HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1910-3-10, Page 9now feet, lyceal •In . roe JI v SON tors left st 5 CTOR1 Uy, ITEC Wend ith Engine DEALERS Melee bei, f ids to Loa i bir•ectroy -NTS and the Col t heysupply. MES is to which hr apptoti NUTII'EP Mcrrhast ineial tow** the foetid keel trill M rerelt t of I can alar el, or fare Cs., Ltd. ado i. E. ion them I time invited toient t-shar- lf ear n j.any of it - !Alpert, to the deicing Reines* would I aatif,- stoOW' • large Rhee. R now by ghbora seders, 1, each aced in ing he .nd we P total mthly r Ltd., '` s i� J , y ,rs0,.e, TEtkfGl.' .l5 ) arurs'str,.1* TRF sIIGN AL' (:01)IrR1(`H. „ONTA ItlU r xt THURSDAY, MYNAH 11), 1910 9 4444. 919.494149giniviectilinite******************1194.949 ctstgieiteilsi. 49110.011*** The News of the District. ' '+644*4A '*+ � 45'64 44145454 444444 + 444454�654dk464444 454* eer, W Squaw McLaren ; second engin- eer, C. Hilbert ; purser, ,C. Hiers : St4Ward, E. McCallum. Nort�ikin-IYiiVfga Collingwood. March 2. --The Noetb- ern .aviggatton -C pounced the toliow•ion appaintturtts for the season of 1910 : SARNIA DIVISION. ,'• • • DUNLOP, i BAYFIELD. '' THE PIONEERS OF ZOLBORNE. lie r _ e tote! \\'►<uNlpNunv, March 11th. llc'H( r Mr. John Ltnklater Writes Interestingly FF pile of Y• 8. No, 11 to N"abret y./ Menwrarrtti*-,t-tx-4isY \ame,, In order of merit: lir. IV. • embus The ellcial in the town hall oil ,T ' e( t1aQ1d Tom' - l'leinentiue Williams. $3. t%Ow 11I, -i t,3frealletaatlas e;ffeninr(_tot , under fhb Whr 1 think or. thedria,d+alio. youth. 1.11„wig Glazier, 147 ; Etta !Stewart, aiurpices of the Methtalist church- ...ii: hurch ! 1 tales with a slrtl►to the days gone by. ; tird Davi, 711; Atone Stwart, ?badly.' Aid ehe ety, stow quite'emcees- Anal wane to rIto he d ysgu.lAnnie Hker..i4; Joe Glazier, u7; fial in spite of the vry had condition -- - Old.aea= Aileen Horton. 63: Pearl Fulton, M: ed the reeds, ,end over twenty donates i')6AR \11L F.utTON•-It was lay %bug, Shaw', it ; Willie Chisholm, 'le war realized. The chief attre etion painful lark to moist in the burial of Ir• IL --Edward %Vintage,. flu: Hamid• on Ihr pcogr*•n wa+. a debate on the an old -ti Ir friend, 3I r. David Heal y. tote Cheeses 71: Ethel Jewell. de: Jim etihject. -Resolved. that marriage ie. a fewdei a o. Ile nes the oldestchi-huhu, 53•' Sr. Pt. 11. --Frank sl.ee*wL'': This debate a e was given byY .4t tihi.•1ds : brave Mcleod : Herold Ful. the nterrii.d telics of the Ladies' Aid sou of the late Her .Healy, who with Ie 11 to re h family of gsu h and three t d Horton, iietcirt •, She. H. Little acting g ll.' fr)rd. .Ig• Pf. 11.-Hlldred ) 1, Una las Fort. sons came to deride on lot 11, L. R. F'., Anthony Ilttter, dfw �pbine Chirholul, taiu uu theieg negative. and alts, Fort- about the year Ili'i7. He had Sought Mester .Fulford.- _ 1 r, I.- Virginia' per on the urgative. A moat intrtrs•• ,ort one Camtnirh, who had built w wileeol'. .Kt.•I-GA'Yeitllto, Teacher.- inti-aai/l ..ttwa..auuiriug tiircuesian (!ark_ -41W WIN. Ca tutisu and L•thd• abuiltnt Mere. keit. abets hrating'bath sides tike om the duce. The 19er vont was ere - LANES. ridges, Dr. Smith. Ed. Elliot and ii. tired ierinsiuner of the British army Yeo •.t (ioslee i •h township, gave their Ii,a . Ti'v.sDAY, Marsh let. 41et•fsian lis 1eror u( the afrwalive. e)d-war a well-known figure in the e, 1,1 .1l. HEM/HT.-The followinir ie.- tie now the'• boy*+tui girt* ttlry neighborhood with hie erect and audit- ion o•f the pupils of S. S. N... Ilk ,brestlle lively ageim and feel confident ary beatingand bis gqenial and 'kind to r;,iaheael, way- He was a touch.reepected citI- zeo. '.The family have all parw4l away „t:. t AUBURN, with the reception of Miss Margeret ") t .E wnd Joseph, who live a 'short way 31uNIrAY, \lar. 7th. (row the old place. • Nlstl's Nereusr • ,-Thee iv every iheti: Uyr late departed friend was, like e si hit: ea -Pring Sat present. - sire cow -_ hie father, of a veryfriendly, dim - hag id Nowt. and the chirping Of rib- posit' and a favorite generally. He ins h..v•• leeeene familiar euuide. , wee in his bappiett element when he \luny ei i1 ne»red the ie,. going out on ; haul set•,!nn foil of Lads and lasses auf1 the river last:- Sunday evening had f.i., a iuliu at breast. Ile was a M,.. Moiled F:rrett bee recovered ii'i)Ia itteaurtfttl axetnan fuel would point to an attack id tul,riliti' .. Mise Effie' al keit' without a mrark.•orl it. He did Ji.tu.x. Synge taineJ a Mueller of young Ibis share of the hard work .•f resdaiui- iseep a at her hump. last Friday night. ; Ing (tae --Like road hems the turret and '1'11.- r'eH,,,t ww. 1.11••11• piny nag cal;•'t making it a place id ;dente and tempi - 141114 ..,.I..st•Their-.ley a ',ember lit ieess. The Lek.. road w•a. a narrow dewy row i vele diStIOSed of toy Luc- mod reed; the Revamp -holes laid with tiers et the Auburn hotel. Owing 1 •gs laid erosswise *end called a eordu- to the had coodit ion of tike roads , r•,y' 'coed. The 1221h concession nes ,nertswi r ouly chapped out, end there was it lee of pt•dc-tleels' fitem the eft ,nr ern:,- inrrnuung.... „A nutalwr •it . young; Imatubles. nearly • toncheel scram it. ( taws, a pe, ph. Icon the yi-lease spent :e very; tiraly'e hou.0 was shout half -way be- United ;hates Congress yesterday in eti.i •y,41.1.• elite et the hr)uur of itubet1 ; tween home and the *.:hoof. and we amending the Mayne- lddrich tariff Hu.t.n. Nile. laic Irid,y aright ), always had a warm .tvelcume from the law so as to remit the tonnage taxer ;rent,,..+it's euchre. end et *midnight (.'li4e. Ilib A144i). mill hits e,,111111.IR•ed Lundy when, neem) frozen eft a Cold on I'amulien vessels a.t Aulerican porta • v by ,alt u etoget .nu the Y will efollowed • • 1 w'ias 'lei ted lhu 1 u vv a i. • \ r t e t , i : winter o • we called t rest la es r lu.ul 1 mr' 1. 1 r t, n a na r u r n tufoaby aa..I.ti t u 1f,' K.greed .,f Mc t'.Itb, "\V taro Al- Mel- lacia!ke•n •et the s...ling It me, hes Leen trans- , warmed up on our way to. school. similar action on the pre of the Can- nitle.• �.• .J tiling• In.nlw evl thetc.ftit Leri Int the. t•�nd .1111••e, Toronto. The Reboil was situated on the cuener adian Government. .a ••'•wd.ef weeks.. as the IAwob•,j .14.0 J.r Gr.n, 1'4,* the ti deritit Of- of Mr. John Andrew•*. 'farm. As wain expleihed to Congress: the -,d '.11r )fathering -clipped Ilse Wilt fie, . b-sa Aqq•iyen;t ton• varatry at • pre.., though the little lot now iwlonas to clause in the Payne -Aldrich sent which ;ante -tie" to the 'drains of• enee1 rot • .. �`'ma, Weedieit! and (aamily,Jeseph 'I'houtpsnn. The school was repealed the law providing for ere. in4ai,• Wile:bed by Wine NV batty : �,ite,ve r• (',coed t.1 their home in Sas- �'klenit twenty feet ,square, of unbewn miesiotl of the tonnage taxes: on ('tina- %.%ul. 'Weak -field , acting hs n1,k.I.e.' „f 1 testa ,j, . . 1 loge patched at the .',,•nets and dean veseels entering Atneriean lake c;erm•,uir-. The getht�eing broke •I, to - -- ' chinked and plastered between the ports wits inset ted iliadcel tenlly, To in 1)11' , re, MOM' • Stove" by thee,r114 ;��� s-"t:AHLOW. - •,- large, The school furniture consisted meet it, however, the Canadian Gov - dig ,d'".' oI 1 Lang Syne," - l3 . rr\'tet+,Fan aY, �Iarc4 lkb. of writing desks faidene/1 Ili the well eminent un November t� Inst passed . " f,• + and,l:•nj• bare, Fu^_kles'. Itetli+hes to sit an under in ('tpleincil wit it.l etwing the tap a't' ELD. .aafif l tfE our` to alit d weather ehay caught fur the month of Febt-u Ash!'eIJ, oO) for Haines o,eur iu ender of swot t4. I V. 1,.. Sherwood, I. Jelin t, e. - .I r. 1 V Al Nel.ou; it tome • 1 . .`'nerltrrr, I. Smeltarro J a 1. • 111. T. Little, t3. ether- , ,>., , 1, \\ . -1)rrnnan, H. O'Loughlin. p'• .i,d,,•ton, H. Caird. Jr. 1I1. .1. let'1., i t Diemiiu. Mr. 11. -It. bar. rlsh, .1. howler, W O'Loughlin. Jr. U• yl. 1►owney, 8. Stuart, 1«.Yerileh, .1. se:..rtt.11. Juhnrt es Jr. 1't. J I. ' A. Setae .1k-Ferbtu0Dn. -:V. Srtieltzer, 1. u'Letigbhu. Sr. I't. I. -1'. Sine -11-7W: t', 'dnliiu. NI. JIm1NATONK, T.wcl.rt. (;0DERICM TOWNSHIP. MOmU,al% Match 7th. - • • 'ARTY. -A ale»,ant time esti spent at i er in to, Mr. :AO Mir. Oliver F. EelWiLiA. uu fleasiIuy evening last, when tIT..m-u lane. ..i 'Taylor's l'.ea•ners I'aat' Clot.. ¢al'.•Iwi to !Amend the evening•' The lore ;sit•. 1 the e''••hiu;r wee spent ill Messmer Ilfatuonic -Captain H. D. Foote ; chief engineer, S, -Captain! punier, J. H. Ronan ; . $gwatt, J. Uardhouse. Steamer Huronic-Captain, • A. L. Campbell; chief engineer. tames \Vil- eon; punier, T. F. Cavanagh: stew- ard, .1. 11. Morrison. • Steamer Saronic-l'aptaiu. A. M. \Vright ; chief engineer. W. Whipple ; purser, P. Bentley ; steward. NV. Hunter, Steamer Majestic- -Captain, 'W. G. Cox ; chief.dtagineat', Anil. Kerr. Steawer Doric- -Captain. 8. 11111: chief engineer, H. Nyder; ;.unser. J. 1. Bekcbetr• Steamer Ionic -Captain, 31, Iron- sidee; chief engineer. AV. G. Scott; purser, M. Sutherland. GRoitti1Ax BAY 1)Iv'InnoN, Steamer Germanic -Captain, .1Ioies ; aIle( engineet' Joseph Aston Purser, H. H. Storey; steward, 8. Bayley. - Steamer. ('it y \ of Midland--Oept.ain, M. A. Livinustonet thief engineer. •!(. harness : purser..N. Celine.; Steward. J. t.lIien. • Steamer \Vaub e -Captain. W. Car- ona ; chief engineei. S. Beatty : purser, J. A. 31ePadzet:. Tonnage Taxes Hemitteel..:,.r "' ' on. The (crest came Sup 'near to the privilege% which had been hitherto e t C;f: 1'1'P.nu.vt'. \i+Ien 11n. '11 to it, ag11 • •,,n Ilarold air vu- I -(act that eet`mpsnonuhf tuaccoynt ha%for d .ne entry 1( .l'anadiaceorded ca lak,sT port•( as of m d (boors; „hp sp ring weather II( au Sling 1111!.lsin • porton.. .1 anything vt•ry laid. since we lett. imrx,sjeer a tax of two cents per tons weri, >rce-sal 1.11.1114. wire urn- -1,t. yin+ t" t., Sipe :eta en i4 spending a s4auid,- lecintwe the teacher hal not. not to exceed ten cents in any one dt,Inl lhr sesia,n, Wr hav4 .nut i-,Irrw• d9)e withJrirnde inKx,•tel. I far to -go to get a 'belt gad. 'Andy yeses this heii.g the same rate at; was fel 1:.nu1 of .4h., lilobe 11 )tII'R w,Iki2:4 ` ,. • w•uiltd }'e8 believe it, we liked the. 'd,' 41irt•ge•d under the American law, As Fred eta baser, who spent the q• :Ills -Miler. •'i;,.t t w,i ,it.•,r,n..,at his honor in, titan-; to g,)1....1 get the gull to ere the other ►uouas the United States liter reptad- - Uwin1; to the very I,od rohditii)n''et I. -r, !eft ia•twe k-f.irkaaik, S:uk. - i fellow's jar•l'rt dusted.. :\wfgl, wxy 1't) ing the tax has been iteule effective 41tat,n!Ii Rev. A. 13, Junee 1.4iti.I rt tt . ltul thus* were carefree days. tlu• lnvernne•m( ,here will pass an - ,ow :I•• 14.1. heave !}is bot a.• .,t Nr.` 3itr' `am"..I opt ili.• _late elle-;. lirem- 1 In aur homespun and leenemaatle oth••r,.rter in Council making the ri•- hi, t, st nutU•su'e uI.1! wake to \V --t if,' "' "1 (:•i•,t .n, ru ik t.u.. t , thtsaf"'' clothes we 'wire all 'right. 'flume venetian W the old reciprocity mutual. li-'•1 ow ii,,nuybt•e)k.nn 8,1r044). !,,-,, flet 1 .et....1..! S ,10 .1e11..u1Av. • I clothes were see ua:ule to the latest --WT+is,4 wg ,w••l•: k mi« T. (1, ti:r•••i -d, t'.e.L Welter of bile i pari+ f.ishioti•. but to the drat old A horisms. ill a In one•• II" wank atte•nditi the p ohl4. w,i k'. OPIUM.. InsG•eJ o . •, .n K.. Itairds 1h at nude them sal h stitch wax t h,dni,t.d 14 -in home (lou. the West 11•e,eni tlI•-nu•• .^e ge 0 iJ girl, Only tailors and the vnlgse judge a K ..t tit, 1'.t!'... Sura, • wears. The dia. ,> J•d.n 1:e11, s.a,•kn-low of Joh•. I heels. Mcsttl'rrgl (tar end wide. soma ' evening judge. Hedtne n.!, >r.. Nhe, is homer .1n n veal Mr.., 1, . , nslayer end Mies Nellie find graves f • far where their youth- K j t i ' .1111. to a' 1,rl,li•d Nm oyster supper er at fol fern played, and it few ars left to unite wcare. to Jus wee null other friend. hen . 1 I t Women are better than men because f• Imil out then destiny to iii,yuwith • the do .nut !Hive w 'it 'to tet) )t 1 night goon indefinitely with this Y V 1 talk,. hit your space is valuable. and 1 )hem, • -The way .of, the transgressor is hard.' It. ought tie be after all the travel that's passed over 1t. The grub who Cinries himself a hilt - teddy exploits his limitations at the first Night. A -girl who aspires to being awfully simple succeeds generally in being supply awful. , is the night before worth the morn- ing after ?-Smart Set. The. Donna nook Epworth lemaree Ai*l'.l,t,;,,;•r. by Its• 1'+naadlan Oyler 1,41 *1r,.ngrd ft, huld.a literary , no., of F' •teeeet• On Wednesday evening. tosetws Timidity. Nat rh Lt, but ow io •• 11, v. J. It. 111110 preached i splendid tei the• %cry lead reedit an of the il),•a- -""e„•st on Sn.•d.y I•aar on 1h•• -uhjeei, will clary with a ached or two more. it WA. tho night wise to ;n+t,)4h,' it tic, ' ' Wirar, s Y g ALM No(st 1M, ' I shuiikl Tike to see a history of Col. lily 1alit date. The: Lewgur. onw,in 1.1,.,,,i,who weft, aI*Pnt mie.ed 4 tenet.' borne township. When'we lay those. - !ends t.. give the concert u I Feld •i• i • N11.-- Ktienl.u•c, of yiest Tor.heroes o1' the early drys 'annd, the C F,,M•14181".. Nnil way, Duet 1.. 1111.1, *'.lire to ''../7,',1111., *al IIth, • } ' 1 • nen, r.•aairn.11 hilus nn 1„1t11Jaa' ashen, air we to torn ansa' ant(•forget fir*. r --- j. '. o', g to help wait .1n- her fn;h r, them) forever:' 1 should like' to see * , LOTHIAN. \ It;, tit .n1.ue), who.: we ate Bled l.' the township put up a montintent to ave:±<,'r r e+HAY. MNr•h la Ir•Irn s• Ile.pru:iug, rb )ugh slowly' the ;loner of Colborne and round formerr -Frn.afl. ItKI'e)R The futl•+wing i► :di,•'. ,\It)1. I'rrpnson. 'a its- base plates the 'Viols that in Ili • the e.t.a', report 04 S. M, No. 7 for the resident of ('ti le:v. but flow of Win- they used in their work of congquest; Inlneth et-F.'hrualy,- •Name•.' n:rio, hi •.ipeg, h al. Meet re:y ill. out her many the axe. the handspike, the: ox -yoke. upld.[ In r• : V.-.. ,trdrna � hn_ r`Irl d here- ► ter pleased sed tn hear thrl1KR koR chainIntu c thingss to IV, -Jahn Mete est, Ron. Ste. ( she ;s improvir i nicely. We all asi.h them ul more inlportaoce titan° hind - Keith, K.nnrth Ii••u11,er.n77. Ethel to. leer .f. -rely twnvery, ers or mowers. \il•1(c,,l-, J•net Ritchie. - Dierelets rile Pie-byteriate Ladies' Aid intend To e( • back to thel history-wbo 'Rogow 1r.4i1. -Kele.cN,ai•, .Icahn Wailing their mums, St. Patrick's is to write Sty I do not know. but 1 5trat.n, Jr. 111, Oiivie M.•Keith. sewed on the usual elate. The euaton,- know one eminently, fitted foe the Ea'rlvn \Crllingtnn, le -.are nee Hendee any h sial timewill be eujayed. with teak. 1 refer to my friend Cel.• Var- son. Eerie M**nn, Elsie Iia e. Mr. some addituon,d trawls.* introduced, cog. it he will undertake it it will be I1.-f:1•aham McNay, Jennie Jo rs'on, sod is goes! time is promised. well Ansi' faithfully done. Ms stein, Jr. 11. - Uweudeliue Htalls ARK 1Kv-Htr,u. - lave hogs .Thanking you, Mr. Editor, for your Hultbe., Koh. Helm. Pt.. 11. --Lours i,.U•.. re..u•he,l the twrmri mark..1. F kitad)rset, Ttuly pours. 'loin. Mr. 1't. 1. -.flex. tJcNay. Ci i'- ;\n.ln•ws, of filalrrich, paving 9 cents JOHN L1NKL.ATF.R. lain) 11rPherlran. Jr. PL I. -'Thome' pie- pt With. on Monday at Nrliaw, fpr Leehurn, Feb: ••_Il. 1,(11). Helm. llsrgery Hughes, J. E. JOHN• a do„ble•dtckIusd.. Ne also shipped 'Keri -they was a word used to de- FnrraTeschrr. three roes of prince cattle frirtu the scribe. both Pities of aruc in a large log. \VKuvr:se.av, Match 94.1,, same plare on Saturday last. -and a good axeman triedtostrike so ' LOCALS. --.fames Henderaou, of Kin. Fenn Sous -W. L, Ferguson. our strtight that he. would leave no marks ltna,_Hient h few de, • with hie uncle. vet -ram hotIleman. has Aold his splen- on the kerf. but it would appear to be Alex. Mclean, 1 • Attended the did 100 -sere farm Piet yard of this place done with one stroke on each•side. •..taricee of Hee, J.S. Hardie. to .lames Watson, of the lith elme!es- C. P. R. FLEET COMMANDS. - . Ellinte btendy left for the` Wbif;iiair, trs osebstantialligg_re• He gets tan week. We wish him success.,.. s,ssessionon Apn1 1st next. We • • ' -` His rale McLeod, of Lochalsh, spent not know !lir. 11"ergusoo's intentions List of Ods Applin-"ridfbP tlppertake the eek -end at Lothian Mi.. for the future, but he will probably Fleet This Season, Jean ilmore 11 hone from 81. take a well-earned rest. Owen Sound, Nisch 4. -The follow- Jelen•Jo hospital, Chatham.. .-.Misr --- ing officers have been appointed for Jean •Johnston spent Sunday at her HE IS ALL. RiGHT. i' the (; P. R. upper lake fleet for the • home near Kintail A. Barnby coming season t was home from Lucknow over Sunday T. F. Heed and son, Jack, Had Urinary Trouble and Diabetes, Bo . B, M. Assinihoia--Captain, Luis Dodd's IG Pills Cured Him. Pyette ; fleet officer, Wm. J. McQuade; t for St. Helens sawmill Monday. They dl1ey second officer, George Bartley : chief i` -un Sir. Todd's sawmill a croason. \Veltesley, Clem Marsh 7th • - engineer. •\hgn. A: Cameron.; second The loud cawing of the crows is Itipecisl.)--•1flr. (ioorge Strobel. a bar • enqgineer, Henry Moore ;purser, Hilton me omen of spring atter the newsmaker, esf this -place, states post- Holo) , ; steward, Wm. A. Archer. titer. lively that Dodd'a Hidney Pills cured M. S. R-atwa = n, Malcolm him of urinary trouble and diabetes. McPhee; first office;,--e-try Canon ; Mr. Strebel says:chief engineer, Win. Lewis : second "i was troubled with kidney' die- engineer. Jacob Walters ; purser, \Vm. ease and diabetes all my life (111 i was Bethune : steward, George A. Caven. thirteen years of age. No one knows 3. S, Manitntaa-Captain, Jobn Mc - who has not suttee rd it, what itis like. ,intp re ; first officer. D. McIntyre ; sec - Our doctor could not eve) give me re- cid officer. J. Silverthorn ; chief en - lief, and all other Po -called special gineer, James Gregg;second engineer. remedies were,laeleee." 1 Frank Bowland ; purser, J. E. Laine; "11 was in-Jwhen aauary..1906, toward, !ien. W. Day. read in ytytit alensnac the rules�r 8 ' g. Atltahescn -Captain, James melt -examination, and detefmined to McConnell ; forst nflteer, Archie Mc - try i)odd's Kidney Pills. After nein Kinnon: second of Icer, Frank NIiddle- nine boxes i was completely cured. ton ; chief engineer. Wm. Lockerbie ; am now eighteen yeah old. and have second engineer, Geo. Adam ; purser, not been troubled with these diseases George Bethune ; steward, Isaac A. Riney. Dodd's Kidney Pill., with the Arnold. help of God, cured me." 8. 8. Alberta -Captain, F. F. Davis: Ant officer, John McCannel ; second The Progressive School, officer, Harry Lang : chief engineer , The one school in Canada which Charles Butterworth; second engineer. ape resnoexpense In providing mod_ Robert Sinclair W� r,BAAllvin Galla - ern equipment and rnmp.tent in- g tt. atructore in the Central Business (fol- The following are the officers for lege of Toronto. As a result this 1911) for the Dominion Transportation school enjoys a larger patronage this Company : ' year than ever before, and yet it is Steamer Caribou -Master, A. A. unable to supply the constant demand Batten ; first mate, It. F. Iteeh,irn ; upon it for well-trained young people ascend mate, Edward Heker; chief en - to fill positions as stenographers and gineer. H. H. Grierson ; second engin M,qk keeper.' in the offices of the test eer, H. Sholdire ; purser, leo Doyle ; firms in the. i)ominion. The sprin a 8t*ad, Royr 3h/tiManit(3h/timers. Meeker, N. J. term in this college opens on March 29th, se announced in our advertising McCoy flee,matt columna. eBccum chiefenginwi 1► Wel long wi CAUSE OF ECZEMA EXPLAINED; Genas Fester in the Skin and Blood Cures are impossible. After years of debate medical authorities are now agreed that eczema and other skin linemen are 'not seated In the Mond, hut ere caused b3' germs in the akin. Myriads ret microscopic animals gnaw the flesh last below the epidermis. The petient a perfectly healthy, it is only the skin that is diseased. Hence, scient- ists IIP Dow agreed that you must :ere the skin thtough the akin. The medicine must be be in liquid form in order to penetrate properly. as salves and ointments clog the pores without reaching the inner skin. The remedy that will search out and destroy the disease germ, atop the itch and soothe the healthy Gomm is that mild, risen (•omponnd of nil of wintergreen, thymol, glycerine, etc., known as I). i). 0. Prescription. The Instant you wash with this ,nothing lir{aid you will find the itch reMlithieves,d, We positively aaenre lou Write the D. D. D. laboratories, fDpa tree trial mottle trod } royeto, 11 ymitalelf. For sale by all druggists. Have One Doctor No sense in running from one doctor to another. Select the best one, then stand by hind. Do not delay, but consult him tune• when you are sick. "Ask his opinion of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral for coughs and colds. Then use it or not, Just as he says. :y• pub. I•h our formulas,v• r•elea .Ie0Lol r 7 rt•i oar N4MI1.. we � e w ot tIIaa 7 000•Ylt •Yr 7 Azle s tactor Always keep a box of Ayer's Pills in the house. Just one pill at bedtime, now and then, will ward off many an attack of biliousness, indigestion, sick headache. How many veers has your doctor known these pins? Ask him all about them. I -nolo eR the J. C. &rot 0o., Lowell. Sass.- F GRA Homeseekers' Excursions TO WESTERN CANADA V:A C ';'.CAGOt '. Truest i'.•••,flr ItIdeay. April 5, 10 ; May 3; 17.. 31: June 14; 28: .July 12. 26 ; august 9, 23; Sep- tember 6, 20. - Winnipeg and return $32 Edmonton and return $42.501 '1'i,; kets good for sixty days.. • Propnrtinnute' rates to ' nreneipal point. in Manitoba, ;Saskatchewan and Alberta. -- -- - - lar pamphlets givinglista. and ',art ial is •,t ••Prange 1:Io►neeteads," ••Lends for Prdreh:ie. along thl! Grand Trunk Pacific Railway," apply to F. F. Lawrence, ' Town Aged. OMee hours 6.111 a; to to 9 p. en. or address ,1.' D. McDONALD, D. P. A.. G. T..It.a.To or:to. NATTY UP-TO-DATE Spring Tailoring 6iu' dale. - . sed`-1,aa rocentIy rel ur ned from taking ,a three -weeks' course in cutting- and. garment -fitting with the .John .T. ,11 itchell Co., New York, and ) we are now in a better I�. sStion than ever to suit the most fastidious in cut, style and material. Mc can Bros. THE PA ('E t'L.OTIIING STOKE WHEN SPR coIEs ,• 'be sesrm • 1 y maser stn Wail. ; ,rel •h.. is not ,the .1 e u :e t ng people vyh., the eem1112nd of Sboedoar. ound W.• i our- atuc:J:. new hares ••no•ilnte themselves in a Shoe question rrnpertant. Tor- yo desire Shoe individualindividu our stock. In ail the rea nothing better can he have more than double: which Includes all the u •all the popular leathers. You as particular- as you' like, if there ie any such Slink as pie thesis Mhoes-willaile it - - - A Clergyman's Concession. Sir James Crichton Browne told a Food story at the Sheffield Burns din- ner. At a certeln dinner a venerable clergyman confessed that he was tipsy once. He had just metaled, he said, and had himself to marry a couple. As was the Senttish custom in those days. the ceremony was in the even ing„ and he joined in the supper af- terwards. As the toasting was going on . be realized that he was getting tipsy. When he got home he stealthily snipped into the bedroom. and was relieved to find that his wife load fell- ers asleep white reseeding Sit bed. He vete getting into hed as quickly as be could, thanking God that he had ao happily escaped detection, when be heard his sweet little wife, in her soft voice. exclaim, "John. dear, why are you -oiling to bed with your hat on P" -Seottish Awerican CHILDREN In disorders and dis- eases of children drugs seldom do good and often do harm. Careful feeding and bathing are the . babies' remedies. Scott's -Emulsion is the food-medicirre that not only nourishes them most, but also regulates their digestion. It is a wonderful tonic for chil- dren of all ages. They rapidly gain weight and health on small doses. POR SALT( 8Y AI,l, DRrGGISTS Send 10c , Mame of paper and this .,i Int r be•ntilul io-1nite Rank and l'h.Il'• sketch nn•,k Each Lank mot..- us , 1:0s1 luck Penny. SCOTT a ROWNF. 176 yc.11 •.,-..•n I. . W. Ter>n,r. 0,0. REDUCED ciAiESi- $42.15 VANCOUVER VICTORIA SEAT rt, E TACOMA PORTLAND NELSON ROSSL.AND SPOKANE - FROM GODERICHL ONT. Second Claw: coo -tray, on wale daily until April Lath. ' \ Pronortionatdly low retro to sod from other points. A For full part iculaty and tickets can Oh ./08. vKI DD, C. P. R. Agent, fioderich, Oso. telae helms &50 e. m.\to 1190-p. •m• or write ft. L. Thompson, C\ 1', R., Toronto. FINE TAILORED CLOTHING R MEN FITS WELL LOOKS WELL WEARS WELL When made by JUST- RECEi J ED -a large - eh' • 'Mint of • Trunks and Suit Cases h.." &tlle-in and see theta. MLELLIOTT .THE SQUARE. q A Dollar Saved q isaDollarMadefl q•Li o • Anyone who watches our made. during the coming season r.. takee advantage of he.h can make Stoney. - DUNLOP The Tailor, West St. CANADIAN NORTHERN ONTARIO 0 The Established Route to Gowganda is by the Canadian Northern Ontario to Oowganda Jut/ellen and • the Gow- Rands Trans rt ('gmpeny. Fast and Tellable sere' Fifteen hours shorter than any other orate end lower rates. Passengers con, from outside of Toronto can an e very fast con - fleet ion by taking t e Canadian Pacific Winnipeg Express at 1910, connect with the C. N. O. train at Mudhnry, which waits for this train and arrives in Gowganda that eveninjp at 0.00 p. nu., or under twenty-three hours. For tickets and information apply to nearest 0. P. 50 Ticket Arent. Q O '',FENCING We have a large ginentity of F'encipg, on which you rah say, about >i5,(10 on every one. hundred rods ey buying at prevent suet prices' instead of waiting ;until the d of April and paying Spring price+. , aa• : ,, HEATERS If you want a Radiant Home Heater next Fall, invest $37.0), which is only making you :i per cent. In the Bank. and have It make over 49 pet• cent., as you will save 514 4(4 on it six month-.' investment. We are selling other Heaters et fit eat reduction, we require the room for Spring goods. 43-37 If you intend to paint inside or outside, call in and see RampleH of Hollywood paint -they will please you, and the price will assure ea sale. We haveonlr a limited quantity, so do net delay until the best colors are al sold. \TACUUM CLEANERS hen house-cleaning• do not raise, yooir carpets : get 1,11 Varutttn Cleaner; which will we all the hard work. And dou't forget that a Hills Varnish Stain will renew rubbed aril scratched fitrnitnre-brighten up your house. LAWN MOWERS Do not fo et that the good old summer time is near at hand, and that n will require your Lawn Mower again. Is it sharp or out of re air? It so. let us know. and we will send and get it and put it in epair for you. i)o it now. do not leave it until you want to u it And want it in a few minutes. Those tush orders do not do - 4fit�s-; uetice to you or ourselves. CEM ENTfia A Are you going to nae a y Portland Cement 'Ode summer:' I have contracted far etsiel isof National Portland Cement, and will be able to supply you mmediate wants. For Plumbing, Heating, Eaves;roush;ng and Electric Wiring 'Klee us a can. All woele promptly attended to and fully guarai►teed. , 'Phones : Ikon 'Plisse as Hems 'Phone 113 CHAS. C. LEE