The Signal, 1910-3-10, Page 7Port'of issing Men. redith JVicholaon, „1 "IA. Bou.e of a thousand CanJl.. 196T, by tag Debb►$wrri l i w,I 1 fro Pa :1i apterM oil' At NAPKIN. Isaac gave a iitnuptuotta -kipper at the Army and Na vy deb for tett emu oi honor of the ttewly- iirrivtal military attache legittirm. tie is guests -largely trout blot fee spoke little Etigliah. sgictsk differeht languages may affably together nt table, men peslieametit grow morose mad els b• gearrel with't hi•Ir eyes lie. cigars are [mooed. It was Cri: the abate party bad Fort Myer that after. ebb little girls 6-15T tem pf tbe maneuvers am! the t rarIng bride. for chaperon F had been of itie parfy anti *Witte. ht.rolue of It too. for it abort eltb•the little whittle:41 mai a eoutasion of tongues. teed, you -to interpret." laughed . Indicating a chair at 11111 lett. and a: arntitage eat down he faeed otenet thy round table: • 'tit the dart tilling of Wagers It wita' ilia! every one cotild Speak vela. aid the talk went forward aediy. The: discussion of military urn naturally ,dcettpled first place Alley: fell to bilking about In - lade .chietly tiiim In 'the d'as the Austro-Hungarian eat: ;tot' at the table the new 'emperor. IFFilL•04•41 with' considerable -Ile has not (Ai Strtiebel'a right hotel WI) him a •:" remarked a young aa Int tit 1 St St 41,ny before ho as aotad ga by the ho rd. Ilia i ily child ied a pair ago after 1111,1 his cousin 1,, and 1116-1 ihtliettige." Mit us dark aihe'a einhal- :1 I the mote lied u Pout nacre la Ftrighx" remark.41 Met 00141 iv t :friaries I Aids 11 .- The kiag dead! Lona live tive sioney on upheavals hi that di pry it noted he different. Dtlt I74 tO401UtliOla.”. "That la gave trne." said Artnitaet• ale aiitof:a... irl imil Ind gone out dozen 11110e no nue IA sure. be .dead all. thing's at -Ylentl'l naive ritd:er more telet•eating Karl pose ono et. the ethtr ofethetu alionlil dorbt altiele-er Alain Kat! is dead or he WflP rot', tha death if the 01(1 P111- ion.r have broug:it him to life tO the Loy he deal, or WI, chould bear Of him. Karl ditappear,,1 soon atter his son FF111)1.18 *IF lent It was said" - pretty ale It lin," commented the ilerman, 'that the chIld•\ wasn't ex. aetilt,,Karra own; Ile t* ft (Wife 'hael-l-itatt away tit hideblesheme tear, taking his son, Frederick Mi - mush better (lend and mit of the wey the rend of Atettrin. Frencia, as r 47. coed fellow. We have hunted Istaaber. and know hlm well." 'Met fell to telking about the lost. t* there have been, even in thella titer centuries -and then of the latest "ifinaes between American women 14/1 titled foreigners. • Cheuvenet was isny leading the conversation. It might l'h'e seemed to a critical listener that be was guiding 1t with n eertain lie laughed no though V the rernem. brawl. of aomethIng nmimIng and held the little company while he bent over cnntne to light n cigar. "With ne doe respect to onr Amer!. enn host, I must say that a title In 4rneelell Rees further than anywhere ellte tbe I was Ill Bar liar - her three years& , made sail havoc :4 .1 wile* to stii Tt1I" 41U:N Al. • r:ntIVP1( 11 f I\RIO t•Ltut tin. the. • tweett•dark ;Mad irtlight, The stery 1,41 )11,4 been boi,„4, t1, ., 'Waif That be- gro-rie-tiew-eiriteett47:-rred- 1 I /O. thing is tiaI3, iia pill 111(1,1 11.111. lik0 11. 1 1 011 1y0,17 dd mote than glens aireutii. ;mine here 14 ititot1-1414 your,. If don't' offer better exidm, 4, to ask you to eut tny mania t o nequaltitAltee I ealltatets fare watt wrire. but to. sii,iltal etehe took lila hal and black -I shall not be tote' 1q satisfy you ef my respectability own al:rains must wait on . larger "Then you ' heed never take bo quit e :1111161 at large American Interests.T*- •' 1k seed eniessatre 10 ArIlltqW.L91,!. 01..1 ,14tiew those fellows. The °Liminess' Ite: •4 "libokno Part>: when tlica•: iMt 1111•• I eta done quietly." :their carriage to go to the bail Ile (eir„ aatuantai choity,ariar: • I emit, in fact, to the telegraph lathe 'lit course you -greeted blot as a and sent a message to Wear tiretodg. that this futeera at-e'sre:fell,„,ut „Itis per- formances fiir, WU 11 he. .1,11 1 lir e'ne :4 the proper psyeheltigicril 111161...ellt lie til, as you boy, lho CoNitioVontoo aiceellt and was, the'lat"0 11151" alive. "It'a litY.e'titerkeice that we never meet pi.isum 001"e 1,013,' 1here'S ran Wpon my old friend the baron In tleritintly last fall." . "No. Tivit V'.401 HIV strangest mita of it. Heat ktruek: a deeper game. though 1:tti blessital if .I eau' make it mit. lio's deepies! the (Die altogether and now the tutinierit the rest of. an '- -mellow. and travels about lit deeent comfort. Ile peak% now as an Amert IP .1 III "No; I wanted to :nage stit'e et Mat 'Item he returned to' the New Ani'er- aud. strangely enough. tie sassististi lin. att and packed his belongings. All felt that they avers the denouement of eral men bolt forward in Om with their elisies little /shrug of hi* *Meader say\that the man knew at 'liar 1 1.1 • whom he wrote Mee* treasu th., f dare nay..because of the 44 ...fly .14,4 Ile hail It migraNial 441' 71'' wan 'a criet10..*Flalst Noe Arieis "115e. died:" est:talons! ale cigarette *me, And out. night eta • to sit wtti, frientio- et 'a. tat quite near ss'.here he sat alone. alit., tuy eye. on line, tta ine to memo. rielf..41.1ea Identity, whim in Mos:: feet. and Ilitimpe with ;t antiet sure- awl- handed It te him, tisk. butrie 1 "That war your chimes,. to 'N:4111',,. ark him a trifle, I should. say," remark,' ha "lie eine- the unite Islon.1 tio 'I here was Ate tulatakIng the. 'cit.t.irette, for their abler,. the tido. stOdy of 'naps and time tables tit a tar more poit.-4,404ed It great Illore ltd tt,' edge astinterpreted in such literatpre. th Me meld tell you without leering his cum his trunk the quickest Way oat ef Such being the ease. it stas rentiirk• able that he stiouldrhave started for a sant in the Vireittia Mew by way of `4. Ile hat! espreased big trunka t 014 travekal with lawsuit case's an utehrellit, Ills journey Rine*. his Chativenet, "'Anew' me, letrotir •"Well spoken:" exelattnial the tab oflita•r. „"Net so well. either ••- ititetital llttei vellat -Ile had the best 44 h.' 11 toisa hail aud inttue 1 wan rake disapp der Ills Ars- ts devise' aotne we, • ,,t. of his theultit awl to :centrist' defeat o 'haus net. Moreover, Ili, ugly tangle. (71inttv net had tltalt tellieg blow In n 'tarter where he ventage. • Ile jumped out of tha tiny ereietalt: I whirl, he lin4l accomplialied the kite stage of his 'journey to Lamar jitatt:nt dawn and found flatcar. wit 11 t tea bones, walling. . "Good morning." said It lr, paha- “You are profilist, Pere,,ant.” All 1 :kr- As the tratii 'roared on thrown valley .l.rmitage opened orie.oellii. salt rope antrh-dfiritterrr-trestoovo-141-ClailtIte no out into Anision:IiiiSetti speut In gleseny specula - two yoting women 1 4,4 41,1 e wrongly attributed hi. al that. folliitik-to ben- • Meyer nian, I am obligoil to int: said"- And Citnevenet•s mirth •t him for a moment. "Yes: what, wae:it't" aletiond Gentian Impatiently. "lie -said, 'Thank- foe. tiaiter,' put the eigareiti-trikielnirtr-teres--1.4L. They all 'laughed. Then Claihortiebt eyiet felt mom the and reated Idly on •.ltslitt eigarette easto lying on, the table. 'on the smoothly I the silver helmet en which the M Ted- neiskla careless! , so that it covered the-Tr744--1Trtr•,:r ton ball well bare to ren :dont" %N as fastening the free:44110 m`.".*.ava ninn never maw me. me jr-raTette never at Dar Mather In rit,v '; I gave you some stecoent enj- wt.( Mt the King Kdward. Eveia word of :it, is true." "You should fire him -.-yolt md d 1.111 00 1/ Otil: With him:" eat:Minted rho: borne. Anti Armitage Fir, the eolith,: auti uncertainty in the ell, • Cs eYks. "Tile place:7w tage. "There may be worse. I Imre not Armitage laughed :4 4., .4 "Is ft its bad as tits t The man wag leisy the saddle girths, and. he answered Aritil toga's further .questionst with soldier, eToe bare been here" - ...and /editing has fiappetted.? ft la a "It Ist• good for the omit III gtO411,1.1 011 mountains; anit irony at the world. Ye"' will like that animal -ye.? lit* ist ' or thnn a cavalry horse.- Mine. them fit a stock farm in onetime • . ley, and rode them nit to the Ware." mule and minded off the mon pone!) Th,, station agent was busy r• ,lits Irdegranh leatraments paid no treed to the horeemen. gave for a few hots chrtered on the billaide there were no signs of huinan habitation -RI MAIL The lights In a airlift three& showed yellow against the growing 1.4* Had a Reason. "t notice you are very cautious In what yen say about 'Why La thiar e"itc'ell. I ain't prominent enough to dalm I woo misquoted.", • ELDER HENRY CUNNINGHAM Rectonmends Wol lanaw�T. Mu.cuIO, 11a1O 7 — 4•0'111111111111, Fanners and Fencers For Weak, R.un-Down People. I was run down and Neak frorn Ind igestiOn and general debility, also liver preparation called Vino! adver- tised and decided to give it a trial, and the results were most gratifying. After taking two bottles I regained my strength, and arts now feeling unusually well." HENRY CUNNINGHAM, Elder Baptist Church, Kinston, N.C. Vinol contains the two most world -famed tonics -the medicinal, strengthening, body-ruifTing crements of C2)(1 Liveir Oil Tonle Iron. Vinol contains no oil, and is by far the Best Strengthening Tonic obtainable. We return your money without question Mol does not accomplish all we claim for it. Your money back if Purity Flour does not prove entirely satisfactory in the baking. D,N'T simply buy flour from tbe dolls:and quality flour. Tbat means PURITY FLOUR. ,The first little extra , cost is more than made up by the extra nuinber of !coves of bread it makes-. hy the superiority of the bread and pastry in sweetness of flavor and nour- ishing qualities. Buying Purity Flour is • safe inveittnent. Von get large returns, not only on account of Verity's abllity tit -produce more,but : ecause ) Purity contatas the greater nutriment and the vim of a strove bard wheat flour Food made bons Purity Flour gives the consamer health, snap and force, which cannot beipsined front the use of tbe weaker 'oft wheat Bonr. READ THIS This is the year to do fencing, and now, is the time to -place -your order. We.l&ndle the Firmous Ideal Fencing It has the beit. reputation, and we confider it is the best fencing on the market. !laving made an extremely good purchase, web ave decided to sell and book orders for cash March 4th to March 14th, wireA, 39 inches high, per rod, 2Zc 7 wires, 40 inches nigh, per rod, 25c wires, 41 inebes high, per rod, 271,c These fences are inade of all best quality No. 9 hard steel Wire, and we Will not -guarantee to hold these quotations open longer than time above uMORE BREAD AND BETTER BREAD" PURITY FE9UR Von can buy as little as• po,und cotton hag pound sacks. Also in barrels and half -barrels Purity may cost a little more than some flouni tot t you'll find its more than north the.difier- ence. To be genuine, must he.ar the Pa.Oty WESTERN CANADA FLOrR MILLS CO., LIWiTED Mills at Winnipeg, Goderich, Brandon Two Pounds of Meat Saved The 4 lbs. of butcher's meat you would peed to make 2 lbs. of Corned Beef similar to CLARK'S 3oc. tin, free from bone, gristle and superfluous fat would cost you at least 20 CtS. more than you pay for CLARK'S Corned Beef READY FOR THE TABLE This alone should induce you to order Clark's Corned Beefinstead of mak- ' Ng' your owtreerned Beef at' such a loss, and an outlay of time and work. At your Grocers 15c. and 30c. a tin CLARK, Montreal .) OF virOm-CorAllit IGO* —floWell Hardware Co, LIMITED CURE YOUR COLD Rutland's Orin Cure will cure cold in two days. Ft ice per bottle 250 Nadruco Throat Gargle sore throat. Per bottle. .2 15o A quick and speedy relief for Zymole Troches The famous remedy for husky thilmt. Per b• ix 25o Nadruco Cold Cream The best thing for chepped hands and cracked lips. Per be• t le ' 25o and 500 Pure Norwescian Cod Liver Oil A new shipment in, in 25o and 500 bottlea, F• BUTLAND, Druggist, Goderieb. THE STORE THAT PLEASES You Can Even Do Your Toronto Shopping Through "The Star" The Star's ••in Toronto Shops" \Depart-. tnent describes new and attractive oferiap seas in City Shops day 1,y day, ivith the Thorne Daily Star's offer yo purchase any of ihese articles for oat-ot-town subscribers who send the indney. Many arc taking advantage Of this Depastment. 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Guaranteed Fountgon P 011 wren for 50c. added to above subscription pries. lIETTER 1,1 -DAY THAN EVER— They were delleloue.' ,fiut much more so to.day. Improvement In ' pr•ocesia and material' hill. resulted in greater erispnews, _finer fleece% dellclotia quality. They are superior to all. Wake a test. Try them now. • g weir. Provo tt 1 ICKI$ aapti SODAS •