HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1910-3-10, Page 10yp TettIUMAT MARCH 3, 1910 Quality Store Canned.__ Fn,ltS Your preserves may be gt •tine low and you may want bunie- thing in l'anned .1'a iitp. _ We hat •• the following : rPeacho€s Raspberries, `Plums Citrons. Prneapples, etc. We have alto a full lire of choice ,9if •nidl.tdes, Sous . asd Honey. Now is the time to enjoy our 1 f1t1 ,•e Caalib pia `Profiles a n d Ale Imes. Selt'1 -itemise, 2 and 3 lbs tar .......:.. Sale lite t .Apricots, per Ib 1Qo Navel Oranges We handle fancy trtyt.: excep- tionally well -sized, at. 1) •I. ,z1.11. .. •_ ...........'Mk :t' 1 40c 11-atch our window u„ t nl - day fot specials in ehiuil istt • • For •Saturday \L'{r Lettuce.(:teen (anions 'feet }. I'rankfoits, Jellied er and -Fresh "Eggs, fsista for gw. t1 oicce l'+•1ta,n (*1141)4 sLould {Ain 11 1,am : it cast he Is druggist. • THE SIGNAL : GODERICII. ONTARIO yap is r, 1 rl14'1: La 7" f. ] a 'h e maw! Ver systolic{ .. - . •(aaC e011ty►-0 1 i . , Mtc,l. Rapt.` of the g I' .1 1 : I•t inc, ;1iot ttt•4-1,• ti p, , •I'• a :' • .es tis 1 • .$9L. a.., :..70 30111 • tr�=r,c-- .--t cJ'(ew elan in an Old Business {fuel),.: taken u%.•. the jewellery business of W. E. -.Kelly. l wish to inform the.hu. ing public that 1 ata lu•ep u'td to take -up this 1(\. _schen.1r..K Kelly bit. and smolt lie pinkest t, 'inert all the old custom-, ` ccs as (l ell as any new enrol. • lly etstran tee i s thsolute tatisfaietion 1 money refunded. W H "Harrison Jetveller and Optician. ty Aih•n's •1 01 nils Flea:. "late Ih Jlaiden' in\St»th etre t Me i.eli t`, hutch 10 xi. 1 nday evemog. Reserve SI. Panicle's night for the Yolmatier ladies Urehestt•u at Vic - tot it Opera il.at.1'. wider t he auspices `of 'Meiteitettmg Canoe Club. Prices • II 2.,c.:,th 35e and . Frost Gate Frames Are Welded— Not Cot_ led - Pr.t•t Gate, are made of Steel • TAing. 1n srery other tu,. th,s. Tuawn( i• connected by threaded jo.ute. Thee threads rut half -war into Ilse Tubs. Ersry ;nab- hinge.. !at(hr.. and a11— are . ua through this same Gal. anteing Orth•' • •. The Nat ate will Ons richt eR rust 66 Thi. deep, thread -cu 11 i ng deprives it of one hall al it. former.trength. And-wMa--we► yrted (0•.tr.in. as ..y those threaded joint.. But the Frost Gate ho n•, coupling.. It is Weld.1 together. Th • severest Wain will not aeparale Chi. Welding. Because the Wants. the weakest park et -other Gate, are the tronget parts of the Frost. , A!I Fro.t Ga ea have a Galeauiled fiats4 -wt as imitation paint.' 0 1. The Frame, when . trey-,.rie scoured clean of greasret nd sea. • .. The Zine G.11rantring will now adhetapei- manently to this thoroughly ,.cleaned (.ate Frame. AnJ the Zinc not only spreads over the .urfxc bis goes tato it, be&omiog a part' of the Pipe itself. a o f Ota r . rears. and to t longer thale.ili other Gate we ks,er of. the Fn.,t (hate is heaut.ful. It is smooth and dl.ety, and makes the Front Ornamental as well as useful. When ordering. don't n.ehly ask tow • wtstalr Gate. Say p_'.ta- `int a fres Galraniled Gate. — - The Wire used in the Frost Gate i. No. a This Wire is made and Galra,n,rd by mar- seIves. 1t is the strongest Wire of its station use. Drop w a card today,for free Booklet. The Frost Wire Fence Co., Ltd. Hamilton, ()mails - a* Agents Wanted in Open Districts !!ros tGat Local poaler. • I1 nab k•.-••. (i *.l, rn h: it .0. '.1, Kenale. Dungannon. THE TOW L COUNCIL l('s:tweedfroadls4re 11 Nightly billhoardi. around town. the Reeve and Councillor Vanatter had a tion pawed instructing the special committee pr report as to whether the owners of the sante all paid licenses. Olt motion of Councillors {'arsons and Wallace the bylaw referring to I Maly Alan Bell end bib second Cath - the height of awntbe sidewalk La torrchau- * W Aittatitohle.- native of the Tale disc standing on the 'sidewalk u to I ,.,�t„ te Lewis. He leaves to mourn 'him enforced. The 11t•itist Exchange bot.il I'MI.i. E. W. Hyde, of Hamilton war instrt' aril to repair its verandah, Charles W. Watson, of New Ynrk The Keene clacks in reference to as City ; Mrs. Peter a)lacFarlane, Alm' curing an armories building for lode John Straiton, George and the Missesnett, He was confident that it the Kate A. and Tins, 01 (ioderich. and town granted a site (hp Govern,q�1 t Miss Maude' A.; of Toronto. The would e1'e1•t the building, The epi it funeral took cosec on sundae alter- d.ridtd toulTer a site, u cornet of Vic• teem to Maitland cemetey. Rev. toric Park (wing suggested. James A. Ande!son, pastor .lt Knox 'rhe'euuucll then edictal sit d. church, officiating at the 1101,111. end - OBITUARY. . • at the grave. The pnll•twarer•s wore _ H. Dunlop, J. %V. Ssttit hl Robert hie- Embury.Lean, Alex. Sauile siio .,a111•41Tait antiR. It. Sonoma• la Allan ubUT- y. who about twenty __— PI" ago was lrrincipai Of the (iode-- LONDON IS GETTING ANXIOUS rich !.oldie school, an.l sinks leaving here lead held the pr1it.ion of pllplic Afraid that Military Camp May Come „1,,,,1 'n-peetor r -,,lbs county utto Goderich. Peel until last fait, died suddenly at , Bram: toil on.Satutlhay last. He Was (;oalerreb is a thorn ins the- 'flesh for about flftyetis yaar, of age and leaves I I.Imdon. :otter scaring the Forest his wife soil two suns. 1 t'Ity iwople out of 'their alts on the Madden. turkey question,. now Ilse folks til this Rev". :Morley D. Madden. pastor of ambitious burgh are giving tire ('•eek- •tA U'ine Hier ilethutliot circuit. died tiey,a frightover the military. cause suddenly mei- unexpectt•111y on Tues. kirifet'tr.7f.- At &fly riTt�it-lo.'ks like +t day. March lot. Ile had been stfected fironi the fallowing -:u ncle printed, in tot a • time by partial nerve. p1u•aly- MAnday's Adverti-er t sit, but continued in his 'work with The question of huger campgrounds the hope of overcor6ing the diseaee: will be tekeu,.uphy 1p.aT0rjteattie in. He leaver his wife and an infant exon ; a very short time. his father and her, who lige at A rmatference will he held with Col. Loitidt st. antro -survive. -• , Jjaidgi til and an effort v: ill be made ls. _ Griffith. •tondo a suitable piece "Eland. . '1%'e will deal with shit: latter in a The home of Chitties Griffith. Elgin very tent days," s• a• nt Ills 1Vor>,4), .,t a Vetuae, has been berkuvedhe the boss will have a coiitfaQenty with Col. Hoot= of their son, Chat les Elvin Yiriflith, gins in older to tin,: out lust what is aha died on Saturday Bost. aged eight wanted. and theft we will know what ears and ei •ht " tunths. The little failing health compelled him to re -} tire. The year of the building of the G. T. 11. NJ Uodetich he was a Coeur ber of the town council, but apart from this be took no pati in public tile. lo religion he was a Presbyter- ian and in politics he ass a staunch Liberal, (wing a regular reader of The Globe until his eyesight failed. He was twice marriid,'1Ms•first wife tieing fellow had leen 1 0 1 > . t ria had elmost et -no -teed w en he suf- fered an attack of 1a gt•i int. Inter- ment wits made in )laitlant eerneter t- on on Tuesday of this week. . Griffith and fancily have the sympathy of the cwuthunity. • Donaldson. 1Vord haas been received by hikrela- tives here of the death of &them. son of Maw. I►onaldM,n, of fold, which ocotirr•11 at his h n Fort Qu'Appelle; Sank., of pneumon after an illness of a few Clays. 11 had been a it•sident of that section' fo over twenty yearn. In August last he came to the old home. here -and married Miss Louise Adams, of Col• borne. and the widow and other rela- tives have the sympathy of all who know them in their bereavement. Sullivan. One of the old residegts of Ashfield passed away on Sunday, 27th alt., in the person of Mrs. Sullivan,. widow' of the late Jeremiah Sullivan. of Lames. The deceased had lived in Ashfield during nearly the whole of heriong. life of over eighty years, and was much respected in the community. Her husband died several years ago, and she is survived by three daughters - llfrtrerTltos.-4:4mats aaoi the Mirsea Ellen • We will have to want- nurse vas 1 we are to keep the camp, l:iaierlch is out canvassing fcr.it this year. 1 understand that letters have been written to every ',dicer in the district asking him his nl''''n pi' the advisa- bility of taking the wont) to 4 iodetiett, and also asking his aseirtance in doing so. . "The city bought the lirrsvnt cainp It- grounds, and they are tier small.' We ar will have to get more ground. and Col. Hudgins will see it we can get More land there for the tittle being. If that can be done. all will he. tett—If-not: e will have to look somewhere else. 'eat .year. I presume the question of la ger grounds of it pt•rnitinent nature wi have to be considered." T e aldermen are in favor of obtain- ing a arger place for the soldiers. and it is p battle that something of a very definit nature will be done very shortly. Easter and St. Patrick Postal Cards We are showing a very nice line of Easter •and Si-P.at'rick Postal- Cards, rang- ing in price 2 for 5c and 5c each. .ee.eeee Easter Cards, ranging in price from 2 for :cc to 25c each. The Colonial Rook Store GEORGE 1'a>1('1'iii;, ►'1 1.. l'hone fet1. Ooderi• h MAPLE LEAF GROCERY AND CHINA HALL 'PHONE 5 2 . HAMILTON ST, FRESH LETTUCE AND GREEN ONIONS. CELERY - RH U BARB C'111tieeat g'napn 3"ii etablea pt•octl rabic Fresh shiptnett tu,t 1 eceived. RADISH ES CABBAGES. BEETS, PARsNJPS. CARROTS ANL) TURNIPS SPANISH ONIONS. New let lust FRESH, SALT AND.SMOKED FISH. GERMAN SAUSAGES AND CURED MEATS. CHOICE BUTTER ANI) FRESH EGGS. COOKING ONIONS. Dt. tib• fail to visit mu Ghinawar;: Depafrtmeht..-- MORRISH & VANAT ER 11 .1V11T1l\ -ofRl-F'I'. a,rwit.wrans-at: taw no wawa<wAreINl PligIllettenn .aa>r.r.moneme.•aes HOCKEY NOTES. (,olericb Collegiate Institutewill play Clinton Colle,tiate Institute ..n Friday night. . The final game for the rural charn- pionship of Huron cpunty will he Played between Goderich township .and Catherine "Sullivan. The funeral and Renmiller Saturday night. Dilbe took plaice on Wednesday of last week calied at 7.15 sharp. iet Kingsbridge, Rev. Father McCue- Collingwood Wins the Finals. mick officiating. The intermediate 0. H. A. chant- , Spence. pinnship goes to Collingwood. London Many friends in Goderich heard played at Collingwood Friday night with regret of the death of Miss 1Seda and the score was o to 1 in favor of the Spence. eldest daughter of Mr. and home team. making a score of It to 7 Mrs. F. H. Spence. of Berlin, which in favor of Collingwood for the round. occurred on Sunday' last. , The young Collingwood's win is popular in Gode- lady was twenty-two years of age and rich, as London got itself thoroughly had been away training for a nurse. disliked here during the long -drawn - but took typhoid fever and for some out contest with the locals. This was time had been in. the hospital at Ber- the fifth time Collingwood had got lin. She was a frequent visitor in the into the finals, and in taking the cup summer at the home of her uncle, for the first time they bave the con - William Marlton, and thoae who had gratulation of hockeyists everywhere the pleasure of her aegnaintallce join on a well -ear ped victory. l with the friends of oil• former towns- The London trims ban iuetted the roan in sympathizing with him and his Collingweoders after the game ifi even le the ee C • wouldn't heir three surviving ao dh-' London. They wife and t K ters. The body was brought to (:ode- Goderich players have a pail of cold rich for interment and the funeral water when they played in London. took place on Toesdeyy afternoon to Goderich may get hold of that 0. H. Maitland cemetery. Theservices were A. championship cup before ,London conducted by Rev. M. 'Turnbull, rector yet. of St. George's chinch, and the pall- lit the four games played with i.on- bearers were ('hu -lel Saunders, Fred don Goderich tamed eighteen goals to Sturdy, Jeincs ('aarrie and J. Lawrence. I sixteen for London. - McCarthy. There is a ilelcher on the Cglling- An old resident of (ioderich, in the tat tearp. He is a rousin•of the person of Patrick McCarthy, died on Goderich coverpoint. Mendes at Point Edward, where he Though they did not bring the had Iwen living for the \past three coveted championehip to(.odericb, the `ears with his niece, Mrs. Muirhead. local team did {letter still — they For about half a century he was -one flayed a clean,. ean,. gentlemanly game of our well-known and esteemed cit:- throughout the season and won the zens.. Born in Ireland, at Limerick, additration of all true sporte for their he came to Canada with his father clever play and manly demeanor. and two sistet•+r_and - tb Perhaps some lessons have been settling first at Stratford. where the " fearned.imin trite season t experience, fancily lived for some years befale sed we will look for anotheraucreanhal coming to (aoderich. The deceased season for hockey in 1l. 11. tch the name SPOOL SILKS into V011ilr memory It stands for all that is best in spool silks. By their exceptional strength, lustre, elas- ticity and smoothness, BELDING'S SILKS have obtained a unique posi- tion in the favor of Canadian dress- makers. But, above all, they appreciate BELDING'S SILKS because we keep our -range of colors right up-to-date= nodding a new shade immediately it is origin- ated, and thus being able to offer a most comprehensive color assort- ment. Bolding spouts o. hen empty kreng pitestnisse. Write for the lint—ter mak year de.Mr. had been failing in health for home Certainly. line, and was seventy-eight years of oYow, childrenrt asked the tracker, age at the time of hie death. The "what is the use of a calendar i' body was brought' to Goderich for „Please, mum,'- answered Willie, "it interment and the funeral took place tells where you'd orter git yer life in - on Wednesday morning from the rioted."—Cleveland Leader. residence of his nephew, John Hurley. _ _ to the Catholic cemetery. Rev. Father `The Voluble One -"I can always re - McRae conducting the services of the .member. striking faces." Pat—"Be- church at Sr. Peter's, The Pall -bear- goers! yell niter tate to recollection ers were John McDonald. John and if ve poke moie." Owen McEvoy. M. Stapleton, A... Wil- Iilustson and P. Finn. Captain Mc• earthy is a nephew of the deceased. I.ilnited 71 i1.tY STIIEVT 'I'0i1ONTO Watson. haat Friday saw the removal from our midst by death of one of the town's oldest residents, the Iste James Watson. to whom we refer, having been a resident of Goderich since 114 11. The deceased was of a retiring, p oeition. but his lotlg connection with the business life Id the town made him one of the neat familiar figures on the streets until he retired from active life in the year 114161. Since that time Lyric Theatre NEW PICTURES EVERY —NI -0 # T NEW illustrated Songs he had been an invalid. but he was always chee►ful and contented and Best MUSIC the many friends who met him when iCr Was able (4) IIP trait were surprised AttrflcIive Special Features s at his splendid memory. which never failed untft_.the end, though the da- Something t0 Please Everybody Ce:aMd N•a< n1'.ety Trews. one month and seven days old at the time of his Nothing to Offend death. 11r, %Vernon was born at White ililfo, Hanffahire, acotland, on Jewelry 281 h. Mit and `acne to Usti- 5C 0 n1 Y c luta in She year 1514. - Foil some r11ne e - s he winked et hie trade as bakep' at . Pit. John's, Quebec, Montreal, King Mon, Hamilton and Woodstock, end.• r s mentioned above. reached Goderich Bot t1S & SC h a d e n the yes' IMIS. his brother, the late 0 he 1Vale boring talon of Lyric Theatre IA d here. He opened a lakeahp Isere and continued in business until 1,1 y o f Here aresome specials for Llle inky setting' month of March.. Values in dew,- clean, fresh, dependable merchandise' you will' not. duplicate. North the conning after. Back of every v:trd 'our guarantee to takl' _bac anvtl,ung,you art not perfectly satisfied• English Prints, 121c . . Hundreds and hundrtds ut scuds rola-)rtl,l / direct from the English makers. Wide. 'tat , cloth, fine quality, colors . fast, ail the. new designs. white, navy. red end black. Immunise thebeet Print in the trade without a 1, 1C doubt. Per yard e .Indigo Prints, '12.1c Hundreds of yards of .that, too bought direct from the make's in En and • and imported by outeelves-i an excel ' anally, good cloth --better than the oidinary yuck shilling'_ navy Prints you will get in almost!all the stores—all small pattetus, te. atoll 1 stripes. Vett' special, per y rd..:.... 12.cc India Lawn, 12`,c • More whits India LawnAt 121r —tilt_ gtttalit you pay :'r lc for in most of places -42 to 111 inches wide. Note that width. Extra- fine -- just right for waists, and children's h wear. Special. iter yard �'2C 121c Towelling, otic Striped crash Towelling ----this in a rough finish that cornett between the ordinary weave and the Russian crash ---it niekes one of the • hest drying Towels for ordinary use you can get—sold at 12'c the trade over. Two hundred and flay yards just in from Englandi OC Special, at per yard 'Oxford Shirting, 12!,c and 15c English Oxford $dieting. g u a r an t e e d absolutely fast color*, fine qualities that will stand no era. of bard wear :. neat, smtill patterns, dark and light blues—tone of the bestselling cloths we heal. A fresh ct o si n- nent just receia'ed -front arrow the' 15C water. Very special at 1'_'lc end ... . English Flannelette, 121,c Pure white Flannelette. Knglisli make, firm and strong, very soft finish. Special. t' . per yard. Illi and .... i �''-'C English Cotton, 10c• Five hundred cards English white cotton, fine cambric flnash, impnitrd by onrselvra direct. full yard wide—the quality of 124c Cotton you will get almant any piece— 1 OC -another March special, at per yard ' Sheeting, 25c English Sheeting, plain or twill. very Rem and strong, two yards wide —quite the Ilett we ever so1d--at-tfla money— aiC C another March special, at per yard .... (au•,v� Oinghams. 10c Fite huod1w1 yards of English and Scotch (uiiighitnls. plait) ('1)100., lesec1A ao(1 stripe*, colors a',-ohitcty fa`t, free Irom dressing—our "own direct inlportatinos—splentbd'cloths for watats, wntppers, and children's write, 10c Special, per curd ... Cashmere Hose, 25c`. Just the \right weight for Spring wc:11. t.. Plein wenn sewitile!ti feet. will •give .tatis- trctory wear- VIII .•Xtra good Hose at a 25., popular price. Special, per pair • The 5;41e of Underwear and Dresses 0 11'e are holding Our annual. Pato of At bite cotton Underwear, Wrappers. etc. _ Threw are __the *stapler of one of. the hest- facto/ les in Canada, and we ars ct riog o—ur%uw(lreds of gattn'nts at factory prides. and in some t',sses lessit is one of the lest chances you will jsave this season to eta u supply at money- saving price*. New This Week \1'hite 1'.•st ug Linen Sailings, Dress ' . Goods. Spring (',rats. and some very handwttne . Cotton Drees Materials ate among this week'-, arrivals. Towelling Ends, 22c Fifty ends pure linen emelt Towelling,. I 7 t,, 113 inches whir, heavy weight, ,.,d horde. 1.1 length of 24 yard-.. Exceptional value, 22c at 'per end - Heavy Crash, I0c 1•:xU.t heavy ti,• ,nth na il �, e 1 • (' • a l w l 0 halt l g blest -lint rid tender. guaranteed every thread pure linen. You r.•annet but it wholesale for env les- than this spacial March (trice. Imported direct frim the maskers. Three hundred yards of it offered Satin day, at per yard IOC Dress Serge. 60c Fifty -four -inch ell -wool Dress Serge. navy and cream only, lined flnieh, splendid appeal - ing and wearing cloth. Very special, C(1C r :at per yat(1 VVV New Crinkle Cloth and English Cambrics Ten or twelve patternsin Crinkle (doth and English t'dntbries. New designs- lend - eaten e.ouabiiatinna, Splrnild w acing qualities. i', tar, xta,ntttlxtf.4.rf� 4>41 15c 1, yard I s LAST CALL FOR- COATS This is the last can for Winter Coats. The Last dozen or.so must go Saturday or next week. We imply must sell them, and are not sticking at the price if we can make the selling a certainty. For instanoe -we aro selling Children's and girls tweed and beaver Coats for $I IS each. which are nearly- two, Cure.. and four times the price. Just about half a dozen to sell. \I issea' and ladies' Coats at $3.46 that you could pay $i to $Il for and get good value for your money. Not morel than six or seven of these left 1,0 sell. . At $t11iS each we will cell ten ('bats on Saturday. These are eVrr y one new garments this season—the last of those we were Belling at *16 to $'ll. \Ve simply cannot carry one of them over. What ever they will bring they moist toe sold for this week. That's why you can take your choice Saturday. for $(1.88—unquestionably the best Ccat chance offered this season. Only nine or ten to sell. .. ,tet■=sawei CAN WE INTEREST YOU IN A FUR COAT ? if you have the slightest notion of buying we can, for we have-a'mnt an even dozen of Lidiea' Fur and Fur•lined Coats on our racks. We are anxious enough to sell them 1 t inake it worth your while buying one if y-ou ran use It at all. With every ('oat woe.; our guarantee that itis perfect in every way and exactly as represented. You cannot make any mistake buying a Fur Coat this winter, especially when you can get one at prices we are williue to take fur this last doyen left in stock. -- — 1 • i