HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1910-3-10, Page 8a THURSDAY, MARCH 10, 1910
Hound or repaired.-
AB d ron1IU alcor ed to On leav tug
tJsatp tTHF• eau` AL. uorelYoh
A. E. ,TAY LOR., BTKATIflhari
MUSIC -�'+-
'LIR. M.. B. KILPAI'K. A. 0. S. M.
111 t London, England). organiet of tit. (lenges
church. Uoderich. i. prepared to rave in.lrur'.
tion In pipe organ. uluoo and vocal chit ure
Special attention given to the valor. Fur pm.
Oculars apply to M. is Kir k, ittbe Irl
Market .tr•et. near Ilantisr urob. rot 10
Mrs. W. (rules• corner of Brute snit 'orth
Plano playing, Theory. Harmony and
ounlerpoint. Pupils prepared fur axamlua-
lossofToronto Conservatory of Muatc. Apply
at Thomson
t K•e
• InCtdon,resldenceof r. Me. oken-
OMostreet. Oodench studio .1 Y. M.
room" near Standard Loaf, ('o, • attics.
North street.
it Wal 11MAU Jawxl.Lg; OPTICIAY-
South side of Square. Oodertch. (Mt
and Hydraulic Engineer, Ontario Land
Surveyor. -McLean
office n elephone137.OeScq, corner
Meatiest street. T
DR W. P. UAT arms: .$ `-
Omce and residence. North street, Uodorlch
berth of County heal"try office. 're1001On e l
Of the alts/ lstl"ICt iverpool Wheat Futures Cleae Hi$h• AFT
Xewl G rr, Chicagoowe-live Stock
Latest Quotations. 1
Mrs. Alex. Edgar died ►uJdenly at
ber kurus in Hawick UU '1 uei dny.
.fid �• with ilrt••batsh+wld a►44iL tataatltt.4dl� uturrr d Id her
u Seabird), IIsi mitt
w u CHIC -ago t i•,N•••(-4+;«-+••'►tet---
o but ter ,• Iuwur.
n Weybtrsday. MiinIe 2nd, She War Mu,1.J . F .. t uoc. Mal'rh i. T 1
rl' of NI r. and Mor. John 1 ivurpstol wh,su future■ chard
to -day O� 1 � A
George Batas• f to Alcorn* about 11 year ago. U
put•ehetsed the grocery business of 1V • health failing her 5110. returned to her Ossa a ..gat . Mai .tune 1,e I
r RShe MrY Oat+ fir law
Ord, of Mu hall• old hooey abut Christmas. Winpipsg Options.
Char. McGregor. V. S.. of Cow gradually grew wutr+e, and pasrrst
a (taught • uu Saturday . . ant
smith, Mary street. Clinton. .Along !.d, to is,d higher t,>+m
May wheat tit %V uudpetr closed !.+' law'•.
un : Mu>' Out» �•• lower.
Stance, Dura lased a tine' agricuSaurda)'
ltural away at the age of forty-two years. an
-team from Jas. Arch,baW for li.,Ulh. - Three dattghtetw and one a on survra e. \ynrat-Mar ti 1a 1rJ,, Ma) Slatea. J ••f
• David 1t
tynt . Ittu+ . purchased the
lts'rher business of .10-0-ph-0-phMinchMinchin
iing►taml and is now in possession.
Riehartl Sie•Ilara, who curries express
to and front the (1. '1t. it. station .it
Blyth, has missed tIu train only live
times in thirty years.,
J. 1t. Stubbs. who recently removed
to Calgary. Alberta. from Brussels.
tete sold; tmts sidenee in the latter
town to H. L. ,uckron. • anent Was made an - lrtl
In Death Not Divided.
11 r. and Mrs. WilliamWilliamCook, of -the
vicinity u1 Ethel, hotly died last week
within a tee hours. \lis. Cook
crosseMI the liver on 'Tuesday, aged
sixty -right years, and the following
ening her partner, who 'had 'passed
the fourscore mark, closest his eyes on
earthly rceor•e. One daughter. Mrs. H.
Speiran, survives. The double inter-
'rhomas Waldron, of the London ten-,meal, Stanley. for forty-four years a ' Married at Crediton.
resident tit Huron comity, is dead at
thecae. kf seventy-four years,
John Pettier, a former resident of
Stephen township, died et Chicago,
aged thirty-nine years. The 'remains
were brought to Exeter for interment:
f-rttva, xrF
Exeter, celebrated their gulden wed-
ding on Thursday, '24th ult. They
have been residents of Exeter Mace1.
A veru• pretty wedding took, ,pace
at tae'' home of Mr. and Mrs. L t,uis
%Vein. Crediton, pn �Ve lnesday, �Feh-
ruary :'•lad. when their second daugh-
ter, Matilda. was united in marriage New Yoek Dairy.Market.
:Ir. and Mrs. "stromas
to Sale. Kraft, fd ,ner}y of Dashwo aL
- - alter E.ILBeeti lied the knot, ,alisd \F\\ MOIRE. March : --Butter -Iner
sisterMarie Kroft, sister of the groom, was 1'r Ii es; ''rtcreamery reameapectele• -Hen f
tl h of •e mire to 31c:
Osla -May :Yser, July Sit c.
Toronto Grain Market:-
\• heat. fall. bush
Wheat. red. bush 10e -,.••
Wheat. goose. bush. 106
ituykwheat. bush. U Se- ,
I:)..... Loathe' 0 65
Marley, bushel 0 .... l
1 .,as, bushes
tau. buena 0 41
Cured by Lydia E. Pink
al us to ti to ham's Vegetable Compound
Baltimore, Md. -"For four years
my lift wail a misery to me. I suffered
from irregulari-
ties, terrible drag-
ging sensations,
extreme 'tlervous-
ness, and that all
gone feeling in toy
stomach. 1 had
given up hope of
ever being well
,) when I began to
take Lydia E. Pink-
taut'S Vegetable
Compound. Then
1 felt as though
re's• life had been
Toronto Dairy Market. t
Chrese; per lb 013 0175I'
ere. ;I4ah1 a :"J 030
Kits, storage027
It rttr repyrater, dairy. lb0:;3 • 0.'i
o y
I• n.1 stun luta' U t'
i:. Ater. ereatrf ly. Fonda 026 0 n
Hatt. r, creamer). Ib. r.11s0,.20 a :1
Liu' ay. extiactld 0 lass
ll,ces. combs.' per dozen 11.5. IOU
the death of John A. Ferguson, sof
'Exeter, occurred on February 27th.
He was in his seventy-ninth year.
His wife. two daughters and four
sons survive.
J. A.. McTaggart, who is attending
the College. of Dentistry at Toiontu,
has purchased a practice at Blyth and
will take it over on completing his
course in M,,y,
.1. eolleitor, notary, eta Money to lend +.t
lowest rates. (/Aces -North Street. God ertch
inter Sigurd (Neon. In Seaforth Saturday
and Mosdays. _ _
11I. TKR, solicitor. notary public.;
street. Uoderich, third door from
bsrtsters• solicitora notaries public pn.
tore in the Maritime ('our, eta Office. e%st
Square, nett door C. A. Nairn's grocery. I'ri
vete funds to lend at 19west rates of Interop
, RISTER, attorneys solicitor. etc., Gode-
ob. Money to lend at lowest rate...
1 solicitor, commissioner. notary public
Hamilton street. Uoderich Ont.
111 B U R A N C It (' O. -Farm and isolated
teat. ^tarts lammed.
OMcers-J. H. McLean. Pres., searorth tt3.
Jas. ('onnoll�yxVloe-Pres., Uaferirh 1'. U;
Thomas It Directors -Wm. BChesney 'Seaforhh ( 0.
G. Grieve, Winthrop ; George Bale, Seaforth;
John Hennoweb. Brodhaiten ; James Evans.
[Beechwood ; John Watt., Harlock ; Malcolm
McEwen Bruce deld
Hlnckly, Seaforth. Policy holders oar pay
aee.wments end get their cards recetpted at
Tozer & Brown's, r at R. H. Cute a
Kingston grooery. street. Clinton,tloderlob.
loan. Apply to M. U. ('AM-
E .4, Barrister, Hamilton sheet. Uoderlch.
bridesmaid and D. ,Vein, of London. W .. ,a .
.1at.t.-c stats
brother of the bride, acted as "tromps -
man. The happy couple will Make
their !tune at '1 viler, Sask. •
• A Clinton Wedding.
The wedding 'of Walter L Town-
send, of Loudon. to Miss Helen
Yliacillie Stewatt was solemnized at
the 14 of the h, ide's mother, Mrs.
Agnes Ste'wart.',Clinton. on '\Veums•
day. M erch 2nd. Rev. W. J. .lolliffe
wits the officiating clergyman. The
bit( •-vete.--tft•t-.et•tl in ..hot.- oak mall
I)r. B. 11. Hamilton, of R'-lgrave, and carried a bouquet of white canna -
has sold his practicer to Dr. Hobert Lions. She, t'eceived manly presents, in•
rly of Wingham. Dt'• eluding a handsome mantle clock fruit
take some special the Jackson Mfg. Co.'s staff, with
Old Country. whom she worked neerty ten years.
s•rurred itt the cotinty A Much -bereaved Family.
hut week : Win. Coo -
.With the death of Mrs„ John Davis.
ick, aged righty -two 'It line, Mur•ris. uli Tuesda of Inst
hn t`ergosuta -jtom Ear week,- the thiel death in Ilii family'
ty nine years. since-Ik•cemlrer 27th last is recorded.
After undergoing three operations . Mrs Davis had enjoyed fairly good •Union Stout Yards. •
s,run to apcU- e •.r..t.. a..1• If
. g
Stewart, forme
Hamilton wil
courses in the
Two deaths
house of refuge
roll, of Glider
years : and Jo
ter. aged seven
minion to turd. at, 'L4•' to 3k . {
t, special, ' t.. :,5ac; westers for' •y
rhysteru nnitallon, crean.•.') -
.1r2," to Ire.
t'1 es sPani: receipts, i•,it • state, f .l
Fall mule specials, 1•isc to l.:
u. fancy, -I k,a; do.. - good -ta prime.: l6st•
dry. ,•urrent make. bat.
do., cutanea to fair, 13o to Va.. sk. ::.
;all to specluil, s:. to 141,M-:
' Egos -Finn: receipts, 6'678; state pea•
.> 0 anis. and nearby Lennert', w; its
(i,uc.v. "J6' to c; do. gathered white-, .44
t.. .'sic; do., !o•nnery, [brown and mixed
fol ••%. 24c la Yr; do. gathe•r,t, brawn
G.,r to prin.e... k• to 'l4a•:• westerA ?'rkr.
!le to ate. ..•,•, n.la. C.
;riven the. slid I ;'amending it
to all my friends." --Mrs. W. S. Foan,
t1lsrt Lansdowne St, Baltimore, Md.
'the must successful remedyin this
country for tate cure of all forms of
feulale compltttuts is Lydia E. Pink-
h;u►t's Vegetable Compound. It has
stood the test of years and to -day is
more -widely and successfully used than
any other female remedy. It has cured
• thuuslands of women who have been
troubled with 'displacements, intiam-
[nation. ulceration. fibroid tumors, ir-
regularitien, periodic pains, backache,
ElMtt'Jw"ri••gllnwn.leeling, flatulency.
indigestion, and nervoute prostration,
I after alt other means had failed.
If you are suffering from'anyof these
ailments, don't give up hope until you
!have given Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege-
table Compound a trial.
if you would like epeeist Advice
write to Mra. Pinkharn. Lynn.
Muss., for It. She etas guided
thousands to health, free of
Cables Steady -Further Advanoe le
Hogs on American Exchanges.
1.(•NItON, March 7.-1.4 erpad and I
don cables quote live cattle (Amer,. ,•
-?trady, at• 12t a to 144 dressed weight. •.
ft'liferatur beef steady, at we is 1VI,,c pt,
l ound.
to remove an abscess on the brain. health of late, but the' deuuse of her
Otto Diehl tormerly of Wingham. slaughter in Deem -bee was the ire -
died at Stt'atfor(Lon aha lath ult. He mediate cause of her ilbless. -Then
*ea twenty-one years of age. - , the sudden death,' of her son two
Harry A. Matchett. a former mer- weeks tool preyed still further on het'
chant of ' Brussels, was tust•ried re weakened constitution. '!he deceased
lady was a nativieof Edinburgh. Scot-
cently at Picks
Lillian L., dat
Goo. M. Patine
�Tphe death of
ter . (WCI
ring.Ontaric, to M'
fighter of Mr. and Moi. land, being thorn there nearly sixty -
r, .of that teat]. One years' ago. When lite years of
Mrs. Wdliatn Hooper, ago' she crime to-Canadi� ith her .ei-
bred on March '2nd, in 'I•nte, living at Bowinanvllle and at
the�eixty-seventh year tit her age. The
deceased was a native of Cornwall,
Englund, coming to thiscouutry when
a child.
Geo. Art Armstrong has sold his farm
near Motgswnrth to Thos. A. Thomp-
son. from , Manitobit. The price paid
was $94,(X'11. Mr. Armstrong intends
and. locating it -
,Dauphin. Mani taaba.
A. W. Itohinsytsctnerly of Wrnx•
eter, is.gear-'fiend clerk in the Land
Tjttea'91Hce at Saskatoon. Sask., an
office recently opened. He is a son of
Postmaster Ki►hiallon, mf \Vruxrter.
A�neent; : J. W. Yeo, Holmesvllle : R. `Smith.
scfoclt : Jos. Commluge. Egmond. ills ; K. (lie went West several years ago.
* 0 000
Fiat AND LIGHTNING : British, Canadian and
ACCIDrNT SICKNEnm AND F.Mrl.ntrxlni LIAall:
rry : The, Ocean Accident and Guarantee
;;orporatIon Limned, of London, Kng.
Fidelity and Guarantee Company.
and 8t. David's tree northeast �rnPhoner ofe 76
and accident insurance. Agent for leading
mutual and stook oomppssnlea. Insurance 1n all
lines effected on best ohms and at lowest rates.
Call at office, oorper West Street and Square
or address J. W. CRAIOIE, Uoderioh, Ont.
Tele .bone 04
. AGE licensee. Ooderlck, Ont.
i) -This well-known and popular stand
1rAen Its{,strona the beat service in shaving
balr-entting, etc., eta Isadle, shampooing a
nsetalty. Only skilled hands efnployeel.
Tour patronage will be appreciated. H. 11.
BOKHMKR. Proprietor.
LiST horst Institute British Arnhlterte
Residence-SwillsHonsalloderlch. flans. d.
tails and sreciaaetlonn prepared for residences
and public buildings. Correspondence In
and general auctioneer. OMcos on South
Rtree where he will be found at all times
when not emlhg axles. Tern's reasonable and
every a used 1.0 rise yon satisfaction
Phone S'
Lindsay for a time. She was married
to Mr. Davis thirty-five years ago,
moving to Morrie in 1)411. 'rive hus-
band and on, seri survive.
im of a rad Sore Which Defied
-Other Rcseeies-lor Two.v.se.
TORONTO. March 7. -Receipt,- .1
I t .tuck at the 14Ilion Steck Yarlle
11 I ,7'x earkrats, dpnaiati�g of 157_ i
t l.•, 70 she. p and $i+ carves.
Exporters. •. •
Geta go Can.',twit bought' for Morris 41
t art at tu.:: to ta.3 Iter :, bat there
the latter
was 44. MI
for one
I Our •only Ir setae trough
.put ,• utid the next hittheet .pal
An Campbell paid as high as
lot ut export' heifers.
Jesse Dunn buuerta z e*porters"- t tdL
t - '0,f(� Per .... t. -
Butchers. •
('1. 'the .4,F 1r ked i, •.Ls of hunkers sol.
.16.267-. 1 ds of gt..d. L5.:s, to >r,.
tit 3:,.i3 to 1..40: common. 04.:s, t,
row's, 13 to 14.71..
Milkers and Springers. -
: flmoderato. supply of notices. ant
ingers sold front $45 to •jig sot . on1)
idly at 5.5, the next highest prior b• in;; 50
Veal wives.
Rev. Charles E. Stafford, of Ht•idge-
burg. Ont.. says : •'l had been much
troubled for over two years with a
sore op Illy left cheek. I tried d11
kinds of salves and lotions, but nota-
fog i pt•i)cured seethed to have the
The marriage of Miss Sadie, only Isart hitof effect towards heeling the rr rr, w,•r,• nu hn, s on Ihr u,xrkt, ber
daughter of John Willis. Stephen, to sort . !fearing of %am -Bak, 1 decided ` ,1, [nor. r4{N,rt••.1 The o'nsid'e tluol.Y
Wilfrid Lawson, x prosperous young to give it x trial; and Ni'e if it would 111.... •.f t• ri'l 3- la -t as being ,-o res,t
farmer el Crediton, tuck .place• int bring shout a Clare. as so many other .aleetr, 1. ! •u,d watered, 19..11. and tY foots
Wednesday, Fehruaty 'rlyd. Rev. R. ,things had failed. 1 p chased a slap•, i '" re. at i unary point,.
Holt*. of Exeter, pertorined the_cer . ply anal cunuue,,:ed with the treat- I •]_ Montreal Live Stock.
mono. - , mem', • After several applications, to t ata as rIn•:aL Marcia '..--(Special.,--AS
/ H U u die -nu. .1 Stock Tanta, West End Man
After en illness itending over •xuk
my grout joy -em- ak
1 eoe:pte hgl.t. Driers ,.,..gia;, (tan.
t, ! :r, per e,ct- -
• Sheep and Lambs.
Ewes sold t: um t5 to tv ao ars? a fee
is Ss per . wt.: Iambi., 6.+er`till $a., and
or. tor ter rf ,,torted ewes and wethors, 5x111
per r.vt., rains and culls, $4 to 3; pe.- i -*1
. Hogs.
All bran- hes carefully attended to. Vann sales
live stock -ales, real Webs and merohandlse
Nab. made anywhere. Write for dates or cell
and talk It over with
Geo. Beckett,
Hamilton Street. Goderich.
number of years. Mill. Jauar Yater=
son, of Hensel!, departed thio+ life on
!Monday of hast week. 51* fell and
sustained an 'injury some years ago,
from the effects of which she never.
recovered. - 'elusion for thus Away back In the days l pound. tri 'beauty of the stook coming
Donald McInnes. for ten years * of Roman gladiators. secret hahn'l-were i tot ward fr'.sn lmlarto 1.0111.1/.1a generally
switchman in the Michigan - Central toted for the healing of cuts and in-' III t..1 li 1 ,,r .at'+good useful sort, Th•• at•
yards at Detroit, was crushed between juries sustained ill the arena and in te,t,i:r 1v(' of -1 uygrs was falrlylargr.
( M,• • , i. tart)' stall -fel sterns sold al
t.. l,. goon, at frIte to 6-; fair,. al
o .In :4 - mr.11um, at Clic to 7,c: oat-
commna:.:,t lc to 4'40. news, t,155S' to PM:
anti buns. at 4e to :.e' per Ib. .
Tht tind,rtotte Tor- hogs war' venom `a1
the •reer•r.t advance - In priors. Supplier
Orr Armin, but tlulte ample to fill Pr •se•:d 1
r,-tulrr;nrnn.. as noire eipav- fallen ot1
.fell)' *1 pet ired. on account of high prlo•e
"T4,. demand was good from pack -0- and
arlt.•+ of w•lr,ted iota were made at t`.,.V
5th her cwt., webrheit ulf the ease
e':A•?•a ul : i. ra on Canadian Moron not,•d
an advan. ,• In prices. M f.lveri,o I of Is
to.r owl n London of 4s to Ss and 11
1 t'•.zVr! , f.
The market, lir Nmall mruU. w.ae gnie(
on fug to ,mall receipts, with demand koala
hof .-7. toinfl 'w iw-ttl en
t u xf errs, (rem 7
\,•„rlir',t lambs tire Sielling at 7,- t '
..I aha e n :4t Itye to 5t' per It. .Inn••c y
1. sod •altes me: with rAarly axle frau 1111
•t^, 117• common stock wo•iit (.1 front L; DA
has effected ( '
what far two years 1 -tried in vain to
'dt• 'er•',rrs for teat week w.,* WHO .ab
sly 1 . •-p and larnbp• 4SJJ hogs and
bring about -a cntnplese, cure.
w;. .+tot, whHc offerinaN today eor:•lat•
Case after ,ise co1111 nt+ qu•ltPd, in I ,d ul N: ,flit. ,) sheep Ona Iarnta, 1911-
which, es in tate -shelve in4'eitco, Zan- i 11;s ars calves: Yrk.•a wrrr pru,.'ti
Huk has worked (ogres 'when every, cell.. 11'• ie as this da', week• but lh4
thing else tried lata, faild. Then is a lets t c w t ittI firmer on sen Ont .4
tolav r .h:t+yt rather and seeps "..s1 dor
the drawbars of twocarsand died ire- battle. 'Then cane a period during
fore reaching the hospital. He wag a which extern'el halm~ wrrr neglected•
eon of Duncan' McInnes, well known followed le- a period in which all the
in Stanley township. salves andt'mbrocetions had as their
The Marriage of .1. A. Campbell to base amimxl fate and oils. %stn -Bak
dies Nellie, daughter of Mr'. Jab. 1
nlitrks a new ep'x:h. It is absolutely
Laird, of Ethel, tock place on %Ved- devoid of all anneal fats. all mineral
nesday( Lind ult...Jtev. 1). B. McRae, coloring chatters, and is composed en-
tirely of rich medicinal herbal ex--.
tracts. • ,
Skin diseases, such as eczema. ring-
worm, salt rhea r and prairie itch.,
nLe speedily over IIIP by it. For
pfiee tt is fitted en g the pain and
Inflammation; and- hastening a eiir•A.
Tl a M, Curek bdrAl•, at Air., tar. tilt. -1-,
ehilttrlree-rrrrtt-erntr'irms, hlrnrd-
pnjsoning. scrtttcne•. 01d wounds, vari-
cose uleere, etc. Atl dr 'gist~ and
stores sell at 51kt. a lox, or 114.. free,
for price. from %am -link ('o.. 'pronto.
of Urenhrook, wee the officiating
clergyman. The young couple will
make their home in -Mexico. '
While delivering a colt in a sleigh
to Wtn4 keys, 5th line. Morris, Wm.
Bird, of the sane tuwtebtp.\,-had the
IN upset his sleigh. A
front !miff the colt was broken an
. Bird lf
tie animaThafc LclTreltille r
had sold the cult for $7n. i
Dr. Chalmers adviser all to have
something to do, something to love.
something to hope for.
Mr. and Mre. Wm. \I Orr, of Tor•
onto, ((innerly of tainted, have •'l,e •n
bereaved by the death of their young-
est dauvhter. Latae, who died un the!
21,1 Olt.. of diphtheria: Two other lfeneral debility and a gelieral''rinl-
daughters have been ill of the same dirvd 1" 'abate calls for general. attic
disease. but are recovering. - to th system. 511(.11 is "The 1)�& 1..
jt you -Mica M:u•gxret llislop, cuunghst F.mttl.'un, Builds - up, I, 1ncre1�iis
(Ianghter of the late John ' Ilislnp, of your w ight, gives health.
Grey township, died at the home of
hereistta% Mrs. Dougatd McDonald, Mr. Dooley .on the Magazine.
7th line; Morris, on the 2.ith ult. She ..Well, ser," maid 41r. Dooley. "i
had held posit' as mterieigrspher in wander how mach it mate to have a.
5'hicaero for the past twelve years, pone• mr mhtory printed in wan iv
She was in her fortieth yetis. these poplar magazines along with or
Edward Russell. aged fotir yetre, the th''- good advertisin'. i suppose tt
youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. W. G. ermines higtil. The fellows 0ntet. rung
Doherty, td Clinton, diel on 'I'hefrmday [him niagaz,nes alert be g1•awin' rich
morning, 1•'ebruary- '24th. The little out iv the }votes and nnv'Ilktst i dors t
fellow haul Jost, recovered from an at- object, mind ye, to their n ektn' te (Air
tack of tyl>hr*iei-fever;--but--miter eteee petfit-sial-wain l4-isasineaws.iv idjic315
Orations set in apd hie weakened con- peapte where to gis tit' Isiat ta'etakfaat
Ntltution could riot foetid the strain. tomb or t.h'. most sparktin' hair
Jataeit ItIISNPII, relict of the late Hob,. dye, or ,what kind iv rayve Iver to
Turnbull, died at the home of her Nn• shoot thirnselves with. That's all
in-law, lames McIntosh, 2nd coney*- r•right. Ite1 what l ohleekto is whin
Mon of McKillop, on'rlleSdn\ of lent 1 pay tin or fifteen cints ft. a tnaga-
week. Mrs. 'I emboli was to her zine expect -in' to spind nip avenid' stn
eighty -Second year. She, is survived provin' me mind with the latest
by one Son. George T. Turnbull. of thought in adveltisin' to find more
Seaforth, and one daughter. Mts. Mc. thin a ,ptarther iv the whole hook da-
lntoeh, of McKillop.voted tdIithrarhnor1" F. P. Dunne.
Before moving to their recently Dur- in American Magazine.
Way he lit -tele increased byAnowiat fire
exact condttio• of the farmer's market,
and by learning of tbw best method 1n
farm practice. 'rids is precitwiy the
cert of tafereattea the Farmers' Weekly
Sea gives is every Aimee. it has as egos'
as a Tarnnr's Haloes Paper. Gond
faraat s 2.17 as it Per aria aeo ear
The family that eats
:plenty :of
Quaker Oat.
is a healthy, rugged
family. -
The r.: z -t fop Ilar
foo4 in t112 wu 1d • Lc-
cai:sc\lf docs
and costs lca:r.
East Buffalo Cattle Market.
l..\7T 1:1'1'FAIJ,, March 7. -('acct, Ice
el 11.1r, 7,1s, head, active and • lee Yon w
11eher. Trims -steers, i7 10-$7':,f! stile as
5, 7. n A; 7 bmrhets, t5 to 5R.'i.;'tw$(h�
14 to to f.:.: cuw•a 53.26 top i; '14111a, ti
10 m,,m; t.tt kern and feeders, 113 to
\ole ck• Lettere, 63 .60 to 6425.. (tw/IL$10111.
5,1 stir it ge• a, Mi 15tl)•, VG Thi."
' ''vale -ices -,opts, SOO hard; Artier• and UM
0 we', *1 h o 1111.Of.
lifs flirts. NM ketol; arrive and Hi
tc 1', . usher; heavy and mixed. 510.60 to
1! .4L: or k• Is. $10 L. $10 tn. pig., ti :q Ir
t1,: ruu ha, sere to fig,i., Rues', 57.1. 1.
$s.:0; def les. 510 to 610.40. ...-
Sheep -snot iambre-ka• •Ipts, 17.10o head
native and Irk; to al, high. -r; bunt,,, _,• 21
P, 119.60; a fek 69.018. yearlings, tr,:a. 11 t',
[.ethers, *1.79 `\,n Sm; ewes t7.T, to 57. SO
slLoop. nixed, 511 to 17.50.
ew York-Live-Slotk: ,
chewed honie in Brussels, NI a . end McK Mop townahip. to Weatern Canada, Merril 15, t2. 20.
(,:ent.788601:enti :rotirigtige !tarty by theit April 5 end 12, Via Wand Trunk Rail -
neighbors and fro nds. Mr. Ross wan way system, from stetionta in Ontario, presented with a flne leather.covered
easy chair ; MIT. 084 rer'Pived su in Saskatchewan and Alberta. Par -
1 elegant "t of ehin't• un11 iff1118 M11•1' Deities attention is railed to the fact
gm et, a daughter. Slid John S.. a 1.011 thet low nitre apply to points IIII
each received it eheiee watcb chitin. Draind Trunk Pacific iteilway, at new
Mi. and Mrs. Ross had been residents territory hill of ••tiolden Dopottiani-
alf McK Mop for forty-three years. tie.." Seetire tickets and Nether in -
A former resident of Clinton, in the
person of Mra. Peter Perdue. died at
Ramily, o
d ff the lath
ocas an
Settlers' One-way Excursions
the home of her daughter to 8eaforth
NEW YORK. . arch , R''' -' tie
foist 4.44, market bout r'tevty oe•11
t:.!'o b. T.:a,: hulls; to tn.;n, tope, fm;
. cwr, 57 to 86.66; i0rea heel, fiasco ai
�'4.• to 11c•
1 11. et. ItreMote, 2846: arket,
t7 :o to ill; suds, .en 47: to n
and fed cai'N, 14 To we+t.•
11,7:, to t6.:a1, dressed calves, t :•iety : ' . -
dfeapi-1 coals, We to Mc; music .• dressed
Ir, 1?t- 1.4%c•: drowsed barnyard VII fell
stews', 7e•M, 145'.
Sheep and 1'.IUtlb*.-trtieeipts. 3.11:,Leen
term: iambs„Relay- a)web, t.'r hr t.; snits
S4 to 54.10 lambs, r«:ev to t,•..:,: ,. u.l-. }6
y• iodinate. Ss fa.
tangs ---Receipts, 7100; hlg!„r,.,n; 11'.,n
4.1. OKs, [9.10. .
Chicago Live Stock.
CHIa'Mart March 7.--('nttk-Re`,lots
2''(" market strong. steers, 10,iln In 54,5
rows. $4 to 15.05: heifer,, 54 10 14; biffi!',
t1:0 to 11,,A0, (-Alves. 61 to 110; atm•'Po
P.•dorr. $4.85 to 54.76. -
11.... 11,- -eipa. ft,ern; market, Pk• In 1R',
sig.. .hotre heavy. Ile 16 stn 116..x,
, , SIA In to =10.77. Daft mlxnt,fog
r•!r.. , hnlre li tht, Imo to $16, porktnc
formation from Grand Trunk agents 11° rt, In *WOMM: pigs, WS to 1t 71: hulk of
mr address 0. Melhauald, D. P. A., 0. e'I"*• ton to [10.10.
1'. ley., Toronto, Ont. •
111; way ,M -L Paint.: are
made, the facttny-tents they
gut, arcs t e material . that
make them, gives you ti nest for
year money, ih-a cart labelled
Made in 40 silage.,
Mr, every y,u-e. print
nu, .rrve,-1tal,tr. or'
e•.rvrr a, n,k
and 'ttr
Is-' I.IIVo;Fat
tlr:m • "i her paint -
.\•k dealer why
• :nnl rr•,d u,.• guar-
antee ill his store.
Never sold in bull( -always in tin,
\lade by Imperial Varnish and
Color Co., Limited, 4 Toronto.
• Sold locally by
Sold and reeemmende.l by all
reliable dealer.. including
V The Howell Hardware Co. Co
M -L
Ph"e =^ p. MILLAR CO.
Phone 56
piing ;rss Goods
We halo'. )Ort this week passed into stock a huge
shipment of New `spring Dross (foods. You will see iu
our store this Spring more attractive Drees (food,
Nevelties,than have ever before been offered. It is well
to remember that the first selection is always the l t.et.
New Spring Coats
Saturday will also mark the opeuiog show of our stylish rase
Spring Coact+ The styles thLaeasun are nattier than ever, sutl owe
showing will far exceed that of any former season. Of special
mention ie our strictly tailor-made Coat, in black and S
fawn. et each oo W
A further shipment of our l'elebreted Prints and Anderson's
Famous Scotch Gingham, also to hand tor Saturday.
New Embroideries
Skirtings, Allovers
Edgings and Insertions
New Laces, Gloves, Belts
New stock of Waists and Whitswear
Mot:a11 Patterns -Canada's best Pattern
lOc and 15c etch. '
Th.54 Cl illar's Sc$ch Store Maw a
Furniture and Undertaking warerooms
Wed aide Square.
TONY : Store 8m. Uode'ich
Residence 178
Nlgbt calls: At residence, 33 William
St rao t.
--ane 1.134601rO-
Funeral Directors
and Embalmers
Orden car.-Mllr attano.d le et 11
ant r d.,,
i Pubhihec Annually •
Enables trader« throughoot ti,- World
to communicate direct with English
; in each class of goods. Besides iwiof
x complete commercial guide 1.1 Lao
• don and ate suburbs. the Ilu'ectm/
• contains fiats of
Our Shoes Will Shine
gloriously when e . ' 111 pared
with oidniery footwear. They
are No much -ter in shape
and 'finish. The :atilt• 51215-
2iot it'' is apparent whether
you look at 1 silts•*
for Children or Grown-ups
The hest of it if. too, that
1) ey wear as well as they took,
an,' keep their good shape
•anti) the last. Do we keep
shoe fixings? Of coulee. We
have the hestpolishes, black-
ings. brushes. etc., you ever
Wm. Sharman
stitht the goods they ship, and the Col
onial and Foreign Markets they supply
arranged under t ae ports to whish
they sail.`end indicating the appr•ti
elate mailings;
of leading Manufaetnrers. Mrrehent
etc , ill the principal provincial towna
and industrial centres of the Priced
A copy of the current editiml still M
forwarded. freight paid, on receipt of
postal order for 20s.
Dealers seeking agencies can mixer -
their trade cards for BI, or larger
advertisements from £3.
The London Directory Co.. Ltd.
Ahchurch Lane. Lsndop. I.-
Hunters and
Best Market Price.
Honest Treatment,
Correct Assortment,
Quick Returns.
hi shipping their
aw Furs and Skins
the nail reliable Firnt of the
134 and 136 f1t'(SIII Et fletrtreal.
Ask for our Free 1909.1910 Price Lica,
WK PAY KXi'Ktleg CItAR0R*.
Ph -elicit c.eoperifluii-
inclose tyle• want to ke their capital or savings bring them
an income in a well-established business and at the same tulle
the opportunity fur ••xtt•aordinary profits, we nffet• to a limited
number shares in the Prince Rupert Real Estate Investnitni
Co., Limited, at Isar $10 per share.
The op rottunity is extraordinary because of the profit -shay
ing plan 1'y whi'1h you may become an actual member of e11
enterprise and share pro -rata in all the profits. of the ('omt,any
And in its rapidly increasing business.
The money received by the Company through the sale of it-
shtares is invested in well select.ed real estate in Prince Rupert.
tinder the direct su.p•rvimion of the Board of Directors.
We purchase, improve and retail properties adapted to the
mei of business and self at a profit property which is producing
or can readily be made to produce a satisfactory income.
As part of our p'un for handling our rapidly growing business
and to increase its capacity, we have concluded that we would
ors -directly i., titer-lrtrhlie, with whet+ we have always rotas
factorily dealt, and give then the opportunity to subscribe to on
issue of shares, thereby sharing equally with Ile in the large
profits of the Company.
One of the indications of the high regard in which our share,.are held by those who Iv,sec'e them is the interest they'!ow by
constantly bringing them to the s.tention of their neighbors
and friends.
By placing our 'harem as we do among individual investors,
we are building up an extensive co-operative organization, each
mernber of which bas the opportunity and will bit interested in
adding to the proflt4 of the Company, because by so doing he
ad(Bm to his personal profits.
Such offers rarely, if ever, reach private investor', sod we
advise filo to send your subscription fot shares at once.
Ptlrehasere of the stock may send one-tenth of the total
mnhsrrtption with the order and the balance in nine monthly
pay Ment'.
Prince Rupert Real Estate Investment Co., Ltd.,
Prince Rupert, B. C.