflth of Feb- tone. A powerfal, *lot a. date, centt•i- - nosey Nat. The remains were interred fugal pump will load and unload earid In Bliievale cemetery. Mr. Geddee and gravel and tnere will he a system bad been in poor health for some of hydraulic hoists and derricks for ears and for a emisiderable time had handling building stone. Tlaratesimei n it patient at the Home for !lieut. will he constructed in the yards at Wee in Toronto. Winnipegand will be completed in utter - New Couple Going to Idaho. A 0111_1,4 the plans and specifica- tions of tabrat mitoklosem some inter - rioting and unique hues. It will he built of steel front bow to stern, and will lw most modern tont tip -to -date in every respect, being elect Ac -ti Merl all theieraglos - It will load tau yards ef gravel in the short tuter-via two home by mesmailof the centrifuge, pump. It, can also be toted as apits- henget. steamer, haying bertha and staterooms besides e ',roulette& deck. The steamer is of a new Gentian de- ttign, and a sea eaptain of wide exper- ience who luta the piens est entity sent that it is the first of its kind to he built on thin gide of the .Atlan tie. impact. "Uncle .terry, you think there's go- ing to be an awful smash in prices some of these daya do yon ?" - ouaaa, y ea I. Look At the distance they've got to fall." -Chicago Tribune. Don't wait till your hair is gone. Use He/trate (the genuine r's grease pomade) in time and save it. &)e. a jar. gime. Sir %Whitt's continuous reign as Prime Minister has roily twice he - fore been equalled in Bill ii41.1 animist- ic the (WWII et Wailistle and the peinger l'itt, though the thirteerx years of Sir John Macdowthla leaf reign follows Hose upon it. Glad- stone was Prime Minister of England our timee, but him Iiingeq. trim of Ice waie'but six year., and al- together ht was Penne Minister only Allston twelve ysars, am compared with Sir Walfrid'as fourteen yeses, width we hope ay extend hla-finitely into future ye. . No one can deny 'that Sir Wilfrid regime. has been wonder- ful and glorio s and it will surely be temembered w goodwill end thank-. hiltless so long as the history of Canada and the itish „Empire eto &tees; It has not I n all simishine- there have been clam c: it has not been all succesn-•-thete h ve been fail iires ; it bag nut, been al , applause - there has been ..lisapprolla on from the patriittiaafts well as from paid claequeors. Hot, taking it for II in --reri44147-4w00-144zon-.• ga'. Canada Intoril-fit-the-gnott tune to have her destinies preside over by a great man. Foreign Labor. a "All lily hook e are boufld in .mor tyro."- " l'hat's past like some '. you stu np fellere! l'II Cwt you cotjt get - as good - work. done tight he town!" -Clevelenal leerier. Forced to the Measur "Why do youalift LIU; 1.7 e arin ?" asked the portly man the Oat form. • '144' is getting so lArg him by the eat. any the woman, whit n the car.--Vtiffalo E .1 I r .1 10 VAEii CUREAT HONE Woairres' disorders niwitys tetd fr•iin h.- very heginriirg, of the realinettt to 1110 mild. but effec- tive, :teflon of Orange Lily. Within tw.) tinier days grt,•r commencing U,.4 use 'the improvement beiionws rioll,e31.1e, anti 1)114 Improvement • ,331311,.. until the patient Is corn- lir- I. orange Lily lit• en seiiied or iwni treatinent. unit 'Set, Ily on the' womnrily erging, re- nying the ,'.iritirestinn. liming and strentehe.ning the nerves, and re - _L atorin4 pertee, elmtllat Ion In the FPflf,Pfl parts In order t, COrlYin,H all suffering Meilen of the value of this • eeilv• firwill 0 711 4. 3-'c°box. .41ouseli for ton 4oy3' lre3Iment. fib/whitely FREE esti, IOys. me tor A.:dress. MRS. FRAN, C. CU ARAM, Windsor, Ont. gloriously when '0)0 pared with ordinary footwear. They e,'e so much *matter in shape and flnii,h. . The same state. • riority is apparent whether you Issok at our 8110e8 for Children or Grown-ups The test of it is, too, that they wear ea well aa they look, nett keep their good shape entil the lest. Do we keep thee things? Of COlitse. NVe have the best polishes, black- ingaa brushes, etc., you ever saw. Enables traders throughout the Wald to communicate direct with English MANUFACTURERS and DEALERS in each class of gooilm. Besides being complete commercial guide to Lon- don and as suburbs, the Directroy contains lists of EXPORT MERCHANTS with the goods they ship, and the eel_ onial and Foreign Markets they supply STEAMSHIP LINES arranged under t ae ports to whirh they sail, and indicating the approxi- mate [mantas : PROVINCIAL TRADE NOTICES of leading Menufacturers. Merchant etc., in the principal provincial towns and industrial centres of the United Kingdoan. A copy or the current edition will h.: forwarded, freight paid, on receipt of postal older for 20s. Dealers seeking agencies can ;ulcer- als-their trade cards for k.:1, or larger advertisements from £3. Wm. Sharmah The London Directory C4o, Ltd. , ---• - (.25 Abchurch Lane. London. E.C. A pretty wedding was nolemnized at the home of Mr. and Mre. David Pipe, 5th line, Morris, on Wednesday even- ing of last week, The i•ontracting parties were Mists Pearl, daughter of the host and hostess, and Jas. S. Shaw, who has been in the hardware-busi ness in Bruseele. Only the immediate relatives were preeent. Mr. and Mem. Shaw will make their home in Idaho, where the former will .join his brothel in the lumbering business. An Exeter Wedding. A pretty wedding watt celebrated at the home of Mr. and Mee. Isaiah Hall, Exeter North', on W'edneerlay, March Pth. when their danghter, Mies Emma Dena, became the bride of Henry .1. Keels,. of Stephen townothip. Rev. E A. Fear, of Exeter. tied the nuptial knot. After the serving tff 45 &duty wedding dinner the happy couple left for a hone) moon trip to Windsor, Detroit anal Kabarnsroo. They will make their home on the seeond con- eassisirm of Sitephen. Seaforth Loses an Old Resident. Joseph Lowery, one of the pioneers not sateen' to publish the tette in full, but epode from it the followin 'which will 'be nt to give our read- ers an idea of Wise li ronfi• dense to .p!acc in the stAnies of ',Tell collectors : "This Mahon does often give letters, commending the hearer to the charit- able end giving bino more or lees aut ,oritv to collet for the chinch in the eountriem ,to which he g.ws. :The , isinrets tient sent thetnselvms tom col- lecting for chuach-laillding, schoole. orphenages, etc. In no case have I ever known any of the • given to he spent on anything hut the bene- fit of the colleaeor himself. tom rout(' the patri.u.ch of the church tell rue uf fetch a vitae. The Men Who go out thus coffect "simply for themselves, t bawls tho bishop u que-rilitat may at fee forget himself me to accept a small hare of the nlitneler. The marls tali s made efforle to Mop this Gallia, heretic+ of the seandel. and be- te knows that the money thus ould suffice to supply all the r., that his church needs. if nt for the purpomett for iven. Ile has not, how: rt0 able to control his rSold and recommended blall reliable dealer.. including The Howell Hardware Co. Limited 1 cennot. 11 ire," xi)ktifle(t st have missed P'T*14- EXPOSI A FRAUD. Collectors for Turkey The rite frequent! erange schoolior churches ii the far distant it is reported Chi ist lane are unip:h oporessed, and 'in 00491 .41 the dims of Westerner" to procure these blessinatt 'the superintendent of innings ation itt Ottawa tris, applied to reeentla to de., p irt one a theme perisons as a fraud and in the came" of the correspond- ence which ensued Wes furnished with a statement from en Ettstern napalm. at V. addressed to the American con- sul at Trebizond, whieh the imperin- tendent heft peel rest to the mess for publication as 44 1514 ning to the tit 4.1110 to be on their guard sgeinst such frioulm. The letter in question was written in answer to a rempiest, for in- formation as to Mar Sorghum, bishop tit the Chidden tiin, imi Marllis. K Md. haat% and Deacon Simeon add 10 have been authorized hy the wild Manner -glue to eollect atth.ct iptione for therhureh in question. We h tye !lurches and Schools in re to Be Mistaisted. and towns of Canada tar visit ed hmy awart hy -look ing, in clerical areas who beg for hot eau. given sehooltl, it were e which 11 14 ever. been hit eollengues." The writer fort r says : aIt will be eeen that the tempt tion to take ad- vantage of the criminal folly of tat) e who trust these Oriental wanderers' 1114 they would never dteant of trusting their own entintrytnen 4. ry great. A man in utter poverty km ws Gott by going to America, and 'pit Ing yarn' that lie would not expect lae taken AP tiow=lv in his own land. can -collect ta3,000, which is a fortun hve-walLuteadtime." Seventeen years it took to find how to add one special ingredient in the right way and amount to the pure lead and oil and zinc of M I, Purc Paints. Time well spent, for it makes these paints last twice as long as others, and protect far better. Saves you wasting money on fault -full paints. Makes it safe, as -well as wise, for you to buy Pure Paints Made in every wanted color for every painting purpose Imperial Varnish � Color Co. Limited. of Toronto • BETTER To -DAY IIAN EVER— . JUST -TRY-- - You enjoyed a package six months ago ,Ither were deliciouli. Rut much more so to -day. Improvement In profess and materials has remitted to grantor ertspnesa, liner flavor. a yenta delloions (pointy. They are filipeeine to all Peeve It Make a test. try them now J Rs IC 1Q9ESAti SODAS 41,