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The Signal, 1910-3-17, Page 3
'I'IIE SIGNAL Gt►DER1C11 ONTARU. THERYI)AY, MARC* 17, 1910 BOOKBINDING MAGAZINES, YRRIODICALS anis LIBRARIES bound or repahed. GOLD LE1'TI'alHNO on LEATHER (IOOOS w•., thUY 4 4end.rl 40 0n Inavhu. , .,1 .111•:% - t t 1 \ .a 1,. (rude ictl. • A. 1k• TAYLOR. terIIATtrotan MUSIC•, ell e• Nt 11. KII.I',1t K. A. U. H. .11 : e . uL o nal tuf cl.l erry linlldlh F.'. ':,.1 1'r I a b.I:ah iit h l> per patv,1 l4* gtve n t1' 4 ?VI"). pop 05111:41 . t 4440 41114 t sal .)e11lru,'. ,a) 0116/111i011plrtn t0 l n4 * 1 For ' i. 01ai•s apple to NI. 14. kis.. l • - ,•t ••rap eel, 414444 14tf-t rhe ;uaak W.. t nif- srouuL.t Itt 1'1,0 . \Ir- ',Fin/A) E. COOK. TRACI1(.1:• PianeldaYit'l:, Moony, Hamm,. 1 o,nterprint. f'o1,i1- pre/ of for , for - orf 9fsronta t.x)-era'atlr yet ,L, li,-,t4wha,Alu4 St'm,•t.ndarlt 4 .ancon, at tmldetaxe of ale Ales. M • 1haariustreed, r,yleriet, it4nfio x1'• s, t 1. roan- *444.4'-.*4)19*il Woe ♦•„•ti ,,)Bet, • WATCHMAKING. ETC. `j ALSEY PARK 11 wATI IMAitte. rew(,.4 E*( circle Sen ' h !dd../ pot e.4,' 4s _ IC.it irt, 4., ,. '� CiVfir I:TlGENEERING 'l�' 1[ litiA q kl. 31i1;1t ►:v, 1.1$ 1 . and Hydraulic )'1.n icer 442444120 1_4) nr2 littler" -tJci,on:, lilts•'., Collet -Wu: a'o0tr4alntrae'., Telephone:1.3i. MEDICAL • >W. 11 13. - 1 si}1ro and rr,lient a t% a • �..1' h of, Dunt)" Red+►'i4 „ '. LEGAL ▪ , 1 Kll.letit l\. 1itRH).' - sew -a 4)1 , ,. 4 u l tt • . 51 'neer to 1 lu4„•� rate-. •1N1 , - \ ,rtlitt'leet, 'herr `4Kna1 ,nth . 1:4 rle,fprne Kat'. - sod Mio.atays. - 6. CAefE(t1JN. K.l'.. li.tIntl- F44. 'I F.i2..,diclt0r no,: try 1.1 01, nits•.•• H.t,ai4tou 4Uee:. L:,larkh.-)laird dwr fors 91tt)t'lle-GOT. HAYS k 111.AIft hurl ha e,, sola in -s. notaries prabioe pr. 14" lir 1411• Maritime (curt. etc. Oh re. • tat -id : lexl 'cairn upon. 1' sate hln,e to lend at Icwtst neat of intorno W. Nott rtu1o4)r. K i . it, ('. RAI'd. U. 2 dL11(t. I HURLER tiATtitO V. L.L I;., HAI{ l el*Tietf. attorney.). soll,4ter rt.., -under rich. Al °e ey to lend at loste+t 1'M',`-'. 111O.JOHNSTON, 13AKKi` TF.it , aethator namentedriner. notary pubo, Uf�aees. Htimllton -tree•'. tlalerk•h )rut. INSURANCE, LOANS, ETC: • itt LIt.LOP qtr l'I AL Filth: IN. '1l - l: R A N C F: • 0. -Vann and isolated tjT•• n} Twate's&iatt_ . *teat„r' h P.44 : Js- t ••nnolly. Yftt4-laea'N.,c ..-- ladling F Hay.. err'.-Tre*s,•, deatorth 1'. tis Icirclet+ -M 4)t. ( he -neer. 4e*fonh : John U 1:nvve. Winthrop : George hale. Seafnrtb: John Renneweis. Htnthrgrn; Jame Ices hmsod ; John Watt. elatiock ; Malcolm alei.wt•n, llrurenrld. • AVMs: 1. W. Yeo. Hntme-4141, : it. Mtni, h. Iasi kirk Jas. t'onle,i"g.. Yemeni, ills : F: 1'.:r• c a ..,M: •t...• pay fetch. r *He... v, +1'a Y ai,r,hmenti•4tP1 ant thele sere. 'trrlprM at Twee* InoWin'a. a.lin4on, or at R. H. t:tttt'- . gnceri, fllaartolt strait. Utw,ricb. 411 t) i F tl\'A'ry 1'M. II. � '1'11 7 1 Ivan. A*"4 to M. (1. CAat• I2U... tierrt.ter. ttarceilton street Oodellch. 11', ft. ROBERTSON. 1 1N9 'RAN('K AGENT. Feint ane 1JuxT tl f0: Hrif111. Canadian int Atat'rlsn. • A(--IDa!41'141e.g*ass Ann Itort.OTawK 1J4n11• Cif : The Ocean Accident and Uuaratnoe '4trporat*On�{ Limited. of London. Fang. tFt/'(.ITT ANDtlit'AIIANTxx 1114.44.14: The t'.'t. Feteliry and finarantee Company. (Mho Id residence, northeast corner 411 Vie and et. Droste s id reel.. • 1'hote 1:4 iURN W. CRAIGIE, L?FE, FIRE t and accident insurance. Agent for leading inward and stock companies. Insurance In all Ines ,effected on best plans and at *owes( rate". 1'4212 at °Aloe, corner %Vest Street and Sonar/. or sd,trenn J. W. CRA.WiI', Uoder1ch, 1111*. fele .11one 24 , MARRIAGE LICENSES `VALTf3K E. Ctt1CBELLH. YUN, OUDT. I.*s4'EItOF 1dARRIAOE 1.1CFFN:+l)': 1t31$1JEB. DF DIfA1iR1• V Y AOt iloanast. OM.rie0. list. r R SHA1{Illti-F1IRL01t'--•-'-- ReDFORDi31,61J1i BAttBj4' $1101' This well-knownand popular -t ani' n offer* Its patrons the beet rlervtoo In .hn\ irg hair cutting. etc., etc. Ladles' athamprening , •iorlalty. Only skilled hands eenol1Ye'1. lonearrona4eewill,he appreciated. ti 11. BuF.n�lFat. Proprietor. ARCHITECTURE ( RTHUR J. BARCI.Ati . MED,11, .`t hint Worm institute British Archtte'•ts R,*,idenee-E2Ralts Howse. Onderich. Ilan+. de- Itit. and sree4Acal low, prepared for roskicnrv4 and pohilc huiI4* g • ('otrc-pondence In riled. AUCTiONEERiNG THOMAS OUNDKY, L1Vit STOCK ••1. Md general auctioneer. tMlnea on tooth Street where he will be found at all tomes wheat not "ryingWee. Terms reasonable and every effort used to ides you satieteetion Phone 5) AUCTiONEERiNd. A 11 hrnneben rarehlllyattended to. Farm +a fee hes+l*ck sales. real estate and merchandise -nom, made anywhere. Write for dater 4H ,n}1 and talk 14 over with Cleo. Beckett, Hamilton Street. Goderich, Out. 8.h.g0hb Quickly atone cough oolde, heels t .rhrnat and lung . . YS cents. FARM PROFITS , Ilfay be lamely increased by knowing obs exact condition of the farmer's market, and by learning of the best method is fsrm practice. This is precisely the tart 4442 rnfornnatloe the Fanners' Weekly Sun E1ee4 is every issue. It has no egos' as a Farmer's Rosiness Paper. Good farmers rely ea it. FIr prim me sot dubbing neer. HOSPITAL TRUST. BOARD PRESENTS REPORT A T ANNUAL MEETING. liespitstJitesdt-nf GeOertkh_and Vrtin- ity Are Growing Beyond the Prete ent Accsmmodation, and the Erec- tion of a More Commodious Build- ing is a Project for the Near Future. "1'11.• annual meeting nitre hospital trust e• was 144111 1 \' t 1 11 i''I'1•1a evening tt K a II., court hon,), with a 1) air at, '•ndahe.• of ,cittzetdo. frit.• 11 lodge Holt, who occupied the )•hair, terenkieg of the p,rel•h)lts un4•n':resr +I tllt)1'td'in hn!d it iie•e•tinf; r4nphbr- ct•2! 244&• pullir f•h4t•rteter of tote hu, - ,o al Inaba: KV.t%' contributor 444 Nie ,polls to tho,i•xtent of HI.lkl to II., be, lie vOtt,•44'Mein her of .the u4t, 111111 u Vires 4)1 the • glean:. given by the ,Iso) runoeil it .might be a:ai.! that 1o'r)' r4ttr)1Nyrr of the town- war It ,,,•ai,la•r. I':\ei)'444)44 was weteonir lot ,*nr',uul take purt-'in the itertiugs. ' was mallow- .t utirteele stundisitt u4) !tib pi rut that had lun'ie it an dillietiit 4ArxtivrA M •(std ,Itt*n'ttul''•, 11 the vetint;s •e )oar a w/rs it vt$Nti-a try Me( it talon and the tethers of the pod received no Irwatd let' ►heir steer; the *1114ret-t rand cu-4p•t•A• 11 /11 poi all the citizens was torte -1041'1 1HT,.1Cuf Fhtrtrlstittt 1*s,i. 111'. Honor spike al -I) o!'the pro je(•t .1' it tutrtinapitel.-i3-w,,,-nuLSttlly Oral :a larger building wits i!fel.essary, .•, 4 t hr . present • building Wax nut 11 ted flip hospital pltt'l,'Isak+• Nu aur, tt►ough'. Wo4►ld deity that it was it ,r pine to start thehonpital in the way t.ltiat had baendoue -rt leaf **'turd, h elluc ed the ••'Ojai• pot l:teteticll to the [Wet 44 .11 •pita) i4* G4alerieh. The netsls had 1ete, )1ott't•Vrl'. on [grown the Iteenif1- odati,4n. .I4.'44uggt-41ion 'was mac 141 the erection of a new hospital ;;ht tie Jinni...et! by :t r;tlitr:oitrl• of by the tuft 11. ' Iii- Honer 1hien road the fwll...wing -;,•.tt of thee, h...pilal t.. • tr.1 : Report, of 'oard of Trustees.' '1'41 the M4•lnla•ra of .the' llo+pital Trust, t het' it Izrrr of the Town lot to tde- ria•tl and of the County of Huron. = Tlp' board of t4 osteve 'of the Alex- *nlilri Marine' and (ieprl•ai Hospithl 4) 1 a e third nnuual N yr t ter. nt tt h g 1 era •1 reperl.t44vrrtag the prr(O(' from the :klth ul ta•pteuther. 12I4. ,to the ..ftlt' September, 122424. ' '1'h.• ttit:,1 number of patients pita) states that "Lbe,itup rearutr this will be accepted q1' tin entirely I. R Don't let an .unscrupulous madein the op eteting roan very , new building erected will bn. a qurr- sytiefacluly." The board bel vers tion for the careful runrideratiou or dealer force on you an imita- tionthat this operating room i no a.the (Nwld. of the ''I). & L." 11'�e1it11Ul cunt )rte Nu,l well el poi w• nor an i1 i A vote of thanks to the hoard was taw in Ouh►riu-siI*,tI4r a (roll any •1t ; tendered un )nonan of F. J. Pr,idhaur blaster. Look for the'"D. & where hospitals are meat rolled. 1 and Ur. Strang, and the sleeting witsL." trade -mark on the till, It The ).used wishes to c )I the, alien ; then adjourned; . tion of our citizens to condition a 1;t1ar�11tces L11C J,r''11t1111C ,slid affair's that i11 the nal' futule.,wilt Flattering 'Teddy. the most effective remedy for ariai• it it has not ale y arisen, HMI i t• wits at a Whet. Huns• leceptil Rheumatic :Idles awl puns, which tvalTh`ave-Tff that_11.• ys _xgo that ,a I hiladelphtun I the erection of a.ne building.; 'lit a pi ked up N chuiel+`gi•I Ist-M-Bev rer-T ,timttagQ .- L'tattCa '! ckache, letter teveikt•d''hy tie president a fir elf telling, short time ago 1*4)44 the dovrrau,rnt i ;l• charming. girl of ,r.iglttt'an, the ere 2 c each, . Yat 1'0 s inapee!ur, In' 40* Ad (1414)(4'4: ••i think date; ter of a `%'"ost qn jethlishrl Hoff ; equaling- seven of the regular Iv•• that thelerich hospital le quite aorirtl't ue4•Il in he own ei'y. lik.4v to -be eat (1 ;4 ►t1 4tb1P(--,►htx;*theel ler.0 brought t 1V:i.ht 'ton by . a1ZC '..71"`".. •r. and at 0(fu of th White centimes was pre4ente 4 . me- .velf. i NI! iirulleVsttiI•mt•ed; WO it • graben of 1111• I''rr\Illrn4. nn•nt. Again. three is not nem .01- the. mslllen looked up at him awl, Hrient rta4i,ii i1, as ice cap14:1ty hos •:outing Nw•Yi•t v. sa(d : 111 -1'V"tea1 ocrus1n1%. heel% %Wel144' d ''1'o%awittll) Kiwi 1„ newt yotl, Nle. and ,o ingested. The biat•,1 11(-p•s i11, );,.0„•vt•I2: re af4••t4 h.•at'd t •III.., the near tilt tire. if the ulelalle'is,+f 114'.1,-.4k (,i volt "-).2h.•1,e4..4 4hia '1 1ttnital frust ape' e. In sir mint - . 1,ui1d(ug t1ttet f,r. Vtovidrti. •flirt,• is 1)444' 1'14) 'S,4) t lir*Uou that tile • pe•wrnuw have4 is not iulequ ate Anil f In nil ',,way A4) 1"*l144itlent 4, • i Ire 11 -t4*• IItQ tent' t l'N t1 t ) iii n h•k >+ sl t A Mee 1 V • uiadr hu uil•iuX IP. its internal al'r,ulgl •} In tint hetet h 1/it t , smoip dentate end ytiyvell•ron-nl'ttt1 !ain't b1' riereive'1. iins4'ripll)uo, ac wife, to thec•• itirux of 14.uleti61 to-.1'olakrilt its0.atteut4lint; (o 1ie.4* •vain watl1.\\l'•h.ifu)*UtrthtLer c A'i*d ill this e4* r - i Ilru! lunl•y+1n'and"dUl'r'•puPa,inq l)' lttllt lie✓ tion t u -' llhi K of 1 'ttnitati.po• 'd '•Ths 1). S i• the 2' 'v.'i•nol.nt inspector' in his 1:e -t, Mrnthul l'iastel. 1; - . ,.• t„ tart lin• tt•Jr„1 t : •'1eVeral t•ecoNlturntl t, 4„tis genuine made b) .t L two 1*'' ' might b* ma'l• 4,i iutpro*'e tote 1,ititd. t•0.. inn t Sul It 14coni11 he very dohs, fni if i a•I) es penal( tire oil t 14 INtilliug wtil le a ic-,t1'!-,1,.-;-.i..r1.•{jt.Ye h.estctLil ietct' ftp t 1 1.11,e hu,)liltll•. *o*(1 in ('1114.1•... ).lei(,.' hat,• that a new beetling- »ill he .saist del' to ett•4t\ - gr1v,-:o )•. This shuUAl. r'rt.trtae• "I' .,. 411?,'letloIl."' • 1'r 1 Ki• yte,nber. Itrae, ,in , reds'. Nulur a•ttP-t�Crlti TetntW--v-� , yuil,al 1 a , it. utud.t4ton lot' the n' 1101.4.1 ; + aur tie• is. ea lru'•_iTT II Wnneseten f __ 1' ' , r _ /i7 - Of F. Centa Day furl ru(•lt' U' 211'' wrier»•est of the hie,. 1 ... r I.t.• ,t. : ci4rins I:;_'trot,<rt. .n;4.. mak,na Pi' el. are) 4) 1 211 ill'. 4I4l*4 tht• Gatto• agInn: r.m.r4aalnethe irerdlof*rr4nes p:Wn'"p.rt:uwml.ty,• 2. d',„ to he 21.4..111+,4 tetet.4' ht,r1It', l6'-l*14 rm4 runlloa'n anneals to nioninle.,anai angeer. nYei w it. was bars) fair cert ...n you feed '`stu.ktad " to 4oar ;ow, hnr-e.'swine orpoultry: 11 t )' I - .neret feeding them wl:at aou are growing, the ern .os t hat 111'• ' sloutd baa ,• t't ,{ y a s ondt I urew• eip((7. h L, • .rejnals do turd no, ►,teea fu'J: b.•t wtt41•thlnte to hey*' (Ow •r. in l h•• 11 r -pilar 1 -••If, Its 4),4) nt:\• 1 • :.r the goof cut of the red col cive.lhtn4 io they can get. 2.•1 -.) 1'.i )ear round: also tnbprcven• u,-c:2ye. curedise*':t and )µco • hal: r.. 1.i 1.0%, S•, 1'c t ,--r',fc conAn '.n. X4)'- n1'.k 2•nar. CAN do all M,e•c til%utr, mei owing ts, this brut,; dt. { ' '`"' , r (Flt can and a..a. I: i-. p1kr. 11 nl 1,4) lei., .141 , nrltf'n4• they .44 1• "Stook Food" {t A • nin.'h ne.•dt•,1 :In 1 -'i overs deee •aed. I t'•� ? Stook.*' God But a Cafe • it.ioner 1( S)•Et.11'14.. •_• -•a enc -s. dor tom pr.d,. 1 .,, . :< l IAL PL hi' 4a, Ira•- at x st .,tni.1 u> th, t .,:. F, v !....11 )1ALOUR,' 1OCK'P4t.IFICD:• J. Brno, O1 n .11.1M . _ N .11e41 r- .' 2.441'4.11,30,.,,,1 . 444,4,11,...1.1i1 L., 1 tr. r,e1. .r'., r 1_ 1tv n t . n.tn, a.'e•, " have 1 he u.r4. dROYAL.PURPLJ7u K *'MClt•IC " - "t eNatensi-- , 1,tuf Tyre 1 tt =n.t. *41'44144 w'Iniler of any tea.," . „ 4' f 1 4n -mt.., 15., 144427 Vintrefl f' 'trWttrter.r= ensnasaf Lte.ttrr,n r, *.tlm, ,... , T- •h i.. ,. ,. a re,'er h n off' their feed since 1. commence,. Koval P.:1' 1' I _ ,10..,>,a year :,,:.r, 440,1 1 will i4wars :rave it *a mY stables.. . Purpl� a.1 ERR9YMAR THE BEST TONIC ;or all sickly people. Makes naw olood: Gives strength; 1" Restores vitality. Taken atter any 1:1n as it' hasten:is return to health. k D•vls.A LawtenceCu., Staf.trcal- make Each Animal Worth 2 5 07o Over Its Cost ' The, I ' * •' ha. Ia•rn t 111nis!trt), 114•• fund14 th)n•for to 14•rous(d,•l abie ex- tent h:.Viteg been pr'l'ided by the! 1Ibeigliters .f the pantie 4..• Thrrxpe'n- tlit41rr. 1'u.t•,ilanrctiuu with 't his work will ap)ewrr.itstbe next 'Bees (eel le- ; hurt. no. thtiff :uU)' rt{ipre(4Wt4• the , e fort they (int ice (Inn) 1101' 4,•1 14.14 in thisLnatter•. ' The ltul)• superintendent,. al is, Dell- i tithe, is su11 dcg11K. as elle ltas ul tants, d',.ne riper 111o. opening of 4 h hosl,i.at, most efir, t s Ciro(' and. satisfactory work. 2 and apeetently takeset very pet soon! iflt er2•sc ittalla1f4- work 1,4)41ns-tett with the be,pital, and the board denirea to ttrateddutiug Lite yeer •amounted to thank her And the nnr:+ea .anJ to $14 seventy-eight Aid the total nuulla't• et (.Mire 411'til 111411 the munpec in which I they have performed -their very otter- ous duties hits beet) highly *atlsf*e- tory. :►p)leeded to this 'report is a state - mem of the receipts and exr4P41ditut•e during the veer ending the :MHS. Sep:, mistime. Mks. Sid hinitte 1. , H. E. Htnreees, Pei feiP HOLT, -Heceet4�jjk)-. President. Dated Jalluary'2i. 1111*).• "rhie Ithstmlitt 1rt iweasste. months 1'1 nal the :Olt Sopte►a*1er, 1111kf, 1111th Septenote e. poet hallo, al data during the yeas was 1. - rete helm( anaverage of ah4,ut 2.3davi.. During •the year 'there were teen !firths irithe hospital and tripe deaths. i'he,wi,dont .of establishing ti ho+ - Waldo tale )Midst is amply shown by the-serviee it has given to, and the good it has done tor, suffering humanity. and the need of eueh•an (rt - tithe) becomes all the greater owin;`to tlfe tact-,f--*hilt-to*1ia. corning *Itch an important lake ,port; and Ale.) to the -fact of our factut•ier increasing in number and in extent. The #44.41141 desires again to thsnk Ivan)' of OUT own citizens and other* fur their generous gifts and donations and wot.ld include 1n ChM a ver)- gee -- knits donation from Mrs. Miner. a former resident or tioderich. The latter, however. dire. not /appear in the financial relent, as it was received bine the :inch or September, I(it4*, but will appear in the next financial re - The Mayor and emencil '1 Ootlerich durtu) the year again @hewed their interest in the hospital by generously donating the sutra of $*11111 towards rte maintenance- stool support. By stak- ing this donation peaetieally every riIPpeyrr of the town contributes s emitting. In the council of 191) there are several new members. and we trust that they with the other -mem- bers pot the council will again rise to the occ*sion, es we ,are sure tney will, and make s similar grant of $(i4M1 for the year 11110, remembering that pub- lic hospitele 'such as out's is cannot p)asibfy be pelf -sustaining, and that what is received from petieflte mutt of necessity ire supplemented by dona- tions from the conned and others. of OUP 'citizens who are interested iu charitable work. The hoard again thanks the egpnty council of Huron for its grant in .fan. nary, MN, of $112(2, and expresses the hope that the rouncilof ,1NiO will in tt* wistl(wa=-_race + se the grant to the ,,awdunt they o*'meely-. namely, 502(*. -Two"'pot-tee-churches in the town during the year halt eiaelr a' l4nndav collection on heh•ti( of the hospital, and ae will ire seen by the financial re- port the sum of $64.50 welt' realized in this way. and we desire to express nor deep sense of gratitude to the ,congre- gations of these two "hurches for their very practical generosity to the hospital. 'Coe board of trustees. without in Any way desiring to dictate or inter- fere with the internal, management of the different churches in the town, earnestly requests that un WIMP one Sunday in each year the collection at the different churches nhoukl be in aid of the hospital funds, and that such collection be on the same Sunday in each church from year to year. That noble and self-sacrificing army of workers, the Daughters of the Em- pire, are still doing, as they always have done, moot excellent work nn be- half of the hoepital, and their intereet in the work in no way seems to abate or grow less, and we repeat what has been stated in former reports, that witbou6 their valuable aid it would be next to im)xls.ible to carry on Ph work with any degree of success. During the year this report cover's they have given In cash towards the funds of the hospital no less a sum than $150, besides helping in many other ways with supplies). etc. in ad- dition to this they have furnished tends to the extent of 4l40 to assist in paying the fuel account. and. the hotted desires to express its very sin- cere appreciation to this very worthy and interesting instilotion for this we- sistance and to those of its members who gave of their time to collect this sum. During the year very necessary im- provement*. beep been made in the opmrating room at a cost of 4244*). The Government inspector, IN, K. W. Bruce Smith, in his report on the boe- • NL.'glrM. )Mlance on hats) :sett 1Seplentber. It+I( .s Town 0(41tini 1fes grant.....:. ... .... iau.nn Inv) 3.111. 1.Ytls1 IK'rt 441)4 Nank of Montreal .. .. .. glom County of Haran grant .. 1111'•'11 Cool fund collected tw n,nods•rs of the 1Mughters of the Empire :.. .. 1.➢144- intere-t onPrAke. bequt-t .... . . ... 4' tot. tienrgc+church .. , ... 10.14 North greet klrthod*st church .. 91.%, Hmet•n and crew of the steamer Woe edwer" . Reckl\'ed from p4tlents for th*ir'ctea►t. meta and care. ..... - 1 OIL 78 I lovernment grant • •1873 [tonntions .... .......... AV •9.171aL5 Mr. F. it. 1101me, .... ... 'toys' An•1, Na -en - Mr. W.1. Eliot 14auahtar- of the Empire I'roceeds + de of.01d ,table 2'nnviten Bank tit '1 'onunttre. E xt'Ki4 DIT(' Rea, Note in Bankof Montreal , 1 Pa 15latere.t o** note. s.. .... - a15 Telephone a4connt . ..Li 15 Coal. Lee. Holmes and altw)C4M. pa -rt for prevlon+year. 14.•lV Mlcellaneoo- 2(4.0unts - 11 ..w t'arctakcr .. .... 71.14) 1.:lectric light *coolant 411%7 .7 F.rlce }....... .... iolU Nater rate........... .. .. . a.tn A. Sehafi'r, 6:1042 wlsdow+, 47.140 Canada tiles*. Mantle R Tile Co.. oper- ating room ... . . I.ol l'. Ilarper. h4wpltsi•beth. porcelain lava- tory. eco . etc.. for operating room .101.tr: A. Munro. n1*nnng operating room.. . /''.22 leoderfch Planing Mills. operating room 41.31 l'. C. Lee. refrigerator, eta. etc., 2(44•:21 et;Li and ML)' ftod*rt.-h Planing Mill+ l'0 a Il. Itatper, pma fu bing, eco ....' .... .. . 41.n411l Insurance ...... -:... /*4.1x1 But oher.' meth .. . ... 91.724 )ed 4 ... . . ....,. esst Flour. been ant :_..Fat IS Milk . 1Yf.Yi- Tea and coffee 111.1.4 1'otatoes and rddother vegetable.. 17 17 Aft (trocarle+a d pen 44�s . _ BLN4 Drnm' and r ..... • ' . , i(K.:Kt Med*rel and +ton ne.1 supplles .. .. •. 4.40 Beer. ,, the and sulfite 9147 Bede or and napery .... . ... Brom-, brimless. nope. etc 1 l i).M.S Balser'-- and wage+ 1lalanre in hand+ of treasurer... ram ' Rt,17u.5s 1.1 Ahtt.la't4a. ••114*. , ASSETS. Pittance on hand :rnh September. lure. .0 *124.414 Building and contents valued ./t... 7,10130 Duns front patient' ckfood d at. .. min 041anre payable on old subscript me list 1.10.00 Legacy estate of the late Into. Acheson, of which ave has been takl and deposited to+peel*) eccolnt. teem Mn rune It was moved by Dr. Strang. sec- onded by W. L... Eliot, and carried, Omit the report be received and adopted. The treasurer s report was referred to the auditors, n l motion of Mayor Cameron and F, .1, Pridham. \leesrs. Lana and Tigert were appointed Audi- Owing to a change in the date of the closing of the hospital )•ear, it was decided to hold the annual sleet- ing hereafter on the third Monday of October, on motion of D. 4et)unald and Jas. Mitchell. • The beard et Inlet wets re-elected for the present Year, 1'u follow@ : Judge Bolt, Judge Doyle. C. `tenger. D. Mc- Donald, It. Hel.eah, Jan. A. Mt:lnt(esh, i1. E. Hodgen*, C. A. Nairn, W. L Eliot, Mayor Cameron. There was tome discussion as to the advisability of securing the (latneron property for the hovpitah tome cor- respondence having been before the heard in regard to the 'matter. A very favorable offer hat been received from the Cameron estate, and whether STOCK AND POULTRY SPECIFICS Ooct4e. paekaseor ROYAL PURPLE 'STOCK SPECIFIC wilt last elle animal seventy • d,Ys. win.h is a heel..nv:r 1w.'-1h,rds of a cent • di, Ma,t stn,k fonds in fiftc cep, Pas k:, e's 111.2 hat env d*)'and arc wire., three times a Jay. ROYAL PURPLE STACK SPECIFIC 4, li.r1 nut once a'..1,01, and lasts half again as lona- A 21.50 r "l cnntain'n4 tour rimes Ike a.n,unt of the NII' 4el12 p.'ctu4e win 11st 440Jart. ROYAL PURPLE win mcreax. :he value of )4lir• state 1%, It is an astonishingly citric* fattener. sto ne:Urine the appetite and the radian •or fend. assisting ...toes to digest and turn feed ioh i flees. Asa_hey t atenet-it es a leader. • 42 winsare many toners itscost ire veterinary rills. ROYAL. PUReLE POULTRY SPECI- FIC is our other $pec,nc (or tweeter. not f:.1' stock. (t're 10 CCM pa:ka4e will last twenty-five hens 70days. ora pad a,am111.20 will last twente`Av4 Lena 2440 days. which is four times more Material. fur only three times the cost. ft makes a "lat',n3 machine out of your hens 4ortemar and winter. •.-cots owls losm` f1rsh at moldier./ trate. and tures ultr • diseases. Every ea. -liege of ROYAL PURPLE STOCK SPECIFIC or POULTRY SPECIFIC it guaranteed. .lust use ROYAL PURPLE on one of your animals and any other //reparation 4m another* animal in the same condition: after comparing nsiilts y.ww•,11 sayROYAL PURPLE has them P11 'beat tach. or else back cgmu.•s your money. FREE -A.k .._yr.,t• Is for our a l4able 32 -page booklet nn 44,1)214 -- -Mite 'doottr)- rierne.s.-_detaining 4214± RHokin r-.e•nes and full p'.rticulnrs a..T4t- - OY L PORP E STOCK aced POOL'- .' If you cannot get Royal Purplee•J- Specifics from merchants nr agents• we . ,c411 c,44aly you direct. express prcpaiJ, un rerernt of 51.50* pail for either Poultry - ' or Stuck Specifics. Make money •--ting as our agent in your district. Write for terms. I 4 For sale by all up•tadate merchants. - '`• T.1. Jenkins 1[(g. Co., London, Can. )caval Pnnrlr 14.u1x and l'o.rltre 42uec01.-;, *Id fr.:e bo isle: - ,t:, ,,,•a 114 is, .a. 2. , , , BLACK STOVE KNIGHT p°"'" "Black Knight' Stove Polish gives the shine that lasts. Just a small daub spreads over a Lig surface. Just a few ligbt rubs with cloth or brush brings a shine you can see your face in -and the shine lasts for days -fresh, bright, brilliant. ly Mack. Try the quick, clean and easy way of shining Stoves, Grates and Ironwork. A big eye, ase. -at dealers or sent postpaid on receipt of putt. TRE F. F. DALLEY CO. WUTD a- isreass.sal• Makers of the famota '!in 1" ehw Polish. Plain Talks toWomen. INJURIES & SKiN SORES -QUICK CURE. A little child ran crying t© her mother the other day with a nasty flesh wound and asked for Zam.Buk. There lies a more powerful argument for Zam-Bine than even the scientists can bring. The child had had Zam-Bu,c before, and knew it cased pain and healer. Zam-Buk works in two directions. Pre- vents worse results from a skin injury or skin disease (such as festering nd blood poisoning) while it repairs ;::le damage 'already done. Zi-13fc is entirely herbal, is pure, tannins no trace ofanImal Cat or mineral coloring. ng. Surest and quickest knot:•: healer. CONTAINS no1,11Iralollo,f„1,.,,) NJA M42 MIAf' ✓ FATHER AND SO°1 DtNEk`i'T rROM USI. Of THIS BALM. Mr. Waiter /)dame,1 7. iteilwnv Ave,, Stratford), sees ------.3 Ants. 14: ihinm, while playing harefo•,teil.ah nit the beet - yant, cot 1114 little to 4 on th , sharp e.lg* of a else* of tin. Th , tett teas cn', at the first joint, and Almost severe 1 front the fent. z)2' wife hurrinriiy hnth'wl it welt warm w,'or, afterwards applying" some lint thickly tread with Zam link. The healing balm quickly ch", ke 1 the flow of blood, eased and eoethei Von pain, and re -twenty t mg •.mm•tt.ion rn(1 more serious! r'*nitr. In• $ few weska Lam Illsk heeled tho wound 14) nirel4 Gist %wpm Wad alto nice mow tog) shout, and Mei to w-ar his shoes without the alightekt ins eiveni'•nce. Not only b Lam•Rult rata. L!c tor wnnmis an'I cuts, but, wades an atahrue4awn, 1 have also found tit effective foe rheumatle enlist '• ?am.Aak curse rota barns, 's-sems, rherre e. okras, cold cracks, ansa ell Yon diseases. twee- t/4.e sed stores, {4M box, es pet tree freta Lim- n .,Y 1'n., TnMnto, tee Mee. Phone 56 D. M I LLAR CO. 'Phone 56 Easter Novelties Ea.aaus no l/1at A)ipronellln)l, 22Ud'eVel telly la 1 bink nig of , new.springset-iii*.-_Ali .our 44' lat'tulruts Gree lluw Ili)4tt turtle full riteges.441 new Splint; coot 4, W 1. _- With l'14ater only len ll 1c- away, you bhuu,ld see the new things without tlelay. + NEW SPRING COATS FOR PPS)-i'��Z ' j4*• Net* 24,lrug Coats ale naw. 'tin 4ti.)•)24i'. ,ma 0111' teieres4ite 'all that can -11.4 dealt ea in quality. r„acct .,t y.l(s ,neI stoenAidlht'llt•+. (Jur ('4):.n ell* ' never of etovert ,'lilts, In fasvu 42(4,1 black _sates, ee '>tl anil,$lu :re each, NEW DRESS FABRICS In mfr (I.>tw*s dote). *retro! ttc are showing 4 i the iiewi•st 1)ress Lith, c+ 04 Lht .Mew sha'ies. • viol ha slit ta o lo( tiprin;, are Dl.igonal Suitings . San Tpy Suttings SIfA R�a.a Henrwftas t • S4tsg4J. Taffeta ''.117 r(%;u!.s. • •in plain and Ganey wheat es. large as40rtttient eine„ng the new (4.__ EASTER WAISTS (*n, -bowing of pry 1.44.4* and 1.111,11 1\ li-t, for thin Swim; 1 ' 1 • . ,•,1- (teat • ,et e •oe1 i1, )i• An11 Jeri', 4, i, tea. A 41811 no 1n1141)'•ttl Wear' de -poet client wi+f-te+aiiree this.._ plena' ti •1-- " t ;Hell( ,•*''Bells. Friliings. Collars, JaSots and `Bonus, -1"',ally select i t:.t{11,tj*,,hdav trnrle. Easte.a Greetings from • Ialt. rt ro,\cl'afl'-The ScotchStore; •l CURE YOUR COLD -Butislnd's (irip Cure m,' 1,4.1 Nadruco Throat Gargle Zymole Troches The "ih 1'rr iNl,a 1 ••i t• .t . o1d in &45'o ,it.) 1'1 " hot tit.. : r.. . 250 ,)Dirk nit] speedy ielirt t.,* so ice throat. Per boor.'. 250 t ht''42. din remedy for ht *k)• t . 26c Nadruco Cold Create' ')Bete hest siting for ehap)'a•d hands Hud et a,•krd 1ip+. Per lint tie ..I 25o am! IIkea Pure Norwegian Cod Liver Oil A newbhrpnlent i*t\ in 250 and 500 bottles. P. J. BUT LAND, l )ruggist, .Gotltttich. THE STORE THAT PLEASES ' • 1:1•:1•:1' 1111 It HOME iN :1 s1\1'1':\K1 ('4tNli1l I,•\ Dustbane disinfects the dirt, purifies the air an -I prevents the dust from rising. Don't till )t 11' lungs with dust germs. Order a 35c 449a1 on trial for one week. At the end of thin pate 40.1 if not found ttatisfnrtory it may be returned \\ its ne charge for the quantity weed. Packed in laurels and 'kegs for store, office and school (11)44• For sale h) - Howell Hardware Co. LIMITED Practical Go=op eration fu 0111.1• »'b'• sant t0 mnketheir es.pitaloto rtt1Rs bring--114pua___ Mn incnWr Ina vcrlkretablished hnt*nteee and at the same time the uppurt • y ten-.•xtrsordinary prrofits, we offer to a limited Hamper rant a i4)• the )'•ince Rupert Real Estate Investment Limited, wtp+t $111 pet share. . The (ler unity i* extrarnd(nary because of the profit-shar- ing( phut by .44) 1 11 707* may Ieernnl4 an actual member of our eutertteiso -and shirr 4410 -rata in all the profits of the Cotupany end in its rapidly ine►eaning bu*ines1. . The 1'u moy rrc44(y44d 1,y the ('otnpeny1, through the rale { Its shares it olive@ted in we eelrcted real estate in Prince Kuper(, under tie divert st.p••rvlsiott of the 13oord of Directors. IVe putrhaee, improve and. *erten pi perlies adapted to the uses of business and tell at a profit propel ty which is producing or can readily he pomade to tumble., u eatisfartory.inconme. At part of Aur plan for bendling our rapidly growing husined' and to increase its (•aptcity. We have concluded that we would go directly to the public, with whop* we have always satis- factorily aenit. and give then) the opportunity to subscribe to our lieu) lit sham. thereby sharing equally with us in the large profits of tie almtpatiy. One of the indicat ions of- th'e'1 ,g1ii- ffgar l to whiell abatee are held by those who nitwits them w the interest they show by constantly bringing then) to the a tenlion of their neighbors and friends. By placing our shares as we 00 among individual investors, wears.buildillg up an extensive co-operative organization, each member of which has the nplw)rtunity alai will be interested in 'adding to the profits of the Cant(pany, because by so'doitig he adds to his personal profits. . ,, Such offers rarely, if ever, 'reach private investors, and ste advise you to Lend your subscription fot shares at once. Purchasers of the stork may send one -Mn h" t-Tlfirtntal subscription with the order and the balance in nine monthly payments. ' THE -• Prince Raper t Real Estate 1nvestmert Co., Ltd., Prince Rupert, B. C. 'e